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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A arte de contar histórias sobre ciência: transcriação autoral em ensaios curtos de popularização / The art of storytelling about Science: authorial transcreation in short essays of popularization

Nobre, Luiz Fernando Dal Pian 25 February 2016 (has links)
Na busca pelo fortalecimento do debate público sobre Ciência Tecnologia & Inovação (CT&I), pesquisadores têm abandonado o confinamento de seus laboratórios para se comunicar diretamente com a sociedade, fazendo uso de diferentes suportes midiáticos, dentre os quais incluem-se os espaços de enunciação escrita como as colunas de jornal e os livros de popularização científica. A Tese de doutorado discute as possibilidades de aproximação da Ciência com a sociedade por meio das mídias escritas e propõe uma reflexão crítica sobre o papel de um tipo de autor: o cientista engajado com a Comunicação Pública da Ciência. Mais especificamente, discute o papel de transcriação autoral de um grupo de escritores cientistas no espaço de popularização da CT&I, por meio da comunicação verbal escrita, a partir da análise do discurso consubstanciado em seus livros de ensaios curtos. Metodologicamente, a compreensão da narrativa de popularização e das cenas de enunciação busca suporte na linha francesa de Análise do Discurso. Os resultados obtidos evidenciam que os escritores cientistas se utilizam de alguns recursos epistêmicos e linguístico-literários recorrentes, o que permite conceber o empreendimento ensaístico desses autores em termos de dois modelos estilísticos distintos, mas complementares: o racional e o sensível. A Tese sugere que a composição narrativa textual apoia-se em esquemas de pensamento peculiares, identificados como Refuta/Repara (preponderante no modelo racional) e Conecta/Cria (preponderante no modelo sensível). Demonstra, ainda, que a constituição do gênero de ensaios curtos requer um duplo exercício criativo dos autores: posicionar-se enquanto cientista a respeito de um tema de interesse público e fazê-lo por meio da construção de uma narrativa transcriadora. / In an attempt to empower the public debate about Science, Technology and Innovation (ST&I), researchers are breaking the walls of their laboratories in order to communicate more directly with society through a variety of media, including written spaces of enunciation such as newspaper\'s columns and books of science popularization. The Thesis discusses the possibilities offered by written media to bridge the gap between science and society, and provides a critical analysis about the role of a particular kind of author: the scientist engaged with the Public Communication of Science. Particularly, it discusses the authorial transcreation effort conducted by a group of science writers, looking at their discourse in some popular short essays books. Methodologically, the understanding of both the narrative and the enunciation scenes draws on studies of the French school of Discourse Analysis. Results show that science writers tend to use, systematically, some epistemic and linguistic-literary resources, suggesting that their essayistic enterprise can be interpreted in terms of two distinct but complementary models: the rational and the sentient. The Thesis provides evidence that the authors\' textual narrative composition brings together peculiar ways of thinking, identified as Refute/Repair (predominant in the rational model), and Connect/Create (predominant in the sentient model). It also demonstrates that the constitution of the genre of short essays requires, from science writers, a double creative move: as scientist, to take position about issues of public interest, and to do it by means of a transcreative narrative.

Modelos lineares mistos para explicar a variabilidade espacial na análise conjunta de experimentos agronômicos / Linear mixed models to explain the spatial variability in joint analysis from agronomical essays

Dessotti, Cássio 27 August 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a incorporação de funções geoestatísticas na matriz de variâncias e covariâncias residual no estudo de modelos lineares mistos a partir de um grupo de quatro experimentos de cana-de-açúcar, conduzidos na Guatemala nos seguintes locais: fazenda Limones - usina açucareira Pantaleón (LP), fazenda Bálsamo - usina açucareira Pantaleón (BP), área 1 da fazenda Limones - usina Madre Tierra (MT1) e área 2 da fazenda Limones - usina Madre Tierra (MT2). A variável resposta de interesse foi a produção de cana-de-açúcar por hectare, o delineamento utilizado nos quatro locais foi o casualizado em blocos, com cinco repetições e os mesmos seis tratamentos referentes a diferentes dosagens de um biorregulador (estimulante de crescimento). Em princípio, foram ajustados e comparados diversos modelos alternando-se o efeito de blocos, ora considerado fixo, ora aleatório, e a estrutura da matriz de variâncias e covariâncias (R), segundo os modelos exponencial, gaussiano e esférico. Estes modelos foram comparados, e os que admitem estruturas de dependência espacial se destacaram estatisticamente como os melhores, a partir do critério de Akaike (AIC), sendo então selecionados os modelos BFExp (blocos de efeito fixo e função exponencial na matriz R) e BAExpH (blocos de efeito aleatório, função exponencial para R e variâncias diferentes entre os locais). A seguir, foi realizada a estimação dos efeitos fixos e a predição dos efeitos aleatórios por meio do método da máxima verossimilhança restrita (REML) pois esta metodologia proporciona um menor viés para suas estimativas. As análises conjuntas nos dois modelos selecionados não apresentaram interação tratamentos versus locais, nem mesmo efeito de tratamentos significativos, não sendo aconselhado o desdobramento desta interação. O efeito de locais por sua vez, foi significativo apenas no modelo BAExpH, e detectou-se neste caso a superioridade do local BP em relação aos demais. Adicionalmente, os locais foram analisados individualmente, focando a comparação dos modelos e as análises de variâncias, contudo, assim como na análise conjunta, nos modelos escolhidos para cada local, os efeitos de tratamentos também não foram significativos. Gráficos de resíduos foram construídos e representaram bons ajustes para os modelos BFExp e BAExpH para descrever os dados deste grupo de experimentos. Por fim, foi realizado um estudo de simulação cujos resultados deram mais credibilidade e suporte para a importância e relevância de se verificar, por meio de comparações, a necessidade de uso de um modelo mais elaborado, que considere a possível existência de dependência espacial entre as observações. / The aim of this research was to evaluate the incorporation of geostatistical functions in the residual variances and covariances matrix in linear mixed models in a group of four experiments cane sugar conducted in four sites of Guatemala: farm Limones - Pantaleon sugar mill (LP), farm Bálsamo - Pantaleon sugar mill (BP), area 1 of the farm Limones - sugar mill Madre Tierra (MT1) and area 2 of the farm Limones - sugar mill Madre Tierra (MT2). Production of sugar cane was the interest variable analyzed at all locations, using the randomized block design with five replications and the same six treatments related to different doses of a plant growth regulator. Initially the models were adjusted and compared with alternating the blocks effect, sometimes considered fixed, sometimes random, and the structure of the variance and covariance matrix (R) according to the exponential, gaussian and spherical models. The models were compared, and, among them, those with spatial dependence structures stood out as the best statistically from the Akaike information criterion (AIC), and the selected modelos were the BFExp model (block as fixed effect and exponential function to R) and the BAExpH model (block as random effect, exponential function to R and different variances among the sites). After that, the estimation of fixed effects and prediction of random effects using the restricted maximum likelihood method (REML) were done, since this methodology provides a lower bias to their estimates. The joint analysis of both selected models showed no interaction between treatments and locals, even significant effect of treatments, not being advised the unfolding of this interaction. The effect of local was significant only in the BAExpH model, and detected in this case the superiority of the local BP in relation to the others. Additionally, individual sites were examined similarly to the previous case, through comparison of models and analysis of variance, however, treatment effects weren\'t significant too. Residual plots were constructed and represented satisfactory fit of the models to describe the data in all cases studied. Finally, a simulation study showed results with more credibility and support for the importance and relevance of verifying, through comparisons, the need to use a more structured model that considers the possible existence of spatial dependence among observations.

A ruína brutalista. Sobre a fotografia e a nostalgia na contemporaneidade / The brutalist ruin. About photography and nostalgia in contemporaneity

Ana Ottoni 31 May 2017 (has links)
As ruínas da arquitetura brutalista paulista e o aspecto simbólico de sua imagem são o tema desta pesquisa. Ela se desenvolve a partir de dois ensaios complementares: um fotográfico e outro textual. O primeiro, realizado nos últimos três anos, enfoca prédios modernistas paulistas em diferentes estados de conservação: arruinação após algum período de utilização, interrupção e abandono antes mesmo do término das obras e - no caso específico do prédio da FAU-USP -, o processo de restauração. O ensaio textual tem caráter analítico e procura compreender o imagético dentro do contexto da fotografia contemporânea, ao traçar as relações construídas entre fotografia e arquitetura e fotografia e ruína. Essas intersecções são observadas em momentos particulares do Modernismo até a Contemporaneidade, passando pela crítica pós-moderna nos anos 1960 e 70. Finalizo com o entrelaçamento dessas questões no âmbito brasileiro. A motivação inicial desse projeto é pessoal, pois o primeiro edifício fotografado é uma casa brutalista em que vivi por 17 anos, projetada (e fotografada) pelo arquiteto David Ottoni, meu pai. Os outros todos são, com apenas uma exceção, edifícios públicos. Ao final conclui-se que as ruínas modernistas brasileiras, além do esgotamento do pensamento moderno em si, com frequência também traduzem falência político-institucional e descaso público. / The ruins of brutalist architecture in São Paulo and the symbolic aspect of its image are the theme of this research, which is developed on the basis of two complementary essays: one photographic and another textual. The first one, carried out in the last three years, focuses modernist buildings with different levels of conservation in São Paulo: deterioration after some time of use, interruption, abandon even before the completion of works, and - in the specific case of the FAU-USP building -, the restoration process. The textual essay has an analytical character and seeks to understand the imagetic aspect in the context of contemporary photography by outlining the relationships established between photography and architecture, and photography and ruin. These intersections are observed in certain moments from Modernism to Contemporaneity, passing by the postmodern critique in the 1960s and 1970s. I finish entwining these issues within the Brazilian ambit. The initial motivation for this project is personal, because the first building photographed is a brutalist house where I lived for 17 years and which was designed (and photographed) by architect David Ottoni, my father. The others, except for one, are public buildings. The final conclusion is that Brazilian modernist ruins, in addition to the sheer exhaustion of modern thought, often translate into political-institutional failure and public neglect as well.

Montaigne-voyageur : la question de la représentation du « moi » dans le Journal de voyage et dans Les Essais / Montaigne – traveler : the question of representation of "me" in the Travel Journal and in the Essays

Zuo, Tianmeng 23 September 2016 (has links)
À partir de la culture du voyage et des études sur la mentalité du voyageur à la Renaissance, en comparant les récits de voyage de l’époque de Montaigne, notre recherche dévoile progressivement l’idée du voyage que Montaigne a conçue et pratiquée entre 1580 et 1581, en Allemagne, en Suisse et en Italie. Il considère ce long voyage à l’étranger comme une promenade, ou plutôt des promenades, en des lieux différents. Telle est la singularité dans la pensée montaignienne : la promenade est, par nature, une manière de marcher afin de se distraire. Cependant, Montaigne-voyageur transforme cette démarche en un art de voyager qui vise à éprouver du plaisir sur sa route pour rétablir une âme mélancolique, un état déséquilibré, raison initiale de son départ. Au niveau de la création littéraire, les deux ouvrages entreprennent deux genres distincts pour représenter le séjour à l’étranger de Montaigne. Le Journal de voyage, réalisé par son secrétaire et par Montaigne lui-même, représente le « moi-voyageur » du point de vue du voyageur sur la route. Quant aux Essais, en insérant certains événements de ce séjour à l’étranger, ils représentent un « Montaigne-voyageur » du point de vue de l’essayiste, qui effectue une introspection de son « moi-voyageur » et de son expérience de voyage après son retour en France. Ainsi, cette variation d’écriture entraîne un effet de décalage dans la lecture des deux ouvrages sur le même thème du voyage. Mais, « Montaigne-voyageur » joue également le rôle d’essayiste dans son parcours, au sens de l’expérimentation, et reprend sa place d’écrivain-essayiste dans ses Essais. / From travel culture and the study on the mentality of the traveler in the Renaissance, by comparing the travel writings at the time of Montaigne, this study progressively reveals the idea of travel that Montaigne conceived and practiced during 1580 and 1581, in Germany, Switzerland and Italy. He considers this long trip abroad as a walk, or rather walks, in different places. That’s the peculiarity in Montaigne’s thoughts: the walk is, by nature, a way of amusing oneself. However, Montaigne-traveller transforms this process into an art of travelling that seeks to feel pleasure on his road, in order to restore a melancholy soul and an unbalanced state, initial reason for his departure.In terms of literary creation, the two works convey two distinct genres of representing Montaigne’s stay abroad. The Montaigne’s Travel Journal, accomplished by his secretary and by Montaigne himself, represents the "me-traveller" from the point of view of the traveller on the road. And The Essays, by inserting some pieces during this stay abroad, they represent a "Montaigne-traveller" from the point of view of the essayist, who undertakes an introspection of his "me-traveller" and his travel experience after his return to France. Thus, this writing variation causes a shift in the reading of two books on the same theme of travel. But "Montaigne-traveller" also plays the role of the essayist during his journey, in the sense of experimentation, and resumes his position of writer-essayist in The Essays.

The collapse of dialogue:Intellectuals and politics in the Uruguayan crisis, 1960-1973

Gregory, Stephen William George, Modern Language Studies, UNSW January 1999 (has links)
In the context of the growing political instability and deepening economic crisis in Uruguay during the 1960s and early 1970s, the thesis examines two propositions. The first is that politically informed intellectuals, though disaffected or marginalised, will integrate themselves into the political mainstream if circumstances demand and a suitable vehicle allows them to participate usefully in the political process. The second is that, in the Uruguayan case, an expanded notion of dialogue is essential in analysing how this was accomplished, partly because the idea of dialogue was a necessary part of how they worked together and communicated with their public, and partly because dialogue was seen as a crucial element in reforming the nation and as the basis of the relationship between the political party that was to be the agent of such reform and its potential constituency. The thesis begins by examining how the so-called 1945 and 1960s generations overcame intergenerational squabbles and worked together, with the help of an expanding publishing industry, to create a public for their meditations on Uruguay's problems. Then, after briefly outlining the importance of dialogue to the essay as a genre and its role in developing national identity in Latin America, the study examines essays on the state of Uruguay by four major writers in the 1960s: Roberto Ares Pons, Alberto Methol Ferr??, Carlos Maggi and Washington Lockhart. The thesis then traces the intelligentsia's role in the several attempts to heal the rifts within the Uruguayan left and in the formation of the centre left coalition, the Frente Amplio, in 1971, to show how the notion of dialogue was incorporated into its structure, mode of operation and political program. The final section, a case study of Mario Benedetti's political activities and propagandist essays of 1971-1973, examines the contradictions of working as a committed intellectual when the very conditions necessary for intellectual life are breaking down. The thesis concludes that the resurrection of the nation as a site for dialogue with and among all members of society, a project in which the intelligentsia had enthusiastically participated, foundered because drastic political polarisation permitted only one militarist and monologic solution.


張家華 Unknown Date (has links)
知識的力量在現今的社會,已經愈來愈被重視,如何運用已經存在的知識,是目前許多人急於想了解的。在此情況下,學術界的論文也成為一股很強大的知識力量,許多研究者在當中搜尋有用的文獻當成知識來運用,希望藉由前人的研究,可以不斷的在研究領域上有所進展和發現,但知識管理在學術文獻上的應用仍是不足,大多數人也非常容易忽略這樣的知識資產,當有研究者想要研究某一領域的研究論文之時,常需要花不少時間來整理和尋找,也因論文未有效的分類,以至於若想找到相關的論文,也必須花費一翻功夫才行。如果我們可以利用知識管理中的方式,建構起一張對台灣資訊管理學科碩、博士論文的知識地圖,未來在運用龐大的文獻資料之時,我們就擁有了一個好的嚮導,可以指引我們搜尋的方向,節省許多研究者寶貴的時間。  本研究的目的特別針對兩點做出研究,一方面瞭解目前在台灣碩、博士論文中資訊管理學科近三年來援用的理論概況,另一方面將資訊管理學科近三年來在台灣所發表的碩、博士論文加以分類探討。依據這兩方面來看出我國資訊管理學域近三年的研究重點為何,在學術上各校的發展又有何傾向,再以這幾個構面來整理出一張屬於台灣資訊管理學科的「知識地圖」。最後根據研究結果與發現,對於台灣近年來所發展的資訊管理學科方向、理論來源這兩部份做出彙總和整理,讓以後想尋找台灣資訊管理學科碩、博士論文相關資料的研究者做為參考,期待可以對學術界有所貢獻。 / The rapid development of science and technology is characteristic of today's modern civilizations. In such a society, knowing how to pick up information from a load of various data and take advantage of it usefully and efficiently means one holds the key to the door of success. The old proverb ‘Knowledge is power', therefore, becomes more meaningful in this competitive society.  Undoubtedly, essays and research achievements from academic circles perform as a great resource, too, which enables researchers to follow predecessors and make progress and new findings on the existent basis. However, knowledge management in academic documents still lacks its efficient application. When common people often neglect the treasure aside and just go away, researchers are busy seeking and sorting the materials available, causing the waste of time. For this reason, to collect both the M. D’s and Ph. D’s essays of the Science of Information Management available in Taiwan and establish a network becomes an important task that cannot be delayed. There are two major goals in this study: firstly, to find out the theories applied to the Science of Information Management in the recent three years in Taiwan; secondly, to sort and study these various researches in this science. Then we can see the major emphases in this study field, the scholastic trends in each school's development, and thus form the ‘knowledge map’ we intend to make. I sincerely expect the compilation and arrangement of the theory bases and trends in the Science of Information Management in recent Taiwan can be a reference to researchers who take interest in this subject and contribute to this academic field.

Den ansiktslösa rösten : Analyser av Jenny Holzers verk och en studie i den konsthistoriska bilden av henne.

Ohlsson, Catharina January 2008 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats tittar närmare på fyra verk av Jenny Holzer. Hennes konstnärskap jämförs även med Guerilla Girls. Huvudmetoden utgörs av bildanalyser och jag presenterar också tolkningsmöjligheter utifrån ett genusperspektiv. Utöver detta har jag med en konsthistoriografisk undersökning fått fram hur den generella bilden av Holzer ser ut.</p>

Den ansiktslösa rösten : Analyser av Jenny Holzers verk och en studie i den konsthistoriska bilden av henne.

Ohlsson, Catharina January 2008 (has links)
Denna uppsats tittar närmare på fyra verk av Jenny Holzer. Hennes konstnärskap jämförs även med Guerilla Girls. Huvudmetoden utgörs av bildanalyser och jag presenterar också tolkningsmöjligheter utifrån ett genusperspektiv. Utöver detta har jag med en konsthistoriografisk undersökning fått fram hur den generella bilden av Holzer ser ut.

The Relationship among Vocabulary Knowledge, Academic Achievement and the Lexical Richness in Writing in Swedish University Students of English

Lemmouh, Zakaria January 2010 (has links)
The main aims of the thesis are: to explore the development of Swedish university students’ vocabulary knowledge, size and depth and vocabulary use (i.e. lexical richness) in their written output, to examine the relationship between these, their relationship to examination grades, and to investigate how these relationships develop over time. The results showed that over one year of university studies stronger links between the two dimensions of vocabulary knowledge, size and depth are established. No relationship was found between informants’ vocabulary size and lexical richness. However, a modest relationship was found between depth and the lexical richness of student essays. Furthermore, there was a modest relationship between vocabulary knowledge and academic performance. A weaker significant, relationship was found between lexical richness of student essays and academic performance as reflected in the course grade. However, the study did not show evidence of a relationship between lexical richness and essay grade, which seems to indicate that lexical richness, is not an essential criterion in teachers’ assessment of essays. In regard to the development of the informant’s vocabulary knowledge, there was a significant growth in their productive size and depth of vocabulary knowledge after both one and two terms. The informants’ receptive size was found to only develop over two terms of study. Moreover, they produced lexically richer essays in their second term than in their first term of study. The results of the study are discussed in light of the effect of similar learning experience at university and the onset vocabulary ability of the informants. Moreover, the findings are discussed from the perspective of pedagogical implications and vocabulary assessment.

Periodización e identidad cultural en el ensayo latinoamericano : tres puntos de vista: Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, Domingo F. Sarmiento y José Martí

Chachagua, Freddy Antonio 05 1900 (has links)
To date, the Latin American essay remains little studied, certainly compared to other literary genres such as the novel, poetry and theater. This thesis examines prevailing theorists' conceptions of the essay and its historical development in Latin America. Employing the notions of cultural identity and difference, which have long been central to Latin American critical thought, this study distances the development of the essay in Latin America from Spanish colonial writings of the sixteenth century. In its place, this study proposes an innovative classification scheme that incorporates cultural codes as its main criteria in order to provide a more equitable treatment of essays from areas that have traditionally been marginalized in standard chronologically based classification schemes. Some of the paradigms used in this study to defend the integrity and specificity of the Latin American essay and culture are Inca Garcilaso de la Vega's affirmation of the values of the continent's indigenous pre-columbian heritage, Domingo Faustino Sarmiento's discursive reinvention of South America, and Jose Marti's notion of hibridez—a cultural and racial complex mixture rooted in the region's history—as an affirmation of a continental Latin American cultural identity. This thesis demonstrates that since Latin American essays diverge thematically from colonialist discourse, studies of the origins of the Latin American essay do not have to perpetuate the colonialist legacy.

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