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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impact of Green Design and Technology on Building Environment

Xiong, Liang 12 1900 (has links)
Currently, the public has a strong sense of the need for environment protection and the use of sustainable, or “green,” design in buildings and other civil structures. Since green design elements and technologies are different from traditional design, they probably have impacts on the building environment, such as vibration, lighting, noise, temperature, relative humidity, and overall comfort. Determining these impacts of green design on building environments is the primary objective of this study. The Zero Energy Research (ZOE) laboratory, located at the University of North Texas Discovery Park, is analyzed as a case study. Because the ZOE lab is a building that combines various green design elements and energy efficient technologies, such as solar panels, a geothermal heating system, and wind turbines, it provides an ideal case to study. Through field measurements and a questionnaire survey of regular occupants of the ZOE lab, this thesis analyzed and reported: 1) whether green design elements changed the building’s ability to meet common building environmental standards, 2) whether green design elements assisted in Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) scoring, and 3) whether green design elements decreased the subjective comfort level of the occupants.

Experimental identification of physical thermal models for demand response and performance evaluation / Identification expérimentale des modèles thermiques physiques pour la commande et la mesure des performances énergétiques

Raillon, Loic 16 May 2018 (has links)
La stratégie de l’Union Européenne pour atteindre les objectifs climatiques, est d’augmenter progressivement la part d’énergies renouvelables dans le mix énergétique et d’utiliser l’énergie plus efficacement de la production à la consommation finale. Cela implique de mesurer les performances énergétiques du bâtiment et des systèmes associés, indépendamment des conditions climatiques et de l’usage, pour fournir des solutions efficaces et adaptées de rénovation. Cela implique également de connaître la demande énergétique pour anticiper la production et le stockage d’énergie (mécanismes de demande et réponse). L’estimation des besoins énergétiques et des performances énergétiques des bâtiments ont un verrou scientifique commun : l’identification expérimentale d’un modèle physique du comportement intrinsèque du bâtiment. Les modèles boîte grise, déterminés d’après des lois physiques et les modèles boîte noire, déterminés heuristiquement, peuvent représenter un même système physique. Des relations entre les paramètres physiques et heuristiques existent si la structure de la boîte noire est choisie de sorte qu’elle corresponde à la structure physique. Pour trouver la meilleure représentation, nous proposons d’utiliser, des simulations de Monte Carlo pour analyser la propagation des erreurs dans les différentes transformations de modèle et, une méthode de priorisation pour classer l’influence des paramètres. Les résultats obtenus indiquent qu’il est préférable d’identifier les paramètres physiques. Néanmoins, les informations physiques, déterminées depuis l’estimation des paramètres, sont fiables si la structure est inversible et si la quantité d’information dans les données est suffisante. Nous montrons comment une structure de modèle identifiable peut être choisie, notamment grâce au profil de vraisemblance. L’identification expérimentale comporte trois phases : la sélection, la calibration et la validation du modèle. Ces trois phases sont détaillées dans le cas d’une expérimentation d’une maison réelle en utilisant une approche fréquentiste et Bayésienne. Plus précisément, nous proposons une méthode efficace de calibration Bayésienne pour estimer la distribution postérieure des paramètres et ainsi réaliser des simulations en tenant compte de toute les incertitudes, ce qui représente un atout pour le contrôle prédictif. Nous avons également étudié les capacités des méthodes séquentielles de Monte Carlo pour estimer simultanément les états et les paramètres d’un système. Une adaptation de la méthode de prédiction d’erreur récursive, dans une stratégie séquentielle de Monte Carlo, est proposée et comparée à une méthode de la littérature. Les méthodes séquentielles peuvent être utilisées pour identifier un premier modèle et fournir des informations sur la structure du modèle sélectionnée pendant que les données sont collectées. Par la suite, le modèle peut être amélioré si besoin, en utilisant le jeu de données et une méthode itérative. / The European Union strategy for achieving the climate targets, is to progressively increase the share of renewable energy in the energy mix and to use the energy more efficiently from production to final consumption. It requires to measure the energy performance of buildings and associated systems, independently of weather conditions and user behavior, to provide efficient and adapted retrofitting solutions. It also requires to known the energy demand to anticipate the energy production and storage (demand response). The estimation of building energy demand and the estimation of energy performance of buildings have a common scientific: the experimental identification of the physical model of the building’s intrinsic behavior. Grey box models, determined from first principles, and black box models, determined heuristically, can describe the same physical process. Relations between the physical and mathematical parameters exist if the black box structure is chosen such that it matches the physical ones. To find the best model representation, we propose to use, Monte Carlo simulations for analyzing the propagation of errors in the different model transformations, and factor prioritization, for ranking the parameters according to their influence. The obtained results show that identifying the parameters on the state-space representation is a better choice. Nonetheless, physical information determined from the estimated parameters, are reliable if the model structure is invertible and the data are informative enough. We show how an identifiable model structure can be chosen, especially thanks to profile likelihood. Experimental identification consists of three phases: model selection, identification and validation. These three phases are detailed on a real house experiment by using a frequentist and Bayesian framework. More specifically, we proposed an efficient Bayesian calibration to estimate the parameter posterior distributions, which allows to simulate by taking all the uncertainties into account, which is suitable for model predictive control. We have also studied the capabilities of sequential Monte Carlo methods for estimating simultaneously the states and parameters. An adaptation of the recursive prediction error method into a sequential Monte Carlo framework, is proposed and compared to a method from the literature. Sequential methods can be used to provide a first model fit and insights on the selected model structure while the data are collected. Afterwards, the first model fit can be refined if necessary, by using iterative methods with the batch of data.

Arquitetura de bibliotecas universitárias: diretrizes de projeto para edifícios mais sustentáveis / Architecture of university libraries: project guidelines for more sustainable buildings

Sgoda, Cleverson 28 April 2016 (has links)
O conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável tem sido discutido nos setores da sociedade, buscando uma visão abrangente e integrada das melhorias e soluções para os crescentes problemas ambientais, sociais e econômicos. Como resultado, profissionais envolvidos com projetos de instituições de ensino superior vêm discutindo a inserção de práticas que minimizem os impactos gerados por suas construções de bibliotecas, principalmente quando é necessário estabelecer uma relação entre o edifício, a saúde dos ocupantes e a qualidade das atividades desempenhadas. Nesse sentido os sistemas de avaliação ambiental vêm sendo difundidos no Brasil, e por meio desses procura-se a conscientização quanto aos impactos ambientais gerados pelos edifícios durante as fases de planejamento, construção e operação. No entanto, o que incorporar como práticas que visem à sustentabilidade em projetos de bibliotecas universitárias? Para responder a esse questionamento, este trabalho utilizou-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica para o levantamento dos conceitos considerados inerentes ao tema, assim como análise de projetos dentro da área em questão com princípios de sustentabilidade. Igualmente, foram estudados os critérios atuais presentes nos sistemas de avaliação ambiental, dentre os quais foram aprofundados o LEED, o AQUA - HQE e o PBE - Edifica. Através dessa análise, foram identificados os parâmetros utilizados de maneira que auxiliassem na proposição de diretrizes e, por meio de questionário aplicado aos usuários das bibliotecas da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), buscou-se um aprofundamento das questões que implicam a qualidade desses espaços, verificando a incorporação de critérios, bem como as variáveis que fazem parte do processo de projeto. Finalmente, através dos conceitos apresentados ao longo do trabalho e do estudo das condicionantes, chegou-se à proposição das diretrizes, as quais visam orientar os arquitetos a incorporar os conceitos de sustentabilidade no planejamento e projetos de arquiteturas de bibliotecas universitárias. / The concept of sustainable development has been widely discussed in many sectors of society, aiming an integrated and comprehensive vision of improvements and solutions for the growing environmental, social and economic problems. As a result, professionals, working with projects in higher education institutions, have been discussing the inclusion of practices that minimize the impact caused by the construction of their own libraries, especially when it is necessary to establish a connection between the edification, the occupant health and the quality of performed activities. In this regard, the environmental assessment systems have been widespread in Brazil and through those we seek to raise awareness related to the environmental impact made by the buildings during the stages of planning, construction and operation. However, what incorporate as practices aimed at sustainability in university libraries Projects? To answer this, it was made a literature review to find the concepts inherent to the university libraries theme, as well as was analyzed projects within the area in question with greater sustainability features. Also, the current sustainability criteria presented in the evaluation systems were analyzed, among which were detailed LEED, AQUA-HQE and PBE-Edifica. Through this analysis we identified the parameters used in a way to assist in a proposition of sustainability guidelines and using a survey applied to the library users of the Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), we sought a deepening of the issues that imply the quality of these spaces by checking the incorporation of sustainability criteria as well as the variables that are part of the project process. Ultimately, through the ideas presented throughout the work, along with the study of conditions, we came to the proposition of guidelines for incorporating sustainability concepts in planning and architecture projects of university libraries.

Utveckling av konventionella småhus till passivhus : En studie med analys av livscykelkostnader, förändring av boendekvaliteter och ett förslag till en alternativ utformning

Carlsson, Elin, Sörebö, Victoria January 2018 (has links)
Klimatförändringarna blir allt mer omfattande i takt med att jordens befolkning ökar. Den negativa miljöpåverkan bottnar till stor del i användandet av råvaror och energiförbrukning vid skapandet av materiella ting. Enligt energimyndigheten (2015) står byggsektorn för ca 40 % av Sveriges totala energianvändning. För att minska energianvändningen har mål både på nationell och internationell nivå skapats. Målen är tänkta att skapa större förståelse av ett mer energieffektivt byggt samhälle för samtliga aktörer inom byggbranschen. En hållbar utveckling av husbyggandet kräver förutom att värna om miljön en beaktning av de ekonomiska och sociala aspekterna.   I det här examensarbetet har det undersökts om två specifika standardhus från en småhusleverantör kan utvecklas till passivhus med bevarad arkitektonisk karaktär. Studien syftar delvis till att undersöka om begreppet passivhus kan fungera som ett hållbart koncept för byggandet av enfamiljshus. Begreppet hållbar utveckling har begränsats och en förenkling har applicerats i arbetet. Den ekologiska aspekten representeras av energiberäkningar och eventuella åtgärder för att standardhusen ska uppnå kraven för passivhus. Den ekonomiska aspekten representeras av en livscykelkostnadsanalys med hjälp av nuvärdesmetoden och återbetalningsmetoden. Den sociala aspekten representeras av en utvärdering av förändring i boendekvaliteter vid utveckling från ett standardhus till passivhus. Studien presenterar även en alternativ utformning av ett passivhus med avsikt att främja positiva boendekvaliteterna.   Standardhusen tillhör en småhusproducent, Intressanta hus, som har sitt huvudsäte i Västerås. Husen utgörs av en villa på 147 m2 i ett plan med pulpettak samt en villa på 151 m2 i två plan med sadeltak. Med anledning av Intressanta hus geografiska läge har Västerås klimat använts som utgångspunkt vid energiberäkningarna. För att addera ytterligare en utmaning har även möjligheter för utveckling till passivhus undersökts för standardhusen i ett subarktiskt klimat i Kiruna. Västerås representerar därmed klimatzon III och Kiruna klimatzon I.   Resultaten avslöjade att det är möjligt att utveckla standardhuset i två plan med sadeltak till passivhus och samtidigt bevara den arkitektoniska karaktären i de båda klimatzonerna. Standardhuset med ett plan och pulpettak är endast möjligt att anpassa till passivhus i klimatzon III med bevarad arkitektonisk karaktär. Livscykelkostnadsanalysen visar med hjälp av nuvärdesmetoden att det är ekonomiskt fördelaktigt att investera i passivhus som ett koncept för en kalkylperiod på 50 år. Den boendekvalitet som främst förändras är bostadens ljusinsläpp och för passivhuset i ett plan är skillnaden av ljusinsläpp markant i klimatzon I.   Studiens slutsats är att konceptet passivhus är en metod av husbyggnation som främjar den hållarbara utvecklingen i förenklad form. Resultaten är framförallt positiva för klimatzon III men om byggnaden har låg formfaktor kan konceptet fungera bra även i kallare klimat som återfinns i klimatzon I. / The climate changes increases as the population increases. The negative environmental impact is mostly based on the use of raw materials and energy consumption in the production of various products. According to Energimyndigheten (2015), the building sector is the cause of about 40 % of Sweden's total energy use. In order to reduce the energy use goals have been created at both national and international levels. The goals are intended to create a greater understanding of a more energy efficient society for all actors within the construction industry. In addition to create a sustainable development of the building sector one needs to also take in account the social and economic aspects.   This master thesis examined whether two specific standard houses from a small house producer can be adapted to passive houses with a preserved architectural character. The purpose of the study is partly to investigate whether the concept of passive houses can serve as a sustainable concept of building single family houses. The concept of sustainable development has been simplified. The ecological aspect is represented by the energy calculations and possible actions that the standard houses need to achieve in order to meet the requirements for passive houses. The economic aspect is represented by a life cycle cost analysis using the Net Present Value method and the Simple Payback method. The social aspect is represented by an evaluation of changes in living qualities as the standard houses develops to passive houses. The study also presents an alternative design of a passive house with the purpose of improving the accommodation qualities.   The standard houses belong to a small-house-producer, Intressanta hus, who has their main market in Västerås. The houses is represented by a 147m2 villa with one floor and a pulpit roof and a 151m2 villa with two floors and a pitched roof. Due to Intressanta hus geographic location, the typical climate for Västerås has been used in the energy calculations. To add another dimension, opportunities for developing the standard houses to passive houses have also been investigated for the typical climate in Kiruna. Therefore Västerås represents climate zone III and Kiruna represents climate zone I.   The results revealed that it is possible to adapt the standard house with two floors and a pitched roof to a passive house while preserving the architectural character in both climate zones. The standard house with one floor and a pulpit roof is only possible to adjust to a passive house in climate zone III with a preserved architectural character. The life cycle cost analysis using the Net Present Value showed that it is an economical advantage to invest in a passive house in a period of 50 years. The accommodation quality that changes the most is the incident light in the houses and for the passive house with one floor the difference of light is remarkably high in climate zone I.

Gröna bostadsbyggnader : Fastighetsföretags uppfattning av de ekonomiskt positiva faktorerna / Green residential buildings : Realestatecompaniesperceptionoftheeconomically positive factors

Gustavsson, Sara, Therese, Jönsson January 2017 (has links)
Gröna byggnader hjälper till att driva den hållbara utvecklingen framåt, vilket behövs inom fastighetsbranschen på grund av dess stora miljöpåverkan. Den fortsatta utvecklingen kännetecknas av problem såsom bristande medvetenhet samt en osäkerhet kring det ekonomiska utfallet. Resultaten som framförs i denna studie bidrar till en ökad förståelse av hur medvetna fastighetsföretag är om gröna bostadsbyggnader samt hur de uppfattar de ekonomiska följderna. Studiens syfte är att belysa hur fastighetsföretag uppfattar de ekonomiskt positiva faktorerna (hyra, vakans, drift- och underhåll, image, inomhusmiljö och risk) som sammankopplas med gröna byggnader. Enbart en del av problemområdet berörs, varvid fokus är på de positiva faktorer som frekvent förekommit i tidigare studier på ämnesområdet. För att besvara syftet har en kvalitativ metod med ett deduktivt ansats valts. Sex fastighetsföretag med varierande miljöengagemang har intervjuats, där samtliga är verksamma i södra Värmland. Intervjufrågorna har baserats på identiskt material för att sedan delvis anpassas efter respektive fastighetsföretag. Resultatet av intervjuerna framkommer i studiens empiriska sammanställning samt analyseras utgående från den teoretiska referensramen. Både likheter och skillnader har observerats. Slutsatsen är att samtliga av de intervjuade fastighetsföretagen värdesätter någon av faktorerna, samt vidrör att ett långsiktigt förhållningssätt är viktigt. Det har framkommit att minskade drifts- och underhållskostnader samt en förbättrad image är de faktorerna som värdesätts högst. Den faktor som företagen anser har minst samband med gröna byggnader är minskad vakans, vilket kan bero på den rådande bostadsbristen. / Green buildings help to drive the sustainable development forward, which is needed in the real estate industry due to its major environmental impact. The continued development is characterized by problems such as a lack of awareness and an uncertainty about the economic outcome. The results presented in this study contributes to an increased understanding of how aware real estate companies are, and how they perceive green residential buildings financial impact. The purpose of this study is to illustrate how real estate companies perceive the economically positive factors (rent, vacancy, operating- and maintenance costs, image, indoor environment and risk) which are linked to green buildings. Only a part of the problem area is examined, whereas focus is going to be on the positive factors which frequently appear in previous studies on the subject area. A qualitative method with an deductive approach has been chosen for this essay in order to answer the purpose of the study. Interviews have been conducted with six real estate companies located in Southern Värmland, whom had varied environmental commitment. The questions that was used have been based on identical material and then been partly adapted after each company. The results from the interviews are stated in the empirical compilation and are being analysed in connection to the theoretical framework. Both similarities and differences have been observed. The concludes are that all of the interviewed real estate companies appreciate some of the factors. All of them mention that a long term approach is of relevance despite their varied startup presumption. It has emerged that the reduced operation- and maintenance cost and an improved image are the most appreciated factors. The factor that the real estate companies consider to have least correlance with green buildings is reduced vacancy, which can be due to the current lack of housing.

Energy Services in Shanghai

De Geer, André, Melander, Mathias January 2013 (has links)
The People’s Republic of China (PRC) is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. However, the economic expansion is not without complications. Improved standard of living and a growing industrial sector have led to an increased demand of energy, which in turn is contributing to air pollution and land contamination. The research problem of the study is what is keeping existing Energy Services (ES) in Shanghai from being used more frequently. To answer this, a sequential mixed method study is conducted, divided into a qualitative and quantitative part. The literature study indicates a great potential for ES in Shanghai. This is mainly due to great efforts taken in Energy Efficiency (EE), an attempt to face the rapidly increasing population by reducing the usage of energy. A number of barriers for ES are found throughout the existing literature, including market, financial, institutional as well as technological barriers. To further investigate barriers and opportunities on the ES market in Shanghai, 14 semi-structured interviews with relevant stakeholders and academics were conducted. Hypothesizes were formulated based on results from the interview and literature study as well as an expert panel. To test the hypotheses a questionnaire was sent out to real estate developers in Shanghai. This study discovers the need of bringing several in the literature identified barriers to ES in Shanghai up to date. Some barriers were found to be invalid while others were not identified at all. The newly found barriers include market barriers, such as ES having low priority, poor technological understanding among clients, and complications approaching and communicating with potential clients.  For institutional barriers, it was found that the prevalence of low margins in the Chinese industries is holding back stricter regulations. Furthermore, the Energy Service Companies’ (ESCO) lack of understanding of ES from a system perspective is considered a technology barrier. In addition to the barriers, a number of opportunities were found. Improved communication between real estate stakeholders and ESCOs contribute to greater awareness and knowledge, which in turn leads to a higher degree of investment in ES. Differentiation of the services offered by ESCOs may attract new customers who previously were not interested, e.g. companies with short investment horizon. In Shanghai, there are a significant number of subsidies, regulations and laws favoring ES. Moreover, the rapid growth of Shanghai is considered one of the greater opportunities. To conclude, it was found that the maturity level among ESCOs in Shanghai was having large impact on the overall usage of ES. Fixed barriers, i.e. barriers nearly impossible to overcome, together with the large amount of small and inexperienced ESCOs is found to be hindering ES in the Shanghai commercial real estate sector from being used more frequently. / Kina ett är en av de snabbast växande ekonomierna i världen. Den ekonomiska expansionen är emellertid inte helt utan problem. Med bättre levnadsstandard och en allt större industrisektor ökar behovet av energi explosionsartat med förorenad mark och luft som följd.  Studiens problemformulering är vad det är som hindrar befintliga energitjänster i Shanghais byggnadssektor från att användas oftare. För att svara på denna fråga användes en sekventiellt multidisciplinär metod uppdelad i en kvalitativ och- kvantitativ studie. Utifrån litteraturen är det uppenbart att det finns en stor potential för användning av energitjänster i Shanghai. Främst till följd av stora satsningar på energieffektivitet i ett försök att möta den snabbväxande befolkningen med högre krav på levnadsstandard genom att minska energianvändningen. Ett antal hinder existerar emellertid inom Shanghais energitjänstemarknad. Inom dessa inkluderas allt ifrån marknads- och finansiella problem till institutionella och teknologiska komplikationer. För att vidare undersöka vilka problem och möjligheter det finns för energitjänster i Shanghai genomfördes 14 semi-strukturerade intervjuer med involverade aktörer och akademiker i Shanghai. Baserat på resultatet från intervjuerna tillsammans med litteraturstudien och en expert panel formulerades hypoteser härrörande energitjänstesituationen. För att testa hypoteserna genomfördes en enkätundersökning riktad till fastighetsutvecklare i Shanghai. Studien visade att många av de tidigare utpekade hindren för energitjänster i Shanghai behövdes uppdateras, varav vissa visade sig vara obsoleta och några inte gick att verifiera. Bland de nyfunna barriärerna kan nämnas marknadsbarriärer som låg prioritering för energitjänster, låg teknisk kompetens bland fastighetsägare samt svårigheter för energitjänstebolag att närma och kommunicera med potentiella kunder. För de institutionella barriärerna framgick att låga marginaler inom den kinesiska industrin håller tillbaka hårdare regleringar. Inom de tekniska barriärerna framkom att energitjänstebolag generellt sett brister i deras kunskap om energitjänster som kan tillgodose hela byggnaders energisystem. Utöver problemen identifierades även betydande möjligheter. Ökad kommunikation mellan aktörerna bidrar till större kunskap vilket i sin tur leder till en högre grad av energitjänsteinvesteringar. Genom att differentiera de tjänster energitjänsteföretag erbjuder kan de hitta nya kunder som tidigare inte varit intresserade, framförallt sådana med kort investeringshorisont. I Shanghai finns det ett betydande antal subventioneringar, regler och lagar som gynnar energitjänster. Även Shanghais tillväxt ses som en av de stora möjligheterna. Studien kommer fram till att en låg mognadsgraden bland energitjänstebolag i Shanghai negativt påverkan användningen av energitjänster. Existensen av flera fasta barriärer, barriärer som är svåra att påverka, tillsammans med det faktum att majoriteten av energitjänstebolag är små och oerfarna ses som den främsta orsaken till att energitjänster inte används i större utsträckning i Shanghai.


Domenique R Lumpkin (12639406) 17 June 2022 (has links)
<p>This dissertation focuses on the creation of a paradigm shift in building innovation. Challenges in achieving building energy-efficiency at scale highlight the complexity of the building performance problem, which is embedded with social, cultural, physical, environmental, and economic factors. Traditional approaches to building design have difficulty accounting for these multi-faceted variables and related longitudinal barriers and intangible impacts. Firstly, key stakeholders and their economic constraints change throughout time, and this variability is not traditionally considered upfront or addressed throughout a building’s operation. Secondly, buildings have social, cultural, environmental and economic implications that are difficult to quantify and evaluate against strictly functional design objectives. Therefore, current deeply technical and often system-specific building design strategies could benefit from whole-building solutions that account for this complexity and enable a paradigm shift in design toward human-centered outcomes (i.e., well-being, health, financial sustainability) and effective (i.e., equitable and sustainable) buildings. </p> <p>To drive this shift, an impact-based innovation framework was employed to pursue system-level and ecosystem-level strategies to optimize longitudinal building value assessment and distribution. First, a grounded theory study was pursued which identified gaps in current design practice that miss underlying building subsystem interactions which influence building performance. A system-level taxonomy of the building was then defined, linking identified sub-system synergies to functional, emotional and social building benefits for inhabitants. Then, an exploratory mixed-methods study was pursued, yielding a longitudinal building value framework that helps characterize key stakeholders, building design choices, and shared efficacy metrics. Building on these inputs, a multi-stakeholder, longitudinal building value assessment model was developed. The model was tested on two residential building development scenarios, highlighting its ability to capture the true impact of buildings on affected stakeholders over time in terms of tangible and intangible building costs and benefits. Finally, business model innovation concepts were employed to identify specific changes in stakeholder value delivery and capture strategies that could redistribute building costs and benefits over time, and thereby facilitate a shift in the paradigm of design and value capture in the residential building industry. </p>

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