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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of teaching method on student's knowledge of quantity food production and service, course evaluations, and propensity for participative management

Lieux, Elizabeth McKinney 06 June 2008 (has links)
Lecture-based (lB) and Problem-Based learning (PBl) methods of teaching Quantity Food Production and Service were compared. After a pilot study to refine the problems and test the methods of data collection, two sections of the course were taught using the different instructional methods. The classes were compared on knowledge prior to taking either course, grade point average (GPA), attendance, final exam scores, Instructional Development and Effectiveness Assessment (IDEA) student evaluation instrument, and Propensity for Participative Management (PPM) instrument. The PPM instrument was validated with a group of management dietitians (n = 235) and restaurateurs(n = 104). Students in lB had higher GPAs than students in the PBl section. Students in the PBl section attended more classes than did the lB section. There were no differences between the sections in their prior knowledge of nutrition and food principles (pre-test). There were no differences between the classes in the scores on the final exam. Using linear regression, the only differences which could be found among the students in either the pre-test or final exam were based on the student's grade point average (GPA), not method of teaching. There were significant differences in the students’ perceptions of the class as measured by the IDEA instrument. LB students indicated a significantly higher rating for their gain in factual knowledge, for five variables relating to the instructor's communication of content and purpose about the course, and for the instructor's ability to introduce stimulating ideas about the subject. PBL students thought the course was more difficult than did LB students but they developed effective communication skills, were stimulated to higher intellectual effort, and thought that PBL was better for three parameters of involving students. There were no differences between the students in terms of their propensity to practice participative management in the future either before the class began or after the learning experience. There were differences between the students’ perception of participation in their organizations and the perceptions of dietitians and restaurateurs. Students were less likely to trust their subordinates/peers, were less likely to believe that participative management promoted positive relationships in the organization, and had less intention to practice participative management in the future than did the NRA/ADA professionals. Problem-Based Learning was demonstrated to provide an equivalent mastery of subject matter as a traditional method of teaching. PBL students were more involved in their learning, were stimulated to higher intellectual achievement, and improved their communication skills to a greater extent than LB students. There appeared to be no difference in likelihood to become a participative manager as a result of either teaching method. / Ph. D.

Konkreta material i matematikundervisning / Manipulatives in mathematics teaching

Lundström, Emma, Bjurström, Cornelia January 2023 (has links)
Det finns en bred variation av hjälpmedel som existerar i syfte att stödja matematikundervisning. Ett av dessa hjälpmedel kan benämnas konkreta material. Syftet med denna studie är dels att undersöka hur forskningsfältet kring konkreta material ser ut, dels att undersöka vilka utmaningar användandet av konkreta material medför. Konkreta material är fysiska (ej digitala) material som går att manipulera i syfte att stödja inlärningen av olika matematiska begrepp. Forskningsfältet har sammanställts genom en systematisk litteraturstudie. Resultatet visar att ett flertal kategorier inom forskningen kan urskiljas, där en kategori specifikt lyfter hur gynnsam användningen av konkreta material är. Resultatet visar också att det finns många utmaningar som läraren måste ta hänsyn till för att användandet av konkreta material ska bli meningsfullt. Diskussionen lyfter att ett flertal av artiklarna skulle gynnas av ett kritiskt perspektiv, samt att fler empiriska studier med ett kritiskt förhållningssätt inom området skulle behövas. / There is a wide variety of aids that exist to support mathematics teaching. One category of these aids can be referred to as manipulatives. The purpose of this study is partly to examine what the research field around manipulatives looks like, and partly to examine what challenges the use of manipulatives entails. Manipulatives are physical (not digital) materials that can be manipulated in order to support the learning of various mathematical concepts. Through a systematic literature study, the research field has been compiled. The result shows that a number of categories can be distinguished within the research, where one category specifically highlights how favorable the use of manipulatives is. The results also show that there are many challenges that teachers must take into account in order to use manipulatives in a meaningful way. The discussion highlights that several of the articles would benefit from a critical perspective, and that more empirical studies with a critical approach in the field would be needed.

Unpacking physically active learning in education: a movement didaktikk approach in teaching?

Mandelid, M.B., Resaland, G.K., Lerum, O., Teslo, S., Chalkley, Anna, Singh, A., Bartholomew, J., Daly-Smith, Andy, Thurston, M., Tjomsland, H.E., 30 November 2022 (has links)
Yes / This paper explores teachers’ educational values and how they shape their judgements about physically active learning (PAL). Twenty one teachers from four primary schools in Norway participated in focus groups. By conceptualising PAL as a didaktikk approach, the findings indicated that teachers engaged with PAL in a way that reflected their professional identity and previous experiences with the curriculum. Teachers valued PAL as a way of getting to know pupils in educational situations that were different from those when sedentary. These insights illustrate how PAL, as a didaktikk approach to teaching, can shift teachers’ perceptions of pupils’ knowledge, learning, and identity formation in ways that reflect the wider purposes of education. The paper gives support to a classroom discourse that moves beyond the traditional, sedentary one-way transfer of knowledge towards a more collaborative effort for pupils’ development. / This work was supported by Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills: [Grant Number 2019-1-NO01-KA203-060324]. The authors of this manuscript were supported and funded by the European Union ERASMUS+Strategic Partnership Fund as part of the Activating Classroom Teachers (ACTivate) project.

Suzuki-gebaseerde riglyne vir orrelonderrig : ’n kritiese ontleding (Afrikaans)

Steyn, Adriaan Hermanus 17 October 2009 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: Orrelonderrig word tradisioneel eers vanaf ongeveer dertien- of veertienjarige ouderdom aangebied. Vir toelating tot die studie word ’n gevorderde vaardigheid in klawerbordspel vereis asook die nodige fisieke bou wat pas by die afmetings van die instrument. Die afname in orrelstudentgetalle wat die afgelope aantal jare op sekondêre- sowel as tersiêre vlak opgemerk word, vereis ’n dringende ondersoek na alternatiewe metodes om orrelonderrig meer toeganklik vir ’n leerder op ’n jonger ouderdom te maak. Alternatiewe orrelmetodes wat nie bogenoemde klawerbordvaardigheid as ’n vereiste stel nie, word sedert 1990 in lande soos Brittanje, Verenigde State van Amerika, Nederland en Swede toegepas. Alhoewel hierdie metodes bedoel is vir onderrig aan jong spelers sowel as die volwasse beginner, is die Suzuki-orrelmetode in hierdie navorsingstudie geïdentifiseer as die enigste metode tot op datum wat onderrig in manuaal- en pedaalspel insluit en wat geskik is vir die jonger leerder wat selfs oor geen leesvaardigheid beskik nie. ’n Kritiese evaluering van die Suzuki-orrelmetode het gelei tot die formulering van riglyne om orrelonderrig aan leerders op ’n vroeër ouderdom moontlik te maak. Deur die orrel meer toeganklik te maak word ’n liefde vir die instrument en die unieke klank daarvan by die jong leerder gekweek. Die mening bestaan ook dat ’n koördinasievermoë, wat een van die primêre vereistes vir suksesvolle orrelonderrig is, makliker op ’n jonger ouderdom aangeleer kan word. Met inagneming van die onderskeie ontwikkelingsfases van die jong kind en deur die nodige aanpassings in die wyse van aanbieding, fisiese veranderings aan die instrument, asook die keuse van onderrigmateriaal, kan die afname in belangstelling in orrelonderrig teëgewerk word. Hierdie alternatiewe sieninge kan sodoende ’n bydrae lewer tot die voortbestaan en behoud van orrelonderrig. Verdere navorsing is egter nodig om die praktiese toepassing van hierdie riglyne in ’n Suid-Afrikaanse milieu deur middel van ’n empiriese ondersoek te toets. ENGLISH: In a traditional context, organ tuition usually commences around the age of thirteen or fourteen. In addition to this age prerequisite, an advanced level of keyboard skills is mandatory as well as prospective students’ commensurate physical development in order for them to negotiate the dimensions of the organ console successfully. The general decline in the number of organ students in recent years at secondary and tertiary levels has given rise to an urgent review of alternate approaches to organ teaching which are more accessible to future younger organ students. Approaches that eschew advanced keyboard technique have been used in Britain, the United States of America, the Netherlands and Sweden since 1990. While these organ teaching methods are suitable for young as well as adult beginners, the Suzuki Organ Method highlighted in this study is the only approach to this date that includes manual and pedal technique and that is appropriate for younger students who may not have yet begun to read. In this study, a critical evaluation of the Suzuki Organ Method has led to the development of achievable guidelines for organ method strategies for young students. In so doing, playing the organ is made far more accessible to younger organists as well as developing in them a love for the instrument and an appreciation of its unique sound. This study further recommends that as co-ordination is one of the primary requirements for the successful study of the organ, it is easier to learn this skill at a younger age. It is possible to stem the decline in organ students by taking into account a number of factors, including the various developmental phases of the young child, appropriate adaptations in approaches to teaching, physical modifications to the instrument and the choice of teaching material. In so doing, this alternate method might contribute to a continuation of organ teaching. Ongoing empirical research will be necessary to determine the practical application of these guidelines in a South African context. / Thesis (DMus)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Music / unrestricted

Authentic Texts in English Language Teaching : An empirical study on the use of and attitudes towards authentic texts in the Swedish EFL upper elementary classroom

Wikström, Debra January 2016 (has links)
International assessments indicate that Swedish students achieve high results in reading, writing and understanding English. However, this does not mean that the students display oral proficiency, despite an emphasis on functional and communicative language skills in the current English Syllabus. While a previous literature study by this researcher has shown that authentic texts are a way to increase these skills, most of the results shown are from an international viewpoint. Thus an empirical study was conducted within Sweden with the aim to examine the use of authentic texts in the Swedish EFL upper elementary classroom. Twelve teachers have answered a questionnaire on how they use authentic texts in their language teaching, as well as their opinions about these as a teaching tool. Additionally, 37 students have answered a questionnaire on their attitudes about authentic texts. Results indicate that all of the teachers surveyed see authentic texts as an effective way to increase students’ communicative competence and English language skills; however, only a few use them with any frequency in language teaching. Furthermore, this seems to affect the students’ attitudes, since many say that they read authentic texts in their free time, but prefer to learn English out of a textbook at school. These findings are based on a small area of Sweden. Therefore, further research is needed to learn if these opinions hold true for the entire country or vary dependent upon region or other factors not taken into consideration in this study.

Netradicinis audinių taikymas vizualinėje mokinių raiškoje / The unusual application of fabric in the visual expression of pupils

Martinkėnaitė, Diana 08 July 2010 (has links)
Netradiciniai audinių panaudojimo būdai dailės pamokose padeda spręsti įvairias problemas: komponavimo principų suvokimo, technikų pažinimo, plastinės raiškos elementų įvairovės, jų panaudojimo tikslingumo. Problema. Bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose didelis dėmesys skiriamas vaizduojamąjai dailei ir dažnai pamirštama taikomosios dailės galimybės, kurios dažnai neišnaudojamos, apsiribojant vien tradiciniu raiškos priemonių panaudojimu. Tikslas- išanalizuoti netradicinį audinių taikymą mokinių vizualinėje raiškoje. Pagal iškeltą tikslą, suformuluoti atitinkami uždaviniai. Tyrimo objektas- audinių taikymas vizualineje raiškoje. Nagrinėdama problemą, analizavau įvairią dalykinę literatūrą, susipažinau su audinių savybėmis, galimybe audinį panaudoti meninėje raiškoje, įvairiais technologiniais būdais. Atlikau tyrimą Vilniaus miesto pagrindinėse mokyklose. Tyrimai parodė, kad mokiniai domisi netradiciniu audinio pritaikymu ir noriai jį taiko kūrybinėje raiškoje. Didelę įtaką turi mokinių motyvacija, mokytojų paskatinimas užsiimti šia veikla, technikos naujumas, praktiškumas, utilitarumas, palankios mados tendencijos. Ištirta ir mokytojų nuomonė, atskleidžianti audinių taikymo privalumus ir pasitaikančias problemas. Bendra išvada tokia, kad audinių panaudojimas galėtų būti platesnis ir sistemingesnis, skatinantis mokinių kūrybiškumą, individualumą bei technologinių igūdžių formavimą. Darbas paremtas konkrečiomis mokinių darbų iliustracijomis, tyrimo duomenimis, darbo gale pateikiami... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The unusual ways of the use of fabric help to solve different problems during the art lessons, such as the principles of composition, the knowledge of techniques, the variety and the purpose of the expression of the elements of the plastic art. Issue. The schools of general education pay attention mostly to the fine arts keeping to traditional measures of expression and ignore the possibilities of the applied arts. Aim. To analyse the unusual application of fabric in the visual expression of pupils. The objections are closely related to the principal aim of the work. The object of research is the application of cloth in the visual expression. Analysing the raised issues, I have covered various literature on the substantive issues, got acquainted with the possibilities and features of the fabric, different ways of technology. I have made a research at the basic schools of Vilnius. The tests showed that pupils are interested in different and unusual ways of application of the fabric and are eager to try them. Various factors, such as favorable fashion trends, pragmatism, utilitarian attitude, the originality of techniques, and the motivation of pupils and teachers make a huge impact on choosing unusual ways of expression. The opinion of teachers revealing the advantages and disadvantages of the fabric application has also been taken into consideration. In conclusion, the application of fabric should be more frequent, more systematic and evoke the creativity... [to full text]

The extent to which teachers nurture creative thinking in the Grade 9 Social Sciences classroom through the choice of teaching methods / Byron John Bunt

Bunt, Byron John January 2012 (has links)
The nurturing of creative thinking skills is one of the cornerstones of Outcomes-Based Education (OBE). This study investigated to what extent teachers nurture the development of creative thinking through the choice of teaching methods, which include the application of teaching strategies and the utilization of resources, in the Grade 9 Social Sciences classroom. A literature study was undertaken to highlight the importance and nature of the development of creative thinking skills, and to establish which teaching methods, strategies and resources nurture the development of creative thinking in Social Sciences classrooms. The literature review provided the conceptual framework for the study, as well as the framework for designing a questionnaire that was utilized to obtain the perceptions of learners regarding the teaching methods, strategies and resources that their teachers use to nurture the development of creative thinking in the Grade 9 Social Sciences classroom. By means of a sequential explanatory mixed method research design, quantitative data were collected by means of a self-constructed questionnaire that was administrated to a convenient sample of a purposively selected group of Grade 9 Social Sciences learners (n=399) in the D7 district of the Gauteng Department of Education. Following this, a qualitative interview, which was constructed from the findings in the questionnaire, was conducted with purposively selected Grade 9 Social Sciences teachers (n=6) in order to ascertain the reasons behind the quantitative findings. The combination of quantitative and qualitative data revealed differences and similarities in opinion related to the teaching methods, strategies and resources that teachers use for nurturing creative thinking. In essence, the data revealed that teachers are, to some extent, nurturing creative thinking through their choice of teaching methods and strategies as well as the questioning techniques that they choose. However, the responses did not convincingly indicate to the researcher that the nurturing of creative thinking skills takes place on a regular and frequent basis. According to the learner responses, it appeared that teaching and learning methods and strategies that promote indirect, independent, interactive and experiential learning, are under-used by the Grade 9 Social Sciences teachers. In addition, resources that nurture creative elaboration such as political cartoons and photographs appear to be under-utilized. This study is concluded with recommendations to teachers concerning which teaching methods, strategies and resources could be implemented in order to promote the nurturing of creative thinking in the Grade 9 Social Sciences classroom. / Thesis (MEd (Learning and Teaching))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2013

Mokymo metodų taikymas kūno kultūros pamokose / The usage of teaching styles in physical education

Juknevičius, Modestas 20 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo objektas – mokymo metodų įvairovės taikymas bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos kūno kultūros pamokose. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti mokymo metodų įvairovės taikymo ypatumus bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos kūno kultūros pamokose. Baigiamojo darbo uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti fizinio ugdymo mokymo metodų sampratą ir įvairovę. 2. Nustatyti mokymo metodų įvairovės panaudojimo kūno kultūros pamokose galimybes ir būdus. 3. Ištirti mokymo metodų įvairovės taikymo ypatumus Kėdainių rajono bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų kūno kultūros pamokose. Svarbiausi rezultatai Išanalizavus tyrime dalyvavusių Kėdainių rajono bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų kūno kultūros mokytojų (n = 25; amžiaus vidurkis 45,7 metai) atsakymus, nustatyta, kad jų pamokose dažniausiai yra taikomi „į mokytoją orientuoti“ mokymo metodai: Metodai A ir B taikomi „labai dažnai“ (n = 8 ir n = 7, atitinkamai) ir „dažnai“ (n = 10 ir n = 14, atitinkamai). Rečiausiai taikomi mokinių savarankiškumą skatinantys mokymo metodai: Metodai C ir D mokytojų yra pasirenkami „kartais“ (n = 13 ir n =17, atitinkamai) arba „beveik niekada“ (n = 6 ir n = 3, atitinkamai). Išvados 1. Išanalizavus fizinio ugdymo mokymo metodų sampratą ir įvairovę pastebėta, kad nėra vieningos metodų klasifikacijos. Visi ugdymo metodai yra savaip veiksmingi ir reikalauja mokytojo įgūdžių. Mokytojas privalo turėti pakankamą teorinį pagrindą, išmanyti metodų įvairovę ir paskirtį. 2. Kūno kultūros mokytojai savo pamokose gali naudoti įvairius fizinio ugdymo mokymo metodus ir tai gali... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Variety of teaching methods applicable to the common schools, and teaching methods of application of the diversity characteristics of secondary school physical education classes. Analyzing physical education teaching methods and the concept of diversity. Identify teaching techniques uses, capabilities and methods of physical education classes.

Effects of a Learning Center Method Versus Lecture Method of Teaching as Related to Achievement, Self-Concept, and Attitude of College Freshmen

Tillerson, Charles Wayne 12 1900 (has links)
The major problem of this study involved a comparison of two methods of teaching English and biology to college freshmen. Subproblems investigated in this study involved the apparent influence of each method of teaching on achievement in each course, on the self-concept of the student, on the students' attitude toward college and toward the learning center, and the effect of the commuterresident status on achievement, self-concept, or attitude. The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy of the experimental method of teaching to achieve desired growth in academic achievement of first-semester college freshmen enrolled in English or biology.

Jazz Improvisation: A Recommended Sequential Format of Instruction

Zwick, Robert A. (Robert Alan) 05 1900 (has links)
The problem with which this study is concerned is that of developing a recommended sequential format for jazz improvisation instruction. The method of content analysis is used. Seventeen subject matter categories (instructional areas) are established upon which the data is analyzed. Coding instructions are constructed with adjustments for additional emphasis placed on the instruction areas by the respective authors. By selecting instructional areas recorded above the median per cent of emphasis, and co-ordinating these areas with the mean sequential introduction of each instructional area, a recommended format of instruction is developed.

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