Spelling suggestions: "subject:"subversive"" "subject:"subversives""
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Madeline Neroni and the Moral Design of Barchester TowersLow, Jennifer A. January 1984 (has links)
No description available.
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Les officiers des SAS et des SAU et la politique de pacification pendant la guerre d'Algérie (1955-1962) / The French counterinsurgency officers and the pacification policy during the Algerian colonial war (1955-1962)Mathias, Grégor 08 July 2013 (has links)
Pendant la guerre d'Algérie (1955-1962), le gouvernement général de l'Algérie met en place dans les campagnes et les banlieues des grandes villes d'Algérie une structure de pacification, les SAS (sections administratives spécialisées) et les SAU (sections administratives urbaines), dont on trouve le prolongement au sein des SAT (Service d'assistance technique) en métropole (Paris, Lyon, Marseille) et au niveau de la Force de police auxiliaire de Paris. Les officiers SAS, officiers de carrière, de réserve en situation d'active, et appelés, recrutent des supplétifs (moghaznis) et mènent une politique de pacification dans les domaines administratif, politique (promotion d'élus musulmans), économique (Plan de Constantine), social (aide aux indigents et résorption des bidonvilles), médical, scolaire, et militaire. Au cœur de la politique de la France en Algérie de 1955 à 1959, ces officiers se retrouvent, dès 1960, en porte-à-faux de la nouvelle politique du général de Gaulle. Si certains démissionnent ou partent amers de leur période de SAS, d'autres s'opposent au général de Gaulle lors du référendum sur l'autodétermination de l'Algérie de janvier 1961, du putsch d'avril 1961, voire ont la tentation de basculer dans l'organisation subversive de I'OAS. L'indépendance de l'Algérie risquant de menacer la vie des supplétifs, certains officiers SAS organisent des filières clandestines de rapatriement des supplétifs et de leurs familles, et les aident à s'insérer en France grâce à des associations, des initiatives individuelles et du soutien administratif et financier de l'État (SAT de Paris et de Marseille). / The mission of the SAS in Algeria is the current equivalent in NATO parlance civil-military cooperation. The SAS, the special administrative sections and SAU the city administrative sections were created by the governor general J. Soustelle. Its mission was to maintain contact with the population and collect the intelligence necessary for successful operation. The SAS and SAU would be irnplemented to administer the villages in Algeria to combat the economic misery and political inequality that were the root causes of the insurgency. With their civilian personnel and Muslin auxiliary troops (moghaznis), they were the administrative intermediaries responsible for development of their districts. They rebuilt schools. They cared for the sick by establishing fee medical assistance. They conducted censuses to establish welfare services and organized elections for municipal officials. They improved agriculture and husbandry, built roads and bridges. In military terms, the SAS officiers dismantled the FLN cells and collected intelligence on the ALN. They protected the village with their auxiliaries (moghaznis). ln three cities of metropolis, we find the presence of similar structures, with for Paris, an auxiliary police force. The SAS was an important policy to preserve French Algeria from 1955 to 1959, but then the new policy who wants to give at Algeria her independence (1960-1962) changed the SAS officer policy opinion. They try to oppose them during the referendum of Algerian auto determination (January 1961), at the time of the putsch (Apri11961), by tipping over to the terrorism (OAS), or by organizing Mussulmen auxiliary secret repatriation in France (April-May 1962).
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Gottfried Winkler ou L'écriture oblique - Lire entre les lignes / Gottfried Winkler ou L'écriture oblique - Lire entre les lignesThirion, François 12 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une recherche en deux temps, tout d'abord la reconstructionde la biographie et bibliographie complète du philosophe et pédagogue allemandGottfried Winkler (1739-1814), notamment par des documents inédits. Père du francmaçon,librettiste de Karl Maria von Weber et citoyen d'honneur de Dresde TheodorHell (1775-1856), son oeuvre n'est aujourd'hui connue que par un ouvrage considérépeut-être à tort comme une simple réédition du théologien réputé Johann Lorenz Mosheim(1693-1755). Cette mécompréhension de son oeuvre littéraire découle d'unetechnique d'écriture particulière que nous avons cherché à décoder.C'est pour cette raison que nous proposons dans un deuxième temps l'élaborationd'une méthodologie d'analyse littéraire fondée sur la théorie de l'« écritureoblique » ainsi que l'a formulée le philosophe Léo Strauss dans son essai La persécutionet l'art d'écrire. Cette méthode nous permet un éclairage différent des textes deGottfried Winkler ainsi qu'une analyse historique et philosophique nouvelle de l'auteur.L'accent de la recherche est donc mis sur une méthode de lecture « post-straussienne», augmentée de concepts anthropologiques, sociologiques et philosophiquesmodernes de l'oeuvre majeure de Winkler pour démontrer qu'il ne s'agit nullementd'un simple éditeur de Mosheim, mais bien d'un penseur représentatif, presque symptomatique,de la réalité d'une génération philosophique discrète, déchirée entre l'espritdes Lumières et la peur de la censure. / This thesis was conducted to determine the real content of a book of questionableidentity. To do this we proceed in two steps: At first with a complete reconstructionof the biography and the complete work, inclusive some inedited documents,of the author the german philosopher and pedagogue Gottfried Winkler (1739-1814).Indeed the father of the freemason and librettist Theodor Hell (1775-1856) is consideredtoday as a simple editor of the wellknown theologian Johann Lorenz Mosheim(1693-1755). The reason for this « reductio ad Mosheimium » of his work is probablydue to a false interpretation of his philosophical position, as the consequence of aspecial writing technic used by Winkler.So, in a second step, we tried to elaborate a decoding system, which shouldallow us to understand the content « between the lines », as the philosopher LeoStrauss defined it in his essay Persecution and the Art of Writing, of Winklers mainwork. This new approach of understanding Winklers writing with our « post-straussian» hermeneutical system, enriched by modern anthropological, sociologicaland philosophical principles, sets itself the goal to answer the main question of ourthesis:Was Winkler really just an editor of Mosheim or perhaps representative foran underground free-thinker generation at the dawn of a new century, torn betweenthe need of freedom of thinking and the fear of persecution ?
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A Hero in Our Time: Stories of the Fictionally Subversive Soviet Woman of the 1980sBurns, Ladonna Michelle, Burns, Ladonna Michelle January 2016 (has links)
Citizens who lived in the Soviet Union in the early 1980s did so amid a changing political atmosphere. For their extreme patience, they were rewarded with new policies (after 1985) that promised less censorship and more openness from the government to the people. The Soviet woman received special attention and promises in the shape of new reforms in the social spheres of education and employment. As often happens with political change, there were unintended results. As the policy of glasnost' or "openness" attempted to create and provide new possibilities for women, the unforeseen byproduct of the change was that a non-idyllic and even subversive female emerged in literature and society. This thesis will explore the prevailing cultural attitudes surrounding women before glasnost', as well as glasnost' itself and its policies affected the cultural attitudes as they related to the traditional woman's role in society. The thesis will also examine how glasnost' enabled the literary debut of the subversive female character, and foster this previously forbidden type and other prohibited topics. Finally, the discussion will turn to the immediate aftermath of glasnost' with some observations about the stunted position of the Russian woman in literature, and in society, after the breakup of the Soviet Union.This thesis will include brief studies of published shorter works-all by contemporary female Soviet writers of the 1980s-and their fictional characters. As the gender specific deep-seated beliefs, proverbs, laws and anecdotes connected to the "suggested" ideal life of the virtuous Soviet females are analyzed, the thesis will show how these fictional characters' behaviors directly and indirectly allowed Russian contemporary female writers to challenge taboo subjects within Russia through a new literary category of alternative women's prose.
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Sweaty Mother Slow GrooveHarclerode, Devin Kylie 01 January 2016 (has links)
Sweaty Mother Slow Groove is an engagement in magical thinking that proposes a displacement of swamp methodologies into the virtual realm, existing during the fourth wave. In doing so the cyborg and goddess are united in a re-routing of essentialism and the neo-liberal domination of technology. The metaphorical swamp is the possibility of a mushy danger zone that harnesses the absorption of an unwanted space: a disintegration of the binary and the soft-coded awareness of the body as a process, not a site.
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"No" - Jose Saramago's subversive creativity from The History of the Siege of Lisbon to The Stone Raft: voyages into the idea of national identityMihai, Corina M. 19 February 2009 (has links)
This study outlines a reading of Saramago’s novels as tracing a reflective itinerary into history, questioning the modalities informing a contemporary consciousness, thus acknowledging and re–configuring the past. Through an interpretation of these narratives as ‘voyages into the idea of identity’ it is shown that they reveal a symmetrical pattern tracing the Portuguese national saga from its foundation myth in The History of the Siege of Lisbon to contemporary images of identity in The Stone Raft. In light of this, the analysis examines the subversive narrative strategies employed with regard to the interrogation of canonized historical facts that led to the construction of Portuguese cultural memory and identity. Although the discussion is particularly located within Portuguese texts, the issues raised are relevant within the broader context of Western civilization. It is argued that, within his fictional discourse, Saramago aims at a reformulation of the notion of identity, highlighting the importance of preserving and actively affirming one’s individuality.
Drawing on the postmodern perspective of pluralism in the reconstruction of the past, this analysis explores the relationship between history, fiction, memory and identity as reflected in the narratives under discussion. The focus will be on the textual nature of historiography as well as on the relative character of memory, aspects suggesting the irretrievable nature of the past and the necessity of using various acts of supplementation, construction and invention when representing it. Furthermore, the dialogue between Saramago’s fictional canvass and the theoretical framework, drawing on the thinking of critics such as Hayden White, David Lowenthal, Tzvetan Todorov, Linda Hutcheon, is intended to situate Saramago’s stance viz–à-viz the truthfulness of historiography within the contemporary preoccupation with the representation and construction of the past with an eye to reflecting present needs.
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Apreensão de livros tidos como subversivos: o que os processos judiciais da Ditadura Militar revelam / -Castro, Ana Caroline Silva de 20 March 2017 (has links)
Descreve e analisa os dados sobre repressão a livros considerados subversivos entre abril de 1964 a março de 1979, no Brasil. Os dados estudados são os autos de busca e apreensão cumpridos pela polícia política e exército para confiscar obras durante a Ditadura Militar e que fizeram parte de processos judiciais que chegaram ao Superior Tribunal Militar. Cerca de 707 processos foram resgatados e reunidos pelo Projeto Brasil Nunca Mais durante a Ditadura e estão disponíveis integralmente na internet desde 2013. A pesquisa abrange todos os resultados da busca de autos de apreensão de livros confiscados contra suspeitos. Ao todo foram encontrados 323 autos de busca e apreensão em 145 processos jurídicos, representando 20% (vinte por cento) da totalidade. A pesquisa tem dois momentos. O primeiro é uma análise descritiva dos dados presentes nos autos, em que é possível saber quantos livros foram apreendidos por ano, por organizações, pelo perfil dos atingidos e por quem executou as ordens. Os autos foram analisados como um conjunto desmembrado dos processos. O segundo é a análise do auto de busca e apreensão como parte do processo jurídico. A escolha do processo analisado foi feita porque os livros apreendidos constaram como prova para condenação do réu. As constatações finais da pesquisa foram três. A primeira é que ao se analisar os dados dos autos percebeu-se que eles revelam uma fotografia da ditadura militar, sendo possível fazer uma correlação da repressão sofrida pelas diferentes organizações de resistência e o confisco dos livros. A segunda constatação é que os agentes repressivos buscavam especificamente livros que pudessem incriminar os suspeitos, sendo instruídos para identificar quais livros poderiam ser tidos como subversivos. Por fim, a terceira observação é que os livros apreendidos tinham peso relativo dentro de cada processo. Às vezes figurando apenas como anexo e em outros casos sendo usados como prova para condenação do réu. Além das contribuições apresentadas acima, a pesquisa lista os títulos dos livros apreendidos para servir de consulta e referência para próximas pesquisas sobre o tema. / It describes and analyzes data on repression of books considered subversive between April 1964 and March 1979 in Brazil. The data studied are the seizure cases carried out by the political police and the army to confiscate books during the Military Dictatorship and which were part of legal proceedings that reached the Superior Military Tribunal. Almost 707 cases have been rescued and assembled by the Brazil Never Again Project during the dictatorship and is available on the internet since 2013. The search covers all the results for the warrants against suspects in which books were confiscated. In all, 323 search and seizure cases were found in 145 legal proceedings, representing twenty percent (20%) of the totality. The research has two moments. The first is a descriptive analysis of the data present in the records, in which it is possible to know how many books were seized per year, by organizations, by the profile of those affected and by those who executed the orders. The records were analyzed as a set dismembered of the processes. The second is the analysis of the search and seizure self as part of the legal process. The choice of the process analyzed was made because the books seized were evidence for the defendant\'s conviction. The final findings of the survey were three. The first is that when analyzing the data of the records it was noticed that they reveal a photograph of the military dictatorship, being possible to make a correlation of the repression suffered by the different organizations of resistance and the confiscation of the books. The second finding is that repressive agents specifically searched for books that could incriminate suspects and were instructed to identify which books might be considered subversive. Finally, the third observation is that the seized books had relative weight within each process. Sometimes appearing only as an attachment and in other cases being used as evidence for the conviction of the defendant. In addition to the contributions presented above, the research presents the list of the books seized to serve as a reference for future research on the subject.
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“You Talking To Me?” Considering Black Women’s Racialized and Gendered Experiences with and Responses or Reactions to Street Harassment from MenMills, Melinda 03 May 2007 (has links)
This thesis explores the various discursive strategies that black women employ when they encounter street harassment from men. To investigate the ways in which these women choose to respond to men’s attention during social interactions, I examine their perception of social situations to understand how they view urban spaces and strangers within these spaces. Drawing on qualitative interviews that I conducted with 10 black women, I focus on how the unique convergence of this group’s racial and gender identities can expose them to sexist and racist street harassment. Thus, I argue that black women face street harassment as a result of gendered and racialized power asymmetries. I found that black women rely on a variety of discursive strategies, including speech and silence, to neutralize and negotiate these power asymmetries. They actively resist reproducing racialized and gendered sexual stereotypes of black women by refusing to talk back to men who harass. Understanding silence as indicative of black women’s agency, not oppression, remains a key finding in this research.
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The Subjective, Dynamical, and Liberatory Sublime in Emily DickinsonChen, ¢Ûei-shu 28 August 2010 (has links)
Emily Dickinson, with a soul passing beyond the confines of mainstream gender ideology, religiosity, natural theology, transcendentalism, and literary conventions, creates the sublime in her poetry, which demonstrates her realization and manipulation of inspiring thoughts and liberating movements experienced where diverse conscience stirrings, ideologies, ideas, axioms and discourses intersect. Dickinsonian sublime offers an example for Jean-François Lyotard¡¦s discourses on the modern and postmodern sublime, which coincidentally mirror Dickinson¡¦s time, her personal response and reaction.
Liberating herself from the confines of gender ideology as well as female literary conventions, Dickinson invents her own self and identity, suggesting differences among women, who can be discontinuous and multiple instead of being a category with ¡§ontological integrity¡¨ (Judith Butler, Gender Trouble 23). She embodies a writer who creates according to her nature and experience as a sensitive person constantly investigating inwardly and outwardly, blurring traditionally-assigned gender distinctions, alternating between various roles, and reversing gendered traits instead of just being a subordinate advocate of mainstream domesticity, gender identity, or religiosity.
Not traveling on the path constructed by the traditional theological system but abolishing its authority over her thoughts, attitudes, deeds, or interpretations and manipulation of language, Dickinson interrogates received doctrines and develops her own understanding of religion, idiosyncratic employment of the Bible, and definition of language.
Inspired but not dominated by new sciences, natural theology, or transcendentalism, Dickinson cultivates and reinforces her ability to analyze, judge,
and examine things ¡§without respite, without rest, in one direction¡¨ but in all directions (Ralph Waldo Emerson, ¡§Intellect¡¨ 179), transcending the confines of both natural theology and optimistic transcendentalism while displaying her ¡§active soul,¡¨
"power of forming great conceptions¡¨ and ¡§vehement and inspired passion¡¨ (Longinus, ¡§On the Sublime¡¨ 80) and intending to be what is advocated in Emerson¡¦s ¡§The American Scholar¡¨¡X ¡§Man Thinking¡¨ (64).
Not conforming to literary traditions, Dickinson enters a realm of artistic experiment, representing a great poet reflecting the individualism and potentiality of American poetry in her age as well as in the modern and postmodern periods. Not making her readers passive receivers of messages or meanings, her idiosyncratic methods in rhyme, language, images, and syntax promote ¡§the sense of palpitant vigor¡¨ (Amy Lowell 7) and sublimity, repeatedly challenging, deconstructing, or activating her readers¡¦ thinking and various faculties.
As a self-reliant nonconformist experimenter with a Socratic philosophic spirit, her poetry of ¡§possibility¡¨ provokes ¡§polymorphous,¡¨ multiple, ¡§psychological¡¨ inspirations and creates a subjective, dynamical, and liberatory sublime.
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Subversyvus queer teorijos žvilgsnis: homoseksualaus vyriškumo reprezentacija Gintaro Varno spektakliuose / A subversive aspect of the queer theory: the reprezentation of homosexual males in Gintaras Varnas playsNarauskaitė, Gintarė 13 June 2013 (has links)
Lietuvos teatre įsivyravęs hegemoninis heteroseksualus vyriškumas dominuoja didžiojoje dalyje Lietuvos spektaklių. Tuo tarpu homoseksualūs vyrai reprezentuojami sporadiškai, dažnai jiems suteikiamos neigiamos konotacijos, jie tampa parodijiniais spektaklio elementais. Tačiau jau galima prabilti ir apie kitoniškus gėjų vaizdinius Lietuvos teatre, kadangi homoseksualaus vyriškumo tematiką vis aktyviau plėtoja režisierius Gintaras Varnas. Nepaisant ryškėjančio dėmesio netradiciniam vyriškumui Lietuvos scenoje, moksliniame teatrologiniame diskurse ši tema nėra aktyviai analizuojama. Taigi šiame darbe siekiama ne tik atkreipti dėmesį į gėjų reprezentaciją Lietuvos scenoje, bet homoseksualaus vyriškumo vaizdinius ir problematiką išanalizuoti pasitelkiant reikšmingą, XX a. JAV suklestėjusią queer teoriją. Darbe pristatomos queer teorijos susiformavimo aplinkybės ir įtakos, išryškinamos svarbiausios queer teorijos tezės. Tačiau svarbiausias dėmesys skiriamas subversyviam queer teorijos žvilgsniui, kuris įveiksmina heteronormatyvumo dekonstrukciją per šeimos, santuokos institucijų transformacijas heteronormatyvumo sistemoje. Parodoma kokią destabilizuojančią ir asimiliacinę galią formuoja heteroseksualumo simbolių mimikrija. Queer teorija, kvestionuodama heteronormatyvumo konvencionalumą, taip pat atskleidžia kokia stereotipizuojanti galia įveiksminama gėjų bendruomenėse. Pasitelkiant šias teorines subversyvumo tendencijas, analizuojami keturi režisieriaus Gintaro Varno spektakliai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / A hegemonic heterosexual manhood is dominant in most of the Lithuanian theatre plays. Meanwhile, the homosexual relationships between men are represented in a sporadic manner and often get negative connotation, as well as, become an element of parody. However, today it is possible to start analysing different images of gays since the theme of homosexual males is being developed intensively by a director Gintaras Varnas. Despite the increasing attention towards the untraditional manhood in the Lithuanian theatre, this subject is not actively analysed in a scientific theatrological discourse. Therefore, this research tries to emphasize the representation of gays in the Lithuanian plays and in order to analyse the homosexual male images and problems it is useful to use the queer theory, which bloomed in the 20th century in the USA. The factors of the development and the origin of the queer theory and the most important theses are presented in this research. Nevertheless, the focus is placed to the subversive aspect of the queer theory, which enables the deconstruction of heteronormativity through the transformations of family and marriage in the system of heteronormativity. The research shows destabilizing and assimilative power, which forms the mimicry of the heterosexual symbols. The queer theory questions the conventionality of heteronormativity and reveals, which stereotypical power is applied in the gay communities. Four plays by Gintaras Varnas (‘Publika’, 1997, ‘Tolima... [to full text]
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