Spelling suggestions: "subject:"asustainable buildings"" "subject:"bysustainable buildings""
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Arquitetura hospitalar: projetos ambientalmente sustentáveis, conforto e qualidade. Proposta de um instrumento de avaliação / Hospitals architecture: projects sustainable, comfort and quality; proposal of an evaluation instrument.Ana Virginia Carvalhaes de Faria Sampaio 02 February 2006 (has links)
A partir da análise dos conceitos de sustentabilidade, de arquitetura hospitalar, de conforto e qualidade, é constatada a importância da preocupação que projetos hospitalares devam ter, desde o início, com os recursos naturais e a sua adequação ao meio ambiente. Através de uma Avaliação Pós-Ocupação do Hospital Universitário de Londrina é verificado que os principais problemas detectados pelos usuários - problemas esses responsáveis pela sua insatisfação na avaliação dos ambientes - são aqueles que estão diretamente relacionados ao projeto e a sua inadequação ao local. É proposto um instrumento de avaliação, um guia que pode ser utilizado por arquitetos durante a elaboração de projetos hospitalares, na avaliação de projetos prontos e de edifícios construídos e em uso, capaz de verificar o comprometimento do projeto sob os aspectos ambientais, de conforto e qualidade, funcionais, construtivos e estéticos. / Starting from the analysis of the sustainability concepts, of hospitals architecture, of comfort and quality, it is verified the importance of the concern that hospitals projects should have, since the beginning, with the natural resources and its adaptation to the environment. Through a Post Occupancy Evaluation of the Hospital Universitário de Londrina it is verified that the main problems detected by the users - problems responsible for the unsatisfactory evaluation of the spaces - are those that are directly related to the project and its inadequacy to the place. It is proposed an evaluation instrument, a guide that can be used by architects during the elaboration of hospitals projects, in the evaluation of ready projects and of built buildings and in use, that can verifies the compromising of the project under the environmental aspects, of comfort and quality, functional, constructive and aesthetic.
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Propuesta para la certificación LEED de un proyecto educativo escolar del sector privado para reducir costos de operación y mantenimiento / Proposal for LEED certification of a private sector school educational project to reduce operation and maintenance costsBriones Becerra, Mariángela, Velasquez Condori, Nora Edith 01 November 2020 (has links)
El concepto de sostenibilidad ha tomado protagonismo en estos últimos años debido a la preocupación por el cuidado del medio ambiente. Es por ello, que surge la necesidad de hacer cambios en la forma en que construimos actualmente, para garantizar la construcción y operación de edificios sostenibles que reduzcan el impacto ambiental. Por otro lado, está demostrado que la infraestructura es un pilar del desarrollo de la educación, pues la capacidad, condición y sostenibilidad de la infraestructura impacta directamente en el aprendizaje, la seguridad y bienestar de profesores y alumnos. Bajo esta premisa, surge la necesidad de establecer criterios que garanticen una infraestructura que tenga la capacidad de brindar espacios de aprendizaje saludables y sostenibles, los cuales además de generar un impacto positivo en el medio ambiente, puedan resultar económicamente atractivos a las entidades gestoras o administrativas, por los porcentajes de ahorro en consumo energético y consumo de agua.
La presente investigación se enfocó en la implementación de la certificación voluntaria para alcanzar la certificación LEED for Schools V4.1 enfocado en el uso racional de los materiales, consumo eficiente de energía y agua, para el caso de estudio Colegio Tambo Huancayo. Finalmente, mostrar los beneficios que engloba dicha certificación, desde un enfoque sostenible, económico y social. Con ello, demostrar que, con el ahorro en el consumo de agua y energía, el retorno de la inversión de la implementación es de once años. / The concept of sustainability has taken center stage in recent years due to concern for the care of the environment. That is why the need arises to make changes in the way we currently build, to guarantee the construction and operation of sustainable buildings that reduce environmental impact. On the other hand, it has been shown that infrastructure is a pillar of the development of education, since the capacity, condition and sustainability of the infrastructure directly impacts the learning, safety and well-being of teachers and students. Under this premise, the need arises to establish criteria that guarantee an infrastructure that has the capacity to provide healthy and sustainable learning spaces, which, in addition to generating a positive impact on the environment, can be economically attractive to managing or administrative entities, by the percentages of savings in energy consumption and water consumption.
This research focused on the implementation of voluntary certification to achieve the LEED for Schools V4.1 certification focused on the rational use of materials, efficient consumption of energy and water, for the Tambo Huancayo College case study. Finally, show the benefits that this certification includes, from a sustainable, economic and social approach. With this, demonstrate that, with the savings in water and energy consumption, the return on investment of the implementation is eleven years. / Tesis
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Comparative assessment of two structural materials from a life-cycle point of view : Using dynamic and LCA calculation units from LESOSAIMatricon, Geoffrey January 2015 (has links)
Life-cycle assessment is being applied to an increasing number of building projects from one side while the usual dynamic thermal simulations are being conducted from the other side on the same projects. However, there are few observations in the literature linking these two types of calculations: embodied and operating energies are rarely directly compared. This paper compares those energies for some case studies. The challenge is to quantify to what extent chosen structural materials can change their global life-cycle energy balance. This question is raised by the different dynamic thermal behavior of materials. Consequently, the case studies focus on the influence of materials’ thermal mass on the operating energy consumptions.Nonetheless, few software programs can conduct both these calculations (LCA and dynamic thermal modeling). The Swiss regulatory tool LESOSAI has been implemented and offers now these two possibilities. However, its LCA database is arcane, this paper will first assess the LCA results of LESOSAI by comparing it with the French tool ELODIE developed by the CSTB. Measuring the reproducibility of their results provides boundaries to the LCA calculations that LESOSAI can perform. These identified limits enable to set the starting assumptions of the case studies. Two raw materials are compared: wood and concrete structures. Considering thermal mass as a dynamic property, different typologies of building usages and climates have been investigated for the materials comparisons. Finally, the conclusion emphasizes the material that permits the lowest life-cycle impact for each typology and climate.
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Measuring the Effects of Environmental Certification on Residential Property Values - Evidence from Green Condominiums in Portland, U.S.Yang, Xi 24 July 2013 (has links)
Green building, as an environmentally responsible and resource-efficient product, has emerged in recent decades. Along with the growing interest in green building design and operating practices, a number of green building certification standards and rating systems have been developed by different organizations worldwide. Those rating systems allow government regulators, building professionals, and consumers to embrace green building with confidence. Many recent studies find that LEED and Energy Star certified commercial buildings gain significant rental and sales price premiums and have higher occupancy rates. However, little research has been conducted to measure the market value of certified multi-family residential buildings, for instance, green condominiums. This study investigates the price effects of LEED certification on condominium real estate assets in a local housing market, in this case Portland, Oregon. The overall dataset is developed by combining information from Metro's Regional Land Information System (RLIS) and LEED certifications by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). A hedonic pricing model is employed to measure the effects of certification levels on sales prices. The model results indicate that, compared to non-certified condominiums in Portland, green certified properties have a 5.8 percent sales price premium on average. The result of this study confirms that LEED condominiums exhibit higher sales prices controlling for location- and property-specific factors.
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Propuesta de guía para la aplicación de técnicas de uso eficiente y ahorro del agua con base en criterios de sostenibilidad de certificaciones internacionales (LEED, BREEAM y EDGE) en nuevas viviendas multifamiliares de la provincia de Cusco / Proposal guide for the application of techniques of efficient use and water saving based on sustainability criteria of international certifications (LEED, BREEAM and EDGE) in new multifamily homes in the province of CuscoAlarcón Chávez, Laleska Gloria, Astorima Contreras, Cesar Andre 18 September 2021 (has links)
En la provincia del Cusco, se registra un aumento constante en la construcción de viviendas multifamiliares debido al crecimiento poblacional y económico en la modernización, transformación y desarrollo del lugar. Sin embargo, se ha relegado la implementación de técnicas sostenibles que puedan ayudar a contener los principales problemas ambientales. Entre ellos, el elevado estrés hídrico existente. En este contexto, se presenta la posibilidad de mejorar el uso del recurso hídrico mediante la implementación de tecnologías que se basen en la disminución del consumo de agua en las nuevas viviendas multifamiliares. Para esto, es necesario recurrir a la información que nos brindan las certificaciones internacionales que existen actualmente en el país, ya que el uso de dichas certificaciones garantiza la sostenibilidad en los proyectos, estas certificaciones son LEED, BREEAM Y EDGE. La propuesta busca asegurar el consumo eficiente y ahorro de agua en las nuevas viviendas multifamiliares de la provincia de Cusco, mediante la implementación de tecnologías que se encuentran en la categoría de agua de las certificaciones internacionales LEED, BREEAM Y EDGE. En este sentido la investigación desarrolla una propuesta que consiste en la implementación de una guía que contiene una variedad de sistemas de ahorro de agua en un proyecto multifamiliar convencional en la provincia de Cusco, se verificó si la propuesta es factible mediante un estudio de viabilidad técnica y económica del edificio con los nuevos sistemas implementados. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran un porcentaje de ahorro del 60% en reducción del consumo del agua en la etapa operativa del edificio con la aplicación de la guía propuesta. / In the province of Cusco, there is a constant increase in the construction of multifamily housing due to the population and economic growth in the modernisation, transformation and development of the place. However, the implementation of sustainable techniques that can help contain major environmental problems has been relegated. Among them, the high water stress that exists. In this context, the possibility of improving the use of water resources is presented by the implementation of technologies based on the reduction of water consumption in new multi-family housing. To do this, it is necessary to use the information provided by the international certifications that currently exist in the country, since the use of these certifications guarantees the sustainability in the projects, these certifications are LEED, BREEAM and EDGE. The proposal seeks to ensure the efficient consumption and saving of water in the new multifamily homes in the province of Cusco, through In this sense the research develops a proposal consisting of the implementation of a guide that contains a variety of water saving systems in a conventional multifamily project in the province of Cusco, it was verified whether the proposal is feasible by a study of the technical and economic feasibility of the building with the new systems implemented.The results obtained show a 60% savings percentage in reducing water consumption at the building operational stage with the application of the proposed guide. / Tesis
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Varför miljöcertifiera byggnader? / Why rate the environmental performance of buildings?Yakhyaeva, Nafisat, Johansson Björdin, Dennis January 2012 (has links)
Hållbar utveckling har haft en växande inverkan på bygg- och fastighetsbranschen under de två senaste decennierna och en rad frivilliga miljöcertifieringssystem för byggnader har vuxit fram, däribland BREEAM och LEED, som idag är de två mest igenkända och internationella certifieringssystemen, samtidigt som allt fler länder bestämmer sig för att ansluta sig till denna gröna rörelse och utvecklar egna, nationella miljöcertifieringssystem för byggnader. Att bygga grönt och kunna verifiera detta med en certifieringsstämpel är idag en betydande och synlig aspekt, men fortfarande är det bara en sida av en mycket bredare strategi för hållbara affärer som sträcker sig in i företagets strategi och ledarskap, integrerad förvaltning och rapportering samt företagens miljöanpassning. Många nyckelaktörer i dessa branscher söker alltmer erkännande för sina hållbarhetsmeriter och har börjat utforska kopplingarna mellan hållbarhet och värde. I detta syfte använder allt fler bygg- och fastighetsbolag, investerare och företag så kallade gröna byggnader eller miljöcertifieringssystem för att placera sina byggnader isär från resten. Ett företag som idag väljer att utveckla, äga eller hyra en miljöcertifierad byggnad kommer att behöva fatta beslut om vilket system är att föredra – ett lokalt certifieringssystem, som är mer anpassat till de nationella förhållandena, eller ett internationellt. Aktörerna på den svenska bygg- och fastighetsmarknaden har agerat försiktigt, trots sitt utvecklade miljöarbete, när det gäller tillämpningen av miljöcertifieringssystemen, vilket gör att Sverige just nu ligger efter i antalet certifierade byggnader, och därmed tillgången till den kvantitativa databasen över dessa som skulle kunna bidra till en närmare undersökning av värdekopplingarna. Vi kan inte påstå att de barriärer, som anses hålla tillbaka spridningen av miljöcertifieringssystemen i Sverige, i form av bland annat ovilja att betala högre produktionskostnader vid tillämpningen av dessa, är borta idag, men vi kan notera att alltfler företag börjar känna av dynamiken i utvecklingen runt omkring sig och väljer att ansluta sig till den gröna rörelsen. De största fördelar med miljöcertifieringssystemen på den kommersiella marknaden i Sverige idag verkar vara: Konkurrensfördelar, som även stärker varumärket och visar att företaget tar sitt miljöansvar. Framtida hygienfaktor, som gör att företagen väljer att satsa på det redan idag. Ett lättbegripligt kommunikationsmedel från tredje part. På bostadsmarknaden kan det idag inte observeras någon efterfrågan alls efter miljöcertifierade byggnader enligt de intervjuade. Detta kan till största del förklaras med att de privata konsumenterna än så länge fortfarande efterfrågar andra, mer traditionella faktorer vid val av sin bostad, såsom läge, pris och funktion. Med det underlag vi har samlat in under arbetets gång kan vi inte dra några generella slutsatser, men en trolig utveckling på bostadsmarknaden kan vara att efterfrågan kan komma efter att antalet certifierade byggnader ökar. Över tiden, när det finns tillräckligt många miljöcertifierade byggnader, kan det komma att leda till att det, likt den troliga utvecklingen på den kommersiella marknaden, blir en viktigivfaktor som kommer att övervägas tillsammans med de traditionella faktorerna vid valet av bostad. Utvecklingen av klimatarbetet har hittills huvudsakligen kretsat kring energieffektiviseringsfrågor. Miljöcertifierade byggnader kan i framtiden komma att innebära kvalitetsbyggnader. Det är även troligt att fokus kommer så småningom att flytta från energifrågan till byggnadsmaterial- samt inomhusmiljö aspekter. Medan utvecklingen av miljöcertifieringssystemen sannolikt kommer leda till att även innefatta de ekonomiska och sociala hållbarhetsfaktorerna, vilket innebär en mycket större samverkan mellan allt som finns och händer runt omkring en byggnad och gör den till en spindel i nätet. / Sustainable development has had a growing impact on building and real estate industry during the past two decades and a number of voluntary environmental rating systems for buildings have emerged, including BREEAM and LEED, which today are the two most recognized and international rating systems, whilst the increasing number of countries decide to join the green movement and develop own national environmental rating systems for buildings. To build green and to be able to verify that with a certification stamp is today a significant and visible aspect, but still it is only one side of a much broader approach for sustainable businesses that extends into corporate strategy and leadership, integrated management and reporting and corporate environmental adjustment. Many key stakeholders in these industries are increasingly looking for recognition of their sustainability credentials and started to explore the linkages between sustainability and value. For this purpose the increasing number of construction and real estate companies, investors and corporates are using so-called green buildings or environmental rating systems to set their buildings apart from the rest. A company that today chooses to develop, own or occupy an environmentally rated building will need to decide which system is preferable – a local rating system, which is better suited to the national context, or an international one. The stakeholders of the Swedish building and real estate industry have acted cautiously, despite its advanced environmental work, as regards the application of environmental rating systems, which means that Sweden is currently lagging behind in the number of rated buildings and thus the access to the quantitative database of these which could contribute to a closer examination of the value linkages. We cannot say that the barriers which are considered to hold back the spread of environmental rating systems in Sweden, in the shape of, among others, unwillingness to pay higher production costs when applying these systems, are gone today, but we can note that the increasing number of companies are beginning to feel the dynamics of the development around them and choose to join the green movement. The main benefits of certification systems in the commercial market in Sweden today seem to be: Competitive benefits that also strengthens the brand and demonstrate that the company takes its environmental responsibility. Future hygiene factor that makes companies choose to go for it already today. An easily understandable communication means from a third-party. In the today’s residential market it cannot be observed any demand at all for environmentally rated buildings, according to the interviewees. This can be explained by that the private consumers up to now still are seeking for other, more traditional factors when choosing their accommodation, such as location, price and function. With the information that we have gathered during our work we cannot draw any general conclusions, but a likely development in the residential market can be that demand can come after the number of rated buildings increases. Over time, when there are a sufficient amount of rated buildings, it can lead to that, like the possible development in the commercial market, it will be an important factor that will be considered along with the traditional factors in the choice of accommodation. Environmentally rated buildings may in the future come to mean quality buildings. It is also probable that the focus will eventually move from energy issue to the building materials and indoor environment aspects. While the development of rating systems probably will expand to also include the economic and social sustainability factors, which means a much greater collaboration between all that exists and going on around a building and makes it into a spider in the web.
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The design and development of a knowledge-based lean six sigma maintenance system for sustainable buildings. The design and development of a hybrid Knowledge-based (KB)/Gauging Absence of Pre-requisites (GAP)/Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) model for implementing lean six sigma maintenance system in sustainable buildings' environmentAl Dairi, Jasim S.S. January 2017 (has links)
The complexity of sustainable building maintenance environment requires managers to define and implement appropriate quality benchmark system suitable for this function. Lean Six Sigma (LSS) is one of the most effective process improvement and optimization philosophy that maintenance organisations can implement in their environment. However, literature review has shown that 90% of failures in LSS implementations are due to lack of readiness to change, the unawareness of the required benchmark organisation capabilities, and improper control of priorities.
The contribution of the current research approach is in developing a hybrid Knowledge-Based (KB)/GAP/AHP System, consisting of three stages (Planning, Designing and Implementation) and containing over 2500 KB rules. The KB System can assist the decision-makers in identifying the obstacles behind the organisation readiness to change into a benchmark LSS maintenance environment. Thus the KB System will be used to achieve benchmark standards by determining the gap existing between the current environment and the benchmark goal, and then suggest a detailed plan to overcome these hurdles in a prioritised and structured manner, thus achieving cost benefits.
To ensure its consistency and reliability, the KB System was validated in three Oman-based maintenance organisations, and one published case study for a UK-based organisation. The results from the validation were positive with the System output suggesting list of top priorities and action plans for achieving benchmark LSS standards for these organisations. The research concludes that the developed KB System is a consistent and reliable methodology for assisting decision-makers in designing, planning, and implementing LSS for benchmark sustainable building maintenance.
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Barriärer för miljöcertifiering i fastighetsbranschen : En undersökande studie om barriärer på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden / Barriers for green certificates on the real-estate market : An explorative study about barriers on the Swedish real-estate marketvon Gaffron, Björn, Watz Almquist, Ludwig January 2022 (has links)
En stor bidragande faktor till miljöproblem som global uppvärmning och icke förnybar resursförbrukning är aktiviteter inom fastighetsbranschen. Det beräknas att 40% av all världens koldioxidutsläpp produceras av byggnader samtidigt ses miljöcertifiering av fastigheter som en del av lösningen för att sänka mängden koldioxid och nå hållbar utveckling. Miljöcertifieringar för med sig en rad fördelar, bland annat en minskad användning av naturresurser och ett högre fastighetsvärde. Trots de fördelar som miljöcertifiering för med sig är knappt 1% av det svenska fastighetsbeståndet certifierat. Studiens syfte är att bidra till kunskap rörande vilka barriärer som föreligger samt hur de kan mildras på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden. Denna studie bidrar med unikt material eftersom tidigare forskning är bristfällig på den svensk fastighetsmarknaden. Studien är av mixad metod och använder sig av en kvantitativ online-enkätundersökning samt en intervjustudie om 3 respondenter från den svenska fastighetsmarknaden. Enkätundersökningen utgick från tidigare internationell forskning och intervjustudien möjliggjorde en mer djupgående analys kring den svenska marknaden. De svenska aktörerna i studien ansåg att Brist på efterfrågan hos konsumenter, Höga Kostnader, Låg miljömedvetenhet hos konsumenter och Brist på statliga incitament var barriärer på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden. Brist på tid och extra administrativt arbete identifierades som nya barriärer som inte har blivit belysts i tidigare forskning. Studien visar även på att barriärer kan mitigeras genom företagsstrategier där svenska aktörer automatiserar och standardiserar sina arbetssätt utifrån de krav som miljöcertifikat ställer. / A major contributing factor to environmental problems such as global warming and non-renewable resource consumption are activities in the real estate industry. It is estimated that 40% of all the world's carbon dioxide emissions are produced by real estate and green certificates are seen as part of the solution to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and achieve sustainable development. Green certifications have several benefits, including a reduced use of natural resources and a higher property value. Despite the benefits that green certification brings, just under 1% of the Swedish property portfolio is certified. The purpose of the study is to contribute to knowledge regarding what barriers exist and how they can be mitigated in the Swedish real estate market. This study contributes unique material because previous research is deficient in the Swedish real estate market. The study is of a mixed method and uses a quantitative online survey and an interview study of 3 respondents from the Swedish real estate market. The questionnaire was based on previous international research and the interview study enabled a more in-depth analysis of the Swedish market. The Swedish actors in the study considered that Lack of consumer demand, High Costs, Low environmental awareness among consumers and Lack of government incentives were barriers in the Swedish real estate market. Lack of time and extra administrative work were identified as new barriers that have not been highlighted in previous research. The study also shows that barriers can be mitigated through company strategies where Swedish actors automate and standardize their ways of working based on the requirements set by green certificates.
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The Process of Design for Affordable Housing in the Non-Profit SectorErickson, Thor 03 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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El patrimonio industrial como elemento de construcción de ciudad y puesta en valor sostenibleGonzalez Vargas, Katherine 18 April 2023 (has links)
[ES] Esta investigación evalúa proyectos arquitectónicos de carácter industrial en Colombia, España y Portugal. Estos incluyen procesos de rehabilitación, recuperación, reutilización y puesta en valor. La evaluación se ha implementado a través de una investigación proyectual de trabajos de arquitectos, urbanistas e ingenieros, desde diferentes contextos históricos y geográficos que muestran desde el estado de uso original factores de impacto hasta su reutilización y cómo, a través del tiempo han evolucionado o no, al cambiar su uso.
Los proyectos han sido analizados desde los parámetros de sostenibilidad reflejados en el libro "Versus Heritage for Tomorrow", donde se describen los diferentes puntos que se deben tener en cuenta en la arquitectura sostenible; y bajo la lente de varios documentos para la protección del patrimonio industrial, como el Plan Nacional de Patrimonio Industrial o el Docomomo.
Además, a partir del listado de verbos del escultor americano Richard Serra (1939) "Acciones sobre la materia: 1967-1968" (Serra, 2011), se han identificado el tipo de acción que conlleva cada estudio del caso seleccionado. Otro aspecto importante de analizar es el de la tipología por esto es importante nombrar al arquitecto, Carlos Martí Arís, (Arís, 1993) el cual se refiere al tipo como: "El significado que posee un lenguaje no especializado, este equivale a la forma general o conjunto de propiedades que son comunes a un cierto número de individuos u objeto", Tipo es sinónimo de clase, familia, género, es decir una categoría que resulta de aplicar sobre un conjunto de objetos un procedimiento clasificatorio.
Entre otros, estos documentos constituyen la base teórica y metodológica sobre la que se basa esta tesis doctoral con el objetivo principal de plantear una metodología de análisis del patrimonio industrial en Colombia, a partir del estudio de nueve estudios de casos en tres contextos geográficos diferentes, con sus respectivas características. / [CA] Aquesta investigació avalua projectes arquitectònics de caràcter industrial a Colòmbia, Espanya i Portugal. Aquests inclouen processos de rehabilitació, recuperació, reutilització i posada en valor. L'avaluació s'ha implementat a través d'una investigació projectual de treballs d'arquitectes, urbanistes i enginyers, des de diferents contextos històrics i geogràfics que mostren des de l'estat original originals factors d'impacte fins a la seva reutilització i com, a través del temps, han evolucionat o no, en canviar-ne l'ús.
Els projectes han estat analitzats des dels paràmetres de sostenibilitat reflectits al llibre Versus Heritage for Tomorrow, on es descriuen els diferents punts que s'han de tenir en compte a l'arquitectura sostenible; i sota la lent de diversos documents per a la protecció del patrimoni industrial, com el Pla Nacional de Patrimoni Industrial o el Docomomo.
A més, a partir del llistat de verbs de l'escultor americà Richard Serra (1939) Accions sobre la matèria: 1967-1968 (Serra, 2011), s'han identificat el tipus d'acció que comporta cada estudi del cas seleccionat. Un altre aspecte important d'analitzar és el de la tipologia per això és important nomenar l'arquitecte, Carlos Martí Arís, (Arís, 1993) el qual fa referència al tipus com: El significat que posseeix un llenguatge no especialitzat, aquest equival a la forma general o conjunt de propietats que són comunes a un cert nombre d'individus o objecte". Tipus és sinònim de classe, família, gènere, és a dir, una categoria que resulta d'aplicar sobre un conjunt dobjectes un procediment classificatori.
Entre d' altres, aquests documents constitueixen la base teòrica i metodològica sobre la qual es basa aquesta tesi doctoral amb l' objectiu principal de plantejar una metodologia d' anàlisi del patrimoni industrial a Colòmbia, a partir de l' estudi de nou estudis de casos en tres contextos geogràfics diferents, amb les seves respectives característiques. / [EN] This research evaluates architectural projects of an industrial nature in Colombia, Spain and Portugal. These include rehabilitation, recovery, reuse and enhancement processes.
The evaluation has been implemented through a design investigation of the works of architects, urban planners and engineers, from different historical and geographical contexts that show impact factors from the state of original use to their reuse and how, over time, they have evolved or not, by changing their use.
The projects have been analyzed using the sustainability parameters reflected in the book "Versus Heritage for Tomorrow", which describes the different points that must be taken into account in sustainable architecture; and under the lens of various documents for the protection of industrial heritage, such as the National Plan for Industrial Heritage or the Docomomo.
In addition, from the list of verbs by the American sculptor Richard Serra (1939-) "Actions on matter: 1967-1968" (Serra, 2011), the type of action involved in each study of the selected case has been identified. Another aspect important to analyze is that of the typology; for this reason, it is important to name the architect, Carlos Martí Arís, (Arís, 1993) who refers to the type as: "The meaning that a non-specialized language has, this is equivalent to the general or set of properties that are common to a certain number of individuals or objects". Type is synonymous with class, family, gender, that is, a category that results from applying a classifying procedure to a set of objects.
Among others, these documents constitute the theoretical and methodological basis on which this doctoral thesis is based with the main objective of proposing a methodology for the analysis of industrial heritage in Colombia, based on the study of nine case studies in three different geographical contexts, with their respective characteristics. / Gonzalez Vargas, K. (2023). El patrimonio industrial como elemento de construcción de ciudad y puesta en valor sostenible [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/192879
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