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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Three Essays on Challenges in International Trade and Finance

Lindenberg, Nannette 13 January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation is a collection of essays on challenges in international trade and international finance, which apply econometric methods to diverse data sets and relate them to economic policy questions. In times of crises, the question, whether individual countries have the ability to pursue idiosyncratic monetary policy, is important. The degree of integration and comovement between financial markets, for instance, is critical to better assess the real threat facing a country in a crisis. Also, from a macroeconomic modeling perspective, there has recently been a renewed interest in the cyclical and long-run comovement of interest rates. Hence, in a first essay, we reinvestigate the long- and short-run comovements in the G7-countries by conducting tests for cointegration, common serial correlation and codependence with nominal and real interest rates. Overall, we only find little evidence of comovements: common trends are occasionally observed, but the majority of interest rates are not cointegrated. Although some evidence for codependence of higher order can be found in the pre-Euro area sample, common cycles appear to exist only in rare cases. We argue that some earlier, more positive findings in the literature are difficult to reconcile due to differing assumptions about the underlying stochastic properties of interest rates. Hence, we conclude that they cannot be generalized for all interest rates, time periods, and reasonable alternative estimation procedures. This finding indicates that scope for individual countries to pursue stabilization policy does still exist in a globalized world. Emerging economies, in general, are much more exposed and vulnerable to crises than industrialized countries. Accordingly, stabilization policy is especially important in these countries and the selection of the best monetary regime is essential. This is why, in a second essay, we contrast two different views in the debate on official dollarization: the Mundell (1961) framework of optimum currency areas and a model on boom-bust cycles by Schneider and Tornell (2004), who take account of credit market imperfections prevalent in middle income countries. We highlight the strikingly different role of the exchange rate in the two models. While in the Mundell framework the exchange rate is expected to smooth the business cycle, the second model predicts the exchange rate to play an amplifying role. We empirically evaluate both models for eight highly dollarized Central American economies. We document the existence of credit market imperfections and find that shocks from the exchange rate indeed amplify business cycles in these countries. Using a new method proposed by Cubadda (1999 and 2007), we furthermore test for cyclical comovement and reject the hypothesis that the selected countries form an optimum currency area with the United States according to the Mundell definition. In the context of the recent global crisis, globalization and vertical integration in particular were often blamed for being the cause for the severe trade crisis. For that reason, in the essay that contributes to the trade literature, we analyze the role of international supply chains in explaining the long-run trade elasticity and its short-term volatility in the context of the recent trade collapse. We adopt an empirical strategy based on two steps: first, stylized facts on long- and short-term trade elasticity are derived from exploratory analysis and formal modeling on a large and diversified sample of countries. Then, we derive observations of interrelated input-output matrices for a demonstrative sub-set of countries. We find evidence for two supply chain related factors to explain the overshooting of trade elasticity during the 2008-2009 trade collapse: the composition and the bullwhip effect. However, evidence for a magnification effect could not be found. Overall, we do not accept the hypothesis that international supply chains explain all by themselves the changes in trade-income elasticity.

Investeringsstrategier under olika ekonomiska tillstånd : En kvantitativ studie på den svenska aktiemarknaden som undersöker hur Stock Selection for the Defensive Investor, OMXS30 samt OMXSSCPI har presterat under hög-, lågkonjunktur och mellan 2007-2021.

Lundh, Linus, Huzevka, Matej January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att förklara olika konjunkturlägens påverkan på totalavkastningen samt den riskjusterade avkastningen för tre olika investeringsstrategier. Dessa var Stock Selection for the Defensive Investor samt indexen OMX Stockholm 30 och OMX Stockholm Small Cap Price Index. Den förstnämnda strategin utgår ifrån det 14:e kapitlet i Benjamin Grahams bok, The Intelligent Investor. Genom att ställa höga krav på faktorer som lönsamhet, kontinuitet av utdelningar och låg värdering m.m. filtrerar denna aktiva investeringsstrategi bort många bolag och lämnar kvar stabilare bolag med lägre risk. OMX Stockholm Small Cap Price Index valdes eftersom det innehåller helt andra sorters bolag än Stock Selection for the Defensive Investor, vilket är småbolag. OMX Stockholm 30 valdes i sin tur för att bolagen i detta index, likt de Stock Selection for the Defensive Investor väjer ut, är stora bolag som ofta associeras med lägre risk. Detta genomfördes med syftet att hitta större kontraster mellan strategierna. Dessa strategier undersöktes under lågkonjunkturen 2007-2011, högkonjunkturen 2016-2019 samt under 15-årsperioden 2007-2021. Avkastningarna mättes i totalavkastning och CAGR medan deriskjusterade avkastningarna mättes med hjälp av Sharpekvot, Treynorkvot samt Jensen’s Alpha. Denna studie kom fram till att totalavkastningen för de olika strategierna skiljer sig åt mellan de olika perioderna. OMXS30 genererade högst totalavkastning under lågkonjunkturen medan OMXSSCPI genererade högst avkastning under både högkonjunkturen och under 15-årsperioden. Resultaten för de riskjusterade måtten visade på att det inte fanns någon statistisk signifikant skillnad mellan strategierna, vilket indikerar att skillnaderna i totalavkastningen beror på den risk som tas. / This study aimed to explain the impact of different economic conditions on the total return and riskadjusted return of three investment strategies: Stock Selection for the Defensive Investor, OMXStockholm 30, and OMX Stockholm Small Cap Price Index. The first strategy is based on the 14th chapter of Benjamin Graham's book, "The Intelligent Investor." By demanding high profitability, dividend continuity, low valuation, and other criteria, this active investment strategy filters out manycompanies and focuses on more stable companies with lower risk. OMX Stockholm Small Cap Price Index was chosen because it includes a different set of companies compared to Stock Selection for the Defensive Investor, specifically small-cap companies. On the other hand, OMX Stockholm 30 was selected because the companies in this index, similar to those preferred by Stock Selection for the Defensive Investor, are large companies often associated with lower risk. This was done in orderto identify more significant contrasts between the strategies. These strategies were examined during the recession 2007-2011, the economic boom 2016-2019, and a 15-year period 2007-2021. Returns were measured in terms of total return and compound annual growth rate (CAGR), while risk-adjusted returns were assessed using the Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio, and Jensen's Alpha. This study found that the total returns of the different strategies varied across the different periods. OMX Stockholm 30 generated the highest return during the low economic cycle, while OMX Stockholm Small Cap Price Index produced the highest return during both the high economic cycle and the 15-year period. The results for the risk-adjusted measures indicated no significant differences between the strategies, suggesting that the variations in total returns are attributable to the level of risk undertaken.

Support in Boom-Bust Towns:Emerging Adult Education, Employment and Migration Opportunities

Thatcher, Angela Marie 12 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Transitioning Central Appalachia: Understanding Framework Conditions Supporting the Adaptation to New Energy Economies

Jonathan, Norris Allen 11 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Les relations intergénérationnelles au travail : les identités collectives de deux générations d'infirmières

Zwick, Christine 17 April 2018 (has links)
De plus en plus de défis sont relatées dans la gestion des différentes générations au travail. Chez les infirmières, la littérature met en avant les écarts intergénérationnels qui existent sur le plan quantitatif, tant sur les statuts d'emploi que sur les conditions de travail. Dans le cadre de ce travail, nous avons décidé d'étudier les différences entre la génération baby-boomer et la génération Y par le biais du concept d'identité collective. Nous avons donc mis l'accent sur les représentations subjectives que chaque génération se fait envers son travail, ses collègues, l'hôpital et les conditions de travail. Cinq éléments, présentés par Osty et al. (2007) permettront de saisir ces représentations subjectives : le mode de relation au travail, le rapport à l'autorité et à l'organisation, et enfin, la conception de l'organisation et du travail. / Cette étude s'est déroulée au courant de l'année 2008, dans la ville de Québec. Le Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Québec a été choisi pour réaliser des entrevues semi-directives, auprès des infirmières. Nous avons obtenu la participation de dix infirmières, de représentants syndicaux et de gestionnaires de l'hôpital. Cela nous a permis de mettre à jour les identités collectives que l'on retrouve chez chacune des générations à l'étude. Les résultats de l'étude mettent l'accent sur plusieurs divergences entre les deux générations, portant sur la place du travail dans la vie de l'infirmière, au rapport avec l'autorité ainsi qu'à l'importance que chaque génération accorde au savoir-faire pratique. Ces générations tendent alors vers deux identités au travail différentes : une identité de métier pour les baby-boomers et une identité professionnelle de système public pour les Y. Nous étudions les conséquences que ces changements identitaires entraînent pour les gestionnaires de l'hôpital ainsi que pour le syndicat. Pour terminer cette étude, nous mettons l'accent sur la fragmentation de la profession, l'évolution identitaire qui se profile et l'importance des supérieures immédiates pour l'exercice quotidien de la profession infirmière.

Exploring FLOW in retirement

Nortjé, Aletia 02 1900 (has links)
This explorative study originated from the researcher’s personal encounters with “disappointment, regret and purposelessness” in retirement. The aim of this research study is thus exploring what the opposite of these negative sentiments, namely “successful” aging or "successful" adaptation to retirement could constitute and, most importantly, the role of FLOW therein. Initial indications are that FLOW could play a key role in “successful” retirement. Another focus has been to explore whether and how retirees with post-matric qualifications or training could redeploy their accumulated expertise in the post-retirement years. Various models of social entrepreneurship, ranging from voluntary work to paid work, were found to enhance successful adaptation to retirement, addressing society’s needs at the same time. In this qualitative research study, I have followed a case study approach, interviewing nine participants, whose results were analysed individually and then integrated in a comparative fashion to answer the research questions. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Ikonografiese studie van Ou Nabye-Oosterse ivoor gedurende die Ystertydperk, 1200 v.C. - 538 v. C.

Grobler, Estelle Cornelia 02 1900 (has links)
Die Bybel is die boek wat die meeste gelees word en tog is dit moeilik om die leefwêreld van daardie era te verstaan. My doel is om ’n nuwe blik te gee op ’n paar Ou-Testamentiese simbole. Die ontdekking van ivoorobjekte in die middel negentiende eeu in Nimrud se paleise het tot groot opwinding gelei, aangesien dit met die literatuur ooreenstem. Die ivoorstukke het ’n “verhaal” kom vertel. Deur die streke se kuns te bestudeer kan ons ’n prentjie vorm van die kuns wat in die Ystertydperk in Mesopotamië en Palestina se paleise en welaf huise voorgekom het. Die ikonografie word ontrafel deur ’n paar ivoorstukke te “lees.” Ikonografie is die beskrywing en verklaring van beelde wat op bepaalde onderwerpe betrekking het. Sekere beelde kom herhaaldelik voor in Mesopotamië. In dié studie word hoofsaaklik die Gevleuelde Wesens, die Boom van Lewe, die Gevleuelde Sonskyf asook Rosette beskryf. / The Bible is widely read but it is difficult to understand the world and culture of the era that it is set in. It is my aim to provide new insight into a few Old Testament verses with their symbolic meaning. When ivory was discovered at Nimrud the discovery elicited huge excitement. The ivory pieces came to tell a story. Through studying the art of the different cultures a picture begins to appear of the palaces and homes of the wealthy in the Levant. The iconography could be “read.” Iconography is the science of interpreting the message the art wants to convey to the viewer. A few images are repeatedly showing up in the Levant during the Iron Age. In this study I am focusing mainly on The Tree of Life, the Winged Disc, the Rosette and Winged Spiritual Beings. I am attempting to discern the meaning behind these images. / Biblical & Ancient Studies / M.A. (Ou Nabye-Oosterse Studies)

The workplace training needs of different generations of adult learners within a corporate company in South Africa

Du Plessis, Ferdinand Hermann 02 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to identify the training needs of different generations of adult learners within a corporate company within SA. Training needs were identified through interviews. Qualitative interviews were conducted with learners from each of the generations. This was a case study and the population was taken from a company within SA. Data was collected through interviews with different generations of adult learners, as well as the field notes of the researcher before, during, and after the interviews. The interviews were transcribed. The data was coded and categories were identified. This was done through inductive and abductive reasoning. From the categories, data were placed into themes. From these themes, findings were made regarding the training needs of different generations. Recommendations were made that can significantly impact the approach companies take towards training different generations of adult learners. Research limitations were described, and recommendations for future study. / Adult Basic Education (ABET) / M. Ed. (Adult Education)

Competing constructions of nature in early photographs of vegetation : negotiation, dissonance, subversion

Labo, Nora January 2018 (has links)
While the role of photography in enforcing hegemonic ideologies has been amply studied, this thesis addresses the under-researched topic of how photography undermined dominant narratives in specific historical circumstances. I argue that, in the later part of the long nineteenth century, photographs were used to represent the natural world in contexts where their functions were uncertain and their capacities not clearly defined, and that these hesitations allowed for the expression of resistances to dominant social attitudes towards nature. I analyse how these divergences were articulated through three independent case studies, each addressing a corpus of photographs which has been marginalised in scholarly discourse. The case studies all concern photographs of vegetation. The first one discusses photographs produced around Fontainebleau during the Second French Empire, commonly understood as auxiliary materials for Barbizon painters, and argues that they were in fact autonomous representations, reflecting marginal modes of experiencing nature which resisted its prevailing construction as spectacle. The second case study examines a photographic series depicting Amazonian vegetation, published between 1900 and 1906, and shows how, in attempting to satisfy conflicting ideological demands, these photographs undermined the hierarchies enforced upon the natural world by colonial science. The third case study analyses photographs from an early twentieth-century environmentalist treatise, and demonstrates how, while the author's discourse seemingly complied with conventional attitudes towards nature, the photographs instituted an ethical stance opposed to early conservation's aesthetic focus and anthropocentrism. Throughout the case studies, I argue that the photographs were consubstantial to the emergence of these resistances; that dissenting representations stemmed from a tension between their producers' lived experience and the ideological frameworks which informed each context; and that this process engendered remarkable formal innovations, which are not usually associated to non-artistic images. I contend that radical renewals of visual expression occur in all representational contexts, as image producers adapt their tools or forge new ones according to circumstances, and that more attention must be paid to such visual innovations outside the field of artistic production.

Exploring FLOW in retirement

Nortjé, Aletia 02 1900 (has links)
This explorative study originated from the researcher’s personal encounters with “disappointment, regret and purposelessness” in retirement. The aim of this research study is thus exploring what the opposite of these negative sentiments, namely “successful” aging or "successful" adaptation to retirement could constitute and, most importantly, the role of FLOW therein. Initial indications are that FLOW could play a key role in “successful” retirement. Another focus has been to explore whether and how retirees with post-matric qualifications or training could redeploy their accumulated expertise in the post-retirement years. Various models of social entrepreneurship, ranging from voluntary work to paid work, were found to enhance successful adaptation to retirement, addressing society’s needs at the same time. In this qualitative research study, I have followed a case study approach, interviewing nine participants, whose results were analysed individually and then integrated in a comparative fashion to answer the research questions. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

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