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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An exploratory paper of the privacy paradox in the age of big data and emerging technologies / En undersökning av the privacy paradox i en tid med big data och ny teknik

Serra, Michelle January 2018 (has links)
Technological innovations and advancements are helping people gain an increasingly comfortable life, as well as expand their social capital through online networks by offering individual's new opportunities to share personal information. By collecting vast amounts of data a whole new range of services can be offered, information can be collected and compared, and a new level of individualization can be reached. However, with these new technical capacities comes the omnipresence of various devices gathering data, potential threats to privacy, and individuals' increasing concern over data privacy. This paper aims to shed light on the 'privacy paradox' phenomenon, the dichotomy between privacy attitude, concern, and behavior, by examining previous literature as well as using an online survey (N=463). The findings indicate that there is a difference between attitude, concern, and actual behavior. While individuals' value their data privacy and are concerned about information collected on them, few take action to protect it and actions rarely align with expressed concerns. However, the 'privacy paradox' is a complex phenomenon and it requires further research, especially with the implications of a data driven society and when introducing emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things. / Tekniska innovationer och framsteg har bidragit till att människor kan erbjudas en alltmer bekväm livsstil. Genom insamling av stora mängder data kan individer erbjudas ett helt nytt utbud av tjänster, information kan samlas in och jämföras, och en helt ny nivå av Individualisering kan uppnås. Dock innebär dessa innovationer enallt större närvaro av datainsamlandeenheter, potentiella hot mot privatliv, samt individers ökade oro kring dataintegritet. Denna uppsats undersöker "the privacy paradox", skillnaden mellan attityd och beteende kring datasäkerhet, och dess konsekvenser i ett datastyrt samhälle i och med att ny teknik introduceras. Undersökningen har skett genom en litteraturstudie samt en enkätundersökning (N=463) och resultaten visar på ett det finns en skillnad mellan attityd och beteende. Individer värderar datasäkerhet och är oroliga kring vilken mängd information som samlas in, dock är det få som agerar för att inte dela information och attityd går sällan i linje med faktiskt beteende. "The privacy paradox" är ett komplext fenomen och mer forskning krävs, speciellt i och med introduktion av ny teknik så som Artificiell intelligens och Internet of Things.

Effects of Social Network Sites on Social Capital and Awareness of Privacy: A Study of Chinese and U.S. College Students' Usage of Social Network Sites

Sun, Tianyi January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Attityd och beteende bland internetanvändare gällande personliginformationsdelning och personligt riktadeannonser : Hur ser skillnaden ut och vad påverkar detta?

Uhr, Aksel, Holdar, Vilgot January 2021 (has links)
Mängden datainsamling växer snabbt i dagens informationssamhälle. I takt med attwebbinnehavare samlar in allt mer personlig information om internetanvändare, harkontroverser om integritet och negativa attityder uppkommit. Trots dessa kontroverser hartidigare forskning visat att internetanvändare tenderar att ignorera försiktighetsåtgärder för attskydda deras integritet. Denna skillnad mellan attityd och beteende beskrivs som "the privacyparadox". Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka “the privacy paradox” och de faktorersom påverkar fenomenen med avseende på personligt riktad annonsering. En konceptuellmodell med olika relationer konstruerades, baserat på tidigare forskning. Komponenterna imodellen inkluderade följande faktorer: tillit, upplevd risk, generell integritetsoro, upplevdfördel, avsett beteende och faktiskt beteende. För att utvärdera modellen genomfördes enenkätstudie (N = 107). Den insamlade datans resultat analyserades med hjälp av univariatstatistik, bivariat statistik och i slutändan användes PLS-SEM-metoder för multivariatstatistik. Resultaten bevisade att det finns en påtaglig skillnad mellan internetanvändareuttryckta attityd och beteende, vilket inte kunde förklaras av demografiska variabler.Dessutom visade resultaten att påverkansfaktorerna hade en positiv effekt på attityd ochbeteende. Genom att tolka dessa resultat drog vi slutsatsen att upplevd risk och tillit har enpositiv effekt på generell integritetsoro. Följaktligen har integritetsoro och upplevd fördel enpositiv effekt på avsett beteende, vilket i sin tur har en positiv effekt på faktiskt beteende. / The amount of data collection is growing rapidly in today’s information society. As thecollection of personal information by web holders increases, controversies about privacy andnegative attitudes have occurred among web users. Despite this, previous research has shownthat web users tend to ignore precautions in order to protect their privacy. This differencebetween attitude and behavior is described as “the privacy paradox”. The aim of this study isto investigate the privacy paradox and the influencing factors of the phenomena, with regardsto personally targeted advertisement. A conceptual model with various relationships wasconstructed, based on previous research. Components of the model included the followingfactors: trust, perceived risk, privacy concerns, perceived benefits, behavioral intention andactual behavior. In order to evaluate the model, a survey was conducted (N = 107). Thesurvey’s results were analyzed by using univariate statistics, bivariate statistics and ultimatelyPLS-SEM methods were applied for the multivariate statistics. The results proved that thereis indeed a difference between web user’s expressed attitude and behavior, which could notbe explained by demographic variables. Furthermore, the results indicated that theinfluencing factors had a positive effect on attitude and behavior. By interpreting theseresults, we concluded that perceived risk and trust have a positive effect on privacy concerns.Furthermore, privacy concerns and perceived benefits have a positive effect on behavioralintention, which in turn has a positive effect on actual behavior.

Bör du v(AR)a rädd för framtiden? : En studie om The Privacy Paradox och potentiella integritetsrisker med Augmented Reality / Should you be sc(AR)ed of the future? : A study about The Privacy Paradox and potential risks with Augmented Reality

Madsen, Angelica, Nymanson, Carl January 2021 (has links)
I en tid där digitaliseringen är mer utbredd än någonsin ökar också mängden data som samlas och delas online. I takt med att nya tekniker utvecklas öppnas det upp för nya utmaningar för integritetsfrågor. En aktiv användare online ägnar sig med största sannolikhet också åt ett eller flera sociala medier, där ändamålen ofta innebär att dela med sig av information till andra. Eftersom tekniken Augmented Reality används mer frekvent i några av de största sociala medieapplikationerna blev studiens syfte att undersöka potentiella integritetsproblem med Augmented Reality. Studiens tillvägagångssätt har bestått av en empirisk datainsamling för att skapa ett teoretiskt ramverk för studien. Utifrån detta har det genomförts en digital enkät samt intervjuer för att närmare undersöka användarens beteende online och The Privacy Paradox. Utifrån undersökningens resultat kunde The Privacy Paradox bekräftas och ge en bättre förståelse för hur användaren agerar genom digitala kanaler. I studien behandlas olika aspekter kring integritetsfrågor såsom användarvillkor, sekretessavtal, datamäklare, framtida konsekvenser och vad tekniken möjliggör. Studien kommer fram till att användare, företaget och dagens teknik tillåter att en känsligare information kan utvinnas genom ett dataintrång. Även om det ännu inte har inträffat ett dataintrång som grundat sig i Augmented Reality före denna studie, finns det en risk att det endast handlar om en tidsfråga innan detta sker. / In a time when digitalization is more widespread than ever, the amount of data collected and shared is increasing. As new technologies develop, challenges for privacy concerns arises. An active online user is likely to engage in one or many social media platforms, where the purpose often involves sharing information with others. Since Augmented Reality is more frequently supported in some of the biggest social media applications, the purpose of this study was to investigate potential privacy concerns with Augmented Reality. The study’s approach consisted of an empirical data collection to create a theoretical framework for the study. Based on this, a digital survey and interviews were conducted to further investigate the user's behavior online and The Privacy Paradox. Based on the results of the survey, The Privacy Paradox could be confirmed and a better understanding of how the user interacts through digital channels was achieved. The study treats different aspects of privacy concerns such as user terms, privacy policies, data brokers, future consequences and what technology enables. The study reached the conclusion that users, businesses and today's technology allow a more sensitive type of information to be collected through a data breach. Even if there has not yet occurred a data breach enabled by Augmented Reality prior to this study, there is a risk that it is only a matter of time until this happens.

Privacy Paradox : En kvalitativ studie om svenskars medvetenhet och värnande om integritet / Privacy Paradox : A qualitative study on Swedes awareness and protection of integrity

Harzdorf, Hjördis, Talal Abdulrahman, Hanin, Duric, Sumejja January 2019 (has links)
Genom digitalisering av samhället och teknologins utveckling har marknadsföringsstrategier progressivt reformerats, från att uppmärksamma produkter mot konsumenten till att istället sätta konsumenten i fokus. Genom avancerade algoritmer, Business Intelligence och digitala DNA spår har det blivit möjligt att individualisera och rikta marknadsföring mot konsumentens intressen och även förutse individens konsumentbeteende. Samtidigt uttrycker individer ett stort värde för anonymitet och integritet online. Trots detta fortsätter konsumenter att frivilligt att lämna sin persondata, främst via olika kundklubbar, internet och sociala medier. Detta beteende påvisar en så kallad “privacy paradox”. Privacy paradox syftar på medvetenhet och oro kring utgivandet av persondata samtidigt som man agerar annorlunda. Avsikten med denna studie var att utforska om fenomenet privacy paradox existerar inom svenska konsumenters handlingar och konsumentens medvetenhet kring användning av personlig data för riktad marknadsföring online. Det empiriska materialet i denna studie består av semi-strukturerade intervjuer med sju olika respondenter gällande deras medvetenhet, tillit och integritet online. Resultatet analyserades med hjälp av den tematiska strategin för att lättare identifiera beetendemönster som respondenterna utgav. Slutligen besvaras fenomenet privacy paradox hos svenska konsumenter genom tre forskningsfrågor 1.​“Hur medvetna är svenska konsumenter om den information som de delar med sig av, i synnerhet inom riktad marknadsföring?” 2.​“Hur mycket värnar svenska konsumenter om sin integritet?” ​3.​“ Påvisar svenska konsumenter privacy paradox och varför?”. Majoriteten av respondenterna var medvetna om personliga uppgifter online, dock varierade medvetenheten om vad för information som fanns tillgänglig både för privata användare och verksamheter. Man sa sig även värna om sin integritet men ens handlingar stödde inte detta till fullo. Med hjälp av denna studie fann man att fenomenet privacy paradox existerar hos de svenska konsumenter som deltog under denna studie. Anledningar till dessa var bland annat att man inte vill bli exkluderad från samhället och det kognitiva förtroendet till verksamheter. Man litar på att de gör rätt för sig. Värnande om integritet visades då genom att man minskade mängden personinformation som andra privatpersoner kunde komma åt. En annan anledning som uppkom var svårigheten i att bryta vanor och beteendemönster. Därför fortsätter man agera på samma sätt som tidigare, trots ny kunskap samt GDPR. Respondenter hade olika nivåer av förståelse riktad marknadsföring. Det majoriteten inte var medvetna om var mängden av lagrad information samt hur den samlas in t.ex. genom cookies. / Through digitalisation of the society and the technological development, the marketing strategies has progressively been reformed. From mainly giving attention to the product towards the consumers to instead place the consumer in the center of attention. Subsequently advanced algorithms, Business Intelligence and digital DNA tracing has enabled individualisation and target marketing, for the interest of the consumer, this also gave access to predict consumer behaviour. Meanwhile individuals put a big value on anonymity and integrity online. Despite this consumers keep sharing their data voluntary, primarily through customer clubs, the internet and social media. This behaviour demonstrates a so called “privacy paradox”. Privacy paradox refers consumers awareness and concern about sharing personal data, while still sharing their information. The purpose of this study was to examine whether the phenomenon of privacy paradox exists in Swedish consumers actions and the consumer’s awareness of the use of personal data for targeted online marketing. The empirical material in this study exists of semi-structured interviews with 7 different respondents regarding their consciousness, trust and integrity online. The results were analyzed through the thematic strategy to easily identify behavioural patterns that the respondents showed. Lastly, the phenomenon of privacy paradox in Swedish consumers is answered through three research questions 1. ​“How aware are Swedish consumers regarding the information they share, particularly in target marketing? ​2. ​“How much does the Swedish consumer care about their integrity?” ​3. ​“Does the Swedish consumer show privacy paradox and why?”. The majority of the respondents were aware that personal information exists online. The awareness regarding what kind of information that is available for both private users and organisations varied. While respondents mentioned that they want to protect their privacy, their actions proved otherwise. With the help of this study, we could conclude that the phenomenon named privacy paradox exists through the information gathered from the swedish consumers that participated in this study. Reasons being the willingness to not be excluded from society and the cognitive trust towards organizations. You trust that they do the right thing. Respondents protected privacy by reducing the amount of personal information other individuals could access. Another reason that was brought up was the difficulty in changing habits and behaviour. Therefore respondents continued doing the same things as before, despite new knowledge and GDPR. Respondents showed different levels of understanding regarding targeted marketing. However the majority was not aware of the amount of stored information and how it is collected, for example through cookies.

Personalized Advertising Online and its Difficulties with Customer Privacy

Dahlgren, Sanne, Tabell, Beatrice January 2018 (has links)
Purpose: The aim of this paper is to explain and to create an understanding if personalized advertising online creates value for customers.  Design/methodology/approach: A qualitative study through 14 semi-structured interviews.  Findings: The study found personalized advertising to be seen as value co-creation in some cases, but because privacy concerns exist and affect the perception of advertising, it can in many cases lead to value co-destruction instead. It is thus a consideration between privacy concerns and the perceived value of the personalized advertising that decides if the offering will co-create or co-destroy value.  Research limitations/implications for future research: Our study did not involve respondents’ younger than 21 years old, which could have affected the result as this is a generation seen as technology savvy. Through a quantitative study, future research could try to find extremes in personalities by conducting a survey with a large sample of people in different ages, nationalities, gender, active online, etc. in order to see if there are correlations between for example age and privacy concerns.  Practical implications: One purpose of the study is to provide companies with insights of how different customers perceive personalized advertising online in terms of customer value in order for companies to know how to think when targeting their customers.  Keywords: online advertising, personalized advertising, personalized-privacy paradox, privacy concerns, value creation, value co-creation, value co-destruction.

Geotagging in social media : exploring the privacy paradox

Menfors, Martina, Fernstedt, Felicia January 2015 (has links)
Increasingly, online social media networks allow users to use geotagging. This method of adding location data to various content shared in real time has introduced privacy related issues and threats to the users of such networks. Previous research present opposing findings on whether users actually care about their location privacy or not, and it has also been shown that users often display a behaviour inconsistent with their concerns. When asked, users tend to report high privacy concerns, but in contrast, they will then not let their privacy concerns affect or limit their behaviour online; the privacy paradox is a description of this dichotomy. The problem, however, is not only that location privacy seems to be a paradoxical issue; the sharing of location data provides users with new possibilities that can potentially have negative consequences for them, such as someone else being able to identify one’s identity, home location, habits or other sensitive information. Social media network users communicate that a part of this is due to the lack of control over which information they share, with whom and where.This study employs a qualitative method, using unstructured interviews in a pre-study and a self-completion questionnaire. The purpose of the study is to examine and gain a better understanding of how the privacy paradox can help to better explain users’ location data disclosure preferences in the context of social media networking, and to help social media network developers in order to reduce privacy-related issues in social media networking applications with geotagging capabilities. The findings indicate that the paradox indeed is evident in user’s stated geotagging behaviour, and that users are slightly more worried about their location privacy than their overall online privacy. The conclusions offer a couple of different explanations for the paradox, and we argue that the contradiction of the paradox can be seen as a constant trade-off between benefits and risks of geotagging. We also give some examples of such advantages and disadvantages.

Unraveling the Paradox: Balancing Personalization and Privacy in AI-Driven Technologies : Exploring Personal Information Disclosure Behavior to AI Voice Assistants and Recommendation Systems

Saliju, Leona, Deboi, Vladyslav January 2023 (has links)
As society progresses towards a more algorithmic era, the influence of artificial intelligence (AI) is driving a revolution in the digital landscape. At its core, AI applications aim to engage customers by providing carefully tailored and data-driven personalization and customization of products, services, and marketing mix elements. However, the adoption of AI, while promising enhanced personalization, poses challenges due to the increased collection, analysis, and control of consumer data by technology owners. Consequently, concerns over data privacy have emerged as a primary consideration for individuals. This paper delves deeper into the implications of the personalization- privacy paradox, aiming to provide a comprehensive analysis of the challenges and opportunities it presents. The purpose of this thesis is to understand users’ privacy concerns and willingness to disclose their personal information to AI technologies by addressing the limitations of previous research and utilizing qualitative methods to gain a more in-depth understanding of consumer views. To understand users’ privacy concerns and willingness to disclose personal information to AI technologies, a qualitative approach was followed. Combining a deductive and inductive approach to fulfill the purpose of the study, empirical data was collected through 20 semi- structured interviews. The participants were chosen using a purposive sampling technique. Users’ privacy concerns and willingness to disclose personal information to AI technologies differ significantly. It depends not only on the individual, but also on the type of AI technology, the company providing the AI technology, the possibility of obtaining additional benefits, and whether the company is transparent about its data collection and can provide proof of security.

Privacy for sale! : An exploratory study of personalization privacy paradox in consumers’ response to personalized advertisements on social networking sites

Idberg, Lovisa, Orfanidou, Sofia, Karppinen, Oona January 2021 (has links)
Social networking sites are channels that allow companies to appeal to their target audience through personalized advertising which has become an increasingly common way for companies to reach their target customers. Personalization is possible through the use of customer data which allows designing an advertisement based on individual consumers' preferences benefiting the consumers with more personally appealing advertisements. However, the collection of the data has led to consumers’ experiencing costs from the personalization involving concerns for the safety of personal information. Because of the tension between benefits and costs of personalization, consumers' behavior has become paradoxical. The consumers’ behaviour does not always correspond to their concerns by which the consumers trade off their privacy to receive benefits from the personalization in return. With that said, this study aims to explore how the personalization privacy paradox appears in the consumers’ response to personalized advertisements on social networking sites by assessing their perception of the benefits and costs of personalized advertisements. Semi-structured interviews of eight participants lead to the main findings of this research identifying four factors that have an impact on consumers’ interaction with the advertisement; (1) simplified purchase decisions, (2) personal interest, (3) personal gain, and (4) trustworthiness. In addition, the research revealed additional findings indicating that consumers' concern for data collection could be changing from privacy risks regarding themselves to concerns about the consequence of data collection on a societal level. Furthermore, the findings show an indication for an emerging dilemma of personalized advertising for companies to overcome. Finally, this research provides implications for both academia as well as practitioners.

Programmatic Advertising : Effective marketing strategy or invasion of privacy - A study of consumer attitudes towards Programmatic Advertising

Bolkvadze, Endi, Ekblad, Rebecka January 2022 (has links)
Digital marketing is constantly adapting and evolving in line with technological advances. One of these advances is the digitalization, which has given rise to Programmatic Advertising (PA). In order to practice PA, the companies need to collect data about consumers' preferences and personal interests. On the other hand, consumers have a need to protect their privacy. The needs of these two parties cross each other which creates the tension, called the Personalization-privacy paradox. In this study, we intend to investigate consumers' attitudes towards PA and whether personalization gives rise to improved browsing experiences or evenviolates their privacy. A quantitative study was conducted, where the independent variable was called Personalization and the dependent variables - Attractiveness, Annoyance, Invasiveness and Trade-off. The results of bivariate regression analysis showed that all of the dependent variables of the study were statistically significant. The results also illustrated that the majority of the respondents experienced PA ads as beneficial, but also invasive. These results are in line with the Utility maximization theory, as PA ads were considered both beneficial and risky. Therefore, consumers would have incentives to disclose their personal information as long as the percieved benefits would outweigh perceived risks, generated by PA. We concluded that there are no clear, predetermined answers to what attitudes consumers have towards PA, but this can vary from case to case, which is in line with both the Privacy calculus theory and the Utility maximization theory. This involves a risk-benefit analysis, performed by consumers, where perceived benefits exceeding perceived risks would generate positive attitudes and vice versa

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