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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intérêt des substituts dermiques pour la chirugie réparatrice : support pour l'administration in vivo de cellules souches ou pour la consruction in vitro d'un lambeau microanastomosable / Use of dermal substitute for reconstructive surgery : carrier for seeding stem cells in vivo or for in vitro construction of a flap suitable for microvascular transplantation

Bach, Christine 24 September 2015 (has links)
En cancérologie cervico-faciale, la couverture d’éléments nobles ou de pertes de substance profondes fait souvent appel à l’utilisation de lambeaux locaux, locorégionaux ou libres. La réalisation de lambeaux autologues nécessite de sacrifier une structure indemne au profit de la structure lésée. Lorsque la réalisation d’un lambeau n’est pas envisageable, l’utilisation de substitut dermique peut être une alternative.L’ingénierie tissulaire permet de cultiver presque tous les types cellulaires (cellules différenciées, cellules souches) seuls ou en association (pe peau totale reconstruite) avec des matrices telles que le collagène pour obtenir des cultures tridimensionnelles. Utilisées in vivo en tant que substrat dermique, les matrices de collagène vont servir de guide aux cellules de l’hôte qui vont la coloniser, synthétiser leur propre matrice extra-cellulaire et développer un réseau vasculaire.Les tissus reconstruits se comportent comme des greffes : leur nutrition se fait d’abord par imbibition à partir du site receveur, puis par recolonisation vasculaire à partir du lit de la greffe. L’épaisseur du tissu greffable est donc limitée.Une revue de la littérature sur la peau reconstruite par ingénierie tissulaire et des différentes stratégies de vascularisation d’un tissu reconstruit est présentée. Le but de notre travail était d’évaluer les capacités des substituts dermiques comme vecteur de cellules souches pour la régénération tissulaire in vivo et comme support au développement d’une neovascularisation à partir d’un vaisseau sanguin ouvrant la voie au lambeau microanastomosable reconstruit in vitro. / In head and neck cancer, coverage of noble elements or deep wounds often requires the use of local, locoregional or free flaps. Autologous flaps consist of transferring the patient’s own tissues, but require sacrifice of the healthy structure to replace the damaged structure. When performing a flap is not an option, the use of dermal substitute may be an alternative.Tissue engineering is a rapidly growing discipline comprising multiple fields of research. Almost all cell types can be cultured alone or in combination (e.g. reconstructed full-thickness skin) with matrices such as collagen to obtain three dimensional cultures. Collagen matrices, used in vivo as dermal substrates, are used to guide the growth of host cells (fibroblasts, endothelial cells, etc.) that colonize the matrix, synthesize their own extracellular matrix and develop a vascular network.Reconstructed tissues behave like tissue grafts: nutrition of these tissues is initially based on diffusion from the recipient site and then by vascular recolonization from the bed of the graft. The thickness of graftable tissue is therefore limited.A review of the literature on skin tissue engineering and current strategies to create vascularized tissue is presented. The aim of our study was to evaluate the capacity of dermal substitutes as a carrier of stem cells for tissue regeneration in vivo and as a support to the development of neovascularization from a blood vessel opening the way to flap suitable for microvascular transplantation reconstructed in vitro.

Vilken kontroll spelar roll? : En förklarande studie om den interna revisionens påverkan för den externa revisionen / Which control achieves the goal? : An explanatory study about the impact of internal audit on the cost of the external audit

Gustafsson, Rasmus, Helmerson, Emil January 2015 (has links)
Introduktion Den interna revisorn antas ha bättre insyn i företaget än den externa. Enligt agentteori maximerar internrevisorn sin egen nytta, vilket ifrågasätter dennes oberoende. Dagens forskning är delad i två perspektiv där den interna revisionen och de externa revisionskostnaderna har ett positivt eller negativt samband. Den rådande trenden med ökad intern revision och kontroll i samband med den nya kontext som skapats genom de under 2000-talet införda regelverken motiverar och aktualiserar studien. Syfte Syftet med denna studie är att förklara hur den interna revisionen påverkar kostnaden för den externa revisionen i svenska noterade bolag. Metod Studien har en kvantitativ forskningsstrategi och en deduktiv forskningsansats. Genom dokumentstudier har data för svenska noterade företag samlats in och med hjälp av en regressionsmodell analyserats. Operationalisering har skett i enlighet med tidigare forskning och internrevisionens förekomst har mätts med en dummyvariabel. Slutsats Studiens resultat visar att internrevisionens förekomst har ett starkt signifikant positivt samband med kostnaden för den externa revisionen. Studien finner att företag med internrevision får högre revisionskostnader, men att de bakomliggande orsakerna kan vara krav på ökade kontroller. Tidigare forskning bekräftar resonemanget och att efterfrågan på ökad kontroll leder till ökade investeringar i både den interna och externa revisionen. Studiens resultat implicerar att internrevisionen används av företagsledningen för att signalera förtroende till ägarna. / Introduction The internal auditor is assumed to have a greater insight in the firm than the external auditor. Agency theory tells us that the internal auditor maximizes his own utility, which questions his independence. The current research is divided into two perspectives where the internal audit and the cost of the external audit has a positive or a negative relationship. The prevailing trend of increased internal audit and control together with the new context created in the 21th century with introduced regulations motivates and actualizes this study. Purpose The purpose of this study is to explain how the internal audit impacts the cost of the external audit in swedish listed firms. Method This study has a quantitative research strategy and a deductive research approach. Data from swedish listed firms has been collected through studies of documents and analyzed with a linear regression. Operationalization has been made in accordance with previous research and the presence of internal audit has been measured with a dummy variable. Conclusion The result of this study shows that the presence of internal audit has a strongly significant positive relationship with the cost of the external audit. The study finds that firms with internal audit increase their audit costs, but that underlying reasons might be demand for greater control. Previous research confirms the argument and that demand for greater control leads to greater investments in both internal and external audit. The result of this study implies that internal audit is used by management to signal trust to the shareholders.

Flygskattens välfärdseffekter : En analys av flygskattens välfärdseffekter på inrikes flygresor i Sverige / The welfare effects on the aviation tax : An analysis on the welfare effects of the aviation tax on domestic flights in sweden

Andersson, Jesper January 2021 (has links)
Sverige införde den 1 april 2018 en flygskatt, på 60 kr inrikes, för att sänka flygplanens miljöpåverkan. Syftet med denna studie var att estimera välfärdseffekterna av denna skatt, med 2017 och 2019 som jämförelseår med data från både Trafikanalys och tidigare studier. I min studie kommer endast inrikesflyg i Sverige att analyseras, men data från utrikesflyg och inrikes tåg har tagits med för att kunna ge en bättre bild över hur inrikes flygresor har påverkats av flygskatten. Flygskatten påverkar antalet inrikesresor i Sverige, det blir färre resor vilket leder till välfärdsförluster. I och med att det blir färre resor, kommer däremot den globala nyttan öka på grund av minskat koldioxidutsläpp. Resultatet är varierat beroende på vilka antaganden som görs och vilket värde som används för koldioxidutsläppen. I huvudanalysen ger värdet som användes i Sverige för koldioxid välfärdsvinsten 59 640 000 kr, med värde från EDF blir välfärdsvinsten 11 152 000 kr. Med värde från Tyskland blir det en välfärdsförlust på 8 954 104 kr och om priset på utsläppsrätter inom EU ETS används blir förlusten 5 514 040 kr. Studien har som ett alternativ utgått ifrån data  från en tidigare studie. Med denna data blir istället den totala välfärdsvinsten 42 424 400 kr med Sveriges värde och 8 007 920 kr med värde från EDF. Tysklands värde på koldioxid gav då istället välfärdsförlusten 6 267 413 kr och EU ETS estimerades bli en förlust på 3 824 968 kr. För att få välfärdsförlusten att vara lika stor som välfärdsvinsten krävs det ett estimerat värde på drygt 355 kr per ton koldioxid. / On April 1st 2018 Sweden introduced an aviation tax, at 60 kr for flights domestically, in order to reduce the amount of impact on the climate. The purpose of this study is to estimate the welfare effects of the said tax, using 2017 and 2019 as comparison years. The data that is used to make the estimations are taken from Trafikanalys and previous studies. My study will only be estimating the welfare effects on the domestic flights in Sweden, but in order to get a better understanding of how the aviation tax has affected the flights, data from both international flights and domestic trains will be used as well. Due to the decrease in the number of flights, a welfare loss will arise, but as a result of this less carbon dioxide will be released and result in a global welfare gain. The results are varied depending on what assumptions are made and what value of carbon dioxide is used. In the main analysis, the value of carbon dioxide in Sweden results in a welfare gain of 59 640 000 kr. With the value from EDF the welfare gain is instead 11 152 000 kr, whereas the German value gives us a welfare loss of 8 954 104 kr. The value of emissions rights in the EU ETS instead gives us a loss of 5 514 040 kr. As an alternative, my study has used data from an earlier study which resulted in Sweden's value giving us a welfare gain of      42 424 400 kr. With the new data from the earlier study, EDF’s value results in a 8 007 920 kr gain. Both Germany’s value and EU ETS’s value still results in a welfare loss, with Germany at 6 267 413 kr loss and EU ETS at 3 824 968 kr. In order for as much gains as losses to be made, the value of a ton carbon dioxide must be 355 kr.

Etude et conception d'assemblages de fibres d’hydrogel d’alcool polyvinylique pour la reconstruction ligamentaire / Study and conception of poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogel fibers assemblies for ligament reconstruction

Caroux, Julien 07 March 2018 (has links)
La rupture du Ligament Croisé Antérieur (LCA) est la blessure ligamentaire la plus fréquente avec une incidence de 1/3000. Elle est efficacement traitée aujourd’hui par une reconstruction par autogreffe tendineuse. Cependant, les problèmes causés par le prélèvement du greffon demeurent une limitation importante. Des substituts artificiels offrent une solution alternative mais la rupture et la génération de débris d’usure ont causé l’échec de la majorité des systèmes développés jusqu’à présent. Récemment, des travaux ont montré que des assemblages de fibres synthétiques d’hydrogel d’Alcool PolyVinylique (APV) reproduisent le comportement en traction du LCA humain. L’objectif principal de cette thèse a été d’explorer le potentiel de ces fibres pour la reconstruction ligamentaire en concevant et caractérisant des systèmes implantables pour une étude in vivo chez l’animal. Pour cela, j’ai réalisé une étude expérimentale depuis l’échelle de la fibre jusqu’à celle de l’implant complet. Deux types de fibres d’APV ont été caractérisés, obtenues par filage voie sèche (VS) et voie humide (VH). A l’échelle de la fibre, une étude microscopique et mécanique a mis en évidence un fort effet de l’orientation moléculaire sur le comportement en traction qui permet d’atteindre des modules élastiques très supérieurs à celui de films isotropes ayant un taux de gonflement équivalent. En particulier, les fibres VS présentent à 20°C un comportement en traction proche de celui du LCA. Cette étude montre également une forte dépendance en température du comportement mécanique et l’existence d’un phénomène de recouvrance par lequel des fibres étirées récupèrent leur comportement initial après un repos. Des observations in situ en diffraction des rayons X aux grands angles ont montré que la structure semi-cristalline des fibres résiste au gonflement et à une déformation représentative des sollicitations physiologiques. Un mécanisme microscopique basé sur ces résultats a été proposé qui explique le comportement mécanique des fibres par la dissociation et la reformation de liaisons hydrogène dans la phase amorphe. A l’échelle des assemblages de fibres, une étude systématique sur des structures torsadées et un modèle mécanique de structure double-hélice ont révélé que le gonflement confiné des fibres au sein des structures induit des états de contrainte interne permettant d’augmenter la rigidité des assemblages. A l’échelle de l’implant, des substituts compatibles avec le geste chirurgical ont été conçus grâce à une collaboration avec des partenaires cliniciens et biomécaniciens. Une étude in vivo sur modèle petit animal (lapin) de ligamentoplastie a permis de vérifier la bonne tolérance aux implants avec une encapsulation fibreuse modérée et a montré que le gonflement in vivo d’implants secs n’entraîne pas une réaction biologique délétère. L’ensemble de ces résultats a conduit à la conception d’implants complets à l’échelle du LCA humain qui ont été évalué dans un modèle grand animal (brebis) de ligamentoplastie. L’étude nécropsique et histologique sur les animaux implantés a montré une biocompatibilité comparable à celle observée sur les animaux reconstruits par autogreffe. En revanche, l’étude biomécanique révèle un taux de rupture intra-articulaire important (92%) des implants en fibres d’APV. Ces résultats permettent d’identifier des causes possibles d’endommagement et de proposer des pistes d’amélioration. Plus généralement, la bonne biocompatibilité des fibres d’hydrogel d’APV et leurs propriétés mécaniques en font des systèmes intéressants pour la reconstruction de tissus souples nécessitant une tenue en traction élevée. / The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture is the most frequent ligament injury with an occurrence of 1/3000. It is effectively treated nowadays by a reconstruction with tendinous autograft. However, the problems caused by the transplant harvest remain an important limitation. Artificial substitutes offer an alternative but the rupture rate and the generation of wear debris caused the failure of the majority of the systems developed until now. Recently, studies showed that assemblies of Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) hydrogel fibers mimic the human ACL behavior. The main objective of this thesis was to explore the potential of theses fibers for the ligament reconstruction by designing and characterizing implantable systems for an in vivo animal study. For that purpose, I conducted an experimental study from the fiber scale to the complete implant scale. Two types of PVA fibers were characterized, one obtained from dry spinning (DS) and the other from wet spinning (WS). At the fiber scale, a microscopic and mechanical study highlighted a strong effect of the molecular orientation on the tensile behavior, which allows to reach a much higher elastic modulus than that of an isotropic film with the same swelling ratio. In particular, DS fibers at 20°C exhibit a tensile behavior close to that of the ACL. This study also shows a strong temperature dependence of the mechanical behavior and the existence of recovery phenomenon by which the stretched fibers recover their initial behavior after a rest. In situ wide angle X-rays scattering showed that the fibers semi-crystalline structure resists to swelling and physiological range stretching. A microscopic mechanism based on these results was proposed to explain the fibers mechanical behavior by the dissociation and reformation of hydrogen bonds in the amorphous phase. At the fiber assemblies scale, a systematic study on twister structures and a l double-helix structure mechanical model revealed that the fibers confined swelling inside a structure induce internal stress leading to an increase of the assemblies stiffness. At the implant scale, substitutes compatible with the surgery were conceived in collaboration with clinicians and biomechanists. An in vivo study on a small animal ligamentoplasty model (rabbit) allowed to verify the implants tolerance with a moderate fibrous encapsulation and showed that the implants in vivo swelling does not induce noxious biological reaction. These results led to the conception of human scale implants which were evaluated in a large animal ligamentoplasty model (sheep). The necropsy and histological study on implanted animals showed a biocompatibility similar to that observed with animals reconstructed with an autograft. However, the biomechanical study revealed an important intra-articular rupture rate (92%) for PVA fibers implants. These results allow to identify possible damage causes and to offer ways of improvement. In general, the good biocompatibility of PVA hydrogel fibers and their mechanical properties make them interesting systems for the reconstruction of soft tissues with high tensile strength.

Attachement chez l'agneau : approche comportementale, physiologique et neurobiologique / Attachment in lambs : behavioral, physiological and neurobiological approaches

Gaudin, Sabrina 16 December 2015 (has links)
Chez les mammifères, l'attachement pour la mère, est caractérisé par un effet sécurisant de la présence de cette figure qui permet au jeune d'explorer son environnement. Plusieurs études ont suggéré qu’un attachement pouvait se développer pour des substituts maternels tels qu’un congénère ou un objet. Cette thèse sur l'agneau montre, au travers de l'évaluation des caractéristiques de l'attachement, l'absence d'un tel lien en absence de figure maternelle pour un congénère de même âge ou un objet. L'altération de l'attachement chez ces individus est associée à une modification de l'axe corticotrope (HPA) et du système ocytocinergique : les agneaux élevés en absence de figure maternelle montrent un stress accru à 24 heures de vie, traduit au niveau central par une réduction du nombre de neurones contenant de la corticolibérine et une augmentation de ceux contenant l'ocytocine à 21 jours. Cette étude suggère un rôle apaisant de la figure maternelle pouvant faciliter la mise en place de l'attachement et influençant le développement de l'axe HPA. Ce travail suggère par ailleurs l'implication de l'ocytocine dans l'adaptation du jeune à un contexte social stressant. / In mammals, attachment to the mother is characterized by a secure effect of the presence of such figure which allows the young to explore its environment. Several studies have suggested that attachment bond could develop for mother surrogates such as peers or objects. This thesis shows through the evaluation of attachment key features in lambs, the absence of attachment in motherless lambs for a same-aged peer or an object. The alteration of attachment in these individuals is associated with a modification of the hypothalamic-pituitaryadrenal (HPA) axis and the oxytocinergic system: peer- and object-reared lambs show physiological sign of stress 24h after birth, reflected at the central level by a decrease of the number of neurons containing corticoliberin and increase of those containing oxytocin at 21 days of age. This study suggests a soothing effect of the mother figure that could facilitate the establishment of attachment and influence the development of the HPA axis. This work also suggests the involvement of oxytocin in the young to cope with stressful early social context.

Hrozby a příležitosti pro vybranou firmu / Threats and Opportunities for the selected company

VARGOVÁ, Vendula January 2015 (has links)
The main aim of the thesis was to uncover opportunities and to identify threats for the selected company and offer the firm use of the information obtained. In the theoretical part of the thesis I used the information to perform a situational analysis and further analysis of the methods of marketing environment and SWOT analysis. To determine the opportunities and threats in the practical part of my thesis, I chose Československá obchodní banka, a. s. , which operates as a universal bank in the Czech Republic. SWOT analysis was used for these purposes. Before performing a SWOT analysis it was necessary to first develop an analysis of the marketing environment of the company. I used STEP analysis to analyse the company's macro environment. The bank's microenvironment was evaluated using Porter's five forces model analysis, and to analyse the company I made financial analysis of selected economic data and financial ratios from the annual reports for the period 2010 up to 2014. The SWOT analysis that was performed uncovered the following opportunities: population growth, an increasing number of households with a personal computer and Internet connection, smart banking development and interconnection of distribution networks. The most significant threat to the bank is growth in rivalry among competitors, increased bargaining power of customers, threat in the form of substitutes, the end of the contract with Česká pošta and the planned transfer of Česká pošta to a franchise. To achieve the objectives of the work, I suggested to the bank the following recommendations: specialized products for children and young adults with public campaign events, as well as alternative distribution channels, virtual Video Banker and virtual branches, competition and poll applications on social networks, Smart banking development, interconnection of distribution networks and merging brands. In terms of threats I recommend reducing the fees for account maintenance, increase the interest rate on accounts, create questionnaires regarding clients who close their account, higher commissions on sales and investments for Česká pošta, and last but not least, benefits and training for employees of Česká pošta.

Sätter flygskatten några spår på vårt resande? : En studie om den svenska flygskattens påverkan på det inhemska flyg- och tågresandet

Lindgren, Emma, Wright, Olivia January 2021 (has links)
Sveriges regering införde 1 april 2018 en passagerarskatt på flygresor, med målet att flyget ska bära sina egna klimatkostnader och minska flygets miljöpåverkan. Denna studies syfte är att undersöka hur den svenska flygskatten har påverkat antalet inrikesflyg- och tågresor i Sverige. Metoden som används är den kvasi-experimentella metoden difference-in-difference, där Sverige används som behandlingsgrupp och Finland som kontrollgrupp. Perioden som studeras är januari 2013 till december 2019. Resultatet i studien visar att förändringen i antalet tågresor är betydligt större än minskningen i antalet flygresor, vilket beror på den starkare ökande trenden i tågresandet som råder i Sverige. Effekten av flygskatten på det inhemska tågresandet går därför inte att utläsa i studien. En minskning av antalet inrikesflygresor i Sverige med 53 000 resor i månaden kan emellertid utläsas. Detta resultat är statistiskt signifikant på fem procentsnivå och påvisar att flygskatten haft en effekt på inrikesflygresandet. / On the 1st of April 2018, the Swedish government introduced a tax on air travel, with the intention that the airlines should bear their own climate costs and to reduce the plane’s environmental impact. The object of this study is to examine how the Swedish aviation tax has affected the amount of total internal flight and train journeys in Sweden. The method used is the quasi-experimental method difference-in-differences, where Sweden is used as the treatment group and Finland as the control group. The period of analysis is from January 2013 to December 2019. The result of this study shows that the increase in the amount of train passengers is considerably larger than the decrease in the amount of flight passengers, which depicts the stronger upgoing trend in train journeys in Sweden. Therefore, it is not possible to see the effect of the aviation tax on the internal train journeys in this study. Yet it is feasible to see a diminishment in the amount of internal flight journeys by 53 000 journeys a month in Sweden. This result is statistically significant on a level of five percent and demonstrates that the aviation tax has had an effect on the amount of internal flight journeys.

Geometric characterization and simulation of cell-mediated resorption for porous bone substitutes using micro computed tomography and advanced fuzzy method / Caractérisation géométrique par la logique floue et simulation de la résorption cellulairement assistée de substituts poreux pour tissus osseux par microtomographie à rayons X

Bashoor Zadeh, Mahdieh January 2011 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to provide an improved characterization of porous scaffolds. A more focused objective is to provide a computational model simulating the cell mediated resorption process of resorbable bone substitutes. The thesis is structured in three scientific manuscripts. The first manuscript used fuzzy-based image treatment methods to analyse images generated by micro-computed tomography. From the literature, it is known that the fuzzy-based method helps to improve the accuracy of the characterization, in particular for scaffolds featuring a relatively small pore size. In addition, a new algorithm was introduced to determine both pore and interconnection sizes. The surface area of bone substitutes was quantified by using marching cube algorithm. Besides, the so-called Lattice Boltzmann method was used to characterize the permeability of the investigated scaffolds. Scaffolds made of [béta]-tricalcium phosphate ([béta]-Ca[subscript 3](PO[subscript 4])[subscript 2]) and presenting a constant porosity and four variable pore sizes were examined. The average pore size (diameter) of the four bone substitute groups (denominated with a letter from group A to D) was measured to be 170.3«1.7, 217.3«5.2, 415.8«18.8 and 972.3«10.9 [micro]m. Despite this significant change in pore size, the pore interconnection size only increased slightly, in the range of 61.7 to 85.2 [micro]m. The average porosity of the four groups was 52.3«1.5 %. The surface density of scaffolds decreased from 11.5 to 3.3 mm[superscript -1], when the pore size increased. The results revealed that the permeability of scaffolds is in the same order of magnitude and increased from 1.1?10[superscript -10] to 4.1?10[superscript -10] m[superscript 2] with increasing the pore size. The second manuscript was devoted to the use of subvoxelization algorithm and high-resolution scanner, in an attempt to further improve the accuracy of the results, in particular, of the small pore scaffolds. As expected, an increase of the image resolution from 15 to 7.5 [micro]m significantly eased the segmentation process and hence improved scaffold characterization. Subvoxelization also improved the results specifically in terms of interconnection sizes. Specifically, much smaller interconnection sizes were yielded after applying the subvoxelization process. For example, the mean interconnection size of small pore size groups, group A and B, dropped from 63 to 20 and 30 [micro]m, respectively. Furthermore, due to more details obtained from subvoxelization and high-resolution scanning, additional effects so called"boundary effects" were observed. The boundary effects can yield misleading results in terms of interconnection sizes. The means to reduce these effects were proposed. The third manuscript focused on the simulation and understanding of cell mediated resorption of bone graft substitutes. A computer model was developed to simulate the resorption process of four bone substitute groups. [mu]CT data and new"image processing" tools such as labelling and skeletonization were combined in an algorithm to perform the steps of resorption simulation algorithm. The proposed algorithm was verified by comparing simulation results with the analytical results of a simple geometry and biological in vivo data of bone substitutes. A correlation coefficient between the simulation results and both analytical and experimental data, was found to be larger than 0.9. Local resorption process revealed faster resorption in external region specifically at earlier resorption time. This finding is in agreement with the in vivo results. Two definitions were introduced to estimate the resorption rate; volume resorption rate and linear resorption rate. The volume resorption rate was proportional to accessible surface and decreased when the pore size increased, while the linear resorption rate was proportional to thickness of material and increased with increasing the pore size. In addition, the simulation results revealed no effect of resorption direction on resorption behaviour of substitutes. However, the resorption rate of small pore size samples was decreased with increasing the minimum interconnection size required for cell ingrowth, to 100 [micro]m. This thesis combined novel"image processing" tools and subvoxelization method to improve the characterization of porous bone substitutes used in the bone repair process. The improved characterization allowed a more accurate simulation process. The simulation data were consistent with previously obtained biological data of the same group and allows understanding the local resorption process. The available tools and results are expected to help with the design of optimal substitute for bone repair."--Résumé abrégé par UMI.

Contribuții la sinteza de hidroxiapatită dopată cu magneziu și cercetări asupra proprietăților mecanice în vederea utilizării ei în implanturi osoase / Contribution à l'optimisation de la synthèse d'hydroxyapatite substituée en magnésium et de ses propriétés mécaniques pour l'application aux implants osseux. / Contribution to the optimization of the synthesis of magnesium doped hydroxyapatite for application to bone implants.

Ioanovici, Teodora 23 March 2012 (has links)
Pour le comblement d'une perte de tissu, la greffe reste une méthode usitée en chirurgie osseuse mais une lacune importante conduit à l'emploi de matériaux artificiels. Alternative aux implants métalliques, les substituts osseux biocéramiques ont une efficacité insuffisante dans de nombreuses indications : problème d'intégration d'un volume important, résistance inadéquate à long terme, faible bioréactivité. Doper ces biocéramiques est une voie intéressante mais nombre de dopants ont abouti à des effets cytotoxiques voire à la dégradation des propriétés mécaniques. Le magnésium a été étudié comme dopant de l'hydroxyapatite pour des faibles teneurs, apportant des améliorations sans affecter la biocompatibilité. Cependant, les fortes teneurs et l'optimisation de la synthèse d'une biocéramique dopée ont été peu étudiées. Nous avons étudié et optimisé la synthèse d’hydroxyapatite par la méthode de précipitation aqueuse pour un dopage au magnésium de 1, 2, 5 et 10 % en masse. Caractérisations physicochimiques (DRX, MEB, densité), biologiques (cytotoxicité) et mécaniques (microdureté, élasticité) ont été menées (poudres ou pastilles frittées ou non). Nous avons montré l'apparition de TCP à partir de 2 % Mg, la densité des échantillons diminuant quand la teneur croît. Le dopage accroît la microdureté et le module d’Young. Aucune cytotoxicité n'a été révélée mais une importante baisse d’activité cellulaire a été remarquée pour 10 % de magnésium. Une légère augmentation a été observée pour 1 %. L'aptitude à la mise en forme a été appréciée via le coulage d'une réplique d'un implant intervertébral. Le dopage d'HA à 1 % Mg s'avère être à tout point de vue le compromis optimal. / For the filling of a loss of tissue, the graft is a current process in bone surgery, but a significant deficiency leads to the use of artificial materials. Alternative to metallic implants, bone substitutes bioceramics have insufficient efficacy in many indications: problem of integrating a large volume, inadequate long-term resistance, low bioreactivity. Doping these bioceramics is an interesting way but many of dopants have conducted to cytotoxic effects or to the degradation of mechanical properties. Magnesium has been studied as a dopant of hydroxyapatite for low contents, improving thebioceramic without affecting its biocompatibility. However, high contents and the optimization of the synthesis of such a doped bioceramic have been little studied. We investigated and optimized the synthesis of hydroxyapatite by the aqueousprecipitation process for magnesium doping of 1, 2, 5 and 10 wt%. Physico-chemical (XRD, SEM, density), biological (cytotoxicity) and mechanical (microhardness, elasticity) characterizations were conducted (on powders or pellets sintered or not). We have shown the occurrence of TCP from 2% Mg, the density of samples decreasing when the content grows. The doping increases the microhardness and the Young’s modulus. No cytotoxicity was revealed but a significant decrease in cellular activity was noted for 10% magnesium. A slight increase was observed for 1%. The ability to form an implant was assessed via the slip casting of a replica of an intervertebral implant. Doping HA to 1% Mg was found to be at any point of view the optimum composition.

Monitoring reverse osmosis membrane integrity and virus rejection in water reuse / Effet de l’intégrité de membranes d'osmose inverse sur la rétention de substituts de virus

Pype, Marie-Laure 18 December 2013 (has links)
Les procédés d'osmose inverse (OI) permettent la production d'eau recyclée de très haute qualité grâce à l'élimination de contaminants organiques et inorganiques et de micro-organismes. Le suivi du bon fonctionnement de ce procédé est nécessaire pour valider la rétention des virus pathogènes afin de protéger la santé des usagers. La présence de minéraux et matières organiques dans les effluents rend inévitable le colmatage des membranes lors de leur fonctionnement et diminue ainsi leur performance. Afin d'éviter et d'éliminer ces colmatages, les stations de traitements des eaux utilisent des produits chimiques. Ces derniers vont modifier les performances globales des membranes en polyamide comme par exemple la diminution de la perméabilité à l'eau, et plus particulièrement les performances de rétention des virus, or l'ensemble de ces perturbations n'est que très peu compris et donc peu maitrisé. L'abattement des virus par l'OI sur des membranes intègres ou modifiées (ex : colmatage) ont donc été déterminés en mesurant la rétention d'un virus modèle de type phage MS2 et de substituts comme les sels (mesurés par conductivité), la rhodamine-WT (R-WT) ou les sulfates. La conductivité est, en effet, la technique de contrôle standard dans les stations de traitement des eaux (échelle industrielle).Le premier objectif de ce travail est d'évaluer l'utilisation d'un autre paramètre, les matières organiques dissoutes (DOM) comme nouveau substitut de virus et de déterminer l'impact du dysfonctionnement des procédés d'OI sur l'abattement des DOM et des sels à l'échelle industrielle. Les DOM peuvent en effet également être utilisées comme indicateur de qualité des eaux en fonction de leurs compositions et de leurs concentrations. L'abattement des DOM est donc testé comme nouvelle technique de surveillance afin de distinguer les fuites des changements de performance des membranes. Il est conclu que les DOM peuvent être utilisées comme nouvelle technique de contrôle. De plus, une variation de l'abattement des DOM peut aider à identifier des fuites de manière plus robuste que par l'abattement des sels. Le deuxième objectif est de déterminer l'effet des défauts membranaires sur les abattements d'un virus modèle (phage MS2) et de quatre substituts (R-WT, DOM, sulfate et sels) à l'échelle de systèmes de laboratoire. Deux systèmes à flux longitudinal est utilisés : une membrane plane et un module à spirale. Dans un premier temps, l'effet du colmatage sur les abattements de ces différents virus et substituts est étudié. Le colmatage organique, créé en utilisant un mélange de matières organiques, a pour effet d'augmenter de plus de 0,1 log les abattements de la R-WT, des sels et des DOM. Cette augmentation générale peut être due au blocage des cavités de la membrane et/ou par la sorption des substituts sur les matières organiques.Le colmatage inorganique, créé en utilisant un mélange de sels, n'a pas d'effet sur le rejet des substituts sauf pour les sels qui montre un comportement différent entre les deux systèmes. Dans le système à membrane plane, la couche inorganique permet d'augmenter le passage des sels à travers la membrane. Par opposition, il n'y a pas d'effet sur leur abattement avec le module à spirale. Cette variation entre les deux systèmes peut être causée par la différence de configuration (module à spirale contre membrane plane). Dans un deuxième temps, l'effet du chlore (modes passif et actif) sur la rétention de ces cinq composés est mesuré. Après un contact de 9000 ppm.h de NaOCl à pH 7, la surface membranaire change chimiquement. La formation de liaison Cl dans la couche en polyamide et la rupture des liaisons NH provoquent l'augmentation de la perméabilité à l'eau et diminuent l'abattement de l'ensemble des substituts. Malgré une forte diminution de 1,2 log de l'abattement en sel, l'abattement minimum du phage MS2 reste de 3 log. / One of the major applications of reverse osmosis (RO) process is the production of high quality recycled water by providing a barrier to remove organic and inorganic contaminants as well as pathogens including viruses. In order to protect public health, validation and monitoring of the RO process integrity are necessary to ensure its correct operation. During operation a certain degree of fouling is inevitable and can reduce RO membrane performance. Thus, chemicals are often used in water treatment plants to prevent or remove the membrane fouling. However, these chemicals can modify the integrity of the polyamide layer on RO membrane overtime. Up-to-date, the impact of membrane's physical change on its virus removal efficiency cause by the chemical use during operation is still not well understood.A minimum virus removal efficiency of intact and impaired (e.g. by fouling) RO membranes can be ascertained by measuring the rejection of MS2 phage and virus surrogates such as salt as measured by conductivity, rhodamine-WT (R-WT) or sulphate. However, conductivity measurement is the only full-scale standard monitoring technique. The removal of dissolved organic matter (DOM), which has been used as an indicator of water quality, can possibly be used for this purpose.The first objective of this work was to assess the suitability of DOM as a virus surrogate and to determine the impact of process failure on salt and DOM rejection in full-scale plants. A change of the conductivity does not necessarily mean that the membrane integrity has been breached. Thus, DOM monitoring has been tested and combined with the conductivity monitoring in order to distinguish between leaks and changes in membrane performances. It was concluded that DOM could be used as new monitoring technique. Moreover, a variation of DOM rejection can help identifying leaks better than just conductivity profiling alone.The second objective was to determine the effect of membrane impairments on the rejection of one model virus (MS2 phage) and four virus surrogates (R-WT, DOM, sulphate and salt) using lab-scale RO set-ups. To this aim, two different cross-flow set-ups were used: a flat-sheet and a single 2.5” spiral-wound module.Firstly, the effects of organic fouling and scaling on the rejection of model virus and virus surrogates were studied separately. Organic fouling was created using a mix of organic foulants. The result of this study showed an increase of the rejection by more than 0.1 log for R-WT, salt and DOM. The general increase of the surrogates' rejection might be due to the blocking of cavities of the polyamide membrane and/or to the sorption of surrogates to the fouling layer, which was observed by different autopsy techniques.Scaling was created using a mix of inorganic salts in order to reconstitute the composition of a RO feed water and avoiding the presence of organic foulants. Scaling was found to have no impact on the rejection of all tested virus surrogates except for salt. Salt rejection showed a change of behaviour between different set-ups: with the 2.5” module set-up the inorganic layer led to a stabilisation of the salt rejection, whereas the salt rejection increased with the flat-sheet set-up. This could be explained by the variations of the systems configuration (i.e. spiral module versus flat-sheet, feed spacer height, etc.).Secondly, the long-term impact of membrane ageing by exposure to chlorine, either active under filtration or passive by soaking, on the rejection of the model virus and four surrogates was studied. After a contact time of 9000 ppm∙h NaOCl at pH 7, the membrane surface chemistry changed. The introduction of chlorine in the membrane chemistry and the breakage of amide bonds caused an increase of the water permeability and a decrease of the model virus and virus surrogates rejection.

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