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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Skolperspektiv på jämställdhet : En studie av grundskollärarens sätt att tala om jämställdhet i relation till flickor och pojkars resultat.

Lundemo, Linda January 2011 (has links)
Abstract The school today has an assignment to offset traditional gender patterns as well as to create opportunities for all pupils to achieve the same good results in school regardless of sex, ethnicity and conditions. The educator’s assignment is determined by governing documents, and the educator plays a role in helping the pupil find their equal role in society. This means that the educator needs to work in a way that offsets traditional gender patterns and require approaches that would benefit equal opportunities for both boys and girls to achieve good results. The purpose of the study was, through interviews, to get an idea of how primary school teachers from a gender equal perspective perceive how they see them relate to boys and girls in their teachings. The study is based on the presumptions that the pupils have but focusing on the relationship between school achievements and equality. The study brings up concepts like gender theories, equality, the biological sexes, the history of the schools development and changes in acceptance of boys and girls and the role of the governing documents to reach acceptable achievements. The collected material was processed and analyzed using literature which addresses the concepts. The result of the study shows that the teachers approach partially was shaped by their own experiences. It also occurs that the educators to some extent lacks awareness that differences in school achievement between boys and girls could be connected from a gender perspective. The study also shows that the educators feel that they are missing needed recourses, education and tools to be able to work on issues related to equality from a school perspective.  This could be part of the reasons to why the traditional gender pattern is reproduced and that gender related differences in school achievements continues. / Sammandrag Skolan har i dag ett uppdrag att motverka traditionella könsmönster samt att skapa möjligheter för alla eleverna att nå samma goda resultat i skolan oavsett kön, etnicitet eller förutsättningar. Pedagogens uppdrag vilar på styrdokumenten, där pedagogen spelar aktör i elevernas arbete med att själva skapa sig en jämställd roll i samhället. Detta innebär att pedagogen ska arbeta på ett sätt som motverkar traditionella könsmönster och kräver förhållningssätt som förutsätter att pojkar och flickor får samma möjligheter att nå goda resultat.   Syftet med studien har varit att genom samtalsintervjuer få en insyn i hur grundskollärare, utifrån ett jämställdhetsperspektiv, uppfattar att de förhåller sig till pojkar och flickor i sin undervisning. Studiens har lagts med utgångspunkt i de förutsättningar som eleverna har och med fokus på relationen mellan skolprestationer och jämställdhet.   Studien tar upp begrepp som teorier kring genus, jämställdhet, det biologiska könet, skolans historiska utvecklingar utifrån pojkar och flickors perspektiv samt styrdokumentens roll för att uppnå en godtagbar prestation. Det insamlade materialet har sedan bearbetades och analyserats utifrån litteratur som behandlar dessa begrepp.   Resultatet av studien visar att lärarnas förhållningssätt, till del, formats av den egna erfarenheten. Det framkommer även att pedagogerna delvis saknar en medvetenhet om att en skillnad i skolprestation, mellan pojkar och flickor, skulle kunna kopplas till ett könsperspektiv. Det framkom även att det ur pedagogens perspektiv saknas resurser, rätt utbildning och verktyg för att kunna arbeta med frågor kring jämställdhet utifrån ett skolperspektiv. Detta kan vara delar av skälen till att det traditionella könsmönstret reproduceras och att könsskillnaderna i skolprestationer kvarstår.

我國推動學習成就認證之研究 / A Study on Promoting the Accreditation of Learning Achievements in Taiwan

彭致翎, Peng,Chih-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的為:一、析論學習成就認證的意涵、取向、原則、評量與效力等重要概念;二、探討學習成就認證的學理基礎與國外相關制度之運作情形;三、探討我國學習成就認證之實施現況;四、評估並建構我國學習成就認證之可行途徑。研究方法採文獻探討與文件分析,透過質化與量化的研究,包括訪談、德懷術之應用。 本研究主要發現如下: 一、推動學習成就認證的理念,分別為:(一)不同管道的學習成就經過適當評量,應給予認可憑證;(二)學習不一定完全依賴特定的正式情境,其有權利透過認證並賦予價值;(三)透過終身學習方式以因應知識創新;(四)學習者之學習成就,若符合大學校院學門或學科內容,應予認證並核頒給學分證明;(五)透過生活及工作經驗學習也可獲得相同的知識與技能;(六)有助滿足學習者不同的需求,提高其參與不同學習的興趣;(七)學習者之學習成就,若符合當前社會所需各項能力,應予認證並核頒學分證明;(八)從生活與工作經驗中獲取知識、技能,其價值相當於大學校院所獲取之知識技能的價值。 二、學習成就認證的目的,分為(一)社會層面共有九項:1.促進正規、非正規的教育活動,且彼此產生交流,讓不同型態的教育,結合成一個緊密有機體系;2.激發全民參與學習活動,建立終身學習社會;3.結合不同教育資源,以減少投資浪費並發揮最大效益;4.協助並提供弱勢群體或個人提升競爭力;5.補充正規教育不足;6.創造不同需求與價值,促進人力資源整合;7.提升並厚植公民關鍵能力或素質;8.促進社會融合,以涵養具主動參與特質的公民;9.培育民眾積極人生觀,建立社會核心價值;(二)個人層面共有七項:1.讓不同管道習得之知識技能可銜接轉換,與正規教育體系相融合;2.鼓勵學習者由各種管道累積學分,進而獲致文憑或資格;3.肯定自我價值,激發內在學習動機,促進永續學習;4.促進個人多元化成長;5.彰顯知識技能可預見性,瞭解個人的能力與擁有的證明相契合;6.建立勞力市場技能的可攜帶性價值,有利於就業、升遷或生涯轉換;7.強化知識技能,以提升職業競爭力。 三、學習成就認證的取向方面,就途徑言,為以結合機構、課程及個人之整合取向認證,且採類似南韓的學分銀行、澳洲的國家資格認證的模式。 四、學習成就認證的範疇方面:(一)學分內涵包括結構性的課程、學力檢定考試通過之證明、證照與檢定證明、職場實務工作所獲取之經驗學習;(二)課程認證內涵則包括職業、生涯進階、博雅及配合個人發展任務取向課程。 五、學習成就認證的原則方面:(一)一般性原則為品質保證、客觀公平與具自願性、充足的資訊、作業流程簡捷、輔以適切的輔導與諮詢、漸進式實施、內容彈性多元、利害關係人參與多元化及收費低廉;(二)與正規教育連接轉銜,課程認證須具有同等正規教育之水準與內容,過程允許持續改變或改進。在品質、名稱、時間、歷程及內容上須符合學術規範,師資、設備等亦應作同等要求,由學科領域專家來認證學習成就,認證允許不同之成就可相互比較評量,且認證學習領域範圍應廣泛多元。 六、個人取向之學習成就認證原則有五項考量,(一)要求學習者提供學習成就紀錄檔案或能力證明外,且須反思與自我評核;(二)無論參與那一種形式的學習均能獲得認證;(三)學習者先前的學習成就透過評量後予以採認並轉化成學分,可獲正規教育的採計承認;(四)學習者應享有自主選擇權;(五)學習者應享有參與學習成就評量與認證工作之權利。 七、學習成就認證的評量方面:(一)評量方法包括:實作技能評量、學習檔案(紀錄)、相關課程考試、標準化測驗、論文(報告寫作)、面談(口試);(二)紀錄檔案,以認證單位保存為主。 八、學習成就認證的運作:(一)由中央主管教育行政機關訂定認證法源、程序、實施內容、學分累積,以及轉換機制等,交由專責機構執行;(二)認證單位,主要為中央政府機關、政府捐資設立之財團或社團法人、政府機關委託之大學校院;(三)政府為政策規劃、監督及鼓勵推動者之角色,主導規劃制度;大學校院、民間機構團體為夥伴參與、技術規劃及訂定自律規範者之角色。 九、學習成就認證的效力方面:(一)作為專業繼續教育憑證、和正規教育接軌轉銜、取得某項重要能力分級證明、對個人授予特定學位及升遷考核或加薪依據;(二)與正規教育銜接,作為大學校院入學錄取參考、抵免通識、選修課程、專業課程必修學分,以及作為研究所入學錄取參考條件、抵免選修、專業課程必修學分;(三)學分有效期限多以五至十年內有效,然意見仍屬紛歧。 十、學習成就認證可能面臨的問題,包括:(一)非正規學習成就認證的標準訂定困難;(二)不同學習系統和學習成就整合連結困難;(三)社會各界不瞭解非正規學習成就認證相關事宜;(四)社會各界不放心非正規學習成就認證品質;(五)大學校院不具採認意願;(六)社會大眾不認同非正規學習所獲得之能力,認為會降低學術研究水準;(七)大學校院採認非正規學習成就認證,造成學雜費短收,影響學校經費運用;(八)技能認證雖有利於實務導向,亦可能強化技術致用的功利之風。 本研究之主要結論為:一、建構學習成就認證刻不容緩,以落實終身學習;二、學習成就認證之理念,強調透過終身學習方式,以因應知識創新外,並透過不同管道的學習成就適當評量,給予認可憑證;三、學習成就認證旨要建立正規與非正規教育之等價銜接轉換機制;四、學習成就認證連接不同教育資源,發揮有限資源之最大效益;五、推動學習成就認證具有社會深層價值的涵泳;六、推動學習成就認證具有強化個人多元的機會;七、學習成就認證之範疇包括課程、證照及經驗學習,並兼顧認知、情意與技能;八、學習成就認證兼重品質、自主、多元及創新原則;九、從非正規學習特色發展評量與認證方法,應能自成一體系;十、政府應主導規劃學習成就認證,並由民間機構團體與大學校院合作參與;十一、學習成就認證效力,包括與正規教育接軌轉銜、授予特定學位及作為升遷考核或加薪依據;十二、學習成就認證之學分有效年限至少為五至十年,然不同學門間差異仍大,有待進一步累積共識;十三、各界對學習成就認證瞭解不夠影響認同度,有待強化宣導對話;十四、建構我國學習成就認證之可行途徑:以個人為主體之整合取向,以學分銀行模式建立正規與非正規教育之等價銜接轉換機制,並應能自成一體系。 本研究建議如下: 一、對中央主管教育行政機關之建議:(一)有效協調並整合相關機制與資源,以開創學習成就認證新局;(二)應積極建立學習成就認證之相關標準或判準,力求全面提升品質;(三)積極成立學習成就認證專責單位;(四)提升學習成就認證客觀地位,納入法令中務實規範;(五)藉由標竿學習讓制度具循序與連貫性,並增加大學校院等多元管道試辦與實驗的空間;(六)取法南韓等學分制度之優勢,整合相關配套措施;(七)加強社會各界之溝通與宣導,達到全民體認與接受的初步共識;(八)運用終身學習卡紀錄學習經驗,讓學習管道暢通無礙。 二、對大學校院、民間機構團體之建議,主要有下列兩項:(一)發展不同的學習組織型態,讓學習成為必然;(二)發展各組織間合作與策略聯盟的關係,破除組織隔閡與障礙。 三、對未來研究之建議:(一)針對實施進行檢討,並探究其相關成效;(二)可採大規模的意見調查;(三)學習成就認證之指標建立;(四)針對學習傳媒、數位學習認證等,進行相關探究。 / The main purpose of this study is as follows: 1) to expound important concepts, such as meaning, orientation, principles, assessments and effects of accreditation of learning achievements; 2) to probe the basic theories concerning accreditation of learning achievements and some implementation conditions in some foreign countries; 3) to probe the current situations of accreditation of learning achievements promoted in Taiwan; 4) to evaluate and construct the feasible prototypes. Document analysis, interviews and Delphi Technique are adopted in this research. The major findings and discussion of this study are as follows: 1. The idea of accreditation of learning achievements— the urgent need to construct and promote accreditation of learning achievements to implement lifelong learning and to emphasize that accordance with knowledge constant innovative change through lifelong learning, and learning achievements of different channels should offer the evidence of approving through the proper assessment. 2. The purpose of accreditation of learning achievements from social and individual aspects— building up the equivalent transferring mechanism between formal, non-formal learning and to combine different educational resources to the greatest benefit. 3. The approach of accreditation of learning achievements—the adoption of the integrated approach which combines the features of organization, course and personal accreditation and the adoption of the model similar to S. Korean credit bank model, Australian national qualification accreditation. 4. The category of accreditation of learning achievements— the inclusion of curriculum, certificates and experience and consideration for cognitive, affection and technical ability. 5. The principles of accreditation of learning achievements—consideration for quality, autonomy, pluralism and innovative. 6. The principles of accreditation of personal learning achievements—the development of the system of non-formal learning and its own evaluation. 7. The evaluation of learning achievements—the methods (including assessment of technical ability, learning records and portfolios, correlated curriculum examination, standardization tests, thesis or report, and interview) and learning achievement accreditation records and portfolios should be saved by the accreditation organization. 8. The operation of accreditation of learning achievements— the government playing the leading role in cooperation with the institutes, foundations, folk organizations and higher education. 9. The effects of accreditation of learning achievements-- integration with regular education, awarding a specific degree, the identification graded as obtaining a certain important ability, evidence to get promotion. There is discrepancy in the length of the credit validity within five to ten years. 10. The problems of accreditation of learning achievements—the lack of understanding accreditation of learning achievements resulting in resistance to the system, and worries for reducing the academic research level, and for the shortage of the sources of the tuition and incidental expenses. Based upon the results mentioned above, several suggestions are made to the authorities concerned, the institutes, folk organizations, higher education, and other interested researchers. Key words: non-formal learning, accreditation of learning achievements

Mokinių, atėjusių mokytis į profesines mokyklas, mokymosi motyvacijos ir bendrojo lavinimo pasiekimų kaita / The change of learning motivation and achievements in general education in vocational school

Kimštienė, Laima 29 June 2006 (has links)
The change of learning motivation and achievements in general education in vocational school The objective of the research: Evaluation of changes in learning motivation and achievements in general education in vocational schools. The tarks of the research: 1. Determining the fects of studying motivation changes in vocational schools. 2. Deseribing the influence of motivation changes on learning achievements. Methods and sources of the research. The research has been fulfilled applying general and special scientific methods as literature analysis, statistical analysis, grouping of research data, generalization and comparison. The data has been processed by SPSS computer programme. The guestionnaire has been chosen as the main research method. The area of the research. The research has been carried out with 196 students and 40 teachers from vocational schools. Conclusions: · The research results showed that about 60% students decided to study in a vocational school, because their studies in a secondary school were not successful. · The research also revealed the fact that the learning achievements of most students at a vocational shool remain almost the same though motivation rises. · The students and the teachers pointed out the factors which should be important in enhancing the motivation to study. They are such as active training methods, validity of assessment system, motivating training material, interest, figurative style and relation with future profession.

Edukacijos pobūdis Lietuvos nacionaliniame ir Lietuvos dailės muziejuose / Foundation of museum education in lithuanian national and art museum

Kopač, Renata 08 September 2009 (has links)
Muziejinė edukacija Lietuvoje sėkmingai vykdoma jau dešimt metų. Aiškiai matyti Lietuvos nacionalinio ir Lietuvos dailės muziejų efektyvumas, darbo kokybė ir pasiekimai edukacijos srityje. Šių muziejų veikla orientuota į edukaciją, kuri atitinka pasaulines muziejų tendencijas. Akcentuodami jos svarbą visuomenėje ir naudodami edukacinės veiklos formas, šie muziejai sprendžia augančios kartos auklėjimo ir lavinimo klausimus bei neformalaus ugdymo uždavinius. Kurdami naujas metodikas ir programas, pritaikytas skirtingoms lankytojų grupėms, realizuoja svarbiausias muziejų edukacijos funkcijas. Lietuvos nacionalinis ir Lietuvos dailės muziejai kryptingai formuoja savo edukacinės veiklos turinius, kurie atitinka jų apibrėžtas misijas ir strategijas. Edukacinė veikla kasmet tampa nacionaliniuose muziejuose vis platesnė ir įdomesnė. Šie muziejai gali įtakoti kitų muziejų dukacinę veiklą bei būti jiems efektyvaus mokymosi būdo modelio pavyzdziu. Lietuvos nacionalinio muziejaus edukacinės programos yra istorinio pobūdžio. Jų tematika susieta su Lietuvos istorija ir etnine kultūra. Akivaizdu,kad pasitelkus edukacines programas stengiamasi perteikti žmogiškąsias vertybes, stiprinti tautinį tapatumą.. Lietuvos dailės muziejus,pasitelkdamas sukauptų meno kūrinių siužetus, tematikas, realizuoja muziejinės edukacijos tikslus,sėkmingai kūria ir pritaiko skirtingoms lankytojų grupėms naujas metodikas ir programas. Nors Lietuvos nacionalinio ir Lietuvos dailės muziejų vertybių rinkiniai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The museum-based education is being successfully implemented in Lithuania for ten years already. The effect, high quality and achievements of the activities of Lithuanian National Museum and Lithuanian Art Museum in the sphere of education are evident. The activities of the said Museums are oriented to education that conforms to the trends usual for world museums. Stressing its importance for the society and using various forms of educative activities, the Museums settle various problems of education and training of the young generation as well as solve tasks of informal education. In course of developing new methods and programmes, they implement the principal functions of the museum-based education. Lithuanian National Museum and Lithuanian Art Museum purposefully form the contents of their educative activities that conform to their determined missions and strategies. The educative activities at national museums becomes more wide and interesting annually. The educational programmes of Lithuanian National Museum are the ones of historical character. They are bound with Lithuanian history and ethnic culture. It is evident that they are helpful in conveying the human values and strengthening the national identity. Lithuanian Art Museum implements the goals of the museum-based education using the stocks of its artistic works, successfully develops new methods and programmes applying them for various groups of visitors. Although the collections and expositions of values disposed... [to full text]

Paauglių pasiekimų vertinimo ypatumai dailės pamokose / The peculiarities of teenager's achievements evaluation in fine art lessons

Šimelionytė, Lina 06 August 2013 (has links)
Sudėtingas paauglystės tarpsnis pasireiškia mokinių prieštaravimais, neigimais bei susidomėjimo stoka. Paaugliai ima kritiškai vertinti savo kūrybinius gebėjimus dailės srityje. Neretai, dėl įgūdžių stokos bei savo kūrybinių galių nuvertinimo, šiame amžiaus tarpsnyje mokiniams dingsta noras piešti. Būtent dėl šių priežasčių dailės mokytojas turėtų atsižvelgti į šio amžiaus tarpsnio vaizdinės plastinės raiškos ypatumus, taip pat į mokinių gebėjimus, poreikius bei interesus ir tuo remiantis diferencijuoti mokymą, kad ugdytiniai galėtų maksimaliai išnaudoti savo kūrybines galias. Atsižvelgdamas į mokinių pasiūlymus, pedagogas savo vertinimu turėtų skatinti savitą kūrybos raišką bei žadinti mokinių kūrybinės saviraiškos poreikį. Kadangi dailės mokymas veikia asmenį kaip visumą – galvoseną, jausmus ir pojūčius – mokytojas turi puikiausias galimybes paveikti artėjančius pakitimus. Jis turi galimybę padėti jaunuoliams nesunkiai įveikti žymią krizės dalį. Taigi, pedagogas, nuolat neformaliai bei formaliai vertindamas paauglius dailės pamokose, gali padėti jiems išlaikyti pozityvų požiūrį į savo gebėjimus dailės srityje, skatinti jų kūrybinę raišką bei stiprinti pasitikėjimą savo jėgomis. / Evaluation of fine art lesson is almost not considered in Lithuania. The problem of evaluation is especially relevant in adolescence, because teenagers face the crisis of visual expression, as they expose themselves high standards which they cannot implement. In comparison a kid with a teenager, the last one wants his drawings to be realistic, but he is not capable to do it. That is why they lose self-confidence, become disappointed ant fine art lesson is not interesting at all. So the formal and informal evaluation for the pupil’s is very important.

Tautinių mažumų mokinių skaitymo sunkumai ir sutrikimai / Reading difficulties and disorders of the national minority pupils

Kotvickaja, Janina 20 June 2012 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojami tautinių mažumų mokinių probleminio skaitymo priežastys, kurios turi pagrindo rastis dėl netolygios kalbos raidos. Kokybiniu tyrimu norėta išsiaiškinti tautinių mažumų mokinių skaitymo problemas. / Undergraduate work analyzes the reasons of problematic reading of ethnic minoritys pupils. They can arise from the uneven ground of language development. Qualitative research/study sought to determine ethnic minority students' reading problems.

Pradinių klasių mokinių, turinčių didelių ir labai didelių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių, pasiekimai naminių gyvulių pažinimo srityje / Achievements of primary school pupils with severe and very severe special educational needs in the field of domestic animal cognition

Žiaunienė, Greta 17 July 2014 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe siekiama ištirti pradinių klasių mokinių, turinčių didelių ir labai didelių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių, pasiekimus naminių gyvulių pažinimo srityje. Tyrime dalyvavo pradinių lavinamųjų klasių mokiniai, kuriems nustatytas vidutinis ir žymus intelekto sutrikimas. Interviu dalyvavo pedagogai, ugdantys mokinius, turinčius didelių ir labai didelių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių. Iš viso apklausti 30 mokinių ir 6 pedagogai. Buvo parengtas tyrimo instrumentas – klausimynas. Individualia anketine apklausa siekta atskleisti mokinių požiūrį į naminius gyvulius, turimas gamtamokslines žinias ir supratimą apie juos. Norėta ištirti, kokias mokiniai turi vertybines nuostatas naminių gyvulių atžvilgiu, pateikiant klausimus apie mokinių elgesį su artimiausioje aplinkoje esančiais gyvūnais. Tyrinėtas ugdytinių gebėjimas išvardinti naminių gyvulių pavadinimus (pagal sąvoką Naminiai gyvuliai), gebėjimas pamėgdžioti jų skleidžiamus garsus (pagal pateiktą pavadinimą), mokėjimas pavadinti naminius gyvulius apibendrinančiu žodžiu. Siekta sužinoti, koks mokinių supratimas apie naminių gyvulių sandarą (prašant parodyti ir pavadinti kūno dalis) ir funkcijas, poreikius bei svarbą žmogui. Gauti rezultatai parodė, kad dauguma pradinių klasių mokinių, turinčių didelių ir labai didelių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių, vardina pagal duotą sąvoką 1-3 naminių gyvulių pavadinimus; paveikslėliuose geriausiai atpažįsta ir pavadina katę ir šunį, karvę, arklį bei kiaulę. Didžioji dalis ugdytinių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Bachelor's paper aims at examination of the achievements of primary school pupils with severe and very severe educational needs in the field of domestic animal cognition. Pupils of primary school with established average and significant intellectual disabilities participated in the research.. Educators teaching the pupils with severe and very severe special educational needs participated in an interview. In total, 30 pupils and 6 educators have been interviewed. We have prepared a research instrument - a questionnaire. By means of an individual questionnaire survey, we aimed to reveal the attitude of the pupils towards domestic animals, their knowledge available of the natural sciences and their awareness of them. The aim is to investigate what moral values the pupils have in respect of domestic animals by giving questions about the behaviour of the pupils with the animals in their immediate environment. We have investigated an ability of the pupils to list the names of domestic animals (under a concept of Domestic Animals), their ability to imitate their sounds (according to a given name), and their skills to name the domestic animals by a generalising word. We aimed at finding out what is the pupils' understanding of the structure of the domestic animals (by asking to show and name their body parts) ) and the functions, as well as their importance for people. The obtained results have shown that the majority of the primary school pupils with severe and very severe... [to full text]

Pedagogo požiūris į ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų pažangos ir pasiekimų vertinimą: socialinis - emocinis aspektas / Educator’s attitude towards evaluation of pre-school aged children’s progress and achievement-social-emotional aspect

Sinkevičienė, Romualda 23 July 2014 (has links)
Darbe atskleidžiamas pedagogų ir tėvų požiūris į ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų pažangos ir pasiekimų vertinimą, išryškinama sąveikos ir mokymosi paradigmų sampratų genezė ir išbandoma Edukologijos universiteto mokslininkų parengta pasiekimų aprašo vertinimo metodika, kiek ši leidžia fiksuoti socialinę – emocinę vaiko raidą. Baigiamojo darbo struktūra konstruojama mokslinės literatūros ir empirinio tyrimo analizės pagrindais, kurių tikslas - atskleisti šiuolaikinį ikimokyklinio ugdymo pedagogų požiūrį į pažangos ir pasiekimų vertinimą. Tikslui pasiekti keliami uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti mokslinę literatūrą ir švietimą reglamentuojančius dokumentus ir apibrėžti šiuolaikinę ikimokyklinio ugdymo(si) pažangos ir pasiekimų vertinimo sampratą. 2. Atskleisti vertinimo ciklo ypatumus ir aptarti užsienio šalių vaikų ugdymo(si) pažangos ir pasiekimų patirtį. 3. Išsiaiškinti pedagogų ir tėvų požiūrį į ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų pažangos ir pasiekimų vertinimą ir atlikti lyginamąją analizę. 4. Išbandyti ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų pažangos ir pasiekimų vertinimo metodiką bei patikrinti kiek ši leidžia fiksuoti socialinę – emocinę vaiko raidą. Kiekybinio ir kokybinio tyrimo analizė atskleidė, kad pedagogams ir tėvams pažangos ir pasiekimų vertinimas yra labai reikalinga ir reikalinga ugdymosi proceso dalis, kuri padeda numatyti ugdymosi žingsnius, gerinti ugdymo kokybę, stebėti, pažinti, įvertinti kiekvieno vaiko individualią pažangą ir ugdymosi raidą, įžvelgti ugdymosi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In this final thesis educators’ and parents’ attitude towards evaluation of pre-school aged children’s progress and achievements is revealed, genesis of interface and learning paradigm conceptions is emphasized and evaluation methodology of achievements description prepared by scientists of University of Educational Sciences is used as far as it lets record social-emotional development of a child. Structure of the final thesis is constructed on the basis of analysis of nonfiction and empirical research, which aim is to reveal modern pre-school educators’ attitude towards evaluation of progress and achievements. In order to reach the aim the following tasks have been raised: 1. To analyze regulatory documents of nonfiction and education, also determine a modern conception of pre-school education progress and achievements’ conception. 2. To reveal peculiarities of evaluation and discuss learning progress’ and achievements’ experience of children from foreign countries. 3. To find out educators’ and parents’ attitude towards evaluation of pre-school children’s progress and achievements and perform a comparative analysis. 4. To experiment with pre-school children’s progress and achievements evaluation methodology and examine how far it lets record social-emotional development of a child. Analysis of quantitative and qualitative research revealed that evaluation of progress and achievements is a very important part of education process for educators and parents which helps to... [to full text]


速水, 敏彦, HAYAMIZU, Toshihiko, 田畑, 治, TABATA, Osamu, 吉田, 俊和, YOSHIDA, Toshikazu 12 1900 (has links)

The principal in a process of school revitalisation: a metastrategic role

Morgan, Allan Robert January 2008 (has links)
[Abstract]: The educational literature has popularised models of school leadership such as Instructional, Transformational, Strategic, Educative, and Servant Leadership. Whilst valuable as ways of conceptualising leadership styles, worldviews, traits, roles and functions of individual principals, these models fall short of capturing the dynamic between the outcomes of leadership and the leadership process in contemporary school contexts. Distributed leadership theory is held by many to be more attuned to the post-industrial needs of organisations, and its influence on educational research has seen the emergence of new ways of comprehending leadership in schools. One influential example is ‘parallel leadership’, a derivative of distributed leadership that describes teachers as leaders of curriculum and pedagogy and principals as metastrategic leaders. This study looks specifically at the leadership processes of a small sample of principals in the process of school revitalisation titled IDEAS (Innovative Designs for Enhancing the Achievements of Schools). A key motivation for this study was that the concept of ‘parallel leadership’ had been subjected to little serious critique. Uncertainty surrounded how principals in IDEAS schools conceptualised their leadership, and what impacts experience with the IDEAS Project has on conceptions of leadership. The purpose of this study was to tease out the meanings that a sample of principals gave to their highly complex role as principal, whilst engaging with the concept of ‘parallel leadership’ during their schools’ implementations of IDEAS. The Research Problem was stated as: What conceptions of principal leadership arise out of a sample of principals’ experiences with a process of school revitalisation that emphasises a distributed approach to school leadership? The overarching inquiry took the form of a multi-case or collective case study and comprised four principals who had engaged with IDEAS over a period of at least two years. Data collection strategies included the in-depth interview, which was chosen as the primary method for informants to describe their perceptions of their leadership, together with concept mapping and a structured interview that was utilised to gain staff perceptions of informants’ leadership. Methods of analysis involved detailed transcriptions of taped interviews and tools derived from the literature review that were used to code and categorise the texts of interviews.Crowther et al. (2001) proposed a Model of Successful School Revitalisation as a result of their research conducted under the auspices of the Australian Research Council and Commonwealth Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs (DETYA). Source: (Crowther, Hann & McMaster 2001, p. 141). First, the Model identifies principal leadership and teacher leadership as each having concrete meaning and significance and that success occurs through a mutual and respectful association. This relationship is captured by the authors in the new concept of ‘parallel leadership’. Second, the Model makes clear a view that effective school leadership impacts three school processes that are conceptualised as culture building, shared approach to pedagogy and schoolwide learning. Third, the Model proposes that through the enrichment and integration of these three processes school outcomes are enhanced.This study focussed on the principal leadership aspect of ‘parallel leadership’ and resulted in a Model of Metastrategic Principal Leadership that conceptualises the intersection of principal leadership and the ideas process which Crowther et al. described as the Stimulus.The present study thereby extends the definition of ‘parallel leadership’ by describing how principals contribute to transformations of leadership, learning, and pedagogy through three principal-led processes. The proposed Model of Metastrategic Principal Leadership suggests that when activated by a principal’s continuous professional learning the combination of the interactions of personal style (Personal), the process of revitalisation (Processual), and personal conceptualisation of role (Conceptual) result in principal-led processes that support successful school revitalisation. The three principal-led processes that were uncovered are described as re-imaging school leadership, support of organisation-wide learning, and management of meaning.The researcher hopes the outcomes of the study will be of benefit to principals and teachers in the increasing numbers of schools now engaging with IDEAS across Australia and internationally. A further hope is that the present study’s descriptions of new ways of comprehending leadership in schools might be of assistance to school practitioners seeking to move from traditional to distributed forms of leadership and also educational theorists who are working in the field of school improvement.

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