Spelling suggestions: "subject:"telekommunikation."" "subject:"telekommunikations.""
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Zusammenschaltung von Telekommunikationsnetzen : Entgeltbestimmung und Kostenrechnung /Ewers, Martin. January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Univ. der Bundeswehr, Diss. 2000--Hamburg, 2000.
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Innovation Measurement as a Tool for Innovation Capability : A Qualitative Case Study on the Role ofInnovation Measurement within the SwedishTelecom Sector / Innovationsmätning som ett verktyg för innovationsförmågaDomicelj, Majken, Strömberg, Karolina January 2020 (has links)
Innovation measurement is one of the most essential aspects in building innovation capability as it allows organisations to capture their current innovation capabilities and understand where they need to direct their efforts to improve. Further, measuring the innovation capability enables a data driven and insightful steering management. To succeed, incumbent organisations need to understand the KSF for innovation capability and internalise them.The purpose of this study is to investigate how incumbent telecom firms can use innovation measurement to improve their innovation capability. This was done through identifying KSF for innovation capability, reviewing existing innovation measurement frameworks and then, compare and analyse the findings to empirical data - from a case study at a major telecom operator.This paper is of an interdisciplinary nature and combines the theories of innovation capability, service innovation and innovation measurement. The methods used are qualitative, including a literature review, a focus group and 19 semi-structured interviews. The thesis resulted in six KSF for innovation capability in incumbent telecom firms, which was applied in an innovation measurement framework. The main challenges associated with these KSF are also identified and concrete proposals, for improving the innovation capability through using innovation measurement, are presented. Major contributions are of both theoretical and empirical character.The thesis contributes to the research field of how innovation capability can be measured and improved, through using multidimensional metrics, in incumbent firms working with high-tech service innovation. It also provides valuable empirical data around how innovation measurement can be interpreted and used, to improve innovation capability in an industrial context. / Innovationsmätning anses vara en av de viktigaste aspekterna för att bygga en stark innovationsförmåga eftersom det ger en förståelse för den nuvarande innovationsförmågan och för hur organisationer kan prioritera resurser och aktiviteter för att förbättra innovationsförmågan. För att lyckas behöver dessa företag förstå vilka som är de avgörande faktorerna för innovationsförmåga och sedan internalisera dessa.Syftet med studien är att förstå hur stora, etablerade telekombolag kan använda innovationsmätning för att förbättra sin innovationsförmåga. Detta har gjorts genom att först identifiera de avgörande faktorerna för innovationsförmåga, granska existerande ramverk för att mäta innovation. Sedan har detta jämförts med undersökningsresultatet från den genomförda fallstudien på ett ledande, svenskt telekombolag. Studien är av interdisciplinär natur och kombinerar teorier inom innovationsförmåga, tjänsteinnovation och innovationsmätning.Studien resulterade i sex avgörande faktorer för utveckling av innovationsförmåga i stora, etablerade företag inom telekomsektorn. Dessa tillämpas sedan i ett ramverk för innovationsmätning. De huvudsakliga utmaningarna kopplade till dessa faktorer har också identifierats och konkreta förslag för att förbättra innovationsförmågan genom tillämpning av innovationsmätning presenteras.Bidragen från denna studie är av både teoretisk och empirisk karaktär. Studien bidrar till forskningen kring hur innovationsförmåga hos traditionella företag som arbetar med högteknologiska tjänster kan utvärderas och förbättras genom att använda flerdimensionella mätvärden. Den bidrar även med viktiga empiriska data kring hur innovationsmätning kan förstås och användas för att förbättra innovationsförmåga i en industriell kontext.
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Performance Evaluation Of Self-Backhaul For Small-Cell 5G SolutionsHellkvist, Martin January 2018 (has links)
This thesis evaluates the possibility of using millimeter waves of frequency 28GHz for the use of wireless backhaul in small cell solutions in the coming fifth generation mobile networks. This frequency band has not been used in preceding mobile networks but is undergoing a lot of research. In this thesis simulations are performed to evaluate how the high frequency waves behave inside a three dimensional grid of buildings. The simulations use highly directive antenna arrays with antenna gains of 26dBi. A main results of the investigation was that a high bandwidth of 800MHz was not enough to provide 12Gbps in non line-of-sight propagation within the simulations. Furthermore, without interference limiting techniques, the interference is probable to dominate the noise, even though the high diffraction losses of millimeter waves propose that interference should be very limited in urban areas.
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Multicasting in Intra and Inter Domain NetworksKhan, Shahzad Hayat, Badshah, Jehan January 2011 (has links)
Multicasting in a network improves the efficiency to deliver an IP packet to multiple clients at the same time. Small to medium sized organizations implement this technology to enhance their network capability, which is otherwise not possible just with normal routing. However, to use this technology, it requires proper network design with tidy resource implementation.Network administrators prefer automatic deployment of multicast technology because it reduces the potential risk of prolonged down time during network troubleshooting. On the other hand, choosing an auto deployment technology could cause malfunctioning in the network. To avoid such malfunctioning, we used two technologies: Auto-RP (Auto- Rendezvous Point) [1] and Bootstrap [2] in our network. A problem that occurs here is that if different domains with similar or different technologies want to share their resources with each other, then regular multicasting cannot connect them for successful communication. Also, if an administrator wishes to provide short and redundant paths within a domain, then these two technologies do not possess the ability to do so.The thesis presents issues in intra-domain and inter-domain multicast networks; it also focuses on Auto-RP (Auto Rendezvous Point) and BSR (Bootstrap Router) which are technologies related to multicasting. This project highlights the importance of multicasting security and will brief the problems associated with these two technologies. It will offer a better solution with a properly implemented design guide. The study uses MSDP (Multicast Source Discovery Protocol) [3] which connects two domains with multicasting capabilities for exchanging the source and providing redundancy in intra- domain. The work implements MBGP (Multicast Border Gateway Protocol) [4] to avoid a situation in which there is no multicast support on one of the service provider(s) end. Keywords:Auto-RP (Auto-Rendezvous Point), BSR (Bootstrap Router), MSDP (Multicast Source Discovery Protocol), MBGP (Multicast Border Gateway Protocol)
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Emulation of IP Core Network for Testing of the Serving GRPS Support Node (SGSN) Routing ApplicationTorkaman, Hossein January 2009 (has links)
This thesis aims to investigate a method and tool for emulation of the General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) core network needed as an environment to test the routing functionality. GPRS is the most widely adopted mobile packet data delivery technology in the world. It utilizes an Intranet Protocol (IP)-based core network and involves significant changes to the way the Global System for Mobile communications (GSM) air interface is structured. It also forms the basis of the future structure of mobile network transmission and switching. The Serving GPRS Support Node (SGSN) is the most fundamental node in GPRS. Ericsson produces and manages an increasing number of SGSN nodes in the world. One of main functionalities of SGSN node is to forward IP packets according to the destination address in the IP header on IP core network. In each new release of SGSN, or when implementation or upgrades have been done on routing application on SGSN, design and test engineers at Ericsson need to emulate the IP core network. This must be done with use of many routers to generate huge amounts of data that can simulate the real world IP core network. The major goal of this thesis was to analyze and verifying the use of a suitable and economical solution to emulating IP Core Network of the GPRS system for testing of different functionality of the routing application running in SGSN , instead of building up a physical Core Network with different infrastructure and many routers. The method chosen for emulating the IP core network with many routers, and investigated in the thesis, is based on a Cisco simulator called “Dynamips”, which runs many actual Cisco Internetwork Operating Systems (IOS) with many different models of Cisco products in a virtual environment on Windows or Linux platforms. With this simulator, engineers at Ericsson will be able to use this simulator to emulate IP core network easily and efficiently to accomplish system test cases. A conclusion of this work is that Dynamips could be used to emulate many complicated IP core network scenarios, with many routers to generate huge amounts of data to simulate the real world IP core network. The emulated system fulfils its purpose for testing of the routing application of SGSN regarding different functionality and characteristics. This is done to ensure and verify that SGSN routing application meets its functional and technical requirements, and also helps to find undiscovered errors as well as helps to ensure that the individual components of routing application on SGSN are working correctly.
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On User Perception of Authentication in NetworksLorentzen, Charlott January 2014 (has links)
Authentication solutions are designed to stop unauthorized users from getting access to a secured system. However, each time an authentication process occur an authorized user needs to wait in expectation of approved access. This effort can be perceived as either a positive or negative experience. If the effort is perceived as a security measure; the effort is usually perceived as a positive experience. On the other hand, if the effort is perceived as a waiting time; the effort is usually perceived as a negative experience. The trade-off between security, user-friendliness and simplicity plays an important role in the domain of user acceptability. From the users' point of view, security is both necessary and disturbing at the same time. The overall focus in this thesis is on user perception of authentication in communication networks. An authentication procedure, or login, normally includes several steps and messages between a client and a server. In addition, the connection could suffer from low Quality of Service, i.e., each step in the authentication process will add to a longer response time. The longer response times will then infer lower Quality of Experience, i.e., a worse user perception. The thesis first presents a concept of investigating user perception. A framework is developed in which different criteria and evaluation methods for authentication schemes are presented. This framework is then used to investigate user perception of the response times of a web authentication procedure. The derived result, which is an exponential function, is compared to models for user perception of web performance. The comparison indicates that users perceive logins similarly, but not identically, to how they perceive standard web page loading. The user perception, with regards to excessive authentication times, is further studied by determining the weak point of the Extensible Authentication Protocol Method for GSM Subscriber Identity Modules (EAPSIM) with the OpenID service. The response times are controllably increased by emulating bad network performance for EAP-SIM and other EAP methods in live setups. The obtained results show that one task of the EAP-SIM authentication deviates from the other tasks, and contributes more to the total response time. This deviation points out the direction for future optimization. Finally, this thesis investigates how users of social networks perceive security, and to which extent they contribute to it. One way of contributing to security by creating and using strong authentication credentials, e.g. passwords. Websites might enforce a password length which is insufficient to provide a strong password. This might then cause problems by giving users a false perception of what constitutes a strong password. The origin of the password problem, namely the construction of passwords, and the user perception of password security is studied. A survey is conducted and the results indicate that the passwords of the respondents are not as strong as the respondents perceive them to be.
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Forecasting Trajectory Data : A study by ExperimentationKamisetty Jananni Narasimha, Shiva Sai Sri Harsha Vardhan January 2017 (has links)
Context. The advances in location-acquisition and mobile computing techniques have generated massive spatial trajectory data. Such spatial trajectory data accumulated by telecommunication operators is huge, analyzing the data with a right tool or method can uncover patterns and connections which can be used for improving telecom services. Forecasting trajectory data or predicting next location of users is one of such analysis. It can be used for producing synthetic data and also to determine the network capacity needed for a cell tower in future. Objectives. The objectives of this thesis is, Firstly, to have a new application for CWT (Collapsed Weighted Tensor) method. Secondly, to modify the CWT method to predict the location of a user. Thirdly, to provide a suitable method for the given Telenor dataset to predict the user’s location over a period of time. Methods. The thesis work has been carried out by implementing the modified CWT method. The predicted location obtained by modified CWT cannot be determined to which time stamp it belongs as the given Telenor dataset contains missing time stamps. So, the modified CWT method is implemented in two different methods. Replacing missing values with first value in dataset. Replacing missing values with second value in dataset. These two methods are implemented and determined which method can predict the location of users with minimal error. Results. The results are carried by assuming that the given Telenor dataset for one week will be same as that for the next week. Users are selected in a random sample and above mentioned methods are performed. Furthermore, RMSD values and computational time are calculated for each method and selected users. Conclusion. Based on the analysis of the results, Firstly, it can be concluded that CWT method have been modified and used for predicting the user’s location for next time stamp. Secondly, the method can be extended to predict over a period of time. Finally, modified CWT method predicts location of the user with minimal error when missing values are replaced by first value in the dataset.
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An Investigation of the Impact of the Slow HTTP DOS and DDOS attacks on the Cloud environmentHelalat, Seyed Milad January 2017 (has links)
Cloud computing has brought many benefits to the IT industry, and could reduce the cost and facilitate the growth of businesses specially the startup companies which don’t have enough financial resources to build their own IT infrastructure. One of the main reason that companies hesitate to use cloud services is the security issues that the cloud computing technology has. This thesis at the beginning has an overview on the cloud computing concept and then reviews the cloud security vulnerabilities according to the cloud security alliance, then it describes the cloud denial of service and will focus on analyzing the Slow HTTP DOS attack and then will analyze the direct and indirect impact of these attacks on virtual machines. We decided to analyze the HTTP slow rate attacks because of the craftiness and covered characteristic also the catastrophic impact of the Slow HTTP attack whether it’s lunched on the cloud component or lunched from the cloud. There are some researches on the different way that a web server or web service can be protected against slow HTTP attacks, but there is a research gap about the impact of the attack on virtual environment or whether this attack has cross VM impact or not. This thesis investigates the impact of Slow HTTP attack on virtualization environment and will analyze the direct and indirect impact of these attack. For analyzing the Slow HTTP attacks, Slow headers, Slow body and Slow read are implemented using Slowhttptest and OWASP Switchblade software, and Wireshark is used to capture the traffic. For analyzing the impact of the attack, attacks are lunched on VirtualBox and the impact of the attack on the victim VM and neighbor VM is measured.
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A Search-Based Approach for Robustness Testing of Web ApplicationsGurram, Karthik, Chappidi, Maheshwar Reddy January 2019 (has links)
Context: This thesis deals with the robustness testing of web applications on a different web browser using a Selenium WebDriver to automate the browser. To increase the efficiency of this automation testing, we are using a robustness method. Robustness method is a process of testing the behaviour of a system implementation under exceptional execution conditions to check if it still fulfils some robustness requirements. These robustness tests often apply random algorithms to select the actions to be executed on web applications. The search-based technique was used to automatically generate effective test cases, consisting of initial conditions and fault sequences. The success criteria in most cases: "if it does not crash or hang application, then it is robust". Problem: Software testing consumes a lot of time, labour-intensive to write test cases and expensive in a software development life cycle. There was always a need for software testing to decrease the testing time. Manual testing requires a lot of effort and hard work if we measure in terms of person per month [1]. To overcome this problem, we are using a search-based approach for robustness testing of web applications which can dramatically reduce the human effort, time and the costs related to testing. Objective: The purpose of this thesis is to develop an automated approach to carry out robustness testing of web applications focusing on revealing defects related to a sequence of events triggered by a web system. To do so, we will employ search-based techniques (e.g., NSGA-II algorithm [1]). The main focus is on Ericsson Digital BSS systems, with a special focus on robustness testing. The main purpose of this master thesis is to investigate how automated robustness testing can be done so that the effort of keeping the tests up to date is minimized when the functionality of the application changes. This kind of automation testing is well depended on the structure of the product being tested. In this thesis, the test object was structured in a way, which made the testing method simple for fault revelation and less time-consuming. Method: For this approach, a meta-heuristic search-based genetic algorithm is used to make efficiency for robustness testing of the web application. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of this proposed approach, the experimental procedure is adapted. For this, an experimental testbed is set up. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is measured by two objectives: Fault revelation, Test sequence length. The effectiveness is also measured by evaluating the feasible cost-effective output test cases. i Results:The results we collected from our approach shows that by reducing the test sequence length we can reduce the time consuming and by using the NSGA-2 algorithm we found as many faults as we can when we tested on web applications in Ericsson. Conclusion: The attempt of testing of web applications, was partly succeeded. This kind of robustness testing in our approach was strongly depended on the algorithm we are using. We can conclude that by using these two objectives, we can reduce the cost of testing and time consuming.
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Extension of a 5G Ran Simulator by Modeling User EquipmentSjöstrand, Johan January 2019 (has links)
With the upcoming release of the fifth generation of cellular networks, 5G, it is expected to be a lot more connected devices. As a consequence, the importance of the capacity of the networks is increased, especially the radio access network (RAN), which will be changed a lot from previous generations. The best method to ensure a RAN has enough capacity for its targeted area is a simulation, and therefore, there is a demand for such a simulator. The development of a simulator for RAN started last year in another thesis with the possibility to model nodes, links, and set loads. In this thesis, the functionality is extended with the addition of mobility and user equipment (UE) to create load to more accurately simulate the network traffic. Roads are added as an entity to allow mobility, and cells are modeled to determine coverage. Most requested functionality was implemented, with the main difficulties being integrating the new code into the existing code base. The simulator was then evaluated, both the validity of the model and the performance. To improve the simulator for its purpose, even more, functionalities such as geography elements like buildings or mountains blocking the signal should be considered. Another improvement would be to make links and cells less reliable. The simulator is modeling the perfect day scenario at the moment which does not always reflect upon reality.
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