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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

台灣原住民族廣播發展歷程1945―2010 / The radio development of Taiwan indigenous peoples, 1945-2010

林彣鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣原住民族廣播自1945年以降發展至今,各時期的廣播政策與現象因當時的國內政經、科技等局勢的變遷,而台灣原住民族廣播相關政策與現象發展隨之變化。然而我國以政經之傳播史學觀點探究至今仍乏人問津,政府的原住民族廣播相關政策也未有完詳的連貫性回顧與剖析,並且我國原住民族廣播至今尚未有專屬政策與法規,因此原住民族廣播發展背後的引導因素乃值得深度探索。 本研究以1945後至今各年代的我國政經發展為論述脈絡,乃包括台灣光復初期、解嚴前後、十梯次廣播頻道開放、蘭嶼廣播電台的創立、政府獎勵補助時期等年代,透過產官學之文獻資料蒐集,以及相關政府部門、第三部門與廣播人士的深度訪談,結合原住民族政經結構與廣播發展雙管齊下的史料分析,希冀達到史料與政經脈絡的對話。本研究核心乃著重在剖析各年代政府在原住民族廣播政策的規劃,並以多方比照的角度觀看解嚴前後國家機器力量透過哪些資源、營運類型與管道對原住民族發聲,以及探討解嚴前後原住民族在廣播營運所有權、語言近用等權利轉變情況。 根據本研究結果指出,1945年至解嚴前是政府國家機器掌控原住民族廣播發聲管道,並以山地平地化政策透過各行政部門對原住民族廣播訊息。解嚴後十梯次廣播頻道開放與廣播節目獎勵補助政策,以及各種跡象可得知政府、漢人與私人資本掌控當今原住民族廣播之營運,原住民族廣播之營運所有權仍掌控在漢人手中。本研究從史學觀點回顧原住民族廣播發展,殷盼不僅從中找尋各年代的廣播發展的歷程,解構原住民族廣播發展困境的背後意涵,並彙整原住民族廣播史料,供相關產官學界反思與借鏡。

民族發展及其文學史—紐西蘭毛利民族與台灣原住民族的比較 / The Development of Ethnicity and its History of Literature: A Comparison of New Zealand Māori People and Taiwan Indigenous Peoples

梁文, Liang, Wen (Lawa Iwan) Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的研究為文學史,藉由紐西蘭毛利民族文學史與台灣原住民族文學史作為比較。法國文學家泰納指出,文學的產生均有其時代與社會的背景,文學史即是實證主義方法。本論文以「全貌觀」的視角,將民族運動作為時間軸,先探討兩民族社會脈絡,再研討文學史的發展。 兩民族歷經同化政策,曾發展民族意識未覺醒的民族文學。民族運動時期,毛利民族訴求土地、自然資源及語言。台灣原住民族則身處戒嚴,因此探究的議題即是民族的生存權益。民族運動後,紐國經濟不景氣及毛利民族的補助聲浪,於是發展「反省」文學。而台灣原住民族諸多議題已階段性達成,湧現一批返鄉熱潮,分別有族語及政論創作。 台灣戒嚴看似延宕民族權益的發展,然而實際上台灣原住民族的民族邊界比毛利民族來的清晰。毛利民族比台灣原住民族早於一百餘年歷經同化政策,並發展「認同論」的民族認定。再者,毛利民族語言及部落經驗急速消逝,文學也發展「內部」的創作議題。雖然毛利民族運動走在前端,但是伴隨都市化及疏離其民族文化,驅使毛利民族成為民族性質薄弱的「概念民族」。唯有回到穩定及具有內聚力量的民族語言,才有辦法在時間洪流裡體現民族的主體性。目前,台灣原住民族尚未走到紐國的經驗。但倘若持續未意識到民族語言的重要性,極有可能步上毛利民族的經驗。 / The aim of the thesis, The Development of Ethnicity and its History of Literature: A Comparison of New Zealand Māori People and Taiwan Indigenous Peoples, is to compare the ethnic developments of the New Zealand Maori and Taiwan’s indigenous peoples, and further characterize the history of their literature. Before the New Southbound Policy, researchers have been devoted to contributing abundant Maori research. However, many of them only chose a certain topic to write about, ignoring other perspectives or orientations, which only revealed the tip of the iceberg. For this reason, the thesis ascertained other aspects with a holistic approach. Several similarities exist between the Maori and Taiwan’s indigenous peoples: both were Austronesian peoples, and share similar languages and cultures. In addition, they both undergone colonization and launched ethnic movements to regain their rights. The thesis is divided into three periods, which are before the ethnic movement, during the ethnic movement, and after the ethnic movement. Each chapter demonstrates its social context and the significant ethnic writers at that time. The thesis first illustrates Maori and Taiwan indigenous peoples’ unawakened ethnic consciousness through their literary writings. During the ethnic movement, both ethnic groups launched the ethnic movement and published their political perspectives during political and economic instability. Afterwards, the Maori and Taiwan’s indigenous peoples share different values in accordance with different social context after their respective ethnic movement. Finally, the thesis examines their social contexts and their literature through three aspects of ethnic literature, which are identity, language, and theme. The thesis is composed of seven chapters. The introduction reviews the purpose of the study, its motivation, and the background. Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 provide an overview of ethnic certification, the status of ethnic language, and the distribution of Maori and Taiwan’s indigenous peoples. Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 depicts Maori and Taiwan indigenous peoples’ social contexts and literature respectively. By comparing both ethnic groups, Chapter 5 shows their similarities and differences. Conclusions are drawn in Chapter 7. The conclusion offer incentives and disincentives from the Maori’s experience, which could be the inspiration for Taiwan’s indigenous peoples.

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