Spelling suggestions: "subject:"paul"" "subject:"palm""
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Pallsluss : Ett produktutvecklingsprojekt för säker och effektiv pallhantering mellan människa och robot / Pallet lock : A new product development project ensuring a safe and effective handling off pallets between human and robotRysjö, Henrik January 2017 (has links)
Automatiseringen inom industrin ökar ständigt. Detta gäller både i Sverige och i många andra delar av världen. En stor del av denna utveckling består i användandet av robotceller som en del av produktionen. För att möta denna ökning finns ett växande behov av standardkomponenter för dessa robotceller. En betydande del är hanteringen av detaljer till och från robotcellen. En väl utvecklad logistik finns idag kring standardiserade pallar varför det är ett idealt format för att transportera detaljer till och från robotceller. I denna miljö där både människor och robotar ska mötas i hanteringen av pallar finns ett behov av en lösning som medger en hög produktionstakt utan att ge avkall på personalens säkerhet eller produktionstakten. Detta projekt har med hjälp av etablerad produktutvecklingsmetodik tagit fram ett koncept för en pallsluss. Konceptet består i en pallplats med skyddande sidor av perforerad plåt samt två rullportar varav en på ovansidan och en på kortsidan. Via porten på sidan ges operatören tillträde till pallen i pallslussen medan porten på ovansidan förhindrar tillträde till resten av robotcellen. En robotcell innefattar tre pallslussar för att medge hantering av detaljer, mellanlägg samt blister. Dessa hanteras skilda från varandra och placeras efter bästa förutsättningar på platsen. Överlag är pallslussen enkel, praktisk, flexibel och, framförallt, säker i sin konstruktion. Arbetet har genomgått stegen projektplanering, informationssökning, kravspecificering, konceptgenerering och val, konfiguration samt avslutningsvis layoutkonstruktion vilket gav en CAD-modell av slutresultatet. Mycket av arbetet gick till det inledande informationssökandet samt upprättandet av kravspecifikationen. Filosofin var att göra ett grundligt förarbete för att minimera risken att behöva göra om. Konceptvalsprocessen har delats i två delar. Den inledande delen inbegrep ett val av den huvudsakliga tekniska lösningen. Efterföljande del hanterade i sin tur det valda konceptets olika delar var för sig. Genom detta arbetssätt optimerades arbetstiden och lade fokus på detaljlösningar först när det var aktuellt. Denna rapport tillsammans med nämnda CAD-modell ämnar utgöra underlag för fortsatt utveckling mot en färdig produkt. / In Sweden, as in many other parts of the world, production is moving toward an ever more automated environment. As part of this development the use of robot cells is steadily increasing. In line with this development a growing need for standard components for these robotic cells can be distinguished. Handling of goods is an important part of a robotic cell. The use of standardized pallets with its well-developed logistic support is an ideal platform to meet this need. In the production flow these goods cross the boundary between the robot and the operator. Thus, rises the need to facilitate such border crossing without affecting the safety of the operator nor the production capacity. By the means of established product development methods this project has produced a conceptual design for a pallet-lock. The basic idea of the design is a pallet space enclosed by perforated sheet metal. On the top side and one short-side the pallet-lock situates roller doors. The side door permits the operator access to the pallet while the top door prevents access to the work-area of the robot whilst the side door is opened. In order to allow for handling of goods as well as liners and blisters a robot cell contains three pallet-locks. All three are operated and placed separately according to the best conditions of the site. This ensures a high level of flexibility. All in all, the pallet lock is simple, practical, flexible and, above all, safe in its construction. The work has undergone project planning, information retrieval, requirement specification, concept generation and selection, configuration and final layout design, which gave a CAD-model of the final result. Much of the work went to the initial information search and the establishment of the requirement specification. An overall philosophy throughout the project was to minimize the risk of reconversion by thorough preparatory work. This was distinctly noticeable during the initial information retrieval and requirement specification. The concept selection process was divided into two parts. The introductory part included the main technical solution. The following part, in turn, handled the different parts of the chosen concept individually. This way of working optimized working time and focused on detail solutions only when it was appropriate. This report together with the CAD model aims to provide a basis for continued development towards a finished product.
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Flippa - En stegpall : Dokumentation av processen att gå från idé till produkt, redo att gå till marknadElfström, Nikita January 2023 (has links)
Svenskarnas konsumtion av inredning och möbler har ökat lavinartat de senaste åren. Från 2009 till 2019 ökade konsumtionen av möbler och hushållsartiklar, i Sverige, med 47 procent, vilket gör det till den mest expansiva konsumtionskategorin enligt Naturskyddsföreningen. En anledning till detta är den ökade takt trender avlöser varandra. Färger och stilar blir snabbt omoderna och möbler som går sönder snabbt eller är svåra att reparera ökar ruljangsen i svenska hem. För att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser och nå FNs klimatmål måste vi sluta producera ”slit-och-slängprodukter”, köpa mer begagnat, inreda efter säsong och ha ett större konsekvenstänk i våra val av material. Ett sätt att minska ens egna klimatpåverkan är att köpa produkter som har producerats lokalt. Detta minskar både koldioxidutsläpp då varorna fraktas kortare sträckor, samt gynnar landets ekonomi då fler jobb kan stanna inom landet. I ett land som Sverige där tillverknings-branschen är den största branschen i landet, sett till antalet anställda, enligt Tillväxtverket, bör fler objekt kunna produceras på ett mindre avstånd. Vi kan även påverka vårt köpbeteende genom att köpa färre objekt så att mindre objekt är i omsättning. Ett sätt att genomföra detta på är att designa produkter med fler an-vändningsområden och på så vis öka tiden ett objekt används i hemmet. Ett objekt som har mycket tid utan användning i våra hem är kökspallen. Ett objekt som endast tas fram när vi behöver något från högsta hyllan eller när en lagar mat med barn men som annars står gömd i ett hörn eller undanskuffad i en garderob. Detta projekt utforskar hur kökspallen kan få en större roll i våra hem genom att utöka användningen och ge den en mer central plats i köket. Pallen formges efter princi-pen att den ska serietillverkas och produceras i närområdet. / The consumption of interior design and furniture by Swedes has increased dramatically in recent years. From 2009 to 2019, the consumption of furniture and household goods in Sweden increased by 47 per cent, making it the most expansive consumption category according to the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation. One reason for this is the increasing pace of trends. Colours and styles quickly go out of fashion, and furniture that breaks down quickly or is difficult to repair adds to the clutter in Swedish homes. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions and meet the UN's climate goals, we need to stop producing 'wear and tear' products, buy more second-hand, decorate according to the season and be more consistent in our choice of materials. One way to reduce your own climate impact is to buy products that have been produced locally. This both reduces carbon dioxide emissions as the goods are transported shorter distances, and benefits the country's economy as more jobs can stay in the country. In a country like Sweden where the manufacturing industry is the largest industry in the country in terms of number of employees, according to the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, more items should be able to be produced at a shorter distance. We can also influence our buying behaviour by buying fewer items so that fewer items are in circulation. One way to do this is to design products with more uses, thus increasing the time an object is used in the home. An object that spends a lot of time unused in our homes is the kitchen stool. An object that is only brought out when we need something from the top shelf or when cooking with children but is otherwise hidden in a corner or tucked away in a wardrobe. This project explores how the kitchen stool can have a greater role in our homes by expanding its use and giving it a more central place in the kitchen. The stool is designed according to the principle that it should be serialised and produced in the local area. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
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Låt mig åldras, ge mig en själSzücs Johansson, Louisa January 2011 (has links)
Projektet har handlat om hur man skapar produkter som uppmanar till långvarig användning, med syftet att påverka människors konsumtionsvanor samt förhållningssätt till sina produkter. Genom litteraturstudier och en enkätundersökning fanns att produkter med affektionsvärde var det som användaren värderade högst, det var också detta värde som var svårast för en designer att påverka. Olika principer för hur affektionsvärde kan uppstå mellan en användare och dess produkt lokaliserades, dessa låg sedan till grund för den kreativa processen. Där försökte olika av dessa principer gestaltas i produkter. Resultatet blev möbelkollektionen Wither&Blossom bestående av ett matbord och en pall. Matbordet har inslag av obehandlat trä, denna yta kommer präglas av händelser kring bordet och göra det möjligt att skapa minnen tillsammans med produkten. Pallen måste användaren slita för att den ska nå sin fulla potential. De principer som framkommit under projektets gång anses högst användbara och tillämpningen av dem är en viktig faktor för minskandet av dagens slit och släng kultur. / The project has focused on creating products that encourages a prolonged use, with the aim to influence people’s consumption habits and their approach to products. Through literature studies and a survey it was found that products with sentimental value, was valued most by users, it was also the value that was most difficult for a designer to influence. Different principles on how sentimental value may occur between a user and its product was localized, these later formed the basis for the creative process. In the creative processvarious of these principles tried to be portrayed in different products. The result was the furniture collection Wither & Blossom, consisting of a dining table and a stool. The kitchen table has elements of raw wood, this space will be marked by incidents happening on the table and makes it possible to create memories with the product. The stool, has to be used and worn for it to reach its full potential. The principles that emerged during the project is considered more than useful, and their application is an important factor in the reduction of today’s throwaway culture.
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Výroba kroužku Pall / Pall Ring ManufacturingWajda, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
The project elaborated design of injection mould with a cold runner system for a creation of component type Pall ring made of polypropylene. Pursuant to of the literary pursuit a problem, the injection technology has been selected as the most suitable method of manufacturing. The proportions of the component along with the placement of the parting line determined the creation process of shaped cavity. The quantity of a manufacturing batch specified two-cavity as the most advantageous variant. The calculation of vent channel’s measurements, the choice of befitting injection machine and a basic simulations had been conducted. The economic part of the thesis has confirmed the suitability of usage cold runner system instead of hot runner system.
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Pall-logistik: Aspekter och påföljder vid införande av plastpall för Volkswagen Parts Logistics / Pallet Logistics: Aspects and impacts of implementing plastic pallets at Volkswagen Parts LogisticsNordh, Henrik, Klasson, Robin January 2017 (has links)
Författare Henrik Nordh och Robin Klasson. Forskningsfrågor Fråga 1: Vilka aspekter för införande av plastpall som lastbärare mellan Volkswagen Parts Logistics och dess återförsäljare behövs tas hänsyn till vid lagring, distribution och retur av deras reservdelar? Fråga 2: Vilka blir de ekonomiska påföljderna vid lagring, distribution och retur av att införa plastpall som lastbärare för reservdelar hos Volkswagen Parts Logistics? Syfte Syftet med studie är att utveckla ett ramverk för införande av plastpall som lastbärare för reservdelar till eftermarknaden i bilindustrin. Metod Utförd studie genomfördes som en fallstudie, den empiri som samlades in för att användas i studie utfördes genom att respondenter valdes utifrån bekvämlighetsurval och snöbollsurval. Respondenter deltog i semi- och ostrukturerade intervjuer och författare genomförde även observationer som deltagare. Slutsats Det finns ett antal aspekter och påföljder som Volkswagen Parts Logistics behöver ta hänsyn till vid plastpalls införande: (1) Retursystem (2) Tredjepartsleverantör (3) Avtal (4) Materialrelaterade (5) Prestationsmått (6) Transaktions- och Säkerhetslager (7) Miljö och Hållbarhet (8) Kalkylering. De ekonomiska påföljderna av att införa plastpall är till stor del beroende av vilken grad som RFID-teknik implementeras. Med nuvarande situation hos VPL, det vill säga sämsta möjliga förutsättningar och endast träpall byts ut mot plastpall utan RFID, uppnås en kostnadsbesparing på i snitt 620 000 kronor per år vid normalt utfall av känslighetsanalys och kräver en grundinvestering på 3 000 000 kronor med break-even tid 6–7 år. Motsvarande vid beräkningar av realistiska förutsättningar uppnås en snittbesparing på 1 200 000 kronor per år utan RFID med break-even tid på 3–4 år med normalt utfall i känslighetsanalys och en grundinvestering på 2 250 000 kronor. Samma förutsättningar med RFID ger 575 000 kronor i snittbesparing per år med normalt utfall i känslighetsanalys, uppskattat till break-even tid över 8 år med en grundinvestering på 7 250 000 kronor. / Authors Henrik Nordh and Robin Klasson. Research Questions Question 1: Which aspects are to be considered with implementation of plastic pallets as load carriers between Volkswagen Parts Logistics and its resellers regarding stocking, distribution and return of their spare parts? Question 2: What are the economic impacts regarding stocking, distribution and return of implementing plastic pallets as load carriers for spare parts at Volkswagen Parts Logistics? Purpose The purpose of the study is to develop a framework for implementing plastic pallets as load carriers for spare parts in the aftermarket of the automotive industry. Method The study was performed as a case study, the information to be used in the conducted study was gathered through a number of respondents who were chosen from a comfort- and snowball selection. The respondents participated in semi- and unstructured interviews and the authors also conducted observations as participants. Conclusion There are a number of aspects and impacts for Volkswagen Parts Logistics to consider with implementing plastic pallets. (1) Return system (2) Third party logistics provider (3) Agreement (4) Material related (5) Performance measure (6) Transaction- and Safety stock (7) Environment and sustainability (8) Calculation. The economic impacts of implementing plastic pallets are in great extent depending of what degree of RFID- technology is to be used. If current situation at VPL exists, with the worst situation possible and only wooden pallets are to be substituted without RFID- technology, savings can be made up to 620 000 kronor on average per year at normal results in the sensitivity analysis, demanding an investment of 3 000 000 kronor and 6– 7-year breakeven time. Corresponding calculations of realistic result, savings can be made on average 1 200 000 kronor a year without RFID and break-even time of 3–4 years with normal sensitivity analysis and an investment of 2 250 000 kronor. The same conditions with RFID results in average 575 000 kronor in savings a year with the normal sensitivity analysis, break-even time over 8 years and an investment of 7 250 000 kronor.
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Kan en investering i stålprofiler eliminera slöserier i en ställagegodsprocess? : En fallstudie på Företag Xs wellpapp-pallsorienterade distributionslager / Can an investment in steel profiles eliminate waste in a process of racking goods? : A case study on Company Xs corrugated cardboard pallet oriented distributioncenterBjerhag, Linnéa, Elofsson, Malin, Nygren, Jane January 2018 (has links)
Jonsson och Mattsson (2011) pratar om vikten av fyllnadsgrad och att ett företag kan minimera sina kostnader genom att öka fyllnadsgraden. Företag X, som är ett globalt heminredningsföretag, valde att införa wellpapp-pall för att öka fyllnadsgraden vilket i sin tur värnar om både miljön och ekonomin. Ställagen i distributionslagret hos Företag X är idag inte anpassade efter wellpapp-pallen, vilket medför att ompallning måste ske av wellpapp- pallen på träpall. Detta genomförs för att pallarna ska kunna ställas in i ställagen. I studien har Företag Xs ställagegodsprocess har kartlagts och elva olika slöserier har identifierats i processen. Med hjälp av en tidsstudie, över de sekvenser som kan elimineras vid en investering, har en pay-off kalkyl upprättats. Detta för att Företag X ska inneha ett beslutsunderlag gällande investeringen i stålprofiler. Studien har, med underlag från processkartläggningen och pay-off-kalkylen, resulterat i att en investering i stålprofiler skulle spara Företag X pengar samt kunna eliminera olika slöserier i ställagegodsprocessen. Möjlighet för eliminering av slöserierna baseras på att grundorsaken till de elva olika identifierade slöserierna direkt eller indirekt var ompallningsprocessen.
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Produktutveckling för Ire Möbel : Design och konstruktionSwensson, Karl-Philip Michael January 2017 (has links)
Ire designs and produces high-end furniture and solutions for home and public environments. This thesis describes the product development of a stool for Ire Möbel AB (Ire). The stool is aimed towards the Scandinavian market. Our collaboration began with a meeting at their headquarters in Tibro together with their CEO, Dick Thunell and their lead product developer, Thomas Ahlgren, who has also been my supervisor. The goal of the meeting was to settle on a specification and project plan for the stool. This meeting was followed by a pilot study. The study involved benchmarking to screen the market for similar products. After the pilot study, we launched an idea and concept generation. The proposals were then passed on to Ire, so that they could make their selection. The selected concept was then modelled and a complete development schedule was created, including a bill of materials and all the components needed from the existing suppliers. We then created a functional prototype in their workshop and a complete cost summary. The conclusion is that all of their requirements were fulfilled by one concept. The next step is to send the concept drawings to the carpenters who will review the construction and return with a final quote for production. The stool is expected to hit the market during the fall of 2017. / Sammanfattning Det här examensarbetet beskriver produktutvecklingen av en pall för Ire Möbel AB (Ire). Ire producerar och designar möbler för både hem- och offentliga miljöer. Ambitionen med projektet va att utveckla en pall som riktar sig mot den skandinaviska marknaden. Samarbetet inleddes med ett möte på företagets huvudkontor i Tibro tillsammans med VD:n Dick Thunell och Thomas Ahlgren. Thomas Ahlgren är ansvarig för produktutvecklingen på Ire och har varit min handledare under arbetet. Syftet med mötet i Tibro var att skapa en kravspecifikation och projektplan för pallen. När kravspecifikation och projektplan var färdigställda inleddes en förstudie. Under förstudien gjordes en benchmarking. Syftet var att granska likartade produkter på marknaden för att få en känsla för utbudet. När förstudien var klar påbörjades en idé- och konceptgenerering. Koncepten framfördes till Ire och ett urval gjordes för vidareutvecklingen. Konstruktionen modulerades därefter i CAD-programmet Catia V5 och samtliga tillverkningsunderlag togs fram. Detta inkluderade materialvalen och samtliga komponenterna från befintliga underleverantörer. En prototyp tillverkades i modellverkstaden i Tibro och en kostnadskalkyl gjordes för att sammanställa samtliga kostnader för tillverkning. I avsnittet diskussion och slutsats tas det upp vad arbetet resulterat i, samt riktlinjer för en eventuell förlängning av kollektionen. Där redovisas också förslag för vidareutveckling. Slutsatsen blev att ett av koncepten uppfyllde samtliga krav från Ire. Nästa steg blir att skicka pallens ritningar till stols snickeriet som granskar konstruktionen och återkommer med en slutgiltig offert för tillverkning. Pallen väntas finnas ute på marknaden för försäljning under hösten 2017.
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Forward party : the Pall Mall gazette, 1865-1889Andrews, Allen Robert Ernest January 1968 (has links)
A number of books deal with the subject of the "Pall Mall Gazette", but none attempts to study in a scholarly way the journalistic, commercial and political evolution of this evening newspaper and review. Neither does the paper receive consideration In most of the official biographies and more common political works that deal with its age, even though the "P.M.G." often exerted an influence second only to that of "The Times". In addition, the "P.M.G." during its first twenty-four years provided a notable and continuous experiment in journalism. This study examines the "Pall Mall" through its first three editorships that extended from 1865 to 1889. Chapter I examines the journal under Frederick Greenwood, editor from the journal's founding until 1880. During this time the paper assumed a consciously impartial character which later gradually changed to a conservative coloration, though Greenwood never became a strict party man. Chapters II and III study the journal in the Radical garb it assumed during the editorship of John Morley, between 1880 and 1883. Chapters IV to VII are devoted to the Liberal-Radical "New Journalism" of William Thomas Stead, and Chapter
VIII concludes. With the exception of Greenwood's editorship, for which material has been compiled from numerous memoirs and secondary works, the study draws its materials mainly from the daily record of the newspaper itself. Particular
care has been taken to identify both permanent staff as well as contributors during the successive editorships and to relate them to the character of the paper. This activity has met with a good degree of success despite the fact that the paper's official files are lacking. The relation of the journal to other newspapers as well as to party thought are points that receive special attention, especially for the later editorships. The main emphasis remains on politics, but a general attempt is made in addition to relate the entire character of the journal to such a focus. Thus the ever-present literary ingredient is examined at some length. Finally, where monographic studies exist of given "crusades" undertaken during Stead's famous editorship, little attempt is made to retrace well-trodden ground.
The present study makes a number of points about the various editorships of the paper. The pioneering work of Greenwood to establish the journalistic vehicle upon which Stead in turn built his "New Journalism," as well as the former's work to establish a strong tradition of independent journalism, are points that receive special emphasis. The study also stresses the "watershed" effect of Morley's short innings. His prestige and recruitment of staff aided the paper's recovery following its change of political banner, and girded it with inherent strengths upon which Stead both drew and built. Under Morley the "P.M.G." became recognized as the ablest supporter of Liberalism among the press. It also directly abetted the rise of the Radical leader, Joseph Chamberlain. The most impressive editorship remained that of Stead's, during which the paper succeeded in its efforts to revive the power of the press and attempted to establish
its editor's aspiration of "Government by Journalism." In this way, the paper both preceded as well as guided investigation and legislation on many occasions to right outstanding social abuses. Concurrently, Stead's "Pall Mall" served as a means of educating the upper classes in many of the philosophies and movements that characterized the 'eighties, and that included Socialism in its various manifestations, the women's movement and the work of manifold secular arid religious organizations. The paper also attempted to exert a seminal influence upon Liberal thought, particularly in relation to imperialism and internationalism, and to a lesser extent, the question of Ireland. The "P.M.G." actively promoted programs in these fields in a number of instances. At all times the paper served as both bell-weather and friendly centre to the Liberal party. It was made all the more effective since it was the only newspaper of Liberal sentiment in the Metropolis that led active crusades. Its spirit directly reflected the moral ideals of its mentor, and was conspicuously broad, liberal
and humanitarian. While Stead's "P.M.G." lasted, it was a remarkable example of much that was vital and admirable in late-Victorian Liberalism. Despite such a colorful and influential history, the "P.M.G." remained for the period of this study an uneconomic undertaking. This factor provided the motivation from which derived the paper's multitude of distinctive advances in journalistic technique. / Arts, Faculty of / History, Department of / Graduate
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In the search for novel antirheumatics: Re-discovery of a secoiridoid aglycone in Chinese ethnomedicine Radix Gentiana macrophylla Pall.Osman, Ali Zakaria Abdella January 2021 (has links)
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, inflammatory, autoimmune disease that although systemic, mainly affects the synovium of the joints. Currently, remission is the goal of RA treatment. Research efforts are however targeted towards finding a cure. Radix Gentiana macrophylla Pall. (秦艽, Pinyin: Qinjiao) has been used for a long time in several prescriptions in the Chinese herbal medicinal tradition to treat, among others, rheumatic conditions. In this study, compounds from Radix G. macrophylla Pall. were extracted by maceration, isolated by NP-SPE followed by RP-HPLC-UV, identified by LRESIMS(+), 1D and 2D-NMR and finally prepared for in vitro screening (NF-κB downregulation activity). The method used was adapted from the NCI Program for Natural Product Discovery (NPNPD). This resulted in the identification of six known compounds. The secoiridoid aglycone (-)-swermusic acid B, known only in Swertia mussotii Franch., was however for the first time isolated from a Gentiana species.
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Transit ObjektPrinz, Bobi January 2012 (has links)
Transit Objects In the Master Essay I argue around two existing levels in the works presented at the graduation exhibition. On the one hand, it is about influence; on the other hand it is about the phenotypes of purpose-ness. In the introduction, I describe the relationship between the shapes that I have come to call Transit objects, and their on the one hand ideological superstructure; on the other hand, the different aspects of their shapes regarding the imitation I, in creating the objects, performed. In the case with the objects shape-aspects, I stand on the thoughts that I found during my bachelor's work, that is, to express the phenotypes of purpose-ness. When it comes to influence, I speculate about how linguistics, and particularly a branch called neuro-linguistics, illustrates how the arguments that make up our world can be transformed. I use a meta-model and a conversation model as a tool to illustrate this. When I, like that, illustrate the plasticity of meaning, and cognition, I note Catherine Malabous taught (in her book What Should we do with our brain?) on the plasticity of the brain in relation to the neo-liberal systems of capitalism. She argues for how the brain has come to stand model for the organization of different types of networks. I hint the link to a future scenario where the desire to influence takes new forms and uses the latest brain research challenges, more specifically the use of ultrasound for the treatment of pain and other similar conditions. This also can be used as generating various types of seizures, pleasant or unpleasant. The next section in my text goes into the background of the artworks on display. I describe here my process. I also here describe the background to the proposal for public art in Gävle. Now follows a more detailed description of the series of works that I created during the Master's program. I begin with a description of the Phantom Objects 001-004, 2011, which basically is more linked to the bachelor's work. I describe this in the text because many of the aspects are still relevant in the series of works my master work consists of. Then I describe the EUR-pallet in Rosewood, 2011, presented at the graduation exhibition. EUR-pallet in Rosewood, is a work in which I shifted the scale of a Euro pallet to a scale of 1:2. In this way, it has moved into a “gray area” when it comes to its purpose. This is reinforced when the material is, unlike an ordinary Euro-pallet, here elevated to the veneer in Rosewood. I have "gilded" this very common design. EUR-pallets are included in global trade, or streams. They are durable and robust object with a distinct function. They are transit objects constantly in transit or waiting for new loads. I do these things manageable, further reified, and transparent. In this way, I open their innermost being and essence, the functional, and move it into a different light for a clearer sense of their mystery, clearer sense of their tangible presence and function in space and time. I give the shape a more open body language when the burden of function is eased. Which does not mean that the function is plundered, it is partially retained, inherent in the construction design, but stripped of its anonymity, strength and the standardized measure that makes it an effective part in a logistic machinery. Then I describe the work Billboard (STEALTH-monument for Joe Hill), 2012. This work is my proposal for public works in Gävle during the collaborative project between the Konstfack College of Arts and Gävle Art Centre (The collaboration is called Hello Gävle). It is presented as an advertising pillar, which measures approximately 15x30 centimetres (scale approx. 1:13) that I have sculpted and cast in aluminium. I emphasize this in Sweden common structure used for messages and announcements, and displaces the shapes purpose; I illustrate, unmask, isolate or "exalt" in this way it’s (in all its frivolity) concrete, concentrated form. In case of construction, the shape, in one copy, be at a scale of 1:1, that is about 3 meters tall and with each side about 1.3 meters wide. Then a description of the piece container, 2012. I saw a picture in a newspaper. I was dazed and said when I saw the picture, how beautiful it was the landscape of thousands of containers in different colours. For me there was something human and inhuman at the same time in that port. I do these constructions manageable, transparent and thus their enigmatic choreography and interior approaches me. Containers exist for transporting objects from different physical locations. The global circulation these constructions are organized in are well-planned and for an outsider hard to grasp. It is a diverse duplicated place where different actors meet and negotiate. Although there is something buried inside the container. It is ubiquitous, but at the same time exclusionary. This is almost the same inaccessibility as when it comes to the celestial bodies’ cyclical paths. Is there not something demanding, a form with such a clear function. A desire to be used in accordance with its intended context. As with the message, for example, from a billboard, it call to be understood in line with the context, but the global container flow are speaking without a sender. The clear bright colours. Red, blue, green, reminiscent of stained glass windows in churches. Are these containers, in fact, the holiest of places? One room, while at the same time thousands of rooms. The doors are opened and closed, and there is delivered a flood of heard prayers. One room, which in its variety is endless. A flexible place. A capitalist utopia. Next, a description of the work Carbon-bars, 2012. During the manufacturing process for Billboard (STEALTH-monument for Joe Hill), I made some experiences that made me interested in carbon as material in a future work. I imagined doing a variation of the billboard in coal. But after consideration and new experiences, I was aware of the bars. It was during my visit to the casting-industry where I saw the bars. Thereafter, the work was ready for fabrication The Carbon-bars are manufactured in an opposite logic than that of the EUR-pallet in Rosewood. Instead of "gild" the object I have here, "charcoaled" it, a form that can directly be read as being a bar. It is a paradoxical play with symbols of value. On the one hand the bar is generally associated with gold, on the other hand, the carbon for me associated with transience and uselessness without value. The human body consists of a number of kilograms of carbon. In the global economy, I am considering the "coin base" for a human. It seems in the banking crisis and its oil's wake consists of a 'charcoal-base", a "coal-human base." A man in the global market is priced for the weight in coal. In the final discussion I argue about my interpretation of the contemporary global flow of messages and objects in relation to Brian Holmes, Edward Bernays, Slavoy Zizek, Rosalyn Deutsche, Walter Lippman and Adam Curtis. From need to desire is a general explanation of how capitalism manages a market where basic needs are satisfied and hence, according to the logic of capitalism (but perhaps also human logic) new has to be created. Edward Bernay (who coined the term public relations as a euphemism for propaganda) was a genius when it came to this type of business: to create a "friendly arrangement” between the companies and the public. The amicable agreement Bernay talking about is, I think, in fact, the The Phantom Public Walter Lippman define. It's a public with the phenotypes of public working for a friendly agreement and arrangement between the consumers/ population and the profit hungry companies/ mafia. Brian Holmes points out Thomas Frank who argues that fashion designers and advertisers have their own existential interest in transforming the system, and that "… the result…” at least during the sixties, “…was a change of 'the ideology by which business explained its dominant position in national life"'. Here sounds Bernays amicable agreement again. An agreement continuously produced and as a result of the production is accompanied by Transit Objects.
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