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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Potential security risks in Google Nest Indoor Camera

Klasmark, Jacob, Lundegårdh, Valter January 2020 (has links)
Our world is becoming more and more connected every day. Recently a new trend has taken off: smart homes. As people are investing in making their house connected this usually also includes some type of surveillance, more precisely a camera. A camera inside your home does however raise a question: how secure is it?In this bachelor thesis an investigation of how secure the Google Nest Indoor Camera is was conducted. This camera was chosen because it is relatively cheap compared to other Nest cameras making it more attractive to your average person. In addition, being a camera developed by Google one would expect hefty security. Previous penetration tests did to the contrary however discover several vulnerabilities resulting in media attention across the globe. These factors combined gave us enough reason to conduct our research around this device.A study around how secure the camera is was done. It began with an initial research phase to identify the current most crucial threats. Together with a threat model of the system and earlier research the threats were then summarised in a threat matrix. These were then ranked with DREAD as to delimit the amount of threats further so only the most potentially harmful ones could be investigated further. Penetration tests were then performed.From our study we did not find any evidence of there existing vulnerabilities that could allow an adversary to view the camera feed or access other parts of ones home network through it. Even so, other, perhaps dangerous, vulnerabilities and exploits where found. This includes the ability to learn in which mode the camera is in or prohibit a user from connecting to the camera through Bluetooth. / Vår värld blir mer och mer uppkopplad varje dag. Nyligen har en trend tagit fart: smarta hem. När människor investerar i att göra sitt hus anslutet inkluderar det vanligtvis också någon typ av övervakning, mer exakt en kamera. En kamera i ditt hem lyfter emellertid frågan: hur säker är den? I denna kandidatuppsats genomfördes en undersökning av hur säker Google Nest Indoor Camera är. Denna kamera valdes eftersom den är relativt billig jämfört med andra Nest kameror vilket gör den mer attraktiv för gemene man. Då kameran är utvecklad av Google skulle en dessutom kunna förvänta sig rejäl säkerhet. Tidigare penetrationstest upptäckte tvärtemot flera sårbarheter vilket resulterade i medieuppmärksamhet över hela världen. Dessa faktorer kombinerade gav oss tillräckligt med anledning att genomföra vår kandidatexamen kring denna enhet.En studie kring hur säker kameran är genomfördes. Den inleddes med en forskningsfas för att identifiera de mest avgörande hoten. Tillsammans med en hotmodell av systemet och tidigare forskning summerades hoten i en hotmatris. Dessa rankades sedan med DREAD för att ytterligare begränsa mängden hot så att endast de mest potentiellt skadliga skulle kunna undersökas vidare. Penetrationstest utfördes därefter.Från vår studie hittade vi inga bevis på befintliga sårbarheter som kan göra det möjligt för en tuff motståndare att se kameraflödet eller komma åt andra delar av ens hemnätverk genom den. Trots det hittades andra, kanske farliga, sårbarheter och utnyttjanden. Detta inkluderar möjligheten att lära sig i vilket läge kameran är i eller hindra en användare från att ansluta till kameran via Bluetooth.

Cloud-based monitor and control of industrial robots

Biain Galdos, Ander, Ordoki Oiarbide, Iñaki January 2021 (has links)
Nowadays, interconnectivity is becoming increasingly important. According to industry, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is the core technology of Industry 4.0. Connectivity between different processes or components in the industry makes one process aware of each other, making systems more intelligent and self-sufficient. This thesis proposes various ways to control and monitor an industrial process with the cloud, explaining step by step the connections between the industrial equipment and the cloud. Furthermore, this thesis's one sub-objective is to make an industrial process, which was previously PLC-based, entirely cloud-based. For the latter work, simulation software is used to create a production line, as there is a lack of equipment. Consequently, it will also test the flexibility of the system to move between the virtual and the real environment, which is another challenge of Industry 4.0 and digitalisation. In the discussion part, the thesis talks about the shift from PLC-based to PC-based systems in the industry, mentioning the limitations and advantages.

En undersökning av säkerhetsrisker gällande användarmedvetenheten för IoT-enheter i hemmet : En kvalitativ undersökning ur ett säkerhetsperspektiv

Ali, Qasim January 2023 (has links)
Populariteten av Internet of Things (IoT)- enheter är någonting som på senaste tidenökat, Dessa enheter avser smarta enheter uppkopplade mot internet som används avbåde privatpersoner och företag. Ett användningsområde för dessa smarta enheter ärinom hemmet som syftar till att ge mer bekvämlighet för användarna och underlättavardagen. Trots teknikens fördelar har det medfört ett stort antal risker och nackdelarvad gäller säkerheten vilket kommer att diskuteras i denna studie. Syftet med dennastudie är att undersöka medvetenheten kring säkerheten för dessa smarta enheterallmänt och i ett uppkopplat hem. Empirin i studien har samlats in genom en kvalitativundersökning där det genomförts semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju olikainformanter med olika erfarenheter och relationer till smarta enheter.Studiens resultat bidrar till en ökad förståelse av ämnet och validerar resultaten fråntidigare forskning. Vidare analyserades empirin och resulterade i att ett antal faktoreridentifierades gällande de smarta enheterna utifrån ett säkerhetsperspektiv.Respondenterna fick svara på frågor angående deras medvetenhet gällande dessa smartaenheter och medvetenhet kring de säkerhetsrisker som finns för dessa enheter.Den insamlade datan analyserades genom en tematisk analys vilket resulterade i fyrateman: säkerheten för produkterna, säkerhetsmedvetenhet, Lagar inom IoT ochskyddandet av data. De olika informanterna hade olika erfarenheter samt motiveringartill deras förmåga att kunna påverka enhetens säkerhet samt de åtgärder de valde attimplementera. Informanternas erfarenheter och förmåga att kunna påverka sina enheterlänkades till litteratur. Sammanfattningsvis är informanternas förmågor att kunnapåverka sina enheter begränsat till de grundläggande säkerhetsåtgärderna. Studiensresultat visar att användare inte kan påverka sina enheter särskilt mycket för att ökasäkerheten för sina enheter vilket i sin tur leder till att enheter som har säkerhetsluckorleder till att användare lättare kan falla offer för attacker.Denna studie bidrar till att vidga förståelsen och fylla kunskapsluckorna gällandesäkerhetsrisker för smarta enheter bland användare. Genom att undersöka dessa frågorkan man arbeta mot en förbättring av säkerhetstänket och medvetenheten för att minskariskerna som dessa uppkopplade enheter kommer med, både för enskilda användare ochföretag / The popularity of Internet of Things (IoT) devices is something that has recentlyincreased. These devices refer to smart devices connected to the Internet that are usedby both private individuals and companies. One area of use for these smart devices iswithin the home, which aims to provide more convenience to users and make everydaylife easier. Despite the technology's advantages, it has entailed a large number of risksand disadvantages in terms of safety, which will be discussed in this study. The purposeof this study is to investigate the awareness surrounding the security of these smartdevices in general and in a connected home. The experience in the study has beencollected through a qualitative survey where semi-structured interviews were conductedwith seven different informants with different experiences and relationships to smartdevices.The results of the study contribute to an increased understanding of the subject andvalidate the results from previous research. Furthermore, the empirical evidence wasanalyzed and resulted in a number of factors being identified regarding the smartdevices from a security perspective. Respondents were asked to answer questionsregarding their awareness of these smart devices and awareness of the security risksassociated with these devices.The collected data was analyzed through a thematic analysis which gave four themes:the security of the products, security awareness, laws in IoT and the protection of data.The different informants had different experiences and motivations for their ability toinfluence the unit's safety and the measures they chose to implement. The informants'experiences and ability to influence their units were linked to literature. In summary, theinformants' abilities to influence their units are limited to the basic security measures.The results of the study show that users cannot influence their devices very much toincrease the security of their devices, which in turn leads to devices that have securityholes leading to users falling prey to attacks more easily.This study contributes to broadening the understanding and filling the knowledge gapsregarding security risks of smart devices among users. By examining these issues, onecan work towards an improvement in security thinking and awareness to reduce therisks that these connected devices bring, both for individual users and companies


LIVIA GOULART TOVAR 24 July 2019 (has links)
[pt] Os desafios acerca do desenvolvimento sustentável impulsionam medidas governamentais e incentivos a empresas que investem em soluções nessa direção. Alinhado a isso, no que se refere ao setor do transporte rodoviário de cargas, os avanços em tecnologia permitem a gestão de frotas eficiente e a maximização dos lucros de empreendedores do setor. A Internet das Coisas é um meio pelo qual é possível se definir indicadores que auxiliam a operação eficiente das empresas e que possibilitam a análise mais precisa de pegada ambiental em diferentes níveis: desde a escala micro, que compreende o veículo e a empresa, até a escala macro, que compreende o setor de transporte de cargas do país. Esse estudo busca levantar indicadores operacionais e ambientais possíveis de serem desenvolvidos a partir de um estudo de caso em que são fornecidos dados enviados de um veículo e seus componentes conectados à internet. / [en] The challenges upon sustainable development drive government actions and incentives to companies that invest in solutions in this direction. In line with this, with regard to the road freight transport sector, advances in technology allow the efficient fleet management and the maximization of entrepreneurs profit. The Internet of Things is a modern mean by which it is possible to define indicators that help the efficient operation of companies and that allow the more accurate analysis of the environmental footprint at different levels: from the micro scale, which comprises the vehicle and the company, to the macro scale, which comprises the country s freight sector. The environment conservation is one of the pillars of sustainability s concept. A development is considered sustainable when it takes into account social, ecological and economic factors (IUCN, 1980). The warranty of economic interest and reduction of environmental impacts caused by the freight transport sector is relevant to the evolution of the logistics in this direction. The concept of logistics is the activity that manages materials and products evolving, beyond other activities, purchasing, transport, distribution, movement, storage and packing. The part of logistics that consider the aspects and impacts caused by its activities is called Green Logistics or Ecologistics (Donato, 2008). The freight transport is one of the most fast-growing sectors in terms of energy consumption and emissions in Brazil (World Bank, 2011a). According to estimations this sector can be emitting 60 percent more CO2 in 2020 than it had in 2009, of which 36 percent from trucking, 13 percent from buses, 40 percent from passenger cars and 3 percent from motocycles (MMA, 2011). There s an interest towards the carbon emission s growing rates from freight transport. Reducing unnecessary travels without impacting the economic growth is one of the fundamental ways to reduce the intensity of emissions (World Bank, 2011b).

A Hybrid, Distributed Condition Monitoring System using MEMS Microphones, Artificial Neural Networks, and Cloud Computing

Frithjof Benjamin Dorka (13163043) 27 July 2022 (has links)
<p>Condition monitoring supported with artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and industrial internet of things (IIoT) technologies increases the feasibility of predictive maintenance (PdM). However, the cost of traditional sensors, data acquisition systems, and the information technology expert knowledge required to inform and implement PdM challenge the industry. This thesis proposes a hybrid condition monitoring system (CMS) architecture consisting of a distributed, low-cost IIoT-sensor solution. The CMS uses micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) microphones for data acquisition, edge computing for signal preprocessing, and cloud computing, including artificial neural networks (ANN) for higher-level information processing. The higher-level information processing includes condition detection and time-based prediction capabilities to inform PdM strategies. The system’s feasibility is validated using a testbed for reciprocating linear-motion axes.</p>

Forming Emergent Configurations in Smart Office IoT Systems

Gullstrand, Simon, Wahlfrid, Jonas January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis, we examine how Emergent Configurations are formed to manageThings and People for the purpose of achieving the user’s goal of repairing a coffeemachine in the dynamic environment of a smart office. We develop an architecturein the form of requirement and design artifacts as well as a realization of the GoalManager component in the Emergent Configuration Manager which is responsiblefor the forming of Emergent Configurations, using the novel Emergent ConfigurationIoT system engineering approach. To demonstrate the capability of the realizationwe developed multiple case scenarios which correspond to the context dynamicity ofa smart office environment. The results of this study introduce an architecture forthe Goal Manager component and demonstrate that the novel engineering approach,Emergent Configuration, is a feasible way of managing IoT systems in the smart officecategory.

Materializing social presence: Exploring the Internet of Things using a Research through Design approach

Göttert, Rebecca January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines the role connected devices in the home could play for maintaining and taking care of close relationships of people living apart. Communication tools nowadays offer many different ways of communicating and they are mostly focused on mobile devices. Social presence describes the feeling that humans have when communicating with each other and can be mediated through communication tools in different strengths. The Internet of Things is one rapidly developing branch of contemporary technology and estimates say by 2020 about 200 billion devices will be connected. This research focuses on the possibilities the Internet of Things offers to the notion of social presence in the domestic setting by exploring how we feel interrupted by current devices: Through a Research through Design approach, alternative concepts will be developed to materialize the feeling of social presence.

Wireless Farming: a mobile and Wireless Sensor Network based application to create farm field monitoring and plant protection for sustainable crop production and poverty reduction

Dube, Elias Edo January 2013 (has links)
There is a remarkable growth in the field of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in Developing Countries (DCs). Telecommunication is one of the areas where ICT is recording an ongoing rapid change. Mobile phones are becoming pervasive in daily scenario; and among the beneficiaries of this are farmers. Farmers are using mobile phones in executing their farming business and daily life. At the same time, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are also showing a result in developed part of our world. WSNs potential in sensing various environmental condition, their affordability and applicability motivated conducting of this master thesis. Therefore, the objective of conducting this master thesis is to investigate and identify how the use of mobile phones in conjunction with WSN enable farmers in Ethiopia monitor and control their farm field. We use firsthand qualitative data we gathered during our field work in Ethiopia to design our proposed prototype. Functional requirements and system design guideless are obtained from observation we make and interviews we carry out on irrigation based farmers around town of Meki in region of Oromia. We use our prototype to demonstrate and evaluate how irrigation based farmers benefit from existence of such system.

Hacking and Evaluating the Cybersecurity of an Internet Connected 3D Printer

Backlund, Linus, Ridderström, Linnéa January 2021 (has links)
Over the last few years, internet-connectivity hascome to be an expected feature of professional 3D printers.Connectivity does however come at a cost concerning the securityof the device. This project aimed to evaluate the cybersecurityof the Ultimaker S5 3D printer. The system was tested for themost likely and severe vulnerabilities based upon a threat modelmade on the product. The results show that the system’s localwebapplication is vulnerable to some common web-attacks thatallow the attacker to perform actions on the victims printer. / De senaste åren har internetuppkoppling blivit en självklar funktion hos professionella 3D skrivare. Upp-koppling kommer dock ofta på bekostnad av enhetens säkerhet. Detta projekt syftade till att utvärdera cybersäkerheten hos 3D skrivaren Ultimaker S5. En hotmodell gjordes och systemet penetrationstestades baserat på denna. Resultaten visar att enhetens lokala webbapplikationen är sårbar för några vanliga web-attcker som låter attackeraren exekvera oönskade funktioner på offrets skrivare. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2021, KTH, Stockholm

Machine Learning for Water Monitoring Systems

Asaad, Robirt, Sanchez Ribe, Carlos January 2021 (has links)
Water monitoring is an essential process that managesthe well-being of freshwater ecosystems. However, it isgenerally an inefficient process as most data collection is donemanually. By combining wireless sensor technology and machinelearning techniques, projects such as iWater aim to modernizecurrent methods. The purpose of the iWater project is to developa network of smart sensors capable of collecting and analyzingwater quality-related data in real time.To contribute to this goal, a comparative study between theperformance of a centralized machine learning algorithm thatis currently used, and a distributed model based on a federatedlearning algorithm was done. The data used for training andtesting both models was collected by a wireless sensor developedby the iWater project. The centralized algorithm was used asthe basis for the developed distributed model. Due to lack ofsensors, the distributed model was simulated by down-samplingand dividing the sensor data into six data sets representing anindividual sensor. The results are similar for both models andthe developed algorithm reaches an accuracy of 98.41 %. / Vattenövervakning är en nödvändig processför att få inblick i sötvattensekosystems välmående. Dessvärreär det en kostsam och tidskrävande process då insamling avdata vanligen görs manuellt. Genom att kombinera trådlössensorteknologi och maskininlärnings algoritmer strävar projektsom iWater mot att modernisera befintliga metoder.Syftet med iWater är att skapa ett nätverk av smarta sensorersom kan samla in och analysera vattenkvalitetsrelaterade datai realtid. För att bidra till projektmålet görs en jämförandestudie mellan den prediktiva noggrannheten hos en centraliseradmaskininlärningsalgoritm, som i nuläget används, och endistribuerad modell baserad på federerat lärande. Data somanvänds för träning och testning av båda modellerna samladesin genom en trådlös sensor utvecklad inom iWater-projektet.Den centraliserade algoritmen användes som grund för denutvecklade distribuerade modellen. På grund av brist på sensorersimulerades den distribuerade modellen genom nedprovtagningoch uppdelning av data i sex datamängder som representerarenskilda sensorer. Resultaten för båda modellerna var liknandeoch den utvecklade algoritmen har en noggrannhet på 98.41 % / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2021, KTH, Stockholm

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