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The Production and Changes in Newspaper Consumption News: A Qualitative Study of the Liberty Times WeekenderChou, Kuan-hong 19 January 2009 (has links)
In recent 10 years, the operation environment of newspaper in Taiwan had become more and more difficult. China Times Express announced to cease publication on November 1, 2005. Grea News, Central Daily News, Taiwan Daily News, Star News, Min Sheng Daily also became history since March 2006. In addition to the trend of newspaper closures, Apple Daily from Hong Kong entered the market officially on May 2, 2003. It not only dropped a bomb in Taiwan newspaper market, but also posed a threat to the original ¡§Big 3¡¨ United Daily News, China Times and Liberty Times. External newspaper snatched the advertisement and publishing markets of internal newspapers, and forced the ¡§Big 3¡¨ to change the contents and manners of news production, even to imitate the strategy from Apple Daily in order to acquire the attraction of Taiwan newspaper readers.
This study proceeded from the environment of Taiwan newspaper market and personal career expierence, focused on the producing and changing course of newspaper consumption news, and chose the Liberty Times Weekender as a study case. I attempted to figure out the effects brought about in the production of Taiwan newspaper consumption news by Apple Daily. What is changed during the course? How do the worker of the newspaper consumption news treat about the course and the result? How about the production of newspaper consumption news after the change? What¡¦s the difference between the past? Furthermore, this study paid close attention to the prodution of local consumption news, probed into the role changes of local comsumption reporters, the characteristic of local consumption news, and the gap between local comsumption reporters and headquarters of newspaper office.
This Study was based on the market-driven journalism on American savant J. H. McManus, the hierarchy of influences model on P. J. Shoemaker and S. D. Reese, and the news factory model on C. R. Bantz, S. McCorkle & R. C. Baade, applying deep interview of qualitative research approaches to inquire the consumption news workers of Liberty Times Weekender. The Finding revealed that the changes of the consumption news were one of the competiton strategies in newspaper market. Liberty Times chose to follow the steps of Apple Daily Supplement, and released the whole new ¡§Apple-lization¡¨ supplement: Weekender, in order to snatch young readers group with Apple Daily and avoid being eliminated by market.
Moreover, there was another finding that when the newspaper office adjusted the strategies of editting and interviewing and transformed the layout, it would be impeded by the other un-transformed layouts and influenced by the former burdens. If we interpreted this phenomenon on the market-driven journalism on J. H. McManus, we could say that news are just like goods, readers are consumers, and the newspapers are combo meals.
This study also analyzed the consumption news production mode of the Liberty Times Weekender. On the whole, the Weekender preferred to employ young, college graduated, relenvance experienced consumption reporters, and carried out the power of newspaper office through the examination of proposals, beats, photos and manuscripts. On the production policy, the major function of the Weekender was to approach readers¡¦ needs, it differed from the past consumption news in gaining advertisement profits. On organizational structure, the Weekender transited the combination of editing and interviewing from chief editor to integration, and made a huge difference between past consumption news and Apple Daily in arrangement.
Former studies of consumption news mostly emphasized the influences from sources and advertisers at extra-media level, but the consumption news workers of the Weekender concerned about the involvements from advertisement profits and government regulations more. Reporters of the Weekender were also affected by social and capitalistic ideology, they believed that a good consumption news is to make readers desire to consume and do consume. It was also the sources of consumption news reporters¡¦ feelings about indenfication and achievement that readers dipped into their pocket.
Finally, on the production of local consumption news, threr was a finding that Apple Daily pushed the specialization of local consumption reporters, and leaded Liberty Times to dispose professional consumption reporters in middle and southern Taiwan. Besides, the Liberty Times Weekender adopted the ¡§step-by-step¡¨ planning strategies to produce local consumption news. But because of the less experiences in touch with media of the local interviewees, there were usually refusing cases and increased the time cost for local consumption reporters to produce news. While local consumption reporters of the Weekender produced news, they frequently faced the innate limits, and the most common problems were bad allocation of resources and lack of communication.
This study considered that Liberty Times indeed improved the retail rate on weekend market after the release of Weekender, which contributed to the survival of newspaper office. But it might be insufficient to win from the battle lines on news marker if only to reform specific layouts on specific dates, it would be a lasting good order to have comprehensive review and innovation. Furthermore, the situations that interfere with the production of consumption news, such as notifications of supportable interview, the list of friendly and unfriendly clients, and informercials, became better than past. We also hoped that the operator of newspaper office could proceed to keep principles and make the production of consumption news get rid of advertisement profits. On the production of local consumption news, we suggested that Liberty Times should give educational training to local consumption reporters, and establish local Weekender editiorial office to embody the spirit of local editing.
This Study also remided those who want to be or have been a newspaper consumption reporters, it was not just like the past. You have to rush around the streets, gather materials approaching readers¡¦ needs, interview and take photos personally at the scene, even face the ruthless refusal from interviewees, instead of dressing fashionably, lineing up to receive a gift, being fed by PR practitioner. As to the superintendents of government institution, we suggested them to distinguish the standards and differences between news and advertisements and to invite editiorial chiefs from all kinds of media, experts and savants in journalism and mass communication, consumer protection groups and general public making reasonable regulations of consumption news together. In this way, there would be a best balance among enactments, freedom of information, and readers¡¦ right to know.
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Relationen mellan chefens personlighet och anställdas arbetsupplevelse på distans : En kvantitativ studie / The relationship between the leader’s personality and employees’ experience of work in a distance-contextPavlova, Sonya January 2022 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka relationen mellan chefens personlighet utifrån femfaktorsmodellen och anställdas arbetsupplevelse utifrån krav-kontroll-stödmodellen när arbete skedde på distans. Pearsons korrelationsanalys genomfördes för att ge en översikt över relationen mellan chefens personlighet och anställdas arbetsupplevelse. Vidare undersöktes hur mycket av chefens personlighet förklarade variationer i anställdas arbetsupplevelse samt om och hur respektive personlighetsdimension predicerade anställdas arbetsupplevelse samt delkategorierna krav, kontroll och stöd. Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) användes för att mäta chefens personlighet. Fem delskalor från QPS Nordic (34+) med koppling till krav-kontroll-stödmodellen användes för att mäta anställdas arbetsupplevelse. Resultaten påvisade signifikanta samband mellan respektive personlighetsdimension och anställdas arbetsupplevelse. 57.9% av variationer i anställdas arbetsupplevelse kunde förklaras av chefens personlighet baserat på femfaktorsmodellen. Samvetsgrannhet var den enda personlighetsdimensionen hos chefen som enskilt hade en signifikant prediktion på anställdas totala arbetsupplevelse och samtliga delkategorier. Extraversion hos chefen hade en signifikant prediktion på anställdas upplevelse av kontroll. / The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between the leader's personality and employees experience of work in a distance context. The study investigated if there was a significant correlation between the leader's personality, based on the five-factory-model, and employees' experience of work, based on the demand-control-support-model. Furthermore, the study explored how much the leader's personality explained the variation in employees' experience of work. Ten Item Personality (TIPI) was used to measure the personality of the boss. Ten questions from QPS Nordic (34+) were used to measure work-experience. The results showed a significant correlation between the leader's personality and distance-workers' experience of work. 57.9% of the variation in the employees' experience of work could be explained by the leader's personality. Concisentiousness was the only dimension that had a significant effect on employees' total experience of work. Extraversion had a significant effect on employees' sense of control.
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Verkstadslayout – digital visualisering av fabrikslayout / Workshop layout – digital visualization of factory layoutVallin, Daniel, Ramos, Roberto January 2019 (has links)
Examensarbetet är utfört i samarbete med ett företag. Målen är att ta fram en användarvänlig digital modell av verkstaden, arbeta fram tre förbättringsförslag på layouter med omplaceringar av utrustning och maskiner. Förbättringar skall föreslås inom hållbarhetsaspektern aekonomi, social och miljö. För att nå målet att skapa en digital verkstadslayout har projektgruppen mätt upp hela fabriken med hjälp av laseravståndsmätare, då exakta ritningar saknades. Vid besök i fabriken kunde all nödvändig information mätas upp för skapandet av den digitala fabriksmodellen. Besöken vid fabriken har gett inspiration till nya layoutförslag och förbättringar. Observationer och intervjuer med personal har gjorts. Produktionsflöden och processer för de största produktgrupperna har kartlagts. Litteratur som berör produktionsteknik, arbetsmiljö och andra relevanta områden har studerats. Projektgruppen har utfört ljusmätning i fabriken. Belysningen var tillfredställande. Förslag på bullerdämpande åtgärder har framarbetats. Den digitala fabriksmodellen har skapats i programmet Microsoft Visio efter urval mot kravspecifikation från företaget samt KTHs programvaruutbud. De tre layoutförslag som tagits fram har värderats och ställts mot varandra i ett värderingsschema för att kunna bestämma ett slutgiltigt förslag till ny verkstadslayout. Layoutförslag 2 fick högst poäng i utvärderingen där lägre kostnader, förbättrat flöde samt förbättrad tillgång för truck var de bidragande faktorerna. Förslaget innebär kort att centerlesslipmaskinerna flyttas till den yta som renoverats, en svarv flyttas för att ge plats åt truckar, stationen för kvalitetskontroll flyttas och mer plats frigörs för lastpallar. / This thesis is done in collaboration with a company. The goals are to develop a userfriendly digital model of the workshop, to suggest three improved layout proposals with repositioning of equipment and machines. Improvements should also be proposed in the sustainability aspects of economy, social and environmental. To achieve the goal of creating a digital workshop layout, the project team measured the entire factory with the aid of laser rangefinders, because exact drawings were missing. When visiting the factory, all the necessary information could be measured for the creation of the digital factory model. The visits to the factory have provided inspiration for new layout suggestions and improvements. Observations and interviews with staff have been made. Production flows and processes for the largest product groups have been mapped. Literature relating to production technology, work environment and other relevant areas has been studied. The project group has carried out light measurement in the factory. The lighting was satisfactory. Noise reduction measures have been proposed. The digital factory model has been created in the Microsoft Visio software after evaluation based on company specification and KTH's software. The three layout proposals that have been developed have been evaluated and compared to each other in an evaluationscheme to determine a final proposal for a new workshop layout. Layout proposal 2 received the highest score in the evaluation, where lower costs, improved flow and improved access for forklifts were the contributing factors. In short the proposal suggest that the centerless grinders are moved to the area that has been renovated, a lathe is moved to accommodate forklifts, the quality control station is movedand more space is freed up for pallets.
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Schoolscapes: learning between classroomsHerold, Gillian 10 April 2012 (has links)
This project outlines the design proposal for an alternative public high school in Toronto, Ontario. For this project the school is re-imagined as a Community Learning Centre.
The goal of the Community Centre model is to foster life-long learning in young people which can occur when space emphasizes social interaction, citizenship, and life long learning.
The design of the Community Learning Centre is an attempt to align educational priorities with design, to create learning environments that best suit the needs of the users.
The focus of the project, is on places between the classrooms where there is opportunity for informal learning to take place.
The term schoolscapes is use to describe these spaces. They include all of the places between classrooms and are a way of reimaging the corridors as active, lively and engaging spaces.
To support and expand on the idea of schoolscapes, how the environment impacts people and learning, the shifting values in education, and how public space can be related to school interiors, have been investigated.
The work of Prakash Nair, Annalise Gehling and Herman Hertzberger, on school design and its correlation to public space have been extremely influential for this project, as has the work of Jan Ghel on lively city spaces.
Jan Ghel identifies key features of good public space that can provide the foundation for the design of informal learning spaces. The writing of Nair, Gehling and Hertzberger will be used to support how these characteristics can be applied to the learning environment.
The design of the Community Learning Centre explores how the ideals imbedded in public space can be carried over to the interior of a learning environment.
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Schoolscapes: learning between classroomsHerold, Gillian 10 April 2012 (has links)
This project outlines the design proposal for an alternative public high school in Toronto, Ontario. For this project the school is re-imagined as a Community Learning Centre.
The goal of the Community Centre model is to foster life-long learning in young people which can occur when space emphasizes social interaction, citizenship, and life long learning.
The design of the Community Learning Centre is an attempt to align educational priorities with design, to create learning environments that best suit the needs of the users.
The focus of the project, is on places between the classrooms where there is opportunity for informal learning to take place.
The term schoolscapes is use to describe these spaces. They include all of the places between classrooms and are a way of reimaging the corridors as active, lively and engaging spaces.
To support and expand on the idea of schoolscapes, how the environment impacts people and learning, the shifting values in education, and how public space can be related to school interiors, have been investigated.
The work of Prakash Nair, Annalise Gehling and Herman Hertzberger, on school design and its correlation to public space have been extremely influential for this project, as has the work of Jan Ghel on lively city spaces.
Jan Ghel identifies key features of good public space that can provide the foundation for the design of informal learning spaces. The writing of Nair, Gehling and Hertzberger will be used to support how these characteristics can be applied to the learning environment.
The design of the Community Learning Centre explores how the ideals imbedded in public space can be carried over to the interior of a learning environment.
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La genèse de la propriété industrielle en France / The genesis of the right of industrial propertyGobert, Perle 13 November 2015 (has links)
Le droit de la propriété industrielle peut apparaître comme un droit assez récent dans le pay-sage juridique français, mais ce présupposé n’est qu’un leurre. Sa présence est attestée dès le commencement des pratiques artistiques et artisanales pendant l’Antiquité. La prise de conscience de son existence et de son utilité au sein de la société a toutefois été exacerbée au XVIIIe siècle, notamment lors de la révolution française de 1789, moment de sa construc-tion et de sa reconnaissance juridiques.Le droit de la propriété industrielle, à partir des événements révolutionnaires devient en effet l’enjeu d’une élaboration aussi bien intellectuelle que juridique. De nombreux débats de la part des créateurs et inventeurs font rage auprès des institutions politiques afin que ce droit soit reconnu et normalisé. L’aboutissement de ces combats intellectuels, grâce aux multiples ré-flexions de la doctrine et de la jurisprudence transforme le droit de la propriété industriel en un droit normatif s’inscrivant dans l’ordonnancement juridique.Au-delà de cette organisation législative, le droit de la propriété industrielle est également le sujet de nombreuses interrogations quant aux circonstances politiques et économiques qui ont permis son éclosion. Le droit de la propriété industrielle se module selon l’ensemble des lois, des jurisprudences, de la doctrine, de la politique et de l’économie qui tente de lui donner des structures juridiques stables. Il s’affirme comme un droit protéiforme, dont la portée na-tionale relative aux inventeurs et aux créateurs dans la reconnaissance de leur droit, prend une dimension internationale, aspirant à organiser et harmoniser les relations économiques des Nations. / : The right of the industrial property seems like a recent right in the French legal landscape, but this assumption is wrong. Its presence was confirmed as of the beginning of the artistic and artisanal practices during the Antiquity. The awakening of its existence and its utility wi-thin the company however was intensified at the XVIIIth century, in particular at the time of the French revolution of 1789, during the moment of its legal construction and its recognition.The right of the industrial property, starting from the revolutionary events became the chal-lenge of an intellectual development as well as a legal development. Many debates on behalf of the creators and inventors show rage regarding the political institutions, so that this right is acknowledged and standardized. The result of these intellectual combats, thanks to the mul-tiple reflections of the doctrines and jurisprudence transforms the patent right into a normative right falling under legal scheduling.Next to this legislative organization, the right of the industrial property is also the subject of many interrogations as for the political and economic circumstances, which allowed it's blos-soming. The right of the industrial property modulated according to the whole set of laws; ju-risprudences; the doctrines; politics and economics, tries to give him stable legal structures. He affirms himself as a protean right, whose national range relating to the inventors and the creators in the recognition of their right, takes an international dimension, trying to organize and harmonize the economic relations of the Nations.
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