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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Versicherungen als Risikomanagementinstrumente in der Landwirtschaft - Über staatliche Unterstützung und die Beurteilung satellitenbasierter Indexversicherungen / Insurance as a risk management tool in agriculture - About public support and remotely-sensed index insurance

Möllmann, Johannes 09 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Versicherungen als Risikomanagementinstrumente in der Landwirtschaft - Über staatliche Unterstützung und die Beurteilung satellitenbasierter Indexversicherungen / Insurance as a risk management tool in agriculture - About public support and remotely-sensed index insurance

Möllmann, Johannes 09 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Den framtida vägen för EU:s gemensamma jordbrukspolitik

Lööf, Michaela January 2012 (has links)
The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in the European Union (EU) is one of the oldest fields of cooperation within the European Union. During the past decades the different Commissioners have made several proposals about changes in the CAP and many of them have not been passed but renegotiated. The present Commission has however published a report in 2011, which emphasizes that the CAP has three alternative ways to go in the future. This study aims to predict which one of these three alternative ways it is most likely that the CAP will take according to the historical institutionalist theory. When to be able to predict this text analysis is used. The analysis tools of the study are collected from the theory, which focuses on the conceptions: critical juncture, feedback effects, path dependency and sequencing. These tools as well as the theory are applied on the empirical material, which mainly consists of books about the earlier reforms and proposals from the Commission, academical journals and some reports. The analysis shows that the Luxembourg compromise can be seen as a critical juncture in the history of the CAP and this led to a path dependency, which is characterized by a decision-making procedure by consensus between the political institutions in the EU. The analysis also shows that most of the reforms regarding the CAP, are made with some sort of compromise or consensus (the Delors I budgetary package, the Mac Sharry reforms and so on). Therefore the conclusion of the study is that, from an historical institutionalist perspective, it is more or less possible for the CAP to go with any of the alternative ways that the Commission points out in the report. It is however most likely that the second way is the most prominent one. This is because that option emphasizes that major overhauls of the policy should be made, that the measures should be more targeted, and that the spending of the CAP should be more efficient. All of these changes have been made more or less during the history of the CAP and the institutional framework therefore allows this way.

Lietuvos muitinės funkcijų, vykdant bendrąją žemės ūkio politiką, analizė / Analysis of functions of Lithuanian Customs in implementation of common agricultural policy

Frolova, Liudmila 08 January 2007 (has links)
Pagrindinis šio darbo tikslas- išsamiai ir kompleksiškai išanalizuoti ES bendrosios žemės ūkio politikos poveikį Lietuvos užsienio prekybai bei jos įgyvendinimo Lietuvos muitinėje teorinius ir praktinius aspektus. Lietuvos narystė ES - atsivėrusi bendroji rinka ir eksporto rėmimas - sudarė prielaidas sparčiam žemės ūkio produktų eksporto augimui, o suaktyvėjusi prekyba ir padidėjusi finansinė parama paspartino šio sektoriaus gamybos plėtrą. Magistro baigiamajame darbe išnagrinėta BŽŪP pagrindinės nuostatos ir instrumentai, žemės ūkio produktų importo ir eksporto reguliavimo tarifinės ir netarifinės priemonės, šių produktų importo ir eksporto pokyčiai Lietuvai įstojus į ES. Lietuvos muitinei tenka svarbus vaidmuo vykdant BŽŪP. Darbe nagrinėjamos muitinės funkcijos, vykdant BŽŪP, jų pasiskirstymas tarp struktūrinių padalinių, bendradarbiavimas su Nacionaline mokėjimo agentūra, vykdant Lietuvos muitinei deleguotas funkcijas, užduočių paskirstymo sistema, kontroliuojant eksportuojamus žemės ūkio produktus, už kuriuos mokamos eksporto subsidijos. Išsamiai išnagrinėta žemės ūkio produktų atranka eksporto kontrolei atlikti, remiantis rizikos analize, fizinių patikrinimų procesas, ūkio subjektų, susijusių su žemės ūkio produktų tarptautine prekyba, komercinės veiklos patikrinimas, reikalingų dokumentų tvarkymas, ataskaitų pateikimas ir bendradarbiavimo įsipareigojimai. Pagrindinės darbo išvados yra susijusios su atliktos užsienio prekybos ir muitinės funkcijų, vykdant BŽŪP, analizės... [to full text] / The main purpose of the work is to analyse the theoretical and practical dimensions of CAP implementation in the Lithuanian Customs and the impact of CAP on the Lithuanian foreign trade in integrated way. Lithuania’s membership in the European Union (EU), the common market with open borders and support for export have created the opportunities for the rapid growth of the export of agricultural products, more active trade and financial support have accelerated the development of the aforementioned manufacturing sector. The main CAP attitudes and measures, tariff and non-tariff instruments of trade regulation and changes in import and export since Lithuania’s entrance into the EU have been examined. The Lithuanian Customs have been assigned an important role in the implementation of CAP. The distribution of functions between the structural subdivisions in implementing the CAP, the cooperation with the National Paying Agency in pursuance of the functions delegated to the Lithuanian Customs, the distribution of tasks in inspecting exported agricultural products entitled to export refunds have been analysed in this work. The selection and export control of agricultural products on the basis of risk analysis, the audit of commercial activities of business entities involved in foreign trade in CAP products, the clearance of documents, submission of reports and obligations of cooperation have been looked into more exhaustively. The main finding of the work is associated with the... [to full text]

Klimato kaitos vaidmuo Europos Sąjungos Bendrojoje žemės ūkio politikoje / The role of the climate change in the European Common Agricultural Policy

Petkūnas, Antanas 05 July 2011 (has links)
Klimato kaitos keliami iššūkiai yra aktualūs ir visuotinai pripažinti. Klimato kaita verčia prisitaikyti netik gyventojus, gamtą, bet verčia atitinkamai pritaikyti ir vykdoma politiką. BŽŪP reformų eigoje iš maisto gamybai skatinti skirtos politikos tapo į vartotojų poreikius bei aplinkosaugą orientuota politika. Kyla klausimas, kokią įtaką klimato kaita daro ES Bendrosios žemės ūkio politikos formavimui ir koks klimato kaitas vaidmuo yra netik dabartinėje BŽŪP, bet ir artimiausioje šios politikos perspektyvoje. Šio magistro baigiamojo darbo tikslas yra įvertinti klimato kaitos vaidmenį ES Bendrojoje žemės ūkio politikoje. Darbe nagrinėjama užsienio ir Lietuvos mokslinė literatūra padėjo suformuoti darbo uždavinius ir įsitikinti darbo temos pasirinkimo pagrįstumu. LR ir ES teisės aktų bei kitų dokumentų analizė leido identifikuoti kovos su klimato kaitos rizikomis instrumentus ir sąlygas jiems atsirasti BŽŪP, o taip pat įvertinti klimato kaitos rizikų teisinį reglamentavimą. Ši literatūros analizė bei Lietuvos ekspertų nuomonės leido patvirtinti iškeltą hipotezę, kad klimato kaita ES Bendrojoje žemės ūkio politikoje vaidina vis didesnį vaidmenį. BŽŪP gali būt tam tikras pagrindas tiek kovojant su klimato kaita, tiek prisitaikant prie jos, tačiau su šiuo ateities iššūkiu susijusių priemonių įgyvendinimas turi būti betarpiškai koordinuojamas su kitomis ES vykdomomis politikos sritimis. / Climate change challenges are relevant and universally accepted. Climate change requires not only accommodation of people and nature, but also it requires the adaptation of policy. During the development of CAP reforms this policy became more oriented towards needs of consumer and environment than addressing promotion of food production. The question is what kind of impact makes climate change to the development of the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU and what role climate change plays not only the current period of the CAP, but in the nearest future of this policy as well. The purpose of this work is to evaluate the role of climate change in the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU. The scientific literature of foreign and Lithuanian authors helped to indicate and set the tasks for this work and to support the validity of the chosen subject. Lithuania and the EU legislation and analysis of other documents allowed to identify the instruments for the fight against risks of climate change and evaluate the conditions for rise of these instruments in the CAP, as well as assessing the risks of climate change in the legal framework. This literature review and expert opinion of Lithuania has confirmed the hypothesis that climate change plays an increasingly important role in the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU. The CAP may be applied to a certain extent in the fight against climate change and adapting to it, but the implementation of the measures related to this... [to full text]

The Impact of the Support System of the CAP on Free Trade in the Light of the Turkey's EU Membership

Akalpler, Ergin 06 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of this study is to measure the level of the European Union's (EU) Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) price support system (PSS) applied to producers in the EU-15 and in Turkey. The producer subsidy estimate (PSE) method has been used to determine protection levels for selected cereal products from the beginning of the application of the PSE method in 1986 to date. In addition, this study attempts to examine the empirical findings of the PSE in the light of CAP reforms and EU enlargements during the period 1986- 2003. The expected contribution of this study is to determine which support instruments, such as countervailing levies or direct payments (based on limited or unlimited area) against export subsidies, voluntary or compulsory set-aside measures and price interventions, are more appropriate for the CAP in reducing destabilizing effects on trade with selected products between the EU and Turkey with respect to distribution effects (how income is distributed between different groups involved in the production operation process). Does the current PSS of the CAP have positive effects on agricultural producers in Turkey as a non-member country? The major finding of this dissertation is the evaluation of benefits and costs of common agricultural policies of the EU on fair trade. The assessment of the PSE of the EU's CAP will be used to determine the impact of current support measures of the CAP reforms on fair trade and consumer welfare, and how the CAP measures can be reformed for the improvement of producer gain in accordance with fair trade. (author's abstract)

Hodnocení efektivity vybraného podnikatelského subjektu / Evaluation of the efectiveness of a company

SYSLOVÁ, Jana January 2009 (has links)
The aim of my diploma thesis named ``Evaluation of the Efficiency of a Company{\crq}q is to evaluate a situation of financial health of the farming business. Seeing that many financing arrangements are directed at this economic field by Common Agricultural Policy, this diploma work is taking into account questions of the impact of the grants-in-aid. The theoretical part is concerning with problems of financial analysis, European grants and state-aid. The practical part applies this knowledge to data evaluation. By means of analysis of balance sheet, profit and loss account and cash-flow statement the financial analysis was made and evaluated. On the bases of these results recommendations were proposed.

Mercosul e União Européia: um estudo da evolução das negociações agrícolas / MERCOSUR and the European Union: a study of the evolution of the agricultural negotiations

Alessandra Cavalcante de Oliveira 22 June 2010 (has links)
O MERCOSUL e a União Européia (UE) firmaram no ano de 1995, o Acordo Marco de Cooperação Inter-Regional, que tinha como objetivo fortalecer as relações bi-regionais e a preparar as condições para a criação de uma Associação Inter-Regional, que abrangesse a área comercial, cooperação econômica, tecnológica, financeira, e também cultural e social. A concretização da Associação representaria um grande ganho para o MERCOSUL devido à importância comercial que a UE representa para o bloco, sendo a sua principal parceira tanto nas exportações quantos nas importações. Desde a assinatura do acordo, os dois blocos realizaram diversas rodadas de negociações, mas não conseguiram avançar na direção de maiores realizações. Um dos principais entraves tem sido a intransigência da UE, principalmente no que diz respeito ao conceder melhores ofertas no setor agrícola. O presente trabalho objetiva, portanto, analisar a evolução das negociações comerciais entre os dois blocos, a fim de identificar os entraves no setor agrícola, que contribuíram para o impedimento da implantação da Associação Inter-Regional. A evolução das rodadas de negociações entre os dois blocos mostrou que o protecionismo agrícola é um dos pontos cruciais para a obtenção de um acordo de livre comércio. O fracasso das negociações provou para o MERCOSUL, que independemente das negociações acontecerem no plano multilateral ou bilateral, a UE não está disposta em maiores concessões. Portanto, enquanto a UE mantiver as subvenções, responsáveis por enormes excedentes na produção agrícola européia, não será possível a obtenção de melhores resultados, que conduzam a implantação de uma área de livre comércio entre MERCOSUL e União Européia. / MERCOSUR and the European Union (EU) signed in 1995, the Framework Agreement on Inter-Regional Cooperation, which aimed to strengthen bi-regional relations and prepare the conditions for the creation of an Interregional Association, covering the commercial area, economic cooperation, technological, financial and also cultural and social. The concretion of the Association would be a great gain for Mercosur due to the commercial importance that the EU accounts for the block, which is its main partner in both exports and imports. Since signing the agreement, the two blocks had several rounds of negotiations, but failed to move toward greater accomplishments. A major obstacle has been the intransigence of the EU, particularly with regard to grant better offers in the agricultural sector. This paper aims, therefore, to examine developments in trade negotiations between the two blocs, in order to identify the barriers in the agricultural sector, which contributed to impeding the implantation of the Inter-Regional. The evolution of rounds of negotiations between the two blocs has shown that agricultural protectionism is one of the crucial points for achieving a free trade agreement. The failure of the negotiations proved to MERCOSUR, that independently the negotiations occur multilaterally or bilaterally, the EU is not willing to further concessions. So, while the EU maintains subsidies, responsible for huge surpluses on European agricultural production, it is not possible to obtain better results, which conduce to establishment of a free trade area between MERCOSUR and the European Union.

Strukturální nástroje EU v oblasti zemědělství: Programování a případová studie / EU Structural Funds in agriculture: Programming and case study

Brodacká, Eva January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis refers the Common Agricultural Policy, its history, principles and reforms, programming period 2000 - 2006 and 2007 - 2013, types of the subsidies for czech farmers and its calculation and Rural Development Program.

Welfare implications of the EU's common organization of the market in bananas for EU Member States

Badinger, Harald, Breuss, Fritz, Mahlberg, Bernhard January 2001 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of this paper is to analyze the welfare effects of the European Banana Market Policy. Until 1993, EU countries had a wide variety of separate national policies, ranging from free trade (e.g. Germany) to heavily regulated markets (e.g. Spain, France). On 1 July 1993, the EU's common organization of the market in bananas came into force and established a combined quota-tariff regime with preferential access for ACP and EU suppliers. We estimate the resulting changes in the welfare of consumers, traders and the national governments for all member states of the European Union to identify the winners and losers of this change in the external trade policy. Over the period 1993 to 1998, the cumulated aggregate welfare loss of the consumers amounted to ECU 1408 mill, whereas the international banana traders gained ECU 558 mill. on the EU market. The welfare effect on the national budgets of the EU member states was also positive (ECU 783 mill.) due to higher tariff income. The resulting total deadweight loss of the European Union amounted to ECU 68 mill. As regards the distribution of the welfare effects, the former free trade countries lost welfare, whereas the formerly severely regulated countries gained. In absolute terms the biggest loser of the regime shift is Germany, the biggest winner is France. (authors' abstract) / Series: EI Working Papers / Europainstitut

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