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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Развој модела система за колаборацију и његов утицај на организационе перформансе предузећа / Razvoj modela sistema za kolaboraciju i njegov uticaj na organizacione performanse preduzeća / Development of a model for collaboration and it’s impact on organizational performance

Marjanović Uglješa 06 February 2015 (has links)
<p>Основни циљ истраживања представља повећање ефективности и продуктивности предузећа развојем модела за оцену успеха система за колаборацију према специфичним својствима индустрије, на основу евалуације различитих фактора платформи за колаборацију у реалним условима и њиховог утицаја на перформансе предузећа.<br />Утврђен је међузависни однос елемената модела система за колаборацију и утицај на перформансе предузећа.</p> / <p>Osnovni cilj istraživanja predstavlja povećanje efektivnosti i produktivnosti preduzeća razvojem modela za ocenu uspeha sistema za kolaboraciju prema specifičnim svojstvima industrije, na osnovu evaluacije različitih faktora platformi za kolaboraciju u realnim uslovima i njihovog uticaja na performanse preduzeća.<br />Utvrđen je međuzavisni odnos elemenata modela sistema za kolaboraciju i uticaj na performanse preduzeća.</p> / <p>The main objective of this study is to increase the effectiveness and productivity of companies by developing model for assessing the success of the collaboration system to the specific characteristics of the industry, based on the evaluation of various factors of platform for collaboration in real conditions and their impact on company performance.<br />The interdependent relationship between elements of the collaboration system and its impact on company&rsquo;s performances is determined.</p>

A natureza sistêmica das capacidades dinâmicas: uma abordagem evolutiva à estratégia organizacional / The systemic nature of dynamic capabilities: an evolutionary approach to organizational strategy

Omar Sacilotto Donaires 18 September 2018 (has links)
A teoria sobre as capacidades dinâmicas acolhe influências de várias teorias que a antecederam no campo da economia, da teoria das organizações e da estratégia. Em função dessas influências variadas, seu construto central, a capacidade dinâmica, tornou-se complexo e multifacetado. Vários autores especulam acerca da natureza e da evolução das capacidades dinâmicas. A percepção que se tem a partir das definições fornecidas pelos autores seminais é de que a natureza das capacidades dinâmicas é sistêmica e evolutiva. Em particular, é perceptível a afinidade do conceito de capacidades dinâmicas com duas abordagens sistêmicas específicas: o modelo do sistema viável (viable system model, VSM) e a metodologia sistêmica soft (soft systems methodology, SSM). Entretanto, apesar dessa aparente afinidade das capacidades dinâmicas com a visão sistêmica, estudos que relacionem os dois domínios da literatura são muito raros. Praticamente inexistem trabalhos que apliquem o VSM ou a SSM no estudo ou na administração de capacidades dinâmicas. O objetivo desta pesquisa é investigar a natureza e a evolução das capacidades dinâmicas sob uma perspectiva sistêmico-evolutiva. Como descrever a natureza das capacidades dinâmicas segundo uma perspectiva sistêmico-evolutiva? Como operacionalizar uma abordagem de administração evolutiva de capacidades dinâmicas através de metodologias sistêmicas como o VSM e a SSM? Essas são as perguntas que orientam este estudo. Através de revisão narrativa de literatura, a visão de capacidades dinâmicas e as teorias que a influenciaram foram analisadas e relacionadas com a visão sistêmica. Além disso, na falta de artigos que relacionassem os dois domínios da literatura, empreendeu-se uma revisão integrativa de literatura com artigos que tratam sobre a construção, desenvolvimento, evolução, obtenção, manutenção, mobilização e gerenciamento de capacidades dinâmicas. Esses artigos foram submetidos à análise categorial, uma variante da análise de conteúdo, para verificar a ocorrência de temas relacionados ao VSM e à SSM. Como resultado da revisão narrativa, demonstrou-se que a visão de capacidades dinâmicas está intimamente relacionada com a visão sistêmica, inclusive com o VSM e a SSM. Essa relação é uma herança da relação que as teorias que influenciaram a visão de capacidades dinâmicas já possuíam com a visão sistêmica. A revisão integrativa de literatura com análise de conteúdo permitiu concluir que (1) as capacidades dinâmicas têm, de fato, uma natureza evolutiva, (2) a intervenção da administração tem um papel importante na construção e na evolução de capacidades dinâmicas, e (3) essa intervenção pode ocorrer de duas maneiras básicas, que se chamou de evolução por projeto e evolução por aprendizagem, que se relacionou, respectivamente, às abordagens do VSM e da SSM. As descobertas da pesquisa foram sintetizadas em um modelo sistêmico evolutivo de organização que possui múltiplas vistas: um modelo hierárquico de administração de recursos e capacidades, um modelo recursivo de competências, um modelo recursivo de capacidades, um modelo de evolução de capacidades e um modelo de administração evolutiva baseado no VSM e na SSM. A pesquisa oferece uma contribuição teórica, no que diz respeito à compreensão da natureza sistêmica das capacidades dinâmicas. A pesquisa também oferece uma contribuição prática, ao propor a administração evolutiva, operacionalizada através do VSM e da SSM, como uma abordagem para o gerenciamento das capacidades dinâmicas. / The theory of dynamic capabilities gathers influences from several theories that preceded it in the fields of economics, organizational theory and strategy. Due to these varied influences, its core construct, the dynamic capability, ended up to become complex and multifaceted. Several authors speculate about the nature and the evolution of dynamic capabilities. The perception that we have from the definitions provided by the seminal authors is that the nature of dynamic capabilities is systemic and evolutionary. In particular, it is noticeable the affinity of the dynamic capability concept with two specific systems approaches: the viable system model (VSM) and the soft systems methodology (SSM). However, despite this seemingly affinity of dynamic capabilities with systems approach, studies that relate both realms of the literature are very scarce. There are practically no studies that apply the VSM or SSM in the study or the management of dynamic capabilities. The goal of the present research is to investigate the nature and the evolution of dynamic capabilities under a systemic-evolutionary approach. How to conceive the nature of dynamic capabilities according to a systemic-evolutionary perspective? How to operationalize an evolutionary management approach to dynamic capabilities by using systems methodologies such as the VSM and SSM? These are the questions that drive this research. By means of a narrative literature review, the dynamic capabilities view and the theories that influenced it were analyzed and related with systems thinking. In addition, given the lack of articles that relate both realms of the literature, an integrative literature review was undertaken with articles that address the construction, development, evolution, attainment, maintenance, deployment and management of dynamic capabilities. These articles were submitted to categorical analysis, a variation of content analysis, to verify the occurrence of themes related to the VSM and SSM. As a result of the narrative literature review, we showed that the dynamic capabilities view is closely related to the systems thinking, including to the VSM and SSM. This relation in an inheritance of the relation that the theories that influenced the dynamic capabilities view already had with systems thinking. The integrative literature review with content analysis led to the conclusion that (1) the dynamic capabilities do have an evolutionary nature, (2) the intervention of management has an important role in building and evolving dynamic capabilities, and (3) this intervention can take two basic approaches, that we named evolution by design and evolution by learning, which we respectively related to the approaches of the VSM and SSM. The findings of the research were synthesized in a evolutionary system model of the organization that has several multiple views: a hierarchical model for resources management, a recursive model of competences, a recursive model of capabilities, a capabilities evolution model and a model for evolutionary management based on the VSM and SSM. The research provides a theoretical contribution, which regards the understanding of the systemic nature of dynamic capabilities. The research also provides a practical contribution, as it proposes evolutionary management, operationalized by applying the VSM and SSM, as an approach to the management of the dynamic capabilities.

"En strukturerad soptunna" : samordning av digitala kataloger och system på svenska bibliotek / ”A structured trash bin” : coordination of digital catalogues and systems at Swedish libraries

Juth, Pontus January 2016 (has links)
Sedan digitala bibliotekskataloger först introducerades i slutet av 60-talet och början av 70-talet har det funnits två skilda källor för metadata för bibliotek i Sverige. Å ena sidan Libris, utvecklad och använd av framför allt KB och forskningsbiblioteken, och å andra sidan Burk för folkbiblioteken. Nästan lika länge har det gjorts försök att skapa en gemensam, nationell katalog för alla svenska bibliotek, men trots alla ansträngningar, innefattande ett flertal direkt från regeringen, råder fortfarande det tvådelade systemet. Denna intervjustudie har till syfte att undersöka attityder hos anställda från olika delar av bibliotekssektorn i denna fråga. Även frågor om bibliotekssystem diskuteras. Det förefaller finnas stor enighet bland informanterna om att den bristande samordningen av katalogdata faktiskt är ett problem, men det råder delade meningar om vad som borde göras åt saken, och vem som borde göra det. Studien analyseras och sätts i ett sammanhang utifrån debatten om digital upphovsrätt i allmänhet och Tarleton Gillespies teorier i synnerhet. Slutsatser som dras är att samordning skulle underlättas om biblioteken använde sig av öppna data och öppen källkod, vilket skulle peka på Libris som källa för metadata och open source-bibliotekssystem som Koha. De bibliotek som har samordningsuppdrag, regionbiblioteken och KB, skulle behöva ta ett större ansvar för att samordning ska kunna komma till stånd. Om dessa förslag blev verklighet skulle leverantörerna behöva anpassa sina affärsmodeller för att kunna erbjuda data under öppna licenser. / Ever since digital library catalogues were first introduced in the late sixties and early seventies, there have been two separate metadata repositories for libraries in Sweden. On the one hand there is the Libris catalogue, developed and used mainly by the national library and the university libraries, and on the other hand there is the Burk catalogue for the local public libraries. For almost as long, attempts have been made to create a single, national catalogue for all Swedish libraries, but despite all efforts, including several government bills explicitly stating that this need to happen, the dual catalogue system prevails to this day. This interview study aims to find the opinions of people from different sectors of the library field on this matter. Views on integrated library systems are also debated. There seems to be great consensus among the interviewees that there is, in fact, a problem with lack of coordination of catalogues, but there is less agreement as to what should be done about it, and by whom. The study is analyzed and contextualized utilizing the debate on digital copyright in general and the theories of Tarleton Gillespie in particular. It is concluded that cooperation would be facilitated if libraries made use of open data and open source, which would suggest Libris as metadata repository and open source library systems such as Koha for ILS. Libraries assigned with interlibrary coordination, i.e. the regional and the national libraries, would have to take on a greater responsibility than the local libraries to implement these cooperations. Vendors serving libraries would have to adjust their business models if these proposals were to become reality to offer data under open licenses.

Conception d’architecture de système-de-systèmes à logiciel prépondérant dirigée par les missions / Mission-driven Software-intensive System-of-Systems Architecture Design

Ferreira silva, Eduardo 17 December 2018 (has links)
La formulation des missions est le point de départ du développement de systèmes-de- systèmes, étant utilisée comme base pour la spécification, la vérification et la validation d’architectures de systèmes-de-systèmes. Élaborer des modèles d’architecture pour systèmes-de-systèmes est une activité complexe, cette complexité reposant spécialement sur les comportements émergents, c'est-à-dire, des comportements issus des interactions entre les parties constituantes d’un système-de-systèmes qui ne peuvent pas être prédits même si on connaît tous les comportements de tous les systèmes constituants. Cette thèse adresse le lien synergique entre mission et architecture dans le cadre des systèmes-de-systèmes à logiciel prépondérant, en accordant une attention particulière aux comportements émergents créés pour réaliser les missions formulées. Nous proposons ainsi une approche pour la conception d’architecture de systèmes-de-systèmes dirigée par le modèle de mission. Dans notre approche, le modèle de mission sert à dériver et à valider les architectures de systèmes-de-systèmes. Dans un premier temps, nous générons la structure de l’architecture à l’aide de transformations de modèles. Ensuite, lors que l’architecte spécifie les aspects comportementaux, la description de l’architecture résultante est validée à l’aide d’une démarche conjointe qui comprend à la fois la vérification des propriétés spécifiées et la validation par simulation des comportements émergents. La formalisation en termes de logique temporelle et la vérification statistique de modèles sont les fondements formels de l’approche. Un outil mettant en œuvre l’ensemble de l’approche a été également développé et expérimenté. / The formulation of missions is the starting point to the development of Systems-of-Systems (SoS), being used as a basis for the specification, verification and validation of SoS architectures. Specifying, verifying and validating architectural models for SoS are complex tasks compared to usual systems, the inner complexity of SoS relying specially on emergent behaviors, i.e. features that emerge from the interactions among constituent parts of the SoS which cannot be predicted even if all the behaviors of all parts are completely known. This thesis addresses the synergetic relationship between missions and architectures of software-intensive SoS, giving a special attention to emergent behaviors which are created for achieving formulated missions. We propose a design approach for the architectural modeling of SoS driven by the mission models. In our proposal, the mission model is used to both derive, verify and validate SoS architectures. As first step, we define a formalized mission model, then we generate the structure of the SoS architecture by applying model transformations. Later, when the architect specifies the behavioral aspects of the SoS, we generate concrete SoS architectures that will be verified and validated using simulation-based approaches, in particular regarding emergent behaviors. The verification uses statistical model checking to verify whether specified properties are satisfied, within a degree of confidence. The formalization in terms of a temporal logic and statistical model checking are the formal foundations of the developed approach. A toolset that implements the whole approach was also developed and experimented.

Supporting strategic decisions for complex systems-of-systems: a syncretic approach

Staker, Roderick January 2006 (has links)
Complex Systems-of-Systems, which form the subject matter of the research presented here, may be considered to be systems that are constituted of several components, each of which could themself be regarded as being a complete system in its own right. These component systems are typically largely managed independently of one another. They each have their own intrinsic goals which they are capable of fulfilling autonomously. These goals are additional to any to which they might contribute as part of the overall System-of-Systems that is being investigated. Systems-of-Systems are epitomised by features such as the prevalence of complex webs of mutual interdependency amongst their component systems, the involvement of a broad diversity of stakeholders and the participation of a number of independent decision-makers, each of whom competes with the others for strictly limited resources. Furthermore, the components of Systems-of-Systems may often be found to be widely scattered across an extensive geographical region. Sometimes such systems may even span global distances. Complex Systems-of-Systems of such a nature would appear to be becoming ever more prevalent in the increasingly interconnected and ever shrinking world which is engendered, in particular, by the proliferation of modern information and communication technology. Systems-of-Systems may arise in both commercial and public sector contexts, hence commercial organisations and governments, alike, confront the daunting challenge of planning, establishing and maintaining novel systems of this type. However, it is to be anticipated that significant difficulties might be encountered in applying existing systems engineering methods, which were designed for dealing with far more monolithic types of system, to the treatment of Systems-of- Systems. Instead, the successful achievement of acceptable resolutions to the various Systems-of-Systems issues and conundrums with which the responsible planners can be expected to be confronted would appear to demand the application of sophisticated distributed decision aids, in order to alleviate the the intolerable burden which the decision-makers would otherwise be forced to endure. Such aids need to be able to take a genuinely fair and unbiased account of the interests of a multitude of stakeholders. At the same time, they must be able to satisfactorily accommodate the enforcement of a range of highly involved and intricate constraints upon the various alternative interventions which might potentially be contemplated. In order to underpin the development of decision aids of the kind demanded, it has been sought to establish some basic theoretical foundations for Systems-of-Systems. This body of theory has then been applied to the identification of the methods which might be most suitable for the treatment of Systems-of-Systems questions. Finally, some decision-support tools which are intended to facilitate the implementation of the methods that have been recommended have been described. Any attempt to dictate a single â??bestâ?? intervention to the decision-makers would generally be totally unacceptable. As a result, the objective which has been pursued has been to seek to filter out and identify a relatively sparing number of what would appear to be the most reasonable alternatives from some much more profuse range of possibilities. These may then be afforded more intensive scrutiny by the pertinent decision-makers.

Sequence stratigraphic characterisation of petroleum reservoirs in Block 11b/12b of the Southern Outeniqua Basin

Nformi, Emmanuel Nfor January 2011 (has links)
<p>The main purpose of this study was to identify and characterize the various sand prone depositional facies in the deepwater Southern Outeniqua Basin which generally tend to form during&nbsp / lowstand (marine regression) conditions producing progradational facies. It made use of sequence stratigraphy and turbidite facies models to predict the probable location of deepwater&nbsp / reservoirs in the undrilled Southern Outeniqua Basin using data from basin margin Pletmos Basin and the deepwater Southern Outeniqua Basin. Basin margin depositional packages were&nbsp / correlated in time and space with deepwater packages. It was an attempt at bridging the gap between process-related studies of sedimentary rocks and the more traditional economic geology&nbsp / f commercial deposits of petroleum using prevailing state-of-the-art in basin analysis. It enabled the most realistic reconstructions of genetic stratigraphy and offered the greatest&nbsp / application in exploration. Sequence stratigraphic analysis and interpretation of seismics, well logs, cores and biostratigraphic data was carried out providing a chronostratigraphic framework of the study area within which seismic facies analysis done. Nine (9) seismic lines that span the shallow/basin margin Pletmos basin into the undrilled deepwater Southern Outeniqua basin were analysed and interpreted and the relevant seismic geometries were captured. Four (4) turbidite depositional elements were identified from the seismic lines: channel, overbank deposits,&nbsp / haotic deposits and basin plain (basin floor fan) deposits. These were identified from the relevant seismic geometries (geometric attributes) observed on the 2D seismic lines. Thinning attributes, unconformity attributes and seismic facies attributes were observed from the seismic lines. This was preceded by basic structural analyses and interpretation of the&nbsp / seismic lines. according to the structural analysis and interpretation, deposition trended NW-SE and NNW-SSE as we go deepwater into the Southern Outeniqua basin. Well logs from six (6)&nbsp / of the interpreted wells indicated depositional channel fill as well as basin floor fans. This was identified in well Ga-V1 and Ga-S1 respectively. A bell and crescent shape gamma ray log&nbsp / signature was observed in well Ga-V1 indicating a fining up sequence as the channel was abandoned while an isolated massive mound-shape gamma ray log signature was observed in&nbsp / Ga-S1 indicating basin plain well-sorted sands. Core analyses and interpretation from two southern-most wells revealed three (3) facies which were derived based on Walker&lsquo / s 1978, turbidite&nbsp / facies. The observed facies were: sandstone, sand/shale and shale facies. Sequence stratigraphic characterisation of petroleum reservoirs in block 11b/12b of the Southern Outeniqua&nbsp / Basin. Cores of well Ga-V1 displayed fine-grained alternations of thin sandstone beds and shales belonging to the thin-bedded turbidite facies. This is typical of levees of the upper fan channel but&nbsp / could easily be confused with similar facies on the basin plain. According to Walker, 1978 such facies form under conditions of active fan progradation. Ga-S1 cores displayed not only classic&nbsp / turbidite facies where there was alternating sand and shale sections but showed thick uninterrupted sections of clean sands. This is typical of basin plain deposits. Only one well had&nbsp / biostratigraphic data though being very limited in content. This data revealed particular depth sections and stratigraphic sections as having medium to fast depositional rates. Such rates are&nbsp / characteristic of turbidite deposition from turbidity currents. This study as well as a complementary study by Carvajal et al., 2009 revealed that the Southern Outeniqua basin is a sand-prone&nbsp / basin with many progradational sequences in which tectonics and sediment supply rate have been significant factors (amongst others such as sea level change) in the formation of these&nbsp / deepwater sequences. In conclusion, the Southern Outeniqua basin was hereby seen as having a viable and unexplored petroleum system existing in this sand prone untested world class.</p>

Enabling methods for the design and optimization of detection architectures

Payan, Alexia Paule Marie-Renee 08 April 2013 (has links)
The surveillance of geographic borders and critical infrastructures using limited sensor capability has always been a challenging task in many homeland security applications. While geographic borders may be very long and may go through isolated areas, critical assets may be large and numerous and may be located in highly populated areas. As a result, it is virtually impossible to secure each and every mile of border around the country, and each and every critical infrastructure inside the country. Most often, a compromise must be made between the percentage of border or critical asset covered by surveillance systems and the induced cost. Although threats to homeland security can be conceived to take place in many forms, those regarding illegal penetration of the air, land, and maritime domains under the cover of day-to-day activities have been identified to be of particular interest. For instance, the proliferation of drug smuggling, illegal immigration, international organized crime, resource exploitation, and more recently, modern piracy, require the strengthening of land border and maritime awareness and increasingly complex and challenging national security environments. The complexity and challenges associated to the above mission and to the protection of the homeland may explain why a methodology enabling the design and optimization of distributed detection systems architectures, able to provide accurate scanning of the air, land, and maritime domains, in a specific geographic and climatic environment, is a capital concern for the defense and protection community. This thesis proposes a methodology aimed at addressing the aforementioned gaps and challenges. The methodology particularly reformulates the problem in clear terms so as to facilitate the subsequent modeling and simulation of potential operational scenarios. The needs and challenges involved in the proposed study are investigated and a detailed description of a multidisciplinary strategy for the design and optimization of detection architectures in terms of detection performance and cost is provided. This implies the creation of a framework for the modeling and simulation of notional scenarios, as well as the development of improved methods for accurate optimization of detection architectures. More precisely, the present thesis describes a new approach to determining detection architectures able to provide effective coverage of a given geographical environment at a minimum cost, by optimizing the appropriate number, types, and locations of surveillance and detection systems. The objective of the optimization is twofold. First, given the topography of the terrain under study, several promising locations are determined for each sensor system based on the percentage of terrain it is covering. Second, architectures of sensor systems able to effectively cover large percentages of the terrain at minimal costs are determined by optimizing the number, types and locations of each detection system in the architecture. To do so, a modified Genetic Algorithm and a modified Particle Swarm Optimization are investigated and their ability to provide consistent results is compared. Ultimately, the modified Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm is used to obtain a Pareto frontier of detection architectures able to satisfy varying customer preferences on coverage performance and related cost.

A Methodology for Capability-Based Technology Evaluation for Systems-of-Systems

Biltgen, Patrick Thomas 26 March 2007 (has links)
Post-Cold War military conflicts have highlighted the need for a flexible, agile joint force responsive to emerging crises around the globe. The 2005 Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) acquisition policy document mandates a shift away from stove-piped threat-based acquisition to a capability-based model focused on the multiple ways and means of achieving an effect. This shift requires a greater emphasis on scenarios, tactics, and operational concepts during the conceptual phase of design and structured processes for technology evaluation to support this transition are lacking. In this work, a methodology for quantitative technology evaluation for systems-of-systems is defined. Physics-based models of an aircraft system are exercised within a hierarchical, object-oriented constructive simulation to quantify technology potential in the context of a relevant scenario. A major technical challenge to this approach is the lack of resources to support real-time human-in-the-loop tactical decision making and technology analysis. An approach that uses intelligent agents to create a "Meta-General" capable of forecasting strategic and tactical decisions based on technology inputs is used. To demonstrate the synergy between new technologies and tactics, surrogate models are utilized to provide intelligence to individual agents within the framework and develop a set of tactics that appropriately exploit new technologies. To address the long run-times associated with constructive military simulations, neural network surrogate models are implemented around the forecasting environment to enable rapid trade studies. Probabilistic techniques are used to quantify uncertainty and richly populate the design space with technology-infused alternatives. Since a large amount of data is produced in the analysis of systems-of-systems, dynamic, interactive visualization techniques are used to enable "what-if" games on assumptions, systems, technologies, tactics, and evolving threats. The methodology developed in this dissertation is applied to a notional Long Range Strike air vehicle and system architecture in the context of quantitative technology evaluation for the United States Air Force.

An Intelligent Fuzzy Object-oriented Database Framework For Video Database Applications

Ozgur, Nezihe Burcu 01 October 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Video database applications call for flexible and powerful modeling and querying facilities, which require an integration or interaction between database and knowledge base technologies. It is also necessary for many real life video database applications to incorporate uncertainty, which naturally occurs due to the complex and subjective semantic content of video data. In this thesis study, firstly, a fuzzy conceptual data model is introduced to represent the semantic content of video data. UML (Unified Modeling Language) is utilized and extended to represent uncertain information along with video specific properties at the conceptual level. Secondly, an intelligent fuzzy object-oriented database framework is presented for video database applications. The introduced fuzzy conceptual model is mapped to the presented framework, which is an adaptation of the previously proposed IFOOD architecture. The framework provides modeling and querying of complex and rich semantic content and knowledge of video data including uncertainty. Moreover, it allows (fuzzy) semantic, temporal, (fuzzy) spatial, hierarchical, regional and trajectory queries, based on the video data model. We think that the presented conceptual data model and framework can be adapted to any application domain related to video databases.

Towards interoperable and knowledge-based electronic health records using archetype methodology /

Chen, Rong, January 2009 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Linköping : Linköpings universitet, 2009. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

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