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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Violences et socialisations : les formes de sociabilité des "jeunes du quartier" / Violences and socializations : forms of sociability among “the youth of the projects"

Aigon, Elian 20 September 2010 (has links)
Cette recherche analyse les formes de sociabilité des jeunes des classes populaires dans les différents champs de socialisation (la famille, l’école, le travail). Pas toujours dévoilée comme telle, la violence - symbolique et parfois physique - est présente dans les principales institutions définies comme champs de socialisation. Au centre de ce travail, sont analysés les modes d’organisation sociale construits par les jeunes en réaction au principe d’une triple disqualification : familiale, scolaire, professionnelle. Cette violence structurelle subie faite de multiples dominations, rejets, humiliations, exclusions, discriminations, est déterminante dans un contexte de chômage de masse, de précarité, et de désaffiliation. Cette situation est caractérisée par le développement d’un processus de plus en plus prégnant d’enclavement et de ségrégation sociale et spatiale. Ce processus, sans cesse révélé par les formes de révoltes collectives depuis trois décennies, ne trouve pas de véritable débouché politique. Face à cette désorganisation structurelle, les jeunes du quartier se sont construit, de génération en génération, un monde à la fois virtuel et réel à partir du quartier, de la rue. Cet univers fonctionne alors comme champ de socialisation avec son langage, sa culture, ses solidarités, sa hiérarchie, sesconcurrences et ses violences agies et subies. / This research analyses the different forms of sociability among the youth from popular social class into different scopes of socialization (e.g. family, school, labour). Although not always unveiled, violence – symbolical and sometimes physical – is present in these main institutions defined as fields of socialization. This research is centred on the analysis of thesocial organization modes created by youth in reaction to a triple disqualification mainly: family, educational and professional. This undergoing structural violence – made of numerous dominations, rejections, humiliations, exclusions and discriminations – is decisive in the context of massive unemployment, precariousness and disaffiliation. This situation is characterized by the development of an increasingly stressful process of enclosure and social/spatial segregation. This process, incessantly revealed by mass rebellion formed over three decades, does not find a genuine political opening.Facing this structural chaos, the youth of these projects built themselves – generation after generation – a real and virtual world, coming from the slums and the street. This world is then functioning as a scope of socialization with its language, culture, solidarities, hierarchy, competition and undergoing violence.

L'autre Basque

Maury, Sophie 04 1900 (has links)
Le nationalisme basque est apparu voilà maintenant deux siècles, cependant, il ne connait un retentissement mondial que depuis environ cinquante ans avec la création de l’ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna, Pays basque Et Liberté). Fondée pour combattre le régime franquiste, cette organisation est aujourd’hui considérée comme un groupe terroriste par l’ensemble de la communauté internationale. L’organisation va être, toutefois, à la base d’une prise de conscience nationale basque sur la question de l’appartenance à un même peuple et, aujourd’hui, la lutte pour l’autodétermination du Pays basque fait écho tant sur le territoire espagnol que français. Ce mouvement nationaliste, bien qu’indissociable entre le sud et le nord, prendra tout de même des modes d’expression différents même si le nationalisme basque restera toujours rattachée à une violence politique. Le présent terrain de recherche a alors permis de récolter les « perceptions subjectives » de la population basque sur cette violence politique et ainsi, de dégager une violence de la part des Etats espagnol et français. Cette violence d’Etat est principalement caractérisée par une violence symbolique mais elle ira parfois jusqu’à une violence physique. Ainsi, bien plus que les contextes historiques et institutionnels distincts des Etats espagnol et français, c’est la violence disparate des ces deux Etats qui est le facteur de distinction de la violence nationaliste constatée sur le territoire français et espagnol. / Basque nationalism has emerged several centuries ago, however, it experienced a global resonance only since the last fifty years with the formation of the armed Basque nationalist and separatist organization Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA). Formed to fight the Franco regime, the organization is now considered as a terrorist group by the entire international community. The organization will, however, raise a Basque national consciousness on the question of belonging to the same people, and today, the conflict for self-determination for the Basque country echoes back in both the Spanish and French territories. This nationalist movement is indissociable between south and north. Different modes of expression are still observed even if the Basque nationalism will always be linked to political violence. The present research work allowed to apprehend the "subjective perceptions" of the Basque population on this political violence and, thus, to highlight a violence from both Spanish and French States. This State violence is mainly characterized by a symbolic violence but it will sometimes lead to physical violence. Therefore, much more than the separate historical and institutional contexts Spanish and French States, the un-harmonized State violence is the distinguishing factor of nationalist violence experienced on French and Spanish territories.

Symbolic Violence via the Principle of Equality of Opportunity: The mechanism of persisting structure of social inequality in a village community in contemporary Japan

Sanada, Kie 25 September 2017 (has links)
Diese Dissertation demonstriert, inwiefern historisch gewachsene Strukturen sozialer Hierarchie in einer Gemeinschaft aufrechterhalten werden, während sie zugleich unterschiedliche legalisierende Rechtfertigungen und rechtlich vertretbare Erscheinungsbilder angenommen haben. Im ersten Kapitel zeige ich, dass das zeitgenössische egalitäre Prinzip der Chancengleichheit (FEO) und seine Anwendung, im Zusammenspiel mit Meritokratie, dazu führt, dass aufgrund sozialer Hierarchien existierende Unterschiede über die Zeit hinweg in politisch legitimierbare sozioökonomische Ungleichheiten übersetzt werden. Ich nähere mich dem zugrunde liegenden Mechanismus der weiterbestehenden Ungleichheit durch die Verwendung von Bourdieus Theorie der symbolischen Herrschaft und Gewalt. Er erklärt, dass auf der Grundlage der Meritokratie individuelle soziale Positionen als direkte Folgen individueller Leistungen missverstanden werden und so die Existenz sozialer Ungleichheit gerechtfertigt wird. Der Glaube an fairen sozialen Wettbewerb kann demnach dazu beitragen, existierende Strukturen sozialer Hierarchien hinter der Logik von Gleichheit und Freiheit zu verdecken. Ein Fischerdof in Japan stellt die empirische Grundlage meiner Thesis dar. Die alles überspannende Forschungsfrage lautet: Ist das Konzept vom Leben, eingebettet in FEO internalisiert und wird es von Individuen befolgt, um die existierenden Strukturen sozialer Ungleichheit der Gesellschaft zu bewahren, in der sie leben? Meine empirische Studie zeigt, dass die schon in der feudalen Ära mächtigsten Familien auch jetzt die höchsten sozialen Positionen innerhalb des Gemeinschaftsbildungsprojekts innehaben. Zudem verkennen sowohl die mächtigsten als auch die marginalisiertesten Bewohner des Dorfes ihre soziale Position innerhalb der Gemeinschaft als direkte Resultate ihres individuellen Handelns und ihrer daraus entstehenden Leistungen, haben dabei aber keinerlei bewusste Intention die feudale Machthierarchie aufrecht zu erhalten. / This doctoral research demonstrates how the structures of social hierarchy of the past have been perpetuated while acquiring different justifications and appearances in a legally justifiable manner. In the first chapter, I demonstrate that the commonly used egalitarian principle in today’s society, namely Fair Equality of Opportunity, hand in hand with meritocracy, functions as a translator of the existing structures of social hierarchy into politically justifiable disparities between individuals. I approach the un-derlying mechanism of persisting inequality by using the theory of symbolic domination proposed by Pierre Bourdieu. He explains that the existence of social inequality is justified because individual social positions are misrecognised as being the direct results of individual achievements via meritocracy. Widespread belief in fair social competition can thus contribute to concealing existing structures of social hierarchy behind the logic of equality and freedom. My thesis is empirically based on a rural fishing village in Japan. The overarching research question is: Is a concept of life as being the direct result of personal achievements internalised and acted upon by individuals to perpetuate the existing structure of social inequality in the society in which they live? My empirical study shows that the families that were powerful during the feudal era now occupy the highest social positions in the community-building project. Furthermore, both the powerful and the marginalised members of the local society accept their social positions in the community as being the direct results of their own individual achievements, without any conscious intention to perpetuate the feudal hierarchy of power. Given these affirmative answers to my research question, hermeneutically, I establish the explanatory power of my theoretical framework.

Viscosity of stigma : media experiences, intersectionality, and the life-course of LGBTQ+ consumers

Nölke, Ana-Isabel January 2018 (has links)
For six decades, consumer researchers have relied heavily on Goffman's (1963) seminal work on stigma, often limiting themselves to a one-dimensional treatment of it as a static variable that determines the behaviour of homogenous groups. Such views, however, stand at odds with wider paradigm shifts away from modernity, and with feminist considerations about intersectionality. Most importantly, the dearth of studies examining the interplay between structural macro-dynamics and micro-level experiences has meant that rapid changes in societal attitudes have received insufficient attention. Considering the rise of minority portrayals in the past few years and importance of the media in dispersing and ameliorating stigma, there is a need to understand how media experiences differ across generations, sociocultural categories, and individual life-courses. Focusing on lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, and other (LGBTQ+) individuals, and building on Bauman's (2000) concept of liquid modernity as well as Bourdieu's (1994) theory of practice, this thesis explores how stigma experiences of two generations of LGBTQ+ consumers have changed, how this relates to their experiences of LGBTQ+ media portrayals, as well as what this tells us about how (marginalised) consumers navigate their lives and particularly the fragmentation of identity politics through (media) consumption. I followed an intersectional phenomenological enquiry, employing a meaning-based model of media experience that contributes to the literature by extending Mick and Buhl's (1992) work to account for considerations of intersectionality and intertextuality. Life story- and subsequent media experience interviews were analysed individually and across cases. The sample consisted of eight LGBTQ+ members of the Boomer- and ten of the Millennial generation. This study develops a theoretical framework of stigma as viscous instead of static: in constant flux due to the dynamic interplay between the doxic attitudes in social fields, as well as individual embodied dispositions, the stigma habitus. This provides a richer understanding of how it is enacted in consumer culture, enabling a critical analysis of the dialectic relationship between individuals and their environment. Through this framework, my study challenges generational accounts of difference, which are found to be too simplistic to account for diverging (media) experiences. Instead, it is the dialectic between context and (stigma) habitus that shapes dynamic experiences. For participants facing high levels of stigma viscosity, for example, LGBTQ+ portrayals seemed particularly important and experiences revolved around social acceptance. Moreover, lived experiences, as well as doxic beliefs about media, advertising, and a text's 'author' formed an intertextual frame of reference used to evaluate portrayals' authenticity and harmfulness. Importantly, participants' preference for or rejection of 'radical' vs heteronormative portrayals was shaped by tastes that have become naturalised in their habitus, with disparate doxic beliefs generating reflexive guilt and ambivalence. My findings suggest that stigma amelioration may ultimately lead to symbolic violence within the LGBTQ+ community against those who do not adhere to accepted consumption standards. This study also has implications for consumers more broadly as changes in viscosity affect consumption practices. Adhering to a critical approach, I describe a range of recommendations for practitioners and reflexive practices I engaged in following this study.

Tecnologias móveis e vida pessoal: uma pesquisa sobre o impacto da comunicação sem fio no tempo de trabalho e nas demais esferas da vida social

Fé, Ana Lúcia Damasceno Moura 21 May 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T18:17:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Lucia Damasceno Moura Fe.pdf: 748242 bytes, checksum: 6f7d23442bc78159c0679164363be5d3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-05-21 / This doctoral thesis, of an exclusively theoretical nature, focuses on the use of mobile technologies in the corporate environment, with voice, data and Internet access resources such as cell phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs) and notebooks, and the implications of the growing use of these technologies in the lives of their users. The theme is justified because mobile technologies, which are at the core of a technological revolution that has caused major impacts on the personal and professional lives of individuals, have received little attention in the field of Communications in Brazil and from theoreticians of postmodernity. The main questions comprising the research problem were: Do companies really achieve gains in productivity through these technologies? What is the highest level (if such a limit exists) of productivity that corporations seek? Do companies and/or professionals feel any concern or unease about this question? To what extent do resources such as permanent connections and sophisticated hardware, allied to the pressure for higher productivity, eliminate or attenuate the boundaries between personal life, work and leisure? Do companies and/or professionals consider this lack of boundaries beneficial or harmful? Does this scenario encompass any form of violence? Is there awareness or reflection about it? The theoretical fundaments underpinning the thesis included the theory of sociodromology (Virilio and Trivinho) and the sociology and psychology of work (Antunes, Bourdieu and Dejours) as well as theories of postmodernity that underpin discussions about how machines have usurped man s place at the center of existence. The methodology adopted here consisted of a survey, registration and review of the selected bibliography and of theoretical and epistemological reflections about the subject of the study. Among the main conclusions of this research is the verification/validation of the hypothesis of the consolidation of mobile technologies as the main protagonists of human life, offering professionals not only benefits such as enhanced information flows, help in performing tasks, and rapid contact with their superiors, peers and families, etc. but also drawbacks such as the invasion of work into personal life and a hidden, unquantifiable and unpaid increase in working hours, as well as physical and emotional stress. Wireless communications in real time have undoubtedly benefited companies in terms of increased productivity. However, their introduction into the daily life of workers has generally been unplanned, without studies or reflections about their negative impact on people s quality of life / A presente Tese de Doutorado, de caráter exclusivamente teórico, foca a utilização, no ambiente corporativo, de tecnologias móveis com recursos de voz, dados e acesso à rede mundial, como celulares, personal digital assistants (PDAs) e notebooks, e as implicações do crescente uso dessas tecnologias na vida dos usuários. O tema se justifica porque as tecnologias móveis, em que pese estarem no cerne de uma revolução tecnológica que promove impactos importantes nas esferas pessoal e profissional dos indivíduos, têm recebido pouca atenção no campo da Comunicação no Brasil e entre os teóricos da pós-modernidade. As principais indagações que configuraram o problema de pesquisa foram as seguintes: as empresas realmente obtêm ganhos de produtividade com essas tecnologias? qual o limite máximo (se há limite) da produtividade buscada pelas corporações? há entre as empresas e/ou profissionais preocupação ou desconforto quanto a essa questão? até que ponto recursos como conexão permanente e sofisticação de equipamentos, somados à pressão por maior produtividade, eliminam ou atenuam as fronteiras entre vida pessoal e trabalho? isso é visto pela empresa e/ou profissional como benefício ou prejuízo? há alguma forma de violência nesse cenário? há consciência ou reflexão sobre isso? O quadro teórico para fundamentação da Tese incluiu a teoria sociodromológica (Virilio e Trivinho) e a sociologia e psicologia do trabalho (Antunes, Bourdieu e Dejours), além de teorias sobre pós-modernismo que embasam discussões sobre como a máquina tomou o lugar do ser humano no centro da existência. A metodologia adotada consistiu de levantamento, fichamento e revisão da bibliografia selecionada, bem como reflexões teóricas e epistemológicas sobre o objeto de estudo. Entre as principais conclusões de pesquisa está a checagem/validação da hipótese da consolidação das tecnologias móveis como protagonistas da vida humana, que trazem não apenas benefícios para os profissionais, entre os quais incremento do fluxo de informações, auxílio na execução de tarefas e contato rápido com superiores, colegas e familiares, mas também prejuízos, como a invasão do trabalho em sua vida pessoal e aumento camuflado, inquantificável e não-remunerado da jornada profissional, além de transtornos emocionais e físicos. Por certo, a comunicação sem fio e em tempo real beneficia as empresas no que tange ao aumento da produtividade. Entretanto, a sua introdução no dia-a-dia dos funcionários tem ocorrido em geral sem planejamento e sem estudos ou reflexões sobre os impactos negativos em sua qualidade de vida

L'autre Basque

Maury, Sophie 04 1900 (has links)
Le nationalisme basque est apparu voilà maintenant deux siècles, cependant, il ne connait un retentissement mondial que depuis environ cinquante ans avec la création de l’ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna, Pays basque Et Liberté). Fondée pour combattre le régime franquiste, cette organisation est aujourd’hui considérée comme un groupe terroriste par l’ensemble de la communauté internationale. L’organisation va être, toutefois, à la base d’une prise de conscience nationale basque sur la question de l’appartenance à un même peuple et, aujourd’hui, la lutte pour l’autodétermination du Pays basque fait écho tant sur le territoire espagnol que français. Ce mouvement nationaliste, bien qu’indissociable entre le sud et le nord, prendra tout de même des modes d’expression différents même si le nationalisme basque restera toujours rattachée à une violence politique. Le présent terrain de recherche a alors permis de récolter les « perceptions subjectives » de la population basque sur cette violence politique et ainsi, de dégager une violence de la part des Etats espagnol et français. Cette violence d’Etat est principalement caractérisée par une violence symbolique mais elle ira parfois jusqu’à une violence physique. Ainsi, bien plus que les contextes historiques et institutionnels distincts des Etats espagnol et français, c’est la violence disparate des ces deux Etats qui est le facteur de distinction de la violence nationaliste constatée sur le territoire français et espagnol. / Basque nationalism has emerged several centuries ago, however, it experienced a global resonance only since the last fifty years with the formation of the armed Basque nationalist and separatist organization Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA). Formed to fight the Franco regime, the organization is now considered as a terrorist group by the entire international community. The organization will, however, raise a Basque national consciousness on the question of belonging to the same people, and today, the conflict for self-determination for the Basque country echoes back in both the Spanish and French territories. This nationalist movement is indissociable between south and north. Different modes of expression are still observed even if the Basque nationalism will always be linked to political violence. The present research work allowed to apprehend the "subjective perceptions" of the Basque population on this political violence and, thus, to highlight a violence from both Spanish and French States. This State violence is mainly characterized by a symbolic violence but it will sometimes lead to physical violence. Therefore, much more than the separate historical and institutional contexts Spanish and French States, the un-harmonized State violence is the distinguishing factor of nationalist violence experienced on French and Spanish territories.

Espaços divididos e silenciados: um estudo sobre as relações sociais entre nativos e os "de fora" de uma cidade do interior paulista.

Vettorassi, Andréa 30 March 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:25:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissAV.pdf: 8996111 bytes, checksum: 7ebfec2e3f7805c7d2b4e168d65b20d4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-03-30 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / This study aims at understanding, through the methodological perspective of Oral history and making use of quantitative data, the construction and reproduction of multiple identities and sociabilities present among the rural workers natural from the Minas Gerais state and the Brazilian northeast region, and who have migrated to Guariba, a bedroom community in the interior of the São Paulo state whose economy is based on the sugarcane industry. In order to make this understanding possible, it has been necessary to determine in which contexts these identities and sociabilities are built, that is, how the surrounding community, with its ideas, thoughts and values, interferes in these social relations. It has been made clear to us that, between the two groups, there is a dichotomic and dialectic relation based on prejudice and symbolic violence, as well as a stereotyped connection between immigrants-criminality, which is clearer in Guariba due to a rural workers strike in 1984. This dichotomic relation is made possible by an ideology which permeates all the social groups in Guariba, and which divides the city between those we have called the natives (European descendants, downtown dwellers, middle class and white) and the outsiders (migrants from Minas Gerais and the northeastern states of Brazil, living in the suburbs, low class and black). When facing the stigma of the native group, the outsiders , being a heterogeneous group, have different and multi-faceted reactions, which can be subdivided in three groups: the seasonal migrant outsiders , the Guariba long-time living outsiders and the outsiders who belong to the second and third generations of migrants. Men and women who migrate yearly, during the sugarcane harvest, play different social roles in the cities where they are migrate to and their hometowns. When coming back to their home land, if they have been successful in the sugarcane plantations of the São Paulo interior, they are entitled to social and cultural differentiation according to their new identities and wealth. On the other hand, in the modern world where they have migrated to the relation is the opposite. The means of sociability are scarce and tense, with discriminatory basis, since for the native community the migrants are representatives of a traditional and undesirable world. The migrants that have lived in the city for more time are able to widen their sociability bonds, which spread in the suburban neighborhoods where they live. Nevertheless, they know there are places in the city where they are not welcome, and at the same time they recollect and revive their home land, where they feel really at home : the more often they migrate, the longer they stay in the same place. The representatives of the second and third generations of migrants, on the other hand, consider themselves (and in fact are) Guariba citizens, fruits of the modern relations in the São Paulo state, and for this reason they believe that all the places in the city belong to them by rights. However, because they are also considered outsiders , they easily notice the stigmas they are submitted to, and end up being more susceptible to violence relations, which makes us think that the natives symbolic violence is turned into real violence among this group. Finally, the migrants not only experiment the reunion of the different, but they live, above all, the inequalities and social differences of the cities and towns of the São Paulo state. The relation the migrants have with the surrounding community disguises color/race as well as social class prejudice against this group, which will never be us ; they will always be outsiders . / Este estudo pretende compreender, sob a perspectiva metodológica da História Oral e com dados quantitativos, a construção e reprodução das múltiplas identidades e sociabilidades existentes entre os trabalhadores rurais, de origem mineira e nordestina, que migram para Guariba, cidade-dormitório de economia sucroalcooleira do interior de São Paulo. Para tornar possível esta compreensão, foi necessário determinar em quais contextos estas identidades e sociabilidades são construídas, ou seja, de que forma a comunidade circundante, com seus pensamentos, memórias e valores, interfere nestas relações sociais. Percebemos que, entre os dois grupos, existe uma dicotômica e dialética relação baseada em preconceitos e violência simbólica, como também em uma estereotipada conexão migrantes criminalidade, que em Guariba é ainda mais perceptível devido à Greve dos trabalhadores rurais de 1984. Esta dicotômica relação é viabilizada a partir de uma ideologia que perpassa todos os grupos sociais de Guariba, e que divide a cidade entre os que denominamos nativos (de descendência européia, moradores do centro da cidade, representantes da classe média e brancos) e de fora (migrantes mineiros e nordestinos, moradores de bairros periféricos, representantes da classe baixa e negros). Frente aos estigmas do grupo nativo a que estão submetidos, os de fora , por serem um grupo heterogêneo, têm reações diversas e multifacetadas, que podem ser divididas entre três subgrupos: os de fora migrantes sazonais, os de fora migrantes estabelecidos em Guariba há décadas e os de fora pertencentes à segunda e terceira geração de migrantes. Homens e mulheres que migram anualmente, durante a safra e a entressafra da cana-deaçúcar, exercem papéis sociais diferentes nas cidades que os recebem e em sua terra natal. Ao voltarem para as terras de origem, quando bem sucedidos nas lavouras de cana do interior paulista, recebem uma diferenciação social e cultural a partir de suas novas identidades e bens materiais. Ainda no mundo moderno em que migraram, a relação é inversa. Os meios de sociabilidade são escassos e tensos, com bases discriminatórias, uma vez que, para a comunidade nativa, os migrantes são representantes de um mundo tradicional e indesejado. Os migrantes que vivem na cidade há mais tempo já conseguem ampliar seus vínculos de sociabilidade, que ganham os espaços dos bairros periféricos em que moram. No entanto, sabem que existem locais da cidade em que não são bem vindos, ao mesmo tempo em que rememoram e revivem os locais de suas terras de origem, onde se sentem verdadeiramente no lugar da gente : quanto mais migram, mais ficam no mesmo lugar. O representante da segunda e terceira geração de migrantes, por sua vez, se considera (e de fato é) cidadão guaribense, fruto das relações modernas paulistas, e por isto entende que todos os espaços da cidade são seus por direito. No entanto, por também ser considerado de fora , percebe com facilidade os estigmas a que está submetido, e acaba mais suscetível às relações de violência, o que nos leva a crer que a violência simbólica do nativo viabiliza entre este grupo uma violência real. O migrante, enfim, não experimenta apenas o encontro entre os diferentes, mas vivencia, acima de tudo, as desigualdades e disparidades sociais das cidades paulistas. A relação que os migrantes têm com a comunidade circundante mascara um preconceito de cor/raça, como também de classe, contra este grupo que nunca será nós ; será sempre o de fora .

Sistemas de controle gerencial como instrumento de poder / Management control systems as an instrument of power

Borsatto Junior, José Luiz 27 October 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Neusa Fagundes (neusa.fagundes@unioeste.br) on 2018-02-27T13:52:21Z No. of bitstreams: 2 José_BorsattoJunior2017.pdf: 4191897 bytes, checksum: 484e7f22b383a0b184237547fb8f9abc (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-27T13:52:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 José_BorsattoJunior2017.pdf: 4191897 bytes, checksum: 484e7f22b383a0b184237547fb8f9abc (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-10-27 / The exercise of power is fundamental for the attainment of organizational goals, since the efficiency of each individual can be evidenced and controlled by means of standardizations and norms related to the managerial control systems (MCS). This research presents a case study that aimed to understand how the MCS adopted by Mount Olympus are configured as instruments of power, under the bourdiesian perspective of power relations. As contribution and theoretical innovation, an empirical model was elaborated that outlines the package of MCS as an instrument of symbolic power and theoretical propositions about the researched topic were developed. As theoretical bases, both Bourdieu's symbolic power (1989), and the typology of Malmi and Brown (2008) were adopted, in order to address the socio-technical and socio-ideological elements of managerial control systems. The active role of MCS was considered in this study. Qualitative research was carried out through a single case study, according to Stake's (1995) understanding, positioned in the poststructuralist paradigm. For the purpose of the research, the controllership department of a large company (family holding company) was selected as the analysis unit and the MCS adopted by the company as a research object. Data collection took place through qualitative interviews and documentary research. Open, axial and selective encodings (Strauss & Corbin, 2008) were also used as analytical procedures and triangulation of multicriteria data.. In the analysis of MCS, the complementarity between cultural controls, planning, cyber controls, remuneration and rewards and administrative controls was noted. As for the aspects that involve power relations, it was verified that the MCS establish norms for the operation of the field and produce and reproduce hierarchies of power. This structural composition of the field enables the company and organizational members to seek the power resources of their choice. The company, in general, seeks economic, cultural, social, and symbolic capital, and, for that, it appropriates the cultural capital of its employees. The social and symbolic capitals are considered as the main power resources by the organizational members; however, the increase of these resources depends on the development of cultural capital. The MCS generate illusio for the commitment with the work and in the disputes by power, understood like rewards by the subjects of research – financial, non-financial rewards, prestige, and recognition. The influence and control of actions derived from MCS, used to ensure compatibility between organizational strategies and objectives and individual actions, establish the habitus, ie the general dispositions to act socially, which are mentally incorporated by means of from the universal point of view to the field (doxa), and physically through physical attitudes and ways of speaking, thinking, and feeling (hexis). It is concluded that the MCS are defined mainly as a function of the controls culture symbolic instruments of power. In addition, managerial control systems establish power relations that result in the definition of the company's actions towards society and its own employees, in establishing hierarchies of domination and influence and control over organizational members. On the other hand, power also serves as an input for the establishment and application of MCS in the organization. / O exercício do poder é fundamental para o atingimento dos objetivos organizacionais, visto que a eficiência de cada indivíduo pode ser evidenciada e controlada por meio de padronizações e normatizações relativas aos sistemas de controle gerencial (SCG). Esta pesquisa apresenta um estudo de caso que objetivou compreender como os SCG adotados pela Monte Olimpo se configuram como instrumento de poder, sob a perspectiva bourdiesiana das relações de poder. Como contribuição e inovação teórica, elaboraram-se um modelo empírico que esquematiza o pacote de sistemas de controle gerencial como instrumento de poder simbólico e proposições teóricas acerca da temática investigada. No que tange a base teórica, adotaram-se o poder simbólico de Bourdieu (1989) e a tipologia de Malmi e Brown (2008), a fim de se abordar os elementos sociotécnicos e socioideológicos dos SCG. Considerou-se, neste estudo, o papel ativo dos SCG. Realizou-se pesquisa qualitativa por meio de estudo de caso único, conforme o entendimento de Stake (1995), posicionada no paradigma pós-estruturalista. Para a finalidade da pesquisa, selecionou-se o departamento de controladoria de uma empresa de grande porte (holding familiar) como unidade de análise e os SCG adotados por esta como objeto de pesquisa. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de entrevistas qualitativas e pesquisa documental. Também se utilizaram as codificações aberta, axial e seletiva (Strauss & Corbin, 2008) como procedimentos analíticos e triangulação de dados multicritério. Notou-se, na análise dos SCG, a complementariedade entre os controles culturais, planejamento, controles cibernéticos, remuneração e recompensas e controles administrativos. Quanto aos aspectos que envolvem relações de poder, constatou-se que os SCG estabelecem normas para funcionamento do campo e produzem e reproduzem hierarquias de poder. Essa composição estrutural do campo propicia à empresa e aos membros organizacionais buscarem os recursos de poder de sua preferência. A empresa, em linhas gerais, busca capital econômico, cultural, social e simbólico, e, para tanto, apropria-se do capital cultural de seus funcionários. Os capitais social e simbólico são considerados como os principais recursos de poder pelos membros organizacionais; entretanto, a elevação desses recursos depende do desenvolvimento de capital cultural. Os SCG geram illusio para o comprometimento com o trabalho e em relação às disputas por poder, compreendidas como recompensas pelos sujeitos de pesquisa – recompensas financeiras, não financeiras, prestígio e reconhecimento. A influência e o controle de ações provenientes dos SCG, empregados para garantir compatibilidade entre as estratégias e objetivos organizacionais e ações individuais, estabelecem o habitus, ou seja, as disposições gerais para se agir socialmente, as quais são incorporadas mentalmente por meio do ponto de vista universal para o campo (doxa) e fisicamente por meio de atitudes físicas e modos de falar, pensar e sentir (hexis). Conclui-se que os SCG são definidos principalmente em função dos controles culturais e são instrumentos simbólicos de poder. Além disso, os SCG estabelecem relações de poder que resultam na definição das atuações da empresa perante a sociedade e seus próprios funcionários, no estabelecimento de hierarquias de dominação e influência e controle sobre os membros organizacionais. Por outro lado, o poder também serve como insumo para o estabelecimento e aplicação dos SCG na organização.

These shining themes : the use and effects of figurative language in the poetry and prose of Anne Michaels

Ristic, Danya 22 October 2011 (has links)
This study explores the manner in which Anne Michaels uses figurative language, particularly metaphor, in her poetry and prose. In her first novel, Fugitive Pieces, and in certain of her poems, Michaels demonstrates the powers of language to destroy and to recuperate. For her, metaphor is not simply a literary device; it is an essential mechanism in the creation of an authentic story or poem. Moreover, in contrast to other figurative language such as euphemism, which she feels can be used to conceal the truth and make moral that which is immoral, metaphor in her view can be used to gain access to the truth and is therefore moral. Thus, as this study demonstrates, Michaels proposes as well as utilises the moral power of language. The ideas of four language theorists provide the basis of this study, and prove highly useful in application to Michaels’s work. With the aid of Certeau and Bourdieu, we examine Michaels’s participation in and literary presentation of the relationship of domination and subordination in which people seem to interact and which takes place partly through language. In the light of Ricoeur’s explication of the precise functions of metaphor, we discuss Fugitive Pieces as a novel whose engagement with the topic of the Holocaust in intensely emotive and figurative language makes it controversial in terms of what may or may not constitute the appropriate manner of Holocaust literary representation. Klemperer’s meticulous, first-hand study of the Nazis’ use of the German language during the period of the Third Reich proves illuminating in our exploration of the works of Michaels that feature themes of oppression and dispossession. In certain of her poems, Michaels stands in for real people and speaks in their voices. This is also a form of metaphor, this study suggests, as for the duration of each poem Michaels requires us to imagine that she is the real-life person who expresses him- or herself in the first person singular, which she patently is not. We could see this as appropriation and misrepresentation of those people’s lives and thoughts; however, with the aid of the notion of empathic identification we learn that Michaels’s approach is always empathic – she imaginatively places herself in various situations and people’s positions without ever losing her sense of individuality and separate identity, and her portrayal of their stories is always respectful and carefully considered. / Thesis (DLitt)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / English / unrestricted

Neoindigenismo en la obra cinematográfica de Oscar Catacora: Una revisión de la ópera prima Wiñaypacha como pieza Neoindigenista / Neoindigenism in the cinematographic work of Oscar Catacora: A review of Wiñaypacha's debut film as a Neoindigenist piece

Quiñones Beltrán, Giancarlo 08 July 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación explora el entorno cultural peruano a través de la ópera prima de Oscar Catacora. El neoindigenismo en la historia de la cultura peruana será revisado y contrastado con obras más recientes que escapan a la literatura en cual se origina este movimiento a fin de evidenciar la presencia de este en la cinta Wiñaypacha del ya mencionado autor. Esto debido al gran aporte a la cultura que dejó el movimiento superando a lo intentado anteriormente por el indigenismo. El trabajo de autores de grandes novelas neoindigenista como Redoble por Rancas sirven de punto de partida para entender la esencia del movimiento. Asimismo, será posible encontrarlo en la cinta de Catacora, en sus expresiones más simbólicas. Por ello la pregunta de investigación que se plantea es ¿Qué aspectos del filme Wiñaypacha pueden ser considerados de la corriente artística Neoindigenista? De esta forma podemos indagar sobre si en la actualidad aún existe la lucha por la igualdad de los pueblos indígenas o pueblos originarios afectada por un posible olvido que lo entenderemos como de parte de la sociedad y el estado hacia estos pueblos. / The following research article explores the Peruvian cultural environment through Oscar Catacora's first feature. Neoindigenism in the history of Peruvian culture will be reviewed and contrasted with more recent works that escape the literature in which this movement originates to demonstrate its presence in the Wiñaypacha tape by the aforementioned author. This is due to the great contribution to culture that the movement left behind, surpassing what was previously attempted by indigenism. The work of authors of great neo-indigenous novels like Redoble por Rancas serve as a starting point to understand the essence of the movement. Also, it will be possible to find it in the Catacora film, in its most symbolic expressions. For this reason, the research question that arises is: What aspects of the film Wiñaypacha can be considered from the Neoindigenism artistic trend? In this way we can inquire about whether the struggle for equality of indigenous peoples or indigenous peoples still exists today, affected by a possible forgetfulness that we will understand as part of society and the state towards these peoples. / Trabajo de investigación

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