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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Examining the Status and Future of Design for Sustainable Behavior in Interior Design Education

Hakky, Danya 23 November 2016 (has links)
Despite the building industry's commendable efforts for creating sustainable environments, numerous studies have shown buildings are not achieving the environmental goals designers and architects are predicting during the design phase. This has been attributed to a number of factors including occupants' unsustainable behavior patterns which affect the amount of energy and resources a building consumes. The effect of human behavior on sustainability has been studied by experts in various fields, it has not however, been sufficiently analyzed by interior designers. Although interior design authors have argued the field has transformed itself to an area concerned with human behavior, there currently are no established design processes or knowledge domains that can help interior designers understand and design to encourage sustainable behaviors. On the other hand, industrial designers have advanced Design for Sustainable Behavior DfSB, an area of research that intentionally uses design solutions to encourage sustainable behaviors. This research argued DfSB can help overcome the gap identified in interior design (ID) by providing ID with design strategies, design processes and precedent. As such this research focused on analyzing the current state of designing with the intention of changing behavior within ID education in order to reach recommendations for the integration of DfSB into ID. The first phase of the study involved a nationwide questionnaire distributed to ID faculty members to gauge the current state of DfSB within ID, including faculty members' attitudes towards it, barriers to integrating it, recommendations for content and teaching methods along with any ethical concerns that may arise from intentionally changing behavior through design. Concurrently, a review of top ID programs online material was conducted to identify the presence of DfSB within existing courses. This phase demonstrated faculty members hold positive attitudes towards DfSB despite their limited familiarity and knowledge of the field which was identified as one of the major barriers to its integration. Additionally, despite none of the programs indicating students are taught how to encourage sustainable behavior through design, it was apparent a foundation for DfSB exists within ID due to the presence of sustainable design courses, human factors, and some social science courses. Findings from the questionnaire spurred a group of questions that required a nuanced investigation through interviews with a sample of ID faculty. These interviews painted a clearer image of the current educational terrain and general directions within ID education. They also allowed the researcher to collate ideas for overcoming barriers to DfSB integration along with establishing recommendations for disseminating DfSB into ID education and practice in a manner that capitalizes on the resources currently available in ID and removes identified hindrances. / Ph. D.

Sustainable behavior change at Kansas State University: applying the Fogg Behavior Model as a community-based social marketing approach among faculty and staff

Stephens, Maggie January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional & Community Planning / Huston Gibson / Communities are currently faced with the issue of integrating sustainable practices into citizen lifestyles, a problem that can be addressed through behavior changes strategies. Higher education institutions can provide a testing ground for different behavior change strategies, specifically the Fogg Behavior Model (FBM) and its application to the social structures that are important in community-based social marketing (CBSM). This research proposes to examine FBM among Kansas State University faculty and staff as a viable CBSM approach for sustainable behavior change. A targeted behavior and trigger for the targeted behavior were selected. The trigger was implemented among select university departments with both pre- and post-experiment surveys distributed to assess trigger effectiveness and limiting factors to ability and motivation. The research showed an increase to the targeted behavior due to trigger implementation and described ability and motivation limiting factors within those select departments. With further investigation into these limiting factors and a widespread trigger effectiveness study, FBM could serve as an effective model that addresses social behavior change within a CBSM framework. FBM’s potential success in a university setting bodes well for its success in communities and a community-based social marketing approach to create sustainable behavior change.

Do the Swedish Female Consumers Walk Their Talk? : A qualitative study exploring the Intention-Behavior gapin sustainable secondhand fashion consumption

Elin, Pedersén, Amanda, Persson January 2020 (has links)
Background: In the last decade, the world has been facing global challenges of climate change as the climate has worsened significantly. Excessive consumption has been identified as one of the biggest contributors to the climate change where people purchase more products than what meets the basic needs. The excessive consumption of products has been prominent in the fashion industry, where female consumers generally purchase more clothes than men. Today, the fashion industry is dominated by fast fashion, where consumers purchase more clothes with a shorter life span. Thus, the fashion waste increases, leaving serious environmental effects. Sweden is said to be one of the greenest countries in the world but is still one of the countries with the highest levels of consumption globally. The private consumption is high in Sweden and one of the biggest consumer markets that have a negative effect on the environment is the fashion industry. As a result, sustainable fashion consumption is becoming more important.   Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the sustainable behavior of Swedish female consumers and later understand how different factors is affecting the IB gap in sustainable (secondhand) fashion consumption.   Method: To be able to achieve the purpose of this exploratory study, a qualitative research strategy was applied. The empirical data was collected through in-depth interviews held with Swedish female consumers with intentions to purchase secondhand fashion, which later was interpreted and analyzed through an abductive approach, incorporating a thematic analysis.   Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the behavior of intenders can be characterized by sustainable intentions that do not translate into behavior. Further, the behavior can be characterized by a weak social support system (barrier), poor availability (barrier), low task- and maintenance self-efficacy, high recovery self-efficacy, and no planning. In addition, the results of this study showed that the behavior of actors can be characterized by sustainable intentions and sustainable behavior. Further, the behavior can be characterized by a strong social support system, good availability, high task- and recovery self-efficacy, medium to high maintenance self-efficacy, and planning. The comparison between intenders and actors showed that the perceived barriers for intenders was contributing factors to the IB gap together with their low task- and maintenance self-efficacy through their most likely negative effect on intenders planning. Intenders lack of planning was shown to serve as a negative mediator between intention and behavior, which thereby contributes to the IB gap. While the recovery self-efficacy was high for both intenders and actors, actors has recovery self-efficacy for the desired behavior of purchasing secondhand on a regular basis, while intenders does not.

Improving the sustainability of household -Decision making while purchasing appliances

Xia, Yuqi January 2021 (has links)
With the promotion of the 2030 sustainable development goals, more and moreEuropean countries started to highlight them in society, many European people alsoshowed that they are willing to purchase sustainable products, but theenvironmentally conscious consumers rarely translate “green” concerns andintentions into actual purchase behavior. This project is aimed to provide consumerswith comprehensive information about the products and find out the solution toencourage choosing sustainable products while purchasing home appliances. Nowadays home appliances are becoming a core area of consumption in bothdeveloped and developing countries, and it is one of the relevant areas ofintervention to ensure sustainable production (Hischier et al, 2020). Consumersbehavior has a big influence on the production, consumption and sustainability ofhome appliances, therefore it has been considered as the core studying field in thisproject. In order to have a better understanding of peoples current attitude towardssustainability and home appliances, an online survey was carried out with theconsideration of the purpose of this study and Theory of planned behavior (TPB)model. Then, by analysis of the customer journey map (CJM), the author found thepart with the most touchpoints, “information”. After brainstorming and benchmarking,a service design that focuses on Web User interface (UI) design wasproposed as the final proposal.

Sustainable Waste Treatment : Facilitating sustainable disposal of used garments

Xu, Nan January 2021 (has links)
Nowadays, with concerns about environmental and health issues, the awareness of more environmentally friendly and sustainable waste disposal is growing. However, due to the widespread disposal of waste items in the fashion field, such as landfills and incineration, the problems caused by these disposal methods cannot meet people’s sustainable needs for waste treatment. Therefore, the project is based on consumers, focusing on the sustainable treatment of used garments, and provides some possibilities for solving problems related to other types of used products.  In order to achieve this goal, this project starts from the literature review of garments disposal behavior, and through the understanding of the theories such as life cycle assessment and waste hierarchy, as well as the collection and analysis of user survey data, completed the design of the project solution. By reference to the theoretical framework and application of the methodological framework, the project finally proposed a solution composed of three consumer-oriented design ideas, mainly in the form of social design to facilitate people’s recycling, reuse and other sustainable disposals of used garments.

Perceived effect from using a gamified app developed to reduce employee greenhouse emissions

Shin, Oliver January 2022 (has links)
This study has focused on investigating the perceived effect on knowledge, retention and engagement from using a gamified app developed to reduce employee greenhouse emissions. Data was gathered using a “deed-based” mobile application at a large nordic commercial IT company. The employees of the company entered a month-long campaign commitment to try and improve their knowledge of sustainable emission behavior. After completing the campaign period we conducted interviews with select people to gather qualitative insight of their experience. The results found indicate that participants do not conclusively perceive a knowledge increase of sustainability and greenhouse emissions after the campaign ended. Participants generally enjoyed the competitive aspect of the gamified app, often referring to it as fun and engaging. In some cases, participants became very engaged and initiated deeper sustainability discussions with their teammates during the campaign. / Denna studie har fokuserat på att undersöka upplevd påverkan på kunskap, bibehållande av kunskap och engagemang från att använda en spelapp utvecklad för att minska anställdas CO2-utsläpp. Denna uppdragsbaserade mobilapp användes som utgångspunkt för den här studien på ett stort nordiskt IT-företag. De anställda i företaget gick in i en månadslång kampanj för att försöka förbättra sina kunskaper om hållbart utsläppsbeteende. Efter att ha slutfört kampanjperioden genomfördes intervjuer med utvalda personer för att få insikt i deras erfarenheter från kampanjen. Resultaten indikerar att deltagarna inte upplevde en kunskapsökning inom hållbarhet och växthusgasutsläpp efter kampanjens slut. Deltagarna uppskattade i allmänhet tävlingsmomentet i appen, som ofta ansågs rolig och engagerande. I i vissa fall blev deltagarna väldigt engagerade i djupare hållbarhetsdiskussioner inom laget.

Development of an Environmental Disposition Scale: A Guide for Fostering Sustainable Behavior

Chen, Jady 01 January 2020 (has links)
Promoting sustainable behavior or environmentally responsible behavior poses challenges because there is no overarching solution for behavior changes. Both surveys and interventions are context specific, meaning behaviors do not necessarily influence other behaviors and the same values, norms, and beliefs do not necessarily translate to the same level of sustainable behavior. Because there are regional differences in ideologies in the United States, a country level approach to encourage sustainable behavior would not be as effective as having interventions that directly correlate with the motivations that encourage environmentally responsible behavior. A survey will be conducted with University of Central Florida undergraduate students. The results of the survey will be analyzed through structural equation modelling and compared to previous studies to examine the regional differences among college students. The results of this study will assist new intervention programs to be personalized to the target group’s motivating factors and more effectively change behavior through improving self-efficacy for sustainable behaviors.

Challenges in the Eco-tourism Industry in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica

Bengtsson, Hanna, Folkeryd, Felicia January 2017 (has links)
Ett visst ansvar medföljer den omfattande inverkan som turism har på den globala omgivningen. Effekterna industrin genererar utökas kontinuerligt på grund av den rådande befolkningstillväxten, globaliseringen och det medföljande ekonomiska välståndet. För en långsiktig hållbar utveckling av ekoturism industrin krävs det att de existerande utmaningarna uppmärksammas, vilket är nödvändigt, framför allt i länder vars primära inkomstkälla utgörs av turism. Följande fältstudie är grundad på ett teoretiskt ramverk som har sitt ursprung från problematiken gällande om det är möjligt att föra en framgångsfull eko-turism industri utan att generera negativa konsekvenser. Studien är kvalitativ och utgörs av semistruktureradeoch informativa intervjuer tillsammans med observationer utförda i Costa Rica, men främsti orten Santa Teresa beläget i Costa Rica. Fältstudien syftar till att studera eko-turism samt att undersöka vilka förutsättningar det finns för en turist att resa hållbart i Santa Teresa. Vidare, avser studien till att identifiera de brister som försvårar turistens möjligheter till hållbart resande. För att ta reda på detta var studiens främsta fokus att studera enligt Certification for Sustainable Tourism (CST), industrins två viktigaste faktorer, turisternas beteende och Santa Teresas hållbara erbjudande. Studiens resultat avser att bidra med information som kan stärka industrin och bidra till en positiv och hållbar utveckling. Resultatet av fältstudien identifierade en diskrepans mellan turisternas förutsättningar till att resa hållbart och TheInternational Ecotourism Society (TIES) kriterier för att resa som en eko-turist. Bristfälliga faktorer som identifierades, tolkades bero på en ineffektiv infrastruktur, vilket i sin kan vara ett resultat av den snabbt ökande tillkomsten av turister till orten. Den rådande situationen har resulterat i att arbetet med turismens konsekvenser har stagnerat på grund av otillräckliga resurser. Bland den identifierade komplexitet av industrin, kunde fältstudien identifiera en vilja bland industrins involverade aktörer att föra hållbara beslut men vilka begränsas av en otillräcklig infrastruktur. För att möjliggöra en hållbar utveckling av ekoturism i Santa Teresa behövs industrins negativa faktorer uppmärksammas och åtgärdas. / A certain responsibility is accompanying the substantial impact which the tourism industry is generating. The impacts are constantly expanding due to the growing population, globalization, and economic welfare. An emerging discussion about the challenges to develop sustainable tourism is not only important but also imperative, especially in countries which are dependent on tourism as their main source of income. This field study is founded on the theoretical framework of eco-tourism which is built on the debate regarding if the eco-tourism industry can be sustainable. The data collected is based on qualitative methods, using mainly semi-structured and informative interviews along with observations in Costa Rica in the village of Santa Teresa. The purpose of the field study was to investigate eco-tourism and the tourists’ opportunities to travel sustainable in Santa Teresa. Specifically, the study strived toidentify attributes that are hindering the eco-tourists from traveling sustainably. The main study object were, according to the Costa Rican Certification for Sustainable Tourism (CST), the industry's main factors, the sustainable behaviour of the tourist and the strong infrastructure of the host country. The findings of the field study aim to contribute with relevant information on how to locally improve practices to reach a sustainable development of eco-tourism in Santa Teresa. The result revealed a shortage in adequate opportunities for the tourist to travel sustainable according The International Ecotourism Society (TIES) criteria for being an eco-tourist. Factors were identified to be insufficient infrastructure, due to thesuddenly emerging influx of tourists as well as the Costa Rican governments stagnation and inability to approach the subsequent consequences. Even though, indications also showed a willingness to improve the industry. In order to assure a sustainable development in Santa Teresa, and further Costa Rica, such negative attributes need to be addressed in order to handle the intangible and tangible tourism in this ongoing growing context.

Valores sustentáveis e educação para a sustentabilidade : uma proposta para os meios de hospedagem em Florianópolis

Faraco, Karina Matheus dos Santos 16 December 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-01T19:18:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 125670.pdf: 2585267 bytes, checksum: afee2803679c5051c355205788ea5ff0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-16 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study had as general objective propose an educational program for sustainability directed to the employees of Florianópolis accommodation facilities in Florianópolis. The capital city of the State of Santa Catarina was chosen as place to conduct this research for being a internationally recognized tourist destination with great historical and cultural expressiveness. Besides the natural prominence beauty of its beaches, mangroves, forest, dunes and lagoons. With only 33% available buildable area is of great importance to study and plan the development of Florianópolis preserving their natural, social and cultural aspects (ANDRADE; BELLEN, 2006; PNUD, 2013; ABRANTES, 2015). However, that development only will be achieved through the education of the residents once the social structures only change by the individual transformation will be possible to (MANING, 2009; CAIXETA, 2010). Similarly, the organizations play an important role making pertinent information available and given the opportunity for sustainable behavior emerge in their spaces (MONZONI; CARVALHO, 2010). In this regard, lodging facilities are presented as a privileged space for such a proposal, once they are at the same time dependent and producers of environmental conditions in the place where they ate allocated (PIRES, 2010). For the development of the proposal in a first stage were carried out semi-structured interviews with the managers of lodging establishments participating and visits in the organizations were made. These elements have been used to describe the research context and to identify environmental, social and educational actions carried out by the lodging facilities. Then the employees values that underlie sustainable behavior were measured, using the PVQX5 Individual Values Survey (SCHWARTZ et al, 2012). It was observed that the lodging facilities have more environmental actions related to saving resources and that there is little adherence to actions of social protection. In relation to staff concludes that the values related to sustainable behavior are present in the sample measured. The values benevolence caring and benevolence dependability presented more adherence to the sample, followed by universalism concern, universalism nature and universalism tolerance. This result indicates that the work of education for sustainability must focus on reducing the barriers to the expression of sustainable behavior and present social norms that support these new attitudes. In this sense, the work presents embracing actions involving employee training, sustainability programs in lodging facilities and actions on the part of Florianópolis hospitality organizations. / O presente trabalho teve como objetivo geral propor um programa de educação para a sustentabilidade direcionado aos colaboradores de meios de hospedagem de Florianópolis. A capital do estado de Santa Catarina foi escolhida como cidade para o estudo, por ser um destino turístico internacionalmente reconhecido com grande expressividade histórico-cultural, além de repleta de belezas naturais, entre praias, mangues, florestas, dunas e lagoas. Com apenas 33% de sua área urbanizável, faz-se necessário estudar e planejar o desenvolvimento de Florianópolis preservando seus atrativos ambientais, sociais e culturais (ANDRADE; BELLEN, 2006; PNUD, 2013; ABRANTES, 2015). Entretanto, este desenvolvimento só será possível através da educação das pessoas que nela residem, uma vez que é a mudança individual que transforma a realidade das estruturas sociais (MANNING, 2009; CAIXETA, 2010). No entanto, para além dos indivíduos, acredita-se que as organizações também têm o importante papel de disseminar informações e proporcionar espaços onde o comportamento sustentável possa emergir (MONZONI; CARVALHO, 2010). Neste sentido, os meios de hospedagem apresentam-se como espaço privilegiado para tal proposta, pois são ao mesmo tempo dependentes e produtores das condições do meio em que estão inseridos (PIRES, 2010). Para o desenvolvimento da proposta foram realizadas, em uma primeira etapa, entrevistas semiestruturadas com gestores dos meios de hospedagem participantes e visitas nas organizações. Estes elementos foram utilizados para descrição do contexto da pesquisa e identificação das ações ambientais, sociais e educativas realizadas pelos meios de hospedagem. Em seguida, foram pesquisados os valores que embasam o comportamento sustentável junto aos colaboradores destes meios de hospedagem, por meio do Questionário PVQX5 de Valores Individuais (SCHWARTZ et al., 2012). Observou-se que os meios de hospedagem apresentam mais ações ambientais ligadas à economia de recursos e que há pouca aderência a ações de proteção social. Em relação aos colaboradores conclui-se que os valores ligados ao comportamento sustentável estão presentes na amostra. Os valores benevolência cuidado e benevolência confiabilidade tiveram maior aderência da amostra, seguidos por universalismo preocupação, universalismo natureza e universalismo tolerância. Este resultado indica que o trabalho de educação para a sustentabilidade deve focar em diminuir as barreiras para a expressão do comportamento sustentável e apresentar normas sociais que apoiem estas novas atitudes. Neste sentido, o trabalho apresenta ações abrangentes que envolvem capacitação dos funcionários, programas de sustentabilidade nos meios de hospedagem e ações por parte das organizações da hotelaria de Florianópolis.

Sustainable e-marketing and its influence on Swedish tourists' intention to choose sustainable travel packages

Kashebayev, Azamat January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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