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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A noÃÃo de defesa e suas implicaÃÃes na clÃnica pÃs-freudiana / The notion of defence and its implications in post-Freudian clinic

Joselene Monteiro Silva 12 September 2014 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Desde a Ãpoca de Freud, o tema das implicaÃÃes clÃnicas dos processos defensivos vem sendo estudado por diversos psicanalistas. A proposta desta pesquisa foi a de avaliar as mudanÃas na tÃcnica psicanalÃtica empreendidas por analistas contemporÃneos a Freud e posteriores a ele, na tentativa de contornar as limitaÃÃes ao tratamento relativas aos mecanismos defensivos. Na impossibilidade de abordar todos os psicanalistas de um e de outro perÃodo, centramos nossa pesquisa na anÃlise da questÃo na obra de trÃs deles: SÃndor Ferenczi, Melanie Klein e Jacques Lacan. A escolha destes como fontes de nossa investigaÃÃo se deveu ao fato de terem promovido sobre o tema importantes contribuiÃÃes que repercutem no campo psicanalÃtico atà hoje. Em tais autores foram verificadas tanto as mudanÃas na tÃcnica quanto o embasamento teÃrico e experiÃncia clÃnica que motivaram tais modificaÃÃes. Do ponto de vista metodolÃgico, partimos da anÃlise, mediante revisÃo bibliogrÃfica, da obra de Freud para avaliar qual sua postura em relaÃÃo à defesa e suas implicaÃÃes tÃcnicas, para buscar o desenvolvimento dessa noÃÃo. O mesmo fizemos quanto aos outros psicanalistas pesquisados, sendo que, quanto a Ferenczi, exploramos a noÃÃo de defesa, focando especificamente no recalque. Os textos desse autor foram abordados de forma cronolÃgica tanto para esclarecer o curso de evoluÃÃo do seu pensamento, como tambÃm para permitir o diÃlogo com textos freudianos do mesmo perÃodo. Ferenczi propÃs diversas mudanÃas tÃcnicas, com destaque para a tÃcnica ativa e a neocatarse, e demonstramos a relaÃÃo de suas propostas clÃnicas com sua forma de compreender o recalcamento. Depois disso, foi dedicado um capÃtulo Ãs propostas kleinianas, no qual foram estudadas as posiÃÃes esquizo-paranÃide e depressiva, atentando para os mecanismos defensivos especÃficos de cada uma. A compreensÃo de Klein acerca do luto e da inveja e sua relaÃÃo com as defesas tambÃm foi importante para nossa pesquisa, alÃm das propostas tÃcnicas da autora. Por fim, servimo-nos das reflexÃes de Lacan acerca dos pÃs-freudianos para criticar as posturas adotadas por Ferenczi e Klein no contexto analÃtico. Tomamos ainda a afirmaÃÃo lacaniana de que o desejo à uma defesa contra o gozo para explorar brevemente o lugar da noÃÃo de defesa no ensino desse autor. Ao final dessa trajetÃria de pesquisa concluÃmos que as mudanÃas na tÃcnica podem mostrar-se infrutÃferas se negligenciarem noÃÃes e conceitos fundamentais da psicanÃlise. Pensar os mecanismos defensivos como algo a ser eliminado pelo trabalho analÃtico, como Ferenczi propunha sobre o recalque, ou reduzido e controlado para conduzir a uma relaÃÃo harmÃnica com o objeto, como Klein propÃs, inevitavelmente se distancia da posiÃÃo freudiana. A defesa tem seu lugar como mecanismo essencial para a constituiÃÃo do psiquismo assegurado por Freud, que nÃo conduziu sua tÃcnica direcionada a ela, mas ao desvendamento do inconsciente. Lacan, com a crÃtica dos pÃs-freudianos e o retorno a Freud, esclarece as consequÃncias de tais mudanÃas tÃcnicas para o processo analÃtico: uma desvalorizaÃÃo da fala, o excesso de agressividade na relaÃÃo transferencial e a localizaÃÃo do polo do saber do lado do analista.

Vestígios restos gestos : testemunhos de autoria / Traces remains gestures : authoring testimonies

Hickel, Neusa Kern January 2015 (has links)
Na morte do autor decretada por Foucault através do ressonante dito não importa quem, dá-se a ver a finitude da propriedade desse que escreve, enquanto consciência determinante e prévia, evidenciando a relação entre sujeito e linguagem e seu desaparecimento na própria escrita. Agamben se engaja, mostrando tratar-se da função-autor concernente às condições de possibilidade de cada sociedade, manifesta na singularidade da ausência; porém, retruca com o paradigma de presença-ausência: o gesto do autor. Em cada expressão resta uma inexpressão, pondo em jogo/cena, aquilo que fica indelével nas bordas, o testemunhável. Também - Pelbart marca o gesto, como não sendo um meio de produção, mas o meio pelo qual se assume, transformando um fato em acontecimento, lugar da ética; - Queiroz sublinha o intolerável do presente em seu devir; - Deleuze refere a ligação Foucault-Blanchot com falar não é ver – ou seja, dizendo o não visto, contata-se com o limite da linguagem, seu indizível. Eis a encruzilhada onde se faz gesto essa tese, pondo em cena lugar do autor sob o crivo de uma outra questão: de quem se trata quando se trata de aprender? Que lugar ocupa esse/isso que produz(se)? Essa permanente inquietude com a aprendizagem desencadeou o desafio de revertê-la em território estranho: na filosofia da diferença. Deslocamento que faz aparecer um aprender em imanência à vida - aprender: uma vida – perspectivando-se como acontecimento no tempo: inatual, intempestivo. Um-aprender, em sua vitalidade, apregoa singularidade, impessoalidade e morte do autor, ensejando-lhe um lugar sempre em espera no que está por produzir, um permanente devir-autoria, sob efeito do desastre que arrasta as certezas. É desde um-aprender implicado ao sofrimento (não-aprender), entalado no arquivo do corpo, que pede, em sua in-fante mudez, por expressar-se; é por precárias bordas que tornam visíveis uma potência (aprender-não), que restos fazem-se testemunhos. Foi preciso tecer estranhas intercessões até que o pensamento ficasse sem imagem e revertesse representação, bom senso e senso comum do pensar, em sua intimidade com um-aprender; que a Literatura em seus modos disfuncionais de dizer afectos-perceptos invadisse a Clínica criando-lhe desvios ficcionais; que um próprio dispositivo clínico da Psicopedagogia (território de empiria), o Psicodrama, pudesse dizer-se na desconexão das significações fixas e no desdobramento de outros signos. Nesse plano rizomático os conceitos são máquinas fazendo pensar, dobrando e desdobrando-se numa proliferação de Clínicas: do Tempo Perdido, a ecoar ruídos ensurdecedores e sacudir lençóis de tempo contra o esquecimento e a morte da memória; dos Restos, insistindo entre conceitos, mas escapando por fissuras narrativas (jogar-brincar entre um aprender, um não-aprender e um aprender-não); de (um) Aprender, onde experiências clínicas se conotam pela busca no seu acontecimento, até que uma diferença se faça gesto de dessubjetivação e que o encenar abra os dramas às relações maquínicas, ao transtorno da linguagem pela fuga à funcionalidade e representação. Se as clínicas são expressões da multiplicidade de Aprender: (uma) vida... elas também dizem-se com vestígios-restos-gestos entre um aprender e a inexorável pergunta – quem? Responde-se desde outra noite, por ausência e vazio e neutro, polifonando passagens, transformando-se ao sabor das intercessões conceituais e de onde surgem singelos efeitos de dispersão ou de encontro fortuito com o Fora. São aberturas de tempo, nos quais dizeres mudos dizem-se, a cada vez, em um outro sentido. São reverberações procurando outro modo, sempre em busca de um sempre se fazendo em autorias. / In the death of the author declared by Foucault through the resonant saiying no matter who, it is given to see the limits of ownership for the one who writes, as a determining and previous counciousness, bringing to evidence the relationship between subject and language and its disappearance in the writing itself. Agamben engages, on its hand, showing that the author-function concerning the possibilities in each society, that are expressed in the uniqueness of absence; however, he retorts with the paradigm of presence-absence: the author`s gesture. In each expression remains a lack of expression, bringing into play/scene what is indelible on the edges, what can be witnessed. Pelbart also marks the gesture as not being a means of production, but the means by which it is assumed, turning a fact into an assemblage, the place of ethics; and Queiroz, highlights the intolerable of the present in its becomings; and Deleuze refers to the Foucault-Blanchot link as talking is not seeing - that is, saying the unseen, it comes into contact with the limits of language, the unutterable. This is the crossroad where this thesis turns into gesture, putting in the scene the author`s place under another question: who is it about when it comes to learning? What place does it/this belong to? This permanent concern with the learning unleashed the challenge of reversing it into unfamiliar territory: the philosophy of difference. A displacement which shines light on a learning in immanence to life - learning: a life – seeing as assemblage in time: out of time, untemely. A mode of learning, in its vitality, proclaims uniqueness, impersonality and death of the author, giving back a place always waiting on what's yet to be produced, a permanent authoring to be, under the effect of the disaster that drags certainties. It`s from a learning implied to suffering (non-learning), trapped in the body`s archive, that asks, in its in-Fante silence, to express itself; it is by the precarious edges that a potential (learn-not) becomes visible, that remains are made testimonies. It was necessary to weave strange intercessions until the thought ran out of image and reversed representation, as well as judgment and common sense thinking, in his intimacy with a learning; in which literature in its dysfunctional ways of saying affects-percepts could invade the Clinic creating fictional deviations; that a proper medical device of Psychopedagogy (empirical territory), the Psychodrama, could say in the disconnection of fixed meanings and deployment of other signs. In this rhizome plan, concepts are machines inducing to thinking, folding and unfolding in a proliferation of Clinics: of Lost Time, echoing deafening noises and shaking sheets of time against oblivion and memory death; of Remains, insisting among concepts, but escaping through narrative cracks (play-act between a learning, a non- learning and a learning - not) ; of (one) Learning, where clinical trials connote the search of your event until a difference becomes a gesture of desubjectivation and the open stage dramas to the machinic relations, to the disordering of language by leakage functionality and representation. If clinics are expressions of the multiplicity of learning: (one) life... they also say with traces - remains - gestures between a certain learning and the inexorable question - who? The response is from another night, by absence and emptiness and neutral, proliferating passages, being transformed by the flavour of the conceptual intersections and from which emerges single effects of dispersion or chance encounter with the Outside. There are gaps of time, in which dumb sayings say, every time, in another sense. They are reverberations looking otherwise, always in search of a certain forever, doing itself in authorships.

Sujeito e psicose na clínica psicanalítica

Ghilardi, Ricardo Bertazzo January 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho de dissertação de mestrado se desenvolve em torno da pergunta sobre o sujeito na clínica psicanalítica das psicoses e trata de indagar sobre a estrutura em que o sujeito está simbolicamente representado, e na qual, ao mesmo tempo, ele faz parte. Indica-se o termo sujet para apontar a direção de Lacan de seu uso, fazendo um apanhado sobre os conceitos de sujeito e psicose na tentativa de desenvolver especificidades da relação entre os mesmos. Nota-se que a inferência clínica de não haver sujeito na estrutura das psicoses está sustentada sobre dois eixos principais que estão apontados neste trabalho: a relação dialética sujeito-objeto e o próprio conceito de estrutura. Neste sentido, faz-se uma crítica a estes dois eixos por não concernirem necessariamente à psicanálise. Utilizamos a banda de Moebius como estrutura topológica em homologia com o conceito de sujeito. Somente depois de se percorrer a banda de Moebius é que se revela que esta é de uma superfície unilátera. Assim também a posição de sujeito é efeito de um percurso no tempo e no espaço. Na escuta psicanalítica trata-se de ler um percurso discursivo (tempo) em um endereçamento ao lugar do Outro (espaço). Esta pesquisa mostra que sujeito é uma posição discursiva, efeito da relação entre a fala e a linguagem. Desta forma, podemos pensar o conceito de inconsciente e suas formações para todo o sujeito falante, indo além das restrições que o conceito de estrutura impõe à emergência do sujeito. Ao final, apresenta-se a hipótese da exclusão do sujeito do campo do Outro, como lugar de reconhecimento do sujeito, o que provoca efeitos tanto no âmbito subjetivo como nas práticas de cuidado que orientam as ciências atuais, como a psiquiatria, a psicologia e a psicanálise. / This work of master thesis is developed around the question about the subject in the psychoanalytical clinic of psychoses and inquires about the structure in which the subject is symbolically represented and in which, at the same time, it is a part of. It’s indicated the term sujet to point Lacan’s direction on its use, making a summary on the concepts of subject and psychosis in attempt to develop specificities of their relation. It is noticed that the clinic inference that there’s no subject in psychosis is sustained over two principal axes that are pointed in this work: the dialectical relation subject-object and the proper concept of structure. In this sense, it is present a critique to these two axes for doesn’t necessarily concern to psychoanalysis. We use the Moebius band as the topological structure in homology with the concept of subject. Only after covering the Moebius band is revealed that it is a one face surface. Through that also the position of subject is an effect of a travel on time and space. At the psychoanalytical listening it’s intended to read a discursive travel (time) in a adressement to the place of the Other (space). This research present that the subject is a discursive position, effect of the relationship between the speech and the language. At this form we can think the concept of unconscious and their formation to every specking subject, going over the restrictions that the concept of structure impose to the emergence of the subject. At the end, it’s presented the hypothesis of the exclusion of the subject from the field of the Other as the place of the recognition for the subject, what causes effects on both subjective sphere as in the care practices that guide the current science, like psychiatry, psychology and psychoanalysis.

A noção de singularidade na psicanálise lacaniana: aspectos teóricos, clínicos e sociais / The idea of uniqueness in Lacanian psychoanalysis: theoretical, clinical and social aspects

Isabel Tatit 25 July 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho visa problematizar a noção de singularidade na psicanálise lacaniana. Embora não seja propriamente um conceito, tampouco um termo recorrente na obra de Freud, ganha destaque especial em Jacques Lacan e em seus comentadores. Foi o que pudemos verificar quando focalizando o tema da direção do tratamento, realizamos uma leitura crítica do uso dessa noção tanto na obra de Lacan como na de seus seguidores de diversas escolas. Escolhemos circunscrever nossa reflexão ao campo da direção do tratamento que se articula intimamente ao tema da ética da clínica lacaniana. Isso não significa que abandonamos discussões epistemológicas da singularidade, pois sabemos que é necessário manter um tensionamento entre clínica e epistemologia. Lacan importou da matemática e da filosofia suporte teórico para pensar a singularidade em psicanálise, portanto, acompanharemos algumas dessas importações, nos debruçando fundamentalmente em suas consequências para a clínica psicanalítica. Como não há explicitamente uma teoria da singularidade em Lacan, tentamos extrair na rede conceitual de sua obra uma abordagem possível do termo, prevenidos de que, ao fazermos um emprego idealizado e impreciso da noção de singularidade na direção do tratamento psicanalítico, poderíamos incorrer em um problema ético. Há duas tendências mais comuns que nos levam a esse problema: a imaginarização da noção de singularidade e a negativização do termo. Assim, para afastarmos o risco de tomar a singularidade como um ideal psicanalítico (e cientes de que há um forte empuxo nesse sentido), não podemos essencializar essa noção nem descontextualizar o que nomeamos como singular. O que é singular se inscreve num tempo, num espaço e, portanto, num laço social. A singularidade nega e ao mesmo tempo faz existir o universal e o particular, por isso está em permanente articulação com estes. A ideia da singularidade como um jogo de forças que opera durante todo o tratamento, nos parece mais interessante do que a aposta na singularidade como critério de cura. Tal jogo é instaurado pela evanescência do inconsciente que emerge como pulsação na passagem entre os significantes ou nos lapsos de sentido. A singularidade seria uma expressão para se referir ao movimento de tensionamento entre o discurso coerente do paciente e a emergência do inconsciente. Dessa forma, pode se presentificar durante todo o processo do tratamento e não apenas no seu final. Pode ser uma experiência de curta duração, embora seus efeitos também possam ser duradouros. Há várias noções usadas por Lacan para falar da emergência do inconsciente na clínica: equívoco, ato falho, o encontro faltoso (tique), entre outras. No dia-a-dia de nossa atividade clínica, presenciamos como cada paciente subjetiva seu mal-estar ou ainda como cada um faz para lidar com sua divisão subjetiva e com suas contradições. Se estamos nessa esfera, sobre como cada um se vira com o próprio mal-estar, não falamos de singularidade e sim de subjetivações particulares. Assim, se seguirmos a proposta lacaniana de distinguir o singular do particular, circunscreveremos as diversas possibilidades subjetivas de resposta à castração, a uma ordem de particularidade. A nosso ver, a diversidade subjetiva não é menos importante que a emergência do singular num tratamento. É o que um sujeito pode fazer em termos de experiência subjetiva. O papel da singularidade é desencadear o jogo entre particular (articulações significantes e modalidades de subjetivação específicas) e universal (ordem simbólica como um sistema aberto) / This work aims to discuss the idea of uniqueness in Lacanian psychoanalysis. While not exactly a concept, either a recurring term in Freuds work, uniqueness earns special emphasis on Jacques Lacan and his commentators. Thats what we saw when, focusing on the theme of the direction of the treatment, we conducted a critical analysis of the use of this idea both in Lacans work as in his followers from different schools. We chose to circumscribe our thinking to the field of direction of the treatment, which is linked closely to the issue of ethics of Lacanian clinic. This does not mean that we abandoned epistemological discussions of the uniqueness because we know that it is necessary to maintain a tensioning between clinical and epistemology. Lacan imported from mathematics and philosophy a theoretical support to think the uniqueness in psychoanalysis, therefore, we will follow some of these imports addressing fundamentally its consequences for the psychoanalytic clinic. As there is not explicitly a theory of uniqueness in Lacan, we tried to pull from the conceptual network of his work a possible approach of the term, warned that when doing an idealized and inaccurate use of the idea of uniqueness in the direction of psychoanalytic treatment, we could incur in an ethical issue. There are two common trends that could lead us to this problem: the imaginarization of the idea of uniqueness and the negativation of the term. So, to move away from the risk of taking the uniqueness as a psychoanalytic ideal (and aware that there is a strong thrust in that direction), we can not essentialize this idea or decontextualize what we name as unique. What is unique is inscribed in time, in space and, therefore, a social bond. The uniqueness denies and at the same time makes real the universal and the particular, therefore it is in permanent liaison with these concepts. The idea of uniqueness as a game of forces that works throughout the treatment seems more interesting than the emphasis on the uniqueness as a criteria for cure. This game is set up by the evanescence of the unconscious, emerging as pulsation in the passage between the signifiers or in the lapses of sense. The uniqueness would be an expression to refer to the movement of tensioning between the patients coherent speech and the emergence of the unconscious. Thus, the uniqueness can be present throughout all the treatment process, not just at its end. It may be a short-term experience, although its effects can also be long lasting. There are several concepts used by Lacan to speak of the emergence of the unconscious in the clinic: mistake, parapraxis, the lacking encounter (tiquê), among others. In our daily clinical activity, we witness how each patient subjective its malaise or yet how each one deals with his subjective division and his contradictions. If we are in this sphere, talking about how each one deals with their own malaise, we do not speak of uniqueness, but of particular subjectivities. So, if we follow Lacans proposal to distinguish the uniqueness from the particular, we will circumscribe the several subjective possibilities of response to castration, to a particular order. In our view, the subjective diversity is not less important than the emergence of the uniqueness on a treatment. Its what a man can do in terms of subjective experience. The role of uniqueness is to trigger the game between particular (significant joints and specific modalities of subjectivation) and universal (symbolic order as an open system)

A construção de práticas ampliadas e compartilhadas em saúde : apoio Paidéia e formação / The construction of expanded and shared practices in health : Paidéia support and training

Figueiredo, Mariana Dorsa, 1977- 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Gastão Wagner de Sousa Campos / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T10:31:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Figueiredo_MarianaDorsa_D.pdf: 4195654 bytes, checksum: 276671a7c4e7c822064bf9371d75b863 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Neste estudo abordamos o uso do Método de Apoio Paidéia (Campos, 2000a) como referencial pedagógico para processos de formação em saúde. Realizamos uma pesquisa no âmbito de um Curso de Especialização para profissionais da Atenção Básica do SUS-Campinas (SP), cujo desenho combinou ofertas teóricas, discussão de casos e práticas de intervenção. A partir de uma abordagem qualitativa e baseada na hermenêutica crítica, pretendemos avaliar os efeitos do curso nas práticas profissionais, no que se refere à abordagem da subjetividade, e analisar a eficácia do Apoio Paidéia na construção de práticas ampliadas e compartilhadas. Utilizamos diversas fontes de informação a fim de produzir diferentes perspectivas e aproximar discursos e práticas: realizamos grupos focais com os alunos/profissionais e destacamos um Projeto Terapêutico Singular acompanhado no curso para analisá-lo em profundidade e discuti-lo com sua Equipe de Referência. Além disso, fizemos uma oficina para construção coletiva de um material teórico-prático sobre práticas ampliadas e compartilhadas. O conjunto do material mostra mudanças significativas nas práticas clínicas e de co-gestão, bem como na "gestão de si mesmos". Os alunos/profissionais desenvolveram sua capacidade reflexiva, analítica e interventiva para lidar com a complexidade e singularidade dos casos, bem como para compor saberes e práticas interdisciplinares. Ampliaram sua compreensão sobre as redes de afetos que se fazem presentes na relação terapêutica e entre a equipe, e desenvolveram competências técnicas, éticas e relacionais para atuar nas múltiplas dimensões constitutivas dos sujeitos e coletivos. Consideramos que, ao enfatizar a troca de experiências num espaço coletivo e articular reflexão e intervenção, o Método de Apoio Paidéia possibilitou uma re-ligação dos alunos/profissionais com o projeto da Atenção Básica e favoreceu que realimentassem sua potência para enfrentar as dificuldades inerentes ao trabalho em saúde e ao contexto institucional. Destacamos, ao final, que os efeitos do processo formativo devem ser reafirmados no cotidiano de trabalho, mediante um esforço permanente de análise crítica, em espaços coletivos em que se possa interrogar a práxis / Abstract: From a qualitative approach, we used the Paidéia Support Method (Campos, 2000a) as pedagogic reference for formation processes in health. We carried out a research including a specialization course for professionals at the Basic Attention of the Unified Health System (SUS), Campinas (SP), combining theoretical offers, case discussions and intervention practices. Based on the critical hermeneutics, we aimed to evaluate the course effects on professional practices relative to an approach to subjectivity and analyze the effectiveness of the Paidéia Support in building expanded and shared practices. We used different sources of information, aiming to produce different perspectives and bring together discourses and practices: we conducted focal groups with students/professionals and highlighted an individual therapeutic project, following the course, to be analyzed in depth and discussed with the reference team. In addition, we conducted a workshop for collectively develop theoretical-practical material on expanded and shared practices. The whole material showed significant changes in co-management and clinical practices, as well as in the "management itself". The students/professionals developed their reflexive, analytical and intervention skills to deal with the complexity and singularity of the cases, as well as to improve knowledge and interdisciplinary practices. They also increased their understanding about the affection networks in the therapeutic relationship and among the team members, as well as developed technical, ethical and relational competences to work with constitutive dimensions of the individual and the collective. We considered that, emphasizing the exchange of experiences on a collective space and articulating reflection and intervention, the Paidéia Support Method allowed a reconnection of the students/professionals with the basic attention project, favoring their recharge to face difficulties inherent to healthcare and the institutional context. Finally, we highlighted that the effects of the training process should be reaffirmed in the everyday work, in an ongoing effort at collective and critical praxis / Doutorado / Saude Coletiva / Doutor em Saude Coletiva

Patient waiting time at a HIV Clinic in a Regional Hospital in Swaziland

Mavuso, Marjorie January 2008 (has links)
Magister Public Health - MPH / The aim of the study was to measure patient waiting and service times, describe the causes of high waiting time as well as to determine staff and patient derived norms on waiting times at the Manzini Regional Hospital HIV Clinic. Literature reviewed show that complaints regarding long waiting time have been effectively dealt with through patient flow analysis studies, which measure patient waiting and service times as well as other characteristics. A descriptive cross sectional quantitative survey methodology was undertaken using a time-delimited sample of all patients attending the HIV clinic over one week and all the staff who were in contact with the patients. Waiting time tracking instruments and short questionnaires were used to collect data from both patients and staff. Data were analysed quantitatively. / South Africa

The comparison of two doses of intranasal midazolam sedation in a paediatric dental emergency clinic

Mahgoub, Ahmed Elsheikh Omer January 2011 (has links)
Magister Scientiae Dentium - MSc(Dent) / The aim of the study was to compare two doses of intranasal midazolam (INM) 0.3 mg/kg and 0.5 mg/kg in terms of effectiveness and recovery time. Design:-This study was a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) and Triple blinded study. Sample and methods A sample of one hundred and eighteen children aged from 4-6 years old were randomly assigned for Intranasal sedation (INS) to either the 0.3 mg/kg group or the 0.5 mg/kg group. Children were taken in fasting and non-fasting conditions. The children were monitored using a pulse-oximeter, the sedation was assessed using Wilson sedation scale and the anxiety and behaviour scales were rated by Venham’s scale throughout the treatment. The facial image Scale (FIS) was also used to assess anxiety and mood of children before and after treatment. Results The mean BMI of children was found to be from 14-16. Intranasal sedation with both 0.3 mg/kg and 0.5 mg/kg midazolam was completed in 100% of the children. The pulse rates were within normal limit but statistically lower in the 0.5 mg/kg group. Oxygen saturation was above 98% in all except for one child who desaturated to 90%. Thirty five percent found this route acceptable in this study; Nine percent had burning sensation from midazolam. The state anxiety between the two groups of 0.3 mg/kg and 0.5 mg/kg were insignificant using Venham’s scale. However, behaviour scores showed statistical significant results of p value (0.03) and (0.04) in the behaviour during LA and behaviour during extractions respectively. The facial images scale (FIS) ratings chosen by the children before and after sedation was insignificant to the anxiety and behaviour ratings. The FIS revealed that 66% chose a happy face at the end of treatment. Fifty percent of the children in the study chose the same image before and after sedation. There were no adverse events encountered during the procedure. Conclusion INS with midazolam using the 0.3 mg/kg or 0.5 mg/kg doses resulted in safe and effective sedation. The 0.5 mg/kg proved to be more effective than the 0.3 mg/kg in providing better behaviour and decreasing anxiety when compared with the 0.3 mg/kg dose. The 0.5 mg/kg dose was found to be safe and the recovery time was slightly more than the 0.3 mg/kg but the difference was not clinically significant.

Travelling psychiatric services : an exploratory study of the services of the British Columbia Mainland Travelling Child Guidance Clinic

Coyle, Phyllis Bernice January 1955 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to make an exploratory study of the British Columbia Mainland Travelling Child Guidance Clinic. One of the main goals is a more definitive statement and clarification of the current functions and services of the clinic. The study includes: (1) A description of travelling child guidance clinics generally, in terms of underlying theory and assumptions, historical development, and current problems and functioning; (2) A brief description of the travelling child guidance services in Canada; (3) A detailed description of the British Columbia Mainland Travelling Child Guidance Clinic: a. its historical development; b. its stated functions and goals; c. its operation "in the field." The above includes material drawn directly from a sample of clinic files, which describes: the characteristic group of clients referred for individual service; problems seen by the referral sources as indicating the need of clinical assessment and help; the channels of referral and presentation to the clinic; the professional members of the community who, through attendance at case conference, come into direct contact with clinical concepts and knowledge about the understanding and treatment within the community of behavior disorders in children, and general mental health methods in the alleviation and prevention of further similar difficulties; and the recommendations made for such community treatment of the disorder. A questionnaire circulated to all Social Welfare Branches indicated the field offices' concept of the effectiveness and adequacy of clinical services. The British Columbia Mainland Travelling Clinic has achieved a good beginning. Staff exigencies in both the clinic and the field have made ideal objectives impossible to achieve. The addition of another travelling clinic team together with more field personnel will alter this criticism. The success of any such undertaking will always depend on harmonious relationships among clinic staff, field health and welfare staff, and other citizens in the communities. / Arts, Faculty of / Social Work, School of / Graduate

Integrating mobile health into mental health: an exploratory analysis and case series from the digital clinic

Lavoie, Joel Austin 22 November 2021 (has links)
BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the demand for mental health services but has also imposed new barriers for those seeking care, creating a widespread shortage. As a result, providers are increasingly looking to incorporate technology into mental healthcare. Despite the increased focus on mental health technology in recent years, many new technologies are framed as products rather than clinical tools and fail to be effectively implemented. Digital clinics, hybrids of clinical care and technology, such as a smartphone app, offer a model of how technology can be implemented into mental healthcare. In addition to increasing the need for technology in mental healthcare, the COVID-19 pandemic has also lessened many historical barriers to successful implementation of a digital clinic including regularity restrictions, financial challenges, and the motivations of patients and providers in adding technology into healthcare. Objective: In order to better understand how technology can be incorporated into mental healthcare, the Technology Enabled Care Program (TECC), a digital clinic at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, will be evaluated through the study of a case series. The integrated-Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services (i-PARISH) framework, an implementation science model, will be applied to TECC in order to identify factors important to the larger scale implementation of this digital clinic. METHODS: The TECC program combines eight sessions of face-to-face therapy via telehealth with the use of a mindLAMP, a mental health smartphone app. The app is customizable for each use case and is supported by a 3-member care team containing technology specialists and a therapist. Quantitative data from this program will be investigated and discussed along with information on patients’ qualitative experiences in order to get a better understanding of the successes and areas for improvement in this first implementation of TECC. RESULTS: From the six initial patients who have completed TECC, four were selected to be represented in this case series. One patient was highly engaged with the app and used it on a daily basis throughout the program. Two patients use the app consistently at times but experienced periods of low engagement during their care. A fourth patient struggled with technical issues and their app use was intermittent. Most feedback on the program was positive, but exceptions will be detailed. CONCLUSION: Implementation of the TECC program and mindLAMP app into practice was successful in many regards and these early cases shed light on areas of potential improvement in future iterations of the digital clinic. Moving forward, these results will inform a focus on factors that can increase adoption by patients, clinicians, and healthcare systems.

Mindful meditation and mobilization; pulmonary rehabilitation for emphysema patients

Alexander, Hania Alexandra 09 October 2019 (has links)
BACKGROUND SUMMARY: Pulmonary rehabilitation programs are an important component of the multidisciplinary approach to minimizing the symptomatology of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Within the program, patients learn about how to live with their non-curable disease and how to minimize exacerbations. Although patients learn about their disease process, breathing techniques, and exercise, there are no specific components that bridge the mind and body gap to promote mindfulness through the patients’ efforts within the program. LITERATURE REVIEW FINDINGS: This thesis contains a comprehensive literature review composed largely of randomized trials. These trials and studies summarize the framework of pulmonary rehabilitation programs and how yoga is implemented within treatment options for chronic diseases. The literature review highlights that pulmonary rehabilitation programs improve the quality of life in patients with emphysema through patient education on breathing and exercise. However, there is a lack of literature on the use of yoga techniques of breathing and exercise within the framework of pulmonary rehabilitation programs to promote mindfulness when living with a chronic disease. PROPOSED PROJECT: This thesis proposes a randomized controlled study to identify a more mindful approach to a pulmonary rehabilitation program for emphysema patients through the use of timed ujjayi pranayama (mindful breathing) and yoga asanas (poses). CONCLUSIONS: The results will be analyzed to determine if yoga techniques lead to statistically significant improvement in patient outcomes in emphysema patients enrolled in a pulmonary rehabilitation program. SIGNIFICANCE: The compiled data will reveal how yoga breathwork and movement will be beneficial for emphysema patients enrolled within a pulmonary rehabilitation program.

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