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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Culture of Leadership : The relationship between national culture and leadership models

Widiyanto, Okky January 2013 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to discuss the influence of national culture in leadership within military organizations and also to explore the effectiveness of a specific leadership model in a multinational context. Developmental leadership (DL) is a model used by the Swedish Armed Forces (SAF) since 2003. However, the aim is not to answer the question of if a certain leadership model has an effect or not and therefore legitimize or discard the use of it. It rather raises the question of why this leadership model has been chosen to become such an integral part of an organization. This thesis analyzes DL by classifying its components using Hofstede’s theory of cultural dimensions as a basis and compares the results with Sweden’s cultural dimensions to find a correlation. The results show a high correlation between DL and Sweden, but DL does not correlate with Belgium’s cultural dimensions. Sweden’s characteristics are also complemented by empirical data collected for the purpose of this thesis. According to this interview study with Swedish officers, even though DL is not consciously applied to their leadership styles, it coincides with the characteristics of their vision of an ideal leader. Moreover, DL consists of components that are suitable foundations for an effective multinational leadership.

Tillgång och efterfrågan på anhörigstöd vid internationell insats

Jerfström, David January 2012 (has links)
Genom ett kvalitativt frågeformulär svarade 53 stycken anhöriga till soldater och officerare på hur deras behov av anhörigstöd såg ut under tiden för en internationell insats. Uppsatsens frågeställning handlar om det  anhörigstöd som Försvarsmakten och externa stödorganisationer har utarbetat och om detta går i linje med de behov som finns hos de anhöriga. Syftet med uppsatsen är att jämföra Försvarsmakten och stödorganisationernas utbud på anhörigstöd med den anhöriges faktiska behov och därmed svara på uppsatsens frågeställning. Syftet är vidare att utifrån resultatet även kunna ge förslag på eventuella förbättringar på dagens anhörigstöd. Genom att analysera rådata har ett resultat kunnat redovisas som visar en markant förbättring av anhörigstödet i förhållande till det missnöje som presenterades av Officersförbundet och Synovate år 2008. Enligt resultatet i denna undersökning går Försvarsmakten och stödorganisationernas anhörigstöd i linje med vad den anhörige generellt är i behov av. Denna positiva utveckling har skett med hjälp av en balanserad blandning av psykosociala och praktiska åtgärder. ABC-X modellen som behandlar familjer i stress samt Halls bok ”Counseling military families” har till stor del legat till grund för denna undersökning och stödjer resultatet utifrån de åtgärder som vidtagits skall leda till en mer tillfredställd grupp anhöriga. / The method used in this study is a qualitative questionnaire. 53 next of kin or relatives to soldiers, who is assigned internationally, were asked to answer a questionnaire. The questions were about how these persons are experiencing the support that the Swedish Armed Forces and external support organizations is providing the relatives with. The purpose of this study was to describe the available support provided by The Armed Forces and the external support organizations and then compare that to the actual need of support. Another aim of this study is to suggest possible improvements to the support of today.By analyzing the raw data from the questionnaire we can see a significant improvement of the family support in relation to how the former support looked like a couple of years ago. Officersförbundet and Synovate made a study in 2008 and the result of that study was a major dissatisfaction in the range of family support and according to that we can see a lot of positive developments. This developments has been taken place with the help of a balanced mix between psychosocial and practical measures. The ABC-X model that deals with families in stress and Hall’s book “Counseling military families” has in many ways worked as a frame for this study and also helped to explain how the developments of the family support has increased the group of satisfied relatives.

Mångfald i Försvarsmakten, är alla lika välkomna? : En analys av Försvarsmaktens mångfaldsarbete

Svensson, Karl January 2021 (has links)
The debate on gender equality and diversity has shaped our time. More and more companies and organizations are looking into how to raise their workforce diversity. To recruit a more diverse workforce you could either raise the public opinion or get more effective in your recruitment. The Swedish armed forces are today an organization where women are highly underrepresented, only 18 percent of the personnel is female. By using a theory on diversity management, to look into if the Swedish armed forces way to handle diversity appeal to what the theory that’s used are saying. The study concludes that the Swedish armed forces partly handle the diversity focus at women in same way the theory claims to do. But one level of the theory is not proceeded. And on that part the Swedish armed forces can be better. The study concludes that there is a difference between the armed forces and the recruiting center inobjectives in diversity, this is what can make the Swedish armed forces goal hard to reach.

Agents of peace and objects of protection : An investigation into the effects of militarization on the agency of Swedish female peacekeepers in MINUSMA

Nilsson, Melinda January 2021 (has links)
In the years following 9/11, research has shown that United Nations peacekeeping has grown increasingly militarized. Meanwhile, there have long been calls for women’s increased participation in peacekeeping, for a myriad of reasons mainly founded on instrumental and essentialist arguments. According to feminist theories, however, militarization would limit the agency of women as they are often placed in marginalized, protected roles when such a militarization occurs. Against this background, this thesis has utilized a visual and textual discourse analysis to investigate memory books published by the Swedish Armed Forces, which detail the presence of the Swedish contingency in MINUSMA in the period 2014-2019, to understand the connection between female peacekeeper’s agency and the increasing militarization of the UN’s most deadly peacekeeping mission. The findings suggest that militarization does not seem to limit the agency of Swedish female peacekeepers, who have seen their roles become more varied and seemingly possess more agency later than earlier on in the mission, despite an increased militarization of the peacekeeping mission. The thesis thus contributes to an underexamined connection between agency and militarization in the context of peacekeepers, while exploring a heretofore unexamined material. In doing so, the thesis opens for further research in both the material itself as well as further comparative studies.

Women and Leadership in Peacekeeping Operations: a Swedish Approach

Sutera, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
Even after the introduction of the UNSCR 1325 and subsequent resolutions, women’s leadership in the context of the WPS Agenda remains very low, despite the clear stance of the UN towards a support of an increased participation of women in peace and security processes. The aim of this thesis is to specifically address women’s leadership in the Swedish Armed Forces (SAF) in the framework of peacekeeping operations, looking at the way the gender perspective is applied in the SAF through the introduction of the Handbok Gender, adopted in 2016. Since the focus of this research is on women, the theoretical perspective utilised as reference point is feminism and specifically a feminist constructivist approach with an institutional focus. Mixed research methods have been applied in order to collect the data, while the main centre of attention of this project has been a critical discourse analysis of the mentioned gender policy. Sweden has been chosen as case study because of the relevance of its singular feminist policies (Wallström’s statement that Sweden is pursuing a feminist foreign policy is a clear example), nevertheless the conclusions appear to be quite contradictory because even in a country which officially identifies as feminist women’s leadership in peacekeeping operations is very low.

Försvarsmaktens jämställdhetspolicy : ”Hur många fler kvinnor är då tillräckligt?” - En kvalitativ textanalys av Försvarsmaktens jämställdhetsarbete

Sjöström, Filip January 2022 (has links)
The struggle for an equal society in terms of equal rights, opportunities, and obligations has long been fought in Sweden and has resulted in Sweden emerging as one of the world most equal societies according to UN rankings. This paper attempts to, with the knowledge of Sweden´s pre-eminence on the equality rankings, to examine why the Swedish Armed Forces (SAF) remain a male-dominated workplace, despite decades of stated equality aims. There is thus a question left unanswered as to the nature of this apparent discrepancy. This paper aims to examine the nature of this discrepancy, what has been done to implement equality and what challenges lie ahead for the SAF on the issue of gender equality. Through a theoretical base primarily consisting of an institutional disposition this paper uses a qualitative text analysis study of the public material which is available regarding the SAF´s gender equality work, mainly the official appropriations documents for the SAF, as well as the annual reports from the SAF to the government. Gender and equality have been studied in the past in numerous political science journals both in the context of western armed forces in general and the SAF in particular. Remaining is a need for more research problematising the concept of gender equality within the armed forces and in its relationship to the government, which this paper attempts to explore. Indications indicate that the challenges the government and the SAF must face involve defining what they mean by equality as well as clarifying what the policy objectives are as there is a risk that the implementation of the policy will fall completely or partially if they remain abstract, unclear and/or contradictory.

Dina styrkor gör oss starkare : En kvantitativ och semiotisk analys av Försvarsmaktens marknadsföring genom reklamfilmer / Your strengths make us stronger : A quantitative and semiotic analysis of the Swedish Armed Forces` marketing through commercials

Wiberg, Daniel, Moa, Kvist Ragnarsson January 2023 (has links)
This study examines how The Swedish Armed Forces (SAF) communicates via their commercials and how this may affect their brand. The Swedish Armed Forces has always been an important authority and their priority is to prevent war and crisis in Swedish society. According to SAF themselves, one of their strategies with using commercials frequently is to attract potential recruits. Even though this is their goal, the SAF hasn't always been as open minded as today. In fact it’s been a relatively closed authority in earlier years, according to previous research. This has created a lack of knowledge among the public regarding what they do. This study compares two time periods to see if their commercials have changed. The first time period extends from 2011 until 2016 and the second period extends from 2017 to 2022. The theories that are applied to this study are semiotics, framing and representation theory and the methods that are used are a quantitative content analysis and a semiotic analysis. By using these theories and methods it might be possible to discover similarities and differences in the commercials and also to seek for a greater meaning in the empirical material. The reason why this topic is interesting to research is because the SAF is one of the most important authorities in Sweden and also because Sweden re-introduced compulsory conscription in 2017. Because of that it is of importance that the SAF appears as an attractive brand and a good employer. The result of the study states that the commercials have developed a lot over years and that they nowadays exhibit several parts within the SAF and that they represent diversity. In earlier years only one type of human was represented in their films but by the years they have included humans with different ethnicities, gender, sexuality and lifestyles within their films. They also show parallels between daily life and the life within the armed forces. By doing this they appear to be closer to the people which creates a feeling of safety and importance towards their work.

"Ett jämställt försvar är ett starkare försvar" : - En kvalitativ textanalys av Försvarsmaktens jämställdhetsdokument / ”A gender-equal defense is a stronger defense” : – A qualitative textual analysis of the Swedish Armed Forces’ gender equality documents

Schmidt, Olivia January 2023 (has links)
This study examines the implementation of gender equality policies within the SwedishArmed Forces. Through a theoretical base of Olsson's implementation theory this study uses aqualitative textual analysis to analyze the government’s directives outlined in appropriationsdirections, the organization’s gender equality plans, and the annual reports. The paper seeks tounderstand the factors that may influence the organization’s imp lementation process andoutcomes by applying the central concepts of the theory understanding, capability, andwillingness . The findings of this study demonstrate a willingness from both the governmentand the Armed Forces to enhance gender equality withi n the organization, but that theincrease occurs slowly and as a result the objectives are not met or are lowered. The studyindicate that the implementation process can be hampered by unclear political directives,horizontal communication problems and dif ficulties in getting the gender equality issue to beconsidered a priority throughout the organization. By providing insights into the SwedishArmed Forces’ efforts towards gender equality, this study contributes to the broaderunderstanding of organizatio nal implementation processes and the challenges faced inpromoting gender equality within a large hierarchical and bureaucratic defense organization.

Vad innebär säkerhet? : En visuell diskursanalys av Försvarsmaktens konstruktion av hot / What does security mean? : A visual discourse analysis of the Swedish Armed Forces formation of threats.

Bark, Anna January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this essay has been to identify and examine how the Swedish Armed Forces (SAF) create and form potential threats through the use of television commercials. Through a method of visual discourse analysis, commercials carried out by the SAF between 2015 and 2017 have been analyzed to identify and understand how the SAF talks about security and creates potential threats. The Copenhagen School of Securitization has been used as a theoretical framework in this essay to help understand how the Swedish Armed Forces create potential threats through speech-acts and the use of visual and auditory elements. The analysis identified that the SAF creates and forms potential security threats through three main narratives: the rights and freedoms of Swedish citizens, gender, and a diverse society. In relation to the theoretical framework and previous research within the field of securitization, the conclusions drawn from this essay's analysis can help illustrate how the SAF's formation of potential threats has the opportunity to influence political decisions and, therefore, the broader security discourse within Swedish society.

The Overachievers : Female Recruits’ Everyday Experiences of Gender Norms in the Swedish Armed Forces

Riemer, Selma January 2023 (has links)
The Swedish Armed Forces (SwAF) have been making internal efforts to enrol more women through changes in legislation and mandatory conscription, since the adoption of Resolution 1325 in the Swedish Parliament at the turn of the century. Since the alterations, an upward trend of female recruits as well as women making careers and reaching high ranking positions, has been identified. Consequently, raising other issues about how SwAF is making efforts to adapt their prevailing male dominated organization towards their now increasing female personnel.  To achieve the objective of understanding how male normativity is experienced in the Armed Forces, the study derives from explorative semi- structured interviews with female recruits, as well as previous studies conducted in the area, departing from a constructivist and feminist theoretical approach. The result supports, that women are nevertheless experiencing obstacles and are expected to repetitively prove their positions as soldiers, in terms of bodily differences, materiality, language, comradery, and community. It also speaks for continued efforts to broaden the Armed Forces' inclusivity, challenge gender norms and customs, and improve accessibility for female recruits, and female military personnel.

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