Spelling suggestions: "subject:"8tudent health care"" "subject:"atudent health care""
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"Stressa mindre - lev mer" : En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers sätt att hjälpa stressade studenter och elever / ” Stress less – live more” : A qualitative study about school counselor’s way to help students and pupilsLickhammer, Ida January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of the study was partly to investigate the experiences of school counselors the factors that may be behind young people's stress (16-25 years) and partly to explore school counselors' perceptions of what tools are needed to reduce young people's stress. All school counselors participated in the study working at the student health care in Sweden. The study is based on twelve qualitative interviews with school counselors in Sweden. The theoretical frameworks used are tacit knowledge, work alliance, role theory and professional theory. The results showed that many different factors contributed to young people's stress, for example too little sleep, inactivity and large examinations. It became clear that the school counselors had similar opinions about what was behind young people's stress. Furthermore, it became clear that school counselors use different tools to reduce young people's stress. These tools consisted of getting students to think positively, to have a balance between leisure time, school and work, and to have time for recovery.
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Arbetsgivares förväntningar på skolsköterskor : En innehållsanalys av platsannonser / Employers' expectations on school nurses : A content analysis of job advertisementsNilsson, Elin January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Riksföreningen för skolsköterskor och Svensk sjuksköterskeförening beskriver skolsköterskors yrkesspecifika kompetens i termer av sex kärnkompetenser: Personcentrerad vård, Samverkan i team, Evidensbaserad vård, Förbättringskunskap för kvalitetsutveckling, Säker vård samt Informatik. Specialistutbildningen till skolsköterska leder till en magisterexamen i omvårdnad men omvårdnad – som kompetens- och verksamhetsområde – nämns inte i Skollagens beskrivning av elevhälsans utformning. Nationella riktlinjer för skolsköterskors arbete saknas, inom flera områden, p.ga. brist på forskningsstöd. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka vilka förväntningar från arbetsgivare som beskrivs i platsannonser för anställningar av skolsköterskor gällande 1) Vilka arbetsuppgifter skolsköterskor ska utföra samt 2) Vilka förhållningssätt och förmågor skolsköterskor ska uppvisa. Metod: En kvantitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats genomfördes på 105 platsannonser för anställningar av skolsköterskor inom kommunala skolor (45) friskolor (25) och bemanningsföretag (35). Resultat: Resultatet visar att arbetsgivare främst förväntar sig att skolsköterskor ska ingå i elevhälsovårdsteamet, arbeta hälsofrämjande och förebyggande, genomföra vaccinationer, arbeta i datajournaler och IT-system samt genomföra hälsobesök. Engagemang i arbetet är det förhållningssätt som oftast efterfrågas. Vidare förväntas att skolsköterskor ska vara självständiga i yrkesutövningen, ha samarbetsförmåga samt kunna skapa goda relationer. Konklusion: Inga platsannonser beskrev några förväntningar från arbetsgivare på att skolsköterskor ska arbeta med omvårdnad. / Background: Professional competence in school nursing is defined in terms of six areas of expertise: Person-centered care, working in interdisciplinary teams, employing evidence-based practice, practicing safe care, applying quality improvement and utilizing informatics. School nurses hold a master´s degree in nursing science, but nursing science – as a professional area of expertise – is not mentioned in the Swedish Education Act. National guidelines for the work of school nurses are not available due to lack of research. Aim: To investigate what expectations are expressed by employers in job advertisements for the recruitment of school nurses regarding (1) what tasks school nurses should perform and (2) what attitudes and abilities school nurses should demonstrate. Method: A content analysis was conducted, guided by an inductive approach, on 105 job advertisements for vacant school nurse positions in municipal schools (45) independent schools (25) and staffing companies (35). Results: Results showed that employers expect school nurses to participate in the student health care team, work with health promotion, disease prevention, vaccinations, medical records, IT-systems and health examinations. Employers expect school nurses to be committed, independent, cooperative and to be able to establish good relationships. Conclusion: No employers expected school nurses to work with care or nursing.
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Skolkuratorers erfarenheter av arbetet med psykisk ohälsa bland högstadieelever / School counselors experiences from work with mental illness among high school studentsCartéus, Cattia, Gustavsson, Sofia January 2015 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka vilka former av psykisk ohälsa som skolkuratorer mötte samt hur de arbetade med detta. Vi har därför utfört en kvalitativ studie och intervjuat sex skolkuratorer som arbetar med högstadieelever. Resultatet visade att psykisk ohälsa var ett mångtydigt begrepp, men att de mest centrala formerna av psykisk ohälsa i skolan var stress, prestationsångest och självskadebeteende. Skolkuratorernas arbetsuppgifter upplevdes som diffusa, men de tre mest framträdande arbetsuppgifterna i samband med psykisk ohälsa var kartläggning, enskilda samtal samt att remittera elever vidare till andra aktörer. Skolkuratorerna fokuserade främst på akuta insatser vilket resulterade i att det förebyggande arbetet att motverka psykisk ohälsa blev eftersatt. Deras samverkan inom elevhälsan beskrevs vara betydelsefull för att upptäcka och hantera psykisk ohälsa. / The aim of this study was to explore what kind of mental illness school counselors encounter and work with in school, we have therefore conducted a qualitative study and interviewed six school counselors who work with high school students. The results showed that mental illness was an ambiguous term, but the most significant forms of mental illness encountered were stress, performance anxiety and self-harm. School counselors work was perceived as vague, but the three most prominent tasks associated with mental illness were charting, individual counseling and to support students to other professionals. The school counselors focused primarily on acute interventions which resulted that preventive work to avoid mental illness being neglected. Their collaboration in student health care was described to be important for detecting and managing mental illness.
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Mokyklų sveikatos pruiežiūros darbuotojų bei mokinių tėvų piožiūrio į sveikatos priežiūros reformą mokyklose įvertinimas / Evaluation of the school health care reform by school health care providers and parents of studentsAbromavičienė, Simona 13 July 2007 (has links)
Mokykloje susikerta visuomenės ir asmens sveikatos priežiūros sferoms priskiriamos veiklos sritys. Neaišku, ar dabartinis mokyklos visuomenės sveikatos priežiūros specialistas yra pasirengęs įgyvendinti šiuos uždavinius. Neįvertinta, kokią nuomonę apie šią sistemą turi mokinių tėvai.
Darbo tikslas: įvertinti mokyklų sveikatos priežiūros darbuotojų bei mokinių tėvų požiūrį į mokinių sveikatos priežiūros reformą mokyklose.
Darbo uždaviniai:
1. Įvertinti mokyklų sveikatos priežiūros darbuotojų požiūrį į vykstančią mokinių sveikatos priežiūros reformą mokyklose.
2. Palyginti Šiaulių miesto ir rajono sveikatos priežiūros specialistų požiūrį į vykstančią mokinių sveikatos priežiūros reformą mokyklose.
3. Įvertinti mokinių tėvų požiūrį į vykstančią mokinių sveikatos priežiūros reformą mokyklose.
Metodika: 2006 m. atlikta Šiaulių miesto ir rajono mokyklų sveikatos priežiūros specialisčių anoniminė anketinė apklausa. Apklaustos 56 Šiaulių miesto ir rajono mokyklose dirbančios sveikatos priežiūros specialistės. Vertinant mokinių tėvų požiūrį į mokinių sveikatos priežiūros reformą atlikta trijų Šiaulių miesto vidurinių mokyklų 4, 8, 11 klasių mokinių tėvų anoniminė anketinė apklausa. Anketų grįžtamumas buvo 81,7 proc. (343 iš 420 anketų). Respondentų anketiniai duomenys buvo analizuojami naudojant kompiuterinį SPSS 10.03 versijos statistinį paketą.
Rezultatai: Beveik pusė (41,1 proc.) mokyklų sveikatos priežiūros specialisčių mokinių sveikatos priežiūros reformai mokyklose pritarė, 2... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / School is the place where responsibilities of individual and public health care activities overlap. It is not clear, however, if public health specialists at schools are ready to take all required responsibilities. The opinion of student parents about this system has not been evaluated either.
Goal: to evaluate the attitude of school health care providers and student parents towards health care reform at schools.
1. To evaluate the attitude of school health care providers towards the ongoing health care reform at schools.
2. To compare the attitudes of school health care specialists in the city and district of Siauliai towards the ongoing student health care reform at schools.
3. To evaluate the attitude of student parents towards the ongoing student health care reform at schools.
Methods: an anonymous survey of school health care specialists was carried out in the city of Siauliai and its’ district in the year 2006. 56 health care specialists working at Siauliai city and district schools were questioned. For evaluation of parents’ attitude towards health care reform, parents of 4th, 8th and 11th year students were anonymously questioned at three secondary schools in the city of Siauliai. The response rate among parents was 81.7% (343 out of 420 ). Version 10.03 of SPSS statistical software package was used to analyze the collected survey data.
Results: nearly a half (41.1%) of school health care specialists agreed with the reform, 21.4% opposed it against, 37... [to full text]
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Hur elevhälsoteamets arbete påverkar elevers delaktighet i skolaktiviteter : En kvalitativ studie i fokusgrupp / The Student Health Cares’ Teamwork and its Impact for Student’s Participation : A qualitative study in focus groupKarlsson, Angelika, Erbs, Viktoria January 2018 (has links)
Elevhälsan består av flera olika professioner som tillsammans bygger upp ett elevhälsoteam. Målsättningen för elevhälsoteam är att arbeta tillsammans mot att alla elever ska vara delaktiga i sina skolaktiviteter och känna att de klarar av dessa aktiviteter. Hur elevhälsans teamarbete sker kan möjliggöra eller hindra elevers delaktighet i skolaktiviteter. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur elevhälsan upplever sitt teamarbete och dess påverkan på elevernas förutsättningar till delaktighet i skolaktiviteter. I studien genomfördes två kvalitativa fokusgruppsintervjuer med två olika elevhälsoteam. Elevhälsoteamen bestod av åtta professioner och totalt deltog tolv individer i fokusgruppsintervjuerna. Resultatet visade att elevhälsoteamen upplevde att deras samarbete hade en positiv inverkan på elevernas möjlighet till delaktighet och att samarbetet som de har är väl fungerande men att det samtidigt finns hinder inom teamet som skulle kunna förbättras. Bland de möjliga förbättringsområdena ansåg elevhälsoteamen att de behövde mer resurser för att få mer tid till sina elever och till sitt förebyggande arbete. En vidareutveckling av studien rekommenderas för att kunna få en ökad förståelse för individuella åsikter inom elevhälsoteamen och göra en jämförelse mellan kollektiva och individuella åsikter i gruppen / Student health care involves multiple professions that together build a multiprofessional team. These teams work to promote student health care and participation in school-based activities. Depending on how well this teamwork functions it can either be an enabling or an obstructive factor for the student’s participation in their school-based activities. This study aims to investigate how student health care teams experience their teamwork and its effect on the students’ participation in school-based activities. The study is based on two focus group interviews with two different school health care teams in Sweden. The teams consisted of a total of twelve individuals. The results of the study show that student health care teams experience their teamwork to have a positive impact on the students’ opportunity to participate in school-based activities. The teamwork functioned well, but the team members still found certain things to improve. One factor the teams discussed was a need for more time for their preventive work. A further development of this study is recommended to gain an understanding of the individual thoughts within the student health teams, and through that make a comparison with the collective view of the team.
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”Desto tidigare jag som skolkurator upptäcker problemen, desto enklare blir det att förebygga dem” : En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers syn på förebyggande av psykisk ohälsa bland elever / "The sooner I am as a school counselor detects the problems, the easier it will be to prevent them" : A qualitative study on school counselors' views on prevention of mental ill-health among studentsSundler, Wilma January 2023 (has links)
Children spend a lot of time in school during their childhood and it is important that schools are safe and good environments. Though, mental illness among pupils in Sweden continues to increase. The education act (SFS 2010:800) states that schools and especially school counselors should work with health promotion and prevention with primarily mental illness, even if the content of such prevention remain a bit unclear. The aim of this study was to describe and analyze how school counselors talk about prevention as part of their work to counter mental illness among pupils. The study has a constructionistic approach and method used is qualitative interviews, where the interviewees are school counselors.School counselors express knowledge about mental illness, but underline a need to continuously learn more about young people’s living conditions and how to prevent mental illness. The school counselors are consistent about the importance of working preventively against mental illness in school, a work which they see as unclear and primarily construct as being present among pupils and group activities. However, obstacles are perceived within school organizations to carry out such preventive work, which relate to ad hoc tasks, scarce resources, unclear guidelines and challenging collaboration with other professional groups in the school.
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Studenthälsa på distans : En intervjustudie om omställningen under covid-19 / Remote student health care : An interview study about the transition due to covid-19Jonsson Masnikosa, Clara January 2021 (has links)
The covid-19 crisis has strongly affected people and organizations worldwide, and workers and students had to adjust to restrictions and recommendations to reduce the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Social workers have had to find new strategies through information and communication technology (ICT) to maintain communication with both clients and colleagues. The universities' transition to remote work has affected students and teachers and has also affected the work of counsellors at student health services. The purpose of the current study is to examine how counsellors employed by student healthcare services at universities in Sweden experienced the rapid transition to remote work in terms of the working environment and the ability to deliver psychosocial support through ICT to university students. The main research questions were, what strategies did the counsellors use during COVID-19 and what opportunities and limitations with remote student health care did they identify? The result showed that counsellors used different strategies to cope with the challenges related to the work environment and psychosocial support to university students during COVID-19. The limitations described were mainly about the lack of collegial support and peer presence due to remote work. The opportunities highlighted were mainly the digital development of student health care and increased availability.
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FÖREBYGGANDE ARBETE MOT PSYKISK OHÄLSA BLAND GYMNASIEELEVER UNDER EN PANDEMI : En kvalitativ intervjustudie utifrån elevhälsopersonalens perspektivTörngren Gonzalez, Cecilia January 2021 (has links)
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