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Tidig matematikinlärning : hur svenska elevers matematikkunskaper kan förbättras genom lärares undervisningsstrategierNorén, Lisa, Södergren, Anna January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att belysa hur den inledande undervisningen inom ämnet matematik kan se ut samt se orsaker till de sjunkande resultat inom ämnet matematik som visats genom undersökningar.</p><p>Uppsatsen har sin utgångspunkt i det resultat som undersökningen TIMSS 2007 visat och följs därefter upp av intervjuer med två grundskolelärare, en specialpedagog samt en matematikutvecklare som berättar om den inledande matematikinlärningen. Därtill genomförs ett kunskapstest med elever i årskurs 4. Intervjuerna samt resultatet av kunskapstestet blev, efter sammanställning, jämförda mot tidigare forskning tagen. Relevant litteratur söktes fram från bibliotek samt från databaser på Internet med inriktning mot matematik.</p><p>Resultatet visar att många lärare har läroboken som utgångspunkt för sin undervisning men att det konkreta materialet är ett viktigt komplement som gör eleverna delaktiga samt befäster matematiken i vardagen. Elevundersökningen visar att eleverna i årskurs 4 har svårigheter inom området taluppfattning och aritmetik.</p>
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Tidig matematikinlärning : hur svenska elevers matematikkunskaper kan förbättras genom lärares undervisningsstrategierNorén, Lisa, Södergren, Anna January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att belysa hur den inledande undervisningen inom ämnet matematik kan se ut samt se orsaker till de sjunkande resultat inom ämnet matematik som visats genom undersökningar. Uppsatsen har sin utgångspunkt i det resultat som undersökningen TIMSS 2007 visat och följs därefter upp av intervjuer med två grundskolelärare, en specialpedagog samt en matematikutvecklare som berättar om den inledande matematikinlärningen. Därtill genomförs ett kunskapstest med elever i årskurs 4. Intervjuerna samt resultatet av kunskapstestet blev, efter sammanställning, jämförda mot tidigare forskning tagen. Relevant litteratur söktes fram från bibliotek samt från databaser på Internet med inriktning mot matematik. Resultatet visar att många lärare har läroboken som utgångspunkt för sin undervisning men att det konkreta materialet är ett viktigt komplement som gör eleverna delaktiga samt befäster matematiken i vardagen. Elevundersökningen visar att eleverna i årskurs 4 har svårigheter inom området taluppfattning och aritmetik.
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The Comparison Of Pisa And Timss For Framework And AchievementYilmaz, Emine Ozge 01 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The present study aimed to (1) Investigate the comparability of PISA 2006 and TIMSS 2007 (2) Analyze the similarities and differences of frameworks of PISA 2006 and TIMSS 2007. In accordance with the purpose of the study, content analysis was done. Content analyses showed that content of two international studies were similar to each other in some extent. The competencies and cognitive skills were also similar on surface whereas the base of the competencies and cognitive skills were different. In order to find similarities and differences, the items assessing the similar cognitive skills were selected for PISA and TIMSS. The analysis of the items in terms of the percentage of Turkish students&rsquo / correct answers demonstrated that while identifying scientific issues in PISA and knowing in TIMSS were not similar, explaining phenomena scientifically in PISA and applying in TIMSS and using scientific evidence in PISA and reasoning in TIMSS were similar.
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An Analysis Of Teacher Background Indices And Their Relation To The Eighth Grade Turkish StudentsMihyap, Kubra 01 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is to investigate teacher background indices and their relation to mathematics achievement. For this purpose, the data collected from 146 Turkish mathematics teachers and 4498 8th grade Turkish students with the instruments - mathematics teacher background questionnaire and mathematics achievement test in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study
(TIMSS 2007) were analyzed by using the Pearson&rsquo / s Product Moment Correlation. The teacher background indices, constructed by TIMSS, were The Index of Teachers&rsquo / Reports on Teaching Mathematics Classes with Few or No Limitations, The Index of Teachers&rsquo / Emphasis on Mathematics Homework, The Index of Teachers&rsquo / Perception of School Climate, The Index of Teachers&rsquo / Adequate Working Conditions and The Index of Teachers&rsquo / Perception of Safety in School.
The results of the correlation analysis yielded significant relationships except for the emphasis on homework. Students whose teachers characterized their school climate positive and their working conditions adequate got significantly higher scores. Moreover, for limitation to teach index variable, students having teachers who commented the related factors do not limit their instruction were found to be more successful than the other students. However, it is concluded that teachers in this study considered their school climate and working conditions as negative and thought there were lots of limitations to teach. On the other hand, although majority of the teachers reported that they feel safe in their schools, there were teachers who disagreed with the idea. This study includes some suggestions for further researchers to investigate the results of this study in detail and some implications to develop teachers&rsquo / perceptions positively.
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Attityd till de naturvetenskapliga ämnena utifrån TIMSS-undersökningar : En undersökning i årskurs 4 om eventuell förändring av attityd till de naturvetenskapliga ämnena från år 2007–2015, ur ett genus- och socioekonomiskt perspektiv.Axelsson, Malin, Heinin, Grace January 2018 (has links)
Redan på 1960-talet började Sverige delta i internationella skolstudier med syfte att mäta elevers kunskaper i olika ämnen. En av dessa är den internationella studien TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) som har särskild inriktning på kunskapsutvecklingen inom naturvetenskap och matematik. Genom studierna vill man belysa kunskapsutveckling över tid och exempelvis jämföra deltagande länders skolprestationer (Skolverket 2016b, s.12).Svenska elever i årskurs 4 har deltagit i TIMSS-studierna vid tre tillfällen (år 2007, 2011 och 2015), och det är dessa elevsvar som granskats i denna studie. Granskningen skedde med syfte att åskådliggöra eventuella förändringar i attityd till de naturvetenskapliga ämnena över tid, och resultaten diskuteras utifrån både ett genus- och ett socioekonomiskt perspektiv. Förhoppningen var att skapa förståelse för den komplexa bild som ligger bakom elevers attityder till NO (naturorienterande ämnen). Rådata hämtades från IEA:s hemsida (IEA u.å.) och överfördes till statistikprogrammet SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) för att besvara studiens frågeställningar.Med hjälp av SPSSanalyserades eventuella skillnader mellan åren samt skillnader mellan könen. För att med större säkerhet kunna dra slutsatser valdes två frågor ut angående attityd till NO, vilka var: “NO är tråkigt” samt “Jag tycker om NO”. För att resultaten ska kunna vara representativt för Sveriges alla 10–11 åringar viktades resultaten innan de bearbetades och sammanställdes i tabeller och därefter i diagram för att eventuella skillnader skulle tydliggöras. Resultaten visar att pojkarnas attityd till NO sjönk mellan år 2007 och 2011, men steg åter år 2015. Flickornas resultat visade sig, trots många satsningar, vara lägre än pojkarnas. Utifrån ett socioekonomiskt perspektiv där fokus legat på hur många böcker eleven har hemma samt om eleven har tillgång till ett skrivbord/bord fanns inget tydligt samband med elevernas attityd gentemot naturvetenskap.
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Contribution Of Some Factors To Eighth Grade StudentsKorkmaz, Fettah 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
M. S., Department of Secondary Science and Mathematics Education
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ö / mer GEBAN
September 2012, 120 pages
The purpose of this study is to determine some of the factors that affect science achievement of eighth grade students in Turkey based on data results of Trends in International Science and Mathematics Study (TIMSS 2007). The present study investigated the relationship between the students&rsquo / achievement in science and certain factors such as student centered activities perceived by students, teacher centered activities perceived by students, students
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教育指標及家庭資本對學業成就影響之研究-以臺日韓美義為例 / The relationships between educational indicators and family capital on student academic achievement林倍伊 Unknown Date (has links)
影響學生學業成就因素,是值得關注的議題。本研究欲瞭解教育指標和家庭資本對學生學業成就之間的影響關係,以臺灣、日本、韓國、美國和義大利五個國家已公佈的教育指標資料和TIMSS 2007資料庫問卷調查結果的24383份追蹤樣本,進行現況分析、變異數分析、相關分析、多元逐步回歸分析、結構方程式分析,結果發現:
依據上述研究結果將提出相關結論與建議以供參考。 / The issue of student achievement has been concerned. In this research, will focus on the relationships between educational indicators and family capital on student academic achievement, the participants include students in Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, the United States and Italy. The published educational indicators and TIMSS 2007 survey results of 24,383 samples for the analysis of variance, Pearson correlation, stepwise multiple regression, structural equation modeling found that:
1. The relationship between educational indicators, student academic achievement in mathematics and science as a positive. Secondary education teacher/ student ratio, literacy, education expenditure/ GDP ratio of and academic achievement in mathematics and science as a negative.
2. The educational indicators of academic achievement in mathematics accounts for 25% variance, in science accounts for 9.7% variance.
3. In analysis of variance, the collection of books and learning resources on academic achievement in mathematics and science indicate that a group has more is higher than the group has fewer.
4. In analysis of variance, parental education on academic achievement in mathematics and science find that in United States is not significant in this analysis. In Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and Italy, groups of higher education is the highest.
5. In analysis of variance, self expectation on academic achievement in mathematics and science indicate that a group with high self expectation is highest, but U.S. students in math and science academic achievement and Korea students in mathematics can find out that the students who "do not know" is the highest group.
6. In analysis of variance, parental support in student academic achievement in mathematics and science that groups with high parental support is higher than those with low parental support, but parental support on student academic achievement in mathematics and science in Italy, and parental support on academic achievement in science in Taiwan indicate that the highest group is less than the lowest one.
7. In analysis of variance, parental involvement in student academic achievement in mathematics and science that groups with high parental involvement is higher than those with low parental involvement, but in Taiwan, parental involvement on academic achievement in science indicate that the highest group is less than the lowest one.
8. The correlations between family capital and student academic achievement indicate that mother’s education is in no relation with academic achievement in mathematics and science, self-expectation is in no relation with mathematics academic achievement, the relationship between father’s education and academic achievement is negative, other variables and academic achievements is positive.
9. The variance of family capital in academic achievement in Taiwan is the highest: 27.5% in mathematics and 28.8% in science.
10. SEM results show that parental support and parental involvement is in no relationship with academic achievement in math and science. Educational indicators and family capital on academic achievement can be explained.
Based on the results of the study, conclusions and recommendations will be presented for reference.
Key words: Educational indicator, Family capital, Student academic achievement, TIMSS 2007.
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The Connection Between School And Student Characteristics With Mathematics Achievement In TurkeySevgi, Sevim 01 October 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of study is to investigate the effects of school characteristics on students&rsquo / mathematics achievement across Turkey by analyzing the data collected from school questionnaire, student background questionnaire and mathematics achievement test in Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study 2007. The analyzed sample was comprised of 4,498 students in 146 schools. Student level factors were highest level of education of either parent, students speak the language of test at home, students&rsquo / parents born in country, books in home, computer and internet connection, computer use, index of time students spend doing mathematics homework in a normal school week, index of students&rsquo / positive affect toward mathematics, index of students&rsquo / valuing mathematics, index of students&rsquo / self confidence in learning mathematics. School related factors were principals reports on the percentages of students in their schools coming from economically disadvantaged homes, principals report on the percentage of students having the language of test as their native language, index of good attendance, principals time spent on various school related activities, schools encouragement of parental involvement, index of school resources for mathematics instruction, index of principals perception of school climate.
Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) was used for analysis. The result of the study showed that 45% of variance between schools, 54.6 % of variance was in schools, 57.33 % of school variance in mathematics achievement accounted by principals&rsquo / report on percentages of students coming from economically disadvantaged homes, parents to volunteer for school programs, school resources for mathematics instruction and principals&rsquo / perception of school climate.
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