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Use of Clinical Photographs in the Diagnosis of Traumatic Dental InjuriesBarras, Phillip 30 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Time delay interferometry for LISA science and instrument characterizationMuratore, Martina 20 July 2021 (has links)
LISA, the Laser Interferometry Space Antenna, is the 3rd large mission (L3) of the ESA program Cosmic Vision with a junior partnership from NASA planned to be launched around 2034. Space-based gravitational wave observatories such as LISA have been developed for observation of sources that produce gravitational wave (GW) signals with frequencies in the mHz regime. The frequency band is achievable by having a longer-baseline interferometer compared to ground-based detectors. In addition, the significant size of the LISA arms-length guarantees the detection of many astrophysical sources. The absence of Newtonian noise in space, which is the dominant source of noise below few hertz for ground-based detectors, allows LISA to be sensitive to lower frequency compared to the former. Thus, going to space allows studying different sources with respect to the ones of interest for ground-based detectors such as supermassive black holes. Although having very long baselines between the satellites generally increases the sensitivity to gravitational waves, it also implies many technical challenges, such that a balance must be found between scientific performance and technical feasibility.In the actual proposal LISA is designed to be a constellation of three identical spacecraft in a triangular formation with six active laser links connecting the three spacecraft, which are separated by 2.5 million km. To fulfil the observatory program every spacecraft has a minimum requirement of two free-falling test masses, two telescopes, and two lasers. The detector’s center-of-mass follows a circular, heliocentric trajectory, trailing 20 degrees behind the Earth and the plane of the detector is tilted by 60 degrees with respect to the ecliptic.The goal of LISA is to detect GWs which manifest themselves as a tiny fluctuation in the frequency of the laser beam measured at the phase-meter. Thus, to detect GW you need to compete with many sources of disturbance that simulate the effect of a GW frequency modulation. Laser noise is an example of those. Therefore, one key element in the LISA data production chain is the post-processing technique called Time Delay Interferometry aimed at suppressing the intense laser frequency noise that would completely cover the astrophysical signal. Data from the six independent inter-satellite links, connecting the three spacecraft, are properly time-shifted and combined to form the final scientific signal. This post-processing technique circumvents the impossibility of physically building in space an equal arm interferometer, which would intrinsically beat the frequency noise by comparing light generated at the same time.The following work is focused on revisiting the Time-Delay-Interferometry (TDI) for LISA and studying the usage of all the possible TDI combinations we can build for the LISA instrument characterisation and science extraction. Many possible TDI combinations that suppress the frequency noise have been identified in the past and this thesis revisits the TDI technique focusing on the physical interpretation of it, that is a virtual interference of photons that have been travelling through the constellation via different paths but performing the same total distance. We illustrate all possible TDI configurations that suppress the laser noise contribution to the level required by the mission to understand how TDI channels can be best used for the diagnostic of the instrument and LISA science. With this philosophy, we develop an algorithm to search for all possible combinations that suppress laser noise at the same level as the classical TDI X, Y, and Z combinations presented in the TDI literature. This algorithm finds new combinations that fulfill the noise suppression requirement as accurately as X, Y, and Z.The LISA mission has been also advertised to probe the early Universe by detecting a stochastic GW background. Once the laser frequency noise has been subtracted, the stochastic signal, both cosmological and astrophysical, is itself going to contribute to the noise curve. Therefore it is necessary to have a good estimate of the noise of the instrument to discriminate between the stochastic background signal and the LISA noise.The strategy that has been suggested in the literature is to use the TDI T, insensitive (up to a certain order) to GW signals to estimate the pure instrumental noise in order to distinguish between the LISA background noise and the GW stochastic signal. Following this idea, as instrument noise is expected to have multiple, independent sources, this thesis explores combinations that could allow discriminating among those sources of noise, and between them and the GW signal, with the purpose of understanding how we can characterise our instrument using TDI. We illustrate special TDI combination signals in LISA, in addition to TDI T, that we call null-channels, which are ideally insensitive to gravitational waves and only carry information about instrumental noise. Studying the noise properties that can be extracted by monitoring these interferometric signals, we state that individual acceleration noise parameters are not well constrained. All null-channels behave as an ideal Sagnac interferometer, sensitive just to a particular linear combination of the six test masses acceleration that resembles a rotational acceleration signal of the entire constellation. Moreover, all null-channels show approximately the same signal to noise ratio remarkably suppressed relative to that of the TDI X. In support and application of our theoretical studies, we also give an introduction on calibrating the LISA instrument by injecting spurious signals in a LISA link and see how these propagates through a TDI channel. Indeed, this will be useful to calibrate the instrument during operations and also to build the basis for the data analysis to discriminate spurious signals from gravitational waves. My contribution to the results we present in this thesis can be summarised as the following. I supported the studies and the realisation of the search TDI algorithm whose results are published in the article. In particular, I took care of cataloging the new TDI combinations and consolidating the results we found. I have updated the TDI combinations reported in the above-mentioned work, the final version of it is reported in this thesis. I worked on the characterisation of these combinations concerning secondary noises such as clock noise, readout noise, residual laser frequency noise, and acceleration noise. In particular, I studied how these noises are transferred through the various TDI and I derive the correspondent analytical models. I then realize a software with Wolfram Mathematica, design to load and combines phase data produced by an external simulator to build the final TDI outputs, besides I also did the noise models’ validation. The basis of this program was then used to implement these TDI combinations in LISANode. Finally, I developed the algorithm to study how disturbances in force, such as glitches, and simple GW signals, such as monochromatic GW binaries, propagate through TDI and null-channels. Moreover, I tested through simulations the validity of these TDI and null-channels to distinguish instrumental artefact from GW signals and to characterise the instrumental noise.
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noneChan, Chia-chung 05 August 2002 (has links)
With regard to the Bayer transnational siting in Taichung during the 1990s, at least 20 theses and literatures are documented. However, due to the different research sects, ideologies, prejudices and/or lack of first hand information, these literatures are mostly with bias despite of the criticism or compliment to Bayer.
In light of the biases, the writer as the person in charge of the project, would like to apply the ¡¨ learning history¡¨ case study by using the historical documents to review, explore and analyze the topics that impacted to the project, the analytical structure namely ¡§six structures¡¨- politics and lobbying, media ecology and communication, community ecology and communication, academic circle, decision making of MNC siting and crisis management.
The purposes of this research are trying to provide a case study that may help Taiwan to shorten the learning curve under the globalization and the competition and corporation across the strait, at the same time to furnish MNC with an in depth siting project research to reduce the learning cost. Hoping that Taiwan could become the springboard for MNC to enter the biggest market in Asia- China.
1. The event started, dilated and ended because of misunderstanding.
2. Political dispute affected MNC siting project severely.
3. ¡§Anti-nuclear is to opposite autocracy¡¨- ¡§Anti-Bayer is to opposite government¡¨.
4. Bayer¡¦s final decision did not refer to the result of crisis management or local faction.
5. High flexibility of siting - MNCs¡¦ siting options are obviously higher then local enterprises.
6. It is not necessary a negative issue to Taiwan while Bayer abandoned its plan. The new ruling party has adjusted its policy to focus on economic issue is a positive impact.
7. The ¡§six structures¡¨ proved its value by helping researcher review; analyze the interactions among the six structures.
8. The project provides ways learning for both MNC and Taiwan.
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DE LA SIMULATION DE LISA A L'ANALYSE DES DONNEES. Détection d'ondes gravitationnelles par interférométrie spatiale (LISA : Laser Interferometer Space Antenna)Petiteau, Antoine 30 June 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Les ondes gravitationnelles sont émises par une large gamme de sources astrophysiques et cosmologiques. L'étude des ondes à basse fréquence telles que celles émises par les binaires de trous noirs, les EMRIs ou encore les fonds galactique et stochastique, nécessite l'utilisation d'un détecteur spatial. C'est la mission LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) composée de trois satellites distants de 5 millions de kilomètres et qui s'échangent des faisceaux lasers afin de former plusieurs interféromètres. La bonne compréhension de ce projet complexe nécessite le développement d'un simulateur tel que celui réalisé pendant cette thèse, LISACode. C'est un simulateur scientifique de LISA qui s'attache à rester au plus proche de la réalité du détecteur, sans pour autant le décrire au niveau des détails d'ingénierie. Il fournit des flux de données similaires à ceux de la future mission et applique la méthode TDI qui réduit effectivement le bruit laser. Ainsi il permet de tester des points technologiques importants de LISA et de mener des études scientifiques sur les ondes gravitationnelles. C'est un outil essentiel pour la préparation de l'analyse de données qui est un point capital de la mission LISA. Ainsi le second point de cette thèse porte sur le développement d'une méthode d'analyse basée sur l'étude de la modulation d'amplitude du signal gravitationnel induite par le mouvement LISA. Cette étude donne accès à la position de la source. L'application de cette méthode a nécessité la mise en place de méthodes d'extraction du signal. Les résultats obtenus pour une onde monochromatique et pour une onde émise par une binaire de trous noirs super-massifs sont prometteurs.
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Användande av myocardial performance index vid bedömning av vänster och höger kammares systoliska och diastoliska funktion / Assessment of systolic and diastolic function in both ventricles with myocardial performance indexLundqvist, Michelle January 2023 (has links)
Vid en ekokardiografisk undersökning läggs fokus främst på klaffunktion, hjärtrumsstorlek och vänstersidans systoliska funktion. Vänstersidans diastoliska funktion har dock börjat få större betydelse, men upplevs ofta vara svårbedömd. Höger kammare har en komplex anatomi med ett trabekulerat myokardie och är otillgängligt placerad i bröstkorgen, vilket gör den svårare att bedöma än vänster kammare. 1995 publicerades ett index för bedömning av hjärtats kombinerade systoliska och diastoliska funktion, myocardial performance index (MPI). Syftet med studien var att undersöka om MPI kan vara en användbar och kompletterande metod vid bedömning av systolisk och diastolisk funktion i höger respektive vänster kammare. I den aktuella studien ingick 33 personer i åldrarna 21–80. MPI beräknades med pulsad vävnadsdoppler under en hjärtcykel. MPI jämfördes mot traditionella ekokardiografiska mätmetoder som speglar systolisk och diastolisk funktion för vänster respektive höger kammare. Normalfördelnings-, korrelations- och överrensstämmelseanalyser utfördes. För vänstersidig kammarfunktion sågs en signifikant korrelation mellan MPI och MAPSE. Ingen eller dålig överensstämmelse sågs mellan MPI och samtliga traditionella mätmetoder för systolisk funktion. För högersidig kammarfunktion sågs en starkt signifikant korrelation mellan MPI och FAC samt TAPSE. Mindre god överensstämmelse sågs mellan högersidans MPI och FAC samt TAPSE. För MPI och E/e’ sågs ingen signifikant korrelation hos vare sig vänster eller höger kammare och en sämre överensstämmelse än om klassificeringen hade gjorts rent slumpmässigt. Användbarheten av MPI för bedömning av vänster kammarfunktion anses, baserat på aktuell studie, vara låg. MPI kan vara användbart vid bedömning av höger kammares systoliska funktion, men inte avseende diastolisk funktion.
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Parental Communication Deviance as a risk factor for thought disorders and schizophrenia spectrum disorders in offspring:The Finnish Adoptive Family StudyRoisko, R. (Riikka) 28 October 2014 (has links)
Both genetic and biological and psychosocial environmental risk factors contribute to the aetiology of schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Among the much studied environmental risk indicators are parental Communication Deviance (CD) and the winter or spring birth of a child. Genetic and environmental risk factors do not function in isolation from each other, but gene-environment interactions play a major role in the aetiology of psychotic disorders. The aim of this doctoral thesis is to investigate the role of parental CD as a risk factor (together with other risk indicators) for thought disorders and schizophrenia spectrum disorders in an adoptive child.
A systematised review was performed concerning the association between parental Communication Deviance and schizophrenia spectrum and thought disorders in offspring. A meta-analysis could only be performed for the association of parental CD with schizophrenia spectrum disorders in offspring. A large overall effect size was found (0.79, 95%CI 0.21–1.37). The studies included in the systematised review suggest that frequent parental CD and thought disorders in the offspring are connected with each other.
The two original studies are based on the data derived from the total sample of the Finnish Adoptive Family Study (n=382). First, the association between parental Communication Deviance scored from individual and family Rorschach protocols and the characteristics of the adoptive child and the parents themselves was investigated. The variability of CD in the adoptive parents in individual and family Rorschach situations was most closely associated with the characteristics of the parents themselves. The association of an adoptive child’s thought and schizophrenia spectrum disorders with the child’s genetic risk for schizophrenia spectrum disorders, winter or spring birth, and parental Communication Deviance, and their interactions was also explored. The adoptive child’s thought disorders were associated only with parental CD. None of the risk indicators or their interactions predicted the adoptee’s schizophrenia spectrum diagnosis.
In conclusion, the results indicate that the amount of Communication Deviance is a stable trait of an individual. It may be considered as a risk indicator for schizophrenia spectrum disorders in offspring and, with a lower level of confidence, also for thought disorders in offspring. / Tiivistelmä
Skitsofreniaspektrin sairauksien varsinaisia syytekijöitä ei tunneta, mutta niillä on lukuisia sekä perimään että biologiseen ja psykososiaaliseen ympäristöön liittyviä riskitekijöitä. Nykytietämyksen mukaan riskitekijät eivät vaikuta sairauden syntyyn itsenäisesti, vaan perimän ja ympäristön vuorovaikutuksella on merkittävä osuus. Paljon tutkittuja ympäristöön liittyviä riskitekijöitä ovat lapsen talvi- tai kevätsyntymä ja vanhempien hajanainen kommunikaatio. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkitaan vanhempien hajanaista kommunikaatiota adoptiolapsen ajatushäiriöiden ja skitsofreniaspektrin sairauksien riskitekijänä.
Vanhempien hajanaisen kommunikaation ja lapsen skitsofreniaspektrin sairauksien ja ajatushäiriöiden yhteydestä laadittiin systemaattinen katsaus. Meta-analyysi voitiin tehdä vain skitsofreniaspektrin sairauksiin liittyen. Vanhempien hajanaisen kommunikaation ja lapsen skitsofreniaspektrin sairauksien välisellä yhteydellä havaittiin olevan suuri efektikoko (0,79, 95 % luottamusväli 0,21–1,37). Katsaukseen sisällytetyt tutkimukset viittaavat siihen, että vanhempien hajanaisella kommunikaatiolla ja lapsen ajatushäiriöillä on myös yhteys.
Väitöskirjan alkuperäistutkimukset perustuvat Suomalaisen adoptiolapsiperhetutkimuksen aineistoon (n= 382). Aluksi tutkittiin vanhempien yksilö- ja perhe-Rorschach-tilanteissa mitatun hajanaisen kommunikaation määrän ja lapsen ja vanhempien ominaisuuksien välistä yhteyttä. Hajanaisen kommunikaation määrän vaihtelu selittyi pääosin vanhempien ominaisuuksilla. Seuraavaksi tutkittiin adoptiolapsen ajatushäiriöiden ja skitsofreniaspektrin sairauksien yhteyttä lapsen skitsofreniaspektrin sairauksille altistavan perimän, talvi- tai kevätsyntymän ja vanhempien hajanaisen kommunikaation kanssa. Huomioon otettiin myös riskitekijöiden yhteisvaikutukset. Mikään riskitekijä tai niiden yhteisvaikutus ei ollut yhteydessä lapsen skitsofreniaspektrin sairauteen. Lapsen ajatushäiriöt olivat yhteydessä ainoastaan vanhempien hajanaiseen kommunikaatioon.
Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että vanhempien hajanainen kommunikaatio on kohtalaisen muuttumaton piirre, joka on lapsen skitsofreniaspektrin sairauksien riskitekijä. Tulokset viittaavat myös siihen, että vanhempien hajanainen kommunikaatio voi olla lapsen ajatushäiriöiden riskitekijä.
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Virtuální model dokmitového testu závěsu kola / Virtual model of manual tail testGreplová, Kristýna January 2009 (has links)
The aim of the master´s thesis is analysis of limits of tail test exercise in practice for certification of dampening quality of wheel hitches of vehicles using virtual simulation. The goal is to create virtual model of front axle of Skoda Roomster 1.4 TDi using program Adams/View, MSC Software and follow-up simulation of tail test of wheel hitch.
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O reflexo da adoção do teste de impairment dentro das organizações brasileiras: um estudo de casos múltiplosTrevizan, Érica Taís da Silva 29 July 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-07-29 / The impairment test is intended to ensure that the carrying amount of the assets does not exceed its recoverable amount, keeping them, recorded like this in the financial statements in accordance with its ability to generate future economic benefits. This accounting primary rule affects long-term assets such as fixed and intangible assets, which tend to stay longer in the balance sheet. Regulated since 2008, from the accounting pronouncement CPC 01 - Impairment of Assets, the impairment is not considered a simple procedure, because it involves much trial and requires extensive technical knowledge of those who apply. This research aims to verify which was the reflection of the adoption of CPC 01 in the Brazilian companies in order to understand how this practice was incorporated into your routine, such as information on impairment are generated internally and identify possible contributions that this practice may have led to management level. This study was conducted from the perspective of the Theory of Diffusion of Innovations and Institutional Theory, from a multicase study with four public companies, chosen for convenience. The results show that the adaptation process was very laborious. It was possible to identify the main changes that were necessary in this process as well as the main difficulties faced, such as the need for creation of new internal controls and the identification and mapping of the variables affecting the business, respectively. The results also indicate that the adoption of the impairment test brought important benefits for internal management, as early identification of possible losses of assets, allowing management to take steps to ensure that they do not occur. Although it was possible to identify the major search criteria of internal and external evidence of loss of assets, such as questionnaires to collect information from the factories on the conditions of use of the equipment and the analysis of competition. It concludes that the adoption of CPC 01 had unexpected effects on the management level, because despite being a dedicated practice to answer to external users, brought valuable internal benefits for the companies studied, so that is no longer just an accounting rule and became a management tool, actively influencing senior management decisions. / O teste de Impairment tem o objetivo de garantir que o valor contábil dos ativos não exceda o seu valor de recuperação, mantendo-os, assim, registrados nas demonstrações financeiras de acordo com a sua capacidade de gerar benefícios econômicos futuros. Essa regra contábil afeta principalmente os ativos de longa duração, como Imobilizado e Intangível, que tendem a permanecer por mais tempo no balanço patrimonial. Regulamentado a partir do pronunciamento contábil CPC 01 Redução ao Valor Recuperável de Ativos, o impairment não é considerado um procedimento simples, visto que envolve muito julgamento e exige amplo conhecimento técnico de quem o aplica. Esta pesquisa busca verificar qual foi o reflexo da adoção do CPC 01 dentro das empresas brasileiras, a fim de entender como essa prática foi incorporada em sua rotina, como as informações sobre impairment são geradas internamente e identificar possíveis contribuições que essa prática possa ter acarretado a nível gerencial. Este estudo foi realizado sob a ótica da Teoria da Difusão das Inovações e da Teoria Institucional, a partir de um estudo de multicasos com quatro companhias de capital aberto, escolhidas por conveniência. Os resultados apontam que o processo de adequação foi bastante trabalhoso. Foi possível identificar as principais mudanças que se fizeram necessárias nesse processo, bem como as principais dificuldades enfrentadas, como, por exemplo, a necessidade de criação de novos controles internos e a identificação e mapeamento das variáveis que afetam o negócio, respectivamente. Os resultados também indicam que a adoção do teste de Impairment trouxe importantes benefícios internos para a gestão, como a identificação antecipada da possibilidade de perdas dos ativos, permitindo que a administração tome medidas para que elas não ocorram. Ainda foi possível identificar os principais critérios de busca das evidências internas e externas de perda de ativos, como a aplicação de questionários para a coleta de informações das fábricas sobre as condições de uso dos equipamentos e a análise da concorrência. Conclui-se que a adoção do CPC 01 teve efeitos inesperados no âmbito gerencial, pois, apesar de ser uma prática voltada para atender aos usuários externos, trouxe benefícios internos valiosos para as companhias estudadas, de forma que deixou de ser apenas uma regra contábil e passou a ser uma ferramenta de gestão, influenciando ativamente as decisões da alta administração.
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Aerosols of Isocyanates, Amines and Anhydrides : Sampling and AnalysisDahlin, Jakob January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis presents methods for air sampling and determination of isocyanates, amines, aminoisocyanates and anhydrides. These organic compounds are generated during thermal degradation of polymers such as polyurethane (PUR) or epoxy.</p><p>Isocyanates, amines and anhydrides are airway irritants known to cause occupational asthma. Some of the compounds are listed as human carcinogens. Many workers are exposed.</p><p>Isocyanates and anhydrides are reactive and needs to be immediately derivatized during sampling. Methods have been developed for determination of airborne isocyanates, aminoisocyanates and anhydrides using di-n-butylamine (DBA) as reagent to form stabile urea derivatives or amide derivatives. Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) enabled detection limits as low as 10 attomoles. A nitrogen-selective LC-detector enabled quantification of DBA-derivatives in reference solutions. </p><p>A novel sampler is presented. The sampler consists of a denuder in series with a three-stage cascade impactor and an end filter. The sampler made it possible to reveal the distribution of isocyanates between gas and different particle size fractions. During thermal degradation of PUR, isocyanates were associated to particle size fractions (<1 µm) that may penetrate to the lower airways. The distribution during 8 minutes changes noticeably. Aromatic isocyanates become associated to small particles (<1 µm). As a reference method, air-sampling was performed using an impinger filled with di-n-butylamine (DBA) in toluene, connected in series with a glass fiber filter. There was a good agreement between the denuder-impactor sampler and the reference method.</p>
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Aerosols of Isocyanates, Amines and Anhydrides : Sampling and AnalysisDahlin, Jakob January 2007 (has links)
This thesis presents methods for air sampling and determination of isocyanates, amines, aminoisocyanates and anhydrides. These organic compounds are generated during thermal degradation of polymers such as polyurethane (PUR) or epoxy. Isocyanates, amines and anhydrides are airway irritants known to cause occupational asthma. Some of the compounds are listed as human carcinogens. Many workers are exposed. Isocyanates and anhydrides are reactive and needs to be immediately derivatized during sampling. Methods have been developed for determination of airborne isocyanates, aminoisocyanates and anhydrides using di-n-butylamine (DBA) as reagent to form stabile urea derivatives or amide derivatives. Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) enabled detection limits as low as 10 attomoles. A nitrogen-selective LC-detector enabled quantification of DBA-derivatives in reference solutions. A novel sampler is presented. The sampler consists of a denuder in series with a three-stage cascade impactor and an end filter. The sampler made it possible to reveal the distribution of isocyanates between gas and different particle size fractions. During thermal degradation of PUR, isocyanates were associated to particle size fractions (<1 µm) that may penetrate to the lower airways. The distribution during 8 minutes changes noticeably. Aromatic isocyanates become associated to small particles (<1 µm). As a reference method, air-sampling was performed using an impinger filled with di-n-butylamine (DBA) in toluene, connected in series with a glass fiber filter. There was a good agreement between the denuder-impactor sampler and the reference method.
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