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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Microstructure and texture development during high-strain torsion of NiAl

Klöden, Burghardt 20 October 2006 (has links)
In this study polycrystalline NiAl has been subjected to torsion deformation. Torsion has been used because of its characteristics. By this deformation mode high shear strains (gamma = 18 in this study) can be imposed on the sample. The deformation conditions are well-defined because of the local deformation mode, which is simple shear. Due to the monoclinic sample symmetry one half of the pole figure is needed in order to obtain the complete texture information, which is more than is needed e.g. by extrusion or rolling. Therefore, texture analysis might be more sensitive with respect to texture components. Furthermore, torsion deformation is characterized by being inhomogeneous in terms of the amount of shear strain and shear strain rate along the sample radius. The shear strain gradient makes the analysis of different stages of deformation on the same sample (i.e. under the same deformation conditions) possible. Another characteristic being special for torsion is that samples change their length, although no axial stress is applied. This effect is known as Swift effect and will be analyzed in detail. The deformation, microstructure and texture development subject to the shear strain are studied by different techniques (Electron Back-Scatter and High Energy Synchrotron Radiation). Beside the development of microstructure and texture with shear strain, the effect of an initial texture as well as the deformation temperature on the development of texture and microstructure constitute an important part of this study. Therefore, samples with three different initial textures were deformed in the temperature range T = 700K – 1300K. The development of the microstructure is characterized by two different regimes depending on the deformation temperature T. For T up to 1000K, continuous dynamic recrystallization (CDRX) takes place. This mechanism leads to the deformation-induced dislocations forming low angle grain boundaries (LAGBs) or being incorporated into them and the successive transformation of these boundaries into high angle grain boundaries (HAGBs) by a further increase of their misorientation. The predictions of this model were compared with the experimental results. The shear stress – shear strain curves are characterized by a peak at low strains, which is followed by softening and a steady state at high strains. This condition is fulfilled for a number of samples, but especially <111> oriented samples do not show a softening stage at low temperatures. Grain refinement takes place for all samples and the average grain size decreases with temperature. The predicted LAGB decrease is in best agreement with the experiments at the lowest temperatures (T = 700K and 800K). Deviations from the model can be explained by the temperature dependence of the grain boundary mobility. For temperatures T > 1000K, discontinuous dynamic recrystallization (DDRX) occurs, by which new grains form by nucleation and subsequent growth. The texture is characterized by two components, {100}<100> (cube, C) and {110}<100> (Goss, G). The intensity of G increases with temperature, while that of C decreases independent of the initial orientation. Both components have their maximum deviated about the 1 axis. The deviation is larger for grains containing the C component and decreases with temperature. Grains containing the G component have the smaller deviation, which decreases with temperature and strain. Texture simulations based on the full constraint Taylor model under the assumption of {110}<100> and {110}<110> slip were done with the experimental <110> and <111> fibres as well as a theoretical <100> fibre and a {100}<100> single orientation (ideal as well as rotated about the torsion axis). The G component is predicted by the simulations and is therefore a deformation texture. However the C component does not appear in the simulation. It therefore must originate by different mechanisms. For the non-<100> oriented samples, possibly nucleation is responsible for the formation of C oriented nuclei. Simulations with single orientations lead to the conclusion, that the ideal C orientation rotates about the 1 axis, while other C orientations, which are rotated about the torsion axis, increasingly converge towards the G component with strain. A single G orientation on the other hand is stable against such a rotation and is therefore the most likely steady state texture. Based on these results it is proposed, that ideally C oriented nuclei rotate until an orientation is reached into which they grow. These new grains are further rotated up to a critical angle, at which a part of them disappears either by adjacent grains or new C oriented nuclei. The recrystallization texture for T > 1000K is most likely the C component as well. Torsional creep of NiAl is characterized by a stress exponent, which depends on temperature and an activation energy, which is stress dependent. A model incorporating both dependencies is proposed and applied to the creep data. It is shown that these equations are able to describe the experimental findings. Thus creep of NiAl based on this model is dominated by non-diffusional processes such as cross slip of <100> screw dislocations for T  1000K. For T > 1000K the stress exponent and the activation energy are in a region, which according to previous reports is rather dominated by dislocation-climb controlled creep. The Swift effect, due to which samples change their axial dimension during torsion without applied axial stress, is observed for NiAl. It is strongly related to the texture development and in the case of NiAl the C component is identified as being responsible for shortening, whereas the G component leads to lengthening as long as it is not aligned with the shear system. Both tendencies can be explained based on the active slip systems. Simulations fail to predict the experimental observation, because the C component is not present. HESR and EBSD were compared with respect to local texture measurements. It was concluded depending on the average grain size HESR has an advantage in terms of grain statistics. For DDRX samples however, both methods are limited. Local texture inhomogeneities can be better detected using EBSD, whereas for an overall local texture information HESR is better suited.

Grain boundary networks in RABiTS based YBa2Cu3O7[-delta] coated conductors

Fernández Gómez-Recuero, Laura 14 April 2004 (has links)
This thesis deals with the transport properties and critical current limitations found in YBa2Cu3O7[-delta] coated conductors prepared by the "rolling assisted biaxially textured substrate" (RABiTS) approach. For this purpose a buffer layer system composed of CeO2 and yttria-stabilised zirconia, and subsequently a YBa2Cu3O7[-delta] film were epitaxially grown by pulsed laser deposition on a biaxially textured metallic substrate. The resulting texture of the YBa2Cu3O7[-delta] film is crucial for the achievement of high critical current densities. A propagation of the granular structure of the metallic substrate into the YBa2Cu3O7[-delta] film was detected, which leads to the formation of a YBa2Cu3O7[-delta] grain boundary network and limits the critical current density of the samples. In order to study this limitation, critical current measurements were performed on the prepared samples at different temperatures and magnetic fields, detecting a transition between intergrain and intragrain current limitation that occurs at the so-called crossover magnetic field. The crossover magnetic field was found to shift to lower values as the temperature was increased. It was concluded that the grain boundary network limits the critical current density of the YBa2Cu3O7[-delta] coated conductor only for magnetic fields below the crossover field. / In der vorliegenden Dissertation werden Transporteigenschaften und die Limitierung der kritischen Stromdichte von YBa2Cu3O7[-delta] Bandleitern untersucht. Für die Präparation wird das epitaktische Schichtwachstum auf biaxial texturierten Substraten genutzt (RABiTS-Technik). Dabei wird mittels gepulster Laserdeposition eine Pufferschicht aus CeO2 und Yttrium-stabilisiertem Zirkonoxyd (YSZ) und anschließend eine YBa2Cu3O7[-delta] Schicht epitaktisch auf ein Substrat aufgebracht. Die resultierende biaxiale Textur der YBa2Cu3O7[-delta]-Schicht spielt eine Hauptrolle, um möglichst hohe Stromdichten zu erreichen. Es zeigte sich, daß die granulare Struktur des Substrates in die YBa2Cu3O7[-delta]-Schicht übertragen wird und zur Ausbildung eines Korngrenzennetzwerkes führt, welches wiederum die zu erwartende kritische Stromdichte begrenzt. Um die Wirkung des Korngrenzennetzwerkes zu untersuchen, wurden kritische Ströme der gewachsenen Schichten in Abhängigkeit der Temperatur und des angelegten Magnetfeldes gemessen. Es stellte sich heraus, daß die Limitierung des Stroms bei schwachen Magnetfeldern zwischen den einzelnen Körnern bestimmend ist, die dann bei größeren Feldern einer Strombegrenzung innerhalb der Körner weicht. Das beide Bereiche trennende Magnetfeld wird als Übergangsfeld bezeichnet. Daraus kann geschlußfolgert werden, daß das Korngrenzennetzwerk von YBa2Cu3O7[-delta] Bandleitern den Strom nur für magnetische Felder unterhalb des Übergangsfeldes begrenzt.

Deformationsstrukturer i ett duplext rostfritt stål (SAF 2507) / Deformation structures in a duplex stainless steel (SAF 2507)

Ljungberg, Adam, Schmidt, Nathalie January 2014 (has links)
För att kunna förbättra processer och användning av det duplexa rostfria stålet SAF 2507 måste dess deformationsegenskaper undersökas och förklaras. Genom EBSD-analyser har deformationsstrukturer och polfgurer tagits fram för att kunna beskriva materialets beteende vid deformation. Även Taylorfaktorer, E-moduler och Poissons tal har tagits fram för att kunna undersöka materialets anisotropi. Experimenten har utförts på prov av SAF 2507 som har deformerats plastiskt till olika töjningar. Det som undersökts är odeformerat prov, prov som dragits enaxligt till 7,7 % och 24,3 % töjning, samt ett prov som är cykliskt belastat till 3 % töjning. Det undersökta stålet tillverkas genom två olika metoder, men i denna rapport har enbart det extruderade stålet undersökts. Genom att jämföra hur stålets olika mekaniska egenskaper beter sig under plastisk deformation har resultatet blivit att stålets ferritfas beter sig anisotropt med en antydan till ökande isotropi vid ökande deformation. Austenitfasen beter sig däremot isotropt och blir varken mer eller mindre isotropt vid ökande deformation. Substrukturerna i ferritfasen ökar tydligt vid ökande deformation, och ses framför allt i austenitfasen efter 24 % deformation. / In order to improve the processes and the use of the duplex stainless steel SAF 2507, its deformation properties has to be investigated and explained. Through EBSD-analysis deformation structures and pole figures have been developed to describe the behavior of the material during deformation. Also Taylor factors, Young’s modules and Poisson's ratio have been developed in order to investigate the material's anisotropy. The experiments have been performed on samples of SAF 2507 which has been plastically deformed at different strains. The strains studied are undeformed sample, samples drawn uniaxial drawn to 7.7 % and 24.3 % elongation, and one sample which is cyclically loaded to 3% elongation. The steel we have investigated is produced by two different methods, but in this report, only the extruded steel is investigated. By comparing how different mechanical properties of the steel behave during plastic deformation, the result shows that the steel’s ferrite phase behaves anisotropically with a hint of increasing isotropy when the deformation is increasing. The austenite phase behaves isotropic and does not become more or less isotropic with increasing deformation. The substructures in the ferrite phase are clearly increasing with increasing deformation, and are seen mainly in the austenite phase after 24 % deformation.

Gefüge- und Strukturausbildung bei der elektrolytischen Abscheidung funktionaler Legierungsschichten der Systeme Kupfer-Blei, Silber-Blei und Gold-Blei

Barthel, Thomas 11 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der galvanischen Legierungsabscheidung für die Systeme Cu-Pb, Ag-Pb und Au-Pb. Es konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass es zur Bildung stark übersättigter Mischkristalle kommt, deren Struktur- und Gefügeeigenschaften direkte Abhängigkeiten von den Abscheidebedingungen zeigen. Es treten für die Einzelsysteme Unterschiedlichkeiten auf, die in direkten Zusammenhang mit dem Gitteraufbau der Matrixelemente gebracht werden können. Besonderes Interesse verdient die Härte der Schichten, die im Vergleich zu schmelzmetallurgischen Legierungen um Größenordnungen höher liegt. Bei Wärmebehandlung unter Schutzgas- oder Sauerstoffatmosphäre sind Cu-Pb-Schichten durch Erholungsvorgänge und Ag-Pb-Schichten durch eine partielle Rekristallisation gekennzeichnet. Bei innerer Oxydation des Bleis kommt es im System Cu-Pb zu einer signifikanten Härtesteigerung, während im System Ag-Pb kein Einfluss auf die Härte beobachtet werden kann.

KNITTING BIG : Ett undersökande i trikåteknikens möjligheter till volym i relation till en möbel

Simonsson, Frida January 2015 (has links)
Knitting Big är ett undersökande examensarbete i textildesign med fokus på stickningens möjligheter och förmåga att skapa tredimensionalitet i relation till en möbel. Syftet var att få kunskap i stickningens möjligheter till volym samt att svara på frågeställningarna: Hur förändrar den strukturerade textilen intrycket av formen? Jag vill även ta reda på vad etablerade möbelföretag anser om trikåns möjligheter inom möbeltextil. Projektet har utformats i skolans tre trikåtekniker: handstickning/handmaskin, industriell rundstickning samt industriell flatstick. Under projektet har jag samarbetat med möbelföretaget Homeline. Resultatet av projektet är tre stycken separata textilier som alla ger exempel på volym i trikå. Textilierna är monterade som textila överdrag på pallen ”Polly Fat” från möbelföretaget Homelines sortiment. / Knitting Big is a BA degree project in textile design that investigate knitted fabrics possibilities and ability’s to create three-dimensional textile in relation to a furniture. The aim was to learn more about knittings potential in volume and to answer the questions: How is structured textile changing the impression of the form? And what does the established furniture companies think about the possibilities of knitted fabrics in upholstery? The project has been developed in the school’s three tricot techniques: hand knitting / hand machine, industrial circular knitting and industrial flat knitting. During the project I have collaborated with the furniture company Homeline. The result of the project is three separate fabrics which all demonstrate volume in tricot. They are mounted as textile coatings on the stool ”Polly Fat” from the furniture company Homeline.

På tal om texturen / Talking about that texture

Andersson, Alexandra January 2018 (has links)
Abstract I want to talk about tactile experiences, words that extend beyond touch. A full-body experience of space that begins with the senses, creating a collective understanding when everything is combined. We step in unbeknownst, activating our senses through the shapes and textures that enthral us. With our eyes, we access the dynamic of the room.  The foundation of my work is texture, so I explore the surface through it and textile is my chosen material because it allows me to do just that. By distorting, adding and pulling apart I can always get a new experience of it. In this project I work with three-dimensional patterns on the surface of the textile, and with subtle changes in volume I try to capture the light that falls on it and emphasis the texture to make the experience of it even richer.

Dynamická prezentace fotografií s využitím hloubkové mapy / Dynamic Image Presentations Using Depth Maps

Hanzlíček, Jiří January 2019 (has links)
This master's thesis focuses on the dynamic presentation of still photography using a depth map. This text presents an algorithm that describes the process of creating a spatial model which is used to render input photography so that the movement of virtual camera creates parallax effect due to depth in image. The thesis also presents an approach how to infill the missing data in the model. It is suggested that a guided texture synthesis is used for this problem by using rendering outputs of the model themselves as guides. Additional information in model allows the virtual camera to move more freely. The final result of the camera movement can be saved to simple video sequence which can be used for presenting the input photography.

Rozpoznávání textu v obraze / Optical Character Recognition

Juřica, Dalibor January 2010 (has links)
The document is discussing the issue of the computer vision with ability to character recignition in the image. Wavelet transform is used for preprocessing the image. Pixel energy feature is firstly used for searchich candidate text pixels. Density region growing method is then used to collect candidate pixels to the separate regions, which will be candidate text regions. Several of the features are calculated over the regions and the SVM classifier is used to derive, if the region is really a text region or not.

Mikrostruktur- und Texturentwicklung während massiver plastischer Verformung von NiAl bei tiefen Temperaturen

Tränkner, Christine 07 April 2017 (has links)
NiAl ist eine intermetallische Verbindung mit kubischer B2-Struktur. Unterhalb der Spröd-duktil-Übergangstemperatur, die bei Normaldruck bei etwa 300°C liegt, können nach dem Von-Mises-Kriterium nicht ausreichend viele unabhängige Gleitsysteme zur homogenen plastischen Verformung aktiviert werden, da die Bruchspannung unterhalb der kritischen Schubspannung zur Aktivierung des sekundären Gleitsystems liegt. Um NiAl trotzdem massiv plastisch verformen zu können, muss die Verformung bei hohem Druck erfolgen. Dies ist beispielsweise möglich bei der Verformung mittels Gleichkanal- Winkelpressen (ECAP) oder Hochdrucktorsion (HPT). Hierbei werden sehr hohe Verformungsgrade erreicht. In dieser Arbeit wird nun die Gefüge- und Texturentwicklung bei Verformung mittels HPT bei Temperaturen zwischen Raumtemperatur und 500°C in Abhängigkeit von Temperatur und hydrostatischem Druck sowie Verformungsgrad untersucht und mit den entsprechenden Größen bei der Verformung mit ECAP verglichen. Es zeigt sich, dass bei der HPT-Verformung die für kubisch-raumzentrierte Metalle typische Schertextur auftritt; zudem findet sich ab einer Verformungstemperatur von 100°C eine geneigte Würfellage, die durch dynamische Rekristallisation entstanden ist und deren Intensität mit der Verformungstemperatur ansteigt. Auch bei den ECAP-Proben findet man die typische Schertextur, eine Würfeltextur tritt nicht auf. Bei beiden Prozessen kommt es zur Kornfeinung, die beeinflusst wird von Verformungstemperatur, Druck und Verformungsgrad. Eine verbesserte Duktilität kann im Zugversuch nicht festgestellt werden, während eine gesteigerte Festigkeit durch Mikro- härtemessungen bestätigt wird. Bei genügend hoher Verformung findet man auch nach der Verformung von Einkristallen eine typische Schertextur. / NiAl is an intermetallic compound with a cubic B2 structure. Below the brittle-to-ductile transition temperature at about 300°C under ambient pressure the number of independent slip systems that have to be activated for a homogeneous plastic deformation is not sufficiently high according to the von Mises criterion. This is because the fracture stress is smaller than the critical yield stress for the activation of the secondary slip system. Despite this, severe plastic deformation is possible under a high pressure. It can be realized by deforming by equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) or high pressure torsion (HPT). Thereby a very high degree of deformation is reached. In this work, texture and microstructure evolution after deformation by HPT at different tem- peratures between room temperature and 500°C and at different hydrostatic pressures and degrees of deformation are analysed and compared to texture and microstructure after ECAP. After deformation by HPT, a texture typical for sheared body-centred metals is found; besides, for a deformation temperature of 100°C and higher an oblique cube component appears. It develops by dynamic recrystallization and grows with increasing deformation temperature. The shear texture also arises in the ECAP deformed samples, but no oblique cube texture is found. Both processes lead to grain refinement, which is influenced by deformation temperature, pressure, and degree of deformation. Tensile testing doesn’t show an enhanced ductility, but an improved strength is confirmed by microhardness measurements. If the degree of deformation is high enough, a shear texture can even be found after deforming single crystals.

Alpha Tested Geometry in DXR : Performance Analysis of Asset Data Variations

Fast, Tobias January 2020 (has links)
Background. Ray tracing can be used to achieve hyper-realistic 3D rendering but it is a computationally heavy task. Since hardware support for real-time ray tracing was released, the game industry has been introducing this feature into games. However, even modern hardware still experience performance issues when implementing common rendering techniques with ray tracing. One of these problematic techniques is alpha testing. Objectives. The thesis will investigate the following: 1) How the texture format of the alpha map and the number of alpha maps affect the rendering times. 2) How tessellation of the alpha tested geometry affects the performance and if tessellation has the potential to fully replace the alpha test from a performance perspective. Methods. A DXR 3D renderer will be implemented capable of rendering alpha tested geometry using an any-hit shader. The renderer was used to conduct a computational performance benchmark of the rendering times while varying texture and geometry data. Two alpha tested tree models were tessellated to various levels and their related textures were converted into multiple formats that could be used for the test scenes. Results & Conclusions. When the texture formats BC7, R(1xfloat32), and BC4 were used for the alpha map, the rendering times decreased in all cases, relative RGBA(4xfloat32). BC4 showed to give the best performance gain, decreasing the rendering times with up to 17% using one alpha map per model and up to 43% using eight alpha maps. When increasing the number of alpha maps used per model the rendering times increased with up to 52% when going from one alpha map to two. A large increase in rendering times was observed when going from three to four alpha maps in all cases. Using alpha testing on the tessellated model versions increased the rendering times in most cases, at most 135%. A decrease of up to 8% was however observed when the models were tessellated a certain amount. Turning off alpha testing gave a significant decrease in rendering allowing higher tessellated versions to be rendered for all models. In one case, while increasing the number of triangles with a factor of 78 the rendering times were still decreased by 30% relative to the original alpha test implementation. This suggests that pre-tessellated models could potentially be used to replace alpha tessellated geometry when performance is highly required. / Bakgrund. Strålspårning(Ray tracing) kan användas för att uppnå hyperrealistisk 3D-rendering, men det är en mycket tung beräkningsuppgift. Sedan hårdvarustöd för att utföra strålspårning i realtid lanserades har spelindustrin introducerat funktionen i spel. Trots modern hårdvara upplevers fortfarande prestandaproblem när vanliga renderingstekniker kombineras med strålspårning. En av dessa problematiska tekniker är alfa-testning(alpha testing). Syfte. Denna avhandling kommer att undersöka följande: 1) Hur texturformatet på alfamasken(alpha map) och hur antalet alfamaskar påverkar renderingstiderna. 2) På vilket sätt tesselering av den alfa-testade geometrin påverkar prestandan och om tesselering har potentialen att ersätta alfa-testet helt ur ett prestandaperspektiv. Metod. En DXR 3D-renderare kommer att implementeras som kan rendera alfatestad geometri med hjälp av en “Any-hit” shader. Renderaren användes för att mäta och jämföra renderingstider givet varierande textur- och geometri-data. Två alfaprövade trädmodeller tesselaterades till olika nivåer och deras relaterade texturer konverterades till fyra format som användes i testscenerna. Resultat & Slutsatser. När texturformaten BC7, R(1xfloat32) och BC4 användes för alfamasken visade alla en minskad renderingstid relativ RGBA (4xfloat32). BC4 gav bästa prestandaökningen och minskade renderingstiden med upp till 17% med en alfamask per modell och upp till 43% med åtta alfamasker. När antalet alfamasker som användes per modell ökade renderingstiderna med upp till 52% när alfamaskerna ökade från en till två. En stor ökning av renderingstiden observerades när alfamaskerna gick från tre till fyra i alla testfall. När alfatestning användes på de tesselerade modellversionerna ökade renderingstiderna i de flesta fall, som högst 135%. En minskning på upp till 8% observerades emellertid när modellerna tesselaterades till en viss grad. Att stänga av alfatestning gav en signifikant ökning av prestandan, vilket tillät högre tesselerade versioner att renderas för alla modeller. Samtidigt som antalet trianglar ökade med en faktor på 78, i ett av fallen, minskades renderingstiden med 30%. Detta antyder att förtesselerade modeller potentiellt kan användas för att ersätta alfatestad geometri när prestanda är ett högt krav.

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