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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Διερεύνηση και αποτύπωση της άποψης φαρμακοποιών για το ρόλο και τη δραστηριότητα της φαρμακευτικής βιομηχανίας στην ελληνική φαρμακευτική αγορά

Θεοδώρου, Σάββας 03 April 2012 (has links)
Η παρούσα εργασία εκπονήθηκε στο πλαίσιο του Μεταπτυχιακού Προγράμματος Σπουδών, στην κατεύθυνση «Φαρμακευτικό Μάρκετινγκ», του τμήματος Φαρμακευτικής της Σχολής Επιστημών Υγείας του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών. Σύμφωνα με τον Παγκόσμιο Οργανισμό Υγείας (World Health Organization, WHO), η Υγεία είναι «μια κατάσταση φυσικής, πνευματικής και κοινωνικής ευεξίας, η οποία επιτρέπει σε κάθε άτομο να διάγει μια ζωή κοινωνικά και οικονομικά παραγωγική» (www.who.com). Από την άλλη πλευρά, η Φροντίδα Υγείας είναι «το σύνολο των αγαθών και υπηρεσιών που καταναλώνονται προκειμένου να επιτευχθεί ένα δεδομένο επίπεδο υγείας». Το επίπεδο της δημοσίας υγείας είναι από τους βασικότερους δείκτες της ανάπτυξης μιας χώρας. Σύμφωνα με τα πρότυπα υγείας του ΟΟΣΑ υγειονομική δαπάνη είναι το σύνολο των δαπανών για δραστηριότητες μέσω της χρήσης ιατρικής, φαρμακευτικής και παραϊατρικής γνώσης, που αποσκοπούν στην προαγωγή της υγείας, στην πρόληψη ασθενειών και στη μείωση της πρόωρης θνησιμότητας. Επομένως το φάρμακο ως κοινωνικό αγαθό αποτελεί επένδυση για την ευημερία και την υγεία των πολιτών. Ως σύστημα υγείας ορίζεται το σύνολο των ανθρώπινων, υλικών και χρηματικών πόρων καθώς επίσης των οργανισμών, των ιδρυμάτων και των φορέων οι οποίοι συνδέονται με τη χρηματοδότηση, τη ρύθμιση και την επιτέλεση των «δράσεων υγείας». Το ελληνικό σύστημα υγείας αποτελεί ένα μικτό σύστημα με συμμετοχή του ιδιωτικού και του δημόσιου τομέα, τόσο από την πλευρά της παροχής υπηρεσιών υγείας όσο και από την πλευρά χρηματοδότησης αυτών. Το επάγγελμα του φαρμακοποιού, ολοένα και περισσότερο, αναγνωρίζεται παγκοσμίως ως σημαντικό για την προώθηση της υγείας. Το 1980 αναδύθηκε η έννοια της φαρμακευτικής φροντίδας η οποία επανεστίασε στις προσπάθειες των φαρμακοποιών για την επίτευξη θεραπευτικών αποτελεσμάτων στον ασθενή, τα οποία θα βελτίωναν την ποιότητα ζωής του. Ως φάρμακο, σύμφωνα με τον επίσημο ορισμό όπως αυτός έχει διατυπωθεί από τον Παγκόσμιο Οργανισμό Υγείας ορίζεται: «Κάθε ουσία ή μίγμα ουσιών, που παράγεται, προσφέρεται προς πώληση, ή παρουσιάζεται για χρήση στη διάγνωση, στη θεραπεία, στον μετριασμό ή στην πρόληψη νόσου, μη φυσιολογικής φυσικής κατάστασης, ή των συμπτωμάτων τους στον άνθρωπο ή στα ζώα, καθώς και για χρήση στην αποκατάσταση, την διόρθωση, ή την μεταβολή οργανικών λειτουργιών στον άνθρωπο ή τα ζώα». Ο κλάδος του φαρμάκου, ως κατηγορία του κλάδου υγείας έχει όλα τα χαρακτηριστικά με εντονότερο το χαρακτηριστικό της αβεβαιότητας στη ζήτηση, καθώς η ζήτηση είναι τριχοτομημένη αφού ο γιατρός χορηγεί την ιατρική συνταγή, ο ασθενής καταναλώνει τα φαρμακευτικά προϊόντα και ο ασφαλιστικός οργανισμός ή το κράτος τα αποζημιώνει. Ισχύει λοιπόν μιας σχέση αντιπροσώπευσης του ασθενούς, ενώ σε όλα αυτά θα πρέπει να προστεθεί και το ζήτημα της προκλητής ζήτησης προερχόμενης κατά κύριο λόγω από τις φαρμακευτικές επιχειρήσεις ή εταιρείες μέσω πάντα των συνταγογράφων ιατρών. Η φαρμακευτική αγορά υποτίθεται ότι υπόκειται σε αυστηρούς ελέγχους σε ότι αφορά την ασφάλεια και τη δραστικότητα των φαρμάκων. Ωστόσο κοινή διαπίστωση αποτελεί η έλλειψη σταθερού θεσμικού πλαισίου, ρυθμιστικών κανόνων και η καταπάτηση της αρχή της ισότητας στην πρόσβαση των ασθενών στα αγαθά και στις υπηρεσίες υγείας. Σκοπός της εργασίας ήταν να ερευνηθούν και να αποτυπωθούν οι απόψεις δείγματος φαρμακοποιών σχετικά με το ρόλο και τη δραστηριότητα της φαρμακευτικής βιομηχανίας στην ελληνική φαρμακευτική αγορά. Συγκεκριμένα εξετάζεται η σημασία της συμμετοχής και του ρόλου της φαρμακευτικής βιομηχανίας στην ελληνική φαρμακευτική αγορά, στην ελληνική οικονομία, στην έρευνα, καθώς και σε ότι αφορά την κοινωνική τους ευθύνη, τόσο λόγω της θεωρούμενης αθέμιτης επιρροής που ασκούν στους συνταγογράφους ιατρούς, όσο και λόγω της αύξησης του σύνολο της δημόσιας φαρμακευτικής δαπάνης, προκειμένου να διαπιστωθεί αν τα υπάρχοντα “guidelines” που διέπουν την λειτουργία της φαρμακευτικής αγοράς και έχουν θεσπιστεί από τους αρμόδιους φορείς ελέγχου και πιστοποίησης επαρκούν. / The present study was carried out within the framework of the Program of Postgraduate Studies (subject area: Pharmaceutical Marketing) of the Department of Pharmacy, School of Health Sciences, University of Patras. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), health is defined as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, allowing thus an individual to live a socially rewarding, and financially productive life” (http://www.who.int/en/). On the other hand, healthcare is “the total of goods and services consumed in order to achieve a given standard of health”. Public health level is one of the key development indicators for any country. According to OECD’s health standards, health expenditure is the total expenditure for activities carried out and aimed at promoting health, preventing diseases and reducing premature mortality with the use of medical, pharmaceutical and paramedical knowledge. Therefore a medicinal product seen as a social good is an investment for the citizens’ health and prosperity. A health system is defined as the total of human, material and pecuniary resources as well as the entire set of the organizations, institutions and bodies involved in financing, regulating and carrying out “health operations”. The Greek health system is a mixed health system combining both the public and the private sector on the part of the health service providers and on the part of the providers of funds. The profession of pharmacy is increasingly recognized worldwide as significant for the promotion of health. In 1980 the concept of pharmaceutical care emerged, which refocused on the pharmacists’ efforts for the achievement of therapeutic effects on patients, in order to improve their quality of life. According to the official definition provided by World Health Organization a medicine or medicament is “any chemical substance or mixture of substances, which is produced, offered for sale or intended for use in the medical diagnosis, cure, treatment, palliation or the prevention of a disease, an abnormal natural condition or their symptoms in humans or animals as well as for use in the restoration, correction or modification of organic functions in humans or animals”. The sector of medicinal products, seen as a category of the health sector, has all the characteristics of the latter with most prominent the characteristic of uncertainty as regards the demand inasmuch as the demand is split in three parts since the physician prescribes a medicine, the patient consumes the medicine and the health insurance organization or the state reimburses the same. As a result, there is a representation relationship for the patient. Moreover it should be added in the above the issue of the induced demand emanating primarily from the pharmaceutical enterprises or companies through the prescribing agents - physicians. The pharmaceutical market is supposed to be subject to stringent controls as regards the medicines’ safety and activity. Nevertheless it is well known the lack of a stabilized institutional framework, regulatory rules and the encroachment of the principle of equality with regard to the patients’ access to health goods and services. The aim of the study was to investigate and represent the views of a sample population of pharmacists with reference to the role and the activity of the pharmaceutical industry in the Greek pharmaceutical market. In particular, the significance of the pharmaceutical industry’s contribution and role on the Greek pharmaceutical market, Greek economy, and research in addition to the companies’ social responsibility are examined given both the supposedly improper influence that they pursue to the prescribing agents – physicians and the increase of the total amount of the public pharmaceutical expenditure so as to ascertain whether the existing “guidelines”, which have been established by the competent inspection and certification bodies and govern the operation of the pharmaceutical market, suffice.

Third party healthcare logistics : A study of third-party logistics providers in China

Wang, Luyao, Hu, Yuqiao January 2018 (has links)
With the strong support from the government and investors, Chinese healthcare sector is developed rapidly. Also, the demand for healthcare logistics has also gradually increased. Currently, most Chinese pharmaceutical manufacturing are using traditional healthcare logistics, and due to the late start of Chinese healthcare logistics, there are many problems within the field. Therefore,there is a strong demand for professional 3PL providers involving Chinese healthcare sectors. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the status of Chinese healthcare sectors, to indicate the predictable contribution of Chinese 3PL providers after entering. And also, to analyze how different types of Chinese 3PL providers can better adapt themselves to healthcare logistics sectors. Additionally, different opportunities and challenges faced by the Chinese 3PL providers in the field of healthcare logistics has been analyzed.

Modelo de intervenção para processo de desenvolvimento de produto farmaceutico [sic] para pequenas e médias empresas

Gusberti, Tomoe Daniela Hamanaka January 2006 (has links)
Os administradores de pequenas e médias empresas (PME) buscam práticas de desenvolvimento de produtos e conhecimento que auxilie a permanência delas e o crescimento no mercado. Uma forma de incorporar práticas consagradas é através da sistematização do Processo de Desenvolvimento de Produto (PDP). A representação desse processo pode ser realizada por meio de modelos referenciais os quais incluem atividades, ferramentas, conceitos e melhores práticas. Apesar disso, no que se refere à estruturação do PDP, de um modo geral, as empresas não incorporaram facilmente essas práticas à sua realidade. Em decorrência desse fato, há a necessidade de um modelo de transição entre a prática atual e aquelas propostas pelos modelos de referência disponíveis na literatura. No caso das empresas do setor farmacêutico, essa realidade não é diferente. A maioria das empresas, principalmente pequenas e médias, não considera fácil a tarefa de entendimento e implantação de um modelo referencial para o PDP. Contribuindo com a resolução dessa problemática, esse trabalho objetiva a elaboração de uma proposta de intervenção em empresas farmacêuticas de pequeno e médio porte. Essa proposta apresenta etapas para guiar a implantação de um modelo referencial adaptado ao setor e à empresa. Para tal, a proposta desse trabalho incorporou as melhores práticas de intervenção encontradas na literatura, como aspectos concernentes à engenharia do método e ao PDP. Foram analisados o ambiente de aplicação dos mesmos, o contexto do setor farmacêutico brasileiro e a estrutura organizacional das empresas de pequeno e médio porte, através de revisão bibliográfica e estudos de caso. Um modelo preliminar de intervenção foi elaborado considerando esses aspectos e guiado pelas teorias de gestão da mudança e engenharia do método. O modelo foi aprimorado através da sua aplicação em uma empresa, através de pesquisa-ação. O modelo de intervenção resultante desse trabalho contempla as características de PME do setor para auxiliar como guia para a melhoria dos processos de desenvolvimento de produtos e apresenta os princípios norteadores do processo de intervenção contemplando ferramentas que podem ser utilizadas para a realização do mesmo, além dos passos e etapas a serem seguidas. / The small and medium enterprises (SME) managers search for best practices and knowledges that help growing on the competitive world. The product development process (PDP), systematization and organization importance are largely diffused. The reference models are the PDP representation and include activities, tools, concepts and best practices. Nevertheless, the corporations do not easily incorporate those practices on their routine to improve their PDP. Then, a transition model from the real practice to the proposed literature reference model is needed. The pharmaceutical companies’ reality is not different. The enterprise’s managers, especially small and medium ones, do not consider easy to understand and implement the reference models. This research considered the theory of Method Engineering dominium applied to the Organizational Engineering dominium to compose an Intervention Model for the Pharmaceutical SME’s PDP. The model incorporated the intervention’s best practices found in the literature. The method and PDP dominium was discussed. The review of Brazilian Small and Medium Pharmaceutical Industry and their enterprise’s organizational structure characterizes the environment of intervention. Case studies performed at a company with typical characteristics of the studied group complemented the information of literature review. Useful tools and practices for the Pharmaceutical PDP and Intervention were identified from literature. The consideration of Change Management and Method Engineering theory led to the elaboration of the Preliminary Intervention Model. This model was evaluated by its application in a medium-sized pharmaceutical organization by action-research. The researcher’s observation supported the model improvement. This improvement generated the Intervention Model. The Intervention Model considers the pharmaceutical small and medium enterprises characteristics and can guide to the Pharmaceutical PDP improvement. The Model presents the processes, practices, principles and tools for the intervention process.

Medição de desempenho na indústria farmacêutica como estratégia de suporte para a implementação do sistema de qualidade

Klafke, Arlete Teresinha January 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho descreve a implantação de um Sistema da Qualidade a partir da implementação das Boas Praticas de Fabricação e Controle em uma empresa farmacêutica em fase de importantes mudanças estratégicas, acompanhando a sua evolução no período compreendido entre setembro de 2001 a dezembro de 2003. A revisão bibliográfica contextualiza a empresa no cenário da indústria farmacêutica atual e reforça a idéia da complexidade de fatores envolvidos na implementação de um sistema de qualidade, como a cultura organizacional e o uso de ferramentas gerenciais. O embasamento teórico centra a pesquisa na literatura sobre o gerenciamento da qualidade, sistemas de medição e indicadores de desempenho. A pesquisa propôs um modelo que utiliza a medição de desempenho como suporte estratégico na implementação do Sistema da Qualidade e aplica este modelo no período da pesquisa. Os resultados indicam que o uso dos indicadores de desempenho como balizadores da execução da estratégia e como controladores das ações planejadas é uma ferramenta útil, mesmo dissociada de um sistema de medição corporativo. As medidas forneceram informações estratégicas, proporcionado oportunidades constantes de melhorias e correções no curso das implementações baseadas nas mudanças de cenário ou nas descobertas de novos fatores críticos. / This report has the purpose to introduce how the Quality System was implemented in a pharmaceutical company in a phase of significant strategic changes, following its evolution in the period from September 2001 to December 2003. A literature review was performed to situate the company in the current scenario of the pharmaceutical industry and to reinforce the intrinsic complexity involved in the establishment of a Quality System, as the organizational culture and the use of managerial tools. The theory construction concentrates the research in the literature regarding Quality Management, Performance Indicators and Measurement Systems. The methodology proposed includes performance measurement as a strategic support to the Quality System. The results has proven that the performance indicators are a useful to01 and can be use as delimitators of the establishment strategy and as controllers of planned actions, even when dissociated from the corporation rneasurement system. The measurernents are strategic feedback and create opportunities to improvements and to correct the course of the establishrnent in agreement with the scenery changes or new critical factors discoveries.

Open innovation como estratégia de inovação para indústrias farmcêuticas brasileiras : um estudo exploratório / Open innovation as innovation strategy for brazilian pharamceutical companies

Yang, Samanta January 2010 (has links)
A inovação é um fator crítico para o sucesso das empresas. A indústria farmacêutica é historicamente movida pela inovação. Entretanto, neste ramo, o desenvolvimento de novos produtos envolve custos elevados e um longo ciclo de desenvolvimento de produto acarretando em um alto risco de negócio. Recentemente, a estratégia de inovação aberta (open innovation) surgiu com alternativa às empresas para inovação sugerindo que as empresas mantenham-se abertas a idéias internas e externas, tornando o processo de inovação mais ágil, econômico e seguro, uma vez que ele passa a ser compartilhado com outras partes. Porém, embora este novo paradigma se aplique ao ramo farmacêutico, há poucas pesquisas até o momento que estudem diretamente a estratégia de inovação aberta à indústria farmacêutica. Desta forma, este trabalho busca estudar de forma exploratória a prática da estratégia de inovação aberta por indústrias farmacêuticas brasileiras e compreender: os motivos que levaram as empresas nacionais a adotarem este modelo, como esta prática está estruturada dentro destas indústrias e de que maneira elas trabalham com seus parceiros de inovação. A pesquisa comprovou que as indústrias farmacêuticas estão utilizando a inovação aberta como estratégia de inovação. Entretanto, o modelo de inovação aplicado possui adaptações, em razões de questões culturais e maturidade da empresa, de forma que o fluxo de idéias criativas ocorre somente na direção do ambiente externo para o interno da empresa. Entre os problemas relacionados à inovação aberta no Brasil, optou-se por investigar as relações entre os envolvidos como forma de encontrar oportunidades de melhoria para o modelo brasileiro que ainda se baseia muito na relação empresa-universidade. Dentre as empresas estudadas no estudo de caso indicou serem os principais stakeholder as universidades e institutos de pesquisa públicos e que estas parceiras se consolidam preferencialmente através de convênios de pesquisa. / In a highly competitive environment, innovation is a critical factor to the success and maintenance of any company. The pharmaceutical industry is historically moved by innovation in products. However, in the pharmaceutical business, the development of new products demands huge investments and a long development cycle which consequently increase the risk of the business associated to uncertainty. Recently, the open innovation strategy emerged as an alternative to companies to innovate and develop new products. This new paradigm suggests that companies must be opened to ideas from the internal and external environments and to perform co-development projects with the purpose of developing products faster, cheaper and in a less risky way. Although this new paradigm is adequate to the pharmaceutical segment, there are few researches that discuss the open innovation strategy in the pharmaceutical industry. Therefore, this research has the purpose to study the practice of open innovation strategy by Brazilian pharmaceutical companies and to access: the reasons that motivate the national companies to adopt this model, how this practice is structured inside the companies and how they work with their innovation partners. From this investigation it was possible to verify that the pharmaceutical industries in Brazil use open innovation as a strategy of innovation. However, the open innovation model characteristics in Brazil consider adaptations from the original model suggested by Chesbrough. For cultural and the companies’ business maturity level, it was noticed that the influx of creative ideas is mainly from the outside towards inside company. Additionally, it was investigated the relationship among the co-development stakeholders, as an opportunity to find improvements to the Brazilian open innovation model. The case study findings indicate that the most relevant partnership type is the consortium with the universities and research institutes.

Medição de desempenho na indústria farmacêutica como estratégia de suporte para a implementação do sistema de qualidade

Klafke, Arlete Teresinha January 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho descreve a implantação de um Sistema da Qualidade a partir da implementação das Boas Praticas de Fabricação e Controle em uma empresa farmacêutica em fase de importantes mudanças estratégicas, acompanhando a sua evolução no período compreendido entre setembro de 2001 a dezembro de 2003. A revisão bibliográfica contextualiza a empresa no cenário da indústria farmacêutica atual e reforça a idéia da complexidade de fatores envolvidos na implementação de um sistema de qualidade, como a cultura organizacional e o uso de ferramentas gerenciais. O embasamento teórico centra a pesquisa na literatura sobre o gerenciamento da qualidade, sistemas de medição e indicadores de desempenho. A pesquisa propôs um modelo que utiliza a medição de desempenho como suporte estratégico na implementação do Sistema da Qualidade e aplica este modelo no período da pesquisa. Os resultados indicam que o uso dos indicadores de desempenho como balizadores da execução da estratégia e como controladores das ações planejadas é uma ferramenta útil, mesmo dissociada de um sistema de medição corporativo. As medidas forneceram informações estratégicas, proporcionado oportunidades constantes de melhorias e correções no curso das implementações baseadas nas mudanças de cenário ou nas descobertas de novos fatores críticos. / This report has the purpose to introduce how the Quality System was implemented in a pharmaceutical company in a phase of significant strategic changes, following its evolution in the period from September 2001 to December 2003. A literature review was performed to situate the company in the current scenario of the pharmaceutical industry and to reinforce the intrinsic complexity involved in the establishment of a Quality System, as the organizational culture and the use of managerial tools. The theory construction concentrates the research in the literature regarding Quality Management, Performance Indicators and Measurement Systems. The methodology proposed includes performance measurement as a strategic support to the Quality System. The results has proven that the performance indicators are a useful to01 and can be use as delimitators of the establishment strategy and as controllers of planned actions, even when dissociated from the corporation rneasurement system. The measurernents are strategic feedback and create opportunities to improvements and to correct the course of the establishrnent in agreement with the scenery changes or new critical factors discoveries.

Open innovation como estratégia de inovação para indústrias farmcêuticas brasileiras : um estudo exploratório / Open innovation as innovation strategy for brazilian pharamceutical companies

Yang, Samanta January 2010 (has links)
A inovação é um fator crítico para o sucesso das empresas. A indústria farmacêutica é historicamente movida pela inovação. Entretanto, neste ramo, o desenvolvimento de novos produtos envolve custos elevados e um longo ciclo de desenvolvimento de produto acarretando em um alto risco de negócio. Recentemente, a estratégia de inovação aberta (open innovation) surgiu com alternativa às empresas para inovação sugerindo que as empresas mantenham-se abertas a idéias internas e externas, tornando o processo de inovação mais ágil, econômico e seguro, uma vez que ele passa a ser compartilhado com outras partes. Porém, embora este novo paradigma se aplique ao ramo farmacêutico, há poucas pesquisas até o momento que estudem diretamente a estratégia de inovação aberta à indústria farmacêutica. Desta forma, este trabalho busca estudar de forma exploratória a prática da estratégia de inovação aberta por indústrias farmacêuticas brasileiras e compreender: os motivos que levaram as empresas nacionais a adotarem este modelo, como esta prática está estruturada dentro destas indústrias e de que maneira elas trabalham com seus parceiros de inovação. A pesquisa comprovou que as indústrias farmacêuticas estão utilizando a inovação aberta como estratégia de inovação. Entretanto, o modelo de inovação aplicado possui adaptações, em razões de questões culturais e maturidade da empresa, de forma que o fluxo de idéias criativas ocorre somente na direção do ambiente externo para o interno da empresa. Entre os problemas relacionados à inovação aberta no Brasil, optou-se por investigar as relações entre os envolvidos como forma de encontrar oportunidades de melhoria para o modelo brasileiro que ainda se baseia muito na relação empresa-universidade. Dentre as empresas estudadas no estudo de caso indicou serem os principais stakeholder as universidades e institutos de pesquisa públicos e que estas parceiras se consolidam preferencialmente através de convênios de pesquisa. / In a highly competitive environment, innovation is a critical factor to the success and maintenance of any company. The pharmaceutical industry is historically moved by innovation in products. However, in the pharmaceutical business, the development of new products demands huge investments and a long development cycle which consequently increase the risk of the business associated to uncertainty. Recently, the open innovation strategy emerged as an alternative to companies to innovate and develop new products. This new paradigm suggests that companies must be opened to ideas from the internal and external environments and to perform co-development projects with the purpose of developing products faster, cheaper and in a less risky way. Although this new paradigm is adequate to the pharmaceutical segment, there are few researches that discuss the open innovation strategy in the pharmaceutical industry. Therefore, this research has the purpose to study the practice of open innovation strategy by Brazilian pharmaceutical companies and to access: the reasons that motivate the national companies to adopt this model, how this practice is structured inside the companies and how they work with their innovation partners. From this investigation it was possible to verify that the pharmaceutical industries in Brazil use open innovation as a strategy of innovation. However, the open innovation model characteristics in Brazil consider adaptations from the original model suggested by Chesbrough. For cultural and the companies’ business maturity level, it was noticed that the influx of creative ideas is mainly from the outside towards inside company. Additionally, it was investigated the relationship among the co-development stakeholders, as an opportunity to find improvements to the Brazilian open innovation model. The case study findings indicate that the most relevant partnership type is the consortium with the universities and research institutes.

A relação entre patentes farmacêuticas, doenças negligenciadas e o programa público brasileiro de produção e distribuição de medicamentos

Castro, José Flávio de [UNESP] 25 April 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:28:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2012-04-25Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:26:32Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 castro_jf_me_arafcl.pdf: 985996 bytes, checksum: 8315689cc09f48acc433e1177b86d222 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O presente trabalho discute a influência do regime de patentes estabelecido internacionalmente, sobre o problema das doenças denominadas “negligenciadas”, que recebem esta designação por não despertarem interesse da indústria farmacêutica privada para o desenvolvimento de novos medicamentos, pois vitimam principalmente as populações dos países pobres ou em desenvolvimento localizados na região tropical. Esse regime de patentes também dificulta os objetivos dos programas públicos de produção e distribuição de medicamentos, que visam atender às camadas mais pobres da população, necessitadas destes e sem condições próprias de adquiri-los. Para se ter uma melhor compreensão deste contexto foi analisado, principalmente, o acordo TRIPS (Trade- Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) que regulamenta o atual regime de patentes em nível internacional, considerando a postura da Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) e dos governos brasileiros em relação a essa questão. O Brasil foi usado como estudo de caso por se caracterizar como um país em desenvolvimento, localizado na região tropical e reconhecido internacionalmente por resultados positivos em relação ao combate às doenças negligenciadas e pela implementação de iniciativas que visam o maior acesso a medicamentos pela sua população / This research discusses the influence of the patent regime in the problem of diseases called neglected, they receive this designation because the private pharmaceutical industry has a lack of interest of to develop new drugs to them. These diseases victimize people in poor countries or developing countries located in tropical regions. This patent regime also hinders the objectives of public programs for the production and distribution of drugs, which aim to garantee better health conditions to poorest of the population. For a better understanding, we analyzed the TRIPS (Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) which regulates the current patent regime at the international level, and discussed the behavior of the World Health Organization (WHO) and of Brazilian governments in relation to this issue. Brazil was used as a case study because it is characterized as a developing country, located in tropical region and with positive results internationally recognized in his strategies to combating neglected diseases and in the implementation of initiatives aimed at increase access to medicines for its population

A relação entre patentes farmacêuticas, doenças negligenciadas e o programa público brasileiro de produção e distribuição de medicamentos /

Castro, José Flávio de. January 2012 (has links)
Orientador: Karina Lilia Pasquariello Mariano / Banca: Gabriel Cepaluni / Banca: Luciana Togeiro de Almeida / Resumo: O presente trabalho discute a influência do regime de patentes estabelecido internacionalmente, sobre o problema das doenças denominadas "negligenciadas", que recebem esta designação por não despertarem interesse da indústria farmacêutica privada para o desenvolvimento de novos medicamentos, pois vitimam principalmente as populações dos países pobres ou em desenvolvimento localizados na região tropical. Esse regime de patentes também dificulta os objetivos dos programas públicos de produção e distribuição de medicamentos, que visam atender às camadas mais pobres da população, necessitadas destes e sem condições próprias de adquiri-los. Para se ter uma melhor compreensão deste contexto foi analisado, principalmente, o acordo TRIPS (Trade- Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) que regulamenta o atual regime de patentes em nível internacional, considerando a postura da Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) e dos governos brasileiros em relação a essa questão. O Brasil foi usado como estudo de caso por se caracterizar como um país em desenvolvimento, localizado na região tropical e reconhecido internacionalmente por resultados positivos em relação ao combate às doenças negligenciadas e pela implementação de iniciativas que visam o maior acesso a medicamentos pela sua população / Abstract: This research discusses the influence of the patent regime in the problem of diseases called "neglected", they receive this designation because the private pharmaceutical industry has a lack of interest of to develop new drugs to them. These diseases victimize people in poor countries or developing countries located in tropical regions. This patent regime also hinders the objectives of public programs for the production and distribution of drugs, which aim to garantee better health conditions to poorest of the population. For a better understanding, we analyzed the TRIPS (Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) which regulates the current patent regime at the international level, and discussed the behavior of the World Health Organization (WHO) and of Brazilian governments in relation to this issue. Brazil was used as a case study because it is characterized as a developing country, located in tropical region and with positive results internationally recognized in his strategies to combating neglected diseases and in the implementation of initiatives aimed at increase access to medicines for its population / Mestre

Farmaceutický průmysl ve světě - geografické aspekty / Pharmaceutical industry in the world - geographical aspects

DUŠEK, Ondřej January 2009 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is a global pharmaceutical industry focussing on its geographical aspects. It is a progressive branch of industry with a specific structure and it is characterised by specific trends of development and localization. The first section of the thesis shows the basic characteristics of the pharmaceutical industry. The second section of the thesis deals primarily with a global pharmaceutical industry, important producers of pharmaceutics and pharmaceutical companies and also geographical organization and deployment of this branch of industry. This section brings also the issue of research in the pharmaceutical industry, the question of supranational activities of pharmaceutical industry or functioning of international pharmaceutical associations. The third last section deals with Czech pharmaceutical industry and its situation in the Czech Republic. The thesis focuses primarily on the domestic producers of pharmaceutics it describes their history and current state shows some geographical patterns of domestic pharmaceutical industry and distribution. Tables, graphs and maps make the integral part of this thesis which function primarily as an illustration and specification of acquired information.

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