Spelling suggestions: "subject:"teamwork"" "subject:"beamwork""
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Personalens förväntningar inför sammanslagning av förlossnings-, BB- och neonatalavdelningen och att samtidigt införa samvård : Kvalitativ studie med fokusgruppsintervjuer / The staffs’ expectations on the fusion of delivery-, maternity- and neonatal wards and introduction of family-centered care : Qualitative study using focus group interviewsVildelöt, Sandra, Edman, Karin January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Anknytningen underlättas mellan barn och föräldrar om de kan vara tillsammans redan från förlossningen. Teamarbete förbättrar kvalitén och bidrar till helhetsperspektiv i vården. En god arbetsmiljö och ett gott samarbete mellan personal är viktigt för effektiviteten av samvård. Att undersöka personalens förväntningar inför ett nytt arbetssätt är betydelsefullt eftersom det kan avspegla sig i den vård som senare ges.Syftet med studien var att belysa personalens förväntningar inför sammanslagning av olika vårdavdelningar och att samtidigt införa samvård.Metoden var en kvalitativ metod med totalt 14 deltagare i tre fokusgruppsintervjuer. Datainsamlingen analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys.Resultatet sammanfattades med temat ”Tryggt och välkänt eller nytt och osäkert – förändringsarbetets balansgång” som beskrev personalens känslor inför sammanslagningen. Kategorierna ”Att få en bra miljö för föräldrar och personal”, ”Att samarbeta med familjen i fokus”, ”Att förena två kliniker och kulturer” och ”Att genomgå en arbetsplatsförändring” beskrev de förväntningar och farhågor personalen uttryckte.Slutsatser: Resultatet visade på förväntningar av att vård- och arbetsmiljö skulle förbättras samt att samarbetet mellan klinikerna skulle bli mer effektivt. Det framkom att det var av betydelse att ha fungerande informationsflöden, uppleva delaktighet samt ha en tydlig ledning i en genomgripande organisationsförändring. / Background: The bonding between child and parent is aided when child and parent can be together as soon as possible from delivery. Teamwork improves quality and contributes to a holistic-perspective on nursing. A good work environment and good cooperation between staff is important for the efficiency of family-centered care. It is significant to investigate the expectations of the staff before introducing a new way of working, since it may reflect in the quality of care later given.The aim of this study was to illustrate the staffs’ expectations on the fusion of care units and whilst introducing family-centered care.The method was a qualitative method, with three focusgroup interviews of a total of 14 participants. Data was analyzed using qualitative content analysis.The result was summarized with the theme “safe and common or new and uncertain – the balance of change” that described the feelings of the staff before the fusion. The categories “achieving a good environment for parents and staff”, “to cooperate focusing on the family”, “uniting two clinics and cultures” and “to experience a change in establishment” described the expectations and fears of the staff.Conclusions: Results showed expectations of improved care- and work environment, and that the cooperation between clinics would become more efficient. It was important having a clear flow of information, to feel participant and to have a straight-forward management in order to create a functioning way of work in family-centered care.
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Ett framgångsrikt team skapas inte av en tillfällighet - det lär sig med tiden att prestera enastående resultat : En fenomenografisk studie om kollektivt lärande i team inom offentlig verksamhet / The team that became great didn’t start off great - it learned how to produce extraordinary results : A phenomenographic study of collective learning in teams within public organizationsGustafson, Ellicka, Sköld, Johan January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka medarbetarnas syn på lärande genom att belysa de förutsättningar som skapar lärande i den studerade kontexten. Studien är förlagd på en serviceenhet i förvaltningen Regionservice inom den offentliga organisationen Västra Götalandsregionen. En tidigare genomförd medarbetarenkät ligger till grund för denna studie och utifrån enkätens svar valdes en serviceenhet ut, då denna enhet påvisade goda resultat inom kategorierna lärande i arbetslivet, socialt klimat och återkoppling. För att besvara syftet har kvalitativ metod använts och 17 stycken intervjuer har genomförts. Vi som studenter har inspirerats av en fenomenografisk ansats och det insamlade materialet har således analyserats med inspiration från fenomenografins sju analyssteg. Resultatet visar att respondenterna uppfattar lärandet och dess förutsättningar på olika sätt, men att det samtidigt finns gemensamma karaktärsdrag i uppfattningarna. Det öppna klimatet och den goda sammanhållningen i teamen anses av majoriteten skapa ett bra arbetsklimat. Det visade sig även att teamarbete som arbetssätt var en förutsättning för det kollektiva lärandet på de studerade arbetsplatserna / The aim of the study is to investigate the employees' views on learning by highlighting the conditions that creates learning in the context. The study is located on a service management called Regionservice within the public organization Västra Götalandsregionen. A previously made quantitative survey has been the foundation for this study, and based on the responses one unit was selected becauce it showed good results in the categories of learning in working life , social climate and feedback . To answer the purpose a qualitative method where used, and 17 employees were nterviewed. We as students have been inspired by phenomenographic and the data material has been analyzed with inspiration from a phenomenographical method. The results shows different perspectives of learning, but it also reveals similar opinions. An open climate and good cohesion in the teams are considered by the majority to create a good working atmosphere. It was also found that teamwork approach was a prerequisite for collective learning in the studied workplaces
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Komandinio darbo efektyvumas socialinės paramos centruose / The efficiency of teamwork in social support centersPaukštienė, Jolanta 23 July 2014 (has links)
Lietuvoje vykstantys globalizacijos procesai skatina įstaigas ir organizacijas keisti ir ieškoti naujo požiūrio į darbo metodus, darbuotojų tarpusavio santykius, vadovavimo būdus ir pritaikyti žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymą prie esamos situacijos. Sudėtingėjant darbui grupinio darbo nepakanka, reikia kurti komandas, kurias vienija komandos narių atsakomybė, bendri tikslai. Efektyviai dirbanti komanda pasiekia geresnių rezultatų, nes sujungiami individų gebėjimai, žinios, pastangos ir sukuriama atmosfera, kurioje kiekvienas darbuotojas gali jaustis prisidedąs prie siekiamo tikslo. Socialinių paslaugų poreikis visuomenėje vis didėja. Socialinės paramos centrų darbuotojai dirba su labiausiai pažeidžiamais klientais, turinčiais sudėtingų, ilgalaikių, sunkiai įveikiamų problemų. Komandinis darbas socialinės paramos centruose nėra plačiai naudojamas, kol kas dar mokomasi komandinio darbo principų, bandoma teoriją susieti su praktika. / Globalization processes in Lithuania lead institutions and organizations to change and look for a new view towards the methods of work, the relations between workers, command mode and to adapt the management of human resources to current situation. In a complex work the group work is not enough, need to develop the teams, which are unified by the responsibility of the members, common goals. Effectively working team reaches better results, because individual abilities are connected, the knowledge, endeavor and created atmosphere, in which every worker can make a contributionin goal reaching process. The need of social services increases in society. The specialists of social support centers work with vulnerable clients, who confront complicated, lasting and formidable problems. The teamwork in social support centers is not widely used,still learning the principles of teamwork and linking the theory with practice.
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Slaugytojo vaidmuo operacinės komandoje / Nurse's role in operating room teamSauškina, Jolanta 26 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Išnagrinėti medicinos komandos sampratą. 2. Apibūdinti operacinės komandos veiklos tikslus. 3. Ištirti operacinės komandos narių pasitenkinimą darbu. 4. Išanalizuoti darbo santykius tarp operacinės komandos narių. 5. Ištirti operacinės slaugytojo komandinį vaidmenį ir kompetenciją. Tyrimo populiacija: 102 Všį VUL Santariškių klinikų slaugytojos, dirbančios abdominalinės chirurgijos, ginekologijos, urologijos, kraujagyslių, akių operacinėse bei Všį VUL Santariškių klinikų gydytojai chirurgai, ginekologai, urologai, akių gydytojai, kraujagyslių chirurgai ir gydytojo asistentai dirbantys VUL Santariškių klinikų operacinėse. Tyrimo metodai: 1. Teorinė mokslinės literatūros, leidinių, publikacijų apžvalga. 2. Operacinės slaugytojų, gydytojų chirurgų, gydytojo asistentų anketinė apklausa. Kaip metodas buvo panaudotas pilotinis tyrimas. 3. Gautų rezultatų aptarimas ir jų analizė. Darbo išvados: 1. Remiantis mokslinės literatūros apžvalga bei atlikto tyrimo rezultatais nustatyta: darbo komandai būdingi bendravimas, tarpusavio pagalba ir bendro tikslo siekimas. Apklaustieji medikai apibrėžė komandą kaip grupę žmonių, kurioje žmonės pirmiausia sąveikauja tarpusavyje, kad keistūsi informacija ir priimtų sprendimus, kurių tikslas – padėti vienas kitam, vykdyti savo srities užduotis. 2. Komandinio darbo operacinėje tikslas - suteikti kvalifikuotą medicininę pagalbą, o svarbiausias operacinės komandos uždavinys - užduoties atlikimas. Slaugytojų ir gydytojų požiūris į... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The goals of the research: 1. Analyse the concept of the medical team. 2. Define the objectives of the surgery team. 3. Determine the level of satisfaction of the members of the surgery team with their job. 4. Look into professional relations among the members of the surgery team. 5. Consider the role and competence of the surgical nurse in the team. Survey population: 102 nurses of Public Institution Vilnius University Hospital Santariškių klinikos working in the operating rooms of abdominal surgery, gynaecology, urology, vascular and eye diseases, and surgeons, gynaecologists, urologists, eye doctors, vascular doctors and assistant doctors of Public Institution Vilnius University Hospital Santariškių klinikos working in operating rooms of Vilnius University Hospital Santariškių klinikos. Research methods: 1. Theoretical review of scientific references and publications. 2. Questionnaire survey of surgical nurses, surgeons and assistant doctors. A pilot survey was employed as the method. 3. Discussion and analysis of the results. Conclusions: 1. Based on the review of scientific references and the results of the survey, it was established that communication, mutual support and focus on the common goal are the attributes characterising a team. The surveyed medical workers described a team as a group of persons, wherein members primarily interact with one another to exchange information and make decisions, and their aim is to support each other and perform own tasks. 2. The... [to full text]
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Patient Safety in the Emergency Department : Culture, Waiting, and Outcomes of Efficiency and QualityBurström, Lena January 2014 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate patient safety in the emergency department (ED) and to determine whether this varies according to patient safety culture, waiting, and outcomes of efficiency and quality variables. I: Patient safety culture was described in the EDs of two different hospitals before and after a quality improvement project. The questionnaire “Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture” was used to investigate the patient safety culture. The main finding was that the staff at both hospitals scored more positively in the dimension Team-work within hospital after implementing a new work model aimed at improving patient flow and patient safety in the ED. Otherwise, we found only modest improvements. II: Grounded theory was used to explore what happens in the ED from the staff perspective. Their main concern was reducing patients’ non-acceptable waiting time. Management of waiting was improved either by increasing the throughput of patient flow by structure pushing and by shuffling patients, or by changing the experience of waiting by calming patients and by feinting to cover up. III: Three Swedish EDs with different triage models were compared in terms of efficiency and quality. The median length of stay was 158 minutes for physician-led team triage compared with 243 and 197 minutes for nurse–emergency physician and nurse–junior physician triage, respectively. Quality indicators (i.e., patients leaving before treatment was completed, the rate of unscheduled return within 24 and 72 hours, and mortality rate within 7 and 30 days) improved under the physician-led team triage. IV: Efficiency and quality variables were compared from before (2008) to after (2012) a reorganization with a shift of triage model at a single ED. Time from registration to physician decreased by 47 minutes, and the length of stay decreased by 34 minutes. Several quality measures differed between the two years, in favour of 2012. Patients leaving before treatment was completed, unscheduled return within 24 and 72 hours, and mortality rate within 7 and 30 days all improved despite the reduced admission rate. In conclusion, the studies underscore the need to improve patient safety in the ED. It is important to the patient safety culture to reduce patient waiting because it dynamically affects both patients and staff. Physician-led team triage may be a suitable model for reducing patient waiting time and increasing patient safety.
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Komandinio darbo organizavimo tyrimas Ignalinos rajono viešojo sektoriaus trijų organizacijų pavyzdžiu (,,Utenos regiono keliai Ignalinos kelių tarnyba", ,,Ignalinos rajono gimnazija" ir ,,Ignalinos savivaldybės viešoji biblioteka") / Teamwork organization research Of Ignalina district three public sector organizations as an example (,,Utena region Ignalina road service", ,,Ignalina gymnasium", ,,Ignalina municipal public library")Taraškevičiūtė, Agnė 03 June 2014 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe ištirta komandinio darbo organizavimo ypatumai trijose Ignalinos rajono viešojo sektoriaus organizacijose (,,Utenos regiono keliai Ignalinos kelių tarnyba”, ,, Ignalinos rajono gimnazija” ir ,,Ignalinos savivaldybės viešoji biblioteka”). Teorinėje darbo dalyje aptariama komandos sąvoka, jos atskirtis nuo grupės sąvokos, komandinio darbo privalumai bei efektyvumą skatinantys veiksniai, R. M. Belbin komandos vaidmenų svarba organizuojant komandinį darbą, komandinio darbo aplinkos kūrimo terpės ypatumai, palyginami mokslininkų požiūriai. Empirinėje darbo dalyje pateikiama tyrimo metodologija, analizuojami tyrimo, atlikto Ignalinos rajono viešojo sektoriaus trijose organizacijose, rezultatai, pateikiamos tyrimo išvados bei pristatomos rekomendacijoms tirtoms organizacijoms. Gauti rezultatai patvirtino, kad VĮ ,,Utenos regiono keliai Ignalinos kelių tarnyba”, ,,Ignalinos rajono gimnazija” ir ,,Ignalinos savivaldybės viešoji biblioteka” organizacijose veikia komandinis darbas, tačiau yra tam tikrų trūkumų, kuriuos rekomenduojama pašalinti. / This Master thesis explored teamwork organization features of Ignalina district three public sector organizations (,,Utena region road Ignalina road service“, ,,Ignalina gymnasium“ and ,,Ignalina municipal public library‘). The theoretical part consists of the discussion of the team concept, its exclusion from the group concept, teamwork advantages and teamwork efficiency enhancing factors, R. M. Belbin team roles importance organizing teamwork, teamwork environment creation features, compared researchers attitudes. The empirical part consist of the methodology and results of the research in three Ignalina district public sector organizations, and the conclusion of the research and recommendations for organizations. The research results confirmed that in ,,Utena region road Ignalina road service“, ,,Ignalina gymnasium“ and ,,Ignalina municipal public library‘ organizations operate teamwork, but there are some drawbacks that are recommended for removal.
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Kan förberedelse förbättra individers upplevelse av grupparbete? : En experimentell studie om hur kunskap kring socialpsykologiska begrepp kan påverka individers upplevelse av att arbeta i gruppAshkar, Hayat, Jansson, Görgen January 2014 (has links)
SammanfattningTitel: Om individer får förberedande information om att arbeta i grupp, kan detta då ses kunna förändra deras upplevelse av att arbeta i grupp?Författare: Hayat Ashkar och Görgen Jansson Handledare: Ilkka Henrik Mäkinen Examinator: Hedvig EkerwaldLärosäte: Uppsala Universitet Datum: 5/1 2015Bakgrunden till den här studien bygger på tidigare forskning som visat att om en vårdsökande i väntan på sin läkartid får hjälp till självhjälp får denna patient ut mer av behandlingen, jämfört med en patient som endast fått vänta på sitt läkarbesök. Det kan då tolkas som att någon form av självhjälp, förberedelse, innan behandlingen är gynnsamt.Detta ledde till en tanke om samma princip kan gälla för grupparbeten. Om individer som ska genomföra ett grupparbete får information om att arbeta i grupp, en förberedelse, kan det då förbättra deras upplevelse av att arbeta i grupp? Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om kunskap om socialpsykologiska begrepp kan ge någon inverkan på elevers upplevelser till att arbeta i grupp. För att undersöka om så var fallet genomfördes ett experiment med tre olika gymnasieklasser. Deltagarna fick genomföra ett grupparbete och därefter svara på en enkät som mätte deras upplevelse av arbetet. I nästa steg fick en grupp, experimentgruppen, lyssna på en föreläsning om socialpsykologiska begrepp för att därefter återigen genomföra ett grupparbete och besvara samma enkät igen. En annan grupp, kontrollgruppen, fick inte lyssna på föreläsningen men göra allt övrigt experimentgruppen gjorde, ett grupparbete med enkät samt ett grupparbete till med enkät.De teoretiska begrepp som använts för att analysera resultatet är bland annat, definition av situationen, priming och Hawthorneeffekten. Resultatet tyder på att en förändring i upplevelsen av grupparbete skett hos både experimentgruppen och kontrollgruppen, dock var den större hos experimentgruppen. / AbstractTitle: If individuals get an information about how to work in a group, could that change their experience about cooperation?Authors: Hayat Ashkar and Görgen JanssonMentor: Ilkka Henrik MäkinenSeat of learning: Uppsala UniversityDate: 5/1 2014The background to this study is based on studies that have shown that if a patient while waiting for a doctor's appointment gets help to self-help, the patient will assimilate more of the treatment than a patient who only has to wait for their doctor’s appointment. That can then be interpreted as any kind of stimuli (self-help) before treatment is favourable.That led to a wonder if the same principle might apply to work in groups. If individuals who are going to do cooperation receive information about working in groups, in terms of social psychology concepts, could that improve their ability to work in a group? The purpose of this paper is to examine whether knowledge in social psychological concepts can be seen to give any impact on students' experiences and attitudes towards working in groups. To examine this, an experiment with different high school classes was conducted. In the experimental group the students implemented a group project and then answered a questionnaire that measured the students' experience of the work. In the next step they had to listen to a lecture about social psychological concepts. After that they did another group project and answered the same questionnaire again. In the control group the students did just the same except listening to the lecture about social psychological concepts.The theoretical concepts used include social negotiation, definition of the situation and priming. The results of this study show that the experimental group showed a consistently higher average current experience of group work. That indicates that a process of change begins in the participants. It can be explained by priming.
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Development of a design for manufacture concurrent engineering systemAbdalla, Hassan Shafik January 1995 (has links)
No description available.
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Framework for the integration of the project delivery teamBaiden, B. K. January 2006 (has links)
The challenge to the construction industry in the United Kingdom (UK) to improve its performance in the delivery of projects to levels more acceptable to clients continues to receive attention from both industry and academia. This is because recommendations of past industry reports and research have not been able to address the fragmented approach to project delivery, often cited as the primary cause of the industry's poor performance, and the resulting unreliable delivery times and cost overruns. Effective integration of the delivery team could improve team cultures and attitudes, and encourage the collaborative working necessary for improved project delivery performance. This research aims to develop a framework for improving the integration of the project delivery team necessary for a more effective teamwork environment. The thesis begins with a review of the literature on project delivery and the concepts of team, teamwork and integration for performance improvement in multi-disciplinary environments. It explores, through interviews, how leading construction project managers have engendered and managed the integration of teams in large projects. A framework of working practices for improving the integration is developed from three live case studies. The framework is validated through industry-based workshops. Exploratory interviews, conducted in the first phase of the research process provided empirical evidence of how integration could act as a means of improving teamwork. The results highlighted that parties that make up the delivery team operated within organisationally defined boundaries but acknowledged that working together would yield better results. The extent of their integration was influenced by team practices and the procurement approach. The Design and Build system provided the most conducive environment for team integration. Case studies, conducted in the second phase of the research, concluded that integration was more effective within individual organisations and was influenced within the project delivery team by its structure and processes, work environment and culture. These issues had received attention individually, but this research established that they were interrelated. It proposes the comprehensive and structured approach to ensure effective integration. The framework developed within the research provides project leaders with a holistic and structured approach for achieving efficient teamwork through the appropriate integration of the project delivery team throughout the construction period. Such knowledge is necessary for achieving any meaningful improvements in how the project delivery team works together as a single unit.
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Kauno X ligoninės anestezijos reanimacijos ir intensyvios terapijos skyriaus medicinos darbuotojų darbo komandoje ypatumų vertinimas / Assesment of peculiarities of teamwork among medical staff from anesthesia, resuscitation and intensive care units at Kaunas x hospitalKristalnaja, Anastasija 24 October 2011 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: Įvertinti Kauno X ligoninės anestezijos reanimacijos ir intensyvios terapijos skyriaus medicinos darbuotojų darbo komandoje ypatumų vertinimas.
Tyrimo metodika: Tyrimas atliktas 2010 m. spalio–gruodžio mėnesiais. Tyrimui buvo naudotas vienmomentinis anoniminės apklausos metodas. Apklausos metu iš viso buvo išdalintos visiems anestezijos reanimacijos ir intensyvios terapijos skyriuje dirbantiems 74 medicinos darbuotojams. Gražintos atgal ir statistinėje analizėje buvo naudotos 70 teisingai užpildytos anketos. Atsako dažnis 89,02 proc. visų išdalintų anketų. Statistinė duomenų analizė atlikta naudojant SPSS 15.0 ir MS Excel programą.
Rezultatai: Nustatyta, kad visi tyrime dalyvavę (100 proc.) medicinos darbuotojai buvo girdėję apie komandinio darbo svarbą sveikatos priežiūros sektoriuje. Absoliuti dauguma (96,0 proc.) respondentų pritarė teiginiui, kad komanda tai dviejų ar daugiau žmonių grupė, kurie tarpusavyje yra susiję ir daro vienas kitam įtaką, siekdami bendro tikslo. Šeši iš dešimties respondentai beveik visada dirba komandoje, o trečdalis dažnai. Pagrindiniai veiksniai lėmę pasitenkinimu komandiniu darbu yra bendravimas su kolegomis, įgijimas daugiau žinių, stiprinimas darbuotojų tarpusavio pasitikėjimo bei gerus santykius, galimybė tobulinti kvalifikaciją. Trys ketvirtadaliai respondentų esant galimybei norėtų patobulinti konfliktų valdymo įgūdžius, penktadalis nurodė, kad norėtų patobulinti bendravimo su komandos nariais įgūdžius.
Išvados: Rezultatai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research objective: To asses of peculiarities of teamwork among medical staff from anesthesia, resuscitation and intensive care units at Kaunas X hospital.
Research methodology: Research was carried out during October – December 2010. An anonymous questionnaire method was used for this research. Questionnaires were distributed to medical staff working in anesthesia, resuscitation, and intensive care unts (N=74). Seventy correctly completed questionnaires were returned and used in further statistical analysis (response was 89.02%).
Results: It was found that all medical staff involved in the study (100%.) had heard about the significance of teamwork in the health care sector. The vast majority (96%) of respondents agreed with the statement that team is a group of two or more people who are inter-related and they influence each other, working together towards a common goal. Six from ten respondents almost always worked in a team and one-third quite often worked in a team. The main factors that determined the satisfaction with teamwork are communicating with colleagues, gaining more knowledge, strengthening mutual trust between staff and good relationships, the ability to develop skills and qualifications. Three-quarters of respondents expressed the interest for improverment of conflict management skills; one-fifth said that they would like to improve communication skills with team members.
Conclusions: The results showed that importance of teamwork and its principles are... [to full text]
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