Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe landowners"" "subject:"hhe landowners""
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Attitudes and behaviour of landholders towards the conservation of Overberg Coastal Renosterveld, a threatened vegetation type in the Cape Floral KingdomWinter, Susan Jean 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScConsEcol) -- Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis describes the findings of a survey to investigate the attitudes and behaviour of private landholders
towards the conservation of Overberg Coastal Renosterveld, a highly endangered grassy-shrubland of the
Cape Floral Region (CFR) lowlands, now 94% transformed. Personal interviews were conducted with 36
farmers in the Overberg region of the Western Cape, by administering a questionnaire. The following aspects
were quantitatively described using the Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS): Renosterveld
management and utilisation behaviour, perceived value of Overberg Coastal Renosterveld; landholder
knowledge of its conservation importance and willingness to conserve it. Attitudes towards incentives for
conservation; conservancies; and the provincial conservation authorities were also investigated. Willingness
to conserve was explored further using SPSS cross-tabulation analyses. It was found that farmers who were
more willing to conserve were younger, did not necessarily have a better education, and owned larger farms
(> 500 ha) with a greater amount of remnant renosterveld (> 300 ha) than farmers less willing to conserve.
Attitudes towards Overberg Coastal Renosterveld were largely negative, due to certain associated plants and
animals which are problems for farmers, and because it is not economically advantageous to retain it.
However, provision of incentives (of which assistance with fencing and land management was most
attractive) and increased extension support will provide practical positive inducements for conservation.
There is also a need for more landholder education regarding the scarcity of coastal renosterveld to prevent
transformation of remaining fragments. The second component of the study aimed to construct a user-friendly index to measure the conservation
attitudes of landholders towards conserving Overberg Coastal Renosterveld. An interative item analysis was
executed on the data, using Spearman Rank Order correlations and Cronbach's Alpha. Results yielded an
index with two dimensions and a Cronbach Alpha co-efficient of 0.67. The dimensions or components of
conservation attitude towards renosterveld included: (i) a landholders' perception of the perceived benefit of
Overberg Coastal Renosterveld; and (ii) their willingness to conserve it. The mean conservation attitude
score was 0.6 (± 0.03), indicating that landholder attitudes were generally sympathetic towards renosterveld
conservation. This suggests that while many landholders do not place a high value on Overberg Coastal
Renosterveld due to its low agricultural value, their willingness to conserve it is in some cases higher than
expected, which possibly explains the above-average mean conservation attitude score. An analysis of
variance showed that the following variables were significantly, positively correlated with conservation
attitude: (i) area of Overberg Coastal Renosterveld; (ii) landholder environmental group membership status;
(iii) presence of ecotourism activities on the property; and (iv) how long the property had been in the
owner's family. The intended application of the index is that index scores (amenable for use in a
Geographical Information System database) can assist conservation practitioners in deciding where resources should be allocated, on the assumption that high-scoring individuals are more likely to want to take part in
conservation initiatives. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie proefskrif beskryf die bevindings van 'n opname waarin die houdings en gedrag van private
grondeienaars ten opsigte van Overberg Kustelike Renosterveld ondersoek word. Altesaam 94% van die
oorspronklike renosterveld, 'n hoogs bedreigde, grasagtige struikveld in die laaglande van die Kaapse
Planteryk (KPR) , is reeds getransformeer en verander. Persoonlike onderhoude is met 36 boere in die
Overbergstreek van die Wes-Kaap gevoer en 'n vraelys is aan hulle gestel. Die "Statistical Package for
Social Scientists" (SPSS) is gebruik om die volgende aspekte kwantitatief te beskryf: die bestuur en
benutting van Overberg Kustelike Renosterveld; die waarde wat toegeskryf word aan hierdie renosterveld;
asook grondeienaars se kennis oor die bewaringsbelang van Overberg Kustelike Renosterveld en hul
bereidwilligheid om dit te bewaar. Houdings jeens aansporingsmiddele om bewaring te bevorder, bewareas
en die provinsiale bewaringsowerhede is ook ondersoek. Private grondeienaars se bereidwilligheid om
betrokke te raak by bewaringswerk is verder ondersoek deur gebruik te maak van die SPSS-kruistabelleringsanalise.
In vergelyking met boere wat nie bewaring ondersteun nie, is gevind dat die meer
bewaringsgesinde boere jonger is, nie noodwendig 'n beter opvoeding het nie, en groter plase (>500 ha) besit
waarop meer brokkies oorblywende Overberg Kustelike Renosterveld (>300 ha) gevind word. Grondeienaars
se houding jeens Overberg Kustelike Renosterveld was grootliks negatief. Dit is as gevolg van sekere
verwante plante en diere wat deur boere as probleme ervaar word, en omdat dit nie ekonomies lewensvatbaar
is om renosterveld te behou nie. Die beskikbaarheidstelling van aansporingsmiddele (waarvan hulpverlening
met omheinings en grondbestuur die aantreklikste was), en 'n toename in landbou-voorligting is egter
praktiese en positiewe dryfvere wat bewaring kan bevorder. Daar is ook 'n behoefte vir meer opvoeding van
grondeienaars oor aspekte soos die skaarsheid van Overberg Kustelike Renosterveld, sodat die verdere
transformasie van oorblywende fragmente voorkom kan word.
Die tweede gedeelte van die studie was daarop gemik om 'n gebruikersvriendelike indeks te ontwikkel
waarmee die bewaringsgesindheid van grondeienaars teenoor die bewaring van renosterveld gemeet kan
word. Deur gebruik te maak van Spearman se rangorde-korrelasies en Cronbach se Alpha is die data aan 'n
herhalende item-analise onderwerp. Die resultate het 'n indeks met twee dimensies en 'n Cronbach Alpha-koëffisiënt
van 0.67 gelewer. Die dimensies of komponente van bewaringsgesindheid jeens renosterveld het
onder meer ingesluit: i) 'n grondeienaar se opvatting oor die moontlike voordeel van Overberg Kustelike
Renosterveld en ii) sy/haar bereidwilligheid om dit bewaar. Die gemiddelde telling vir bewaringsgesindheid
was 0.6 (± 0.03), wat in die algemeen 'n simpatieke houding jeens die bewaring van Overberg Kustelike Renosterveld onder grondeienaars aandui. Hiervolgens blyk dit dat alhoewel heelwat grondeienaars weens
die lae landbouwaarde van renosterveld nie 'n hoë waarde op hierdie plantegroeitipe plaas nie, hulle
bereidwilligheid om dit te bewaar soms verwagtinge oortref. Dit is dalk 'n moontlike verklaring vir die bogemiddelde
gemiddelde bewaringsgesindheidtelling. 'n Variansie-analise het 'n noemenswaardige, positiewe
korrelasie met bewaringsgesindheid ten opsigte van die volgende veranderlikes getoon: i) area van Overberg
Kustelike Renosterveld; ii) die grondeienaar se moontlike lidmaatskap van 'n bewaringsgroep; iii) die
teenwoordigheid van ekotoerisme-bedrywighede op die eiendom; en iv) die tydperk wat die eiendom al in
besit van die grondeienaar se familie is. Die voorgestelde gebruik van die indeks is toepaslik omdat die
indeks-tellings (wat vir gebruik in 'n Geografiese Inligtingstelsel databasis aangepas kan word) bewaringslui
kan help met besluite random die toekenning van hulpbronne. Die aanname is dat individuele grondeienaars
wie hoë tellings aangeteken het, met alle waarskynlikheid meer geredelik aan bewaringsinisiatiewe sal wil
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Testing the afforestation reservation price of small forest landowners in New ZealandRodenberg Ballweg, Julie January 2013 (has links)
The estimation of afforestation reservation prices for small landowners in New Zealand has not been the subject of much research despite its importance in predicting future land use. Reservation prices for planting represent the minimum payment a landowner must receive before converting land from agriculture to forest. A survey of 728 landowners from every region of New Zealand who own between 20 and 200 hectares of forest as well as other unplanted land used for agriculture were surveyed about forestland, forest land owner demographics, ownership objectives, silviculture and reservation prices.
In this study, reservation price strategies were investigated by offering hypothetical annual and one-time payments for converting land from agriculture to forestry. From this survey, the average one-time payment a landowner would be willing to accept to convert a hectare of land from agriculture to forestry was $3,554 and the average annual payment to convert a hectare of land was $360. The key factors influencing the reservation price were; whether or not the landowner lived on the property, if one of the ownership objectives was income from carbon, the primary agricultural enterprise and total household income. An implied discount rate was calculated for each landowner and excluding those who would not accept any payment the average after-tax discount rate was 9.7%.
Small landowners indicated that their primary reason for owning plantation forest was income from timber with very few landowners using their forest land for recreation. The median farm size was 400 hectares and the median forest plantation was 37 hectares. Planting of radiata pine peaked in 1994 and 1995 with more radiata pine planted in 1994 than in all the years from 2000-2009. Most landowners are performing some type of silviculture in their forests. Ninety percent of landowners are pruning in the current rotation while only 61% plan to prune in the future. Only 26% of landowners have engaged in any commercial harvesting in the past ten years but as their current rotation matures 71% plan to replant on the same site. A majority of respondents thought the situation for forest landowners was getting better.
Understanding the reservation price strategies of landowners is important for predicting future land use patterns and recognizing how close landowners are to converting land. The ownership objectives of landowners and the replanting decisions they make are critical for future timber supply. The results of this study can assist in the development of forest establishment incentive programmes. Better information about landowner characteristics will result in enhanced decision-making for the timber industry and the government in New Zealand.
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Watershed Management and Private Lands: Moving Beyond Financial Incentives to Encourage Land StewardshipDeAngelo, Matthew Thomas 07 July 2016 (has links)
Public water utilities are tasked with providing high quality, inexpensive water often sourced from watersheds representing a diverse mix of public and private land ownership. There is increasing recognition amongst water resource managers of the role that private landowners play in determining downstream water quality, but bringing together landowners with a wide variety of land management objectives under the umbrella of watershed stewardship has proven difficult. Recently, a large number of "Payment for Watershed Services" programs have aimed to engage private landowners in watershed stewardship initiatives by offering financial incentives for adopting watershed best management practices. However, a growing field of research suggests that financial incentives alone may be of limited utility to encourage widespread and long-standing behavior change, and instead understanding landowner attitudes and non-financial barriers to stewardship program enrollment has become a focus of research.
This research examines a population of rural landowners representing a diversity of agricultural, forestry, recreational, and investment objectives in the Clackamas River watershed, Oregon. I designed and distributed a mail and web-based survey instrument intended to measure land uses and land ownership objectives, attitudes towards watershed stewardship programs, barriers to enrollment in stewardship programs, and preferred incentives and goals that would promote enrollment. I received 281 valid responses for a response rate of 29%. I conducted two primary analyses: one focused on relating attitudes and barriers to intent to enroll in a watershed stewardship program, and one focused on identifying how diverse landowners differ according to factors influencing enrollment in stewardship programs. I found that landowners did not report financial considerations to be a primary barrier to enrollment and expressed low interest in receiving financial incentives. Instead, landowners reported that primary barriers related to lack of trust, ecological understanding, and concerns that stewardship program enrollment would be incompatible with their land management objectives. I do not discount the potential utility of financial incentives under certain circumstances, but emphasize the importance of addressing these other considerations before incentives can make a meaningful impact.
I compared how barriers to enrollment were perceived by landowners with different land management objectives relating to production, investment, and conservation. I found that landowner attitudes were differentiated from one another primarily by their use of land for production purposes; however, I found a large amount of diversity between producers and non-producers in the degree to which they considered investment and conservation objectives in their land management, and these two variables added further explanatory power to understanding fine-scale differences in how landowner typologies relate to conservation programs.
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La delimitació de la frontera hispanofrancesa (1659-1868)Capdevila Subirana, Joan 27 January 2012 (has links)
S’estudia el procés de delimitació de la frontera hispanofrancesa, partint del Tractat dels Pirineus (1659) fins als Tractats de Límits de Baiona (1856-1868), fent especial esment al tram que correspon a la província de Girona. Amb el Tractat dels Pirineus les dues monarquies es van repartir el territori però no van arribar a fer una delimitació precisa de la línia fronterera. Durant el segle XVIII es van fer algunes delimitacions parcials i hi va haver diversos intents de fer-ne una de sencera. Va caldre esperar a la constitució de la Comisión Mixta de Límites de 1853 per a que es pogués portar a terme. La Comisión Mixta de Límites va treballar durant 15 anys i va haver de fer de mitjancera en una gran diversitat de conflictes que enfrontaven a les comunitats d’una i altra banda, la majoria dels quals relacionats amb l’aprofitament econòmic de les zones a cavall de la frontera (pastures, boscos, aigua, conreus, etc.). L’estudi es fa a dues escales: una de general, de mar a mar, on es descriuen les diferents problemàtiques i s’analitzen les solucions adoptades als Tractats de Límits de Baiona; una altra a escala local, centrada a la província de Girona, que descriu l’activitat de la Comisión Mixta de Límites, des de les negociacions fins als treballs d’afitament de la frontera. A més, es planteja un model relacional entre les diferents parts que intervenen al procés de delimitació i s’aporta el catàleg de totes les fites frontereres a Girona i el traçat fronterer desenvolupat a escala 1:25.000. Finalment, es discuteix sobre el paper d’aquest tipus de tractats tant en el Dret Internacional com a l’àmbit de les relacions de veïnatge i de l’ordenació del territori. / Summary of the thesis “The delimitation of the spanish-french border (1659-1868)” by Joan Capdevila Subirana
We study the delimitation of the border between Spain and France since the Treaty of the Pyrenees (1659) to the Border Treaties of Bayonne (1856-1868), with particular emphasis on the section corresponding to the province of Girona. With the Treaty of the Pyrenees the two monarchies divided the territory but failed to make a precise demarcation of the border. During the eighteenth century there were some partial demarcations and there were several attempts to complete one. It was the Joint Boundary Commission (Comisión Mixta de Límites) established in 1853 who succeeded in bringing out the entire border demarcation by the Border Treaties of Bayonne. The Joint Boundary Commission worked for 15 years and had to mediate in a variety of conflicts facing the communities of both sides, most of which were related to the economic use of the areas on the border. The study was performed at two scales: on the one hand, a study on a general scale, from sea to sea, which describes the different problems and what were the solutions adopted; on the other hand, a local-scale study focusing on the province of Girona, which describes the activity of the Joint Boundary Commission, from the negotiations until the work of demarcation of the border. It also presents a relational model between the different parties involved in the process of demarcation, it provides the catalog of all border markers in Girona and the border is drawn on 1:25,000 scale mapping. Finally, we discuss the role of such treaties in both international law and in the field of neighborly relations between local communities.
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Gender and land ownership in Zimbabwean literature : a critical appraisal in selected Shona fictionGudhlanga, Enna Sukutai 12 1900 (has links)
The study has been prompted by the gap that exists regarding gender and land in Zimbabwean fiction. The study therefore seeks to interrogate the gender and land ownership discourse in Shona fiction in relation to the current conflict of access to land by race, class and gender. The study therefore examines the following fictional works; Feso (1956), Dzasukwa-Mwana-Asina-Hembe (1967), Pafunge (1972), Kuridza Ngoma Nedemo (1985), Vavariro (1990) and Sekai Minda Tave Nayo (2005). Of significance is the fact that the selected fictional works traverse the different historical periods that Zimbabwe as a nation has evolved through. Apart from analysing the selected fictional works, the study also collected data through open-ended interviews and questionnaires to triangulate findings from the fictional works. The selected fictional writers present the different experiences of black Zimbabweans through land loss and the strategies taken by the indigenous people in trying to regain their lost heritage, the land. The exegesis of the selected fictional works is guided by Afro-centred perspectives of Africana Womanism and Afrocentricity. Findings from most of the selected fictional works reveals the selective exclusion of blacks, both male and female, from accessing land and other vital resources from the colonial right up to post-independence periods in Zimbabwe. The study observes that Shona traditional culture accorded both genders the requisite space in terms of land ownership in the pre-colonial period. The study also establishes that colonialism through its numerous legislations stripped black men and women of the fertile land which they formerly collectively owned. The study also establishes that disillusioned black men and women worked extremely hard to regain their lost land as reflected in the unsanctioned land grabs as well as the government sanctioned Fast Track Land Reform Programme. Recommendations for future research include the expansion of such research to include works of fiction in other languages as well as different genres. Future land policies stand to benefit from the inclusion of women in decision making since women the world over have been confirmed as workers of the land. This is likely to deal with the gender divide regarding land ownership patterns both within and outside Zimbabwe. / African Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (African Languages)
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As novas matas do estado de São Paulo = um estudo multiescalar sob a perspectiva da teoria da transição florestal / The new forests of São Paulo State : a multiscale study using the forest transition theory perspectiveFarinaci, Juliana Sampaio, 1972- 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Mateus Batistella / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T06:13:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Farinaci_JulianaSampaio_D.pdf: 25078012 bytes, checksum: bfb51f4cb7269e777aa723d4f1d6b182 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: No Brasil, embora as taxas de desmatamento sejam maiores que as de recuperação da cobertura florestal, é possível que em certas regiões o aumento da cobertura supere o desmatamento, caracterizando uma transição florestal. A Teoria da Transição Florestal busca explicar os processos que levam a essa reversão, relacionando-os fundamentalmente ao desenvolvimento econômico associado à industrialização, à urbanização e à intensificação do uso da terra que ocasionariam o abandono de terras em áreas menos favoráveis a atividades agropecuárias, deixando-as disponíveis para replantio e regeneração da cobertura florestal. A diversidade de fatores envolvidos na transição florestal inclui uma complexa teia de interações institucionais, sociais, biológicas, culturais e físicas. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar evidências de transição florestal em áreas do estado de São Paulo, identificando fatores sociais e biofísicos relacionados à recuperação da área de mata nativa em diferentes escalas espaciais e discutindo a aplicabilidade da Teoria da Transição Florestal. Foram utilizados levantamentos de dados existentes na literatura, técnicas de geoprocessamento baseadas em classificação de imagens de satélite em média e alta resolução, questionários aplicados em propriedades rurais em uma amostra de municípios, entrevistas semi-estruturadas e observação direta. Os resultados permitiram concluir que há evidências de uma transição florestal em São Paulo e contextualizar as trajetórias da variação da cobertura de mata nativa nos níveis analíticos frente aos cenários mais amplos da economia, política e ambientalismo no Brasil. Crises e estagnação econômica, num período em que o desenvolvimento sustentável passou a fazer parte do discurso político em diferentes setores da sociedade, parecem ter contribuído para a transição florestal na década de 1990. A observação da trajetória da cobertura florestal nos municípios estudados leva a questionar o futuro dessa transição se nos pautarmos apenas na tese de que o desenvolvimento econômico se encarregará de impulsioná-la. A redução do desmatamento e o aumento da cobertura florestal nas áreas estudadas não é motivada primariamente pelo desenvolvimento econômico ou pela escassez de produtos florestais, mas principalmente pela falha dos sistemas de produção em garantir os modos de vida da população rural. As vias explicativas mais satisfatórias para compreender os processos observados relacionam-se às políticas públicas florestais e à globalização dos mercados e da informação. São discutidos mecanismos de estímulo ao aumento da cobertura florestal que atendam ao desenvolvimento econômico e social de pequenos, médios e grandes proprietários rurais aliado à conservação ambiental / Abstract: In Brazil, although deforestation rates are greater than forest recovery, it is possible that in some regions the forest increase overcomes deforestation, characterizing a forest transition. Forest Transition Theory seeks to explain the processes leading to this reversal, relating them to economic development associated to industrialization, urbanization, and land use intensification, which result in agricultural land abandonment in less favorable areas and reforestation through natural regeneration and tree planting. The diversity of factors involved in a forest transition includes a complex network of institutional, social, biological, cultural and physical interactions. This research aims to present evidence of a forest transition in areas in the State of São Paulo, identifying social and biophysical factors related to the recovery of native forest area at different spatial scales and discussing the applicability of the Forest Transition Theory. A collection of data was used from the literature, geoprocessing techniques based on medium and high resolution imagery classification, questionnaires in rural properties from a sample of municipalities, semi-structured interviews and direct observation. The results allow one to conclude that there is evidence of a forest transition in São Paulo and to contextualize the trajectories of variation in native forest cover considering the broader economic, political and environmentalist scenarios in Brazil. Economic crises and stagnation, on a period when sustainable development became part of the political discourse from different sectors of society, seem to have contributed to forest transition in the 1990's. Observing the forest cover trajectories in the studied municipalities leads to questioning the future of this transition if we rely only in the thesis that economic development will drive it forward. Deforestation decrease and forest increase in the studied areas is not primarily motivated by economic development or by forest scarcity. Instead, it is mainly motivated by failure of productive systems in supporting rural livelihoods. The most satisfactory explanatory pathways to understand the observed processes relate to State forest policy and to globalization of markets and information. I discuss mechanisms to stimulate forest cover increase, which attend to economic and social development of small, medium and large landholders allied with environmental conservation / Doutorado / Aspectos Biológicos de Sustentabilidade e Conservação / Doutor em Ambiente e Sociedade
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Towards the feasibility of a landowner enterprise in the western Baviaanskloof : an external stakeholder analysisWiles, Kira Leigh Deborah January 2014 (has links)
In May 2012, a meeting was held between various stakeholder representatives of the Western Baviaanskloof to discuss the concept of a proposed landowner-enterprise. This concept was put forward in response to a need for collaboration in the midst of economic, environmental and social issues at play in the Baviaanskloof. Owing to the conservation value and rapidly decreasing economic output of the land, a radical shift to sustainable land-use practices was called for by various stakeholders. Suggested as a vehicle to generate income for the local landowners through alternative sustainable land-uses, the proposed enterprise may aid in addressing this shift by use of a bottom-up approach. During the stakeholder meeting, it was requested by the representative landowners that a feasibility assessment be conducted on the concept of the proposed enterprise prior to establishment. As an integral part of this assessment, the researcher took on the task of investigating stakeholder reception to the enterprise by means of a stakeholder analysis. It was decided to limit this to three markets: water, carbon and tourism. The purpose of this research study is twofold, namely to: investigate stakeholder influence and their reception of the proposed enterprise using a stakeholder analysis; and also to identify and advise on the opportunities and constraints relating to stakeholders, thus contributing to determining the feasibility of the proposed enterprise. In achieving the purpose of this study, a systematic stakeholder analysis framework was constructed, based on existing theory. This was necessary because, although stakeholder analysis is commonly practiced, no study was found to provide a theoretically based framework for the purpose of feasibility in the initial stages of enterprise establishment. Thus the contribution of the study is also twofold, namely the practical outcome of determining stakeholder reception for feasibility, and a secondary outcome of constructing a stakeholder analysis framework. The stakeholder analysis framework is based on an interpretation of existing stakeholder theory, with the addition of four "relational indicators" – goals, intentions, relationships, and resources. These four indicators provide a link between theory and practice in gauging the two attributes of stakeholder influence – power and interest. Dealing with a number of stakeholder interests in a unique context, the study takes on a single network case study approach in the paradigm of phenomenology. To suit the complex nature of the study, semi-structured interviews with various stakeholder representatives were conducted, using groups or organisations as units of analysis. Drawing from the stakeholder analysis framework and overall purpose of the study, four research objectives were set. The first was to identify the proposed enterprise's legitimate key external stakeholders, based on the three markets: water, carbon and tourism; the second to describe, categorise and assess relative dyadic influence of the above stakeholders by gauging their power and interest; the third, to determine the stakeholder network influence and probable reception of the proposed enterprise; and the last to advise the landowners on any identified opportunities or constraints stakeholders might pose, and thus to contribute to determining feasibility. In addressing the first objective, 21 stakeholders were identified, 12 of whom were found to be key to the current investigation. These key stakeholders were: Gamtoos Irrigation Board (GIB), LivingLands, R3G, Rhodes Restoration Group, Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency (ECPTA), Department of Water Affairs (DWA), Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan (NMBM), Saaimanshoek, South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI), Department of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEDEAT), Baviaans Tourism, and Baviaans Municipality. In applying the stakeholder analysis framework, ECPTA was categorised as the definitive (most influential) stakeholder to the enterprise, and DEDEAT, SANBI (through Working for Wetlands), Baviaans Tourism, GIB, and NMBM were categorised as pivotal (influential and active). In discerning stakeholder interest in the proposed enterprise, a number of emerging themes were found to affect the projected interest and behaviour of stakeholders, apart from their specified goals. Emerging themes included: tunnel visioning, internal disparity, individual/personality clashes, and misaligned interests. In addition to this, in interpreting stakeholder interest, specific intentions or agendas that might affect the interest shown towards the proposed enterprise were also taken into account. Five predominant intentions of stakeholders were identified as: implementing a stewardship programme, establishing a tourism association, establishing a water users' association, social development, and "the big vision". Findings on the final objective revealed a number of perceived opportunities and constraints relative to the feasibility of the enterprise. Three prime opportunities were identified as: partnerships with definitive and pivotal stakeholders, the possibility of tendering for implementer of the "Working for" programmes, and taking on the role of Tourism Association. The following potential constraints were also emphasised by participants: social aspects such as individuals and personalities, the incompatibility or non-existence of local market structures, and the need for external funding. With regard to stakeholder reception, most of the stakeholders, with the exception of NMBM and Saaimanshoek, responded positively to the idea of the enterprise. Overall, based on participant perceptions, the tourism market was found to be the most feasible the carbon market uncertain and a long-term possibility, and the water market the least feasible.
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Private Woodlands in Ohio: Understanding Landowners' Decision to Sell Woodlands and Participation in Forest Conservation ProgramsHussain, Ahmed Saad January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Understanding Participation in Wildlife Conservation Programs on Private LandsSorice, Michael G. 14 January 2010 (has links)
One major lesson derived from the implementation of the Endangered Species
Act (ESA) over the past 30 years is that direct regulation is not the only nor the optimal
way to protect endangered species on working lands because of an undue burden
imposed on private landowners. The role of a voluntary conservation program is to
rearrange incentives so that society bears the cost rather than the landowner. Employing
a survey research methodology, I used theories of reasoned action and random choice to
explore landowners? stated preferences for conservation programs.
I found landowners? stated interest in compensation programs to be moderate at
best. For those willing to consider programs involving endangered species, associating
land management requirements for species conservation with direct benefits to the
landowner is important, but perhaps not as important as ensuring that the program
provides adequate financial incentives, consideration of the term of the program, and a
level of certainty regarding the landowner?s future obligations under the ESA.
Landowners are not a homogenous group. I identified two classes of landowners
according to preferences for program structure. One group was highly sensitive to
program structure, aside from financial incentives, while the other was likely to
participate if adequately compensated with financial and technical assistance. These
differences related to opinions on endangered species protection and dependence on their
land for income. Voluntary incentive programs increasingly are a popular tool to maintain and
enhance conservation; however, these programs are only successful insofar as
landowners choose to enroll. This research demonstrates that improving recovery efforts
on private lands requires program administrators to have a more complete understanding
of landowners? views on endangered species and conservation programs in general, as
well as their motivations for owning and operating their land. By doing so, programs
with broader appeal and greater efficacy can be designed and implemented.
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L'adaptation au changement climatique en Wallonie: le rôle des propriétaires forestiers privés dans la filière forêt-boisvan Gameren, Valentine 11 July 2014 (has links)
Longtemps laissée pour compte dans les réponses au changement climatique, l’adaptation prend aujourd’hui tout son sens. Confrontées aux premiers impacts du changement climatique et aux projections de plus en plus alarmantes, les sociétés commencent à se questionner sur les possibilités d’ajuster leurs activités à ces modifications d’une rapidité sans précédent. Bien davantage qu’un processus technique, l’adaptation au changement climatique peut être considérée comme un phénomène social se déroulant en interaction avec de nombreuses autres évolutions sociétales. <p><p>Cette thèse en sciences et gestion de l’environnement s’intéresse à la problématique de l’adaptation au changement climatique en Wallonie, dans le secteur de la foresterie et, en partie, de la filière bois. En nous appuyant sur les apports de la littérature théorique, nous appréhendons la pratique de l’adaptation de manière empirique, en nous concentrant d’abord sur une catégorie spécifique d’acteurs de la gestion forestière :les propriétaires forestiers privés. Une enquête qualitative approfondie a permis d’identifier différentes formes d’intégration de l’adaptation au sein de la gestion forestière, concrétisées par diverses mesures sylvicoles. Ces analyses ont abouti à l’élaboration d’une typologie de profils de propriétaires forestiers en fonction de leurs modes d’action en matière d’adaptation. Grâce à ces premiers résultats, nous avons pu investiguer la capacité d’adaptation de ces acteurs forestiers, comprise comme l’aptitude à s’ajuster aux dommages ou opportunités du changement climatique. Plusieurs variables d’influence ont été identifiées, révélant la portée multifactorielle du concept de capacité d’adaptation. <p>Ensuite, la focale de la recherche s’est élargie pour étudier les processus d’intégration de la question de l’adaptation au changement climatique à l’œuvre à d’autres niveaux de la filière forêt-bois wallonne. A travers une revue documentaire, des interviews et de l’observation non-participante, nous avons mené une analyse des représentations de la problématique de l’adaptation et des initiatives concrètes qui se mettent en place au sein de plusieurs organisations (administrations publiques, asbl de sensibilisation et de vulgarisation, instituts de formation, fédérations professionnelles et entreprises privées) de la gestion forestière et de la transformation du bois. Ce travail a révélé l’existence – ou l’absence – de différentes conceptions (cadrages) de l’adaptation selon les acteurs investigués, révélant des influences sur les possibilités d’options d’adaptation actuellement encouragées ou freinées. Ces apports nous ont permis d’alimenter notre analyse de la capacité d’adaptation des propriétaires forestiers privés, montrant la pertinence de notre approche multi-scalaire. <p>Finalement, les résultats de cette thèse nous amènent à nous interroger sur les diverses stratégies qui peuvent être associées à de l’adaptation au changement climatique, sur le « succès » des différentes trajectoires possibles et sur leurs dénominations qui sont loin d’être neutres (telle que la notion de « sans regret »). <p><p><p><p><p><p><p>For a long time adaptation has been neglected in the responses to climate change. Now facing the early impacts of climate change and its increasingly alarming projections, societies are beginning to question the possibility to adjust their activities to these changes characterized by an unprecedented speed. Much more than a technical process, adaptation to climate change can be seen as a social phenomenon occurring in interaction with many other societal changes.<p><p>This doctoral thesis in environmental science and management focuses on the issue of climate change adaptation in Wallonia, in the forestry sector and, partially, the timber industry. In strong interaction with the theoretical literature, we understand the practice of adaptation empirically, focusing firstly on a specific category of actors in forest management: private forest owners. Through an in-depth qualitative study, we identified different forms of integration of adaptation in forest management, materialized by various silvicultural measures. This analysis led to the development of a typology of different profiles of private forest owners according to their modes of action on adaptation. Then we investigated the adaptive capacity of these forest actors, understood as the ability to adjust to damage or opportunities of climate change. Several influencing variables were identified, revealing the multifactoriality of the concept of adaptive capacity.<p>Secondly, the focus of the research was extended to study the process of mainstreaming climate change adaptation at other levels of the Walloon forest and timber sectors. Through a literature review, interviews and non-participant observation, we conducted an analysis of representations related to adaptation and the concrete initiatives that are being implemented in several forest and timber organizations (governmental departments, non-profit associations, training institutes, professional federations and entreprises). This work has showed the existence – or the absence – of different framings of adaptation according to the actors, revealing influences on the adaptive options that are currently promoted or hindered. These contributions have enriched our analysis of the private forest owners’ adaptive capacity, confirming the relevance of our multi-scalar approach. <p>Finally, the results of this thesis make us asking ourselves about the various strategies that can be associated with climate change adaptation, the "success" of different possible adaptive trajectories and their designations that are far from neutral (such as the notion of “no regret” measures).<p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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