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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise tridimensional pelo método de elementos finitos do comportamentto biomecânico do incisivo central superior hígido e restaurado com coroa cerâmica utilizando diferentes retentores intra-radiculares / Three-dimensional finite element analyses of biomechanical behavior in a maxillary incisor with all-ceramic crow using different posts

João Paulo Filgueiras Ribeiro 11 February 2009 (has links)
O objetivo do estudo foi analisar tridimensionalmente, por meio do Método de Elementos Finitos (MEF), o comportamento biomecânico de um incisivo central superior hígido sob condição de oclusão fisiológica e posteriormente comparar com diferentes simulações de situações clínicas de dentes tratados endodonticamente e restaurados com coroas totais cerâmicas, variando a quantidade de remanescente dental e o tipo de retentor intra-radicular (núcleo metálico fundido- NMF, fibras de vidro- RFV e zircônio- RZ). Foram construídos modelos tridimensionais do incisivo central superior sem e com 2 mm de remanescente dentinário na porção coronária. Uma carga de 10 N foi aplicada de forma normal no terço incisal, nas cristas marginais mesial e distal, da superfície palatal. A análise dos dados foi realizada pelo programa computacional NeiNastran® - Noran Engineering, Inc. Os resultados de deslocamento e tensão máxima principal foram obtidos mostrando que houve diferenças significativas na distribuição de tensão entre o dente hígido e o com retentor intra-radicular. O grupo com NMF apresentou o comportamento mais similar ao dente hígido (controle), seguidos do retentor de fibra de vidro com remanescente e sem remanescente dental. Os grupos que apresentaram maior diferença em relação ao controle foram os retentores de zircônia sem e com remanescente de dentina. Considerando- se a presença de remanescente dentinário na porção coronária (2mm) para os grupos restaurados com retentores pré- fabricados, os RFV apresentaram uma redução do estresse na interface dente/restauração em comparação com RZ. Pode-se concluir que a utilização de núcleos metálicos fundidos apresentou comportamento biomecânico mais similar ao dente hígido. / The purpose of this study was to evaluated by three-dimensional finite element analysis the biomechanical behavior of a healthy maxillary central incisor under physiological load comparing with different clinical conditions of endodontically treated teeth restored with all-ceramic crowns, with various remaining tooth structure and post-and-core systems (cast metal post- MP, glass fiber post- GFP and zirconium post- ZP). Three-dimensional models were performed with and without 2 mm of dental remaining in coronary portion. A load of 10 N was applied in normal way at the incisal third of the palatine surface in the mesial and distal marginalis ridges. Data analysis was performed by the computer program NeiNastran ® - Noran Engineering, Inc. The results of maximal stress and displacement demonstrated significant differences in the tensile distribution in healthy (control) and restored tooth. The MP showed similar performance in comparison with healthy tooth, followed by GFP with and without remaining tooth structure. The teeth restored with ZP showed higher difference than control group. This study demonstrated that presence of the coronary remaining dentin (2mm) decreases the stress concentration at the interface crown/restoration using GFP in comparison with ZP. Conclusion that cast metal post can reduce the stress level in maxillary central incisor and showed biomechanical behavior similar than healthy teeth.

Avaliação do destorque de dois tipos de parafusos fixadores do munhão e da resistência à tração de coroas cimentadas sobre munhões com diferentes características superficiais

Fabiane Lopes Toledo 02 September 2011 (has links)
Problemas freqüentes na prótese sobre implante são o afrouxamento do parafuso que une o munhão ao implante e a soltura da prótese cimentada. Assim, foi estudada a manutenção da força de torque, promovida por 2 diferentes parafusos fixadores de munhão, e a resistência à remoção por tração de coroas de NiCr, cimentadas ou re-cimentadas com fosfato de zinco sobre munhões com diferentes características. Numa primeira fase, foram utilizados 20 conjuntos implante/munhão/parafuso (NEODENT), constituídos de liga de Ti, nos quais existiam 10 parafusos comuns e 10 revestidos com carbono (Neotorque). A força de torque de 32 N era aplicada com um torquímetro analógico de precisão (TOHNICHI) e, para a aplicação cíclica de carga de compressão axial, foi utilizada uma máquina eletro-mecânica de fadiga, com carga de 200 N e freqüência de 2 hertz, durante 500.000 ciclos. Na segunda fase, foram usados 30 conjuntos (implante/munhão/parafuso e respectivas coroas), onde existiam apenas parafusos comuns, porém com munhões de diferentes tamanhos e aspectos superficiais: o munhão universal (MU), o personalizado original (MPO) e o personalizado irradiado (MPI). As coroas destes 2 últimos grupos já haviam sido cimentadas e tracionadas, num trabalho anterior. Todas as coroas foram agora cimentadas com fosfato de zinco e submetidas (7 dias depois) a ensaios de tração, em uma máquina universal de ensaios regulada na velocidade de 0,5 mm/min. Nas condições deste trabalho, foi possível concluir que ambos os parafusos analisados (comum e Neotorque) apresentaram comportamento semelhante, na manutenção da força de torque promovida, e que a resistência à remoção por tração de coroas, cimentadas pela primeira vez, com o munhão universal (MU), foi a menor de todas (227,83 N.cm); para os caso das recimentações, com o munhão personalizado de textura original, esta resistência apresentou valor intermediário (448,37 N.cm), tendo sido a maior de todas (1.570,76 N.cm) aquela apresentada pelo munhão personalizado que sofreu irradiação por LASER. / Frequent problems in implant prosthodontics are loosening the screw that joins the abutment to implant and the releasing of the cemented prosthesis. Thus, it was studied both the torque force mantenaince promoted by two different screws as the resistance to removal by traction of NiCr crowns, cemented or re-cemented with zinc phosphate over abutments with different characteristics. In a first phase, it were used 20 Ti alloy-made sets (composed by Neodent implant / abutment / screw), in which there were 10 slotted screws carbon-coated (Neotorque). The torque force of 32 N was applied with an analogical torque wrench (TOHNICHI) and the cyclic axial compression load with a fatigue electro-mechanical machine, with a load of 200 N and frequency of 2 Hz, over 500,000 cycles. In the second phase, it was used 30 other sets (composed by implant / abutment / screw and their crowns) where there were only common screws, but with sleeves of different size and superficial aspects: the universal abutment (MU), that personalizable with original texture (MPO) and the personalizable with a LASER treatment (MPI). Crowns of these two latter groups had already been cemented and pulled in a previous work. All crowns were here cemented with zinc phosphate and submitted (7 days later) to tensile tests in an universal testing machine set at a speed of 0.5 mm / min. In the conditions of the present work, it was concluded that both analyzed screws (common and Neotorque) behaved similarly, maintaining the torque force promoted, and that resistance to removal by traction of crowns cemented by first time with the universal abutment (MU) was the lowest of all (227.83 N.cm); for recementations, personal abutment with original texture had intermediate values resistance (448.37 N.cm), being the largest of all (1570.76 N.cm) that presented by the abutment modified by LASER irradiation.

Avaliação das tensões ósseas geradas por prótese obturadora maxilar classe IV de Aramany por meio da análise de elementos finitos / Evaluation of the bone tensions generated in maxillary obturator prosthesis class IV of aramany through the analysis of finite elements

Elcio Ricardo Miyashita 16 December 2008 (has links)
O tratamento cirúrgico do câncer bucal pode resultar em graves seqüelas das estruturas anatômicas envolvidas na fisiologia da cavidade bucal. A extensão e a localização da ressecção cirúrgica, assim como a condição dental, são determinantes do planejamento da prótese obturadora. Este trabalho emprega a Análise de Elementos Finitos para o estudo do comportamento biomecânico de uma prótese obturadora maxilar Classe IV de Aramany, em um modelo digital desenvolvido a partir de uma TC de um indivíduo adulto. O modelo tridimensional desenvolvido no programa Rhinoceros® versão 3.0 foi utilizado para a geração da malha de elementos finitos no programa FEMAP/NASTRAN®. Uma força de 120 N foi aplicada nas plataformas oclusal e incisal, correspondentes aos dentes posteriores e anteriores da prótese obturadora, para observação das forças de tensão geradas no tecido ósseo maxilar. Os resultados são apresentados sob a forma de análise qualitativa, indicada pela escala de Tensão Máxima Principal, e análise quantitativa, representada por valores em Mega Pascal (MPa). Observou-se que o carregamento posterior provoca tensão de tração e tensão de compressão, independentemente da região óssea avaliada, induz a uma maior tensão de tração em todas as regiões ósseas observadas e a uma maior tensão de compressão na região média anterior do palato. O carregamento anterior gera tensão de tração em todas as regiões ósseas consideradas e acarreta maior tensão de tração do que tensão de compressão, independentemente da região óssea avaliada. Concluiu-se que ocorre uma tendência de rotação da prótese em direção à área de ressecção cirúrgica, tanto para o carregamento posterior como para o carregamento anterior. O nível das tensões de tração e de compressão observado neste estudo indica que o comportamento biomecânico da prótese obturadora maxilar Classe IV de Aramany encontra-se dentro dos limites fisiológicos do tecido ósseo maxilar. / The surgical treatment of oral cancer may result in severe sequel of the anatomical structures involved in oral physiology. The extension and location of surgical resection, as well as the dental condition, enjoin the prosthetic planning of the obturator prostheses. This study employs the finite elements analysis to evaluate the biomechanical behavior of Aramany Class IV obturator prostheses, in a digital model developed from a computerized tomography of an adult individual. A tridimensional model was constructed applying the software Rhinoceros® version 3.0 and then it was used to develop the finite element mesh in the software FEMAP/NASTRAN®. A 120 N load was applied to the occlusal and incisal surfaces correspondent to the prosthetic teeth. The qualitative analysis was based on Principal Maximum Tension Scale and the quantitative analysis was expressed in Mega Pascal values. Results demonstrated that the posterior load generates tensile and compression stress and a higher tension stress regardless of the osseous region, as well as a higher compression stress on the anterior medial area of residual palate. Anterior load provokes tensile stress in each of the osseous regions evaluated, in addition to a higher tensile then compression stresses, despite of the osseous region. Therefore, it was concluded that the prostheses tends to rotate towards surgical resection areas during posterior and anterior loading. The amount of tensile and compression stresses observed herein indicates that the biomechanical behavior of Aramany Class IV obturator prostheses is within the physiological limits of the maxillary osseous tissue.

"Aspectos de micromorfologia, resistência de união e adaptação à dentina em função do tipo de adesivo e das características da camada de esfregaço" / Micromorphological aspects, bond strength and adaptation to dentin as a function of the type of the adhesive and the smear layer characteristics

Silvia Kenshima 07 December 2005 (has links)
O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o efeito de adesivos autocondicionantes com diferentes pHs aplicados em camadas de esfregaço (CE) fina e espessa na sua resistência de união (RU), adaptação marginal (AM) e micromorfologia. Foram utilizados 47 molares (n=5). A dentina oclusal foi exposta e cada dente foi seccionado em duas metades (unidade experimental) preparadas com lixa 600 (CE fina) e 60 (CE espessa). Os sistemas autocondicionantes foram selecionados conforme a acidez: Clearfil SE Bond (SE- fraco), Optibond Solo primer e adesivo (SO-intermediário), TYrian + One Step Plus (TY–forte). Um sistema convencional, ScotchBond Multi-Uso (MP) também foi estudado. A aplicação dos adesivos foi aleatória e uma reconstrução da porção coronária foi realizada com resina Z-250. Após 24h, os palitos para microtração (0,8mm 2 ) foram preparados. Parte deles foi submetida à microtração (Kratos–0,5mm/min). (Um índice de RU foi calculado levando-se em consideração a contribuição relativa dos tipos de fratura ocorridos). A outra parte foi avaliada em microscopia de luz (400x) quanto à AM tendo sido calculada a largura média de fendas (Lm) na interface de união. Para observação do padrão de condicionamento por MEV, os primers autocondicionantes e o H3PO4 foram aplicados à dentina tratada com lixa 60 e 600, removidos com banhos de álcool e acetona, fixados, desidratados com etanol, secos com HMDS e recobertos com ouro. Para observação dos prolongamentos resinosos, unidades experimentais “restauradas” com Z-250 tiveram a dentina removida com HCl e NaHOCl e as amostras recobertas com ouro. Os dados de RU e AM foram submetidos a ANOVA de 2 fatores (p=0,05). Testes de regressão (p=0,05) foram aplicados para RU e Lm e de cada um com o pH dos primers autocondicionantes. Apenas o fator Adesivo foi significante para RU e Lm e não houve relação entre ambos. Observou-se que TY apresentou RU significativamente inferior aos demais sistemas, semelhantes entre si. A Lm foi tanto maior quanto menor a acidez do sistema autocondicionante e MP apresentou a menor Lm. Em condições de CE espessa, as Lm foram significativamente maiores. Notou-se que o sistema de acidez fraca foi o mais afetado pela CE espessa tanto no padrão de condicionamento como na formação de prolongamentos resinosos. Houve maior remoção da CE com o sistema de acidez forte. Concluiu-se que, nas condições experimentais testadas, apenas o sistema convencional conseguiu aliar altos valores de resistência de união a uma boa adaptação marginal, e ainda reunir aspectos de micromorfologia compatíveis / The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different pH self-etch adhesives applied to thick and thin smear layer (SL) on bond strength (BS), marginal adaptation (MA) and micromorphology. 47 molars (n=5) were used. The occlusal dentin was exposed and each tooth was sectioned in two halves (experimental unit) prepared with 600-grit SiC paper (thin SL) and 60-grit (thick SL). The self-etch adhesives were selected according to the acidity: Clearfil SE Bond (SE-mild), Optibond Solo primer and adhesive (SO-intermediary), Tyrian + One Step Plus (TY– strong). An etch-&-rinse system, ScotchBond Multi-Purpose (MP) was also studied. The adhesives application was randomized and a resin composite build-up was made with Z-250. After 24h, the microtensile sticks (0.8 mm2) were prepared. Part of them was submitted to the microtensile bond strength test (Kratos-0.5 mm/min). (A BS index was calculated considering the relative contribution of the fracture types observed in the fractured sticks). The other part had the MA evaluated by light microscopy (400x) for the mean interfacial gap width (Gw) calculation. For the conditioning pattern SEM evaluation, the self-etch primers and the phosphoric acid was applied to dentin (60 and 600-grit), removed with baths of alcohol and acetone, fixed, dehydrated with ethanol, dried with HMDS and gold sputtered. For resin tags observation, restored experimental units were used. The dentin was removed with HCl and NaHOCl and gold sputtered. The BS and MA data was analyzed by 2-way ANOVA (p=0.05). The regression test (p=0.05) was performed for BS and Gw and for both with the self-etch primers pH. A regression test was applied for Gw and Li to evaluate their relationship (p=0.05). Only the Adhesive was significant for BS and Gw and no there was no relationship for them. TY presented significantly lower BS compared to the other adhesives that had similar BS. The higher the pH of the self-etch primers, the larger were the corresponding Gw (Gw x pH regression was significant). MP presented the lowest Gw. With thick SL, the Gw was significantly larger. The mild self-etch adhesive was affected by the thick SL in both the conditioning pattern and tags formation. The SL removal was more extensive with the strong self-etch. It was concluded that only the etch-&-rinse system achieved high BS and good MA with compatible micromorphological aspects

"Influência do volume de adesivo e das ciclagens térmica e mecânica na resistência de união resina-dentina" / Influence of the adhesive volume, thermal and mechanical load cycling on the resin-dentin bond strength

Edmea Lodovici 01 July 2005 (has links)
Interfaces adesivas flexíveis, com maior capacidade de dissipação de tensões poderiam prevenir falhas provenientes das tensões geradas durante a contração de polimerização, variações térmicas e esforços mastigatórios. Isso poderia ser obtido através do aumento da espessura da camada de adesivo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a resistência de união (RU) à dentina de dois sistemas adesivos (SA) aplicados com diferentes volumes de adesivo (uma ou duas camadas) e submetidos ou não às ciclagens térmica e mecânica (CTM). A superfície dentinária de 40 terceiros molares hígidos foi exposta com uma lixa de granulação 600. Dois sistemas adesivos foram testados: Scotchbond Multiuso (SBMU) e Clearfil SE Bond (CSEB). Seus respectivos adesivos foram aplicados através de uma micropipeta (8 ou 16µl) em uma área delimitada de 52 mm 2 e blocos de resina composta (Z250) foram construídos incrementalmente. Metade da amostra foi armazenada em água destilada por 24 h e submetida às ciclagens térmica (1.000; 5-55ºC) e mecânica (500.000 ciclos / 12 kgf). A outra metade foi apenas armazenada em água destilada por 72 h. Após isso, os dentes foram seccionados, longitudinalmente, em cortes perpendiculares entre si, a fim de se obterem corpos-de-prova em formato de paralelogramo com aproximadamente 0,8mm 2 de secção transversal. Os palitos foram submetidos ao teste de microtração a 1,0 mm/min e o modo de fratura analisado. A RU foi expressa como um índice que incluiu os valores de RU dos diferentes padrões de fratura, além dos palitos prematuramente fraturados (P). Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância de 3 fatores. O teste de qui-quadrado foi utilizado (p<0,05) para verificar diferenças na freqüência de P. Dois fatores foram significantes: “SA” e “CTM”. SBMU e grupos não-ciclados apresentaram maior RU do que CSEB e grupos ciclados respectivamente. Uma maior freqüência de P foi observada para os grupos ciclados. Uma camada adicional de adesivo não influenciou na RU de interfaces feitas com SBMU ou CSEB, enquanto a CTM levou à redução da RU das interfaces. / Dentin bonding interfaces with increased capacity of stress dissipation are able to prevent failures due to polymerization contraction, thermal and mechanical stresses. This would be obtained by increasing adhesive layer thickness. The purpose of this study was to compare the resin-dentin microtensile bond strengths (BS) of two adhesive systems (AS) applied with different volumes of adhesive resin (one and two coats) submitted or not to thermal and mechanical loading (TML). A flat superficial dentin surface was exposed on 40 third molars with a 600-grit SiC paper. Two systems were tested: Scotchbond Multipurpose (SBMP) and Clearfil SE Bond (CSEB). After primer application, the adhesive layer was applied by a micropipette (8 or 16µl) to a delimited area (52mm 2 ) and resin blocks (Z250) were built incrementally. Half of the sample was stored in distilled water for 24h and then submitted to thermal (1,000; 5-55ºC) and mechanical cycles (500,000; 12kgf). The other half was stored in distilled water (72h). Teeth were then sectioned to obtain sticks (0.8 mm 2 ) to be tested under tensile mode (1.0mm/min). The fracture mode was analyzed at 400X. BS was expressed as an index that included the BS values of different fracture patterns and the prematurely debonded specimens (D). The data was analyzed by three-way ANOVA. The &#967; 2 test was used (p<0.05) to compare the frequency of D specimens. The main factors AS and TML were significant. SBMP and non-cycled groups showed higher BS to dentin. A higher frequency of D was observed for the cycled groups. The application of an adhesive layer in two coats for a three-step etch&rinse and a two-step self-etch systems, to act as an intermediate flexible layer, was not able to minimize the damage caused by thermal and mechanical load in a low C-factor cavity.

Emprego de agentes retardadores em substituição aos desmoldantes convencionais na moldagem de concreto para recebimento do revestimento de argamassas. / Use of retarding agents as a substitute for conventional release agents in concrete moulding for the application of rendering mortar.

Mirella Pennacchi Assali 09 October 2012 (has links)
As estruturas de concreto são moldadas em formas tratadas com desmoldantes e sua presença dificulta a adesão da argamassa fresca, com posterior descolamento no estado endurecido. Este estudo tem por objetivo explorar o potencial de uso de agentes retardadores em substituição aos desmoldantes convencionais na moldagem de concreto para obtenção de superfícies com maior capacidade de ancoragem das argamassas. A viabilidade do uso de agentes retardadores foi verificada determinando-se de modo comparativo a resistência de aderência à tração da argamassa e do chapisco aplicados sobre corpos de prova de concreto moldados em formas de madeira plastificada tratadas com agente retardador e com desmoldante convencional. O ensaio de aderência mostrou que a utilização de agentes retardadores possibilita maior facilidade para a remoção da camada superficial do concreto, resultando em aumento de rugosidade e absorção superficial, permitindo maior resistência de aderência da argamassa e chapisco. Posteriormente, foram coletados agentes retardadores do mercado e avaliados: desempenho na aplicação sobre as formas, impacto dos produtos na saúde do trabalhador e no meio ambiente, e o efeito retardador na hidratação do cimento. Também foram avaliados quanto: a aplicabilidade dos produtos e sua influência no preparo da superfície para o recebimento da argamassa quando tratadas com produtos retardadores e convencionais em três tipos de formas. O estudo mostrou que o uso de agente retardador pode ser uma técnica viável para reduzir os problemas de descolamento do revestimento aplicado sobre superfícies de concreto. Através dos ensaios específicos desenvolvidos e adaptados para esta pesquisa, foi possível identificar que existem diferenças de comportamentos entre os produtos, sendo eles convencionais ou retardadores, e que os tipos de forma influenciam nestes comportamentos. Foi verificado também que as formas mais simples e com custos menores podem ser mais apropriadas para utilização destes produtos. / The concrete structures are cast in molds treated with a release agent (demolding product), and its presence hinders the mortars initial adhesion in the plastic state, as well as the bond strength after hardening. The study aims is to explore the potential use of retarding agents to replace conventional release agents in the concrete formwork. The technical viability of using a retarding agent was verified by comparing the tensile bond strength of rendering mortars applied on concrete surfaces cast with a conventional release agent and on concrete surfaces cast with a retarding release agent. The results showed that, through the use of retarding products, the removal of the concrete surface layer was possible by increasing the surface roughness, the surface water absorption and the tensile bond strength of the mortar to this concrete. Performance tests were also done with retarding products commercially available in the Brazilian market to verify the behavior of such products during application on molds, their impact on workers health and on the environment, and the retarding effect in cement hydration. It was also evaluated the applicability of these products and their influence on surface preparation to receive mortar when treated with retarding and conventional products, in three types of molds. Retarding products showed to be a viable technique for reducing the detachment problems of rendering mortars applied on concrete surfaces. Through the specific tests developed and adapted for this study, it was observed that there are differences in behavior between the conventional or retarding products, and also observed how these types of molds can influence the performance of the products. It was also observed that the simplest molds with lower cost can be more suitable in this application.

Ductility and Use of Titanium Alloy and Stainless Steel Aerospace Fasteners

Whittaker, Jarrod Talbott 16 September 2015 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate the ductility and application of titanium alloys, like titanium 6Al-4V, when used in aerospace fasteners compared to more conventional stainless steel aerospace fasteners such as A286. There have been concerns raised about the safe usability of titanium 6-4 in the aerospace industry due to its lack of strain hardening. However, there is a lack of data pertaining to this concern of safe usage which this thesis aims to address. Tensile tests were conducted to find the ductility indexes of these fasteners which quantify the amount of plastic to elastic elongation. From the tests conducted it was found that the two materials yield and tensile strengths were very similar, though the ductility index of A286 is on average ten times greater than that of titanium 6-4. This thesis includes joint diagram examples that analyze typical joints using both materials. It was found from joint diagram examples that the lower ductility index of the titanium alloy will only be detrimental to use at higher preloads. However, the titanium alloy can be used safely in place of A286 in most loading situations just with narrower safety margins in these controlled examples.

Modelling of conditional variance and uncertainty using industrial process data

Juutilainen, I. (Ilmari) 14 November 2006 (has links)
Abstract This thesis presents methods for modelling conditional variance and uncertainty of prediction at a query point on the basis of industrial process data. The introductory part of the thesis provides an extensive background of the examined methods and a summary of the results. The results are presented in detail in the original papers. The application presented in the thesis is modelling of the mean and variance of the mechanical properties of steel plates. Both the mean and variance of the mechanical properties depend on many process variables. A method for predicting the probability of rejection in a quali?cation test is presented and implemented in a tool developed for the planning of strength margins. The developed tool has been successfully utilised in the planning of mechanical properties in a steel plate mill. The methods for modelling the dependence of conditional variance on input variables are reviewed and their suitability for large industrial data sets are examined. In a comparative study, neural network modelling of the mean and dispersion narrowly performed the best. A method is presented for evaluating the uncertainty of regression-type prediction at a query point on the basis of predicted conditional variance, model variance and the effect of uncertainty about explanatory variables at early process stages. A method for measuring the uncertainty of prediction on the basis of the density of the data around the query point is proposed. The proposed distance measure is utilised in comparing the generalisation ability of models. The generalisation properties of the most important regression learning methods are studied and the results indicate that local methods and quadratic regression have a poor interpolation capability compared with multi-layer perceptron and Gaussian kernel support vector regression. The possibility of adaptively modelling a time-varying conditional variance function is disclosed. Two methods for adaptive modelling of the variance function are proposed. The background of the developed adaptive variance modelling methods is presented.

Effect of various mix parameters on the true tensile strength of concrete

Azizipesteh Baglo, Hamid Reza January 2013 (has links)
The primary aim of this research was to develop a method for determining the true uniaxial tensile strength of concrete by conducting a series of cylinder splitting, modulus of rupture (MOR) and cylinder/cube compression tests. The main objectives were: • Critically reviewing previous published research in order to identify gaps in current knowledge and understanding, including theoretical and methodological contributions to the true uniaxial tensile strength of concrete. In order to maintain consistency and increase the reliability of the proposed methods, it is essential to review the literature to provide additional data points in order to add additional depth, breathe and rigor to Senussi's investigation (2004). • The design of self compacting concrete (SCC), normal strength concrete (NSC) and high strength concrete (HSC) mixes and undertaking lab-based experimental works for mixing, casting, curing and testing of specimens in order to establish new empirical evidence and data. • Analysing the data, presenting the results, and investigating the application of validity methods as stated by Lin and Raoof (1999) and Senussi (2004). • To draw conclusions including comparison with previous research and literature, including the proposal of new correction factors and recommendations for future research. 29 batches of NSC, 137 batches of HSC, 44 batches of fly ash SCC and 47 batches of GGBS SCC were cast and their hardened and fresh properties were measured. Hardened properties measured included: cylinder splitting strength, MOR, cylinder compressive strength and cube compressive strength. A variety of rheological tests were also applied to characterise the fresh properties of the SCC mixes, including: slump flow, T50, L-box, V-funnel, J-ring and sieve stability. Cylinders were also visually checked after splitting for segregation. The tensile strength of concrete has traditionally been expressed in terms of its compressive strength (e.g. ft = c x c f ). Based on this premise, extensive laboratory testing was conducted to evaluate the tensile strength of the concretes, including the direct tension test and the indirect cylinder splitting and MOR tests. These tests however, do not provide sufficiently accurate results for the true uniaxial tensile strength, due to the results being based upon different test methods. This shortcoming has been overcome by recently developed methods reported by Lin and Raoof (1999) and Senussi (2004) who proposed simple correction factors for the application to the cylinder splitting and MOR test results, with the final outcome providing practically reasonable estimates of the true uniaxial tensile strength of concrete, covering a wide range of concrete compressive strengths 12.57 ≤ fc ≤ 93.82 MPa, as well as a wide range of aggregate types. The current investigation has covered a wide range of ages at testing, from 3 to 91 days. Test data from other sources has also been applied for ages up to 365 days, with the test results reported relating to a variety of mix designs. NSC, SCC and HSC data from the current investigation has shown an encouraging correlation with the previously reported results, hence providing additional wider and deeper empirical evidence for the validity of the recommended correction factors. The results have also demonstrated that the type (size, texture and strength) of aggregate has a negligible effect on the recommended correction factors. The concrete age at testing was demonstrated to have a potentially significant effect on the recommended correction factors. Altering the cement type can also have a significant effect on the hardened properties measured and demonstrated practically noticeable variations on the recommended correction factors. The correction factors proved to be valid regarding the effects of incorporating various blended cements in the HSC and SCC. The NSC, HSC and SCC showed an encouraging correlation with previously reported results, providing additional support, depth, breadth and rigor for the validity of the correction factors recommended.

Optimising the mechanical properties and microstructure of armoured steel plate in quenched and tempered condition

Kasonde, Maweja 29 March 2007 (has links)
The effect of the chemical composition, austenitisation temperature and tempering temperature and time on the mechanical properties and on the ballistic performance of martensitic steel armour plates was studied. It was established in this study that the mechanical properties and the ballistic performance of martensitic steels can be optimised by controlling the chemical composition and the heat treatment parameters. However, it was observed that for a given chemical composition of the steel the heat treatment parameters to be applied to advanced ballistic performance armour plates were different from those required for higher mechanical properties. Such a contradiction rendered the relationship between mechanical properties and ballistic performance questionable. Systematic analysis of the microstructure and the fracture mechanism of some martensitic armour plate steels was carried out to explain the improved ballistic performance of steels whose mechanical properties were below that specificied for military and security applications. It was inferred from phase analysis and its quantification by X-ray diffraction, characterisation of the martensite using scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy that the retained austenite located in the plate interfaces and on grain boundaries of the martensite was the main constituent resisting localised yielding during ballistic impact on thin steel plates. A part of the kinetic energy is transformed into adiabatic heat where a reaustenitisation of the plate martensite and the formation of new lath martensite was observed. Another part is used to elastically and plastically deform the ballistic impact affected region around the incidence point. Dislocation pile-ups at twinned plate interfaces suggest that the twin interfaces act as barriers to dislocation movement upon high velocity impact loading. The diameter of the affected regions, that determines the volume of the material deforming plastically upon impact, was found to vary as a function of the volume fraction of retained austenite in the martensitic steel. Upon impact, retained austenite transforms to martensite by Transformation Induced Plasticity, the “ TRIP ” effect. High volume fractions of retained austenite in the martensitic steel were found to yield low values of the ratio yield strength to ultimate tensile strength (YS/UTS) and a high resistance against localised yielding and, therefore, against ballistic perforation. A Ballistic Parameter was proposed for the prediction of ballistic performance using the volume fraction of retained austenite and the thickness of the armour plate as variables. Based on the martensite structure and the results of the ballistic testing of 13 armour plate steels a design methodology comprising new specifications was proposed for the manufacture of armour plates whose thicknesses may be thinner than 6mm. / Dissertation (MSc (Metallurgical Engineering))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering / unrestricted

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