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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Virologie moléculaire d'un rétrovirus endogène humain fonctionnel / Molecular virology of a functionnal human endogenous retrovirus

Lemaître, Cécile 30 September 2016 (has links)
Environ 8% du génome humain est constitué de rétrovirus endogènes (HERV). La famille de bétarétrovirus HERV-K(HML2), l'une des plus actives chez l'homme, est entrée il y a 45 millions d'années dans le génome des primates et s'est amplifiée efficacement depuis, et ce malgré l'existence de nombreuses protéines cellulaires, appelées facteurs de restriction, qui s'opposent à la réplication du virus dans la cellule hôte. La Tetherin/BST2, l'un d'entre eux, est une protéine membranaire capable de bloquer le relargage des virions dans le milieu extracellulaire et est active sur la plupart des virus enveloppés testés jusqu'à présent, en particulier HERV-K(HML2). Nous avons tout d'abord mis en évidence que l'enveloppe (Env) de la famille HML2 est un antagoniste de la Tetherin, propriété qui a pu contribuer au succès de l'amplification de la famille HERV¬K(HML2) dans les génomes. Plusieurs domaines de l'enveloppe coopèrent pour s'opposer à l'action du facteur de restriction : la SU (domaine d'interaction), ainsi que la partie transmembranaire, alors que la queue cytoplasmique n'est pas indispensable. Le mécanisme de cette inhibition n'a pas été encore complètement élucidé, mais l'on sait, comme pour la glycoprotéine d'Ebola, que l'Env HERV-K(HML2) n'induit ni relocalisation, ni dégradation de la Tetherin. Etant donné le grand polymorphisme insertionnel de la famille HERV-K(1-IML2), il est très probable que cette activité anti-Tetherin endogène soit variable entre les individus, ce qui pourrait avoir des conséquences dans les pathologies où les éléments HERV-K(HML2) sont spécifiquement induits. Parmi ces pathologies, les cancers de la peau, du sein et de la lignée germinale présentent une association particulièrement forte avec l'expression de l'Env HERV-K(HML2), que nous avons voulu mieux comprendre dans la suite de ces travaux de thèse. Nous avons dans un premier temps montré que l'expression de l'Env dans des cellules humaines non transformées de l'épithélium de sein (MCF10A), induit la transition vers un phénotype mésenchymateux (EMT, transition épithélio-mésenchymateuse), caractéristique de l'apparition de métastases dans les cancers. Cette transition est associée à une augmentation de la mobilité des cellules (mise en évidence dans des tests Transwell), à un changement de morphologie des cellules et à une modification du profil d'expression de quelques marqueurs moléculaires caractéristiques (E-cadherin, N-cadherin, vimentin, fibronectin). Grâce à une étude transcriptomique en cellules 293T, nous avons mis en évidence que l'expression de l'Env HERV-K induit fortement plusieurs facteurs de transcription : ETV4, ETVS, ainsi que EGR1, qui ont été identifiés comme des marqueurs du processus de tumorigénèse dans différents modèles. Nous avons également montré que l'Env HERV-K active la voie des MAP kinases via ERK 1/2 —dérégulée dans un grand nombre de cancers- en amont de la kinase Raf. Ces phénomènes d'induction de la transduction de signal requièrent la présence de la queue cytoplasmique de l'enveloppe. De façon remarquable, seule l'enveloppe du bétarétrovirus de mouton JSRV, oncogénique in vivo, est capable d'activer les mêmes voies de signalisation, ce qui renforce l'hypothèse d'une implication de l'Env HERV-K(HML2) dans la tumorigenèse. / Human endogenous retroviruses (HERV) represent about 8% of our genomic content. HERV-K(HML2) betaretroviral family is one of the most active in humans. Although it entered 45 million years ago in the primate genomes, its members have amplified quite recently despite the existence of restriction factors, which are host proteins blocking viral replication in cells. Tetherin/BST2 is one of them and acts by keeping the viral particles attached to the cell surface. It targets most enveloped viruses tested so far including HERV-K(HML2). We show that the envelope protein (Env) of HML2 family is an antagonist of Tetherin retriction, property that probably helped the endogenous retrovirus to efficiently amplify in the genomes. We mapped several domains required for antagonism : the surface subunit of Env (SU), which interacts with Tetherin, and the transmembrane. We also show that the cytoplasmic tail is dispensable for counteraction. Similar to Ebola glycoprotein, HERV-K(HML2) Env does not mediate Tetherin degradation or cell surface removal; therefore, it uses a yet-undescribed mechanism to inactivate the restriction factor. Due to their recent amplification, HERV-K(HML2) elements are extremely polymorphic in the human population, and it is likely that individuals will not all possess the same anti-Tetherin potential. This could have functional consequences in pathologies where HERV-K(HML2) is specifically induced. Among them, melanomas, breast cancers and germ line tumors display a strong association with HML2 Env expression, that we wanted to better analyse. We first show that Env expression in a model of epithelial human breast cancer cells induces the so-called EMT (epithelial mesenchymal transition), critical for cancer progression and the process of metastasis. This includes enhanced migratory capacities (shown by transwell assays), changes in cell morphology and characteristic modifications in a set of molecular markers (e.g. E-cadherin, N-cadherin, vimentin, fibronectin). Microarray experiments performed in 293T cells revealed that HERV-K(HML2) Env is a strong inducer of several transcription factors, namely ETV4, ETVS and EGRI, which have been associated with cellular transformation. Importantly, we also show that HERV-K(HML2) Env activates the MAP kinase pathway via ERK 1/2, key player in numerous cancers. This induction occurs upstream of the kinase Raf and involves the cytoplasmic tail of HERV-K(HML2) Env. In addition, this phenomenon is very specific, being absent with every other Env tested, except for JSRV Env which is already known to have transforming properties in vivo.

Interactions of the Ebola virus glycoprotein with host cell factors during viral entry and release

Gonzalez Hernandez, Mariana 18 March 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Role of bone marrow stromal antigen 2 (BST-2) in viral pathogenesis and breast cancer progression

Mahauad Fernandez, Wadie Daniel 01 May 2016 (has links)
Bone marrow stromal antigen 2 (BST-2/tetherin) is a type II transmembrane protein that plays various roles, including protective and detrimental roles in the host. Cellular responses to BST-2 expression or the lack thereof, may be cell type and context-dependent and may vary with time. When protective, BST-2 functions as an antiviral factor, renowned for its ability to tether budding enveloped viruses to the membrane of infected cells. Tethering of budding virions prevents their release into the extracellular milieu limiting infection of naïve cells. The antiviral role of BST-2 has been predominantly studied using cultured cells. Insight into the role of BST-2 in inhibition of viral infection in vivo came from our study of the alphavirus Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) and the retrovirus mouse mammary tumor virus, (MMTV). BST-2 prevents the release of CHIKV and MMTV virions from infected cells and limits the replication of both viruses in mice. In the context of CHIKV infection, BST-2 protects the host in a tissue-type dependent manner. In lymphoid and most non-lymphoid tissues, expression of BST-2 limits CHIKV replication. In addition, BST-2 regulates CHIKV-induced inflammatory responses in mice, an indication that BST-2 may function to initiate and amplify innate immune responses. Host response to MMTV infection depends on the stage of the infection and disease sequela. Acute infection of immune cells with MMTV results in an initial increase in BST-2 expression followed by a sharp decline. In contrast, in MMTV-induced mammary tumors, BST-2 mRNA and protein are elevated, so is the viral load. This is an indication that the antiviral role of BST-2 is not operative once mammary tumors have developed. These data provided the initial evidence that BST-2 may promote breast cancer progression. Indeed, data from two mouse models of breast cancer show that expression of BST-2 is necessary for cell to cell and cell to extracellular matrix interactions. Thus, BST-2 expression in breast cancer cells enhances cancer cell adhesion, anchorage-independency, migration, and invasion, culminating in increased tumor mass, increased metastases, and reduced host survival. Structurally, BST-2 homodimerization is important for its cancer-promoting role as dimers of BST-2 regulate anchorage-independency, resistance to anoikis, and enhanced adhesion between cancer cells and components (proteins and cells) of the tumor microenvironment. How BST-2 is enriched in breast cancer cells was elusive until our in silico analyses of a large human breast cancer dataset that revealed the involvement of epigenetic regulation of BST-2 in breast tumors. In highly aggressive breast cancers, specific CpG sites in and at close proximity to the BST-2 promoter are hypomethylated. This is in sharp contrast to non-aggressive luminal cancers and normal breast epithelial cells. These data suggest that a progressive loss of methylation on the BST-2 gene may contribute to constitutive overexpression of BST-2 in tumors. Overall, these findings show that 1) BST-2 contributes to the emergence and progression of breast malignancies and may be used as a therapeutic target or as a biomarker for aggressive breast cancers; and, 2) BST-2 acts as a viral sensor to initiate antiviral inflammatory responses and could be exploited therapeutically to treat viral infections. We highlight the need for additional research on the antiviral and cancer-promoting roles of BST-2 to reconcile both functions for the purpose of therapeutics.

TheEnvelope Glycoproteins of Gammaretroviruses and Type-D Betaretroviruses are Tetherin Antagonists:

Sinha, Anindita January 2018 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Welkin E. Johnson / Tetherin/BST2 is an interferon-inducible antiviral factor that restricts the egress of numerous enveloped viruses including HIV-1. Consequently, many viruses have evolved mechanisms to actively or passively evade restriction by tetherin. Most studies conducted to date focused on the tetherin-evasion mechanism of complex retroviruses like HIV and SIV, which encode accessory proteins like Vpu and Nef respectively to counteract tetherin-mediated restriction. However, there is a wide gap in knowledge in understanding how simple retroviruses (that includes alpharetroviruses, some betaretroviruses and gammaretroviruses) that lack obvious accessory proteins like HIV-1 Vpu and SIV-Nef, evade restriction by tetherin. In this dissertation, I have established that Simian retrovirus type-3, a prototypical type-D betaretrovirus, isolated from Asian macaques, is restricted by human tetherin but not by rhesus macaque tetherin. This differential sensitivity indicated that SRV-3 has a mechanism to evade tetherin-mediated restriction. I have identified the SRV-3 envelope (Env) glycoprotein as the viral determinant of tetherin antagonism, and have also found that SRV-3 envelope expression in-trans was sufficient to rescue a heterologous virus from tetherin. SRV-3 Env resulted in cell-surface down-modulation of rhesus tetherin, and this mechanism of tetherin-antagonism is independent of the SRV-3 Env trafficking pathway. The target specificity of SRV-3 Env overlapped a stretch of five residues (G14DIWK18) in the rhesus tetherin cytoplasmic tail that are absent from human tetherin. Additionally, I was able to show that SRV-3 Env physically interacts with rhesus tetherin by targeting the G14DIWK18 motif. SRV-3 belongs to a large supergroup of retroviruses, called the RDR Interference Supergroup. Due to this reason, I screened additional RDR envelope glycoproteins for their ability to antagonize a panel of tetherin homologs. All the RDR envelopes tested were sensitive to human tetherin but exhibited anti-tetherin activity when tested against a panel of tetherin homologs from squirrel monkey, baboon, dog and cat. I also found that several non-RDR gammaretroviral envelope glycoproteins also have anti-tetherin function. Thus, tetherin-antagonism is not just restricted to the envelope glycoproteins of retroviruses in the RDR interference supergroups but extends to other non-RDR gammaretroviruses as well. To my knowledge, this is the first characterization of gamma-type envelopes as tetherin antagonists. Thus, in the absence of a dedicated tetherin antagonist, many simple retroviruses in the beta- and gammaretrovirus genera may evade tetherin-mediated restriction through neo-functionalization of their envelope glycoproteins. We speculate that the evolutionary success of the gamma-type envelope may be due, at least in part, to this anti-tetherin function. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2018. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Biology.

Human-specific adaptations in Vpu conferring anti-tetherin activity are critical for efficient early HIV-1 replication in vivo / In vivoでVpuの抗Tetherin活性はHIV-1複製の初期に重要である

Yamada, Eri 26 March 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医学) / 甲第21022号 / 医博第4368号 / 新制||医||1028(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 朝長 啓造, 教授 萩原 正敏, 教授 髙折 晃史 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

Étude du mécanisme d’augmentation de la relâche virale par la protéine Vpu du VIH-1

Dubé, Mathieu 06 1900 (has links)
Les différentes protéines accessoires du VIH-1, l’agent étiologique du SIDA, optimisent la réplication et la propagation du virus in vivo. Parmi ces dernières figure Vpu, l’antagoniste du facteur de restriction nommé Tetherin qui prévient la relâche des particules virales à partir de la surface de cellules infectées. En diminuant son expression de surface, Vpu prévient l’incorporation de ce facteur de restriction dans la particule virale en formation et conséquemment, empêche la formation d’une ancre protéique reliant le virus mature à la membrane plasmique de la cellule infectée. La mécanistique sous-jacente n’était cependant pas connue. Cette présente thèse relate nos travaux exécutés afin d’élucider la dynamique des mécanismes cellulaires responsables de cet antagonisme. Une approche de mutagénèse dirigée a d’abord permis d’identifier deux régions contenant des déterminants de la localisation de Vpu dans le réseau trans-Golgi (RTG), puis de démontrer la relation existante entre cette distribution et l’augmentation de la relâche des particules virales. Des expériences subséquentes de marquage métabolique suivi d’une chasse exécutées dans des systèmes cellulaires où Tetherin est exprimée de façon endogène ont suggéré le caractère dispensable de l’induction par Vpu de la dégradation du facteur de restriction lors de son antagonisme. En revanche, une approche de réexpression de Tetherin conduite en cytométrie en flux, confirmée en microscopie confocale, a mis en évidence une séquestration de Tetherin dans le RTG en présence de Vpu, phénomène qui s’est avéré nécessiter l’interaction entre les deux protéines. L’usage d’un système d’expression de Vpu inductible conjugué à des techniques de cytométrie en flux nous a permis d’apprécier l’effet majeur de Vpu sur la Tetherin néo-synthétisée et plus mineur sur la Tetherin de surface. En présence de Vpu, la séquestration intracellulaire de la Tetherin néo-synthétisée et la légère accélération de l’internalisation naturelle de celle en surface se sont avérées suffisantes à la réduction de son expression globale à la membrane plasmique et ce, à temps pour l’initiation du processus de relâche virale. À la lumière de nos résultats, nous proposons un modèle où la séquestration de la Tetherin néo-synthétisée dans le RTG préviendrait le réapprovisionnement de Tetherin en surface qui, combinée avec l’internalisation naturelle de Tetherin à partir de la membrane plasmique, imposerait l’établissement d’un nouvel équilibre de Tetherin incompatible avec une restriction de la relâche des particules virales. Cette thèse nous a donc permis d’identifier un processus par lequel Vpu augmente la sécrétion de virus matures et établit une base mécanistique nécessaire à la compréhension de la contribution de Vpu à la propagation et à la pathogénèse du virus, ce qui pourrait mener à l’élaboration d’une stratégie visant à contrer l’effet de cette protéine virale. / All accessory proteins of HIV-1, the ethiologic agent of AIDS, are thought to optimize viral replication and propagation in vivo. Among them, Vpu antagonizes Tetherin, a cellular factor that inhibits viral particle release. Downregulation of cell-surface Tetherin by Vpu is believed to prevent incorporation of this restriction factor into nascent viral particles, which would impede the formation of a Tetherin-derived protein anchor that bridges the virus to the plasma membrane of the infected cell. This thesis presents our studies on cellular mechanisms governing Tetherin antagonism by Vpu. A directed mutagenesis approach first identified two regions encompassing determinants of the localization of Vpu in the trans-Golgi network, and it correlated this intracellular distribution with enhanced release viral particle. Pulse-chase experiments in cellular systems wherein Tetherin was endogenously expressed showed that Vpu-induced Tetherin degradation is dispensable for restriction. In contrast, both a flow cytometry-based Tetherin re-expression assay and confocal microscopy analyses demonstrated that Vpu-mediated sequestration of Tetherin in the trans-Golgi network, a phenomenon that appeared to be triggered by the transmembrane association of the two proteins, was necessary for release inhibition. Vpu inducible expression in flow cytometry-based experiments provided evidence for an optimal antagonism of Tetherin at 6h after Vpu expression, following the interruption of Tetherin re-supply and a to the modest acceleration of the natural clearance of surface-localized Tetherin. Our work supports a model in which Tetherin sequestration in the trans-Golgi network prevents its re-supply, which, combined with its clearance from the surface, imposes a new equilibrium at the plasma membrane that is incompatible with the restriction of viral particle release. Overall, this thesis sheds light on the processes by which Vpu enhances the secretion of mature viruses and it establishes a mechanistic basis that could serve as starting point for the development of strategies aimed at interfering with Tetherin functions.

Étude du mécanisme d’augmentation de la relâche virale par la protéine Vpu du VIH-1

Dubé, Mathieu 06 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Activation of the influenza virus hemagglutinin by type II transmembrane serine proteases

Zmora, Pawel 26 November 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Analyses structurelles et fonctionnelles de l'intéraction de la tétherine avec le récepteur ILT7 / Structural and functional analyses of the interaction of tetherin with the dendritic cell receptor ILT7

Aschman, Nicolas 28 April 2015 (has links)
Le virus d'immunodéficience humaine 1 (VIH-1) cible spécifiquement les cellules CD4+ et empêche ainsi l'activation de cellules T cytotoxiques et B lors d'une infection secondaire. Le VIH-1 antagonise également la plupart des facteurs de restriction de l'hôte, y compris la tétherine. En l'absence de la protéine virale Vpu, la tétherine inhibe le relarguage de particules virales et provoque leur dégradation. La tétherine est également capable d'induire une signalisation pro-inflammatoire en réponse au bourgeonnement viral ainsi que d'activer le récepteur de cellules dendritiques ILT7. L'objectif principal de cette étude consistait à élucider les bases structurales de l'interaction entre la tétherine et ILT7. Malgré de nombreuses difficultés rencontrées dans la production recombinante de ILT7, on a pu déterminer la structure cristallographique du domaine N-terminale du récepteur. La ligation de la tétherine à l'ectodomaine entier de ILT7, mais pas au domaine N-terminal, a également été montré. Ces résultats constituent une base solide pour la caractérisation plus détaillée de l'interaction. / Human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) specifically infects CD4+ T cells, thereby preventing an appropriate activation of cytotoxic T cells and B cells in response to opportunistic pathogens. In addition, HIV-1 antagonises host restriction factors, including tetherin. In the absence of the viral protein Vpu, tetherin potently inhibits virus particle release from infected cells. Tetherin also triggers proinflammatory signaling upon sensing virus assembly, and activates the dendritic cell receptor ILT7. The principal objective of this thesis was to elucidate the structural details underlying the interaction of tetherin with ILT7. Despite difficulties in the production of recombinant ILT7, the crystal structure of the N-terminal ILT7 domain could be determined. Furthermore, binding of tetherin to full-length ILT7, but not to the N-terminal domain, could be confirmed by SPR. These results provide a solid basis for the more detailed characterisation of the interaction.

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