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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A molecular approach to taxol biosynthesis

Onrubia Ibáñez, Miriam 03 April 2012 (has links)
Secondary metabolism in plants produces numerous compounds with wide-ranging activities, including the antineoplastic compound taxol and related taxanes. The biotechnological production of taxol has so far been based on empirical studies. The aim of the present work has been to study how the factors that enhance taxane production affect the metabolic profiles and gene expression in productive cells. As a consequence of this work, new potential candidates have been obtained for unknown taxane biosynthetic genes, some bottle-neck steps of taxane biosynthesis (in vitro and in silico) have been identified and a master regulator, not only for taxane biosynthesis, but also for other secondary metabolism routes, has been characterized. Coronatine, a powerful and less harmful elicitor than methyl jasmonate, has been successfully assayed and found to increase taxane production. In the different studies of this work, the expression level of genes that participate in taxol biosynthesis has been determined, clarifying their involvement in the production of this anti-cancer agent. / El metabolismo secundario de las plantas produce numerosos compuestos con un amplio rango de actividades, entre los que se encuentra el compuesto antineoplásico taxol y los taxanos relacionados, la producción biotecnológica del cual se basa en estudios empíricos. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido estudiar como los factores que incrementan la producción de taxanos afectan los perfiles metabólicos y la expresión génica en los cultivos. De esta manera se han identificado nuevos genes candidatos que codifican para los genes desconocidos de la biosíntesis, algunos pasos limitantes de ésta y se ha caracterizado un regulador relacionado con el metabolismo secundario. Se ha ensayado la coronatina, un elicitor más eficiente para mejorar la producción de taxanos y menos dañino que el jasmonato de metilo. En los diferentes ensayos de este trabajo han sido determinados los niveles de expresión de genes que participan en la biosíntesis de taxol, ayudando a comprender su papel en la producción de este anticancerígeno.

Phytochemical screening, cytotoxicity and anticancer activity of Lobostemon fruticosus extracts on human lung cancer cell line

Ndlovu, Lungile Melly 03 1900 (has links)
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. March 2015 / Lung cancer is currently the most deadly form of cancer due to the fact that metastasis occurs in the lymph nodes making it difficult to remove by surgical means. Chemotherapy has been the most successful method of treatment, although it has been harmful to human health as a consequence of non-specific cytotoxicity. There has been, therefore, a growing interest in cancer research to develop alternative cancer treatments, which are less toxic. Currently plant-derived drugs are perceived to be more effective as they display both cytotoxic activity and are less harmful to overall human health. Thus the aim of the study was to determine the cytotoxic effects of the plant Lobostemon fruticosus on A549 cells. The IC50 of the methanol and butanol extracts of L. fruticosus were obtained at 40 μg/ml and 50 μg/ml, respectively. DNA fragmentation was observed after 48 hour exposure to treatments, indicating that the plant extracts induced apoptosis. Cell cycle analysis indicated that the plant extracts inhibited cell cycle progression at the sub-G0 phase, which indicated that the cells had undergone apoptosis. RT-PCR showed that the expression of p53 was down-regulated; however, p21 and Bax were up-regulated in all treatments. LC-MS identified that the compounds from the plant extracts are known apoptotic inducers. The results lead to the conclusion that the extracts of L. fruticosus, induce cell death in A549 cells. The plant extracts induced a p53-independent apoptotic mechanism, which was mediated by Bax and p21. Key words: Lobostemon fruticosus, camptothecin, taxol, Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)

Pharmacogenetic Studies of Paclitaxel in Ovarian Cancer : focus on interindividual differences in pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Green, Henrik January 2007 (has links)
Ovarian cancer is one of the most common female cancer diseases in the world today and in Sweden more than 800 new cases are diagnosed every year. The standard treatment consists of chemotherapy with paclitaxel in combination with carboplatin after initial cytoreductive surgery. The response to treatment and the severity of adverse drug reactions after chemotherapy varies greatly among individuals, and one of the most important factors responsible for these differences is now recognized to be the genetic variability. One of the major obstacles to successful treatment is drug resistance. Several potential mechanisms have been suggested for the resistance to paclitaxel, such as mutations in the target protein β-tubulin, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the gene ABCB1, which encodes the transport protein P-glycoprotein. P-glycoprotein can mediate efflux of various drugs from cancer cells as well as from the circulation into the intestinal lumen, and overexpression and/or high activity leads to drug resistance and/or increased elimination. Another reason might be the high interindividual variability of paclitaxel plasma concentrations, which has been suggested to be influenced by variability in metabolic enzymes, such as CYP2C8 and CYP3A4, and transport proteins e.g. P-glycoprotein. In the studies constituting this thesis we have investigated the possibilities of predicting the pharmacokinetics of paclitaxel as well as the tumor response and adverse drug reactions after chemotherapy in the preparation of personalized chemotherapy. We studied the correlation between the response and the presence of mutations in the dominant β-tubulin gene and SNPs in ABCB1. DNA from 40 ovarian tumors was screened for sequence variations in the β-tubulin gene without finding any, showing that β-tubulin mutations are rare and unlikely to be a clinically relevant resistance mechanism for paclitaxel. The SNPs G2677T/A and C3435T in the ABCB1 gene were determined in 53 ovarian cancer tumors from patients with poor (progressive disease or relapse within one year) or good (disease-free survival of more than one year) response to paclitaxel-carboplatin chemotherapy. Patients homozygously mutated for G2677T/A had a higher probability of responding to chemotherapy. There was also a dose-dependent influence of the number of mutated alleles on the response to paclitaxel treatment. No correlation was found for the C3435T variant. By using a newly developed quantitative LC/MS method for the simultaneous determination of paclitaxel and its hydroxymetabolites in human plasma we assessed the individual elimination of paclitaxel in 33 ovarian cancer patients. The patients were genotyped for SNPs in the ABCB1, CYP2C8 and CYP3A4 genes and their in vivo CYP3A4 enzyme activity, tumor response and toxicity, especially the neurotoxicity, were determined. Patients heterozygous for G/A in position 2677 in ABCB1 had a significantly higher clearance of paclitaxel than patients with the wild type or homozygously mutated, but not compared to patients carrying the G/T alleles. A lower clearance of paclitaxel was also found for patients heterozygous for CYP2C8*3 when stratified according to the ABCB1 G2677T/A genotype. The CYP3A4 enzyme activity in vivo affected the relative influence of CYP2C8 and CYP3A4 on the metabolism, but not the total clearance of paclitaxel. The exposure to paclitaxel was correlated to the neurotoxicity, but not to the treatment response. In conclusion, our findings suggest that the SNP G2677T/A in the ABCB1 gene, but not β-tubulin mutations, might be a predictor for paclitaxel response and that the interindividual variability in paclitaxel pharmacokinetics might be predicted by ABCB1 and CYP2C8 genotypes and provide useful information for individualized chemotherapy. / Ovarialcancer (äggstockscancer) är en av de vanligaste cancerformerna hos kvinnor i Sverige idag. Behandlingen består vanligen av tumörreducerande kirurgi följd av kemoterapi med paklitaxel och karboplatin. Målsättningen med detta avhandlingsarbete har varit att förbättra cytostatikabehandlingen (cellgiftsbehandlingen) med framförallt paklitaxel vid ovarialcancer genom att lägga grunden för individualisering av doser och förutsäga tumörsvaret vid behandlingen. Ett problem med dagens cancerbehandling är att många cancerceller så småningom blir resistenta mot olika cytostatika. För att angripa den mest resistenta cellen innan den induceras att öka uttrycket av, eller utveckla, fler resistensmekanismer vore det en fördel om vi före behandlingen kunde prediktera vilken dos av cytostatika som är bäst lämpad för individen samt om tumören kommer att reagera på behandlingen eller ej. En av de viktigaste faktorerna för skillnader i behandlingseffekt tros vara genetiska variationer mellan olika individer. I våra studier har vi använt genetiska metoder för att studera om vi kan prediktera tumörsvaret vid behandlingen genom att bestämma mutationer i genen för paklitaxels målprotein, β-tubulin, samt bestämma genetiska variationer i ABCB1-genen, kodande för transportproteinet P-glykoprotein. Tanken är att ett förändrat målprotein eller en förändrad förmåga hos cancercellerna eller kroppen att transportera ut paklitaxel skulle leda till en skillnad i påverkan på tumören. DNA från 40 ovarialtumörer analyserades utan att en enda sekvensvariation hittades i genen för β-tubulin, vilket tyder på att genetiska förändringar i genen för β-tubulin sannolikt inte är en klinisk relevant resistensmekanism. De normalt förekommande genetiska variationerna G2677T/A och C3435T i ABCB1-genen bestämdes i DNA från 53 ovarialtumörer där behandlingen endera givit en bra (tumörfri minst ett år) eller dålig (progression av tumören eller tumörfri mindre än ett år) anti-tumöreffekt. Patienter som var dubbelmuterade i position 2677 dvs hade endera T/T eller T/A (A/A hittades inte i materialet) i denna position hade en högre sannolikhet att få ett bra anti-tumörsvar vid behandlingen. Även antalet muterade baser påverkade utfallet, ju fler muterade baser i position 2677, desto högre sannolikhet att få ett bra svar på behandlingen. Andelen T eller A var också högre i den grupp av patienter som fått en lyckad behandling. För att kunna prediktera patientens individuella förmåga att bryta ner paklitaxel studerade vi inverkan av sekvensvariationer i generna för de nedbrytande enzymerna, CYP2C8 och CYP3A4, och transportproteinet P-glykoprotein (genen ABCB1) på eliminationen av läkemedlet i kroppen. Vi utvecklade en metod för att mäta paklitaxelkoncentrationerna i blodet och använde den för att studera hur snabbt 33 ovarialcancer patienter eliminerade cytostatikat från blodbanan. Hos dessa patienter bestämde vi förekomsten av kända genetiska variationer i generna ABCB1, CYP2C8 och CYP3A4 samt deras CYP3A4 enzymaktivitet i kroppen. Biverkningarna och tumörsvaret vid behandlingen utvärderades också. Eliminationen av paklitaxel hos dessa patienter var beroende av vilken bas som fanns i position 2677 i ABCB1-genen och förekomsten av den genetiska varianten CYP2C8*3. Enzymaktiviteten hos CYP3A4 kunde inte påvisas påverka eliminationen av paklitaxel utan snarare vilket enzym, CYP2C8 eller CYP3A4, som var relativt dominant i respektive patient. Exponeringen av paklitaxel korrelerade till den neurologiska påverkan som patienten orsakades av cytostatikat, men kunde inte korreleras till tumörsvaret vid slutet av cytostatikabehandlingen. Sammanfattningsvis ger patientens genetiska variationer i ABCB1, men inte β-tubulin, information om behandlingsutfallet. Genetiska variationer i CYP2C8 och ABCB1 påverkar patientens förmåga att eliminera paklitaxel och kan förhoppningsvis användas för att individualisera doserna. Vår förhoppning är att resultaten i denna avhandling skall kunna användas för att individualisera och ytterligare förbättra cytostatikabehandlingen vid ovarialcancer.

Ecological understandings of Indigenous landscape management shape the study of Pacific yew (Taxus brevifolia)

Reynolds, Geneviève 02 September 2022 (has links)
Indigenous landscape management has transformed ecosystems for millennia, with long-lasting impacts on the productivity and abundance of plant species. While western science based ecological research is beginning to investigate these impacts, less abundant species of cultural importance remain understudied. Pacific yew (Taxus brevifolia Nutt.), an uncommon understory conifer found in old-growth forests of the Northwest Coast of North America, has not received sustained ecological interest despite its importance to Indigenous Peoples throughout its range. In the first chapter, I synthesize the current ethnobotanical and ecological literature discussing Pacific yew to identify knowledge gaps and dominant paradigms that have shaped the study of the species. I find that many mechanisms behind Pacific yew’s habitat selection and ecosystem functions are unknown to western science and that the impacts of Indigenous landscape management are largely unacknowledged within the western scientific literature. In the following chapter, in partnership with the Heiltsuk First Nation, I examine the growth and abundance of Pacific yew on sites that were inhabited intensively by First Nations on the Central Coast of British Columbia for over 10,000 years. I find that habitation histories are not a strong driver of patterns of tree size and that Pacific yew abundance is largely driven by site aspect. These findings shed light on the habitat preferences of Pacific yew, which have rarely been studied in this region. They also illustrate variation in the response of culturally important species to landscape modification and highlight the need for nuanced understanding of the diversity of plant management strategies employed by Indigenous Peoples. This work is part of a broader attempt to incorporate cultural histories and questions into ecological study and to recognize the continuing ecological influences of Indigenous Peoples, who have stewarded their homelands for millennia. / Graduate

Approche de synthèse du tricycle ABC du taxol.

Schiltz, Stéphanie 18 November 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Le taxol est un composé découvert en 1965 à partir d'un extrait d'if du Pacifique (Taxus Brevifolia Nutt.). Son mode d'action original et inconnu au moment de sa découverte a fait de cette molécule une référence en matière de traitement anti-cancéreux. La présence de nombreuses fonctionnalités oxygénées, le nombre élevé de centres asymétriques et surtout sa structure tétracyclique comportant de plus un cycle à huit chaînons ont suscité l'intérêt des chercheurs depuis sa publication. Découverte dans les années 1970, la réaction de métathèse cyclisante des oléfines est un outil synthétique extrêmement puissant permettant la préparation de cycles de diverses tailles. Cette étude envisage l'utilisation de cette réaction pour préparer le cycle à huit chaînons du taxol. La première rétrosynthèse étudiée se fonde sur la fermeture du cycle B à huit chaînons par une réaction de métathèse cyclisante entre les carbones C9 et C10. La première étape de ce travail est consacrée à la préparation des précurseurs de métathèse. Un travail d'optimisation des conditions ne nous a cependant pas permis d'obtenir les diènes souhaités, par réaction de Shapiro ou de Nozaki-Hiyama-Kishi. Une nouvelle stratégie est ensuite étudiée: la fermeture du cycle B s'envisage cette fois-ci entre les carbones C10 et C11. Le diène souhaité serait obtenu par une réaction d'addition nucléophile entre le précurseur linéaire du cycle A et le cycle C. Ces deux précurseurs sont tout d'abord préparés par des méthodes rapides, simples et efficaces, donnant accès à des composés énantiomériquement purs. Les réactions d'additions nucléophiles sont ensuite étudiées. Une optimisation des paramètres permet d'obtenir le composé souhaité sous la forme d'un mélange 1:1 de deux diastéréoisomères, qui sont séparés à l'étape suivante. L'étude des figures de diffraction aux rayons X de ces deux composés permet d'attribuer la configuration relative de chaque centre asymétrique. Les composés obtenus sont ensuite transformés en quelques étapes en précurseurs de métathèse. Le diastéréoisomère comportant la mauvaise stéréochimie pour la sythèse du taxol se dégrade en présence du catalyseur de métathèse. En revanche, le diastéréoisomère comportant la bonne stéréochimie pour la sythèse du taxol cyclise en quelques heures en présence de catalyseur de Grubbs II pour donner le cyclooctène cis. De plus, en présence de catalyseur de Grubbs I, l'obtention d'un mélange des cyclooctènes cis et trans est mise en évidence. Enfin, une étude menée en annexe démontre la possibilité d'introduire la fonctionnalité oxygénée manquante sur le cycle C en utilisant comme produit de départ la cétone de Wieland-Miescher.

Biomaterials Modeling Of Localized Hyperthermia And Drug Delivery For Breast Cancer

Mulamba, Peter January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Experimental and Computational Studies in Bioorganic and Synthetic Organic Chemistry

Lam, Polo Chun Hung 13 December 2004 (has links)
Cationâ Ï interaction is an important determinant in protein structure and function. Among the three proteinogenic aromatic amino acids, tryptophan (Trp) is the strongest cationâ Ï donor. We reported the asymmetric syntheses of tryptophan regioisomers in which the amino acid side chain is attached at different position of the indole moiety. These new tryptophan regioisomers can effect a different mode of cationâ Ï interaction. In nature, dramatic increases in binding affinity can be achieved through multivalent binding. Following a fragmentation-dimerization approach, we synthesized Taxol-based dimer in which the baccatin III core of Taxol is coupled with flexible PEG linker. However, microtubule assembly assay suggested that these new dimers are not capable of effecting bivalent binding to the Taxol binding sites in microtubules. Memory of chirality (MOC) is an emerging theme in asymmetric synthesis in which the dynamic chirality of the reactive intermediate "memorizes" the static chirality of the reactant. Using dynamic 1D and 2D NMR and density functional theory (DFT) methods, we studied the MOC effect of 1,4-benzodiazepin-2-ones. Reconstruction of the reaction pathway using DFT calculations supported our proposed contra steric, retention of configuration mechanism. / Ph. D.

A study of paclitaxel drug resistant to lung cancer

Lee, Ming-xian 23 July 2012 (has links)
Paclitaxel is one of the most successful drugs for the treatment of cancer because of its ability to target tubulin, block cell cycle progression at mitosis, and induce apoptosis. Despite the success of Paclitaxel, the development of drug resistance hampers its clinical applicability. Paclitaxel is used in malignant tumors in the present research, including non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer (SCLC), head-neck scale epitheliomatous, urinary bladder cancer, tumor of the reproduction organ and so on. Clinical treatment of paclitaxel be injected 250mg/m2 to previously non-treated patients of small lung cancer its effect about 34% and previously non-treated patients of non-small lung cancer its effect about 21% to 24% . On the other hand we had established a taxol-resistant human lung carcinoma subline A549R by paclitaxel to compare the different proteins with A549 wild type and treat the different concention of paclitaxel with MTT assay so as to observe the tolerance dosage of subline growth.We obtained the patient¡¦s specimens of lung cancer to treat with paclitaxel some of resistant and some of non-resistant to compare differentially expressed proteins between normal and tumor. When we cultured taxol-resistant human lung carcinoma subline in which paclitaxel and calcium regulate growth, owing to the proteins of changes result to resistance. The extraction cell subline and specimens were analyzed by 2-D electrophoresis patterns and we found that interact paclitaxel with calcium it is the important factor of drug resistant. Verified from clinical treatment might have hypercalcemia in malignant tumors and calcium ion may increase paclitaxel drug resistance and hypercalcemia patient will be more insensitive to paclitaxel treatment.

Structure Elucidation of Bioactive Compounds Isolated from Endophytes of Alstonia scholaris and Acmena graveolens

Hundley, Nicholas James 02 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Alstonia scholaris is an evergreen tree native to Southeast Asia and Australia. It is commonly used as a medicinal plant throughout these regions. In the present study, an endophyte of the genus Xylaria was isolated from a stem of Alstonia scholaris, its mycelia and exudate extracted, and the extract assayed for growth inhibition of HeLa cancer cells in vitro. Several known compounds were isolated and identified based on NMR, infrared, and mass spectral data. The compounds identified are 19,20-epoxycytochalasin C; 19,20epoxycytochalasin D; and xylobovide. Two other compounds, fusaric acid and dehydrofusaric acid, were discovered in an endophyte of the Hypocreales family inhabiting the plant Acmena Graveolens.

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