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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Collaboration for Sustainable Rural Development among public actors in Uppsala County

Hallnäs, Charlotta January 2020 (has links)
Collaboration is increasingly seen as an important aspect for sustainable development and sustainability, both within academia as well as among practitioners. The very nature of many sustainability issues requires collaboration and in the Swedish context collaboration on a county level is deemed necessary for the achievement of Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals. The divide between urban and rural is likewise an important topic for achieving sustainability, where neither exist in isolation but are rather dependent on each other. Ensuring that Sweden has a thriving countryside, where people want to live and work is therefore paramount for sustainable development. With this backdrop this thesis takes a closer look at Uppsala county, with the aim of gaining a better understanding of public actors’ ability to collaborate for sustainable rural development in Uppsala county. The thesis was designed through co-design with Upplandsbygd Lokalt ledd utveckling, a LEADER-office located in Uppsala county, and implements a qualitative inductive research approach and a flexible research design. Through semi-structured interviews with officials from different public authorities, the thesis establishes what can be considered as challenges and opportunities for sustainable rural development as well as what may hinder or enable the actors’ ability to collaborate on these issues. The research show that differences such as organization size and resources can influence the collaborative process among public actors. The interview results also underline the different challenges the participants are faced with and how this may either inhibit their ability to collaborate or enhance their need to do so. Focusing on rural development, the thesis also discusses how the relationship between city and countryside is found to impact not only what challenges or opportunities the actors identifies, but also their ability to collaborate on sustainability issues. It concludes that the countryside is an important arena for sustainable development, and that collaboration among public actors on the county level is imperative for achieving sustainable rural development in a county like Uppsala. / Begreppet samverkan förekommer allt mer, både bland forskare och aktörer, när man talar om hållbar utveckling och hållbarhet. Själva karaktären hos många hållbarhetsfrågor kräver samarbete och i det svenska sammanhanget anses samverkan på regionalnivå vara nödvändigt för att uppnå Agenda 2030 och de globala målen för hållbar utveckling. Skillnaden mellan stad och landsbygd är också ett viktigt område för att uppnå hållbarhet. Både stad och landsbygd är beroende av varandra och deras respektive förutsättningar bör tas i beaktan när man diskuterar lösningar för en hållbar framtid. Att säkerställa att Sverige har en levande landsbygd, där människor vill bo och arbeta anses därför vara av största vikt för att säkerställa en hållbar utveckling inte bara av Sveriges landsbygder, utan för hela landet. Med denna bakgrund tar denna uppsats en närmare titt på Uppsala län, i syfte att få en bättre förståelse för offentliga aktörers förmåga att samverka när det gäller hållbar landsbygdsutveckling. Studien är utformad genom samdesign med Upplandsbygd Lokalt ledd utveckling och tillämparen kvalitativ induktiv forskningsmetod med en flexibel forskningsdesign. Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med tjänstemän från olika offentliga myndigheter, fastställer föreliggande studie vad som kan betraktas som utmaningar och möjligheter för hållbar landsbygdsutveckling samt vad som kan hindra eller möjliggöra för aktörerna att samverkan i dessa frågor. Studien visar att skillnader som organisationsstorlek och tillgång till resurser, både i form av finansiella medel likväl som personal och arbetstid, kan påverka samarbetsprocessen mellan aktörerna. Resultaten från intervjuerna understryker också de olika utmaningarna som deltagarna står inför och hur dessa antingen kan hämma deras förmåga att samarbeta eller öka deras behov av samverkan. Med fokus på landsbygdsutveckling diskuterar uppsatsen förhållandet mellan stad och landsbygd och hur det påverkar inte bara vilka utmaningar eller möjligheter aktörerna ser, utan också deras förmåga att samarbeta kring hållbarhetsfrågor. I uppsatsen dras slutsatsen att landsbygden är en viktig arena för hållbarhetsfrågor, och att samverkan mellan offentliga aktörer på regionalnivå är nödvändigt för att uppnå en hållbar landsbygdsutveckling i ett län som Uppsala. Regional samhällsplanering föreslås också som en potentiell väg framåt för aktörerna i studien. Därtill förs en diskussion kring vilken roll Upplandsbygd Lokalt ledd utveckling bör ta i det fortsatta arbetet mot hållbar landsbygdsutveckling.

Perspective d'un développement rural durable : le cas des Hmongs du Laos

Bouapao, Lytou January 1994 (has links)
Sustainable development is an evolutionary process in which all ethnic groups live in harmony with a healthy environment. For approximately forty years, Laos has been subjected to many disruptions. Minority groups, like the Hmong, have felt the full impact of the numerous socio-political and economic changes that took place in the country. The Hmong, in particular, who live in mountainous regions and practice slash and burn agriculture, have suffered from economic and social inequality policies practiced by previous governments. The progressive transformation of their methods of land use, their mode of production and their migrant lifestyle must clearly be understood before any attempt at a sedentary lifestyle with a view to a sustainable development be undertaken. The underprivileged Hmong aspire to better living conditions comparable to those of people living in the plains.

Perspective d'un développement rural durable : le cas des Hmongs du Laos

Bouapao, Lytou January 1994 (has links)
Résumé : Le développement durable est un processus d'évolution dans lequel toutes les ethnies coexistent en harmonie avec un environnement sain. Depuis une quarantaine d'années, le Laos a connu de nombreux bouleversements. Des groupes minoritaires, dont les Hmongs, ont subi les contrecoups des changements socio-politiques et économiques. Les Hmongs, qui habitent les régions montagneuses et qui pratiquent l'agriculture itinérante, sont particulièrement touchés par des inégalités économiques et sociales malgré la politique d'égalité ethnique. Les transformations progressives de leur méthode d'utilisation du sol, de leur mode de production et de leur mode de vie itinérants en sédentarisation durable deviennent fondamentales et cruciales. Les Hmongs défavorisés aspirent fortement à de meilleures conditions de vie tout comme les populations qui vivent dans les plaines. En effet, les Hmongs, qui habitent dans les régions de Lakhasipsong et de Longsan, province de Vientiane, s'adaptent aux nouvelles conditions de transformation socio-économique, soient la sédentarisation du mode de production et du mode de vie. On peut affirmer que le développement rural et communautaire permet la sédentarisation des Hmongs et que ces derniers sont aptes à s'adapter à la vie moderne. La méthode d'enquête par entrevue sur la base d'un sondage employée sur le terrain nous a permis de découvrir les caractéristiques de développement durable autant socio-économique que politique dans la province de Vientiane avec application particulière aux Hmongs. Les résultats de l'enquête démontrent que les stratégies de sédentarisation sans relocalisation et avec relocalisation sur l'initiative soit personnelle soit gouvernementale ont fait leurs preuves. Des changements dans les modes de production et de vie ont non seulement permis une meilleure utilisation du sol, une augmentation de la production et une amélioration des conditions de vie mais aussi une meilleure préservation de l'écosystème.||Abstract : Sustainable development is an evolutionary process in which all ethnie groups live in harmony with a healthy environment. For approximately forty years, Laos has been subjected to many disruptions. Minority groups, like the Hmong, have felt the full impact of the numerous socio-political and economic changes that took place in the country. The Hmong, in particular, who live in mountainous regions and practice slash and burn agriculture, have suffered from economic and social inequality policies praticed by previous governments. The progressive transformation of their methods of land use, their mode of production and their migrant life style must clearly be understood before any attempt at a sedentary life style with a view to a sustainable development be undertaken. The underprivileged Hmong aspire to better living conditions comparable to those of people living in the plains. More precisely, the Hmong, who live in Lakhasipsong and Longsan in the province of Vientiane, adapt to their new conditions of social and economic transformation by fixing into place their mode of production and their lifestyle. We can state that the rural community development taking place allows an effective sédentarisation for the Hmong and, that they are able to adapt themselves to modem life. The survey method by interview and randown sampling on the ground permits us to discover elements of farming development within the socio-economic as well as political life in Vientiane province with a particular application to the Hmong. The survey results in showing that settling down strategies without relocation or with relocation on personal or governmental initiative are truly operational. Changes in the mode of production and life style have not only permitted a better land use, an increased production and a better life style but also, a better conservation of the environment.

Fuel-efficiency and Efficient Aid : An analysis of factors affecting the spread of fuel-efficient cooking stoves in Northern Tanzania

Grant Axén, Johanna January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is the result of nine weeks fieldwork in Babati and Bukoba districts in Northern Tanzania during spring 2012. The purpose of this thesis is to study why development projects on fuel-efficient stoves have had a limited adoption in these two regions and what obstacles and opportunities there are for further spread of fuel-efficient cooking stoves. Semi-structured interviews were the main method used for collecting the empirical data, which was then analysed from a socio-economic perspective with help from the framework of Sustainable Rural Livelihoods. The Results showed that people’s perceptions of fuel-efficient stoves are positive but that projects face many obstacles connected to socio-economic conditions. Knowledge on how to get stoves and access to financial capital is main obstacles for further spreading. Social networks and organisations are channels for information, but to spread outside these networks will need complementing strategies from organisations promoting fuel-efficient stoves. Important are also finding ways of making the financial aspect of adopting stoves less, like using materials with lower costs, using stove-models with low costs and training people in building stoves so re-investments are unnecessary and dependency of funding from organisations less. Gender is a factor affecting the adoption of fuel-efficient stoves, regarding access to assets and generated benefits. There is therefore an importance of involving gender throughout the different stages of the projects.

Coordination: key to development : Field study about rural livelihoods in Ribáuè and the impact of coordination failure

Banning, Christophe, Dalarud Lidén, Erik January 2012 (has links)
This Master thesis is the result of a study in which we looked at people's livelihoods - through the sustainable rural livelihoods analytical framework - from a coordination failure perspective. During three weeks spent in the district of Ribáuè, Mozambique, enabled us to conduct interviews with people from many different social categories and understand the conditions in which small-scale farmers live. The paper tackles issues related to development in general and governmental intervention and contributes to the debate about the type of growth which is on-going in Mozambique. What are the coordination failures that impact people's livelihoods in Mozambique, a country where strong economic growth does not seem to help the poorest to get out of poverty. / The Mozambican economy is characterised by a high level of employment in the agricultural sector. Most farmers are small-scale and farm for subsistence. As development at global level will continue to pressure these farmers to increase their productivity, the question is to know how this will affect the small-scale farmers’ capacity to improve their livelihoods. The economy of the African continent is predicted to rise substantially and countries like Mozambiquehave been praised for their staggering economic growth. However despite growth, the situation remains unchanged for many small-scale farmers. The intention of this research is then to look into the conditions in which small-scale agricultural activities take place. This study was carried out is the district of Ribáuè, located in the northern provinceof Nampula, Mozambique and adopts an abductive approach as it investigates coordination failures around farming activities. In other words, aspects concerning agricultural activities that are difficult to observe, will be included. The starting point for this argument is that it is impossible to obtain sustainable development (i.e. including small-scale farmers) without taking a holistic approach. Through this study, it becomes clear that small-scale farmers face a variety of obstacles from which patterns can be extracted. Strong emphasis is put on the importance of surrounding factors such as infrastructures, access to credit, wage work opportunities, access to inputs, extension services, and market access.  All these factors impact people’s livelihoods; and by investing in all of them in a coordinated way, it creates synergetic effects and boosts the potential for further development of each feature. This inter-connectivity becomes clear when considering that wage work opportunities are created when investments are made in the rehabilitation of infrastructures or the expansion of extension services. Furthermore, market access increases when the connectivity of remote farmers is improved and their livelihoods develop when their surplus can be sold. The amount of surplus farmers have is in turn affected by their financial capital, access to inputs, and access to extension services. Singling out one of these features as more important than the others risks missing the point and hindering sustainable development. This calls for big versatile government investments, in the form of big push policies, to ensure that these areas inter-connect and to create the highest possible levels of synergy.

A extensão rural pública frente aos desafios da PNATER: o caso da Empaer em Mato Grosso / The public rural extension faced with the challenges of PNATER: the case of Empaer in Mato Grosso, Brazil

Moraes, Murilo Didonet de 03 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Murilo Didonet de Moraes (murilonx7@gmail.com) on 2018-06-11T14:26:27Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Versão Final Tese.pdf: 2249115 bytes, checksum: 1cf890165c130a3d65c1bbe73e37cb04 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Cristina Alexandra de Godoy null (cristina@adm.feis.unesp.br) on 2018-06-11T22:18:08Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 moraes_md_dr_ilha.pdf: 2160749 bytes, checksum: c415df803d3a930a628fbf722f596712 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-11T22:18:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 moraes_md_dr_ilha.pdf: 2160749 bytes, checksum: c415df803d3a930a628fbf722f596712 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-05-03 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Historicamente, a extensão rural brasileira esteve orientada para contribuir com o desenvolvimento capitalista no campo. No entanto, a constatação dos impactos socioambientais advindos do modelo de agricultura convencional implicou em críticas que levaram, por sua vez, a um repensar sobre a orientação difusionista tradicionalmente adotada. Contrária a este modelo, a Política Nacional de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural (PNATER), criada em 2003 e institucionalizada em 2010, demonstrou uma mudança de postura do governo brasileiro, ao menos no nível do discurso, em querer implantar mudanças significativas nas bases filosóficas da prática extensionista, assim como concentrar seus esforços no público que ficou à margem do processo de modernização (os agricultores familiares). Esta pesquisa objetivou verificar quais são as relações que envolvem Estado/Organização/Agente, no sentido de compreender os limites e potencialidades relativos à prática extensionista e, mais especificamente, à implementação da PNATER na Empresa Mato-grossense de Pesquisa, Assistência e Extensão Rural (Empaer). Este trabalho, embora tenha envolvido coleta de dados quantitativos, deu ênfase à investigação do tipo qualitativa. Primeiramente, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas a um dos dirigentes da Secretaria de Estado de Agricultura Familiar e Assuntos Fundiários (Seaf), assim como aos dois componentes da Diretoria Executiva (Diretor Presidente e Diretor de ATER) e aos nove coordenadores dos escritórios regionais da Empaer. Além disso, foi aplicado um questionário, enviado por meio digital (e-mail), junto a 62 extensionistas locais da referida Empresa. Dentre as diferentes vertentes teóricas apresentadas sobre as políticas públicas, as abordagens do neoinstitucionalismo histórico e cognitiva demonstraram ser as mais adequadas para a análise da construção histórica da Lei de ATER, tendo como base a multiplicidade de atores, ideias e organizações implicados no processo. Os resultados empíricos obtidos evidenciaram uma complexa rede de desafios no que tange ao acompanhamento dos pressupostos da PNATER, de modo que em determinadas situações se percebem aderências e em outras divergências. Observou-se que os principais fatores facilitadores a uma atuação da Empaer mais próxima às diretrizes da PNATER foram a conscientização e a disposição dos agricultores em trabalhar com uma agricultura mais sustentável, as atividades de formação, capacitação e experiência dos extensionistas, assim como o seu bom relacionamento com os agricultores. Por outro lado, os principais aspectos restritivos encontrados referem-se às dificuldades de ordem financeira e de recursos humanos, à insegurança na comercialização, à não adesão dos agricultores em relação à proposta e às condições insatisfatórias de trabalho dos extensionistas. Constatou-se que o caminho para a concretização efetiva da Lei de ATER ainda está sendo construído, pois a Empaer atende apenas parcialmente os objetivos e diretrizes apontados na Lei, o que pode ser interpretado como um alinhamento moderado da Empaer com a política vigente de ATER. / Historically, the brazilian rural extension has been oriented to contribute with the capitalist development in the field. However, the realization of the social and environmental impacts from conventional farming model resulted in criticism that led, for yours time, to a rethink about the diffusionist orientation traditionally adopted. Contrary to this model, the National Policy of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (PNATER), established in 2003 and institutionalized in 2010 (Law n. 12188 of January 11, 2010), has shown a change in the attitude of the Brazilian Government, at least on a theoretical level, in wanting to deploy changes significant in the philosophical bases of extensionist practice, as well as concentrate their efforts on the audience that stayed on the sidelines of the process of modernization (the family farmers). This research aimed to verify which are the relationships that involve State/Organisation/Agent, in order to understand the limits and potentials regarding the practice extensionist and, more specifically, the implementation of PNATER on Company for Agricultural Research, Assistance and Rural Extension of the State of Mato Grosso (Empaer). This work, although it involved collecting quantitative data, gave emphasis to research qualitative type. First, semi-structured interviews were carried out to one of the leaders of the State Secretariat for Family Farming and Land Affairs (Seaf), as well as the two components of the Executive Board (CEO and Director of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension) and the nine coordinators of regional offices of Empaer. In addition, a questionnaire was applied, submitted through digital (e-mail), along the 62 local extension workers of this Company. Among the different theoretical aspects presented on public policies, the historical neoinstitucionalism and cognitive approaches have shown to be the most suitable for the analysis of the historical construction of the Law n. 12188, known as Law of ATER (Law of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension), based on the multiplicity of actors, ideas and organizations involved in the process. The empirical results obtained showed a complex network of challenges with regard to the monitoring of assumptions of PNATER, so that in certain situations they realize adhesions and other differences. It was observed that the main factors that facilitated Empaer’s activities closer to Pnater’s guidelines were the awareness and willingness of family farmers in working with a more sustainable agriculture, the activities of training and experience of the extension workers, as well as your good relationship with farmers. On the other hand, the main restrictive aspects found refer to financial difficulties and human resources, insecurity in the marketing, the non-adherence of farmers in relation to the proposal and unsatisfactory conditions of work of extension workers. It was noted that the way to effectively achieve of the Law of ATER is still being built, because the Empaer only partially meets the objectives and guidelines aimed at Law, which can be interpreted as a moderate alignment of Empaer with the current ATER policy.

A extensão rural pública frente aos desafios da PNATER : o caso da Empaer em Mato Grosso /

Moraes, Murilo Didonet de. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Antonio Lázaro Sant'Ana / Resumo: Historicamente, a extensão rural brasileira esteve orientada para contribuir com o desenvolvimento capitalista no campo. No entanto, a constatação dos impactos socioambientais advindos do modelo de agricultura convencional implicou em críticas que levaram, por sua vez, a um repensar sobre a orientação difusionista tradicionalmente adotada. Contrária a este modelo, a Política Nacional de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural (PNATER), criada em 2003 e institucionalizada em 2010, demonstrou uma mudança de postura do governo brasileiro, ao menos no nível do discurso, em querer implantar mudanças significativas nas bases filosóficas da prática extensionista, assim como concentrar seus esforços no público que ficou à margem do processo de modernização (os agricultores familiares). Esta pesquisa objetivou verificar quais são as relações que envolvem Estado/Organização/Agente, no sentido de compreender os limites e potencialidades relativos à prática extensionista e, mais especificamente, à implementação da PNATER na Empresa Mato-grossense de Pesquisa, Assistência e Extensão Rural (Empaer). Este trabalho, embora tenha envolvido coleta de dados quantitativos, deu ênfase à investigação do tipo qualitativa. Primeiramente, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas a um dos dirigentes da Secretaria de Estado de Agricultura Familiar e Assuntos Fundiários (Seaf), assim como aos dois componentes da Diretoria Executiva (Diretor Presidente e Diretor de ATER) e aos nove coordenadores dos es... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Doutor

Land grabbing and its implications on rural livelihoods in Ghana and Ethiopia : a comparative study

Stenberg, Emma, Rafiee, Vincent Said January 2018 (has links)
The rush for land has escalated the last decade, with Sub-Saharan Africa as the most targeted region. Governments, local elites and foreign corporations are increasingly taking control over large areas of agricultural lands with the aim of creating higher financial returns and achieve food security. This phenomenon, known as land grabbing, has received a lot of attention worldwide, not least from non-governmental organizations and scholars stressing the negative impacts on rural farmers and families. Yet, several international organizations as well as many African governments keep advocating the positive effects that land grabbing can have on poverty reduction and economic growth. The dominating capitalist and neoliberal view on development, focusing largely on the economic part, undermines the social and environmental impacts that these investments bring. The purpose of this comparative study is therefore to examine, analyze and compare these impacts in Ghana and Ethiopia, two countries heavily affected by land grabbing. This is done through the lens of political ecology, where concepts such as environmental justice, accumulation by dispossession and sustainable rural livelihoods will be of particular significance. Based on a systematic literature review, the results show that land grabbing projects, said to aim at stimulating economic and social development, have resulted in dispossessions, injustices and environmental conflicts wherein indigenous communities have been deeply affected. Their traditional livelihoods, based mainly on cultivation, fishing, gathering and hunting, have been threatened by several impacts from the land grabs. These include loss of land, declined access to resources, damaged ecosystems, deforestation and lack of alternative ways to maintain food security.

Tecnologia social: uma análise do PAIS como instrumento de incremento para o desenvolvimento rural sustentável no Estado da Bahia

Souza, Edirlan Miranda de Oliveira 19 September 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Tatiana Lima (tatianasl@ufba.br) on 2015-05-04T20:15:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Souza, Edirlan Miranda de Oliveira.pdf: 2669645 bytes, checksum: bbc5ce1b65c0d780bafc3003fdd9461e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Tatiana Lima (tatianasl@ufba.br) on 2015-05-05T20:03:13Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Souza, Edirlan Miranda de Oliveira.pdf: 2669645 bytes, checksum: bbc5ce1b65c0d780bafc3003fdd9461e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-05T20:03:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Souza, Edirlan Miranda de Oliveira.pdf: 2669645 bytes, checksum: bbc5ce1b65c0d780bafc3003fdd9461e (MD5) / As Tecnologias Sociais vêm se tornando formas de inserção social e econômica na sociedade brasileira. Se tornando uma das mais viáveis e promovidas nos últimos anos a Produção Agroecológica Integrada e Sustentável - PAIS vem sendo fomentada pela Fundação Banco do Brasil e o SEBRAE em todos os estados do país, como propósito de potencializar a atividade rural através da agricultura familiar, com a melhoria da alimentação e segurança alimentar das famílias e agregação de renda no campo. Utilizando os princípios da sustentabilidade, o PAIS agrega os aspectos econômico, social e ambiental à sua matriz produtiva. O PAIS é integrado porque alia a criação de animais com a produção vegetal e utiliza insumos gerados por animais da propriedade, em todo o processo produtivo. O principal objetivo dessa dissertação é analisar quais os fatores relacionados à implantação do projeto Tecnologia Social PAIS no território estudado impacta no Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável. Como metodologia utilizada, utilizou-se inicialmente uma pesquisa bibliográfica abrangendo os aspectos do desenvolvimento até a sua contribuição na formação da Tecnologia Social, uma contextualização sobre o SEBRAE e a forma de apoio ao projeto nos estados. Para obtenção dos dados analisa- dos, foi realizada uma pesquisa de campo, censitária, junto aos beneficiários abrangendo aspectos sociais, geração de renda, comercialização e segurança alimentar, complementada com a análise dos relatórios técnicos dos consultores de campo do projeto na região do CONSAD, que abrange a 19 municípios e uma média de sete unidades PAIS para cada um, totalizando a 132 beneficiários diretos. Dentre os resultados obtidos com a pesquisa, foi possível perceber a importância de uma seleção de famílias de forma adequada e a implantação do projeto de forma adensada que viabiliza diversas condições de escoamento e comercialização, oportunizando a agregação de valor aos produtos e troca de experiências técnicas. Também se faz necessário a realização de parcerias estratégicas envolvidas para propiciar o alcance dos resultados socioeconômicos previstos no desenho da metodologia. Para tanto, é essencial a realização do monitoramento constante e a realização de ações estratégicas que possibilitem a obtenção do sucesso e a replicação da Tecnologia Social para promover o Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável da agricultura familiar brasileira. The Social Technologies has become forms of social and economic integration into Brazilian society. Becoming one of the most viable and promoted in recent years Ecological Agriculture Production Integrated and Sustainable - PAIS are being encouraged by Bank of Brazil Foundation and SEBRAE in all states of the country, the purpose of enhancing the rural activity through family farming , with better nutrition and household food security and income aggregation in the field . Using the principles of sustainability, PAIS aggregates the economic, social and environmental aspects of its production matrix. The PAIS is integrated because it marries livestock with crop production and animal uses inputs generated by the property in the entire production process. The main objective of this dissertation is to analyze the factors related to the implementation of the Social Technology PAIS project impacts in the study area in Sustainable Rural Development. As methodology used, initially used a literature search covering aspects of development to its contribution to the formation of Social Technology, a contextualization of the SEBRAE and form of project support in the states. To obtain the data analyzes of a field research involving beneficiaries covering social, income generation , marketing and food security, complemented with the analysis of technical reports from consultants in the field of design CONSAD region, covering was performed the 19 municipalities and an average of seven units PAIS for each, totaling to 132 direct beneficiaries. Among the results obtained from the research, it was possible to realize the importance of selecting families adequately and deployment of the densified form design that enables various flow conditions and marketing, providing opportunities to add value to products and exchange technical experiences. It is also necessary to carry out strategic partnerships involved to provide the range of socioeconomic outcomes envisaged in the design methodology. Therefore, it is essential to have constant monitoring and achievement of strategic actions that enable the achievement of success and reproduction of Social Technology to promote Sustainable Rural Development of the Brazilian family farming.

Potencialidades e dilemas da participação de agricultores familiares em uma metodologia de experimentação participativa para o desenvolvimento rural sustentável: um estudo de caso / Potentialities and quandaries of the participation of familiar agriculturists in the sustainable agricultural development: a case study

Guyot, Marina Souza Dias 18 September 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T18:57:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2681.pdf: 9949281 bytes, checksum: 3fad4b3975c687c8afe46dbd7a73e5bb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-09-18 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / In order to surpass the challenges of the Sustainable Agricultural Development initiatives where the popular participation is recognized as vital have been undertaken. However, the effectiveness of this participation varies and this changeability is related, among other factors, to the used methodologies. The objective of this research was to describe and to analyze the potentialities and quandaries of the participation of familiar farmers in the .Sustainable Agricultural Development. The participatory experimentation methodology applied is the one proposed by the project Experimentation in Agrossilviculture and Social Participation developed in the City of Joanópolis/SP. The research was carried through semi structured interviews with participant this project s farmers as well as through participant observation. The data have been systemized through re-readings, reductions and establishments of standards. Then, the data analysis was held on through the dialogue between the collected information and consulted bibliography. It was observed that the potentialities of the participation of familiar agriculturists in the Sustainable Agricultural Development are related to the search for better conditions of life. The identified quandaries allude to the lack of participation exercise both by the institutions that act with these farmers, as for themselves. It was identified that the methodology of participatory experimentation favors the participation of the family farmers in the Sustainable Agricultural Development, once it places them in the position of crucial agents of the process. / A fim de superar os desafios do Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável têm-se realizado iniciativas onde a participação popular é reconhecida como vital. Porém, a efetividade desta participação é variável e está, entre outros aspectos, relacionada às metodologias utilizadas. Este trabalho objetivou descrever e analisar as potencialidades e dilemas da participação de agricultores familiares no Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável através da metodologia de experimentação participativa proposta pelo projeto Experimentação em Agrossilvicultura e Participação Social , desenvolvido no Município de Joanópolis/SP. A pesquisa foi realizada através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com agricultores participantes deste projeto e pela observação participante. Os dados foram sistematizados através de releituras, reduções e estabelecimentos de padrões. Então, se seguiu a análise dos dados através do diálogo entre as informações coletadas e a discussão teórica. Observou-se que as potencialidades da participação de agricultores familiares relacionam-se ao histórico de vida, à busca por melhores condições de vida, bem como às características da metodologia da experimentação participativa. Os dilemas encontrados reportam-se à falta de exercício da participação ativa tanto por parte das instituições que atuam junto a estes agricultores, como por estes próprios. Identificou-se que a metodologia de experimentação participativa favorece a participação dos agricultores no Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável, uma vez que os coloca na posição de agentes fundamentais do processo.

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