Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe esource based view"" "subject:"ehe esource based wiew""
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Knowledge asset management: the strategic management and knowledge management nexusJames, Paul Unknown Date (has links)
This research sought to establish the nexus between the two management disciplines of strategic management and knowledge management. Through a study of the life cycle of knowledge assets within the Australian Public Sector, this nexus has been established. Over the last three decades, there has been a growing interest in the nascent discipline of knowledge management (Wiig 1997). However, discussion regarding knowledge, knowledge workers and knowledge management started much earlier when Chester Barnard’s management classic The Functions of the Executive (1938) included suggestions made on how to manage knowledge workers. The 1960s saw management authors and researchers such as Peter Drucker (1993; 1994; 1995; 1997a; 1997b), Machlup (1962), and Michael Polanyi (1967) discussing topics such as knowledge work, knowledge workers, and tacit and explicit knowledge. During much the same period, strategic management was also being researched and discussed, with Alfred D. Chandler being among the first scholars to study strategic management. His book Strategy and Structure (1962) described the development of organisations, and showed that the practice of strategic management predated its study as a management discipline. Chandler was followed by other researchers including Igor Ansoff (1965) and Learned, Christensen, Andrews and Guth (1965), Henry Mintzberg (1979; 1985; 1990; 1996a; 1996b; 1999), and Michael E. Porter (1980; 1985). Research continues in both disciplines; however, research on the interface between these two important disciplines is rare, particularly in Australia.The Australian Public Sector was selected as the target industry for this research, and case study as the research strategy. The research strategy combined a variety of methods including interviews, questionnaires and surveys. The approach taken with data analysis was to employ aspects of the approach used in grounded theory. In addition, action research was used as a meta-methodology, in that periods of review and reflection were undertaken that generated improvements to the research methodology. This research has found that there is a marked interdependence between strategic management and the management of knowledge assets. The strategic management process requires skills and capabilities (knowledge assets) for its execution. Moreover, the resultant strategies require the exploitation of knowledge assets to ensure effective implementation. The life cycle of knowledge assets starts and ends when their need or otherwise is identified directly or indirectly by strategic plans. Knowledge assets are acquired, deployed, utilised and maintained until they are no longer needed. They are then disposed of by outsourcing or atrophy when people are redeployed or retrained. This research has focused on the disciplines of strategic management and knowledge management; however, its contribution lies largely in the area of capability management. Corporate strategy theorists, from the RBV (Resource Based View) and KBV (Knowledge Based View) schools, see organisations as a body of knowledge (Spender 1996). From the perspective of knowledge assets, used as the theme of this research, an organisation is a body of capabilities, and to achieve corporate objectives, the capabilities must match the strategies.
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Corporate social responsibility and SMEs : Barriers and opportunities in a SwedishperspectiveYu, Ae-Li January 2010 (has links)
<p>Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a global concern and has been adopted by many largemultinational corporations. Although small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the mostcommon type of business in the EU including Sweden, yet most research on CSR has beenfocused on large corporations. As SMEs run in various settings and there have been littleempirical studies on CSR in SMEs, the purpose of this study is to fill a part of the researchgap and provide an in-depth look at CSR in SME to investigate specific barriers and/oropportunities to addressing CSR. This study reviews the relevant literature of CSR in SMEs.Through semi-constructed interviews with two small-sized organic product companies inSweden, this study analyzed CSR from an SME perspective in a Swedish context by CSRtheory and Resource-Based View (RBV). According to the findings, the main barrier for CSRfor the case companies is financial recourse constraints, while the main opportunity is theircapability for communication. This study contributes and motivates CSR in SMEs bydemonstrating how they understand CSR, how they communicate with both internal andexternal stakeholders of their best practices, and providing examples to share the experiencesfor SMEs.</p>
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Business Intelligence som del i skapandet av konkurrensfördelar / Business Intelligence as a part in the creation of competitive advantageElias, Marlene, Wretlund, Magnus January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Problem/frågeställningar: </strong>När företagsledare runt om i världen ska ta beslut uppgår 40% av dessa beslut till att baseras på magkänslan. Ett påstående kring konkurrensfördelar och magkänsla är att ”<em>ett av de största hindren för konkurrensfördelar är att agera enbart på magkänsla eller intuition</em>”. Denna uppsats tar fasta på det påståendet och granskar hur BI, ett verktyg som stödjer företagsledarna i sina beslut, spelar in. Ett synsätt för att studera konkurrensfördelar är det resursbaserade synsättet, där resurser följaktligen är grunden i det som skapar konkurrensfördelar. Kombinationen mellan hur BI stödjer med information för att underlätta beslut och faktumet att magkänsla eller intuition hindrar konkurrensfördelar gör att den här uppsatsen ställer sig frågan ”<strong>Hur och varför kan BI ur ett resursbaserat synsätt stödja skapandet av konkurrensfördelar på kort samt lång sikt inom stora företag?”</strong></p><p><strong>Syfte: </strong>Att beskriva samt förklara hur och varför BI ur ett resursbaserat synsätt kan stödja skapandet av konkurrensfördelar på kort samt lång sikt inom stora företag.</p><p><strong>Teori/modell och metod: </strong>Inom den teoretiska referensramen presenteras och diskuteras först definitionen av BI och dess användning. Därefter följer en presentation av det resursbaserade synsättet utifrån en modell byggd av Hart, vilken kompletteras med annan forskning inom det resursbaserade synsättet. Det genererar sedan en egen modell, som därefter byggs på med en BI-del för att utgöra en undersökningsmodell som används vidare i uppsatsen.</p><p><strong>Tillvägagångssätt: </strong>För den här uppsatsen har 18 st företag som har någon form av BI på företaget intervjuats. Utöver att företagen är bland Sveriges 120 största har inga vidare urval sett, vilket har resulterat i respondenter från branscher så som media, teleoperatörer och försäkring. På dessa företag har intervjuer skett med den person som ansetts vara BI-ansvarig. Vissa företag har Controllers som är de som har övergripande ansvaret för BI, medan det på andra företag är IT-chefer eller specifikt BI-ansvariga. Inom metodavsnittet förs även en genomgång kring de intervjufrågor som framtagits.</p><p><strong>Huvudsakliga resultat/slutsatser:</strong> I slutsatserna fastslås bland annat att BI kan stödja och driva på en så kallad patchningsförmåga, vilket innebär att företag är snabba i anpassningen mot marknaden. Därutöver konstateras att en av anledningarna till att BI stöttar skapandet av konkurrensfördelar är dess förmåga att stödja effektivisering, optimering och processinnovation i olika förmågor som senare kan leda till konkurrensfördelar. Dock visar det sig också att BI är sämre på att stödja skapandet av konkurrensfördelar på lång sikt, tack vare avsaknaden av stöttandet till faktorer som gör resurser svåra att imitera.</p> / <p><strong>Problem: </strong>When business leaders around the world are about to take a decision, 40% of these decisions are based on gut rather than any rational information. This, together with the claim that “<em>one of the biggest hinders for competitive advantage is acting solely on gut or intuition</em>” leads to the combination of the decision support tool Business Intelligence and competitive advantage. Competitive advantage can be seen from numerous perspectives; one of these is the resource-based view, where the resources are the basic pillar for competitive advantage. From this the thesis study question is formulated; “<strong>How and why can BI, seen from a resource-based perspective, support the creation of competitive advantage, on short and long term, in large companies?</strong>”</p><p><strong>Purpose</strong>: To explain and describe how and why BI, seen from a resource-based perspective, can support the creation of competitive advantage, on short and long term, in large companies.</p><p><strong>Theory: </strong>The theoretical foundation is based upon definitions on BI and what BI really is, together with a presentation and discussion on the resource-based view. Following the BI and resource-based view parts, the research model for this thesis is presented, where a modified resource-based view model for competitive advantage, and a definition collection for BI, is combined.</p><p><strong>Method: </strong>For this thesis, 18 companies where they have some sort of BI solution implemented, has been interviewed. The companies have been selected based from their size, where the 120 largest companies first were contacted with an interview proposal. The companies are based in industries such as media, telephone communications and insurance. On these companies, the individual that is the “BI responsible” has been interviewed, which varies from company to company. BI responsibles could be Controllers, IT Managers or specific BI Managers.</p><p><strong>Conclusions:</strong> In the conclusions part of this thesis the research question is divided into a how part and a why part. One conclusion from the how part, is that BI can both support and drive a so-called patching capability, which means that a company can be faster and more agile in their market adaption. One of the reasons why BI can support competitive advantages from a resource-based view is that it can help to drive efficiency, optimization and process innovation in different capabilities that can lead to competitive advantage. Another conclusion is that despite its abilities to support what drives competitive advantage through the resource-based view, the term for this is mainly short-term, due to the fact that it is not hard to imitate the information, which constitutes the basic resources that BI supports.</p>
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Allianzfähigkeit / Alliance capabilityKupke, Sören January 2008 (has links)
Ein empirisch belegtes Phänomen ist die steigende Anzahl strategischer Allianzen von Unternehmen, speziell in dynamischen Wettbewerbsumgebungen. Über strategische Allianzen versuchen Unternehmen, auch in einer dynamischen Wettbewerbsumwelt unter hoher Unsicherheit Wettbewerbsvorteile aufzubauen. Dabei belegen verschiedene Forschungsarbeiten, dass strategische Allianzen häufig scheitern und weisen übereinstimmend relativ niedrige Erfolgsquoten von 50% nach. Harbison und Pekár belegen zwischen Unternehmen eine hohe Varianz und identifizieren, dass einige Unternehmen bei 87% ihrer strategischen Allianzen erfolgreich sind, während andere Unternehmen nur eine Erfolgsrate von 37% aufweisen. Die Fragestellung, warum Unternehmen in dieser Hinsicht so signifikant differieren, bildet die grundlegende Motivation für die vorliegende Arbeit. Die Ursache für die hohe Varianz der Erfolgsrate von strategischen Allianzen zwischen Unternehmen, ist in den internen Prozessen und Strukturen der Unternehmen zu vermuten. Diese unternehmensinternen Prozesse und Strukturen werden mit dem Begriff Allianzfähigkeit bezeichnet.
1. Forschungsfrage
Aus welchen Prozessen und Strukturen besteht Allianzfähigkeit in Unternehmen?
2. Forschungsfrage
Wie entwickelt sich Allianzfähigkeit in Unternehmen?
Die vermutete Kausalität zwischen Allianzfähigkeit und der Erfolgsrate bei strategischen Allianzen verweist auf einen post-positivistischen Charakter der Untersuchung. Es wird auf wissenschaftliche Literatur, aber auch auf Beiträge von Unternehmensberatungen, Nichtregierungsorganisationen und andere Quellen zurückgegriffen, wie es als Forschungsansatz im Kontext strategischer Allianzen vorgeschlagen wird. Zunächst werden im zweiten Kapitel die beiden beobachtbaren Phänomene, eine steigende Dynamik der Wettbewerbsumwelt vieler Unternehmen und die zunehmende Anzahl strategischer Allianzen, die Interdependenzen aufweisen, unter Einbeziehung der Literatur, charakterisiert. Insbesondere die Motive von Unternehmen und deren Strategien zum Eingehen strategischer Allianzen werden erläutert. Im folgenden dritten Kapitel werden die traditionellen Erklärungsansätze des strategischen Managements anhand einer empirischen Literaturanalyse skizziert. Das Ergebnis der empirischen Literaturanalyse ist die Notwendigkeit eines neuen theoretischen Zugangs, der die gestiegene Dynamik der Wettbewerbsumwelt stärker reflektiert und interne Prozesse von Unternehmen intensiver betrachtet. Mit den Beiträgen von Teece et al., Eisenhardt und Martin, scheint sich der fähigkeitsorientierte Ansatz als neue Erklärungsperspektive zu etablieren. Der junge fähigkeitsorientierte Ansatz wird als geeignet identifiziert und im vierten Kapitel ausführlich dargestellt sowie in seinen aktuellen Entwicklungen erläutert. Das vierte Kapitel bildet den theoretischen Rahmen für das folgende fünfte Kapitel, das die Charakterisierung von Allianzfähigkeit auf der Grundlage eines Literaturreviews umfasst und direkt die Forschungsfragen anhand einer Modellentwicklung adressiert. Erkennt¬nisse aus anderen theoretischen Perspektiven werden in den fähigkeitsorientierten Ansatz übertragen und in das Modell integriert. Ein Vorgehen, das in der Tradition des strategischen
Managements, insbesondere der Beiträge zum fähigkeitsorientierten Ansatz, steht. Im sechsten Kapitel wird das skizzierte Modell als Grundlage verwendet, um die Entwicklung von Allianzfähigkeit empirisch anhand einer Longitudinal-Fallstudie zu untersuchen. Die Analyse von Allianzfähigkeit sollte vor dem Hintergrund einer hohen Wettbewerbsdynamik unter der Bedingung von Hyperwettbewerb (Kriterium 1) in einer Branche erfolgen, bei der strategische Allianzen eine hohe Rolle spielen (Kriterium 2). Darüber hinaus soll die Möglichkeit bestehen, Zugang zu Dokumenten, Interviewpartnern sowie Datenbanken zu erhalten (Kriterium 3). Aufgrund dieser Kriterien wurde die Börsenindustrie als Industrie und die Deutsche Börse als Unternehmen ausgewählt. Das Ziel der Fallstudie ist die Darstellung der Entwicklung der strategischen Allianzen der Deutschen Börse von 1997 bis 2007, um Rückschlüsse auf die Allianzfähigkeit des Unternehmens ziehen zu können. Da die Entwicklung der Allianzfähigkeit im Vordergrund der Fallstudie steht, wird eine Längsschnittfallstudie mit chronologischem Aufbau verwendet. Dabei wurden drei verschiedene Quellen, Experteninterviews, Datenbanken sowie Dokumente, ausgewertet. / Firms are confronted by a lot of internal and external challenges within a dynamic competitive environment. Especially the increasing technological change derived from innovations, the fast diffusion of new technologies, the development of new business models, and the globalization are known as the main drivers for this. The consequence is increasing dynamism and complexity in business relations resulting in the emergence of strategic alliances, such as joint ventures, virtual organizations, and loose contractual agreements among firms. In this contribution strategic alliances are defined as cooperative agreements of any form with the aim of strengthening the partners’ positions in an industry (Arino & la Torre, 1998). Opportunities for risk and knowledge sharing among business partners, obtaining new veins for new markets, and the possibility to add new competencies are the main forces behind this trend towards strategic alliances (Prahalad & Hamel, 1994).
Several quantitative studies counted an increasing number of international strategic alliances during the past four decades (Büchel, 2004; Gomes-Casseres, 1988; Hagedoorn & van Kranenburg, 2003; Narula & Hagedoorn, 1998). But even if the strategic alliances are popular, several studies reported a high failure rate of strategic alliances between 40% and 60% (Drago, 1997; Bresser & Harl, 1986; Hennart, Kim & Zeng, 1998; Park & Ungson, 2001). Harbison and Pekár (1998) analyzed that some firms have a success rate in strategic alliancing of 87% while other firms have a success rate of only 37%. The main motivation of this contribution is to address this significant difference and to analyze the impact of internal capabilities in strategic alliances. Therefore we argue that firms need a specific capability to build up and develop strategic alliances, which is labeled as the alliance capability. This contribution covers two research questions:
(1) Which processes and structures determine alliance capability?
(2) How do firms develop alliance capability?
Even if alliance capability covers identifiable routines and resources, it has a dynamic character which means that these capabilities could increase or decrease over time. This capability is a result of learning processes and past dependent experiences. An alliance capability is positively related to an increased absorptive capacity and to a firm’s performance in the full sense of successful behavior in the market (Kapur et al., 2005). Therefore an alliance capability is necessary to operate in a co-opetitive environment which is characterized by Bresser and Harl (1986) or more recently by Luo (2007). Schilke (2007) argues that an alliance capability has an influence on the competitive advantages of a firm.
This contribution will describe a research framework of alliance capability to analyze the roles of resources, processes, and paths in respect of alliance capability. To validate the model, an explorative study of the alliance activities of Deutsche Boerse Group (DBAG), a global stock exchange company, between 1997 and 2007 will be performed.
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Open Source Business Model : Balancing Customers and CommunityRosén, Thomas January 2008 (has links)
Free and Open Source Software has not only increased researchers’ interest about community-driven software development, but lately, interest from commercial actors increased as well. In addition, some scientists have claimed that Open Source Software has entered a new phase: OSS 2.0. Even so, a coherent way of analyzing commercial Open Source ventures is still missing. Commercial Open Source firms’ strategies are often described using the term “business models”. However, these models often lack stringent structures and have been used primarily to describe the firms’ offerings and methods to earn revenue. Through the adaptation of an existing, firmly theoretically-based analytical business model framework, this thesis suggests a new analysis model for studying for-profit Open Source companies. In addition, the framework is generically constructed, ensuring its usability for other industries as well. The model consists of three elements: market positions, operational platform and offering. This particular study concerned four software product vendors, all of which base their products on Open Source Software. When analyzing their business, insights were made about how these firms operated. The result show that there are certain key elements and factors that determine if a company has a sustainable business or not. From the analysis framework, three elements were refined. The main Open Source Software project connects the market positions and the operational platform; and from the offering, the product and service and the revenue model were very important. The study identified eight key factors which influenced the elements: brand for the product, the company and the Open Source Software project; community, that is the sum of the non-paying users and developers connected to Open Source Software projects; resources, which are community-based resources such as development and testing; legitimacy, the perceived legitimacy regarding licenses and the revenue models; control, i.e. the control the firm has of the software; ability to charge, or how the company can charge for its services; customers, the paying users; and finally volume, which is the number of paying customers. The findings also indicate that companies interested in working with the open-source community have to be able to balance the demands from both their customers and the community in order to benefit and gain competitive advantage. / Report code: LiU-TEK-LIC 2008:26.
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Key Success Factors of Taiwan¡¦s Copper Alloy Strips Manufacturers in Managing Business in ChinaChen, Husan-wen 29 July 2007 (has links)
In recent years, the rise of the BRIC economies (China, India, Brazil and Russia) has caused industries in the developed and even in the developing countries, to shift toward the rising economies. The Chinese market has in the recent years become the fastest growing market with tremendous potential. Business enterprises have not only laid their eyes on the cheap labor costs, but are also deeply attracted by its market opportunities. Taiwan holds the advantage of being close in geographic proximity, and similar language and culture with China. Many Taiwanese business enterprises have made China the first choice when considering extending business to foreign markets. However, the enormous market incentives have accelerated competition within the industry. In addition to survival, it is more important for business enterprises to continually grow and profit. Therefore it is the aim of this study to investigate how business enterprises could find ways of ensuring its survival, which allows it to grow and profit, in the fierce Chinese battlefield. It is hoped from the study of Chinese business environment and analysis of current status, that key success factors of Taiwanese business enterprises in the industry can be identified. It is expected that the results of the study can be valuable recommendations to the industry.
The traditional industries have always been the foundation of Taiwan¡¦s economic growth. The contributions made by the manufacturing industry to the economic growth of Taiwan cannot be overlooked. However, as the high-tech industries prosper and change of the domestic industry structure, traditional industries had been in an inferior position with respect to acquisition of resource, such as human and financial resources. Faced with a fierce competitive environment, how the traditional manufacturing industries break out of the growth-stagnant bottleneck requires the identification of key success factors of the industry. Business strategies should be developed according to such factors, putting effort in strengthening and building on the success factors, so that greatest leverage of limited resources can bring profit and continued competitive advantage. Although the copper alloy industry is considered a traditional industry, its products serve downstream users in ironmongery, electric appliance and electronics. The industry has its critical value of existence in the market¡¦s supply chain. Hence, the copper alloy plants have been chosen as he subject for this study. Through research and analysis of the industry, the study seeks to identify the critical success factors of copper alloy strip manufacturers in managing the Chinese market. The results will enable business enterprises to develop strategies for managing the Chinese market.
This is a qualitative case study. Three largest copper alloy strip manufacturers were selected for the case study. Further to collection of secondary data on the copper alloy strip industry and supply-demand status of the China market, interviews were conducted with middle to senior managers of the manufacturers in the industry. Through the arrangement, analysis and study of secondary data and interviews, key success factors of the copper alloy industry were identified. The buying decisions and end user perspectives were referenced to validate the success factors identified from research. The study hopes to include the end user¡¦s purchasing perspectives into the key success factors identified from industry analysis. It is hoped that the key factors identified could be more objective, so that the success factors would be of value to business enterprises.
Lastly, the key success factors of Taiwanese copper alloy strip manufacturers in conducting business in China are: (1) acquisition of core technology for high level products, (2) acquiring personnel with international capabilities and specialized knowledge in copper industry, (3) promote the bargaining power with raw material suppliers, (4) sound financial structure and financial management capabilities, and (5) establishment of network relationships. These five key success factors revolve around three critical resources, namely technology, human resource and financial resource. Through external networks, the strength of these three internal resources can bring about positive effects.
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Strategic alliances and three perspectives : A review of literature on alliances / Strategiska allianser och tre perspektivLammi, Inti January 2012 (has links)
This study uses academic literature from peer-reviewed journals to assess the literary consensus of the three perspectives. The literature has been found by using specific keywords and an assortment of scholarly databases. The analysis of the literature is structured according to explanations for alliance formation, the attainment of advantages, and disadvantages according to the perspectives. The study is written in article format. Conclusions: The perspectives both overlap and differ from one another but focus on different aspects and incentives. There are, however, more similarities between the resource-based and knowledge-based views. Transaction cost theory and the knowledge-based view are narrow explanatory models, whereas the resource-based view offers a broader view on alliances.
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Recession-proofing : - A case study of how Small and Medium-sized Enterprises remain resilient during times of recessionSalenborg, Elizabeth, Stålered, Therese January 2013 (has links)
The world today is confronted by the worst financial and economic crisis since the Great Depression of 1920’s. Due to the financial system being globalised and interdependent, the contagion effects of the financial crisis trickled down to Europe and ultimately triggered the recession of 2007-2009, which had far-reaching repercussions on cross-border economic activities. The severe international downturn had a significant effect on the Swedish economy and Swedish SMEs. Moreover, the recession has heightened economic uncertainty and combined with the existing challenges facing SMEs, created one of the most difficult business climates in decades, hence, a prevailing need for creating resilience. The purpose of this study is to examine how Swedish Internationalised SMEs remain resilient during times of recession. This will be studied through investigating what resources and capabilities were crucial for building resilience and how the SMEs changed their strategy during the recession to remain resilient. The study is conducted through a qualitative case study and an abductive approach in order to get a profound insight into the firm’s behaviour. The theoretical framework is founded on the area of strategy and resilience, by accounting for strategy formulation, the RBV, resilience and strategic change. Moreover, the empirical chapter presents the results of the data gathered from the six case companies and is structured according to the companies and the three research problems. In the analysis, the patterns emerging from the theoretical framework and the empirical data is analysed based on the three research problems through trying to understand the underlying reasons for the emerging patterns. The study conclude that Swedish internationalized SMEs remained resilient during the recession of 2007- 2009, through reconfiguring its critical resources and capabilities, and changing their strategy to adapt to the changes in the external environment caused by the recession.
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How Big Data Analytics are perceived as a driver for Competitive Advantage : A qualitative study on food retailersGalletti, Alessandro, Papadimitriou, Dimitra-Christina January 2013 (has links)
The recent explosion of digital data has led the business world to a new era towards a more evidence-based decision making. Companies nowadays collect, store and analyze huge amount of data and the terms such Big Data Analytics are used to define those practices. This paper investigates how Big Data Analytics (BDA) can be perceived and used as a driver for companies’ Competitive Advantage (CA). It thus contributes in the debate about the potential role of IT assets as a source of CA, through a Resource-Based View approach, by introducing a new phenomenon such as BDA in that traditional theoretical background. A conceptual model developed by Wade and Nevo (2010) is used as guidance, where the concept of synergy developed between IT assets and other organizational resources is seen as crucial in order to create such a CA. We focus our attention on the Food Retail industry and specifically investigate two case studies, ICA Sverige AB and Masoutis S.A. The evidence shows that, although this process is at an embryonic stage, the companies perceive the implementation of BDA as a key driver for the creation of CA. Efforts are put in place in order to develop successful implementation of BDA within the company as a strategic tool for several departments, however, some hurdles have been spotted which might impede that practice.
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Born Globals Internationalization and Competitive advantage - A Resource-based View perspective : The case study research of Swedish Born Globals to the roles of firm Resources in firm‟s establishment, internationalization and competitive advantageNguyen, Thi Tram Anh, Yodmunee, Sopawan January 2011 (has links)
The phenomenon of Born Globals in particular to the internationalization process has been highlighted by many scholars. The insufficient of the existing researches to the ability of Born Globals going international since their inceptions with limited resources encouraged us to study more in-depth. Resource-based View (RBV) and firm‟s competitive advantage are chosen as the theoretical framework. Three Swedish Born Globals were chosen as case studies, the data was collected by semi-structure and e-mail interviews which within-case and cross-case analysis were applied. The empirical data and analysis draws us to the conclusion that human resource especially entrepreneurs and network are the key firm resources that significantly contribute to Born Globals‟ establishment, internationalization and competitive advantage. However, the finding is highlighted that entrepreneur has a crucial role to both establishment and internationalization stages. Entrepreneur‟s personal network has high contribution when Born Globals is started up while firm‟s network plays more important role at the internationalization stage. By using network, Born Globals gain an easier way to find financial and operating resource. Moreover, entrepreneur‟s capability is the main key resource that creates competitiveness to Born Global firms. Future research suggestions and implications are discussed in the conclusion.
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