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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sachsen Tennis: Offizielle Zeitschrift des STV

13 June 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Development of a Heuristic Algorithm to Automate and Improve the Scheduling Process for Tennis Clubs : A Practical Operations Research Thesis with a Case Study at a Padel Club / Utveckling av en heuristisk algoritm för att automatisera och förbättra schemaläggningsprocessen för tennisklubbar

Hederstedt Lövenheim, Max, Krylstedt, Johan January 2019 (has links)
The scheduling of a tennis school’s operation at a general tennis club is today done manually. This is a time consuming task, usually taking 2-4 weeks for the person responsible. This thesis aims to mathematically formulate the tennis school scheduling problem (TSSP), and to develop a computer based solution procedure to automate the scheduling process. The mathematical formulation of the problem has the structure of an optimization problem and the solution procedure that is developed is a heuristic algorithm for the specific purpose of this problem. Furthermore, a heuristic local search algorithm to improve the initial solution is developed, and the model is then tested on real data in a case study at a padel club in Stockholm. Furthermore, the result from the solution procedure is compared with the manually created schedule by the club on some key parameters from the mathematical model. The computerized solution procedure outperformed the manual scheduling procedure in terms of execution time and most of the times in the objective value of the generated schedule. In terms of the mathematical formulation neither the manually created schedule nor the schedules created by the algorithm gives feasible solutions to the problem. However, the padel club deems the schedules usable and will continue with the ongoing process to implement the model. / Schemaläggning av en tennisskolas verksamhet hanteras vanligtvis av en eller flera ansvariga från tennisklubben och utförs manuellt. Det är en tidskrävande uppgift som kräver uppföljning och återkoppling med alla deltagare, vilket kan ta flera veckor. Den här masteruppsatsen ämnar att matematiskt formulera tennisskolans schemaläggningsproblem, "tennis school scheduling problem" (TSSP), och utveckla en schemaläggningsalgoritm för att heuristiskt lösa TSSP som kan imple-menteras med objektorienterad programmering för att automatisera schemaläggningen. Utöver det är en lokal sökalgoritm framtagen för att förbättra schemat skapat av schemaläggningsalgo-ritmen. Algoritmerna är testade på en padelklubbs träningsverksamhet för att jämföra resultaten från algoritmerna mot deras manuellt framtagna schema. Den automatiserade schemaläggningsal-goritmen är e˙ektivare än att manuellt schemalägga verksamheten gällande tidsåtgång och även ofta i målvärde definierat i matematiska modellen. Baserat på data från padelklubben och så som problemet är uppställt i samråd med dem, möter varken det manuellt framtagna schemat eller det genererat med schemaläggningsalgoritmen, efter förbättringsalgoritmen tillämpats, de krav som är ställda på schemat. Trots det är det genererade schemat brukbart enligt padelklubben och de kommer arbeta med att implementera automatiseringen av schemaläggningen.Den automatiserade processen för att ta fram ett schema är tänkt att användas som ett verk-tyg för en schemaansvarig person. Det kan användas för att generera förslag på scheman baserat på deltagares tillgängligheter, för att bespara personens administrativa arbete med schemaläggnin-gen. Mindre ändringar kan sen göras i ett genererat schema och det är enligt dem själva en stor besparing i arbete jämfört med hur det går till i dagsläget.

Sachsen Tennis: Offizielle Zeitschrift des STV

15 November 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Sachsen Tennis: Offizielle Zeitschrift des STV

15 September 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Sachsen Tennis: Offizielle Zeitschrift des STV

03 January 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Sachsen Tennis: Offizielle Zeitschrift des STV

16 May 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Sachsen Tennis: Offizielle Zeitschrift des STV

01 August 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Důvody ukončení závodní činnosti u hráčů tenisu / Reasons for the termination competetive activity of tennis players.

Přibylová, Dominika January 2014 (has links)
Title: Reasons for the termination competitive activity of tennis players Objectives: The primary objective of this thesis is to analyze the possible reasons for termination competitive activity of teenage tennis players, which are obtained by qualitative method of data collection. The secondary objective is to create proposal of categorization theoretical model. Methods: In this thesis we used the narrative interview with the elements of the interview and the interview method. Interview method was used in collecting data to create a theoretical model of categorization. The narrative interview method with the elements of the interview was used as the main method of collecting data on probands. Results: We found that the termination of adolescent competitive activity is caused by more reasons. One of the main reasons was the influence by parents (especially the father), the other reasons were performance decrease, lack of motivation, injury, bad training condition in the club. Categorization was split into five main groups: social, psychological, economic, training and health. Keywords: tennis, reasons for the termination competitive activity, motivation, parents of tennis players, adolescents tennis players, competitive activity

13-14 metų amžiaus Lietuvos jaunųjų tenisininkų (berniukų ir mergaičių) žaidybinės veiklos analizė / 13-14 years old Lithuanian young tennis players (boys and girls) playability performance analysis

Sabeckis, Gvidas 10 September 2013 (has links)
Darbo objektas – žaidybinės veiklos analizė Tikslas – įvertinti ir palyginti 13–14 metų amžiaus jaunųjų Lietuvos tenisininkų (berniukų ir mergaičių) žaidybinės veiklos rodiklius. Uždaviniai 1. Įvertinti ir palyginti 13–14 metų amžiaus Lietuvos jaunųjų tenisininkų berniukų ir mergaičių padavimo efektyvumą. 2. Įvertinti ir palyginti 13–14 metų amžiaus Lietuvos jaunųjų tenisininkų berniukų ir mergaičių padavimo priėmimo stabilumą. 3. Įvertinti ir palyginti 13–14 metų amžiaus Lietuvos jaunųjų tenisininkų berniukų ir mergaičių pasirinktą žaidimo stilių. Tiriamasis klausimas Tenisas žaidžiamas visame pasaulyje, visų amžiaus grupių žmonių poilsio varžybiniais tikslais. Nepaisant pasaulinio teniso populiarumo, fiziniai reikalavimai ir žaidėjo dalyvavimas varžybose dar nėra visiškai aiškūs. Svarbu išanalizuoti varžybinius teniso rodiklius, lemiančius aukštą rezultatą, tikslu suvokti ir išsiaiškinti tarpusavio ryšį tarp žaidybinės veiklos ir žaidėjų charakterių, treniruočių pobūdžio, mitybos bei aplinkos sąlygos intervencijų (Morante&Brotherhood, 2007). Rezultatai: nustatyta, kad padavimo efektyvumas 13-14 metų jaunųjų tenisininkų berniukų buvo geresnis nei to paties amžiaus mergaičių (p<0,05), tačiau padavimo metu dvigubai klydo panašiai abi lytis, ir patikimo skirtumo nebuvo užfiksuota. Vertinant padavimo priėmimo stabilumą, tarp lyčių skirtumo neužfiksuota, tačiau reikšmingas skirtumas stebimas berniukų grupėje ir mergaičių grupėje tarp grąžintų į aikštelę ir negrąžintų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research object – indexes of tennis performace Research problem. Tennis is played throughout the world by people of all ages and standards on a recreational or competitive basis. Despite the global opulaity of tennis, the physical demands and player performance in competition are not fully understood. A tool is required to analyse competitive tennis for the objective evaluation of matters such as associations between performance and player characteristics, training and nutritional interventions, and environmental conditions. Research aim – to investigate and compare tennis performance indexes between 13-14 yars old Lithuanian young tennis players - boys and girls. Tasks: 1. To investigate and compare tennis serve effectivness between 13-14 years old Lithuanian young tennis boys and girls players. 2. To investigate and compare tennis stability of serve acceptance between 13-14 years old Lithuanian young tennis boys and girls players. 3. To investigate and compare playing style during the match between 13-14 yars old Lithuanian young tennis players girls and boys. Results: it was founded that the serve efficiency of 13-14 years old young tennis boys players was better than girls of the same age (p<0.05). However, during serve, double errors were made similarly by both genders and significant difference was not observed. Assessing the stability of the serve receipt, the differences between gender were not observed, but significant difference was observed among the boys and... [to full text]

A formação técnica do jogador de tênis : um estudo sobre jovens tenistas brasileiros

Balbinotti, Carlos Adelar Abaide January 2003 (has links)
Le but de cette étude a été de vérifier comment l'entrainement de jeunes joueurs de tennis brésiliens est actuellement effectué. Un questionnaire qui mesure spécifiquement l'entrainement technique a été élaboré et validé (Questionnaire d'Évaluation de I'Entrainement du Perfectionnement Technique du Joueur de Tennis- QATATT) , aprés differentes versions ont été testées. La derniére version du questionnaire comprend 12 questions, en rapport avec les coups techniques utilisés pendant le jeu de tennis. Les sujets ont répondu les questions selon une échelle Lickert en 5 points, allant de « três peu de fréquence » d'entrainement (1) à « beaucoup de fréquence» (5) d'entrainement de chaque coup. Le QATATT a été appliqué en 432 jeunes joueurs de tennis, des deux sexes, d'âge variant entre 13 et 16 ans, qui participent au circuit brésilien officiel de tennis. L'échantillon comporte des joueurs entre les 1 O meilleurs du rang brésilien selon chaque categorie d'âge, et des joueurs qui n'intégrent pas ce rang mais qui jouent le même circuit national. On a vérifié que les jeunes joueurs brésiliens entrainent les coups essentiels de façon pas équilibrée ; quelques coups sont entrainés de façon plus fréquente que d"autres. Ce résultat a été observé entre toutes les âges en étude, et il n'y a pas de différence de forme d'entrainement entre ces differents âges, ou entre les 1O meilleurs joueurs du rang et les autres joueurs qui n'intégrent pas ce rang. Les résultats de cette étude sugérent que les jeunes joueurs de tennis au Brésil sont soumis à une spécialisation technique précoce, ce qui previlegie le perfectionnement des quelques coups au détriment d'autres, et que l'entrainement éffectué ne respécte pas les différences cronologiques, et par conséquence, ne repécte les différences maturationnelles de jeunes joueurs non plus. Les résultats competitifs futurs de ces jeunes joueurs de tennis peuvent être négativement influencés par cet abordage d'entrainement. / O principal objetivo deste estudo foi investigar como o treino técnico de jovens tenistas brasileiros é realizado atualmente. Um questionário específico para avaliação do treino técnico dos tenistas foi construído e validado (Questionário de Avaliação do Treino do Aperfeiçoamento Técnico do Tenista - QATATT), após testagem de diferentes versões. Em sua última versão, o QATATT constou de 12 questões, relacionadas às jogadas essenciais que combinam golpes técnicos utilizados durante o jogo de tênis. Os tenistas responderam as questões utilizando escala do tipo Lickert em 5 pontos, variando de "pouquíssima freqüência" (1) à "muitíssima freqüência" (5) de treino para cada jogada. O QATATT foi aplicado em 432 jovens tenistas de ambos os sexos, de 13 a 16 anos de idade, que participam do circuito de tênis brasileiro. A amostra contou com jogadores ranqueados entre os dez melhores tenistas do país em sua idade, e tenistas não-ranqueados integrantes do circuito nacional. Constatou-se que os jovens tenistas brasileiros treinam as jogadas essenciais do tênis de forma não equilibrada; algumas jogadas são treinadas com maior freqüência que outras. Este resultado foi observado em todas as idades investigadas, e não há diferença na forma de treino nas diferentes idades, ou entre jogadores ranqueados entre os dez melhores tenistas do país e os jogadores não-ranqueados. Os resultados deste estudo sugerem que os jovens tenistas brasileiros são submetidos ao treino técnico especializado precocemente, que privilegia o aperfeiçoamento de algumas jogadas em detrimento de outras, e que o treino realizado não respeita as diferenças cronológicas e, conseqüentemente, maturacionais dos jovens tenistas. Resultados competitivos futuros destes tenistas podem ser comprometidos com esta abordagem de treino. / The purpose of this study was to investigate the technical training of young tennis players from Brazil. A specific questionnaire aimed at evaluating the technical training of tennis players was developed and validated (QATATT), after different versions of the questionnaire were tested. In the last version, the QATATT had 12 questions, with the essential combinations of technical skills used during a tennis match. The tennis players answered questions using a Liker-type scale with 5 points, ranging from "very little frequency" (1) to "very high frequency" (5) in each combination of technical skill. The QATATT was applied to 432 tennis players (males and females, 13 to 16 years old) that were participating actively in tennis tournaments in Brazil when the study was conducted. Among the subjects, there were players ranked among the top 10 players in Brazil, and players not ranked among the top 1 O players in Brazil. lt was observed that young tennis players do not practice the essential combinations of technical skills in a balanced way; some skills are practiced more frequently than others. This result was observed in ali ages investigated, and there were no differences between ages, or between players ranked among the top 1 O players in Brazil and players not ranked among the top 1 O players in Brazil. The results of this study suggest that young tennis players from Brazil are subjected to a specialized training that emphasizes the perfection of only a few combinations of technical skills. Further, the technical training does not take into consideration the differences in age and maturation of the young tennis players. This method of training may bring negative results in competitions in the near future.

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