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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impacts Of Participant Related Factors On Rebar Supply Chain Performance In Smes

Yavuz, Zeliha Banu 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The improvement of construction systems and management systems do not move together in construction industry, not using the effective management approaches decrease the productivity of the work. The firms both in national and international area in manufacturing industry use supply chain management to preserve their competitive force. As material costs account for a high percentage of the overall cost, the success of a project is heavily dependent on material related factors and processes. In Turkey because of extensively using in-situ concrete in construction, the supply chain for reinforcement and concrete is very important. One of the components of concrete is &ldquo / re-bar&rdquo / and its supply chain, rbSC (rebar supply chain) was investigated within the scope of this research. In this study a framework was developed on the basis of the information from a literature survey and a field-test consisting of face-to-face interviews and questionnaire to determine the factors affecting the rbSC externally and those related to the supply chain participants. The developed rbSC performance framework was analyzed with Structural Equation Modeling rules. LISREL software was used, and the outputs of LISREL were evaluated by relationing with the information obtained from literature survey. The developed framework can be used to maximize both effectiveness of the rbSC process and efficiency of time and cost related issues in the rbSC. rbSC performance was associated with the project performance at the end of the study to reach a higher-level scale. The difference between the performance ratings obtained by self-assessment of a participant and those obtained through assessment done by the others was used to determine the affects of cultural issues on performance. Common reasons for the lower performance were analyzed due to cultural context and recommendations were set down for rbSC participants to solve the problems.

Influence des propriétés cristallochimiques de la calcite sur la diffusion de l'hélium et essai de datation (U-Th-Sm)/He de calcite filonienne et de remplissage de brèche

Cros, Alexandre 02 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
La datation des carbonates est un enjeu important en géosciences car ces minéraux sont présents dans tous les grands cycles superficiels terrestres. Actuellement, l'âge de formation des cristaux de calcite de failles peut être déterminé par la méthode de déséquilibre U-Th ou par la méthode U-Pb. La potentialité de la méthode (U-Th-Sm)/He a été envisagée à partir des premiers résultats de diffusion de l'hélium dans les carbonates (Copeland et al. 2007) qui montrent que l'hélium est rétentif à basse température, inférieure à 70°C. Le développement de cette méthode nécessite une identification des propriétés cristallochimiques et du comportement de la calcite afin de discuter la validité des âges obtenus. Une zone de déformation au contact d'une faille normale du fossé d'effondrement de Gondrecourt à Augeville (Est du bassin de Paris) et des cristaux de calcite géodique des argilites de Tournemire (Aveyron) ont été étudiés. Une étude pétrographique et géochimique (analyse des isotopes stables δ18O et δ13C et des éléments mineurs et traces) a permis d'identifier les phases de remplissage de la zone de déformation d'Augeville. Sur les phases de remplissages une étude cristallographique par DRX (diffraction des rayons X) et ATG (analyse thermogravimétrique) a permis d'identifier les propriétés mécaniques de la calcite à différentes températures. Des expériences de diffusion de l'hélium ont été conduites selon un protocole différent de celui de Copeland et al. (2007) : temps de chauffage inférieur à 12 heures au lieu de paliers de chauffage de plusieurs heures à semaines. Des datations (U-Th-Sm)/He ont été réalisées sur toutes les phases de remplissage de la zone de déformation ainsi que sur les cristaux géodiques de Tournemire. Les résultats pour Gondrecourt mettent en évidence une zone de déformation à remplissage calcitique pluriphasée qui marque chaque étape de l'évolution tectonique de la zone. Il s'agit majoritairement de remplissages de brèches hydrauliques à brèches chaotiques avec, pour finir, la mise en place de filons. Sur ces minéralisations les résultats cristallochimiques montrent que lorsqu'ils sont soumis à une température croissante, de température ambiante à 400°C, ou sur le long terme à 200°C, il y a un accroissement du nombre de microfissures qui aboutit à la formation de clivage. L'évolution cristallochimique sous l'effet de la température présente des modifications structurales pour chacune des phases étudiées. Les expériences de diffusion dépendent de ces microfissures et de cette évolution microstructurale. Ces résultats mettent en évidence les mécanismes de diffusion de l'hélium dans la calcite à travers de multiples domaines de diffusion différents de la taille du grain. Ces domaines de diffusion dépendent de l'état microstructural de l'échantillon. Les résultats de datation (U-Th-Sm)/He présentent une large dispersion de 0,1 Ma à 35 Ma pour la zone de déformation de Gondrecourt et de 0,4 Ma à 20 Ma pour les cristaux géodiques de Tournemire. La variation des âges est en partie liée à la position des cristaux de calcite dans la succession paragénétique qui entraine un continuum de fracturation qui génère de multiples domaines de diffusion dans les cristaux de calcite.

»Verwertung des Wertlosen«

Fraunholz, Uwe 04 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Aus der Einleitung: "Spätestens seit dem Ersten Weltkrieg übte das Leitbild der Autarkie erheblichen Einfluss auf die deutsche Innovationskultur aus. Technikhistorische Interpreten sind sogar so weit gegangen, die Geburtsstunde einer spezifischen deutschen Ersatzstoffkultur in dieser Zeit zu verorten. Mit der Machtübernahme durch die Nationalsozialisten, spätestens aber mit Verkündigung des Vierjahresplanes 1936, der die deutsche Wirtschaft innerhalb von vier Jahren kriegsfähig machen sollte, intensivierten sich die Innovationsaktivitäten im Ersatzstoffbereich noch. Die dabei hervorgebrachten Surrogate können als direkte Resultate einer Autarkieorientierung der Volkswirtschaft betrachtet werden. Der auch in der frühen Bundesrepublik populäre Sachbuchautor Anton Zischka feierte die Forschungsleistungen, die Durchbrüche bei der Herstellung synthetischen Benzins mittels Kohlehydrierung, bei der Einführung von Zellwolle und künstlichem Kautschuk (Buna) sowie bei der Gewinnung neuer Kraftfuttermittel aus Holz und Kohle gebracht hatten, überschwänglich als Mittel zur Erlangung einer neuen Unabhängigkeit: „Und hervorgerufen oder ermöglicht durch diese Großtaten wurden hunderte, tausende Verbesserungen möglich, in einer gewaltigen Symphonie der Arbeit kam es zu einer Umwertung aller Werte, einer Revolution der Rohstoffwirtschaft, einer neuen Ära.“ Aufgrund ihrer Konsumentenferne ist anzunehmen, dass sich insbesondere in diktatorischen Innovationssystemen Ersatzstoffprojekte im sensiblen Lebensmittelbereich intensiver verfolgen ließen als unter Bedingungen eines freien Marktes mit selbstbewussten und mündigen Konsumenten. Zudem wirken zweifelsohne Kriege als Katalysatoren bei der Entwicklung von Ersatzstofftechnologien, nicht nur, weil in ihnen der freie, weltweite Warenaustausch bewusst oder als unbeabsichtigte Begleiterscheinung begrenzt wird, sondern auch, weil sie fast immer Zeiten von Knappheit und Hunger sind. [...]"

El comercio y los comerciantes en la Murcia de finales de la Edad Media a través de la documentación

Peiró Mateos, Mª del Carmen 14 December 1999 (has links)
El objeto de esta investigación es el de contribuir al estudio de la Murcia bajomedieval bajo el aspecto de su actividad comercial.Se han analizado los protocolos notariales del Archivo Histórico de Protocolos y las Actas capitulares y Libros de mayordomo del Archivo Municipal, seleccionando cartas de obligación, fianza, poder, compromiso, cesión y traspasamiento, pago y finiquito comprendidas entre 1454 y 1500.Todo aplicado al ámbito del reino de Murcia y especialmente al concejo murciano.Este análisis nos llevará a conocer el siglo XV castellano, transición entre los tiempos medievales y modernos, considerándolo de desarrollo poblacional, lo que conllevará mayor necesidad de abastecimiento en todos los campos, que unido al potencial del territorio, permitirá el paso de una economía de subsistencia hacia otras formas de mercado más variadas, atrayendo gentes de fuera de nuestras fronteras, entre las que destaca una importante colonia italiana que ocupará el lugar de los judíos cuando estos sean expulsados.Junto a este comercio de mayor profundidad, convive el comercio detallista, siendo ferias y mercados el lugar de encuentro de cristianos, moros y judíos.En cuanto a la colección documental, se presenta la transcripción de los documentos, precedidos de un resumen de su contenido. / The objet of this investigation is to study, from a historical point of view, commerce in the Kingdom of Murcia during the period 1454 to 1500. Original sources.This analysis will lead us to become familiar with the Castilian fifteenth century, a transition between medieval and modern times.A rise in population can be seen that will allow the step from a subsistence economy towards other forms of more developed markets, attracting people from beyond ours borders, amongst which a substantial italian colony stands out.Collection of documents: a complete transcription of the docuemnts is included, preceded by summary of their contentes.

Whole-Rock Lead-Lead Systematics and Major Element Analyses on the 1.85 GA. FLIN FLON Paleosol, Manitoba, Canada: Implications for Uranium Mobility.

Valencia, Federico Arturo 02 December 2011 (has links)
The 1.85 Ga Flin Flon paleosol located in Flin Flon, Manitoba, Canada, is studied with the purpose of determining the timing and geochemical trend of uranium migration. Radiometric minimum ages of sediments and paleosols indicates the presence of a post-depositional event, these ages are bracketed by the Trans-Hudson orogeny event (2155–1750 Ma) which resulted in the alteration of κ(Th/U) and µ(U/Pb) ratios by exposing volcanics to the atmosphere and instigating the mobilization of U. The profile shows that the Missi sediments lost Uby 84% average relative to corrected average upper crust value. The upper paleosol gained U by 11% and the lower paleosol lost U by 17%, relative to least weathered parent volcanics. Upward addition of U within the paleosol is associated with metasomatism. Potential mineralization of uranium occurs downgradient of the Missi and paleosol contact.

Investigations into congenital hypothyroidism of foals

Allen, Andrew Lyndon 01 January 1997 (has links)
A naturally occurring disease involving hyperplasia of the thyroid gland and a consistent pattern of musculoskeletal deformities of newborn foals in western Canada was first described in 1981. This disease was an important cause of foal mortality and, therefore, reproductive loss throughout western Canada during the 1990s and has since been recognized in western Ontario and the northwestern United States. A series of investigations were conducted to describe, characterize, and attempt to determine the pathogenesis and cause of this syndrome. Affected foals were typically born after a long gestation (x = 360 days, range = 340 to 400 days), were diagnosed as hypothyroid based on a poor response to the administration of thyroid-stimulating hormone, and had various musculoskeletal lesions of which mandibular prognathism, flexural deformities and rupture of tendons of the limbs, and incomplete ossification of the carpal and tarsal bones were present most commonly. In spite of the normal to long gestation, foals had signs of immaturity, were usually weak and unable to stand, became septic, and died or were euthanatised. Similar histories, clinical findings, and lesions were present in surgically created hypothyroid foals that were thyroidectomized in utero at about 210 days gestation. These findings supported the conclusion that foals which naturally developed these lesions were also hypothyroid in utero and that all the lesions present in affected foals were the result of the hypothyroidism and not of an underlying concurrent disease process. A case-control study was conducted to identify risk factors for naturally occurring congenital hypothyroidism. Information from congenitally hypothyroid foals concerning foal and dam signalment, farm environment, and dam management was compared with that from normal foals. Pregnant mares fed greenfeed, not supplemented with mineral, that left their "home farm" during gestation, or grazed irrigated pasture, had a 13.1 (<i>P</i>=0.0068), 5.6 (<i>P</i>=0.0472), 4.3 (<i>P</i>=0.0076) and approximately 15.3 (<i>P</i>=0.0245) times greater odds, respectively, of producing a congenitally hypothyroid foal than mares not exposed to these factors. Greenfeed often contains high levels of nitrate (NO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup>) which is known to impair thyroid gland function. In light of this, forage samples from participating farms were analysed for nitrate levels. The odds of one or more congenitally hypothyroid foal being born on a farm feeding forage with at least a trace of nitrate was 8.0 times greater (<i>P</i>=0.0873) than the odds of the disease occurring a farm that fed forage free of nitrate. Further, the odds of a mare producing an affected foal when fed forage containing at least a trace of nitrate was 5.9 times greater (<i>P</i>=0.0007) than a mare fed nitrate-free forage.This study suggests that congenital hypothyroidism in foals may result from diets containing nitrate or low in iodine being fed to pregnant mares. These results need to be confirmed through further field investigations and controlled experiments. However, if they are accurate, there is cause for concern that other livestock raised in areas where congenitally hypothyroid foals occur may be exposed to the same dietary risk factors and may suffer similar disease.

Tierras, Regiones Y Zonas: Poéticas y políticas de espacios no-urbanos en los sesenta en Brasil y Argentina

Sadek, Isis 17 April 2008 (has links)
This dissertation examines the ways in which non-urban spaces were approached as objects of knowledge in Argentine and Brazilian essays, chronicles, and films in the 1960s. It is comprised of three case-studies. The first traces the role of spatial coordinates in 1960s' political imagination, reconstructed through programmes for economic modernization (developmentalist agendas and the Doctrine of National Security), through Frantz Fanon's thirdworldist understanding of political organization, and through Gunder Frank's version of Dependency theory. The second study centers upon Brazil's rural Northeast as evoked in Antônio Callado's chronicles and economist Celso Furtado's memoirs, that both simultaneously took up and challenged the terms by which developmentalism's mainly technical modernization sought to legitimate itself. The third case-study begins with the national horizon envisaged for Argentina by economist Rogelio Frigerio's apology of industrialization as an agent of social homogenization. This horizon is then contrasted with two investigations on marginal spaces: Fernando Birri's documentary film "Tire dié" and Roberto Carri's essay in which, by defining a new space, the "area of colonial capitalism," Carri brings to the fore novel forms of political action. I situate each case-study at a crossroads between developmentalist hopes and blossoming liberation movements, demonstrating how each resignifies differently national and transnational coordinates. Critical theories of space, as well as intellectual history and discourse analysis constitute my readings' methodological base, guiding my analyses of aspects that are often overlooked in studies of 1960s culture, particularly as regards the constitution of militant subjectivities and trajectories. Inspired by David Harvey and Henri Lefebvre's theories and methods, I detect the constant presence of a technified prism in the spatial imagination of modernization, be it social or economic. I argue that the descriptive activity by which these marginal spaces are produced as objects of knowledge is also poetic as it approaches these decaying spaces from the vantage of a present defined by hopes in technical modernization as an agent of progress. As such, this descriptive and poetic activity amounts to a complex political intervention that articulates such spaces in function of specific temporalities and rhythms, rethinking critically their relation to imperialism and to capitalist modernization. / Dissertation

A Study On Material Properties Of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (aac) And Its Complementary Wall Elements: Their Compatibility In Comtemporary And Historical Wall Sections

Andolsun, Simge 01 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Examined in this study were some physical, mechanical, compositional and durability properties of AAC, its neighboring plasters and jointing adhesive, all of which were produced in Turkey. The compatibility of these materials inside the contemporary wall section and within historic fabric was discussed in terms of their material properties. In addition to the literature survey, laboratory studies were conducted on two types of AAC as G2 and G4, its jointing adhesive and exterior finishing layers as base coat, under coat, finish coat, water repellent finish coat / and some historical traditional construction materials of Anatolia as timber, masonry and infill brick, lime based exterior and interior plasters. The results were evaluated in terms of material properties of AAC, the compatibility of AAC and its complementary elements with each other and with the historic timber framed structures in Anatolia. It was concluded that the use of AAC in repairs of historical structures could be discussed only if the original infill is lost. In addition, its cement-plasters should be avoided from the historic fabric since they introduce salt problems to the structure. In terms of vapor permeability and modulus of elasticity, water repellent finish coat was proper finishing for AAC, and AAC, especially G4, exhibited similarities with historic infill mud brick. Further studies on other compatibility parameters were, however, necessary to decide on the compatibility of AAC with its neighboring materials. Moreover, the integrity of AAC with the historic fabric needed improvement by increasing its pozzolanicity and/or producing a new intermediary repair mortar/plaster.

Design And Production Of Steel Buildings: A Case Study In Ankara

Besgul, Ozge 01 November 2006 (has links) (PDF)
It is vital that Turkey keep abreast of developments in the world and build up its technology to become a developed country. Steel construction is one of these areas. In this context, the main purpose of this study was to define, analyze and evaluate the general characteristics of structural steel and steel construction with the purpose of throwing new light on its advantages and disadvantages. Within this framework, a literature survey was conducted on structural steel components and structures / and on steel construction in Turkey. Additionally, a case study was carried out on a steel office building in Ankara. In this, the T&uuml / rkiye Esnaf ve Sanatkar Kredi Kefalet Kooperatifleri Merkez Birligi (TESKOMB) Building was investigated in terms of the design and production criteria for steel structures and to determine problems faced during these processes. As a result of this study, the existing condition of the construction sector and the means to improve use of structural steel in Turkey were discussed more realistically.

An Investigation On The Application Of Standard Contracts In The Turkish Construction Industry

Sertyesilisik, Begum 01 February 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Construction contracts are one of the most important tools in the construction sector. They define the various aspects, obligations and relations between each party that are necessary to reach a common expected goal. They contribute to successful completion of projects. Turkish construction companies have successfully completed many projects in domestic and international venues and gained important experience in this respect / however, they still encounter problems in application. The aim of this study was: - to analyze Yapim &amp / #272 / slerine Ait Tip S&ouml / zlesme (Standard Contract for Construction Works, YIATS) of Kamu &amp / #272 / hale Kurumu (Public Procurement Authority KIK) and F&eacute / d&eacute / ration Internationale des Ing&eacute / nieurs-Conseils (International Federation of Consulting Engineers, FIDIC) standard contract for construction / - to identify problem areas and their causes in application of contracts / - to compare YIATS and FIDIC contracts with respect to problem areas / - to analyze views, experiences and recommendations of companies about YIATS and FIDIC contracts. In this study, based on survey conducted on contract literature, questionnaire was applied to member companies of T&uuml / rk M&uuml / teahhitler Birligi (the Turkish Contractors&rsquo / Association, TMB). Applied standard contracts, Court of Cessation decisions and International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) arbitration awards were analyzed to determine problem areas. Telephonic and face-to-face interviews were performed with staff of companies for further information on their answers, their opinions and recommendations on problem areas. Additionally, hypotheses were tested: to determine the effect of existence of clauses on exposure of contractors to consequences of problems emerged in execution phase of contract / to analyze relationship between problems encountered in FIDIC or YIATS and financial, temporal and non-compliance problem areas / to analyze effect of cost determination method on emergence of problems related to these areas. These studies revealed main problem areas as: financial, temporal and non-compliance issues.

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