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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

In Search of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Teachers' Knowledge of Vocabulary Instruction

Zhang, Weimin 27 May 2008 (has links)
Researchers have explored second language (L2) teachers' knowledge focusing not only on their prior language learning experience, previous L2 teacher education, and teaching practices, but also on specific curricular areas, such as teaching L2 grammar, teaching L2 reading, and teaching L2 writing. This line of research has contributed to L2 teacher education, particularly how to develop an effective knowledge base for teacher candidates. This dissertation was conducted to investigate English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers' knowledge of vocabulary instruction. Specifically, employing three qualitative techniques for data collection (i.e., interviews, classroom observations, and stimulated recall), the study examined seven Chinese EFL university teachers'knowledge of vocabulary instruction from four dimensions: their beliefs about vocabulary learning, their understandings about vocabulary teaching, the relationship between their knowledge of vocabulary instruction and vocabulary teaching practices, and the sources of their knowledge about vocabulary instruction. The findings of the study indicate that Chinese EFL teachers have well-developed content knowledge of EFL vocabulary. They also have well-established belief systems about how to learn and teach vocabulary. Moreover, their beliefs about vocabulary teaching tend to be consistent with their vocabulary teaching practices though some inconsistencies have been identified as well. It was also found that Chinese EFL teachers¡¯ knowledge of vocabulary instruction is derived from a variety of sources, of which formal EFL education and teaching practices are considered as the two most influential. EFL teachers' individual differences were also identified to impact their beliefs about vocabulary instruction. This dissertation has at least three potential contributions. As one of the first attempts to investigate teacher knowledge of vocabulary instruction in the field of L2 teacher education, this research expands studies on L2 teachers' knowledge base. It also provides information about L2 teachers' knowledge in one less studied context, i.e., Chinese EFL vocabulary teaching. Finally, the use of observations, interviews, and stimulated recall to collect data in this study serves as an impetus for enriching techniques to examine Chinese EFL teacher knowledge.

Aspects évolutifs de l’agir professoral dans le domaine de l’enseignement des langues : une étude à travers les discours de verbalisation de six enseignants de français langue étrangère et de chinois langue étrangère / The evolving aspects of teacher cognition in language teaching : a study of verbalization of six teachers of French as a foreign language et Chinese as a foreign language

Xue, Lin 05 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s’attache à comprendre les dynamiques au sein du système de la pensée enseignante des enseignants de langues étrangères (LE) à l’aide d’un dispositif de suivi multimodal et longitudinal. Situé en didactique des langues et notamment en pensée enseignante, ce travail est inscrit dans un cadre théorique multidisciplinaire où est postulée une cohabitation du socioconstructivisme et de l’émergentisme. Dans le but de saisir les aspects évolutifs des représentations de six enseignants de français langue étrangère (FLE) et de chinois langue étrangère (CLE) en Chine et en France, des moyens d’observation et d’entretiens – semi-directifs et d’auto-confrontation – ont été mobilisés pour chacun des enseignants durant un semestre. Leurs discours de verbalisation ont été analysés selon une approche double conjuguant l’analyse de contenu et l’analyse du discours. A côté d’une image de soi pluri-identitaire et instable, se dessine un système de connaissances et de convictions dont la construction et le fonctionnement portent la marque de l’historicité, de la subjectivité, de la contextualité et des contradictions. La théorie de l’activité trouve sa validité dans la répartition du travail basée sur les profils des apprenants-collaborateurs typifiés ; le poids de l’action incorporée se traduit par l’effet envisagé que l’enseignant souhaite atteindre à l’issue de l’action. La non-linéarité de l’évolution contextuelle va de pair avec l’actualisation des pratiques et des représentations. La complexité de la pensée enseignante est articulée autour d’une dynamique entre l’intentionnalité, l’action incorporée et les contraintes contextuelles. La rupture de la réflexivité au cours de l’action, découverte en neurosciences, et validée ici par la mise en place de méthodologies en sciences humaines et sociales, constitue à ce titre la contribution majeure de ce travail. / This dissertation is devoted to reconstructing the dynamics of foreign language teachers’ thinking by a multimodal and longitudinal approach. Focused on the field of Applied Linguistics and teacher cognition in particular, the present work is part of a multidisciplinary theoretical framework co-constructed of Social constructivism and Emergentism. This study involved six teachers of French as a foreign language (FFL) and Chinese as a foreign language (CFL) working in China and in France, each being followed up for one semester, through classroom observation and different kinds of interviews (semi-directive interviews and stimulated recall). Their verbalization was then analyzed by a mixed approach combining content analysis and discourse analysis. Besides an instable self-image characterized by multi-identity, emerge from each teacher’s discourse a knowledge and belief system and its historicity, subjectivity, contextuality and contradiction. The validity of Activity Theory is confirmed by a division of labour based on learners’ profiles that the teacher typifies. The importance of embodied action is dependent on the expected outcome. Teachers wish to not only complete their teaching activity but also reach an effect which is an integrated part of their thinking patterns. The non-linearity of context changing explains the updating of teacher’s thinking and practice. Teacher cognition’s complexity is structured around a dynamic between intentionality, embodied action and situational constraints. The break of reflexivity during action, discovered in neurosciences and validated here in a human and social sciences’ methodology, constitutes the key contribution of this work.

Posture professionnelle enseignante et développement de l'autonomie dans l'apprentissage des langues : une approche située / Developing language learner autonomy in students : a field approach of teacher cognition and practice

Acker-Kessler, Pia 23 November 2015 (has links)
Les Centres de Ressources de Langues (CRL) de l’Université de Strasbourg constituent le terrain d’étude de la recherche. Ce dispositif vise le développement de l’autonomie d’apprentissage des étudiant.e.s, au même titre que celui de leurs compétences linguistiques. La présente recherche interroge la place et le rôle qu’y ont les enseignant.e.s en termes de soutien au développement de l’autonomie d’apprentissage. Pour ce faire, les postures de douze enseignant.e.s ont été approchées dans leurs deux expressions : leur posture déclarée (ce que les enseignant.e.s disent de l’autonomie d’apprentissage) a été recueillie au moyen du questionnaire développé par Borg et Al-Busaidi (2012a) ; leur posture incarnée a été appréhendée par des entretiens d’explicitation de l’action en re-situ subjectif. Un codage ouvert (Strauss et Corbin 2004), effectué selon une méthode inter-juges négociée (Garrison et al. 2006), a permis une analyse catégorielle relevant de la théorie ancrée (grounded theory). Les données ainsi collectées ont été traitées qualitativement, aboutissant à la rédaction d’une monographie par enseignant.e ; l’ensemble des monographies a ensuite été synthétisé et confronté aux principes fondamentaux. / This study was carried out at the Language Resource Centres of the University of Strasbourg, which are set up to develop student autonomy in language learning as well as linguistic competence. It examines, in this context, the place and role of teachers in terms of fostering student learning autonomy. In order to do this, twelve teachers were involved in reflecting upon their own beliefs and practice. Their beliefs – in relation to what they think, know and believe about learning autonomy – were gathered by means of a questionnaire developed by Borg and Al-Busaidi (2012a). Their practice – how they interact with students - was examined through interviews in which the teachers gave their own descriptions and explanations whilst reviewing their recorded teaching/learning session. An open coding (Strauss and Corbin, 2004), based on inter-rater agreement (Garrison et al., 2006), has enabled a category-based analysis related to grounded theory. The data thus collected have been analyzed qualitatively, resulting in the production of individual teacher monographs. These have then been related to the principles underlying language learner autonomy.

Form eller innehåll i SVA-undervisningen – Vad tycker lärarna? : en undersökning av uppfattningar / : Form or meaning in Swedish as a second language teaching – What does the teachers think?

Repo, Hans January 2020 (has links)
Studien undersöker SVA-lärares uppfattningar huruvida undervisningen ska fokusera på form – kunskaper i språksystemet, – eller på innehåll – kunskaper om hur språket används. Deltar i studien gör fyrtio lärare i högstadie- och gymnasieskolan. Form definieras som grammatik, struktur och uttal etcetera och innehåll som förmågan att förmedla detta utifrån syfte och sammanhang etcetera. Syftet är att utforska vilka olika uppfattningar som finns representerade bland SVA-lärare, samt vad ligger bakom dessa. Studien relaterar resultaten till forskning och styrdokument för skolan. Studien använde en digital enkät som spreds med ett explorativt urval till lärare i sociala medier. Resultaten visar på en mångfald av uppfattningar där både fokus på form och innehåll finns representerade, med en liten övervikt av lärare som ansåg att fokus på form och korrekthet är mer angeläget att fokusera på i undervisningen. Ett generellt motiv till detta fokus är lärarnas syn på form och korrekthet som en grund i språket som eleverna behöver behärska innan de går vidare till arbete, studier och samhällsliv. Även uppfattningen att undervisningens ska fokus ligga på innehåll motiveras av att eleverna behöver kunna förstå och göra sig förstådda i syfte att klara vidare arbete, studier och deltagande i samhället. Språkundervisningen ses generellt av SVA-lärarna som en integrativ åtgärd. En slutsats från studien är, med tanke på den variation av uppfattningar som studien visar på, att SVA-lärarnas uppfattningar sannolikt har stor betydelse för hur undervisning planeras och genomförs, samt att andraspråkslärares uppfattningar måste förstås genom både lingvistisk och sociolingvistisk teori.

Teacher Cognition and Practices: A Case Study of Teaching Speaking Skills in aKiswahili as a Foreign Language Context

Bimpong, William Kesse 23 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Crisis online teaching during COVID-19 : Swedish upper secondary English teachers’ perspectives

Stjernberg, Sasha Nicole January 2021 (has links)
During March 2020, Swedish upper secondary schools switched from traditional teaching to crisis online teaching due to the COVID-19 pandemic. There is a lack of research on crisis online teaching, but there is research on online teaching and English online teaching. The fundamental difference between online teaching and crisis online teaching is choice, as crisis online teaching is mandated due to external factors beyond the teachers’ control. Transition from traditional teaching to crisis online teaching forces teachers to rely on their Technical Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). This was an instrumental case study using a semi-structured in-depth interview with a non-probability purpose sample that examined how three experienced English teachers in Western Sweden modified their teaching as well as the challenges and opportunities they experienced during crisis online teaching. Time was found to be a factor that affected crisis online teaching because the teachers interviewed reported that they were given two days to prepare in which they also had professional development to learn new platforms. In regard to professional development, teachers needed more and differentiated professional development due to teachers’ different levels of TPACK. The professional development also needed to explicitly show teachers to integrate the digital tools and platforms into their English teaching.

A thematic analysis of Swedish upper secondary EFL teachers’ cognitions about and reflections on written feedback

Jönsson Ahlbin, Johan January 2023 (has links)
To gain a deeper understanding of English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) teachers’ knowledge, thoughts, and beliefs about written feedback (WF), this thesis explored four Swedish upper secondary school EFL teachers’ cognitions about WF, the sources of their cognitions about WF, and ways in which their cognitions about WF are reflected in their actual feedback practices. To carry out this exploratory investigation, the study made use of semi-structured interviews, sample student texts with teacher WF, and stimulated recall interviews. Using thematic analysis, the findings revealed five main themes of cognitions about WF: WF as a tool based on student needs, basis for discussion, precise error, progression tracker, and self-sufficiency. The findings also show that the three main sources of cognitions about WF were receiving WF, practicum & teacher education, and learning by doing. An implication of this study is that EFL teachers need to give different types of WF depending on the learner.

探究教師於程度差異大班級教學的認知與實務:一位英語教師之個案研究 / Exploring Teacher Cognitions and Practices in Teaching Large Multilevel English Classes: A Case Study

莊雯婷, Jhuang, Wun Ting Unknown Date (has links)
現有文獻指出在程度差異大班級中的英語教學相關研究傾向將研究重點置於教師遇到的困難以及他們發現可有效解決問題的教學實務方法。少有研究會進一步研究教師的心理層面以解釋這些教學實務方法是如何以及為何被使用在特定教學時機與場域,也因此使他們的研究討論僅流於教學的表層。 為了呈現一個對程度差異大班級中的英語教學較為全面且深入的理解,本研究採用教師敘事、訪談、觀察以及文件分析來研究一教師如何在程度差異大班級中教英語、她在這樣的班級中教英語時抱有什麼教學認知以及她如何發展出這樣的認知。 研究結果顯示此研究對象之教師持有四大教學認知與實務,包括(一)瞭解並同理其學生、(二)使其教學實務多樣化以容納學生的多樣性、(三)將學習標準層級化以照顧學生的多樣性,以及(四)接納有些事情乃是其力所不逮。經分析後,研究者發現這四大教學認知與實務乃是研究對象之教師基於她所持有的廣泛經驗,不論其發生於教室內或外,所進行省思後,構成並再次構成的教學認知與實務。然而,儘管懷有這四大教學認知,研究對象之教師並非總能落實符合其認知的教學實務。事實上,研究者發現研究對象之教師能實施符合其認知之教學實務的程度乃是她個人落實其教學認知的能力與外在教學場域願意提供多大空間予其落實其認知於實務之互動下的結果。 試圖促進在程度差異大班級中的英語教學與研究,本研究向在此種班級中的四大主要族群,包括教師、教師培育者、研究者以及此班級下的其他相關人士提出相關建議。 / A review showed that existing literature on teaching English in multilevel classrooms tends to focus on the difficulties teachers encounter and practices they find to be effective in addressing the problems in teaching such classes (Chen, 2009; Chiang, 2003; Liu, 2004; Maddalena, 2002; Xanthou & Pavlou, 2008). Few studies have probed further to investigate the mental dimension of teaching that accounts for how and why certain practices are adopted in particular periods of class time and specific teaching contexts (Lu, 2011; Teng, 2009), hence rendering the discussions rather superficial touching only the surface of teaching. To present a more holistic and in-depth understanding of teaching large multilevel English classes, the present study drew on a teacher narrative, interviews, observations and document analyses to investigate how the teacher participant taught large multilevel English classes, what cognitions she held in teaching such classes and how she developed such cognitions. The findings revealed that the teacher held four major cognitions and practices in teaching large multilevel English classes, including (1) knowing and empathizing with her students; (2) building variety into teaching practices to accommodate the diversity of students; (3) adding differentiation into criteria to attend to the diversity of students and (4) admitting that things can be beyond her control. The four major cognitions and practices were found to have structured and restructured through the reflection that the teacher undertook on the vast experiences that she had accumulated both inside and outside the classroom. However, despite holding these cognitions, the teacher could not always implemented practices that conformed to her cognitions. In fact, it was found that the extent to which the teacher could implement practices congruent with her cognitions was the interactive result of her internal capacity to find spaces to realize her cognitions and the surrounding teaching contexts’ willingness to allow room for her to put her cognitions into practices. In an attempt to facilitate instruction and research in large multilevel English classrooms, the study yielded implications for four parties working in the relevant contexts, including teachers, teacher educators, stakeholders of teaching contexts other than teachers, and researchers.

Teacher cognition among tertiary-level Chinese English teachers

Kavanagh, Michael Christopher January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (DAppLing)--Macquarie University, Division of Linguistics and Psychology, Department of Linguistics, 2009. / Bibliography: p. 246-275. / Introduction -- The research context -- Literature review -- Research methodology -- Case study 1 (Lily) -- Case study 2 (Ailing) -- Case study 3 (Xinyu) -- Cross-case study -- Conclusions. / Teacher cognition studies are rare in the mainland Chinese context; they are also rare in other contexts similarly defined by common features such as non-native speaking language teachers, large classes, publicly-funded institutions, and mandated curricula or materials. This broadly qualitative investigation of three tertiary-level Chinese English teachers sought to elicit views and beliefs about language learning and teaching, their sources, and their links with classroom behaviour. A cyclical series of data collection (including autobiographical writing, interviews, lesson observations and stimulated-recall interviews, documentary data, and a group discussion) was employed to produce four linked studies: three individual case studies and a cross-case study. Interpretive data analysis, achieved through a process of constant comparison, was employed to reveal each teacher's views and beliefs. In order to ensure an emic perspective, each teacher's 'voice' is given prominence through the presentation of data. The interpretation of data suggests the importance of various levels of context to teachers' thinking, including the background Confucian approach to education, previous experiences as learners and teachers, and the situation the teachers encounter at both classroom and institutional levels. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / 275, [140] p. ill

Teacher cognition and preparedness in implementing the integrated English language curriculum in form III classrooms in Kenya / Teacher cognition and preparedness in implementing the integrated English language curriculum in form three classrooms in Kenya

Okoth, Teresa Akinyi January 2015 (has links)
This study investigated the cognition of Form III English language teachers and evaluated their preparedness in implementing the revised English language curriculum. The study investigated teachers’ understanding of the integrated curriculum; described the relationship between teachers’ implementation strategies and curriculum requirements; established the effect of cognition on the process of implementation and determined challenges of implementation. A descriptive survey design was used in Eldoret East Sub-County in Kenya. Data was collected using a questionnaire and in-depth interviews, student focus group interviews, observation in Form III language classrooms, document analysis and journal entries. Data analysis was done by use of frequency and descriptive statistics. Qualitative analysis involved transcriptions of interviews and filed notes which were coded, categorized and patterns and themes identified. The study established that (1) teachers had varied cognition of the integrated curriculum (2) teachers showed integration at varying levels (3) more than 50% of the teachers still believe that English language and literature should be taught separately. (4) Teachers who had a better cognition of integration made more effort in the preparation and actual implementation of the integrated lessons. However, some teachers who did not seem to have any problem with conceptualizing integration still fell short of implementing it with fidelity (5) the practice of concentrating teaching on examination areas is still entrenched in teachers’ beliefs. Factors that were established to affect curriculum implementation efforts include: lack of appropriate Teacher Professional Development (TPD), content overload and complexity, non-suitable learner characteristics, inadequate directions in course books on integration and inappropriate pre-service training. The study recommends involvement of teachers in the development of curriculum innovations, organized Continuous TPD, development of materials that support teachers in their implementation and review of assessment procedures. This study has contributed to the dearth of literature in the area of teacher cognition of English language in Kenya. It has also provided insights to stakeholders in the field of curriculum on implementation issues that are pertinent which may lead to more fitting implementation in the future. This may help in suggesting necessary improvements to curriculum implementation such as material development, programme review at teacher colleges and universities and enhanced professional development training for teachers. The findings thus have a potential to inform and improve practice when stakeholders consider ways to improve the implementation of the curriculum in language classrooms in Kenya. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

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