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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Grundskolans svenskämne : En systematisk litteraturstudie om svenskämnet som demokratiämne / The Swedish subject in elementary school : A systematic literature study on the Swedish subject as a subject of democracy

Ahlkvist, Martina January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur demokratiundervisningen i svenskämnet beskrivs i aktuell forskning. Studien har genomförts som en systematisk litteraturstudie där studiens två forskningsfrågor har haft huvudrollen, nämligen frågan om vilken roll demokratiundervisning har i svenskämnet och frågan om hur lärare och elever ser på demokratiuppgiften. För att besvara frågorna har nio publikationer som innehåller svar på frågorna tagits fram via databassökningar och kedjesökningar. Studien påvisar fyra roller som demokratiundervisningen har i svenskämnet. En roll handlar om att eleverna ska ges möjligheten att uttrycka sina idéer, uppfattningar och tankar tillsammans med andra och bli lyssnade till och tas på allvar. En annan roll beskrivs som rätten till språket och handlar om att eleverna lär sig att läsa och skriva. En tredje roll gäller rätten till mångkulturalitet och elevernas möjlighet att se sig själva som en del av hela värden. Den fjärde och sista rollen som tas upp är rätten till kritiskt tänkande och källkritik som ska leda eleverna till att kunna gallra bland information. Några lärarröster som kommer fram i forskningspublikationerna påvisar vissa organisatoriska förhållanden som leder till problem i demokratiundervisningen medan andra påtalar att eleverna saknar kunskap för att vara med och bestämma. I de få elevröster som kommer till tals i forskningen framkommer att eleverna vill påverka och medverka på skolan genom klassråd och elevråd, men de upplever att deras förslag inte visas någon större hänsyn. Slutsatsen av studien är att ny forskning behöver göras om hur demokratifrågorna hanteras i praktiken, och särskilt behövs forskning om demokratiundervisning för elever i grundskolan.

Digitala verktyg i svenskundervisningen : En kvalitativ studie om lärares arbete med och förhållningssätt till digitala verktyg i svenskundervisningen / Digital tools in Swedish teaching : A qualitative study of teachers' work with and approach to digital tools in Swedish teaching

Edberg, Therese January 2019 (has links)
This study presents, among other things, which working methods apply to digital tools in Swedish teaching that are most prevalent, what teachers think of that the curriculum was revised and if teachers in today's school have the digital skills needed to integrate digital tools into teaching. In addition, it is reported what advantages and disadvantages there are with using digital tools at the primary school.  In order to collect data for my study, I used qualitative interviews where five teachers were interviewed.  With the help of the socio-cultural perspective and the pragmatism's approach to learning, my results were analyzed. Results show that the teachers had a positive attitude towards digital tools and all felt that it was necessary to integrate digital tools already at the primary school. It can also be seen from the result that all teachers were in favor of the curriculum being revised and the teachers considered that they had the necessary digital skills. The positive effects that emerged from my results were, among other things, that the students get the habit of using digital tools and that they learn to handle the various tools. The negative effects that emerged from my result were mainly that it takes a long time to use the digital tools. / I denna undersökning redovisas bland annat vilka arbetssätt gällande digitala verktyg i svenskundervisningen som är mest förekommande, vad lärare anser om att läroplanen reviderades och om lärare i dagens skola har den digitala kompetens som behövs för att integrera digitala verktyg vid undervisningen. Dessutom redovisas det vilka fördelar och nackdelar det finns med att använda digitala verktyg redan vid lågstadiet.  För att samla in data till min undersökning så använde jag mig av kvalitativa intervjuer där fem lärare blev intervjuade.  Med hjälp av det sociokulturella perspektivet och pragmatismens synsätt på lärande så analyserades mitt resultat. Resultat visar på att lärarna hade ett positivt förhållningsätt till digitala verktyg och samtliga ansåg att det är nödvändigt att integrera digitala verktyg redan vid lågstadiet. Av resultatet kan det även utläsas att samtliga lärare ställde sig positiva till att läroplanen har reviderats och lärarna ansåg att de besatt den digitala kompetens som behövs. De positiva effekterna som framkom av mitt resultat var bland annat att eleverna får vanan att använda digitala verktyg och att de lär sig att hantera de olika verktygen och de negativa effekterna som framkom ur mitt resultat var främst att det tar lång tid att använda de digitala verktygen.

Skriftbruk i vardagsliv och i sfi-utbildning : En studie av fem kurdiska sfi-studerandes skriftbrukshistoria och skriftpraktiker / Literacy in Everyday Life and in the Swedish for Immigrants Programme : The Literacy History and Literacy Practices of Five Kurdish L2 Learners of Swedish

Norlund Shaswar, Annika January 2014 (has links)
This thesis explores the literacy practices in literacy history, in everyday life and in Swedish tuition for immigrants (sfi) of five Kurdish adults. The study analyses connections and dividing lines between literacy practices of the sociotextual domains of everyday life and literacy practices of the sociotextual domain of sfi. It also explores the interaction between literacy history and present literacy practices. Further, there is a focus on the connections between identification, learning and literacy practices. The methodological approach is inspired by ethnography, employing individual semi-structured interviews and classroom observation. Video documentation, audio recordings and field notes are used for documentation. Theoretically the study is influenced by the research field New Literacy Studies where literacies are conceived of assets of socially and culturally grounded practices. The interviews are analysed from two perspectives: focusing on content and on linguistic discursive practices. In the analysis of interviews and observations, a number of interacting aspects of literacy events and literacy practices are also researched, such as purpose, time, place, participants, verbal language and artefacts. A lack of connection between the participants’ notions of who they are and the identities offered to them in sfi impairs the conditions of their active participation in the literacy practices, and consequently also impairs their learning. Identities connected to literacy history are of importance in this process. To exemplify this, the professional career they had in Kurdistan is still of central importance for two of the participants of the study. This complicates their identification as sfi-students and their engaging in the literacy practices of the sfi-education. If sfi teachers know which identities from everyday life are important to their sfi students and try to find connections between the sfi teaching and these identities, the chances improve of the students accepting the identities which they are offered in the literacy events. Then it will also be more probable that the students’ participation in the literacy events in sfi will lead to deep learning. In the sfi classrooms, the participants take part in literacy events of everyday life. There are three types of overlap between the literacy practices of sfi and of everyday life. (1) Literacy events from other sociotextual domains take place in the sfi-classrooms, but without recontextualization into sfi. (2) Literacy events based in sociotextual domains of everyday life are recontextualized into sfi. (3) Literacy events belong to more than one sociotextual domain. In spite of these three types of overlap there are complications when it comes to students starting out from literacy practices of everyday life when they take part in the literacy practices of sfi. It is not possible to transmit literacy practices in their totality, from one sociotextual domain to another. The literacy practices are situated in a specific sociotextual domain and will undergo a transformation as they are based in a different sociotextual domain. On the other hand, it is possible for sfi students to make use of everyday micro practices (e.g. cooperation and non-linear reading) when they take part in the literacy practices of sfi.

Vi som undervisar : En normkritisk undersökning av lärarhandledningar i sexualitet och samlevnad, för undervisning i språkintroduktionsklasser

Guy, Amanda January 2016 (has links)
This essay deals with teachers’ guides on teaching about sexuality and personal relationships, in particular guides focusing on introductory programmes in languages in upper secondary school and teaching adult immigrants Swedish. The aim is to investigate how the teachers’ guides function as further training for teachers. In Sweden 2016, the number of pupils enrolled in language introductory programmes was rapidly increasing. The number of participants in Swedish language for immigrants was also growing quickly. Teachers are in need of further training in sex and sexuality education and instruction in general, and particularly in this teaching context. It is hard to find teachers with sufficient competence in the field, due to the current general lack of skilled teachers in Sweden. Research on teachers’ guides in Sweden is underdeveloped and previous research on the topic of this essay is virtually non-existent, which makes this a pilot study of sorts. The study focuses on text-analysis, function and normativity. The results show that teachers’ guides respond to teachers’ needs and demands. These specific teachers’ guides affect each other through intertextuality. The norms imbedded in the language used in the teachers’ guides have an influence on teachers reading them.

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