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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Poređenje rezultata primarne i ponovne rekonstrukcije prednje ukrštene veze kolena / Comparison between the primary and the revision anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

Kovačev Nemanja 07 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Studija se sastojala od dva dela &ndash; eksperimentalnog i kliničkog. Eksperimentalni deo je sproveden na Fakultetu tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu na Departmanu za mehanizaciju i konstrukciono ma&scaron;instvo. Trideset dve zglobne povr&scaron;ine gornjeg okrajka golenjače sa pripojem prednje ukr&scaron;tene veze je uzeto tokom totalne aloartroplastike kolena kod trideset dva pacijenta kod kojih je preoperativno načinjena AP i profilna radiografija sa standardnim uvećanjem u cilju merenja veličine kolena a uz prethodno potpisanu saglasnost pacijenata. Zatim je načinjeno trodimenzionalno skeniranje prostorne povr&scaron;ine pripoja prednje ukr&scaron;tene veze na golenjači u odnosu na ravan zglobne povr&scaron;ine golenjače heptičkim uređajem &bdquo;Phantom Omni&reg;&ldquo; radi utvrđivanja korelacije između povr&scaron;ine pripoja prednje ukr&scaron;tene veze na golenjači i veličine platoa golenjače. U eksperimentalni deo su bili uključeni pacijenti oba pola metodom slučajnog izbora kod kojih je ugrađivana totalna proteza kolena a koji su prethodno potpisali informisani pristanak pacijenta na operativni zahvat na Klinici za ortopedsku hirurgiju i traumatologiju Kliničkog centra Vojvodine. Klinički deo studije je bio retrospektivno-prospektivnog karaktera i obuhvatio je ukupno 60 pacijenata izabranih metodom slučajnog izbora od kojih je ispitivanu grupu činilo 30 pacijenata u kojih je do&scaron;lo do ponovne rupture prednje ukr&scaron;tene veze levog ili desnog kolena nakon urađene primarne rekonstrukcije te je načinjena ponovna rekonstrukcija veze, i kontrolnu grupu koju je činilo 30 pacijenata u kojih je zbog rupture prednje ukr&scaron;tene veze načinjena primarna rekonstrukcija nakon koje nije do&scaron;lo do ponovne rupture. Kod svih pacijenata je rekonstrukcija prednje ukr&scaron;tene veze kolena rađena kalemom kost-tetiva-kost. Ishod rekonstrukcije je procenjivan na osnovu Tegner bodovne skale, Lysholm i IKDC bodovne skale za koleno, artrometrijskog merenja Lachman testa, Pivot shift testa, poloţaja kalema i urađeno je poređenje dobijenih rezultata u ispitivanoj (revizionoj) i kontrolnoj grupi. U klinički deo istraţivanja su bili uključeni pacijenti oba pola, ţivotne dobi od 18 do 40 godina koji su operisani na Klinici za ortopedsku hirurgiju i traumatologiju Kliničkog centra Vojvodine u Novom Sadu a koji su dali informisani pristanak za uključivanje. Kriterijumi za isključivanje pacijenata iz kliničkog dela istraživanja su bili životna dob manja od 18 i veća od 40 godina, pojava težih op&scaron;te-hirur&scaron;kih komplikacija i prestanak želje pacijenta da dalje učestvuje u ovom istraživanju. Nakon sveobuhvatne analize dobijenih rezultata istraţivanja, zaključeno je da postoji korelacija između povr&scaron;ine pripoja prednje ukr&scaron;tene veze na golenjači i veličine platoa golenjače. Formula, načinjena matematičko-statističkim metodama za ovo istraživanje, adekvatna je i praktično primenljiva za predikciju povr&scaron;ine pripoja prednje ukr&scaron;tene veze na golenjači u velikom procentu slučajeva a na osnovu samo dva radiografska parametra izmerenih preoperativno &ndash; prednje-zadnjeg i unutra&scaron;nje-spolja&scaron;njeg dijametra platoa golenjače. Kori&scaron;ćenje ove formule može da doprinese pobolj&scaron;anju rezultata hirur&scaron;kog lečenja pacijenata sa pokidanom prednjom ukr&scaron;tenom vezom kolena. Takođe, zaključeno je da je uzrok neuspeha primarne rekonstrukcije multifaktorijalan kao i da nema statistički značajne razlike u ishodu između ispitanika sa dobrom i ispitanika sa lo&scaron;om pozicijom kalema. Potvrđena je pretpostavka da je ishod ponovne rekonstrukcije prednje ukr&scaron;tene veze kolena slabiji u odnosu na ishod primarne.</p> / <p>This study consisted of two parts &ndash; experimental and clinical. Experimental part was conducted at the Department of Mechanization and Design Engineering of The Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad. Thirty two proximal tibial articular surfaces together with the anterior cruciate ligament insertion of thirty two patients were harvested during total knee arthroplasty. All patients had standard preoperative AP and profile radiographs with standard magnification in order to acquire the knee measurements. All patients previously signed the informed consent. The harvested proximal tibial articular surfaces were 3D scanned by a haptic device called &bdquo;Phantom Omni&reg;&ldquo; in order to determine the correlation between the size of the anterior cruciate ligament insertion site and the size of the tibial plateau. Thirty two randomly chosen patients of both sexes which had a knee arthroplasty were included in the experimental part of this study. All of the patients signed the informed consent at The Clinic for Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology of The Clinical Centre of Vojvodina. The clinical part was a retrospective-prospective study. This part included 60 randomly chosen patients divided into two groups. The test group consisted of 30 patients who had undergone a revision anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. The control group consisted of 30 patients who had undergone only primary anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. A bone-tendon-bone graft was used for the reconstruction in all cases. The outcome was assessed by using Tegner activity scale, Lysholm knee scoring scale, IKDC score, arthrometric evaluation, Pivot shift test and the position of the graft. The results were compared between the test group and the control group. The clinical part of the study included 60 patients of both sexes, age 18-40 which were operated at The Clinic for Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology of The Clinical Centre of Vojvodina. All of the patients signed the informed consent for participation in this study. The exclusion criteria were age under 18 and above 40, occurrence of severe general surgical complications and a patient wish to be excluded from further investigation. After a thorough analysis of the results, we concluded that the correlation between the size of the anterior cruciate ligament tibial insertion site and the size of the tibial plateau exists. Formula which was created for this study by using mathematical and statistical methods, is adequate and practically applicable for the prediction of size of the anterior cruciate ligament tibial insertion site in the majority of cases based on just two preoperative radiographic parameters &ndash; AP and profile diameter of the tibial plateau. The use of this formula may improve the outcome of the anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. We also concluded that the cause of the primary anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction failure is multifactorial as well as that there is no statistically significant difference between the patients with good and the patients with poor graft position. We confirmed the assumption that the outcome of the revision anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is poorer than the outcome of the primary anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.</p>

Корелација клинички и патохистолошки одређене латералне маргине код базоцелуларног карцинома коже / Korelacija klinički i patohistološki određene lateralne margine kod bazocelularnog karcinoma kože / Correlation of the clinically and histopathologically determined lateral margin of the basal cell skin cancer

Gajić Branislava 08 July 2016 (has links)
<p>Увод. Базоцелуларни карцином коже (БЦК) је спорорастући малигни епидермални тумор. овај најчешћи тумор у људи иако врло ниског метастатског потенцијала може бити високо инвазиван и значајно допринети морбидитету, угрозити функцију и естетику регије, па и сам живот. Лечење БЦК има за циљ: уклањање тумора, очување здравог ткива и функције, оптимални козметски резултат. Најчешћи вид лечења БЦК је једноставна хируршка ексцизија. Према важећим препорукама БЦК се ексцидирају са заштитним маргинама од 5-10 mm. Одређени броју студија показују директно или индиректно да је клинички одређена маргина врло слична реалној. Оцена адекватности клиничке процене у односу на хистолошку маргину тумора није довољно испитивана. Стопа комплетне ексцизије БЦК (излечење) се не повећава значајно са повећањем сигурносне маргине Циљ истраживања је установљавање односа повезаности између клиничке процене и микроскопски утврђене латералне маргине БЦК на хистолошком препарату. Методологија. У обради узорка од 45 испитаника узети су циљани анамнестички подаци, спроведен клинички преглед, уобичајена хируршке терапије и класична патохистолошка обрада узорака. У методолошкој обради 60 узорака тумора интраоперативно врхом хируршког скалпела целом циркумференцијом клиничке маргине тумора начињен је зарез до нивоа папиларног дермиса. Пре ексцизије додата је заштитна маргина од 4-5 mm. Класична патохистолошка обрада је спроведена као и преглед препарата светлосним микроскопом различитог увеличања (х 40, х 100, х 200, х400). Мерење дистанце између начињеног зареза, и хистолошке границе тумора вршена је уз помоћ милиметарског окулара. Сви добијени подаци унети су у заједничку базу података. За статистичку обраду података коришћен је програм СПСС 21. Коришћене су методе методе дескриптивне статистике, униваријантне и мултивасријантне анализе. Резултати су приказани табеларно и графички, а комплетан рад је обрађен у текст процесору MS Word. Резултати. У 96,7% ексцидираних БЦК удаљеност зареза од патохистолошке маргине тумора је мања од 2,0 мм, док је у два тумора (3,3%) зарез на удаљености 2 и преко 2мм. У четвртини узорка (25%) зарез се налази у тумору, а 75% узорка зарез је начињен ван хистолошке границе тумора. Закључак. Разлика између клинички обележене и микроскопом измерене латералне маргине је у више од 95%, односно у 96,7% мања од 2 mm. У 88,4% случајева ова разлика у процени је 1mm или мање од 1mm. Постоји позитивна корелација између клинички процењене и патохистолошки одређене латералне маргине БЦК. Иако се поједини предиктивни фактори који утичу на лошију клиничку процену могу издвојити, истраживање није показало статистичи значајне предиктивне факторе.</p> / <p>Uvod. Bazocelularni karcinom kože (BCK) je spororastući maligni epidermalni tumor. ovaj najčešći tumor u ljudi iako vrlo niskog metastatskog potencijala može biti visoko invazivan i značajno doprineti morbiditetu, ugroziti funkciju i estetiku regije, pa i sam život. Lečenje BCK ima za cilj: uklanjanje tumora, očuvanje zdravog tkiva i funkcije, optimalni kozmetski rezultat. Najčešći vid lečenja BCK je jednostavna hirurška ekscizija. Prema važećim preporukama BCK se ekscidiraju sa zaštitnim marginama od 5-10 mm. Određeni broju studija pokazuju direktno ili indirektno da je klinički određena margina vrlo slična realnoj. Ocena adekvatnosti kliničke procene u odnosu na histološku marginu tumora nije dovoljno ispitivana. Stopa kompletne ekscizije BCK (izlečenje) se ne povećava značajno sa povećanjem sigurnosne margine Cilj istraživanja je ustanovljavanje odnosa povezanosti između kliničke procene i mikroskopski utvrđene lateralne margine BCK na histološkom preparatu. Metodologija. U obradi uzorka od 45 ispitanika uzeti su ciljani anamnestički podaci, sproveden klinički pregled, uobičajena hirurške terapije i klasična patohistološka obrada uzoraka. U metodološkoj obradi 60 uzoraka tumora intraoperativno vrhom hirurškog skalpela celom cirkumferencijom kliničke margine tumora načinjen je zarez do nivoa papilarnog dermisa. Pre ekscizije dodata je zaštitna margina od 4-5 mm. Klasična patohistološka obrada je sprovedena kao i pregled preparata svetlosnim mikroskopom različitog uveličanja (h 40, h 100, h 200, h400). Merenje distance između načinjenog zareza, i histološke granice tumora vršena je uz pomoć milimetarskog okulara. Svi dobijeni podaci uneti su u zajedničku bazu podataka. Za statističku obradu podataka korišćen je program SPSS 21. Korišćene su metode metode deskriptivne statistike, univarijantne i multivasrijantne analize. Rezultati su prikazani tabelarno i grafički, a kompletan rad je obrađen u tekst procesoru MS Word. Rezultati. U 96,7% ekscidiranih BCK udaljenost zareza od patohistološke margine tumora je manja od 2,0 mm, dok je u dva tumora (3,3%) zarez na udaljenosti 2 i preko 2mm. U četvrtini uzorka (25%) zarez se nalazi u tumoru, a 75% uzorka zarez je načinjen van histološke granice tumora. Zaključak. Razlika između klinički obeležene i mikroskopom izmerene lateralne margine je u više od 95%, odnosno u 96,7% manja od 2 mm. U 88,4% slučajeva ova razlika u proceni je 1mm ili manje od 1mm. Postoji pozitivna korelacija između klinički procenjene i patohistološki određene lateralne margine BCK. Iako se pojedini prediktivni faktori koji utiču na lošiju kliničku procenu mogu izdvojiti, istraživanje nije pokazalo statističi značajne prediktivne faktore.</p> / <p>Introduction. Basal cell carcinoma of the skin (BCC) is a slow-growing malignant tumor of epidermis. This most frequent tumour in humans, with a low metastatical potential, can be highly invasive and add significantly to the morbidity rate; it can jeopardize the function and aesthetics of the region as well as one&#39;s life itself. Treatment of BCC aims to remove the tumor, preserve healthy tissue and function, and obtain optimal cosmetic result. Simple surgical excision is the most frequent therapeutic option. Current recommendations for surgical excision margins range from 5 to 10mm. A certain number of studies shows either directly or indirectly that the clinical margin is approximately similar to the hystology margin. Estimation of the clinical assesment in relation to the histological margine of tumor has not been sufficiently examined. Incresing the safety margins does not significantly increase the rate of completely excised BCC. Aim. The aim of the research is to establish the relationship between the clinical assessment and microscopically determined lateral margins of BCC in histopathological sample. Methods. In 45 patients, selected data from anamnesis have been taken, clinical examination has been conducted, as well as a regular surgical treatment, and a classical histopathological evaluation of samples. In 60 samples of the tumours intraoperatively, an circumferential incision at the clinical margin with the tip of surgical knife to the level of papillary dermis is made. Prior to the excision an additional safety margin is added. A standard histopathological processing, microscopic examination with various magnification range (40x, 100x, 200x, 400x) and the measurement of the distance between the incision and the histological margin of tumor was done with the milimetar graded ocular. All the data have entries in the common database. Statistical data processing was conducted by the statistical package SPSS 21. The following methods were used: descriptive statistics, univariate analysis and multivariate analysis. The results are given in tables and graphs and the entire study was processed by MS Word. Results. In 96,7% of the excided BCC the distance of the incision from the histopathological margin of the tumor is less than 2,0mm, while in the two tumors (3,3%) incision made was 2mm and over 2mm. In one quarter of the samples (25%) the incision is made in the tumor, and in 75% of them it is made outside the limits of its histological margin. Conclusion. The difference between the clinical estimation of lateral margin and histopathological margin of the tumor in 97% of the cases is less than 2mm. In 88,4% of the cases this difference amounts to 1mm or less than 1mm. There is a positive correlation between the clinically estimated and histopathological margins of the tumor. Although there are certain predictive factors that can influence somewhat worse clinical estimation, the research did not show statistically important predictive factors.</p>

Klinički značaj minimalno invazivne hirurgije u terapiji akutnog apendicitisa u dečjem uzrastu / Clinical Significance of Minimally Invasive Surgery in the Treatment of Acute Appendicitis in Children

Antić Jelena 20 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Akutni apendicitis predstavlja jedno od najče&scaron;ćih abdominalnih hirur&scaron;kih oboljenja u dečjem uzrastu. Lečenje je operativno, primenom otvorene hirurgije ili primenom minimalno invazivne hirurgije tj. laparoskopske apendektomije. Iako je laparoskopska apendektomija, zbog svojih prednosti, stekla popularnost kod mnogih hirurga, jo&scaron; uvek nije &scaron;iroko primenjena metoda na na&scaron;im prostorima. Prednost izvođenja laparoskopske apendektomije u odnosu na otvorenu metodu u dečjem uzrastu je i dalje nedovoljno definisana i predmet je mnogih istraživanja. Cilj istraživanja je da se utvrdi da li je dužina hospitalizacije kod dece operisane laparoskopski zbog akutnog apendicitisa kraća u odnosu na otvorenu metodu, kao i da se utvrdi da li postoji razlika u pojavi postoperativnih komplikacija između ove dve hirur&scaron;ke metode. Pored toga, cilj istraživanja je i da se utvrdi uticaj obe metode lečenja na kvalitet života i brzinu uspostavljanja svakodnevnih aktivnosti. Metodologija: Na Klinici za dečju hirurgiju, Instituta za zdravstvenu za&scaron;titu dece i omladine Vojvodine, sprovedena je prospektivna, kontrolisana randomizirana studija, u trajanju od deset meseci, u koju su bili uključeni svi pacijenti sa akutnim apendicitisom, kod kojih je planirana apendektomija, a čiji roditelji su dali pismeni pristanak za uče&scaron;će u istraživanju. Svi ispitanici su podeljeni u dve osnovne grupe u odnosu na operativnu tehniku: otvorena i laparoskopska apendektomija. Potom su svi ispitanici podeljeni u tri podgrupe, u zavisnosti od stepena upaljenosti crvuljka (negativni, nekomplikovani i komplikovani apendicitis). Svaki ispitanik je imao svoj individualni protokol istraživanja gde su preoperativno zabeleženi: uzrast, pol, simptomi (vrsta i dužina), fizikalni pregled, laboratorijske analize (broj leukocita, hematokrit), ultrazvučni nalaz, procena op&scaron;teg stanja, udružena oboljenja, vreme od prijema do operacije, preoperativna antibiotska terapija. Intraoperativno je analizirano: vrsta hirurgije, nalaz na apendiksu, prisustvo peritonitisa, udružena patologija, dužina operacije i trajanje pneumoperitoneuma (kod laparoskopske apendektomije), patohistolo&scaron;ki nalaz apendiksa, bakteriolo&scaron;ki bris abdomena. Postoperativno su analizirani: antibiotska terapija (vrsta i dužina), započinjanje peroralnog unosa, utvrđivanje postoperativnog bola, febrilnost, uspostavljanje peristaltike creva, izgled rane, postoperativne komplikacije (infekcija rane, intraabdominalni apscesi, ileus) i dužina hospitalizacije. Posebno su analizirani kvalitet života pacijenata nakon operacije pomoću modifikovanog upitnika SF 10 za dečji uzrast, kao i uspostavljanje svakodnevnih aktivnosti pomoću Activity Assessment Scale (AAS), modifikovane za dečji uzrast, nakon svakog postoperativnog dana, prvih sedam dana, nakon mesec dana, tri i &scaron;est meseci od operacije. Svi pacijenti su operisani u uslovima op&scaron;te anestezije. Klasična, otvorena apendektomija je vr&scaron;ena kroz naizmenični rez u desnoj ilijačnoj jami. Po otvaranju peritoneuma, cekum je izvučen i načinjena je klasična apendektomija. Laparoskopska apendektomija je vr&scaron;ena kroz tri 5 mm porta. Pneumoperitoneum je kreiran otvorenom metodom po Hasson-u, kroz infraumbilikalnu inciziju, a preostala dva porta su postavljena desno i levo ilijačno. Mezenteriolum je zbrinut pomoću ultrazvučnih makaza. Postavljene su intrakorporalne ligature i apendiks je odstranjen kroz desni port. Rezultati: Tokom perioda od deset meseci operisano je ukupno 125 pacijenata uzrasta od 2 do 18 godina, zbog akutnog apendicitisa. Laparoskopskom tehnikom je operisano 60 pacijenata (48%), a otvorenom metodom 61 (48,8%). Kod 4 pacijenta je načinjena konverzija, tj. promena operativne tehnike iz laparoskopske u otvorenu metodu. Nije bilo statistički značajne razlike između terapijskih grupa u odnosu na stepen upaljenosti apendiksa, vrstu i dužinu trajanja simptoma, u dijagnostičkim procedurama, kao ni u vremenu proteklom od prijema u bolnicu do operacije. Srednje operativno vreme je iznosilo 65 minuta (25-185 min) za laparoskopsku grupu i 45,49 minuta (25-90 min) za otvorene apendektomije (razlika je statistički značajna, p&lt;0,001). Crevna peristaltika, kao i započinjanje peroralnog unosa, se statistički značajno ranije uspostavljaju u grupi laparoskopsko operisanih. U grupi laparoskopskih apendektomija, postoperativne komplikacije (infekcija rana i formiranje intraabdominalnih apscesa) su se javile kod 8,33% ispitanika (5/60), a u otvorenoj grupi kod 4.91%, (3/61), &scaron;to nije bilo statistički značajno (c2 = 0,152; df = 1; p = 0,696). Dužina hospitalizacije kod dece operisane laparoskopski je iznosila 5,95 } 1,21 dana, a otvoreno 6,43 } 1,09 dana, &scaron;to je statistički značajna razlika (t = -2,206; p = 0,029). Rezultati Man-Vitnijevog U testa su pokazali statistički značajno bolji ukupni skor svakodnevnih aktivnosti za grupu laparoskopskih apendektomija (Z = -7,608; p = 0,000). U svim ispitivanim indikatorima kvaliteta života, deca laparoskopske grupe su imala veći skor. Deca sa akutnim apendicitisom operisana laparoskopski značajno ranije postižu visok stepen kvaliteta života (t = 2,407; p = 0,018). Zaključak: Prednost minimalno invazivne hirurgije u terapiji akutnog apendicitisa u dečjem uzrastu ogleda se u bržem uspostavljanju ponovnog funkcionisanja gastrointestinalnog trakta, kraćoj hospitalizaciji, a samim tim i bržem sveukupnom oporavku, vraćanju svakodnevnim aktivnostima i dobrom kvalitetu života. Postoperativne komplikacije se podjednako javljaju, kako kod otvorene, tako i kod laparoskopske operativne tehnike.</p> / <p>Introduction: Acute appendicitis is one of the most common abdominal surgical diseases in children. Operative treatment means open surgery or minimally invasive surgery (laparoscopic appendectomy). Although laparoscopic appendectomy, gained popularity among many surgeons, it is still not widely accepted in our region. The advantage of laparoscopic appendectomy compared to the open method in children is still not sufficiently defined and is the subject of further research. The aim of the research was to determine whether the length of hospital stay after laparoscopic surgery in children with acute appendicitis is shorter compared to the open method, as well as to determine whether there is a difference in the occurrence of postoperative complications after these two operative techniques. In addition, the aim of the research was to determine the effect of both methods of treatment on quality of life and everyday functioning. Methodology: This prospective, randomized controlled study was performed at the Clinic for Pediatric Surgery, Institute of Children and Youth Healthcare of Vojvodina, during a period of ten months. All patients with acute appendicitis, whose parents have given written consent, were included in research. All patients were divided into two basic groups, in relation to the surgical technique: open or laparoscopic appendectomy. Then, all of them were divided into three groups, depending on the degree of appendicitis (negative, uncomplicated and complicated appendicitis). Each participant had their own individual research protocol where we recorded preoperatively: age, sex, symptoms (type and length), physical examination, laboratory tests (white blood cell count, hematocrit), ultrasound finding, general state (ASA classification), associated diseases, time from admission to surgery, preoperative antibiotic therapy. During the operation we analyzed: type of surgery, degree of the appendicitis, the presence of peritonitis, associated pathology, length of surgery and duration of pneumoperitoneum (in laparoscopic appendectomy), hystopathologic findings of the appendix, a bacteriology. Postoperatively we analyzed: antibiotic therapy (type and length), oral intake, postoperative pain, fever, establishing peristalsis, the appearance of postoperative complications (wound infections, intra-abdominal abscesses, ileus) and length of hospitalization. Especially, we analyzed the quality of life of patients after surgery using the modified questionnaire SF 10 for children; and the establishment of daily activities using Activity Assessment Scale (AAS), modified for children; after each postoperative day, the first seven days, one month, three and six months after surgery. All patients were operated under general anesthesia. Open appendectomy was performed through incision in the right iliac fossa. Peritoneum was opened, the cecum was pulled out and classic appendectomy was made. Laparoscopic appendectomy is performed through three 5 mm ports. Pneumoperitoneum was created by the Hasson techique, through the infraumbilical incision, and the remaining two ports are set at right and left iliac region. Mezenteriolum was ligated by ultrasonic scissors. After putting intracorporal ligature, appendix was removed through the right port. Results: Over a period of ten months we operated 125 patients , aged 2 to 18 years, due to acute appendicitis. Laparoscopic technique was performed in 60 patients (48%), and the open method in 61 (48,8%). In 4 patients the conversion was made (operative technique changed from laparoscopic to open method). There were no statistically significant differences between the treatment groups with respect to the degree of appendix inflammation, the type and duration of symptoms, the diagnostic procedures, as well as the time from hospital admission to the surgery. Medium operative time was 65 minutes (25-185 min.) for laparoscopic group and 45,49 minutes (25-90 min.) for open appendectomy (the difference is statistically significant, p&lt;0,001). Intestinal peristalsis, as well as the initiation of oral intake was significantly sooner established in the laparoscopic group. Postoperative complications (wound infections and intra-abdominal abscess formation In laparoscopic appendectomy) occurred after laparoscopy in 8,33% of patients (5/60), and in the open group in 4,91% (3/61), which was not statistically significant (c2 = 0,152, df = 1; p = 0,696). Length of hospital stay in children operated by laparoscopy was 5,95 } 1,21 days and by open technique 6,43 } 1,09 days, which is significantly longer (t = -2,206; p = 0,029). Results of the Mann-Whitney U test showed significantly better overall record of daily activities for a group of laparoscopic appendectomy (Z = -7,608; p = 0,000). In all tested indicators of quality of life, children from laparoscopic group had a higher score. Children with acute appendicitis treated by laparoscopic surgery achieved a high level of quality of life, significantly earlier (t = 2,407; p = 0,018). Conclusion: The advantage of minimally invasive surgery in the treatment of acute appendicitis in children is reflected in the faster re-establishment of functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, shorter hospitalization and therefore, a faster overall recovery, resuming normal activities and a good quality of life. Postoperative complications occur equally in both, open as well as in laparoscopic operative techniques.</p>

Patohistološka procena tumorske regresije kod nemikrocelularnih karcinoma pluća posle neoadjuvantne terapije / Histopathologic assessment of tumor regression in non-small cell lung cancer after neoadjuvant therapy

Samardžija Golub 14 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Karcinomi pluća su najče&scaron;ći uzrok oboljevanja i umiranja od malignih tumora u Svetu. Neodjuvantna terapija kod bolesnika sa lokalno uznapredovalim (IIIA-IIIB) karcinomom pluća i zahvaćenim N2 limfnim čvorovima jedan je od modusa multimodalnog lečenja bolesnika sa nemikrocelularnim karcinomima pluća (NSCLC) u cilju pobolj&scaron;anja ishoda njihovog lečenja. Ovakav pristup podrazumeva prevođenje bolesnika iz vi&scaron;eg u niži stadijum bolesti - &bdquo;downstaging&rdquo;. Do danas nije utvrđena povezanost između pojedinih obrazaca tumorskog odgovora i vrste terapije. S obzirom na značaj kompletnog patolo&scaron;kog odgovora i tumorske regresije u prognozi ishoda lečenja, iznalaženje ove povezanosti je od značaja za dizajniranje budućih neoadjuvantnih trajala. Prilikom utvrđivnja histolo&scaron;ke slike tumorske regresije veoma je važno i merenje areje rezidualnog tumora (ART). Kako je veličina tumora jedan od prognostičkih faktora za bolesnike sa NSCLC koji nisu primali neoadjuvantnu terapiju tako je i merenje ART, za razliku od makroskopske veličine tumora, jedan od prognostičkih faktora za bolesnike sa NSCLC koji su primali neoadjuvantnu terapiju. Krajnji cilj neoadjuvantne terapije trebalo bi da bude resektabilnost i &bdquo;downstaging&rdquo; koji bi mogao da obezbedi u specifičnim kliničkim situacijama i sveukupni onkolo&scaron;ki benefit. Osnovni ciljevi ove doktorske disertacije su bili: da se objektivizira procena veličine ART u tumorskom tkivu pluća i limfnih čvorova; da se proceni povezanost povr&scaron;ine ART sa veličinom tumora na postoperativnom hirur&scaron;kom materijalu posle neoadjuvantne terapije; da se analizira i proceni povezanost histomorfolo&scaron;kih parametara kod tumorske regresije indukovane neoadjuvantnom terapijom i spontane tumorske regresije u tumorima pluća i limfnih čvorova na&nbsp; postoperativnom hirur&scaron;kom materijalu i u zavisnosti od histolo&scaron;kog tipa karcinoma; da se proceni povezanost kliničkog odgovora na neoadjuvantnu terapiju prema kriterijumima Svetske Zdravstvene Organizacije i histolo&scaron;kih parametara u tumorima pluća i limfnim čvorovima na postoperativnom hirur&scaron;kom materijalu nakon neoadjuvantne terapije; da se proceni povezanost patolo&scaron;kog ypTN sa kliničkim ycTN stadijumom bolesti i stepena tumorske regresije indukovane neoadjuvantnom terapijom i patolo&scaron;kog ypTN i da se proceni povezanosti između kliničke i patolo&scaron;ke zahvaćenosti N2 limfnih čvorova posle neoadjuvantne terapije. Merenje ukupne veličine očuvanih ART je najznačajniji objektivni parametar u proceni stepena tumorske regresije. Veličina rezidualnog tumora nije u korelaciji sa veličinom tumora posle neoadjuvantne terapije. Postoji signifikantna razlika u patohistolo&scaron;koj slici tumorske regresije indukovane neoadjuvantnom terapijom i spontane tumorske regresije. Ne postoji signifikantna razlika između histolo&scaron;kog tipa tumora i histolo&scaron;ke slike tumorske regresije. Ne postoji signifikantna povezanost između kliničkog odgovora i stepena tumorske regresije nakon neoadjuvantne terapije. Ne postoji korelacija između kliničkog i patolo&scaron;kog stadijuma bolesti posle neoadjuvantne terapije. Ne postoji korelacija između stepena tumorske regresije indukovane neoadjuvantnom terapijom i ypTN stadijuma bolesti. Ne postoji korelacija između kliničke i patolo&scaron;ke zahvaćenosti N2 limfnih čvorova posle neoadjuvantne terapije. Stepen regresije tumora i merenje ART posle neoadjuvantne terapije određen histopatolo&scaron;kom analizom reseciranog tumora je najobjektivniji kriterijum za procenu hemioterapijskog odgovora i predviđanja ishoda lečenja pacijenata.</p> / <p>Lung cancers are the most common cause of morbidity and mortality from malignant tumors in the World. The neodjuvant therapy in patients with locally advanced (IIIA-IIIB) lung cancer and affected N2 lymph nodes is one of the modes of multimodal treatment of patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in order to improve the outcome of their treatment. This involves converting patients from a higher to a lower stage of the disease - &quot;downstaging&quot;. There has been no significant connection between some forms of tumor response and types of therapy. Given the importance of complete pathological responses and tumor regression in the prediction of treatment outcomes, finding this relationship is of importance for the design of future neoadjuvant trails. In determining the histological tumor regression is very important measurement of area of residual tumor (ART). As the size of the tumor is one of the prognostic factors in patients with NSCLC who did not receive neoadjuvant therapy so the measurement of ART, as opposed to the macroscopic size of the tumor, one of the prognostic factors in patients with NSCLC, who had received neoadjuvant therapy. The ultimate goal of neoadjuvant therapy should be resectability and &quot;downstaging&quot; that could provide overall oncology benefit in specific clinical situations. The main objectives of this thesis were: to objectively estimate the size of ART in tumor tissue of lung and lymph nodes; to estimate the relation between the surface of ART with the size of the tumor on postoperative surgical material after neoadjuvant therapy; to analyze and estimate the relation between histomorphological parameters in tumor regression induced by neoadjuvant therapy and spontaneous tumor regression in tumors of the lung and lymph nodes in the postoperative surgical material and depending on the histological type of cancer; to estimate the relation between clinical response to neoadjuvant therapy according to criteria of the World Health Organization and histological parameters in lung tumors and lymph nodes in the postoperative surgical material after neoadjuvant therapy; to estimate the correlation of the pathological ypTN with clinical ycTN stage of the disease and the degree of tumor&nbsp; regression induced by neoadjuvant therapy and pathological ypTN and estimation of the relation between clinical and pathological involvement of N2 lymph nodes after neoadjuvant therapy. Measurement of the total size of the preserved ART is the most important objective parameter in the assessment of the grade of tumor regression. Size of residual tumor did not correlate with the size of the tumor after neoadjuvant therapy. There was a significant difference in the histological picture of tumor regression induced by neoadjuvant therapy and spontaneous tumor regression. There was no significant difference between the histologic type of tumor and histological tumor regression. There is no significant correlation between clinical response and the grade of tumor regression after neoadjuvant therapy. There is no correlation between clinical and pathological staging of the disease after neoadjuvant therapy. There is no correlation between the grade of tumor regression induced by neoadjuvant therapy and ypTN stage of the disease. There is no correlation between the clinical and the pathological involvement of the N2 lymph nodes to neoadjuvant therapy. The grade of tumor regression and measurement ART after neoadjuvant therapy determined by histopathological analysis of the resected tumor is the most objective criterion for evaluation of chemotherapeutic response and prediction of treatment outcome in patients.</p>

Autotransplante de fígado em suínos sem o uso de circulação extracorpórea: modelo simplificado utilizando o clampeamento da aorta supracelíaca / Liver autotransplantation in pigs without venovenous bypass: a simplified model using supraceliac aorta cross-clamping maneuver

Canedo, Bernardo Fernandes 27 May 2019 (has links)
Introdução: Modelos experimentais em suíno são essenciais para pesquisa e treinamento em transplante de fígado. No entanto, este animal apresenta instabilidade hemodinâmica grave durante a fase anepática, exigindo um curto período anepático (não apropriado para fins de treinamento) ou o uso de circulação extracorpórea (que está associado a significativas complicações intra-operatórias). Além disso, a maioria dos modelos em suíno é alogênico, o que não é nem eticamente nem economicamente adequado para treinamento cirúrgico. Objetivo: Desenvolver e testar um modelo de autotransplante hepático em suínos sem o uso de circulação extracorpórea. Métodos: Onze porcos da raça Sus domesticus foram submetidos a cirurgia simulada (SHAM; n = 3) ou autotransplante de fígado (grupo experimental (GE); n = 8) sem o uso de circulação extracorpórea. Após a realização de uma incisão em \"J\", o hilo hepático foi inteiramente dissecado abaixo do nível da artéria gastroduodenal e o fígado completamente mobilizado. A aorta supracelíaca foi então dissecada através do pilar esquerdo do diafragma. Nenhuma outra etapa foi realizada no grupo SHAM. No GE, a partir de então, procedeu-se o autotransplante ortotópico de fígado empregando-se a técnica convencional com duas anastomoses de veia cava, semelhante à técnica clássica utilizada na prática clínica. Durante a fase anepática, foi utilizando o clampeamento da aorta supracelíaca a fim de manter a estabilidade hemodinâmica e evitar o uso do by-pass. Os animais foram submetidos a eutanásia 1h após o término do procedimento cirúrgico. Parâmetros hemodinâmicos e exames laboratoriais foram sistematicamente coletados em 4 tempos distintos: basal, pré-reperfusão, 5min após reperfusão e ao término do experimento. Foi realizada a análise histopatológica do enxerto após a reperfusão. A análise estatística foi feita comparando amostras relacionadas, no GE, e duas amostras independentes, entre os grupos. Resultados: Empregando a técnica por nós padronizada, obteve-se 100% de sobrevida dos animais, todos estáveis hemodinamicamente. Os tempos médios de observação pós-reperfusão e anepático foram de 136±12,50min e 47,88±8,03min, respectivamente. Não houve diferença estatística na pressão arterial média (PAM) entre o início e término do experimento no GE, nem entre os grupos durante a fase anepática. Ao término do experimento, a PAM foi significantemente maior no grupo SHAM quando comparado ao GE. A análise comparativa dos exames laboratoriais entre os grupos demonstrou que o pH, o bicarbonato e o base excess foram significantemente inferiores no GE 5min após a reperfusão e ao término do experimento. O lactato mostrou-se ser significantemente inferior ao término do experimento no grupo SHAM. Conclusão: De acordo com os métodos utilizados no presente estudo, desenvolveu-se um modelo de autotransplante de fígado em suínos sem a utilização de mecanismo de circulação extracorpórea. Para tanto, utilizou-se o clampeamento da aorta supracelíaca durante o período anepático. O modelo proposto é factível por cirurgiões em treinamento e com baixa mortalidade / Background: Experimental swine models have been essential for liver transplantation research and training. However, it experiences severe hemodynamic instability during the anhepatic phase, requiring either a short anhepatic phase (not appropriate for training purposes) or an extracorporeal circulation (which is linked to significant intraoperative complications). Furthermore, most of swine models are allograft ones, which is neither ethically nor financially suitable for surgical training. Objective: To develop and test a liver autotransplantation model in pig without venovenous bypass. Methods: Eleven Sus domesticus pigs underwent either sham surgery (SHAM group; n=3) or liver autotransplantation without venovenous bypass (experimental group (GE); n=8) by resident or fellow from Digestive Organs Transplant Division. After performing a rightsided J-shaped incision, hepatic hilum was entirely dissected under the level of the gastroduodenal artery and liver completely mobilized. Supraceliac aorta was then dissected through the diaphragm\'s left crus. No further step was performed in SHAM group. In the GE, thereafter, a liver autotransplantation was performed applying conventional bicaval anastomosis technique, similar to the classic technique used in clinical setting. During anhepatic phase, supraceliac aorta cross-clamping maneuver was carried out to sustain hemodynamic stability and avoid venovenous bypass. Animals underwent euthanasia one hour after the end of surgical procedure. Hemodynamic variables and blood samples were systematically collected at 4 different times: baseline, pre-reperfusion, 5min after reperfusion and at the end of experiment. Histological analysis of the graft was performed after reperfusion. Statistical analysis was accomplished comparing related samples in the GE and two independent samples between groups. Results: Applying the technique standardized by us, 100% survival was accomplished, all the animals hemodynamically stable. The mean post-reperfusion observation and anhepatic phase times were 136 ± 12.50 min and 48.38 ± 7.80 min, respectively. There was no statistical difference in mean arterial pressure (MAP) between baseline and the end of the experiment time in the GE, nor between the groups during the anhepatic phase. At the end of the experiment, MAP was significantly higher in the SHAM group compared to the experiment group. Blood samples statistical analysis between groups showed that pH, bicarbonate and base excess were significantly lower at 5 min post-reperfusion time and at the end of the experiment in the GE. The lactate was shown to be significantly lower in the SHAM group at the end of the experiment. Conclusion: According to the methods applied in the present study, a model of liver autotransplantation in swine was developed without the use of an extracorporeal circulation mechanism. For this purpose, supraceliac aortic cross-clamping maneuver was carried out during the anhepatic phase. The advocated model is feasible for training purpose with low mortality

Estudo da variação das medidas ortodônticas e da função respiratória nasal por rinometria acústica e rinomanometria em pacientes submetidos à expansão palatina cirurgicamente assistida / Study of the orthodontic measures variation and the nasal respiratory function through acoustic rhinometry and rhinomanometry in patients who have undergone surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion

Zambon, Camila Eduarda 27 April 2010 (has links)
Introdução: A atresia transversa da maxila é a discrepância volumétrica existente entre a maxila e a mandíbula no plano transversal que, além de alterações dento-esqueléticas, gera mudanças craniofaciais importantes, como o estreitamento das cavidades nasais, a diminuição da permeabilidade nasal e a respiração bucal. A expansão palatina cirurgicamente assistida (EPCA) é a técnica cirúrgica indicada para a correção da atresia maxilar em pacientes adultos, com o crescimento ósseo finalizado. A rinometria acústica é uma técnica objetiva de estudo da respiração nasal, com a qual se avalia a geometria e o volume nasal. Já a rinomanometria trata-se de um método aerodinâmico que quantifica a pressão transnasal e a resistência ao fluxo aéreo. Objetivos: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar subjetiva e objetivamente a função respiratória nasal, em pacientes com atresia maxilar, submetidos à EPCA e determinar o tipo de correlação existente entre as medidas ortodônticas e as alterações de área, volume, resistência, e fluxo aéreo nasal. Casuística e Métodos: Para a realização do estudo foram avaliados 27 pacientes adultos, por meio da rinometria acústica, rinomanometria, medidas ortodônticas (perímetro e comprimento do arco maxilar, distância transversa entre caninos, prés-molares e molares superiores) em modelos de estudos e escala visual analógica da função respiratória apenas nasal, no pré-operatório, após a ativação do expansor maxilar do tipo Hyrax, instalado previamente à cirurgia, e após quatro meses da EPCA, realizada sob anestesia geral. Os exames otorrinolaringológicos foram realizados em sala ambientalizada, com e sem o uso de vasoconstritor nasal, em ambas as cavidades nasais. Resultados: Os resultados demonstraram que 59,3% da casuística era do gênero feminino, com idade média de 25,33 anos. Todas as medidas ortodônticas obtiveram um aumento estatisticamente significante (p<0,001), que mantiveram-se ao longo da tempo (p<0,001). Todas as medidas avaliadas apresentaram melhores resultados com o uso de vasoconstritor nasal. A área da cavidade nasal como um todo aumentou após a cirurgia (p<0,036). O volume médio é 2,75 maior com o uso de vasoconstritor (p < 0,001), porém não houve alterações estatisticamente significantes entre os momentos avaliados. Os fluxos expiratórios e inspiratórios aumentaram ao longo do tempo (p<0,001, para ambos). A pressão expiratória diminui no decorrer dos momentos avaliados (p<0,004). A análise subjetiva da sensação respiratória apenas pelo nariz aumentou significantemente de um momento para o outro (p<0,05). Houve correlação estatística entre perímetro do arco aumentado e resistência aérea diminuída (p=0,004) e entre o aumento de uma medida transversa com o aumento do fluxo inspiratório e expiratório, sem o uso de vasoconstritor (p=0,023 e p=0,004 respectivamente). Apenas o fluxo respiratório apresentou comportamento diferente entre os lados. Conclusões: Assim, conclui-se que o procedimento cirúrgico de EPCA promove alterações importantes nas cavidades oral e nasais que, associadas, geram melhor qualidade respiratória ao paciente e demonstram a relevância clínica otorrinolaringológica de tal procedimento cirúrgico bucomaxilofacial / Introduction: Transverse atresia of maxilla is a volumetric discrepancy existing between the maxilla and the mandible on the transversal plan that, besides dentoskeletal alterations, generates important craniofacial changes, such as nasal cavities constriction, diminution of nasal permeability and buccal breathing. The surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion (SARME) is the surgical technique indicated for correcting maxillary atresia in adult patients, whose bone development was concluded. Acoustic rhinometry is a technique of nasal breathing, with which the nasal geometry and volume are assessed. As for rhinomanometry, it is an aerodynamic method that quantifies the transnasal pressure and resistance to aerial flow. Objectives: The purpose of this paper was evaluating subjectively and objectively the nasal respiratory function in patients with maxillary atresia, who have undergone SARME and determining the type of correlation existing between the orthodontic measures and the alterations of area, volume, resistance, and nasal aerial flow. Casuistic and Methods: For the paper accomplishment were assessed 27 adult patients, through acoustic rhinometry, rhinomanometry, orthodontic measures (perimeter and length of maxillary arch, transverse distance among canines, premolars and superior molars) in models of studies and analogical visual scale of only nasal respiratory function, on pre-surgical, after the activation of Hyrax-type maxillary expander, installed previously to the surgery, and after four months of SARME, accomplished under general anesthesia. The otorhinolaryngological tests were accomplished in an environmentally adapted room, with and without the use of nasal vasoconstrictor, in both nasal cavities. Results: The results have demonstrated that 59.3% of the casuistic was of female gender, with an average age of 25.33 years. All the orthodontic measures have obtained a statistically significant growth (p<0.001), which have maintained along the time (p<0.001). All the assessed measures have presented better results with the use of nasal vasoconstrictor. The nasal cavity area as a whole augmented after the surgery (p<0.036). The average volume is 2.75 larger with the vasoconstrictor use (p < 0.001), however, there was any statistically significant alterations between the moments assessed. The expiratory and inspiratory flows have grown along the time (p<0.001, for both). The expiratory pressure is reduced in the course of the moments assessed (p<0.004). The subjective analysis of respiratory sensation only through nose has increased significantly from one moment to the other (p<0.05). There was a statistic correlation between perimeter of augmented arch and aerial resistance diminished (p=0.004) and between the increase of a transverse measure with the growth of inspiratory and expiratory flow, with and without the use of vasoconstrictor (p=0.023 and p=0.004 respectively). Only the respiratory flow presented a different behavior between the sides. Conclusions: Thus, it is concluded that the SARME promotes important alterations on oral and nasal cavities that, associated, generate a better respiratory quality to the patient and demonstrate a clinical otorhinolaryngological relevance of such bucomaxillofacial surgical procedure

Micobactérias não tuberculosas em cirurgias: desafio passível de enfrentamento no Brasil? / Nontuberculous mycobacteria in surgeries: challenge liable to be faced in Brazil?

Cabral, Danielle Bezerra 16 July 2010 (has links)
Micobactérias não tuberculosas (MNT) são microrganismos ubíquos e reconhecidos como contaminantes de sistemas de água em estabelecimentos de assistência à saúde, bem como, dispositivos cirúrgicos e medicamentos injetáveis. Sua ocorrência representa uma emergência epidemiológica e sanitária, especialmente em pacientes submetidos a procedimentos cirúrgicos. Frente ao exposto, objetivou-se avaliar a produção do conhecimento científico acerca da ocorrência de infecções por MNT em pacientes submetidos a procedimentos cirúrgicos. A prática baseada em evidências representou o referencial teórico-metodológico e, como recurso para obtenção destas evidências utilizou-se a revisão integrativa da literatura nas bases de dados Lilacs, Medline/Pubmed, ISI Web of Science e Biblioteca Cochrane. Totalizaram-se 24 publicações nos últimos trinta anos, com 15 (62,5%) no idioma inglês, os demais no português. No que se refere ao delineamento dos estudos, observou-se que os mais frequentes foram: 29,2% relatos de caso, 20,8% estudos transversais e 12,5% estudos metodológicos e quaseexperimentais. A análise dos estudos culminou em três categorias temáticas sendo 08 (33,3%) relacionadas aos tipos de cirurgias, 07 (29,2%) sobre identificação das espécies por métodos microbiológicos e/ou moleculares e 09 (37,5%) medidas de prevenção e controle. Ainda como subcategorias têm-se: a vigilância pós-alta, terapêutica com antibióticos e uso de glutaraldeído. Entre os microrganismos destacam-se com 37,5% Mycobacterium chelonae, 33,3%, M. abscessus e 25% M. fortuitum. Cirurgias oftalmológicas, estéticas, cardíacas e procedimentos laparoscópicos e artroscópicos foram as mais investigadas. Diante do contexto terapêutico, a indicação é realizada empiricamente ao longo prazo, podendo incluir desbridamento cirúrgico de tecidos infectados. Na panorâmica da identificação das espécies, a eletroforese em gel de campo pulsado (PFGE) é considerada padrão-ouro devido seu alto poder discriminatório de algumas cepas bacterianas, porém com limitações. Com base nas publicações analisadas, conclui-se que não se tem um panorama nacional talvez pela inoperância do sistema de vigilância pós-alta, inexistência de critérios clínicos e bacteriológicos uniformizados em todo o território e, também pela falta de integração entre a clínica e o laboratório. Adiciona-se que aplicação de metodologias moleculares possibilitaria definir a diversidade das espécies de micobactérias que não puderam ser identificadas pelos métodos clássicos. Uma publicação sobre a situação nacional das MNTs em cirurgias é fundamental para a uma conduta correta no diagnóstico e tratamento de micobacterioses. / Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are ubiquitous microorganisms recognized as contaminants of water systems in health care services, as well as surgical devices and injectable medications. Its occurrence represents an epidemiological and sanitary emergency, especially in patients subject to surgical procedures. This study aimed to evaluate the production of scientific knowledge on the occurrence of infections caused by NTM in patients subject to surgical procedures. Evidence-based practice was the theoreticalmethodological framework used, and integrative literature review was used to obtain evidences in the following databases: Lilacs, Medline/Pubmed, ISI Web of Science and Cochrane Library. In total, 24 publications were found in the last thirty years, being 15 (62.5%) in english and the others in portuguese. Regarding the design of the studies, most (29,2%) were case reports, (20,8%) cross-sectional studies and (12,5%) methodological and quasi-experimental studies. The analysis of the studies resulted in three thematic categories: 08 (33.3%) types of surgery, 07 (29.2%) identification of the species by microbiological and/or molecular methods and 09 (37.5%) prevention and control measures. The following subcategories were identified in prevention and control: vigilance after discharge, therapy with antibiotics and use of glutaral. The most researched surgeries were ophthalmologic, aesthetic, cardiac and laparoscopy and arthroscopy. The presence of the following microorganisms is highlighted: Mycobacterium chelonae (37.5%), M. abscessus (29.2%) and M. fortuitum (25%). Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) is considered gold-standard in the identification of certain bacterial strains. The use of molecular techniques permits to define the diversity of the species of mycobacteria that cannot be identified by the classical methods. Regarding the therapy, in general the indication is empirically determined in long-term, and can include surgical debridement of infected tissues. Based on the analyzed publications, it is concluded that there is not a national panorama, either due to the failure of the surveillance system after discharge, the lack of clinical and bacteriological criteria uniform for the entire country or the lack of integration between clinics and laboratories.

Sutura endoscópica para perfuração gástrica nos procedimentos cirúrgicos endoscópicos translumenais por orifício natural, utilizando dispositivo T-Tag associado à câmara plástica protetora: factibilidade e resultados - estudo experimental / Endoscopic suturing for gastric perforation in natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery procedures, using T-Tag device and a plastic protection chamber: feasibility and results- experimental study

Siqueira, Pablo Rodrigo de 02 October 2014 (has links)
A perfuração gástrica por endoscopia é a consequência de alguns de seus procedimentos, e atualmente, com o advento das cirurgias endoscópicas translumenais por orifícios naturais, um meio de manipulação dos órgãos abdominais. Esse é o motivo pelo qual os endoscopistas estão procurando um reparo endoscópico seguro. O objetivo foi avaliar a factibilidade e os resultados do fechamento da abertura gástrica similar àquelas realizadas nos procedimentos cirúrgicos endoscópicos translumenais por orifícios naturais utilizando-se o T-Tag associado à câmara plástica protetora. Sob anestesia geral, dez porcos Landrace foram submetidos a uma perfuração gástrica calibrada em 18 mm de diâmetro. A abertura foi fechada pelo novo método apresentado, composto de fios cirúrgicos conectados em uma âncora metálica (T-Tag) posicionados pela parede gástrica através de uma agulha. Uma câmara protetora plástica foi adaptada à extremidade distal do endoscópio para proteger os órgãos abdominais adjacentes da punção da agulha fora do estômago. Seis dispositivos T-Tag foram posicionados na maioria dos casos e os fios atados com um apertador de nó metálico endoscópico formando três pontos de sutura. O teste de vazamento foi realizado com uma pinça endoscópica e distensão da câmara gástrica com ar. Os animais receberam líquidos no mesmo dia do procedimento. Uma dose de antibiótico diária por dois dias foi administrada. Nenhuma complicação foi detectada no período pós-operatório. Um mês depois, a endoscopia revelou a presença de cicatriz em todos os animais, e a maioria apresentava materiais da sutura aderidos à superfície mucosa da região. A região do antro gástrico apresentava poucas aderências identificadas na laparotomia realizada no mesmo momento. O reparo endoscópico utilizando o T-Tag e a câmara protetora plástica é factível, fácil de ser realizada e seguro. São necessários estudos adicionais para mostrar o real valor desse tipo de procedimento / The endoscopic gastric perforation is a consequence of some endoscopic procedures and now a way to manage abdominal organs. This is the reason why endoscopists are studying a safe endoscopic repair. The objective was to evaluate feasibility and results of the gastric opening closure similar to those performed in natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery procedures using T-Tag associated with the plastic protection chamber. Ten Landrace pigs underwent a gastric perforation of 1.8 cm in diameter under general anesthesia. The opening was repaired with stitch assembled in a T-Tag anchor placed through the gastric wall with a needle. A plastic transparent chamber, adapted to the endoscope tip protected the abdominal organs from the needle puncture outside the stomach. Six T-Tags were placed in most cases and the stitches were tied with a metallic tie-knot, forming three sutures. The leakage test was performed with a forceps and by air distention. The animals received liquids in the same operative day. One daily shot antibiotic during two days was used. No complication was detected in the postoperative course. One month later the endoscopy revealed a scar in all animals, and the majority of these with suture material. The antral anterior gastric wall was clear with few adhesions in the laparotomy performed in the same time. The endoscopic repair using T-Tag and a protector chamber is feasible, easy to perform and safe. Further studies are needed to show the real value of this kind of procedure

Neobexiga gastroileal ortotópica e gastroileocistoplastia laparoscópicas: viabilidade técnica e análise crítica de um modelo experimental em suínos / Laparoscopic orthotopic gastroileal neobladder and gastroileocystoplasty: technical feasibility and critical analysis of an experimental porcine model

Carvalhal, Eduardo Franco 13 September 2004 (has links)
Introdução: Reservatórios gastroileais (GI) compostos podem apresentar vantagens em relação a segmentos intestinais isolados em cirurgias de reconstrução urinária em pacientes selecionados. Apresentamos aqui as técnicas laparoscópicas de gastroileocistoplastia (ampliação vesical) e de neobexiga gastroileal ortotópica (substituição vesical), realizadas de forma completamente intracorpórea em um modelo suíno experimental. Avalia-se sua viabilidade técnica e resultados funcionais. Métodos: Após padronização da técnica em estudo piloto (três animais), realizaram-se as cirurgias de gastroileocistoplastia (Grupo I; N = 5) e neobexiga GI ortotópica (Grupo II; N = 10), envolvendo os mesmos princípios de ressecção laparoscópica de cunha gástrica e íleo. No grupo II, a criação da neobexiga GI incluiu reimplante ureteral bilateral no segmento gástrico com técnica antirefluxo e anastomose uretro-ileal. Foram utilizados exclusivamente grampeadores e técnicas de sutura livre laparoscópica, de forma completamente intracorpórea. Análise pré e pós-operatória de dados laboratoriais, capacidade vesical, avaliação histológica e por imagem (uretrocistografia, urografia venosa) dos reservatórios resultantes foi concluída ao final do seguimento de 8 a 12 semanas (Grupo I) e quatro a oito semanas (Grupo II). Resultados: Os segmentos ileal e gástrico alcançaram a pelve do animal em todos os casos. Tempo cirúrgico foi de 5,2 h para o Grupo I e 7,4 h para o Grupo II. Não houve conversões ou óbitos intra-operatórios. Todos os reservatórios GI apresentavam-se viáveis por ocasião da eutanásia em ambos os grupos. No Grupo I, quatro dos cinco animais completaram sem intercorrências o seguimento de 8 (N = 2) e 12 (N = 2) semanas. Um animal apresentou deterioração clínica, sendo levado precocemente à eutanásia por pielonefrite e alcalose metabólica. Houve aumento da capacidade vesical (a uma pressão vesical de 20cmH2O) de 650ml para 1025ml (p < 0,05) após a cirurgia de ampliação vesical. No Grupo II, cinco dos 10 animais completaram o seguimento previsto em quatro (N = 3) e oito (N = 2) semanas, com mínima alteração da função renal (Cr pré e pós-operatório=1,4 e 2,2mg/dl, respectivamente; p = 0,09). Três animais tiveram a eutanásia antecipada devido a obstrução ureteral com pielonefrite (N = 2) e alcalose hipoclorêmica severa (N=1). Dois óbitos foram associados a obstrução ureteral bilateral e sepse. Capacidade vesical média das neobexigas foi de 400ml. Não houve casos de refluxo vesico-ureteral à cistografia. Porém, sete das 20 unidades renais (35%) apresentaram estenose uretero-gástrica. Obstrução intestinal (N = 1), fístula gástrica (N = 1) e urinoma (N = 1) foram outras complicações do Grupo II. Conclusões: A ressecção gástrica laparoscópica para ampliação e substituição vesicais é viável e reprodutível. A gastroileocistoplastia laparoscópica apresenta adequado resultado funcional após três meses no modelo suíno. A neobexiga GI laparoscópica é tecnicamente viável no modelo suíno, apesar de sua complexidade. A descrição inicial é apresentada. Aperfeiçoamento da técnica de reimplante ureteral anti-refluxo laparoscópico é necessário antes de sua aplicação clínica. / Introduction: Composite gastroileal (GI) urinary reservoirs may present advantages over the use of isolated intestinal segments for urinary reconstructive procedures in selected patients. Herein, we present the laparoscopic techniques of gastroileocystoplasty (bladder augmentation) and GI orthotopic neobladder (bladder substitution), performed completely intracorporeally in a porcine model. Technical feasibility and functional results of these procedures are evaluated. Methods: After a pilot study (three animals) to technically standardize the procedures, gastroileocystoplasty (Group I, N = 5) and GI orthotopic neobladder (Group II; N = 10) were performed applying the same principles of wedge gastric resection and ileal resection. In Group II, creation of the neobladder included bilateral ureteral reimplantation into the gastric segment with an anti-reflux technique and an urethro-ileoanastomosis. Staplers and free-hand laparoscopic suture techniques were utilized exclusively, in a completely intracorporeal manner. Preop and postoperative analysis of laboratory data, bladder capacity, image (cystourethrography, intravenous urography) and histological evaluation of the resulting GI reservoirs was concluded at the end of follow-up, at eight and 12 weeks (Group I) and four and eight weeks (Group II). Results: Ileal and gastric patches reached the animal pelvis in all cases. Operative times were 5.2h for Group I and 7.4h for Group II. No conversions or intraoperative deaths occurred. All GI reservoirs were viable by the time of euthanasia in both groups. In Group I, four of the five animals completed the scheduled follow-up of 8 (N = 2) and 12 (N = 2) weeks without complications. One animal received early euthanasia due to pyelonephritis and metabolic alkalosis. Bladder capacity (at a bladder pressure of 20cmH2O) increased from 650ml to 1025ml (p < 0.05) after the bladder augmentation procedure. In Group II, five of 10 animals completed the scheduled follow-up at four (N = 3) and eight (N = 2) weeks, with minimal alteration on renal function (pre and postoperative Cr = 1.4 and 2.2mg/dl, respectively; p = 0.09). Three animals had an early euthanasia due to ureteral obstruction and pyelonephritis (N=2) and severe hipochloremic alkalosis (N = 1). Two deaths were associated to bilateral ureteral obstruction and sepsis. Mean bladder capacity for the neobladders was 400ml. No cases of vesico-ureteral reflux were seen at cystourethrography. However, seven of 20 renal units (35%) presented with uretero-gastric stenosis. Bowel obstruction (N = 1), gastric fistula (N = 1) and urinoma (N = 1) were other complications in Group II. Conclusions: Laparoscopic gastric resection for bladder augmentation and substitution purposes is feasible and reproducible. Laparoscopic gastroileocystoplasty presents adequate functional results after three months in the porcine model. Laparoscopic GI neobladder is technically viable in the porcine model, despite its complexity. The initial report is presented. Refinements of laparoscopic anti-reflux ureteral reimplantation techniques are necessary before its clinical application.

"Estudo anatômico comparativo entre o retalho escapular e o retalho perfurante da artéria toracodorsal" / Comparative anatomical study between the thoracodorsal artery perforator flap and the scapular flap

Ishida, Luís Henrique 16 August 2006 (has links)
Desde a primeira descrição do retalho perfurante de artéria toracodorsal (TAP), sua indicação tem sido questionada por se tratar de um retalho de características semelhantes aos retalhos fasciocutâneos escapulares baseados na artéria circunflexa escapular, que são bem conhecidos e reprodutíveis. Este estudo visa comparar características anatômicas destes dois retalhos, distinguindo-os para uma melhor indicação. Adicionalmente o estudo visa estudar o posicionamento do pedículo perfurante do retalho TAP. Vinte e um pares de retalhos (TAP e escapular) foram dissecados simultaneamente em cadáveres frescos. Os músculos latíssimo do dorso e redondo maior foram seccionados e os dois retalhos foram retirados em peça única. O comprimento do pedículo, diâmetro externo da artéria e da veia, espessura da derme e espessura do tecido celular subcutâneo de ambos os retalhos foram avaliados e comparados de forma pareada. A localização dos pedículos dos retalhos foi avaliada em ambos os retalhos. Os dados obtidos foram analisados estatisticamente através do teste t de Student. O retalho TAP apresentou um pedículo com média de 16,95 cm de comprimento, sendo 50% maior que o do retalho escapular (p<0,05). A espessura média da derme foi 2,12 mm, sendo 42% mais fina do que a do retalho escapular; e a do tecido subcutâneo foi 1,37 cm, sendo 28% mais fina do que a do retalho escapular (p<0,05). O pedículo do retalho TAP apresentou artéria com diâmetro médio de 3,14 mm e veia com diâmetro médio de 3,03 mm, enquanto o pedículo do retalho escapular apresentou artéria com diâmetro médio de 3,33 mm e veia com diâmetro médio de 2,95mm, ambos sem diferenças estatísticas. Nas dissecções estudadas, todos os pedículos dos retalhos escapulares se localizavam no “espaço triangular". Já a localização dos pedículos perfurantes do retalho TAP não apresentou nenhum parâmetro constante. O estudo demonstrou que, apesar de se localizarem em sítios anatômicos adjacentes, o retalho TAP possui um pedículo mais longo e sua pele é mais fina do que o retalho escapular. Por outro lado, o posicionamento do pedículo do retalho escapular é constante, enquanto o pedículo perfurante do retalho TAP possui localização variável. / Indication of the thoracodorsal artery perforator (TAP) flap has been questioned because its characteristics are similar to those of scapular flaps based on the scapular circumflex artery. The scope of this study is to compare the anatomic features of these two flaps, differentiating them for a better indication. Twenty-one pairs of flaps (TAP and scapular) were dissected simultaneously in fresh cadavers. The length of the pedicles, thickness of the arteries and veins of the pedicles, and the thickness of the dermis and subcutaneous tissue of the flaps were assessed and compared. The position of the pedicles of both flaps was evaluated. The average length of the TAP flap pedicle was 16.95 cm, and it was 50% longer than the scapular flap (p<0.05). The mean thickness of the dermis was 2.12 mm and of the subcutaneous tissue 1.37 cm, respectively 42% and 28% thinner than the scapular flaps (p<0.05). No significant difference was evident between the thicknesses of the pedicles. The TAP arterial pedicle was 3.14 mm and the venous one 3.03 mm. The scapular flap demonstrated a 3.33 mm arterial pedicle and 2.95 mm for the venous one. The evaluation of the position of the pedicle of the scapular flap was constant; on the other hand, the perforator pedicle of the TAP flap did not show any constant anatomical parameter. The study revealed that although the TAP flap and the scapular flap lie in adjacent anatomical areas, the TAP flap has a longer pedicle and a thinner skin; their vascular pedicles have similar thickness; though the position of the thoracodorsal perforator pedicle is variable, when compared with the scapular flap.

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