Spelling suggestions: "subject:"exterritorial stigma"" "subject:"deterritorial stigma""
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Ungdomar i Skärholmen och områdets territoriella stigma : en kvalitativ intervjuundersökningRivas Faure, Inta January 2006 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats handlar om ungdomar boendes i de centrala delarna av stadsdelen Skärholmen i relation till områdets territoriella stigma. Undersökningen är av kvalitativ karaktär baserad på djupintervjuer gjorda med sju stycken ungdomar, fyra unga män och tre unga kvinnor, angående den upplevda stigmatiseringen av området. Gemensamt för dessa ungdomar var att alla ville flytta från området och att alla talade om segregering i bemärkelsen avsaknaden av etniska svenskar som en stigmatiseringsaspekt av området. Eftersom den svenska allmänheten ofta utmålar ”invandrartäta områden” som något problematiskt i sig, innebär den höga andelen invandrare i Skärholmen att området stigmatiseras. Dessutom framkom det tydligt i denna undersökning att de unga männen blivit mer påverkade av effekterna av områdets stigma jämfört med de unga kvinnorna i denna undersökning. Klart står att mer kunskap och en utvidgad diskussion kring territoriellt stigma och dess inverkan på ungdomars vardagsvillkor behövs. </p> / <p>This paper is about young people living in the central parts of the Stockholm town district Skärholmen, in relation to the territorial stigma of this residential area. The study is a qualitative one, containing in-depth interviews with seven local youths concerning the way they perceive the areas stigmatisation. These youths all shared a common will to move to a different residential area, and they all spoke about segregation in the sense of the lack of ethnic Swedes in the area, as an aspect of the territorial stigma. As the Swedish public often refers to residential areas with a high-level of immigrant population as something problematic, the high-level of immigrants in Skärholmen is a contributing factor of the territorial stigma. Furthermore, it clearly appeared in this study that the young men had been more exposed to the effects of territorial stigma compared to the young women. Clearly, more extended knowledge and more profound discussions about territorial stigma and its effect on youth’s living conditions, is needed.</p>
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Ungdomar i Skärholmen och områdets territoriella stigma : en kvalitativ intervjuundersökningRivas Faure, Inta January 2006 (has links)
Denna uppsats handlar om ungdomar boendes i de centrala delarna av stadsdelen Skärholmen i relation till områdets territoriella stigma. Undersökningen är av kvalitativ karaktär baserad på djupintervjuer gjorda med sju stycken ungdomar, fyra unga män och tre unga kvinnor, angående den upplevda stigmatiseringen av området. Gemensamt för dessa ungdomar var att alla ville flytta från området och att alla talade om segregering i bemärkelsen avsaknaden av etniska svenskar som en stigmatiseringsaspekt av området. Eftersom den svenska allmänheten ofta utmålar ”invandrartäta områden” som något problematiskt i sig, innebär den höga andelen invandrare i Skärholmen att området stigmatiseras. Dessutom framkom det tydligt i denna undersökning att de unga männen blivit mer påverkade av effekterna av områdets stigma jämfört med de unga kvinnorna i denna undersökning. Klart står att mer kunskap och en utvidgad diskussion kring territoriellt stigma och dess inverkan på ungdomars vardagsvillkor behövs. / This paper is about young people living in the central parts of the Stockholm town district Skärholmen, in relation to the territorial stigma of this residential area. The study is a qualitative one, containing in-depth interviews with seven local youths concerning the way they perceive the areas stigmatisation. These youths all shared a common will to move to a different residential area, and they all spoke about segregation in the sense of the lack of ethnic Swedes in the area, as an aspect of the territorial stigma. As the Swedish public often refers to residential areas with a high-level of immigrant population as something problematic, the high-level of immigrants in Skärholmen is a contributing factor of the territorial stigma. Furthermore, it clearly appeared in this study that the young men had been more exposed to the effects of territorial stigma compared to the young women. Clearly, more extended knowledge and more profound discussions about territorial stigma and its effect on youth’s living conditions, is needed.
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Better city, better life? : the 'fate' of the displacees from the Shanghai World Expo 2010Zhang, Yunpeng January 2015 (has links)
With the ascendency of neoliberal ideology, mega-events have been increasingly used by ruling elites as part of a narrative of competitive progress in order to attract investment capital. Unfortunately, the dark side of mega-events has not received enough attention in existing literature, especially the critically important question of displacement and forced eviction because of such events. This thesis contributes to the literature by debunking the myths of mega-events and examining the domicide effects through an in-depth case study of the Shanghai World Expo. Theoretically, the thesis develops the notion of domicide by incorporating the literature on domination and subordination. It attempts to negotiate the tension between the subjective experience of victimhood and the objective process of victimisation in domcide. In analysing the domicide experiences, this thesis proposes to look into both the temporalities and spatialities of domicide, and to examine the variegated ways the displaced appropriate them. It questions how the morally, legally and politically problematic act of domicide is committed without effective forms of resistance. Empirically, this thesis offers a post hoc impact assessment of the ‘best ever’ World Expo and voices the suppressed outcries from those on the receiving end. It supplies a detailed account of the social production of domicide with a case from the Global South, and in doing so; it explores ‘actually existing neoliberalism’ in the Chinese context, expanding the geographical horizon in existing literature and enhancing our understanding of the articulation of neoliberalism in different localities. Although contextualised through the lens of mega-events, the conditions, mechanisms, process and tactics that provide the fertile soil for domicide as identified in this thesis can teach us a great deal about urban spatial practices elsewhere. The thesis draws upon the data collected through site-intensive ethnographic fieldwork, mixing the use of interviews, (non-)participatory observation, survey, unorthodox focus groups and media content. It argues that the exceptionality of the World Expo revokes political, moral and legal boundaries in causing pain to affected citizens in order to facilitate the accumulation of capital. Such exceptionality is constructed through various normative discourses. Those discourses and values naturalise and legitimatise the process of domicide, produce symbolic violence, and undermine the solidarity of the powerlessness. The submission of the displaced to the dominant power enables the production and reproduction of a repressive social and spatial structure. These are vitally important questions given the international focus on China’s economic growth and urbanisation.
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Samarbetet mellan Ross Tensta Gymnasium och polisen : En kvalitativ undersökning om elevernas och polisens relation till varandraJanet, Kanar January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of the essay is to see if the pupils of Ross Tensta Gymnasium feel it is necessary to have an existing cooperation between the police and Ross Tensta Gymnasium. I would like to know how the cooperation works between Ross Tensta Gymnasium and the police and also if the cooperation is visible for the pupils. Furthermore I would like to know if it is necessary to have cooperation between schools and the police even though there are not any obligations to have any. The methodology I have been using is a qualitative analysis. The entire essay is based on interviews which I have recorded and later transcript it into writing. The theories which I have been using are Wacquant’s use of territorial stigma and also the concept of us and the others in which Stuart Hall explains. The questions I have to help me find the answers to my purpose of investigation are: In which way is the cooperation visible for the pupils of Ross Tensta Gymnasium? How does the relationship work between the pupils of Ross Tensta Gymnasium and the police? What part has the school in the relationship between the police and the pupils?
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Möjligheter med det offentliga rummet för ungdomarFathi, Mariam, Kaied, Camilla January 2021 (has links)
Det offentliga rummet är ett brett begrepp som sällan beskrivs djupgående i hur det relateras till sociala frågor och kan variera beroende på hur den socioekonomiska situationen ser ut i ett område. Utformningen av det offentliga rummet har en stor betydelse för befolkningens välmående och livskvalité och är därför viktig att utveckla och sätta i kontext. Målgruppen för studien är ungdomar och syftar till deras användande av det offentliga rummet och hur det kan utvecklas i ett socioekonomiskt utsatt område, i vår studie har vi inriktat oss på Rosengård i Malmö. Studiens metoder utgörs av semistrukturerade intervjuer med ungdomar som kommer ge oss en inblick i hur de upplever sitt offentliga rum och vad de har för åsikter kring det, och ostrukturerade observationer av området. Syftet med studien är att få en ökad kunskap för den offentliga miljöns inverkan på ungdomar utifrån olika aspekter som exempelvis trångboddhet, vegetation och mötesplatser i marginaliserade områden. Studiens avsikt är att utveckla kunskap och ökad förståelse för brister och styrkor i området. Möjligheterna i Rosengårds offentliga rum är begränsade för tillfället, men har potential till stora förändringar med hjälp av ungdomarnas engagemang. Urban design kan tillämpas på många sätt och därmed bidra till social hållbarhet samt minska på klyftorna som är mellan stadsdelen Rosengård och resterande stad / Public space is a broad concept that is rarely described in depth and can vary depending on the socio-economic situation in an area. The design of the public space is of great importance for the population's well-being and quality of life and is therefore important to develop and put into context in real space. The target group for the study is young people and aims at their use of public space and how it can be developed in a socio-economically vulnerable area, Rosengård in Malmö. The study's methodology consists of semi-structured interviews and unstructured observations of the area. The purpose of the study is to gain an increased understanding of the public environment's impact on humans based on various aspects in marginalized areas. The intention of the study is also to develop knowledge of shortcomings and strengths in the district. The opportunities in Rosengård's public spaces are limited at the moment, but have the potential for major changes with the help of the young people's commitment. Urban design can be applied in many ways and thus contribute to social sustainability and reduce the gaps that exist between Rosengård district and the rest of the city.
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Situated Accounts from Within a Stigmatized Area : An Ethnographic Study on Local Views and Experiences Relating to Urban Developments in Molenbeek, Brussels / Situerade beskrivningar från ett stigmatiserat område : En etnografisk studie av lokala upplevelser och perspektiv på stadsutveckling i Molenbeek, Brysselvan der Saag, Emma January 2023 (has links)
This study tried to counter the stigmatized narratives in Molenbeek and nuance the stigma bybringing to the forefront the experiences and views of the local inhabitants through storytellingand an ethnographic approach. I have interviewed both inhabitants of Molenbeek and a plannerfrom the municipality of Molenbeek to understand both the discourse of the inhabitants andthat of the planners at the municipal level about current urban development projects in andaround Molenbeek. With the empirical tale, I was able to present both discourses as if theywere discussing together to see where they differ or agree. I used the theory of territorial stigmaof Wacquant et al. (2014) to analyze to what extent the situation in Molenbeek can be explainedwith the theory of territorial stigma. I found that territorial stigma seems to fit the currentsituation of Molenbeek and its stigmatized inhabitants to a certain extent but underestimatesthe feeling of community between inhabitants. This study has shown that the urban and socialsituation in Molenbeek is much more complex than the stigma and stereotypes narrated. Futureresearch should look into the discourse of developers and their relation to territorial stigma.Finally, I hope this study will inspire urban planners to engage in storytelling and to be criticalof their own story realm. By listening to other stories and including them in their planningprocess they will be able to create more inclusive and richer spaces, which should be the goalof every urban development project.
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