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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sustainable Energy Development in Central Europe and East Asia: Different Scenarios and Options Evaluation / Sustainable Energy Development in Central Europe and East Asia: Different Scenarios and Options Evaluation

Tan, Tianhao January 2016 (has links)
This research presents an overview of different sustainable energy development scenarios in Central Europe and East Asia, and is aimed to evaluate the efficiency and availability for introducing a specific sustainable energy source. Accordingly: wind, hydropower, solar, bioenergy, geothermal, nuclear energy. By conducting analysis though multi criteria decision analysis (MCDA) and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) models, divergences among energy options in Central Europe and East Asia are emphasised due to its preferences in hierarchy. A short introduction, related to the present energy outlook with a series of relative regressions and a case study based on corresponding statistics, is presented firstly. This gives insights to assess the evaluation of sustainable energy development options. Evaluation results indicating Central Europe and East Asia should introduce different sustainable energy technologies on account of their own strengths and drawbacks in energy judgements and criterions. Keywords Sustainable energy, energy development, Central Europe, East Asia, energy scenario, energy option, evaluation, multi criteria decision analysis (MCDA), analytic hierarchy process (AHP)

Business Model Innovation for Energy Communities : A Cross-Comparative Analysis with the Business Model Canvas in the Swedish energy market / Affärsmodeller för energisamhällen : En jämförande studie med Business Model Canvas för svensk energimarknad

Abdu, Sohel January 2024 (has links)
This thesis undertakes a thorough exploration of business models for energy communities, specifically tailored to the unique requirements of the Swedish energy sector. Its objective is to identify and evaluate global business models for energy communities, focusing on their applicability within Sweden's regulatory, market, and socio-cultural contexts. Utilizing the Business Model Canvas as an analytical framework, the study initially identifies twelve distinct business model archetypes, ranging from community-based energy generation to models grounded in circular economy principles. Subsequently, it assesses their viability within Sweden's innovative and sustainability-focused energy landscape. The research is based on a qualitative methodology, incorporating a systematic literature review and comparative analysis to understand the complex dynamics of energy communities. By examining the structure of the Swedish energy system, the study pinpoints key factors influencing the success of energy- community models in Sweden, including regulatory frameworks, technological infrastructure, economic and financial viability, community engagement, and environmental sustainability. The findings emphasize six business models that closely align with Swedish values and objectives, highlighting the significance of community involvement, sustainability, and innovation in transforming Sweden's energy sector. These models include community-based energy generation, residential energy self-consumption, shared community energy generation, electric mobility cooperatives, collective financial initiatives, and circular economy-based approaches. In conclusion, the thesis proposes an Integrated Sustainable Energy Community Model (ISECM) as a comprehensive futuristic energy community model to guide Sweden's transition towards a more decentralized, participative, and sustainable energy future. This model integrates sustainable energy production, smart urban mobility, resource recovery, and digital integration. Further recommending strategic initiatives for implementation such as developing community platforms, forging strategic partnerships, and establishing environmental and social metrics. The research contributes to both academic and practical discussions on sustainable energy transitions, offering a strategic framework for leveraging community-based models to achieve Sweden's environmental and energy goals. It calls for active engagement from government, industry, academia, and communities to unlock the potential of innovative business models in advancing Sweden's energy sustainability agenda. / Denna avhandling genomför en omfattande utforskning av affärsmodeller för energigemenskaper, särskilt anpassade till de unika kraven i den svenska energisektorn. Syftet är att identifiera och utvärdera globala affärsmodeller för energigemenskaper med fokus på deras tillämplighet inom Sveriges regelverk, marknadsdynamik och sociokulturella sammanhang. Med hjälp av Business Model Canvas som analytiskt ramverk kartlägger studien tolv distinkta affärsmodellsarketyper, från gemenskapsbaserad energiproduktion till modeller baserade på cirkulär ekonomi, och bedömer deras livskraft i Sveriges innovativa och hållbarhetsinriktade energilandskap. Forskningen är grundad i en kvalitativ metodik, inkluderande en systematisk litteraturgenomgång och jämförande analys för att förstå de mångfacetterade dynamikerna inom energigemenskaper. Genom att utforska strukturen i det svenska energisystemet identifierar studien nyckelfaktorer som påverkar framgången för modeller av energigemenskaper i Sverige, inklusive regelverk, teknologisk infrastruktur, ekonomisk och finansiell livskraft, gemenskapsengagemang och miljömässig hållbarhet. Resultaten belyser sex affärsmodeller som ligger i linje med svenska värderingar och mål, och betonar vikten av gemenskapsinvolvering, hållbarhet och innovation i omvandlingen av Sveriges energisektor. Dessa modeller inkluderar gemenskapsbaserad energiproduktion, självkonsumtion av energi i bostäder, delad gemenskapsenergiproduktion, kooperativ för elektrisk mobilitet, kollektiva finansiella initiativoch modeller baserade på cirkulär ekonomi. Som avslutning föreslår avhandlingen en Integrerad Hållbar Energi Gemenskaps Modell (ISEGM) som ett holistiskt framtida energigemenskap för att vägleda Sveriges övergång mot en mer decentraliserad, deltagande och hållbar energiframtid. Denna modell inkluderar hållbar energiproduktion, smart stadsrörlighet, återvinning av resurser och digital integration. Som vidare rekommenderar strategiska initiativ för implementering, såsom utveckling av gemenskapsplattformar, skapande av strategiska partnerskap och etablering av miljö- och sociala mätvärden. Forskningen bidrar till akademiska och praktiska diskussioner om hållbara energiövergångar, och erbjuder ett strategiskt ramverk för att utnyttja gemenskapsbaserade modeller för att uppnå Sveriges miljö- och energimål. Den uppmanar till aktivt engagemang från regeringen, industrin, akademin och gemenskaper för att förverkliga potentialen i innovativa affärsmodeller för att främja Sveriges hållbarhetsagenda inom energi.

Distributed generation for waste heat utilisation and industrial symbiosis at Zigrid AB. : A case study on the Alby hydrogen project in Ånge, Sweden

Abdlla, Hamodi, Eshete, Helen January 2023 (has links)
This thesis investigates the potential utilisation of Zigrid’s distributed power modules for waste heat utilisation and electricity production within an industrial cluster. The study examines generated waste heat from a hydrogen production plant with a PEM electrolyser and Zigrid’s innovative energy generation capabilities. Furthermore, the study investigates changes in the value chain within the industrial cluster when integrating Zigrid’s power modules as a cooling technique and thereby replacing cooling towers. This integration offers various potential avenues for the excess waste heat, such as electricity production and district heating. An in-depth economic evaluation was performed, weighing the cost-effectiveness of Zigrid's power modules against traditional cooling towers. The economic assessment includes the Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) for locally produced electricity and showcase the potential savings by reducing dependence on the grid. Furthermore, the study also highlights the potential benefits of harnessing Sweden's waste heat, forecasting Zigrid's prospective contribution to local electricity generation and substantial economic efficiencies.  The study's findings underscore the viability of Zigrid's power units in increasing local electricity generation, curbing emissions, enhancing grid stability, and fostering sustainable practices within industrial clusters. / Denna avhandling undersöker potentialen för användning av Zigrids distribuerade kraftmoduler för utnyttjande av spillvärme och elproduktion inom ett industriellt kluster. Studien granskar genererad spillvärme från en väteproduktionsanläggning med en PEMelektrolysör och Zigrids innovativa energiproduktionsförmåga. Vidare undersöker studien förändringar i värdekedjan inom det industriella klustret när Zigrids kraftmoduler integreras som en kylteknik och därmed ersätter kyltorn. Denna integration erbjuder olika potentiella vägar för överskott av spillvärme, såsom elproduktion och fjärrvärme. En djupgående ekonomisk utvärdering genomfördes, där kostnadseffektiviteten hos Zigrids kraftmoduler jämfördes med traditionella kyltorn. Den ekonomiska bedömningen inkluderar den nivåbaserad elkostnaden (LCOE) för lokalt producerad elektricitet och visar de potentiella besparingarna genom att minska beroendet av elnätet. Vidare belyser studien också de potentiella fördelarna med att utnyttja Sveriges spillvärme och förutspår Zigrids framtida bidrag till lokal elproduktion och betydande ekonomisk effektivitet. Studiens resultat understryker Zigrids kraftenheters livskraftighet för att öka lokal elproduktion, minska utsläpp, förbättra nätstabiliteten och främja hållbara metoder inom industrikluster.

Estudio de sistemas renovables avanzados para el desarrollo energético sostenible

Bastida Molina, Paula 02 September 2021 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La energía juega un papel fundamental en el desarrollo sostenible de las comunidades. Así, proporcionar recursos energéticos fiables, económicamente aceptables, medioambientalmente respetuosos y socialmente beneficiosos, resulta esencial para el desarrollo sostenible de las mismas. A pesar de la universalidad de dicha definición, el uso de la energía está muy vinculada al nivel de desarrollo de los países. De este modo, la problemática energética de los países desarrollados contrasta enormemente con la de los países en desarrollo. En esta tesis doctoral se ha identificado la principal problemática energética de ambas realidades: grave impacto medioambiental de los modelos de generación del transporte tradicionales en los países desarrollados y pobreza energética en los países en desarrollo. A partir del compendio de artículos científicos de esta tesis doctoral se ha caracterizado el uso de sistemas renovables avanzados que permite solucionar dicha problemática de forma sostenible. En concreto, el principal problema energético en países desarrollados ha sido tratado mediante la planificación energética y el diseño óptimo de sistemas híbridos de energías renovables (HRES por sus siglas en inglés) en electrolineras, necesarios para la introducción de vehículos eléctricos como alternativa de movilidad sostenible. Por otro lado, el estudio de metodologías de diseño óptimas de HRES off grid y de las estufas para cocinar mejoradas mediante gasificación de biomasa se ha focalizado en la inaccesibilidad eléctrica y a sistemas de cocina limpia que sufren las comunidades en desarrollo. Así, esta tesis aporta una serie de metodologías para optimizar y adecuar los sistemas renovables presentados para el desarrollo energético sostenible de las comunidades. Además, no sólo demuestra la idoneidad de estos sistemas para dicho fin, sino también su versatilidad de aplicación en función del nivel de crecimiento de las comunidades. / [CA] L'energia juga un paper fonamental en el desenvolupament sostenible de les comunitats. Així, proporcionar recursos energètics fiables, econòmicament acceptables, mediambientalment respectuosos i socialment beneficiosos, resulta essencial per al desenvolupament sostenibles de les mateixes. A pesar de la universalitat d'aquesta definició, l'ús de la energia està vinculada al nivell de desenvolupament dels països. D'aquesta manera, la problemàtica energètica dels països desenvolupats contrasta enormement amb la dels països en desenvolupament. A aquesta tesis doctoral s'ha identificat la principal problemàtica energètica d'ambdues realitats: greu impacte mediambiental dels models de generació del transport tradicional en els països desenvolupats i pobresa energètica en els països en desenvolupament. A partir del compendi d'articles científics d'aquesta tesis doctoral s'ha caracteritzat l'ús de sistemes renovables avançats que permet solucionar aquesta problemàtica de manera sostenible. En concret, el principal problema energètic en països desenvolupats s'ha tractat mitjançant la planificació energètica i el disseny òptim de sistemes híbrids d'energies renovables (HRES, per les seues segles en anglès) en electrolineres, necessaris per la introducció de vehicles elèctrics com alternativa de mobilitat sostenible. D'altra banda, l'estudi de metodologies de disseny òptimes de HRES off grid i d'estufes per a cuinar millorades mitjançant gasificació de biomassa s'ha focalitzat en la inaccessibilitat elèctrica i a sistemes de cuina neta que pateixen les comunitats en desenvolupament. Així, aquesta tesis aporta una sèrie de metodologies per optimitzar i adequar el sistemes renovables presentats per al desenvolupament energètic sostenible de les comunitats. A més, no tan sols demostra la idoneïtat d'aquests sistemes per a aqueix fi, sinó també la seua versatilitat d'aplicació en funció del nivell de creixement de les comunitats. / [EN] Energy plays a significant role for the sustainable development of communities. Hence, supplying reliable energy resources, which result economically acceptable, environmentally friendly and socially beneficial, arises as essential for their sustainable development. Despite the universality of such definition, the energy use is highly linked to the development degree of the countries. Thus, energy problems of developed countries sharply contrast with those of developing countries. This doctoral thesis identifies the main energy issues of both realities: severe environmental impact of energy generation models for traditional transport in developed countries and energy poverty in developing countries. The compendium of scientific papers of this doctoral dissertation characterizes the use of advanced renewable energy systems to solve such problems in a sustainable way. Namely, the main energy issue in developed countries has been addressed by means of energy planning and the optimal design of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems (HRES) in electric vehicle charging stations, which ensure the introduction of electric vehicles as a sustainable mobility alternative. Moreover, the study of methodologies for the optimal design of off grid HRES and improved cooking stoves based on biomass gasification have approached the inaccessibility to electricity and to clean cooking systems that developing communities suffer. Therefore, this thesis provides a number of methodologies to optimize and adapt the presented renewable energy systems for the sustainable energy development of communities. Furthermore, it demonstrates not only the suitability of these systems for such aim, but also their versatility of application regarding the growing degree of the communities. / Bastida Molina, P. (2021). Estudio de sistemas renovables avanzados para el desarrollo energético sostenible [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172548 / Compendio

Mécanisme pour un développement propre (MDP) du protocole de Kyoto: barrières et opportunités pour les pays moins avancés d'Afrique :cas du Burundi

Bisore, Simon 12 September 2012 (has links)
Du Protocole de Kyoto est née une série d’objectifs de réduction des émissions de GES. Le respect de ces objectifs peut entraîner des coûts très lourds pour les économies des pays développés engagés dans la lutte contre les changements climatiques. Pour minimiser les coûts imposés par ces objectifs, des instruments économiques ont été développés, avec notamment la création de marchés du carbone. Y participent les trois mécanismes de flexibilité du Protocole de Kyoto parmi lesquels figure le Mécanisme pour un Développement Propre (MDP). <p><p>Parmi les problèmes posés par ce mécanisme de compensation, il y a des disparités observées dans la répartition géographique de sa mise en œuvre, alors qu’il est censé contribuer au développement de nombreux pays non-Annexe I. Parmi ceux-ci, les Pays les Moins Avancés (PMA) en général et ceux d’Afrique en particulier restent largement sous-représentés. Pourtant, le MDP a été adopté à la fois comme une contribution innovatrice à l’atténuation des changements climatiques et comme un moteur de promotion du développement durable dans les pays en développement.<p><p>Dans ce contexte, l’objectif général de cette thèse est triple. Primo, elle vise à étudier en profondeur cet instrument en dégageant ses principales caractéristiques, y compris les disparités d’implantation d’activités de projets qui lui sont liées. Secundo, elle en examine les causes par une analyse des barrières ou freins à la mise en œuvre d’activités de projets du MDP dans ces PMA d’Afrique en général et au Burundi en particulier. Tertio, elle révèle les opportunités (avantages/bénéfices) potentielles qui restent toujours non valorisées par l’implémentation d’activités de projets éligibles au titre du MDP.<p><p>L’analyse menée montre que les disparités susmentionnées jouent essentiellement en faveur des grands pays émergents d’Asie et d’Amérique latine, ce qui va à l’encontre du principe d’équité. En effet, en décembre 2011, le Brésil, la Chine et l’Inde détenaient 72,7 % de toutes les activités de projets du MDP et 75,8 % de crédits-carbone attendus en 2012. A l’opposé, les PMA ne disposaient dans le même temps que de 1,3 % de toutes les activités de projets du MDP et 1,2 % de leurs crédits attendus d’ici 2012. Les PMA d’Afrique ne restent qu’avec des parts de l’ordre de 0,8 % et 0,9 % respectivement. Cette situation reste si drastiquement critique qu’il importe d’en déceler les raisons.<p><p>Des caractéristiques de l’instrument, des expériences menées jusqu’ici et de la situation dans des pays hôtes, il ressort que les barrières sont de deux types. D’une part, les barrières endogènes, c'est-à-dire les barrières liées à l’organisation interne des pays. D’autre part, les barrières exogènes qui sont liées essentiellement à l’organisation générale du processus du MDP. L’étude a permis ainsi de montrer que les barrières endogènes constituent le nœud du problème en termes de visibilité des pays hôtes dans le marché du MDP. Celle-ci reste largement limitée dans ce marché international du carbone. <p><p>Les barrières identifiées dans ce travail, en particulier les barrières endogènes, risquent de se révéler difficiles à lever, car elles exigent des réformes structurelles au sein de l’organisation politique, institutionnelle, économique, et juridique du pays hôte. En outre, l’intégration de ces barrières dans un système unique d’interrelations constitue un des points originaux du travail. Ces interrelations ne sont pas négligeables et complexifient l’application du mécanisme, car, dans la plupart des cas, une action amorcée pour lever une barrière peut s’avérer inefficace si d’autres barrières associées ne sont pas prises en compte.<p>L’étude s’est également attachée à évaluer les retombées potentielles liées à la mise en œuvre d’activités de projets du MDP au Burundi. Les principales opportunités perdues jusqu’ici se situent dans quelques secteurs socioéconomiques du pays, essentiellement dans la gestion des déchets et l’énergie. L’étude en a ainsi retenu des options technologiques susceptibles de contribuer à des solutions à la problématique de la gestion des déchets et de l’approvisionnement énergétique au Burundi, tout en favorisant la stabilisation d’émissions de GES. Il s’agit de technologies adaptées de compostage et de bio-méthanisation dans le secteur de la gestion des déchets et les technologies de production d’énergies à partir de sources renouvelables (hydro, solaire, biogaz) et d’amélioration de l’efficacité énergétique de la biomasse (foyers améliorés, carbonisation) dans le secteur de l’énergie. <p><p>Ces opportunités ont également été analysées suivant des critères et indicateurs de durabilité (matrice de développement durable du Gold Standard). Les résultats montrent que ces options technologiques peuvent apporter une contribution au développement durable du pays. En effet, les opportunités se rencontrent à la fois dans le développement social (création d’emplois, moyens de subsistance des pauvres, accès aux énergies propres, renforcement des capacités), le développement écologique (réduction des émissions de GES, amélioration de la qualité de l’air, de l’eau et du sol, sauvegarde de la biodiversité), et le développement économique et technologique (rémunération d’emplois créés, augmentation des investissements, transfert et autonomie technologiques).<p><p>Afin de faire bénéficier le pays des retombées des activités de projets du MDP, il est proposé des solutions qui peuvent contribuer à une levée/atténuation de ces barrières. Ces propositions forment une combinaison d’actions à mener au niveau international, régional et surtout local/national. Au niveau international, des organes habilités devraient apporter des réformes profondes au MDP. Au niveau régional, le renforcement des capacités par des actions de coopération pourrait favoriser l’échange d’expériences en la matière. Au niveau local/national, l’adoption des réformes profondes aux niveaux institutionnel, législatif et juridique, dans une logique d’améliorer les politiques de planification du développement socioéconomique et environnemental, rendrait le pays naturellement plus attractif. En particulier, la mise en place et la mise en œuvre d’une stratégie nationale du MDP pourrait contribuer à relever le défi. <p><p>Les propositions de solutions pour réduire les barrières à la mise en œuvre d’activités de projets du MDP sont susceptibles de stimuler l’investissement en général. Ainsi, toute stratégie adoptée dans cette logique peut contribuer non seulement à la participation du pays au processus du MDP, mais aussi à favoriser la mise en œuvre d’autres projets conventionnels de développement au niveau national. Finalement, la considération de ces différentes opportunités associées à la mise en œuvre d’activités de projets du MDP au niveau du pays par des instances habilitées (décideurs politiques, acteurs institutionnels et économiques) conduirait à faire de ce mécanisme une contribution utile au développement du pays/The Kyoto Protocol has established a series of targets for reducing GHG emissions. The fulfilment of these objectives may result in heavy costs for the economies of developed countries engaged in the fight against climate change. To minimize the costs imposed by these targets, economic instruments were developed, notably with the creation of carbon markets. The three flexible mechanisms of Kyoto Protocol are involved in this, one of which being the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). <p><p>Among the problems posed by this offset mechanism, disparities can be observed in regional distribution after it has been implemented, when it ought to be contributing towards the development of a number of Non-Annex I countries. Among these countries, the least developed ones (LDCs) in general and Africa ones in particular are largely under-represented. However, the CDM was adopted both as an innovative solution to mitigate climate change and as an engine to promote sustainable development in developing countries.<p><p>Within this context, the overall objective of this thesis is threefold. First of all, it aims to study this instrument in depth, by picking out its main characteristics, including the disparities in project activities implementation related to it. Secondly, it examines the causes for these disparities by analyzing the barriers or restrictions preventing implementation of CDM project activities in these African LDCs in general and in Burundi in particular. Its third purpose is to reveal the potential opportunities (advantages/benefits) which have yet to be developed by setting up eligible CDM project activities.<p><p>The analysis carried out shows that the aforementioned disparities come out in favor of the large emerging countries in Asia and Latin America primarily, which goes against the principle of equity. In fact, in December 2011, Brazil, China and India held 72.7% of all CDM project activities and 75.8% of carbon emission credits expected in 2012. On the contrary, for the same time period, the LDCs had only 1.3% of all CDM project activities and 1.2% of their carbon emission credits expected up until 2012. The African LDCs are left only with shares of 0.8% and 0.9% respectively. This situation is extremely critical. It is crucial to discover the reasons for it.<p><p>The instrument’s features, experiments carried out so far and the situation in host countries all reveal that the barriers fall into two categories. On the one hand, there are endogenous barriers, i.e. barriers related to the internal organization of countries. On the other hand, exogenous barriers are related to the general running of the CDM process especially. The study has thus revealed that the endogenous barriers are the crux of the problem where the presence of host countries is concerned in the CDM market. The visibility of host countries is rather limited in this international carbon market. <p><p>The barriers identified in this thesis, particularly endogenous ones, may be difficult to remove because they demand structural reforms in the political, institutional, economical and legal organization of the host country. In addition, the integration of these barriers into a single system of interrelationships is one of the original points of this thesis. These interrelationships are not insignificant and complicate the mechanism’s application, because in most cases, initiating an action to remove a barrier may be ineffective if other associated barriers are not taken into account.<p><p>The study has also focused on evaluating the potential impacts linked to the implementation of CDM project activities in Burundi. The main opportunities lost up to date are in some socioeconomic sectors in the country, particularly in the waste management and energy sectors. The study has therefore identified technological options that are likely to bring solutions to the question of waste management and energy supply in Burundi, while at the same time contributing to the stabilization of greenhouse gas emissions. These options are notably composting and anaerobic digestion technologies in the area of waste management, and energy generation technologies from renewable sources (hydro, solar, biogas) and improved energy efficiency of biomass (better households, carbonization) in the energy sector. <p> <p>These opportunities were also analyzed in accordance with sustainability criteria and indicators (Gold Standard sustainable development matrix). The results show that these technological options may contribute to sustainable development in the country. Indeed, the opportunities can be seen at the same time in social development (job creation, means of subsistence for the poor, clean energy access, capacity building); ecological development (reducing GHG emissions, improvement in quality of air, water and soil, preservation of biodiversity) and economic & technological development (better pay for jobs created, increased investment, technology transfer and technological autonomy).<p><p>In order to allow the country to take advantage of these opportunities through CDM project activities, it has been proposed solutions that can help raise/mitigate these barriers. These proposals are a combination of actions to be taken at international and regional levels and above all at a local/ national level. In the international arena, authorized bodies should make major reforms to the CDM. At a regional level, capacity building through joint actions could encourage the exchange of expertise in the field. Locally/nationally, adopting major reforms at institutional, legislative and legal levels, with a view to improving planning policies in socioeconomic and environmental development, would make the country naturally more attractive. In particular, establishing and implementing a national CDM strategy could also contribute towards taking up the challenge. <p><p>Proposals of solutions for mitigating barriers to implement CDM project activities are likely to stimulate investment in general. Thus, any strategy adopted along these lines can contribute not only to the country’s participation in the CDM process, but also to favoring implementation of other conventional projects for development at national level. Finally, considering these different opportunities associated with implementing CDM project activities in the country via authorized bodies (policymakers, institutional and economic actors) would lead to this mechanism being a useful contribution towards national development. <p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

UTILIZATION OF WIND POWER IN RWANDA : Design and Production Option

Eric, MANIRAGUHA January 2013 (has links)
This Master Thesis is the research done in the country of Rwanda. The project leads to study the climate of this country in order to establish whether this climate could be used to produce energy from air and to implement the first wind turbine for serving the nation.   After an introduction about the historical background of wind power, the thesis work deals with assessment of wind energy potential of Rwanda in focusing of the most suitable place for wind power plants. The best location with annual mean wind speed, the rate of use of turbine with hub height for an annual production per year, the mean wind speeds for 6 sites of Rwanda based on ECMWF for climatic data for one year at relief of altitude of 100m and coordinates are reported too.   The result of energy produced and calculations were done based on power hitting wind turbine generator in order to calculate Kinetic energy and power available at the best location to the measurement over the period of 12 months, that could be hoped for long term.   With help of logarithmic law, where wind speed usually increases with increasing in elevation and the desired wind speeds at all 6 sites were used. The annual energy production was taken into account at the best site with desired wind speed at the initial cost of turbine as well as the cost of energy (COE).However, with comparison of the tariff of EWSA, the price of Wind designed in this Research per kWh is cheaper and suitable for people of Rwanda. / <p><em>Rwanda has considerable opportunities development energy from hydro sources, methane gas, solar and peat deposits. Most of these energy sources have not been fully exploited, such as solar, wind and geothermal. As such wood is still being the major source of energy for 94 per cent of the population and imported petroleum products consume more than 40 per cent of foreign exchange. Energy is a key component of the Rwandan economy. It is thus recognized that the current inadequate and expensive energy supply constitutes a limiting factor to sustainable development. Rwanda’s Vision 2020 emphasizes the need for economic growth, private investment and economic transformation supported by a reliable and affordable energy supply as a key factor for the development process. To achieve this transformation, the country will need to increase energy production and diversify into alternative energy sources. Rwandan nations don’t have small-scale solar, wind, and geothermal devices in operation providing energy to urban and rural areas. These types of energy production are especially useful in remote locations because of the excessive cost of transporting electricity from large-scale power plants. The application of renewable energy technology has the potential to alleviate many of the problems that face the people of Rwanda every day, especially if done so in a sustainable manner that prioritizes human rights.</em></p>

Residential Solar Energy Adoption in a Community Context: Perceptions and Characteristics of Potential Adopters in a West Toronto Neighbourhood

Sherk, Theodore January 2012 (has links)
In the summer of 2007, a single neighbourhood in downtown Toronto contributed at least 13 percent of all residential grid???tie solar photovoltaic (PV) systems sold in the Canadian province of Ontario. On average, PV purchaser households produced 37 percent as much electricity as they consumed. This research investigates solar energy adoption in a community case study. Specifically, it investigates why some residents who sign up for a solar resource assessment through a community solar energy initiative (CSEI) decide to purchase, and others decide not to purchase in the short???term. Characteristics and perceptions of potential adopters are analyzed to better understand their motivations and barriers to adoption. Community energy projects became an official public policy goal in Ontario, with the passing of the Green Energy and Green Economy Act in 2009. Approximately 80 percent of Ontario???s anticipated generation capacity will need to be built, replaced or refurbished within 15 years. In this context, the Ontario Ministry of Energy, Ontario Power Authority, and Deloitte (one of Canada???s leading professional services firms), have partnered with a ???green benefit??? fund, the Community Power Fund, to help local community groups access resources to develop and establish renewable energy projects. Understanding solar energy adoption in a community context is therefore important to improve the effectiveness of such policies, including the disbursement of multi???million dollar grant funds. Differences between purchasers and non???purchasers in respect of adoption behaviour were found in this study to cluster around two general themes. The first theme concerns differences in compatibility of both the concept of solar energy systems, and their physical attributes, with characteristics of potential adopter households. Some compatibility issues are straightforward, e.g. availability of roof space with a southern orientation. Others are more complex, involving several interrelated perceptual and socio???demographic factors. For instance, while both purchasers and non???purchasers rated cost as a very important barrier, purchasers rated the motivation of solar energy systems to reduce climate change higher relative to the barrier of high financial costs than did non???purchasers. Purchasers were also more likely to possess a graduate degree, while non???purchasers were more likely to hold a professional degree. The second general theme relates to potential adopters??? trust and stake in the ability of the community???based initiative to reduce barriers in the adoption process. Since two types of solar energy systems are considered in the case study???PV and thermal (hot water)???differences are explored between each of three respondent groups: solar PV purchasers, solar hot water (SHW) purchasers, and non???purchasers. iv Surveys were used to gather data on adopter perceptions and characteristics. A participatory research design helped identify the research topic. Two main bodies of literature???community???based social marketing (CBSM) and diffusion of innovations theory???were drawn upon to conceptualize the adoption process and interpret the survey findings. These include five models of human behaviour that can be used to guide the design of CBSM campaigns. Diffusion theory was used as a basis for discussing ???perceived innovation attributes???. The study takes an integrated approach by considering both social and technical aspects of solar energy adoption, together with the issues of fuel substitution and household electricity demand.

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