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Valutazione di parametri chimico-fisici e microbiologici di una sugherata sarda e aspetti fenologici relativi alla fioritura di Quercus suber L.NOVELLI, ELISA 24 February 2011 (has links)
La presente tesi di dottorato ha trattato due diversi aspetti specifici ricollegabili all’ambiente della foresta di querce da sughero ed alla specie arborea Quercus suber L.
La prima parte ha riguardato la valutazione pedologica della Sughereta Sperimentale di “Cusseddu – Miali – Parapinta”, situata a Tempio Pausania (OT) in Sardegna, che ha rappresentato il primo esempio di sughereta munita di Certificazione Forestale FSC, a livello mondiale, ed è stata effettuata nell’ambito del Progetto NATO Scienza per la Pace (ESP.MD.SFP 981674)0073. Tale progetto ha coinvolto un consorzio interdisciplinare, composto da gruppi di ricerca provenienti da tre paesi NATO (Portogallo, Inghilterra e Italia) e da due paesi del Dialogo Mediterraneo (Marocco e Tunisia).
Lo scopo di questa prima parte ha riguardato la valutazione della qualità del suolo come espressione della capacità di interagire con l’ecosistema in funzione della produttività biologica e della gestione forestale.
La seconda parte,invece, ha riguardato la fenologia della fioritura in Quercus suber L., prendendo in esame individui della Sughereta “Quinta da Serra”, Azeitão, Lisbona (Portogallo), con l’obiettivo di approfondire le conoscenze sulla variabilità all’interno della specie Quercus suber L. e il comportamento riproduttivo durante il periodo di fioritura, e di avanzare l’ipotesi di un modello di risposta di adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici. / In this PhD thesis two different aspects that specifically relate to the environment of cork oak forest and the species Quercus suber L. were examined. The first part was focused on the soil’s evaluation of Experimental cork producing area named "Cusseddu–Miali-Parapinta”, located in Tempio Pausania (OT) in Sardinia which represent the first example of cork oak forest certificated (FSC) in the world. This aspect was carried out within the framework “NATO Science for Peace Project (ESP.MD.SFP 981674) 0073”, which involved an interdisciplinary consortium, comprising research teams from three NATO countries(Portugal, England and Italy) and two Mediterranean Dialogue countries (Morocco and Tunisia). The purpose of this first part was focused on the evaluation of soil quality as expression of the ability to interact with the ecosystem as a function of biological productivity and forest management. The second part, involved in the flowering phenology of the Quercus suber L., examining individuals of cork oak in "Quinta da Serra", Azeitão, Lisbon (Portugal), with the final aim of increasing knowledge on the variability within the species Quercus suber L. and the reproductive behavior during the flowering period, and put forward the hypothesis of a model of adaptive response to climate change.
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Med andra(s) ord : Diskurser och identitetsskapande i Margareta Subers Charlie och Ali Smiths Girl Meets BoyLind, Eva-Marie January 2018 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen handlar om Charlie (1932) av Margareta Suber, som ofta kallas Sveriges första lesbiska roman, och Girl Meets Boy (2007) av Ali Smith, en modern roman som utspelar sig i en annan tid och kontext, men har många gemensamma teman med Charlie. Böckerna behandlar homosexualitet, androgynitet och genus, men det viktigaste för den här uppsatsen är hur de centrala karaktärerna tar del av en skriven text, och hur sagda text är fundamental för deras identitetsskapande och böckerna i sig. Detta hör samman med diskursbegreppet och representation på flera olika sätt; vilka strukturer styr hur böckerna och texterna i böckerna ser ut? Vilka effekter får de? Hur representeras verkligheten i texterna? Hur tolkas de av karaktärerna? De två böckerna ställs sida vid sida för att möjliggöra en jämförelse av diskurser i olika kontexter. Genom att ställa en äldre bok mot en nyare med samma centrala teman är det lättare att se hur diskurserna i de olika böckerna ser ut och verkar. En av uppsatsens slutsatser är att den centrala skrivna texten i Charlie kommer från ett snävare utbud av texter än den i Girl Meets Boy, och ger huvudpersonen som läser den en snävare beteckning att identifiera sig med. En annan är att texterna påverkar karaktärerna i de två böckerna på väldigt olika sätt, och att orden och att göra dem till sina egna är av stor vikt i en människas (och kanske särskilt i en från normen avvikande människas) identitetsskapande. Karaktärerna tar ord som de fått av andra och gör dem till sina egna, och gör med det en tolkning av dem. De betonar vissa aspekter av texterna, utesluter annat, låter vissa saker definiera dem och ta extra plats i textens betydelse, och bedömer andra saker som oväsentliga. De skriver alltså om andras ord, med andra ord.
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En undersökning av AI-verktyget Whisper som potentiell ersättare till det manuella arbetssättet inom undertextframtagning / A Study of the AI-tool Whisper as a Potential Substitute to the Manual Process of SubtitlingKaka, Mailad Waled Kider, Oummadi, Yassin January 2023 (has links)
Det manuella arbetssättet för undertextframtagning är en tidskrävande och kostsam process. Arbetet undersöker AI-verktyget Whisper och dess potential att ersätta processen som används idag. Processen innefattar både transkribering och översättning. För att verktyget ska kunna göra denna transkribering och översättning behöver den i första hand kunna omvandla tal till text. Detta kallas för taligenkänning och är baserat på upptränade språkmodeller. Precisionen för transkriberingen kan mätas med ordfelfrekvens (Word Error Rate – WER) och för översättningen med COMET-22. Resultaten visade sig klara av Microsofts krav för maximalt tillåten WER och anses därför vara tillräckligt bra för användning. Resultaten indikerade även att de maskinproducerade översättningarna uppnår tillfredställande kvalitet. Undertextframtagning, som är det andra steget i processen, visade sig Whisper ha svårare för när det gäller skapandet av undertexter. Detta gällde både för transkriberingen i originalspråk samt den engelsköversatta versionen. Kvaliteten på undertexternas formatering, som mäts med SubER-metoden, kan tolkas som för låga för att anses vara användbara. Resultaten låg i intervallet 59 till 96% vilket innebär hur stor del av den automatiskt tillverkade undertexten behöver korrigeras för att matcha referensen. Den övergripande slutsatsen man kan dra är att Whisper eventuellt kan ersätta den faktiska transkriberings -och översättningsprocessen, då den både är snabbare och kostar mindre resurser än det manuella tillvägagångssättet. Den är dock inte i skrivande stund tillräcklig för att ersätta undertextframtagningen. / The manual process of subtitling creation is a time consuming and costly process. This study examines the AI-tool Whisper and its potential of substituting the process used today. The process consists of both speech recognition and speech translation. For the tool to accomplish the transcription and translation, it first needs to be able to convert speech-to-text. This is called speech recognition and is based on trained speech models. The precision for the transcription can be measured using the Word Error Rate (WER), while the translation uses COMET-22 for measuring precision. The results met the requirements for maximal allowed WER-value and were therefore considered to be usable. The results also indicated that the machine produced translations reached satisfactory quality. Subtitle creation, which is the second part of the process, turned out to be more of a challenge for Whisper. This applied to both the transcription in the original language and the English translated version. The quality of the subtitling format, measured using the SubER-method, can be interpreted as too low to be considered useful. The results were in the interval of 59 to 96% which informs how large part of the automatically created subtitle need to be corrected to match the reference. The conclusion one can draw is that Whisper could eventually substitute the actual transcription and translation process, since it is both faster and costs less resources than the manual process. Though it is not good enough, in the moment of writing, to substitute the subtitling creation.
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Cork oak regeneration: an approach based on species interactions at landscape scalePons i Portolés, Josep 13 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Land Abandonment in the Mediterranean Effects on Butterfly Communities with Respect to Life History TraitsŠLANCAROVÁ, Jana January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the effects of changing land use, following landscape abandonment, on butterfly communities in the Mediterranean Basin. It consists of three case studies. The first focuses on the effects of forest encroachment on butterflies in the Southern Balkans; the second studies butterfly communities in Portuguese 'montados' and the third explores demography and life histories of three co-occurring Papilionidae butterfly species (Archon apollinus, Zerynthia polyxena and Zerynthia cerisy) in Greek Thrace. The results describe shifts in butterfly communities, detectable even at the level of individual species life history traits, with increasing forest encroachment. The preference of range-restricted Mediterranean endemics for either grasslands or open woodland formations contributes to falsifying the forested Mediterranean hypothesis, favouring a hypothesis of finely grained landscape mosaic instead. This mosaic is currently threatened by land use change and biodiversity homogenisation. Maintaining habitat and landscape heterogeneity is crucial for conserving the Mediterranean biodiversity hot-spot.
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Analyse des facteurs microbiens régissant le caractère invasif d'Acacia mearnsii dans la subéraie du parc national d'EL-Kala(NE algerien) / Analysis of factors governing microbial invasiveness Acacia mearnsii in the cork oakEl kala National Park (North East of Algeria)Boudiaf, Imène 18 December 2012 (has links)
Les plantes invasives constituent un phénomène très répandu sur la planète qui entraîne des problèmes environnementaux majeurs aboutissant à des perturbations significatives dans les processus régissant la conservation de la diversité végétale et microbienne des sols. Acacia mearnsii (De Wild) est l'une des espèces d'Acacia ayant un potentiel invasif important. Cette légumineuse d'origine australienne a été introduite dans les subéraies du Parc National d'El-Kala (PNEK), au Nord-Est de l'Algérie, où elle induit des dégradations drastiques sur l'écosystème forestier de chêne-liège Quercus suber (L.) et la diversité végétale et microbienne de cette formation forestière. L'objectif de cette étude a été d'évaluer les transformations induites par A. mearnsii sur les caractéristiques et microbienne du sol (particulièrement les communautés de symbiotes microbiens) et d'en déterminer les conséquences sur le développement de chêne-liège. Une série d'expérimentations a été réalisée sur les sols de trois sites dans le PNEK : forêt naturelle de Q. suber (site non envahi), peuplement mixte Q. suber et A. mearnsii (site envahi récemment par A. mearnsii) et peuplement d'A. mearnsii (site anciennement envahi par A. mearnsii). Les analyses de sol, de la diversité fonctionnelle et structurelle des microorganismes telluriques ont révélé l'existence de modifications liées à la présence de l'espèce envahissante. D'autre part, il a été déterminé que A. mearnsii avait un effet inhibiteur sur le développement du chêne-liège et sur son cortège ectomycorhizien associé. De plus, cette essence semble avoir la capacité de s'adapter facilement au milieu d'introduction, du fait de sa forte mycotrophie vis à vis des champignons mycorhiziens arbusculaires, et de sa facilité de nodulation spontanée avec des bactéries symbiotiques principalement du genre Bradyrhizobium. La présence de symbiotes compatibles avec A. mearnsii dans les habitats envahis représente probablement un des facteurs susceptibles de faciliter le processus d'envahissement de l'espèce. Nos résultats suggèrent que la régression du développement du chêne-liège peut être liée aux modifications induites par A. mearnsii sur le fonctionnement du sol et la structure des microorganismes telluriques. Cet effet est probablement lié à d'autres éléments biotiques et abiotiques du milieu envahi influencé par cet arbre. Il sera donc important d'affiner cette étude, et d'analyser plus précisément les paramètres pouvant être à l'origine du succès de l'invasion par A. mearnsii afin de définir un cadre de lutte contre cette espèce invasive et ainsi sauvegarder la subéraie . / Invasive plants are a global phenomenon causing major environmental problems leading to significant disruptions in the processes governing the conservation of plant diversity and soil microbial communities. Acacia mearnsii (De Wild) is one of the Acacia species with a significant invasive potential. This Australian native legume was introduced in the cork forests of the National Park of El Kala (PNEK), North-eastern Algeria, and induced drastic degradation of the cork oak (Quercus suber (L.)) forest ecosystem, on understorey plant species and soil microbial diversity. The objective of this study was to evaluate changes resulting from the A. mearnsii invasion on chemical characteristics and soil microbiota (especially symbiotic microbial communities) and to determine their impact on cork oak development. Experiments were conducted on soils collected from three sites in the PNEK: Q. suber natural stand (non-invaded site), mixed Q. suber and A. mearnsii stand (recently invaded site) and A. mearnsii stand (fully invaded site). Both chemical and microbiological soil characteristics were affected by the presence of the invasive species. On the other hand, it was determined that A. mearnsii had an inhibitory effect on the development of the cork oak tree and its associated ectomycorrhizal community. In addition, this tree species seems to easily interact with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the introduction area, being abundantly infected. It is also spontaneously nodulated by local symbiotic bacteria, mainly of the genus Bradyrhizobium. The presence of symbionts, compatible with A. mearnsii in invaded habitats are probably one of the factors that facilitate the process of invasion. Our results suggest that the development of the cork oak can be linked to changes induced by A. mearnsii with soil functioning and with the composition of soil microorganism communities. This effect is probably related to other biotic and abiotic components of the environment influenced by this invasive tree species. It seems thus important to analyze more precisely the parameters that cause the success of the invasion by A. mearnsii in order to better control this invasive species and save the cork oak forest in Algeria.
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Kärleken utan namn : Identitet och (o)synlighet i svenska lesbiska romanerBergdahl, Liv Saga January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study representations of identity and (in)visibility in Swedish lesbian novels written in the 1930s, and to provide a summary of Swedish lesbian literature up to the early 21st century. This study has been done through a close reading primarily of Charlie by Margareta Suber (1932), Fröknarna von Pahlen by Agnes von Krusenstjerna (1930–1935) and Kris by Karin Boye (1934). Lesbian literature is discussed as a loose category, a construction which can be used as an analytical tool in a conscious and reflexive way, with its basis in the categories of author, text and reader. In short, I define lesbian literature as novels written by women, about lesbian figures and/or relationships, and for lesbian readers in the sense that the literature depicts lesbians from an insider’s perspective. As regards the period before 1930, the focus is on romantic friendship and the excitement zone when the romantic friendship becomes a sexual one, as seen in the fictitious case of Sin fars dotter (1920) by Lydia Wahlström. Sexological theories, the image of “the new woman” and changes to the law all colour the first half of the 20th century. This is seen in Charlie by Margareta Suber, where the author makes use of many such explanations in her creation of a lesbian figure. A reading of Fröknarna von Pahlen by Agnes von Krusenstjerna shows an intricate pattern of relationships at its heart. My analysis charts several same-sex couples, a lesbian single woman and two collectives; that is to say, the female collective and the male homosexual collective. The relationships between women are many-faceted and include everything from romantic friendship, kinship and sensualism to eroticism and shared parenthood. In my analysis of Kris by Karin Boye, I focus on Malin, the main character, and the development of her sense of identity, in which the struggle between the language of the world around her and her own emotional experience of love for a woman is a central theme. After the 1930s, the historical context changed in terms of everything from decriminalisation in 1944 via the homophobic panic of the 1950s to the impact of queer theory in the 1990s. Swedish lesbian literature addresses everything from crime of passion (murder) to the coming out process of young women. There exists in all novels from the 1930s an interplay that is (in)visible: the characters or lesbian relationships depicted are both visible and invisible at the same time. The characters are more or less aware of the potential risks attached to being visible as a lesbian, and often they do not notice themselves when this occurs. During the course of the 20th century, (in)visibility becomes replaced by openness and secrecy, and the visibility of the lesbian characters is politicised. / The abstract is translated by Janet French.
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Molecular genetics of cork formationSoler del Monte, Marçal 09 June 2008 (has links)
La peridermis és una estructura complexa que protegeix els òrgans vegetals madurs (secundaris) i les zones que han sofert ferides de la pèrdua d'aigua i dels patògens. Aquesta funció barrera és deguda al fel·lema o súber, un teixit format per cèl·lules suberificades. Tant el fel·lema com la suberina són crucials per la vida de les plantes terrestres, però pràcticament no es coneix res dels processos moleculars que regulen la seva formació, probablement degut a la manca de models adequats. En aquesta tesi s'han identificat i caracteritzat gens induïts al fel·lema mitjançant la combinació de dues plantes models. L'escorça d'alzina surera (Quercus suber) s'ha utilitzat per aïllar gens candidats de la formació del fel·lema i per investigar el comportament d'alguns d'aquests gens durant l'estació de creixement, mentre que la pela de la patata (Solanum tuberosum) s'ha utilitzat en estudis de genètica reversa per demostrar la funció d'alguns gens reguladors al fel·lema. / The periderm is a complex structure that protects plant mature (secondary) organs and wounded tissues from water loss, injuries and pathogens. This barrier capacity is accomplished by the cork layer of the periderm, a tissue made of dead cells with suberin deposited into cell walls. Although cork and suberin are critical for the survival of land plants, very few is known about the molecular processes involved in their biosynthesis and differentiation, probably due to the lack of appropriate plant models. Here we developed a strategy to identify and characterize cork candidate genes using a combination of two model plants for periderm studies. The bark of cork oak (Quercus suber) was used to identify candidate genes and to analyze the seasonal behaviour of some of these genes. The potato (Solanum tuberosum) tuber was used to demonstrate the role of some selected candidates in the regulation of cork by reverse genetic analyses.
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Det (o)disciplinerade begäret : En komparativ analys av "Den första kärleken" och Charlie med fokus på makt, queer underkastelse och performativitet / The (un)disciplined desire : A comparative analysis of "Den första kärleken" and Charlie examining power, queer subordination and performativityLugnet, Em January 2023 (has links)
In this paper, I study the concept of subordination and power by using two Swedish lesbian classic literary texts; ”Den första kärleken”, published in the collection of short stories Berättelser och skizzer (1884) by Mathilda Roos and Charlie (1932) by Margareta Suber. I examine power dynamics and subordination by comparing the two texts with each other and analyze the similarities and differences between subordination in queer contexts and in heterosexual contexts. Judith Butlers theory of subordination and Michel Foucalts theory of the subject and power are the theoretical ground for this paper, as well as the heterosexual script, which function as a way to illustrate what the characters conform to and/or resist against. As a result, I find that queer subordination is more exciting than heterosexual subordination, but also that heterosexual subordination is, although the characters conform to it, a form of resistance against the heterosexual norm. I also find that social punishment is a crucial aspect regarding the choices they make when it comes to queer subordination.
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