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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Association of Trainee Psychotherapist Competency and Client Outcomes

Dziurzynski, Kristan 08 1900 (has links)
Client outcomes in psychology training clinics have been shown to be generally worse than other outpatient settings. Although this finding has been repeatedly demonstrated, no consensus of cause has emerged in the literature. One possible explanation of such findings may relate to psychotherapist effects, a historically neglected variable that has received increased attention in more recent literature. Among psychotherapist effects researched, competency has emerged as a compelling factor worthy of more research. Given that most growth in competence occurs during graduate training, investigating the relationship between competency and client outcome offers great potential benefit for informing optimal training, nature of client symptom improvement, and a more accurate depiction of differences in psychotherapist effects across training and non-training settings. The purpose of this study was to explore the trajectory of competence development during doctoral training in health services psychology and to investigate the association of trainee competency to the psychotherapy outcomes evidenced by their clients. Practicum evaluations of 36 trainees and outcome data (using the Outcome Questionnaire-45.2) from 244 adult clients were included in analyses. Results of the study suggest there is a positive relationship between cumulative semesters of training and competency scores (rs[118]= .34, p < .001). Notably, there was no significant difference in psychotherapy outcome between low and high trainee competence. The results of the current study, relevant literature and limitations are discussed. Suggestions for future research are proposed.

Trainee participation affects outcomes in emergency general surgery procedures: an analysis of the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program database

Lakha, Aliya Anne 22 January 2016 (has links)
Previous research has demonstrated a significant impact of trainee participation on outcomes in a broad surgical patient population. With the current project, we aim to identify if a similar effect exists in emergency general surgery. A total of 141,010 patients who underwent emergency general surgery procedures were identified in the 2005-2010 National Surgical Quality Improvement Program database. Due to the non-random assignment of the more complex cases to resident participation, patients were matched (1:1) on known risk factors [age, gender, inpatient status, preexisting comorbidities (obesity, diabetes, smoking, alcohol use, steroid use, coronary artery disease, chronic renal failure, pulmonary disease)] and on preoperatively calculated probability for morbidity and mortality. Clinically relevant outcomes were compared with a t- or chi-squared test. The impact of resident participation on outcomes was quantified with multivariable regression modeling, adjusting for both the aforementioned risk factors and operative time. The most common procedures in the matched cohort (n=83,790) were appendectomy (39.9%), exploratory laparotomy (8.8%) and adhesiolysis (6.6%). Our findings suggest that trainee participation in emergency general surgery procedures prolongs operative time, increases intraoperative transfusions, and is independently associated with adverse postoperative outcomes, including wound, pulmonary, and venous thromboembolic complications, as well as urinary tract infections. This effect appears to be independent of the total intraoperative time, case complexity, and preexisting comorbid conditions. We also demonstrate that operative time is another important factor independently associated with intra- and post-operative transfusions, unplanned reoperations, longer hospital stays, infections, as well as wound, pulmonary, and venous thromboembolic complications, when baseline comorbidities and resident participation were adjusted for. Remediation strategies could include increased use of simulation training and increased faculty supervision of residents.

How can the supervisory relationship facilitate perceptions of effective supervision for trainee educational psychologists

Vanderman, Aysha January 2017 (has links)
The supervisory relationship is reported to be fundamental in determining whether the goals of supervision are met. Its role is said to surpass any methods or approaches used (Kilminster and Jolly, 2000). In educational psychology the supervisory relationship with trainees has not been explored in any depth. This study aims to explore how both trainees and supervisors experience the relationship. An onus is placed on exploring the effective features of the relationship, with a view to enhance practice. In phase 1, interpretative methodology was applied to identify newly qualified educational psychologists’ experiences of their practicum based supervision when they were in year three of their training. Main themes described are participants needing to feel accepted by their supervisor, the supervisor acting from within professional, personal and nurturing based roles, feeling connected with the supervisor, being open and disclosing with the supervisor and how service culture impacts supervision. The power dynamic between trainee and supervisor appeared to significantly impact on key features of the relationship The themes from phase 1 were presented to supervisor participants in phase 2. Interpretative methodology was used to explore supervisors’ perceptions of these themes. Overall, supervisors appeared to like relationships which were mutual and reciprocal. Implications for practice are explored e.g. the need to facilitate authenticity and open dialogue in the relationship. Limitations of the study include 1) piloting the interview process with a non-educational psychology professional who does not have experience of the context of trainee educational psychology supervision 2) possible disadvantages of knowing some of my participants 3) accessing supervisory experiences related to just year 3 of training and 4) inconsistency in criteria for participation, i.e. not all participants had been working with the same supervisor or trainee for year both years 2 and 3 of the training programme.

Trainee Perspectives of Basic Family Therapy Skills

Webb, Nancy 01 May 1997 (has links)
Much has been written about family therapy training and supervision from the perspective of teachers and supervisors. However, the perspective of family therapy trainees is not well represented in the literature. Research employing student responses is common, but results are offered from the perspective of the trainers of family therapy and the subjective experience of students is frequent ly left untapped . One area of training and supervision, basic therapy skills, offers no perspectives from family therapy trainees. This research examined trainee perspectives concerning basic family therapy skills and made comparisons to trainer perspectives regarding the same skills. The findings indicate that some differences exist in those skills valued as most important to students when compared to the same skills evaluated by their instructors. Students place value on self attributes and joining skills whereas teachers and supervisors value professional ethics and the students ' knowledge base when ranking skills.

Vad är ett lyckat projekt ur ett intressentperspektiv? : En studie av Trainee in TIME

Filipsson, Therese, Persson, Anna, Lidén, Karolina January 2007 (has links)
Abstract The concept project is today used in several contexts and has different meaning in different contexts. Lately, projects have been seen as a form of organization and more companies convert from traditional organizing to organizing in a project form. The purpose and focus of today’s project is not only to increase quality and competence development for management but also to integrate different actors in order to e.g. increase customer value. LänsTeknikCentrum AB (LTC) in Jönköping is running different projects in order to support companies in Jönköping County. One of these projects is called Trainee in TIME where the word TIME stands for Technique, IT, Marketing, and Economy. The project is supposed to support and help unemployed people, possessed with an academic education to increase their ability to be employed, through individual adjusted trainee places in small- and medium sized companies. The assignment to evaluate the project Trainee in TIME was given to us by LTC. The purpose with the thesis is to evaluate and examine a stakeholder perspective in a project since the focus often is on the management of the project. We have chosen to concentrate the study on two different stakeholders, who both have been participating in the project Trainee in TIME. The Project Implementation Profile is a model used to evaluate project, and since this model focuses on the project management, we have chosen to redesign the model in order to make it fit the stakeholder perspective. This new redesigned model consists of nine different areas which we consider are relevant to evaluate. The questionnaire we made is based on the new model and was implemented on all trainees and companies, as well as the project management in order to compare the different views on the project. The respondents were also asked to value which three areas they considered most important in order to make a successful project, and also the three least important areas. It appears from the result of the study that the trainees, companies and project management are satisfied with the project. However, it can be seen that the trainees and the project management are somewhat more satisfied since their results are slightly better or higher in relation to the companies. According to the investigation, LTC should focus more on customer deliberation and customers’ acceptance. / Sammanfattning Begreppet projekt används idag i alltfler sammanhang och har olika innebörd i olika sammanhang. På senare år har dock projekt setts som en organisationsform och alltfler företag övergår, från det traditionella sättet att organisera, till projektform. Syfte och fokus med projektorganisation är att öka kvalitet och kompetensutveckling för ledning och styrning, men även att integrera olika aktörer för att till exempel öka kundvärdet. LänsTeknikCentrum AB (LTC) i Jönköping driver olika projekt till stöd för företagsutveckling i Jönköpings län. Ett av projekten heter Trainee in TIME där ordet TIME står för teknik, IT, marknad och ekonomi. Projektet ska hjälpa högskoleutbildade och arbetslösa personer till ökad anställningsbarhet genom individuellt anpassade traineeplatser på små- och medelstora företag. Vi fick i uppdrag av LTC att utvärdera projektet Trainee in TIME. Syftet med uppsatsen är att utvärdera och undersöka intressentperspektivet i ett projekt då fokus i projektutvärderingar oftast ligger på projektledningen. Vi vill istället inrikta oss på olika intressenter och har valt trainee och företag som har medverkat i projektet Trainee in TIME. Project Implementation Profile är en modell använd för att utvärdera projekt. Då denna modell främst är inriktad på utvärdering av projektledningen har vi valt att arbeta om den till en modell som är mer anpassad till utvärdering av intressenters syn på projektet. Den nya modellen består av nio olika områden som vi anser vara relevanta att utvärdera. En enkätundersökning, baserad på den nya modellen, genomfördes bland samtliga trainee och företag samt av LTC för att kunna jämföra intressenternas syn på projektet i relation till projektledningen. Respondenterna ombads även att värdera vilka tre områden de ansåg viktigast för att ett projekt ska anses lyckat respektive tre områden de anser minst viktigast för ett lyckat projekt. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att samtliga parter, som blivit undersökta, är nöjda med projektet. Mest nöjda är dock trainee och LTC då deras resultat är aningen högre jämfört med företagen. Undersökningen visar att LTC borde fokusera på kundens godkännande genom att presentera projektet tydligt för intressenterna. LTC bör även förbättra kundöverläggningen mellan LTC och intressenter genom att vara lyhörd vid eventuella synpunkter samt att tillhandahålla information under projektets gång.

Traineeprogram - ett givet recept på framgång?

Andersson, Tina, Winemark, Emelie January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att uppnå ökad förståelse för skillnader och likheter mellan en organisations och dess traineers förväntningar i förhållande till organisationens traineeprogram. Studien genomförs i samarbete med en kunskapsintensiv industriorganisation och är avgränsad till att studera organisationens nuvarande traineeprogram. Tre teman där skillnader och likheter mellan organisationens och traineernas syn utgör studiens frågeställningar; trainee och traineeprogram, humankapital samt nätverk och sociala relationer. Frågeställningarna knyter an till tre teoretiska utgångspunkter. Nyinstitutionell teori och humankapitalteori, två teorier som betraktar rationalitet på olika sätt, därtill är forskning om nätverk och sociala relationer av relevans för studien. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats och huvudsaklig datainsamlingsmetod är intervjuer. Vidare utgör interna dokument och information från organisationens hemsida empiriskt material som tillförs i den tematiska analysprocessen. I studiens resultat framkommer att organisationen och dess traineer har liknande förväntningar på vad traineeprogrammet medför. Likheterna överensstämmer gällande traineeprogrammets attraktionskraft och att deltagande i traineeprogram ger mer än vad en vanlig anställning ger, traineerna får en exponering inom organisationen och möjligheter att tillgodogöra sig kunskap av både generell och specifik karaktär. Resultatet visar dock att det finns skillnader i förväntningar gällande produktivitet och kontaktmöjligheter. Traineeprogrammet kan med hjälp av nyinstitutionell teori betraktas som en trend, ett framgångsrecept och en legitimitetsskapande aktivitet som anammas av både organisationen och traineerna som vill bli framtida ledare. Att genomföra och delta i traineeprogrammet kan utifrån humankapitalteori betraktas som en investering som både organisationen och traineerna gör. Därtill är humankapitalet inte oberoende av det sociala kapitalet. De kontakter traineerna knyter kan vara viktiga för deras framtida möjligheter inom organisationen. Studiens syfte har uppnåtts och den sammantagna bilden visar att oavsett rationalitet i genomförandet av och deltagandet i traineeprogrammet så betraktas det som meriterande på arbetsmarknaden.

The Research of Management Development System for Management Trainees

Cheng, Shih-Ting 04 July 2006 (has links)
Businesses confront dilemmas due to wrong decision-making or incomplete executions as consequences of fast business growing and increasing market competitions in present Taiwan, the fact that businesses emphasize on team work rather than individual endeavor that successful operation is determined by professional knowledge, right attitudes and execution capability of management, more importantly, by whether employees are able to offer proper performance in order to reach right company targets as instructed by management. This research is to present researches from separate case studies and interviews on how companies carry out management development system so as to identify the various design contents and implementation techniques for leading businesses with enhanced company operation in diverse areas; as well as the difficulties and problems that different companies might deal with when management development system is employed. It is learned by this study that management development system can be implemented in business regardless of its size, however, the more globalized the businesses are, as compared to those less ones, the more likely that these businesses are able to set up more functional and effective management development system, a conclusion drawn from extensive collection of related references and comparisons on domestic and oversea businesses. The reasons are that more globalizes businesses apply more integrated organization function, structure and promotion system, in addition to enhanced training system with oversea job rotation opportunities, hence to obtain the advantage of personnel training. Furthermore, it is induced that, from the practical implementation of business-designed management development system, the significance and value of training for business management trainees are not only to form their professional specialty with capability and flexibility in quick reactions, but also to intensify the networking correspondence to reduce the transaction cost of searching and training within one company. Nevertheless, the root cause for the success of management development system is greatly affected by how higher management acknowledges and stresses its worth.

Vad är ett lyckat projekt ur ett intressentperspektiv? : En studie av Trainee in TIME

Filipsson, Therese, Persson, Anna, Lidén, Karolina January 2007 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>The concept project is today used in several contexts and has different meaning in different contexts. Lately, projects have been seen as a form of organization and more companies convert from traditional organizing to organizing in a project form. The purpose and focus of today’s project is not only to increase quality and competence development for management but also to integrate different actors in order to e.g. increase customer value.</p><p>LänsTeknikCentrum AB (LTC) in Jönköping is running different projects in order to support companies in Jönköping County. One of these projects is called Trainee in TIME where the word TIME stands for Technique, IT, Marketing, and Economy. The project is supposed to support and help unemployed people, possessed with an academic education to increase their ability to be employed, through individual adjusted trainee places in small- and medium sized companies. The assignment to evaluate the project Trainee in TIME was given to us by LTC.</p><p>The purpose with the thesis is to evaluate and examine a stakeholder perspective in a project since the focus often is on the management of the project. We have chosen to concentrate the study on two different stakeholders, who both have been participating in the project Trainee in TIME.</p><p>The Project Implementation Profile is a model used to evaluate project, and since this model focuses on the project management, we have chosen to redesign the model in order to make it fit the stakeholder perspective. This new redesigned model consists of nine different areas which we consider are relevant to evaluate. The questionnaire we made is based on the new model and was implemented on all trainees and companies, as well as the project management in order to compare the different views on the project.</p><p>The respondents were also asked to value which three areas they considered most important in order to make a successful project, and also the three least important areas.</p><p>It appears from the result of the study that the trainees, companies and project management are satisfied with the project. However, it can be seen that the trainees and the project management are somewhat more satisfied since their results are slightly better or higher in relation to the companies. According to the investigation, LTC should focus more on customer deliberation and customers’ acceptance.</p> / <p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Begreppet projekt används idag i alltfler sammanhang och har olika innebörd i olika sammanhang. På senare år har dock projekt setts som en organisationsform och alltfler företag övergår, från det traditionella sättet att organisera, till projektform. Syfte och fokus med projektorganisation är att öka kvalitet och kompetensutveckling för ledning och styrning, men även att integrera olika aktörer för att till exempel öka kundvärdet.</p><p>LänsTeknikCentrum AB (LTC) i Jönköping driver olika projekt till stöd för företagsutveckling i Jönköpings län. Ett av projekten heter Trainee in TIME där ordet TIME står för teknik, IT, marknad och ekonomi. Projektet ska hjälpa högskoleutbildade och arbetslösa personer till ökad anställningsbarhet genom individuellt anpassade traineeplatser på små- och medelstora företag. Vi fick i uppdrag av LTC att utvärdera projektet Trainee in TIME.</p><p>Syftet med uppsatsen är att utvärdera och undersöka intressentperspektivet i ett projekt då fokus i projektutvärderingar oftast ligger på projektledningen. Vi vill istället inrikta oss på olika intressenter och har valt trainee och företag som har medverkat i projektet Trainee in TIME.</p><p>Project Implementation Profile är en modell använd för att utvärdera projekt. Då denna modell främst är inriktad på utvärdering av projektledningen har vi valt att arbeta om den till en modell som är mer anpassad till utvärdering av intressenters syn på projektet. Den nya modellen består av nio olika områden som vi anser vara relevanta att utvärdera. En enkätundersökning, baserad på den nya modellen, genomfördes bland samtliga trainee och företag samt av LTC för att kunna jämföra intressenternas syn på projektet i relation till projektledningen. Respondenterna ombads även att värdera vilka tre områden de ansåg viktigast för att ett projekt ska anses lyckat respektive tre områden de anser minst viktigast för ett lyckat projekt.</p><p>Resultatet av undersökningen visar att samtliga parter, som blivit undersökta, är nöjda med projektet. Mest nöjda är dock trainee och LTC då deras resultat är aningen högre jämfört med företagen. Undersökningen visar att LTC borde fokusera på kundens godkännande genom att presentera projektet tydligt för intressenterna. LTC bör även förbättra kundöverläggningen mellan LTC och intressenter genom att vara lyhörd vid eventuella synpunkter samt att tillhandahålla information under projektets gång.</p>

Balansgången mellan effektivitet och rättvisa - utesluter det ena det andra? : En kvalitativ studie av en rekryteringsprocess till ett traineeprogram / Balancing efficiency and justice - does the one exclude the other? : A qualitative study of a recruitment process to a trainee program

Karlsson, Joakim, Forsberg, Emma January 2014 (has links)
Traineeprogram har blivit allt mer populärt i Sverige och då det är ett högt antal sökande till dessa program kan det leda till konsekvenser för rekryteringsprocessens utformning och de sökandes upplevelser av den i termer av effektivitet och upplevelser av rättvisa i processen. Denna  studie  syftar till att undersöka motsatsförhållandet mellan  organisationers krav på effektivitet i rekryteringsprocessen och de sökandes behov av rättvisa i rekryteringsprocessen. För att besvara vårt syfte och frågeställning har en kvalitativ metod använts i denna studie. Resultatet tyder på att de krav som organisationer har på att effektivisera  sin rekryteringsprocess har effekter på de sökandes upplevelse av rättvisa i processen. Det framkommer dock att de finns en förståelse bland de sökande för organisationers behov av att effektivisera processen. Detta leder i sin tur till en mer positiv inställning till processen som helhet.

Komparace a návrh na zefektivnění trainee programů pro absolventy VŠ ekonomického a manažerského zaměření v ČR a Rakousku ve vybraných odvětvích

Račoch, Petr January 2014 (has links)
RAČOCH, P. Proposal for efficiency improvement trainee programmes for university economics and managements graduates in the Czech Republic and Austria in selected sectors. Diploma Thesis. Brno: FRRMS MENDELU in Brno, 2014. The diploma thesis is focused on analysis of trainee programmes, trainings and internships provided to university graduates in the Czech Republic and Austria. The aim is to compare trainee programmes arranged by marketing agencies, IT, pharmaceutical and construction firms. It analyses the educational system development, the trends and the position of graduates on the EU labour market and describes trainee programmes. The proposal of recommendations for trainee programmes improvement was elaborated based on the research results.

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