Spelling suggestions: "subject:"5tudying"" "subject:"estudying""
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Informacioni model i softverska podrška za predviđanje uspješnosti studiranja / An Information Model and Software Support for Prediction of Student Success in StudyingSimeunović Vlado 11 May 2016 (has links)
<p>U radu je prikazan model podataka koji omogućava<br />predviđanje uspješnosti studiranja na visokoškolskim<br />ustanovama, kao i analizu više tehnika predikcije.<br />Pored toga, prikazuje i prototipsku implementaciju<br />informacionog sistema za upravljanje obrazovnim<br />procesom koji omogućava korišćenje predikcije u<br />realnim informacionim sistemima.</p> / <p>The paper presents a data model that facilitates<br />prediction of students success in studying, as well as<br />a review of prediction techniques. It also presents a<br />prototype implementation of a learning management<br />information system that enables the use of prediction<br />of success in studying and represents a real-world<br />use case.</p>
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Långstråkigt : En självstudie i inlärning av ny repertoar på kontrabas / Take a bow! : A self-study on learning new double bass repertoireHellsten, Eli January 2019 (has links)
Den föreliggande studien är en självobservation med syfte att studera hur min inlärningsprocess tar form vid instuderingen av stycket Old French Song för solokontrabas, och studien utgår ifrån ett designteoretiskt perspektiv på lärande. Instuderingsprocessen fortgick under fem veckor hösten 2018 med sammanlagt 22 övningspass. Av dessa dokumenterades fem med hjälp av videoinspelning. I resultatet presenteras de resurser som användes vid designen av inlärningen, och på vilket sätt de användes. Resultatet visar också på vilket sätt resurser kombinerades för att göra inlärningsprocessen multimodal. I diskussionen diskuteras resultatet med utgångspunkt i tidigare forskning om instudering samt i relation till det designteoretiska perspektivet på lärande. / The present study is a self-observation meant to study how my learning process takes shape during the studying of the piece Old French Song, played on the double bass. The study is based on a design theoretical perspective on learning. The learning process proceeded for five weeks during the autumn of 2018, making for a total of 22 separate practice occasions of which five was documented using video recording. The result shows the different resources used in the design of my learning process, and the different ways they were used. It also shows in what way different resources were combined to form a multimodal learning process. The last section discusses the result based on previous research on the studying of musical pieces, and in relation to a design theoretical perspective on learning.
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Students' interest in physics seems to be decreasing at all levels of education in most countries including Thailand. This problem is likely to be influenced by physics teaching and learning processes. Instructors' beliefs influence teaching strategies whereas students' beliefs, goals and motivation influence learning strategies. The investigation of factors influencing teaching and learning will provide useful information for improving the teaching and learning of physics. This research aims to explore physics instructors' beliefs about teaching and learning physics, students' beliefs, goals and motivation for studying physics in Thai Rajabhat universities. A questionnaire was administered to instructors who teach introductory physics courses in Rajabhats throughout Thailand at the beginning of second semester in 2002. Questionnaires were administered to first year students who enrolled in introductory physics courses at two Rajabhat universities in the south of Thailand at the beginning and the end of that semester. Four case studies were conducted with instructors and students at the two Rajabhats during the semester.
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Learning to Adjust to the Canadian Graduate Classroom: A Multiple Case Study of the Participation of Four Chinese Graduate Students in Classroom Discussions at a Canadian UniversityChen, Cuijie 17 December 2010 (has links)
This study investigates how 4 newly admitted Chinese international graduate students participate in classroom discussions at a Canadian university. This qualitative research provides rich descriptions of their backgrounds and classroom participation, as well as their voices related to their classroom experiences. Framed by Language Socialization Theory, the study examines the classroom contexts where the students are socialized, particularly the social relations in the classroom that influence the 4 students’ participation. The study also investigates the role of the 4 students’ agency in the negotiation of access and participation in classroom discussions, as well as their identity formation in classroom communities. The findings of this research highlight the co-constructed and bi-directional nature of language socialization. The 4 students’ classroom experiences are not only shaped by their educational, cultural and social backgrounds, but are also jointly constructed by local contextual factors in Western classrooms. Pedagogical implications are also discussed.
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Learning to Adjust to the Canadian Graduate Classroom: A Multiple Case Study of the Participation of Four Chinese Graduate Students in Classroom Discussions at a Canadian UniversityChen, Cuijie 17 December 2010 (has links)
This study investigates how 4 newly admitted Chinese international graduate students participate in classroom discussions at a Canadian university. This qualitative research provides rich descriptions of their backgrounds and classroom participation, as well as their voices related to their classroom experiences. Framed by Language Socialization Theory, the study examines the classroom contexts where the students are socialized, particularly the social relations in the classroom that influence the 4 students’ participation. The study also investigates the role of the 4 students’ agency in the negotiation of access and participation in classroom discussions, as well as their identity formation in classroom communities. The findings of this research highlight the co-constructed and bi-directional nature of language socialization. The 4 students’ classroom experiences are not only shaped by their educational, cultural and social backgrounds, but are also jointly constructed by local contextual factors in Western classrooms. Pedagogical implications are also discussed.
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Self-efficacy of Korean EFL writing teachers and its relationship to the feedback provided to studentsKim, Mikyung 27 April 2011 (has links)
Not available / text
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Besimokančios organizacijos kūrimo/si, prielaidos ir trukdžiai / Studying organization’s establishment preconditions and interferencesStanevičius, Nerijus 29 September 2008 (has links)
Šiuo tyrimu buvo siekta apibendrinti besimokančios organizacijos skatinimo mokytis prielaidas ir galimybes, analizuoti nuostatas išreikštas teisiniuose dokumentuose apie besimokančių organizacijų poreikius. Taip pat norėta atskleisti besimokančios organizacijos aplinką, kūrimo trukdžius, atskleisti organizacijos narių (darbuotojų ir darbdavių) požiūrį į vieną esminių besimokančios organizacijos kūrimosi prielaidų: mokymosi prieinamumo, mokymosi poreikių tenkinimo organizacijoje aspektu. Kadangi besimokanti organizacija stebi aplinką, supranta naujovių svarbą, nuolat atsinaujina, įdarbina asmenis, nusiteikusius išmokti naujų darbo metodų, įgyti naujų įgūdžių, sudaro galimybę darbuotojams adaptuotis ir keistis, skatina žinių troškimą, smalsumą, kiekvienam padeda rasti ir išnaudoti mokymosi galimybes, kuria mokymosi rėmimo sistemas, organizacijos vadovus traktuoja kaip pavaldinių tobulėjimo skatintojus, pripažįsta ir vertina tuos vadovus, kurie rūpinasi savo pavaldinių tobulėjimu, mokosi iš sėkmių ir nesėkmių, bendram mokymuisi vienija tiekėjus ir vartotojus, šalina mokymosi kliūtis, užtikrina mokymąsi visose organizacijos grandyse, todėl tyrimas, kuriame dalyvavę besimokantieji atsakė į pateiktus klausimus labiausiai išryškėjo tokia tendencija, kad skatinimas tobulintis labai pozityviai ir galimybę kelti kvalifikaciją ir siekti karjeros yra svarbiausia. Matyti poreikis kuo ilgiau išsilaikyti darbo rinkoje.
Darbo rinkos reikalavimai yra svarbiausias indikatorius kuriant ar... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / It was reached to sum up the studying organization’s stimulation learning preconditions and possibilities, analyse attitudes expressed in juristical documents about studying organizations needs.
Also, it was wanted to reveal studying organization’s environment establishment preconditions, organization’s members (workers and employees) attitude to the one of the main studying organization’s establishment preconditions: learning accessabilitie’s, learning meet the requirements in organization aspect.
Whereas the studying organization follows environment, understands the importance of latest inventions, often renews, employs persons, who want to learn new work’s methods, to get new skills. It gives an opportunity for workers to adapt and change, makes learning’s sponsors systems, eliminates studying troubles, guarantees learning in all links of organization. So, the research in which learners took part in asked to the given questions, mostly showed the tendency, that stimulation to improve very positive and opportunity to get upper qualification and seek after career is the most important.
The requirements of the job’s market are the basic indicator making or renewing professional learning context of the programmes. In all programmes is prevised English languages and information technologies learning, it is brought a module of business training. Leaders are also lack of knowledge and skills doing jobs. The didactics features of Andragogas activity are shown in activity forms of... [to full text]
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Užsieniečių, studijuojančių Lietuvos aukštosiose mokyklose, įvaizdis lietuvių studentų akimis (VPU atvejis) / Image of foreigners studying in Lithuanian institutions of higher education in the eyes of Lithuanian students (VPU case)Kocaj, Ruslan 07 July 2010 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – ištirti užsieniečių, studijuojančių Vilniaus pedagoginiame universitete, įvaizdį lietuvių studentų akimis. Darbe tirsime VPU akademinio jaunimo požiūrį bei susiformavusius stereotipus atvykstančių studijuoti į Lietuvą užsieniečių atžvilgiu.
Tyrimo hipotezės
1. VPU studentai turi mažai informacijos apie jų aukštojoje mokykloje studijuojančius užsieniečius bei mažai su jais bendrauja.
2. VPU studentai labiau teigiamus etninių savybių stereotipus yra susikūrę tų tautų atžvilgiu, su kuriomis yra mažiausias kultūrinis distancionalumas. Ir priešingai – labiau neigiamus stereotipus yra susikūrę tų tautų atžvilgiu, su kuriomis yra didžiausias kultūrinis distancionalumas.
3. Pagrindiniai veiksniai, formuojantys studentų vienokius ar kitokius stereotipus skirtingų tautų ir kultūrų atstovų atžvilgiu yra netiesioginiai (t.y. žiniasklaida, visuomenėje paplitę stereotipai).
Darbo metodai: dokumentų analizė, anketinė apklausa
Tyrimo koncepcija
Teorinis šio magistro darbo modelis paremtas koncepcijomis, susijusiomis su stereotipų formavimusi tarpkultūrinėje komunikacijoje. Socialinio tikrovės konstravimo požiūriu (P. Berger, Th. Luckmann) kasdiename gyvenime glūdi tipizacijos schemos, kurios padeda suprasti kitus ir su jais „turėti reikalų“ akistatos situacijoje. Tai verčia manyti, jog egzistuoja savybės (teigiamos ir neigiamos), kurios itin būdingos tam tikros tautos (kultūros) atstovams. Tų savybių „rinkiniai“, kurie ilgainiui susiformuoja visuomenės sąmonėje, sudaro... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Objective of the Thesis is to analyse the image of foreigners studying in Vilnius Pedagogical University in the eyes of Lithuanian students. The work will encompass a survey of VPU’s academic youth and stereotypes prevailing with regard to foreigners who come to study in Lithuania.
Hypotheses of the Thesis
1. Students of VPU have little information on foreigners studying in their higher school and hardly socialize with them.
2. Key factors determining formation of certain stereotypes of representatives of different nations and cultures among students are indirect ones (mass media, stereotypes prevailing in the society).
3. Students of VPU have developed more positive stereotypes with regard to the nations of the least cultural distance; and on the contrary –more negative stereotypes with regard to the nations of the highest cultural distance
Methods of the Research: analysis of documents, questionnaire interview.
Concept of the Research
Theoretical model of the present master thesis is based on concepts related to formation of stereotypes in multicultural communication. From the construction of social reality point of view (P. Berger, Th. Luckmann), schemes of typisation lie in everyday life, which help us understand others and “deal with them” in the confrontation situation. This makes us think that certain qualities (both positive and negative) characteristic to representatives of a certain nation (culture) exist. “Sets” of such qualities that over time establish in the... [to full text]
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Studieren mit Kind?!Freche, Angela 09 July 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Die Dissertationsschrift untersucht die Dualität von Studium und Kind als Ansatz, um dem Trend der hohen Kinderlosigkeit von Akademikerinnen, ebenso wie dem Fachkräftemangel in Deutschland entgegenzuwirken. Sie zielt darauf ab, die Strategien, die studierende Eltern verfolgen, um Studium und Kind miteinander zu vereinbaren, empirisch zu erforschen und daraus Ansätze für Handlungsempfehlungen für Akteure aus der Praxis abzuleiten, die das Potenzial haben, Studierende bei der Bewältigung ihres Alltags mit Kind zu unterstützen und damit die Attraktivität der Dualität von Studium und Kind nachhaltig zu erhöhen.
Zur empirischen Untersuchung der Strategien wird mehrperspektiv vorgegangen – neben qualitativen Befragungen studierender Eltern an ausgewählten sächsischen Hochschulstandorten finden zusätzlich Experteninterviews mit Akteuren der betreffenden Hochschulen und Studentenwerke statt.
Die Auswertung der empirischen Studie ergibt drei Strategietypen: (1) die Effektiven, (2) die Organisationstalente und (3) die Defensiven. Ebenso werden zwei Extremfälle ausgemacht. Detailliert werden die typen- bzw. extremfallspezifischen Vor- und Nachteile der Dualität eruiert. Während die drei Strategietypen verbindet, dass sie aus der Vereinbarkeit von Studium und Kind positive Rückschlüsse auf die Bewältigung ihres Lebensalltags ziehen, überwiegen bei den Extremfällen die Nachteile der Dualität.
Aus der Analyse der Strategien zur Vereinbarkeit ergeben sich als Ergebnis der Promotionsschrift bedarfsorientierte Gestaltungsempfehlungen für Akteure auf den Ebenen: (1) der Hochschulen und Studentenwerke, (2) der Hochschulregionen sowie (3) des Landes Sachsen und des Bundes. Eine intensivere Kommunikation und aufeinander abgestimmte Vorgehensweise der Akteure der drei Handlungsebenen ist die Voraussetzung für den Erfolg der Verbesserungsvorschläge.
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I Ka Hana Ka 'Ike: Environmental Field Studies in Hawai'iCrouch, Kerry January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2003 / Pacific Islands Studies
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