Spelling suggestions: "subject:"suicide 3prevention"" "subject:"suicide b.prevention""
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Utah Mental Health Professionals' Recommendations for Working with Youth at Risk for SuicideStillman, Amy Paskett 01 June 2016 (has links)
Suicide has immediate and long-term negative effects on surviving family members and adverse effects in the school and community. Suicide rates for children and adolescents have increased in the United States since 2009. As part of suicide prevention efforts, information about risk factors and warning signs are typically addressed in schools, private organizations, and communities. In addition to academic literature for professional audiences, various therapeutic resources are available to assist those who grieve the suicide of a loved one. In particular, practical and easy-to-implement interventions are needed by those who offer support to suicidal individuals and survivors of suicide. Practical resources are needed to address suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention needs. This study is based on a questionnaire that was given to 250 registered individuals at an annual state suicide prevention training conference. Of those attending, 60 (24%) completed the questionnaire. Participants who did not have experience working with suicidal youth did not participate, so the actual participation rate was influenced by this factor. Questions explored the recommendations of mental health professionals (N=60) who worked with (a) suicidal youth, (b) siblings of youth who completed suicide, and/or (c) youth whose parent completed suicide. More specifically this study investigated specific strategies and resources for working with these three specific groups of survivors. Findings from this study indicated that mental health professionals recommend a variety of suicide prevention resources and strategies such as implementing evidenced-based prevention programs, accessing community resources, offering individual and group counseling for survivors, involving or creating support systems, and listening to the affected youth. Also, recommended therapeutic approaches should include an action plan where students are able to receive appropriate mental health services. Based on this study, mental health professionals may be more effective as they acquaint themselves with available resources such as counselors, school psychologists, and community services to comprehensively care for struggling individuals. Mental health professionals, educators, and staff members should obtain relevant information and utilize effective intervention models in order to better address the prevention, intervention, and postvention needs of surviving individuals.Recommendations are made for future research in identifying the combination of resources that are most helpful. Recommendations are also made regarding specific content and training strategies to more effectively prepare and equip professionals to engage more fully in effective and supportive suicide prevention efforts.
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”Du kan göra skillnad i människors liv utan att ha en aning om det” : En kvalitativ studie om några socialsekreterares syn på suicidalitetSirovica, Elvira, Martinelle, Ann-Catherine January 2012 (has links)
During 2010, 1446 people committed suicide in Sweden. Research shows that groups that are less favored in society have an increased risk of suicide. Social services often encounter groups of people that have a high risk of suicide, for instance welfare recipients or substance abusers. The purpose of this study was to shed light on how social workers talk about suicide and how this might affect interactions with suicidal clients. The study is based on qualitative interviews with five social workers in Stockholm. The results were analyzed using the theory of professional discretion and the perspective of existentialism. The most important results were that social workers do not think that they can help suicidal clients on their own, instead they need psychiatric help. Meeting with suicidal clients raises a lot of feelings and one way to cope with this is by distancing oneself from the client. The study also showed that suicide is a complex issue and it can be hard to find a position between the human right of autonomy and the will to help people. Continuity was viewed as an important factor, but due to the work load it can be hard to follow up these clients.
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Skolsocialt arbete med suicidalitet : Möjligheter, hinder och vikten av samverkan utifrån kvalitativa intervjuer med skolkuratorer / School social work with suicidality : Opportunities, obstacles and the importance of collaboration based on qualitative interviews with school social workersFors, Christin, Nilsson, Lena January 2015 (has links)
Detta examensarbete syftar till att genom kvalitativa intervjuer undersöka skolkuratorers uppfattningar om och erfarenheter av skolsocialt arbete med suicidalitet hos elever. Två frågor har ställts. Den första frågan handlar om skolkuratorers uppfattningar och erfarenheter av suicidalitet hos elever. Resultatet visar att suicidalitet uppfattas vara ovanligt förekommande bland de elever skolkuratorerna har kontakt med, trots att erfarenheter av självmordstankar, självmordsförsök och självmord finns. Stress, psykisk ohälsa och svåra livssituationer ses vara bidragande orsaker till suicidalitet hos elever. Den andra frågan handlar om hur skolkuratorer beskriver det praktiska arbetet med suicidalitet hos elever. Resultatet visar att även om det i arbetet finns möjligheter att upptäcka och arbeta med suicidala elever är dessa möjligheter begränsade. Skolkuratorerna saknar i hög utsträckning suicidpreventiva instrument för att upptäcka och arbeta med suicidalitet i skolan. Istället beskrivs relationer med elever, samt internt samarbete med andra personalgrupper i skolan, utgöra grunden för arbetet med suicidalitet. / This study aims to examine school social workers perceptions and experiences of school social work with suicidality among students. To fulfill this purpose, six qualitative interviews have been made and two questions have been asked. The first question we asked was what kind of perceptions and experiences school social workers have when it comes to suicidality among adolescents in school. The second question we asked was how school social workers describe their practical work with students who are suicidal. The result shows that even though there are experiences of students who have suicidal thoughts, students who have made suicide attempts and students who have committed suicide, suicidality among students is something that is perceived as rare among the school social workers. Stress, mental health problems and difficult life situations is seen to be contributing causes of this phenomena. The result also shows, that school social workers in some ways have the ability to discover and work with students who are suffering from suicidality. However, these possibilities are also limited. School social workers experience a lack of instruments to detect suicide and to be able to work with suicidality in school. Instead, school social workers describes relationships and collaboration with both students and with other groups of staff in school as the primary basis for their work with suicidality among students.
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Sveikatos priežiūros, švietimo ir teisėsaugos specialistų pasirengimas dalyvauti savižudybių prevencijoje / Readiness of specialists of health care, education and law enforcement for participation in suicide preventionMamykina, Ema 20 June 2006 (has links)
This Master thesis analyzes how often the specialists of health care, education and law enforcement are facing suicidal behavior, what is their knowledge and attitude toward suicide and its prevention and possibilities to participate at suicide prevention.
Aim: to analyze the attitudes, possibilities and readiness of different specialists towards suicide prevention.
Objectives: 1. to assess how often the specialists of health care, education and law enforcement are facing suicidal behavior; 2. to evaluate knowledge and attitudes of specialists of health care, education and law enforcement toward suicide and its prevention; 3. to analyze to possibilities of different specialists to participate in suicide prevention; 4. to submit recommendations to regional community authority for community empowerment in suicide prevention.
Methodology: Cross-sectional anonymous questionnaires were used for the survey. The questionnaire consists of 27 questions, including the open and closed type questions. The questionnaires were distributed in the institutions and were collected next day. The data was proceeded and analyzed using statistical data analysis batch SPSS 12,0 The research was made in the randomly chosen institutions; medical institutions of all types and police commissariats of the region.
Results: the majority of specialists of health care, education and law enforcement of Rokishkis are facing the suicidal behavior of clients and patients at their work. All specialists admit... [to full text]
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O processo de luto do filho da pessoa que cometeu suícidio / The grieving process of the offspring of the person who committed suicideKarina Okajima Fukumitsu 07 May 2013 (has links)
O suicídio é uma morte repentina e violenta, que choca. Pode provocar indignação, pois causa em quem ficou um hiato, em relação à experiência de dizer adeus àquele que é amado. A morte autoinfligida causa sofrimento e, por isso, o enlutado por suicídio é reconhecido como sobrevivente. Este estudo teve como objetivo a compreensão do processo de luto do(a) filho(a) da pessoa que cometeu o suicídio. Jamison (2010), Alvarez (1999) e Shneidman (1985; 1993) foram os principais autores que fundamentaram a discussão sobre o suicídio. As obras de Parkes (1998; 2009), Franco (2002; 2010), Kovács (1992; 2003) e Clark (2001; 2007), as fontes básicas consultadas para a compreensão do processo de luto. Trata-se de pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, tendo como participantes 9 (nove) filhos de indivíduos que cometeram o suicídio. Os princípios éticos de sigilo, privacidade, confidencialidade, não identificação dos dados do colaborador e liberdade de participação foram respeitados. Os depoimentos foram gravados com a anuência dos entrevistados e realizados: entrevista para a coleta de depoimento, de aproximadamente 3 (três) horas de duração e 2 (dois) contatos por e-mail para enviar a transcrição das entrevistas, e outro, depois da análise dos dados, para compartilhar com o colaborador a compreensão da pesquisadora. As unidades de significados foram extraídas conforme o método fenomenológico (Moustakas, 1994) e compreendidas pela perspectiva da abordagem da Gestalt-terapia. Observou-se que para alguns entrevistados, a superação da falta do progenitor trouxe ambivalências: vivos, foram ausentes; mortos, tornaram-se presentes. O ato suicida pode denunciar uma dinâmica familiar cujo rompimento de vínculos já acontecia, ou seja, o estresse foi experienciado antes, durante e depois do suicídio. Portanto, o suicídio não foi fator precipitante, mas, sim, o processo como um todo. Quando o filho sobrevive ao suicídio de um dos genitores pode ter uma experiência cujo sofrimento provoca culpa, raiva, ressentimentos, sensação de desamparo e de abandono, solidão, falta de oportunidade por não ter recebido colo, acalanto, cuidado, amor e direção. Considerou-se que, embora a morte seja para sempre, o luto é um processo dinâmico, no qual os enlutados tentam administrar uma diversidade de sentimentos e pensamentos: além da necessidade de compreender a morte, surge a redefinição de seu papel na família. Destaca-se também o calar e o isolamento dos depoentes. O isolamento parece acontecer para que não sejam mobilizados os sentimentos confusos e não compartilhados, que ameaçam a zona de conforto tão arduamente conquistada pelos que sobreviveram. O que se cala é o sofrimento, a dúvida e o estigma. Identificou-se que o suicídio parental é uma vivência ímpar, que permite à pessoa descobrir e desenvolver estratégias de enfrentamento em seu processo de luto / Suicide is a sudden and violent death, which shocks. It may cause outrage, as it causes a gap in those who remained, in relation to the experience of saying goodbye to the one who is loved. The self-inflicted death causes suffering and, thus, the bereaved by suicide is recognized as a survivor. This study had as goal the comprehension of the grieving process of the offspring of the person who committed suicide. Jamison (2010), Alvarez (1999) and Shneidman (1985; 1993) were the main authors who grounded the discussion about suicide. The works of Parkes (1998; 2009), Franco (2002; 2010), Kovács (1992; 2003) and Clark (2001; 2007), the basic sources consulted to the comprehension of the grieving process. It is a research of qualitative nature, having as participants nine (9) offspring of individuals who committed suicide. The ethical principles of secrecy, privacy, confidentiality, no identification of the data of the collaborators and freedom of participation were respected. The testimonies were recorded with the consent of the interviewees and carried out: interview - to collect the testimony, approximately three (3) hours long - and two (2) contacts by e-mail one to send the transcripts of the interviews, and other after analyzing the data, to share with the collaborator the comprehension of the researcher. The units of meaning were extracted according to the phenomenological method (Moustakas, 1994) and understood through the perspective of the Gestalt-Therapy approach. It was observed that for some interviewees, overcoming the lack of a parent brought ambivalences: as alive, they were absent; as dead, they became present. The suicidal act may denounce a family dynamic in which breaking of bonds has already happened, in other words, the stress was experienced before, during and after the suicide. Therefore, suicide was not a triggering factor, but, instead, the process as a whole. When the child survives the suicide of one of its parents, one can have an experience whose suffering causes guilt, anger, resentment, helplessness and abandonment, loneliness, lack of opportunity by not having received lap time, soothing, care, love and guidance. It was considered that, although death is forever, grief is a dynamic process, in which bereaved ones try to manage a diversity of feelings and thoughts: besides the necessity of comprehending death, comes the redefinition of their role in the family. Also noteworthy is the silence and isolation of the deponents. The isolation seems to happen for mixed and not shared feelings not to be mobilized, that threaten the comfort zone so hardly conquered by those who survived. What is silenced is the suffering, the doubt and the stigma. It was identified that parental suicide is a unique experience that allows the person to discover and develop coping strategies in their grieving process
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A qualitative study of the cultural implications of attempted suicide and its prevention in South IndiaLasrado, Reena Anitha January 2014 (has links)
Suicide in India is a complex social issue and a neglected area by the state. Research has focused on risk factors and the epidemiology of suicide; studies concerning the intersection of culture with attempted suicide are limited. The aim of this study is to explore cultural implications of attempted suicide and its prevention in Southern India by means of comparing and contrasting the accounts of survivors of attempted suicide, mental health professionals and traditional healers engaged in treating people with suicidal behaviour. Methodology: A qualitative design is used drawing on constant comparison method and thematic analysis. The analysis of the data is underpinned by the theoretical concepts of Bourdieu’s work. In-depth interviews were conducted with fifteen survivors of attempted suicide, eight mental health professionals and eight healers from Southern India. Results: Application of Bourdieu’s theory of symbolic power and violence, cultural capital and habitus to the analysis of data revealed the process of constant interaction among visible and invisible fields such as faith, power, control, family, religion and social systems which impact survivors’ disposition to situations. Disparities in gender and role structures within families, financial challenges, health concerns, abuse, and violence were commonly cited factors by all three groups of participants. A few survivors and healers attributed misfortunes and distress to magic, spells and ‘bad times’. Healers and professionals were particularly of the opinion that cultural transition has added to stress among people. Survivors considered religious and traditional methods of support as socially accepted norms. Medical assistance was sought only during apparent ill health. Psychosocial support was very rarely accessed and availed. A lack of awareness among family members and friends to identify mental health concerns and a wide gap between identification of severe stressors and treatment increased the risk of suicide and limited timely intervention. Conclusion: This study identified a set of cultural mechanisms that produced negative impact and led to attempted suicide. The role of culture in causing suicide and attempted suicide is explained by unraveling the dynamics of cultural mechanisms and support processes that survivors experienced and as reported by professionals and healers. This research evidence presents pathways into attempted suicide and a life away from suicide.
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Incarcerated Male Adolescent Suicide in Utah: A Case StudyStraubhaar, Kristy 21 October 2009 (has links)
Adolescent suicide has been described as a major public health problem calling for the aid of researchers willing to better identify factors related to suicide risk. Suicide is the third-leading cause of death for 15 to 24 year olds. Despite the fact incarcerated adolescents act in self-destructive ways, minimal research has focused on suicide behavior among incarcerated adolescents. Existing data indicates that suicide among adolescent males is especially prevalent in the juvenile justice system. Several variables have been identified as risk factors for suicidal behavior, including interpersonal relationship dysfunction, substance abuse, and psychological variables such as depression and dichotomous thinking. Incarcerated males have been shown to be more prone to these risks than the general population. There is a need to highlight these risks in context of this population, identifying behavior patterns over the life span. Addressing the need to identify behavior patterns within the incarcerated male youth population, this study focuses on one adolescent male involved with Utah's juvenile justice system who subsequently completed suicide. The identified youth suffered from substance abuse; its effects were devastating to himself and those around him. Furthermore, his hypersensitivity to disappointing others permeated his lifelong traits and behavior patterns. Interviewees reported that such hypersensitivity began early in life, prominently influencing his subsequent self-inflicted guilt in adolescence when drug use, the decision to drop-out of school, and incarceration became traumatic. As this case study exemplified, counselors, teachers, school psychologists, family, and friends need to be aware of the increased potential for suicide in incarcerated adolescents, particularly those who struggle with substance abuse and a comorbid disorder.
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När patienten inte vill leva : Sjuksköterskans upplevelse av att vårda patienter som uttryckt ohälsa i form av suicidalitet / When the patient does not want to live : The nurse's experience of caring for patient who expressed ill health in the form of suicidalityCarlsson, Johanna, Winroth, Evelina January 2020 (has links)
Nästan 1300 personer tog 2018 sitt liv i Sverige, av de hade ca en tredjedel en aktiv vårdkontakt. Suicidnära patienter förekommer i alla vårdkontexter, sjuksköterskan ansvarar för att planera och organisera vården för dessa patienter. Suicidtankar utgör ett lidande för patienten vilket är viktigt att det synliggörs vid en suicidriskbedömning. Problemet blir när sjukvården brister i sitt omhändertagande av patienten. Vi har därför valt att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelse av att vårda patienter som uttryckt ohälsa i form av suicidalitet. Metoden som användes var en litteraturöversikt och 12 vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades. Resultatet strukturerades upp i tre huvudteman och visade att många sjuksköterskor upplevde sig ha en sämre attityd mot patienten på grund av brist på erfarenhet och kunskap. Det visade också på att sjuksköterskorna upplevde reflektion i arbetet positivt men att många också påverkades negativt av samhällets syn på suicid. Vår diskussion berör våra erfarenheter av reflektionens positiva betydelse i det kliniska arbetet och dess funktioner för att bättre kunna hantera patienter som uttryckt ohälsa i form av suicidtankar. Det behövs kunskap och ett öppnare samhällsklimat där det finns utrymme att tala om psykisk ohälsa för att vi på en bredare front ska kunna arbeta suicidpreventivt. Det behövs också mer forskning på sambandet mellan sjuksköterskans attityd mot patienten samt upplevelsen av vårdandet och vilken kunskap eller erfarenhet sjuksköterskan har av att vårda patienter med suicidtankar. / In 2018 almost 1300 people committed suicide in Sweden, about a third of them had an active care contact. Suicidal patients are present in all kind of care, the nurse is responsible for planning and organizing the care for these patients. Suicidal thoughts constitutes a suffering for the patient which is important to make visible in a suicide risk assessment. The problem appears when the healthcare system fails in its care for the patient. We have therefore chosen to describe the nurses experience of caring for patients who have expresses ill health in the form of suicidality. The method used was a literature review and twelve scientific articles were analyzed. The result was structured into three main themes and showed that many nurses experienced a poorer attitude towards the patient due to lack of experience and knowledge. It also showed that the nurses experienced reflection in the work positively but that many were also negatively affected by society's view of suicide. Our discussion relates to our experiences of the positive effect of reflection in clinical work and its functions to better care for patients who have expressed ill health in the form of suicidal thoughts. There is a need for knowledge and a more open societal climate where there is room to talk about mental illness in order for us to work with suicide prevention on a wider front. There is also a need for more research on the relationship between the nurse’s attitude towards the patient together with the experience of the caring and the knowledge or experience the nurse has to care for patients with suicidal thoughts.
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Le processus suivi par les pairs aidants lors de leur expérience auprès d’adolescents suicidairesProulx, Marie-Claude 01 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Demystifying Youth Advisory Structures: A Three-Paper Dissertation with the Youth Council for Suicide PreventionHaddad, Kristen Lauren January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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