Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe internet off things"" "subject:"ehe internet oof things""
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Energy-Efficient Devices and Circuits for Ultra-Low Power VLSI ApplicationsLi, Ren 04 1900 (has links)
Nowadays, integrated circuits (IC) are mostly implemented using Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) transistor technology. This technology has allowed the chip industry to shrink transistors and thus increase the device density, circuit complexity, operation speed, and computation power of the ICs. However, in recent years, the scaling of transistor has faced multiple roadblocks, which will eventually lead the scaling to an end as it approaches physical and economic limits. The dominance of sub-threshold leakage, which slows down the scaling of threshold voltage VTH and the supply voltage VDD, has resulted in high power density on chips. Furthermore, even widely popular solutions such as parallel and multi-core computing have not been able to fully address that problem. These drawbacks have overshadowed the benefits of transistor scaling. With the dawn of Internet of Things (IoT) era, the chip industry needs adjustments towards ultra-low-power circuits and systems. In this thesis, energy-efficient Micro-/Nano-electromechanical (M/NEM) relays are introduced, their non-leaking property and abrupt switch ON/OFF characteristics are studied, and designs and applications in the implementation of ultra-low-power integrated circuits and systems are explored. The proposed designs compose of core building blocks for any functional microprocessor, for instance, fundamental logic gates; arithmetic adder circuits; sequential latch and flip-flop circuits; input/output (I/O) interface data converters, including an analog-to-digital converter (ADC), and a digital-to-analog converter (DAC); system-level power management DC-DC converters and energy management power gating scheme. Another contribution of this thesis is the study of device non-ideality and variations in terms of functionality of circuits. We have thoroughly investigated energy-efficient approximate computing with non-ideal transistors and relays for the next generation of ultra-low-power VLSI systems.
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Hacka Inte Min Soffa! : En omdefiniering av Gartners ramverk för External Attack Surface Management mot Smart Home teknologier för att förhindra säkerhetshack / Don’t Hack My Couch! : Redefining Gartner's External Attack Surface Management framework towards Smart-home technologies to prevent security hacksGriberg, Rami January 2022 (has links)
Gartners presenterar External Attack Surface Management (EASM) som är en framväxande cybersäkerhetsdisciplin som identifierar och hanterar de risker som internetbaserade tillgångar och system utgör. Dock är ramverket vagt definierat och har gett författaren intrycket av att fungera som ett komplement till ett mer tekniskt ramverk för säkerhetsövervakning. Syftet med denna studie är att definiera Gartners EASM-ramverket och undersöka om elementen i ramverket har olika vikt av betydelse, samt ifall ramverket behövs omdefinieras för att göra den mer användbar mot IoT-teknologi, specifikt Smart Home. En litteraturstudie har genomförts för att definiera EASM-ramverket och en kvantitativ enkät har skickats elektroniskt och besvarats av åtta olika respondenter för att värdera betydelsen av de olika elementen inom ramverket och om de skulle kunna använda ramverket för Smart Home teknologier inom sina nuvarande organisationer. Respondenterna jobbar inom Smart Homes när denna studie genomfördes och är handplockade på grund av sin erfarenhet och kompetens inom branschen.Respondenterna angav att de olika elementen av EASM-ramverket är av olika vikt och att respondenterna har en osäkerhet om att de skulle använda den nuvarande tillämpningen av EASM-ramverket i sin organisation. Olika faktorer påverkade respondenternas beslut, inklusive deras erfarenhetsnivå, positioner och de företagsstorlekar de arbetar för. Även om de olika elementen i ramverket har olika vikt/betydelse, har elementen ett sekventiellt beroende vilket gör det svårt att ta bort eller byta ut ett element. Analysen tyder på att EASM-ramverket inte är tillräckligt för att vara en komplett försvarslösning inom Smart Homes, utan bör i stället användas tillsammans med Confidentiality, Integrity & Availablity (CIA-triaden) och Autentisering, Auktorisering och Redovisning (AAA-ramverket). Den fysiska aspekten av säkerhet inom Smart Homes behöver också inkluderas för att anpassa EASM-ramverket ytterligare mot Smart Homes.
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OBD-II monitor using smartphone and cloud solutions : For ECO drivingOlofsson, Didrik January 2022 (has links)
Fuel consumption of transportation vehicles account for nearly 27% of CO2 emissions from fossil fuel. The environmental impact of of transportation can be lowered with effective ECOfriendly driving. As modern vehicles are equipped with the on-board diagnostics (OBD) system that provides vehicle’s self-diagnostic data which is accessible to from the OBD-II socket in vehicles. The aim of this thesis is to design and implement such a monitor system that consists of an OBD-II reader (containing a Bluetooth communication module) to fetch data from the OBD-II socket and then, via a smartphone, send the data to a cloud server for analysis and visualisation. For this purpose, an ELM327 Bluetooth module (an off-the-shelf OBD-II dongle) was bought, an application has been created for an Android smartphone, and a cloud server has been created using ThinkSpeak (an online solution for cloud data collection and visualisation). As a result, such monitor system has been implemented at low cost, and then tested and evaluated together with a Toyota Prius driving a round-trip between the Swedish cities of Uppsala and Arlanda. The test results have shown that the system is successful in gathering data from the OBD-II socket and then sending visualizing data. It needs, however, further work to increase the user-friendliness and accuracy of the gathered information from the vehicle. / OBD-II är en internationell standard i fordon som är obligatorisk i moderna bilar möjliggör att med hjälp av hårdvara läsa av information från bilen under färd. Det medför att man kan överföra data så som hastighet, bränsleförbrukning och motortemperaturfrån bilen till en annan tjänst där det presenteras för föraren. Metoden går ut på att transmittera informationen som läses av sensorer i bilen till en internettupkopplad mobiltelefon som för över informationen till en molntjänsst. Datan från bilen ska sedankompletteras med positionsinformation från mobilenhetens GPS enhet. Detta medför att skapandet av en applikation som kan uppfylla målen blir är en central del av projektet. ELM327 är en hårdvarumodul som är designad för att kopplas till ett OBD-II uttag. Modulen kan då läsa av data från CAN bussen i bilen och sedan konverterainformationen till en Bluetooth enhet. En mobiltelefon kan då kommunicera med Bluetooth enheten genom att skapa en Android applikation i utveklarverktyget Androidstudio. Applikationen för sedan över datan till molntjänsten ThingSpeak, som är designat för IoT project. ThingSpeak har en implementering av MatLab, en programmerings plattform för ingenjörer, som låter användaren analysera och visualiseradata i molntjänsten. En begränsning som uppstår är hur mycket pengar som investeras i projetet vilket har inflytande på hur ofta datan kan uppdateras i molntjänsten, vilket påverkar nogrannheten i resultatet. I tesen diskuteras även begränsningarna av systemet och olika utvecklingsmöjligheter av projektet.
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IoT Platform for Smart City Initiatives : A study of the benefits of a central IoT platform for urban development projects within a municipal context / IoT plattform för smart city initiativ : En studie av fördelarna med en central IoT plattform för stadsutvecklingsprojekt i en kommunal kontextTobias, Tensmyr January 2022 (has links)
The transformation of cities into smart cities is a common occurrence today, and one of the reasons is urbanization. Technology contributes to the ability to deal with new problems that arise. The number of IoT platforms has increased due to their flexibility and value addition regarding interoperability, processing of IoT data, and analysis capability. An IoT platform's capabilities are desirable, not least to municipalities today. Through IoT devices, such as sensors, the municipality can increase their awareness of the city’s surroundings and stay up to date through better insight into trends or new challenges. However, IoT is in its infancy compared to other markets, and there is a limited understanding of the IoT subject in municipal contexts. These aspects contribute to difficulties when municipalities take on trends for smart city initiatives. There is still a lack of design and development guidelines regarding ICT solutions to enable the development of a holistic smart city. The few current smart city deployments also make it challenging to validate which technology should be adopted to achieve the vision for the smart city. Therefore, the study investigates how a central IoT platform might benefit municipal departments in urban development projects. The case study conducted within the City of Stockholm generated ten benefits that might occur if the central IoT platform were available within the municipal departments' urban development projects. The benefits were divided into three themes: · Information and data management · Reasons to use IoT data · Interoperability between the central IoT platform and systems
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AI-Based Business Model Innovation : Case study at Axis CommunicationOhlsson, Johannes January 2022 (has links)
Background AI adoption is increasing, and the highest increase of AI is seen in service functions, followed by product applications. Moreover, the patent filing is rapidly increasing showing high interest in the technology. Product-based firms developing AI technology may need to develop their business model as a result of the introduction of AI. Research aim This thesis aims to explore how product-oriented companies innovate the business model based on AI development. More specifically, how these technological opportunities can, create value, deliver value, and capture value as a result. Method This thesis follows a qualitative strategy, mainly being explorative. The thesis follows a single case study approach of Axis Communications. Data collection was mainly conducted with semi-structured interviews. Findings The value creation of AI development is described based on functions and the value-added. The value delivery explores key capabilities of the data pipeline, algorithm development and partners. The value capture described the sales model and compares AI-related solutions with competitors. Conclusions The study concludes that AI-based solutions can be an attributing factor for a product-based company to innovate the business model towards a more service and partner-oriented business model. Keywords: Artificial intelligence, Internet of things, Digital servitization, Business model innovation, Business ecosystem
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A case study on how the Apple Watch can benefit medical heart researchDellgren, Emelie January 2017 (has links)
The medical health industry is entering a new era and technology will play a great role in this area. Equipment in hospitals is in many cases strictly dependent on technology that works. However, technology in the medical health industry will maybe become a bigger part of our private lifestyle. This lifestyle includes digital health apps, wearables and devices that track your daily physical routines with “Internet of things”. These ways of keeping track of your health can be used for private purposes, but also to complement medical studies with clinical results. This thesis will focus on how wearables can complement a medical study where patients with severe heart failure will use the smartwatch Apple Watch. This smartwatch will collect data on patients daily physical activity pattern and thereafter analyze this data in order to find activity patterns. This thesis intends to answer the questions How can wearables such as the Apple Watch benefit medical heart research? and what makes the Apple Watch a suitable wearable for the medical study at Lund’s University Hospital? Interviews were therefore held with medical heart researchers and addressed the purpose of the medical study and their choice of wearable. Thereafter, a examination of the Apple Watch was conducted and it together with the interview indicated that the Apple Watch in fact is a suitable wearable. Finally, an exportation process where data from the Apple Watch was done where the exported data then was decoded in Microsoft Excel. The purpose of this was to examine statements that were revealed in the interview. That being said, the thesis came to the conclusion that the Apple Watch contributes a lot when mixing complementing data from wearables with clinical records. Another conclusion was that this tracking device was suitable for the medical study. In what extension the Apple Watch is suitable, is yet unclear since the medical study is in need of further patients and research where one compares wearables against each other.
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Micropayments Between IoT Devices : A Qualitative Study Analyzing the Usability of DLT:s in an IoT Environment / Mikrobetalningar mellan IoT enheter : En kvalitativ studie som utreder användbarheten av DLT:s i en IoT miljöEl-Hage, Sebastian, Holst, Gustav January 2018 (has links)
Today there exist no standardized payment solution for performing micropayments between Internet of Things (IoT) devices. This study was conducted to examine whether Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) could be suitable as a micropayment solution for IoT. Also, a more general demand for a scalable micropayment solution was examined, along with its potential. A qualitative study was performed by first conducting eight unstructured interviews regarding the subjects DLT and IoT, to be used as a complement to the literature research. Then, one unstructured and five semi-structured interviews were held to answer the research questions. The Bitcoin blockchain does not work as a micropayment solution, due to scalability issues. This study identified a positive outlook on the idea of Lightning Network, solving the scalability problems with off-chain transactions. However, since a fully functioning network is yet to be implemented, there exist uncertainties, for example regarding how decentralized it will really become. Also, issues considering the usage of DLT:s on small IoT devices arose, stemming from CPU and storage constraints. A demand of a sustainable micropayment solution was identified, possibly being a catalyst of the emergence of pay-per-use business models. Considering more powerful IoT devices, the Lightning Network could function as a micropayment solution. Such a technology is sought after, and its applicability will only increase as IoT devices evolve. / Det finns idag ingen standardiserad betalningslösning för att genomföra mikrobetalningar mellan Internet of Things (IoT) enheter. Denna studie genomfördes för att undersöka huruvida Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) skulle kunna användas som en mikrobetalningslösning för IoT. En mer generell eterfrågan för en skalbar mikrobetalningslösning, och effekterna av en sådan, undersöktes. En kvalitativ studie genofördes, där åtta ostrukturerade intervjuer gällande ämnena DLT och IoT, hölls för att komplementera litteraturstudierna. Sedan genomfördes en ostrukturerad och fem semi-strukturerade intervjuer för att kunna besvara de frågeställningar som definierats. Bitcoin blockkedjan funderar inte som en mikrobetalningslösning på grund utav dess skalbarhetsproblem. Studien identifierar en positiv syn på Lightning Network, som löserskalbarhetsproblemen genom att använda sig av transaktioner utanför kedjan. Denna lösning är dock inte fullständigt implementerad, vilket leder till flera osäkerheter angående exempelvis hur decentraliserat nätverket verkligen kommer att bli. Utöver detta finns även svårigheter med användandet av DLT:s för små IoT-enheter, vilket härstämmar ifrån deras CPU- och lagringsbegränsningar. En efterfrågan på en hållbar mikrobetalningslösning identifieras, och denna skulle kunna fungera som en katalysator för etablerandet av pay-per-use affärsmodeller. Tittar vi på mer kraftfulla IoT-enheter skulle Lightning Network fungera som en mikrobetalningslösning. En sådan teknologi är eftertraktad och dess användbarhet kommer bara att växa i och med utvecklingen av IoT-enheter.
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A Practical Approach of an Internet of Robotic Things PlatformYousif, Robert January 2018 (has links)
This thesis aims to design and develop a platform based on a novel concept - the Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT) constructed by a robotic platform, an Internet of Things (IoT) platform and cloud computing services. A robotic platform enables hardware abstraction, facilitating the management of input/output between software, mechanical devices andelectronic systems. The IoT platform is a global network enabling a massive number of devices known as things to communicate with each other and transfer data over the Internet. Cloud computing is a shared pool of scalable hardware usually provisioned as cloud services by third party cloud vendors. The integration of these concepts constitutes the core of the IoRT platform, as a global infrastructure facilitating robots to interconnect over the Internet utilizing common communication technology. Moreover, the pool of cloud resources shared by the connected robots enables scalable storage and processing power. The IoRT platform developed in this study constitutes firstly of the Amazon Web Service (AWS) IoT core serving as the IoT platform. Secondly, it incorporates the Robot Operating system (ROS) as the robotic platform and thirdly the cloud services Amazon DynamoDB and AWS Lambda for data storing and data processing respectively.The platform was evaluated in terms of delays & utilization and visualization capabilities. The platform demonstrates promising result in terms of delays exchanging small packages of data, round-trip delays in order of 50-60ms were obtained between a robot placed in Stockholm and the communication platform AWS IoT placed in Dublin, Ireland. Most of the delay is due to the traveling distance, where a round trip ping between Stockholm and Dublin takes around 50ms. The platforms ability to visualize streaming data from the robots, enables an operator to visualize selected data from any service in the platform over the Internet in near real-time, with round-trip delays in order of 250-300ms where the data propagates through multiple cloud service. In conclusion, this report illustrates the feasibility of merging two major platforms together: ROS and AWS IoT, and moreover, the accessibility to exploit the power and potential enabled by the modern data centers. / Avhandlingens syfte är att utforma och utveckla en plattform baserat på konceptet Internet of Robotic Things konstruerat av en robotikplattform, en Internet of Things plattform och molntjänster. En Internet of Things plattform är ett globalt nätverk som tillåter många enheter att kommunicera med varandra och överföra data över Internet. En robotikplattform underlättar kontrollen av in/ut mellan mjukvara, mekaniska enheter och elektroniska system. Molntjänster är en gemensam pool av skalbar hårdvara som vanligtvis erbjuds av tredje parts molnleverantörer. En Internet of Robotic Things plattform är en global infrastruktur som underlättar avancerade robotar att interagera över Internet genom en gemensam kommunikationsteknik, en pool av molntjänster som delas av alla uppkopplade robotar som tillåter skalbar lagring och processorkraft.Plattformens huvudkomponenter är robotikplattformen Robot Operating System, Internet of Things plattformen AWS IoT Core och molntjänsterna Amazon DynamoDB och AWS Lambda för lagring och databearbetning.Plattformen evalueras i form av plattformegenskaperna, fördröjningar & funktionstid och visualiseringsförmåga. Plattformen visar lovande resultat i from av fördröjningar mellan två robotar som utbyter data med hjälp av IoT plattformen, där fördröjningarna är begränsade av distanssträckan. Plattformens egenskap att visualisera strömmande data från robotar möjliggör för en operatör att visualisera utvald data från plattformen över internet i realtid.
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Towards design and implementation of Industry 4.0 for food manufacturingKonur, Savas, Lan, Yang, Thakker, Dhaval, Mokryani, Geev, Polovina, N., Sharp, J. 25 January 2021 (has links)
Yes / Today’s factories are considered as smart ecosystems with humans, machines and devices interacting with each other for efficient manufacturing of products. Industry 4.0 is a suite of enabler technologies for such smart ecosystems that allow transformation of industrial processes. When implemented, Industry 4.0 technologies have a huge impact on efficiency, productivity and profitability of businesses. The adoption and implementation of Industry 4.0, however, require to overcome a number of practical challenges, in most cases, due to the lack of modernisation and automation in place with traditional manufacturers. This paper presents a first of its kind case study for moving a traditional food manufacturer, still using the machinery more than one hundred years old, a common occurrence for small- and medium-sized businesses, to adopt the Industry 4.0 technologies. The paper reports the challenges we have encountered during the transformation process and in the development stage. The paper also presents a smart production control system that we have developed by utilising AI, machine learning, Internet of things, big data analytics, cyber-physical systems and cloud computing technologies. The system provides novel data collection, information extraction and intelligent monitoring services, enabling improved efficiency and consistency as well as reduced operational cost. The platform has been developed in real-world settings offered by an Innovate UK-funded project and has been integrated into the company’s existing production facilities. In this way, the company has not been required to replace old machinery outright, but rather adapted the existing machinery to an entirely new way of operating. The proposed approach and the lessons outlined can benefit similar food manufacturing industries and other SME industries. / Innovate UK—Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP010551)
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Multi-stage attack detection: emerging challenges for wireless networksLefoane, Moemedi, Ghafir, Ibrahim, Kabir, Sohag, Awan, Irfan U. 03 February 2023 (has links)
Yes / Multi-stage attacks (MSAs) are among the most serious threats in cyberspace today. Criminals target big organisations and government critical infrastructures mainly for financial gain. These attacks are becoming more advanced and stealthier, and thus have capabilities to evade Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs). As a result, the attack strategies used in the attack render IDSs ineffective, particularly because of new security challenges introduced by some of the key emerging technologies such as 5G wireless networks, cloud computing infrastructure and Internet of Things (IoT), Advanced persistent threats (APTs) and botnet attacks are examples of MSAs, these are serious threats on the Internet. This work analyses recent MSAs, outlines and reveals open issues, challenges and opportunities with existing detection methods.
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