Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe representation off women"" "subject:"ehe representation oof women""
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"När kvinnligheten tynar bort i form av feminism finns det ingen att tända gnistan i mannen" : En studie om Sverigedemokraternas och Nordiska motståndsrörelsens bild av den samtida kvinnanLindvall, Emma January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this essay was to analyse the way two Swedish parties, The Swedish Democrats and the Nordic Resistance Movement, represent women in articles written for members of their parties. The qualitative analysis was done on a small number of articles using Norman Faircloughs Critical Discourse Analysis and with the theoretical framework of mainly Frank Ankersmits aesthetic representation, but also metapolitics and red and blue pill. The main questions that has been answered are how women are represented in the articles, i.e. what roles they are given, and how this is motivated, including also how women can be attracted to these discourses. The result of this essay has shown that the discourses uses by the two parties are connected in a way, to support each other, instead of putting forth other arguments. The role of the woman as mother and wife works because as a part of it, her role is also to support men. Without that he cannot be the man he is supposed to be, and the woman cannot either, because feminism is destroying that possibility.
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Représentation de l’adultère à l’époque classique dans les contes licencieux de La FontaineBlanchin, Julie January 2021 (has links)
Cette étude littéraire examine la transgression sexuelle par l’adultère, dans l’ouvrage Des contes et nouvelles en vers écrit par La Fontaine entre 1665 et 1671, publié par Claude Barbin jusqu’en 1671. Ces contes érotiques décrivent à travers le caractère satirique de l’auteur, les relations extra-conjugales des deux sexes dans un ton grivois et moralisateur. La Fontaine s’est minutieusement inspiré des parties de la littérature du Décameron de Boccace et de l’Arioste en réécrivant ces contes. Après la dernière publication Des contes et nouvelles en vers l’oeuvre est saisie puis interdite en 1675 par La Reynie considérée comme trop provocatrice. L’oeuvre de La Fontaine s’oppose par son contenu aux convenances de l’époque. En cela le texte de l’auteur pourrait être considéré comme libertin. Les personnages représentent différents corps sociaux et font l’objet de railleries et de caricatures. Ici l’étude décrit par exemple comment les textes présentent des sujets scandaleux de manière cachée. L’opposition entre le rôle, le statut, la condition sociale et le souhait du désir de chaque personnage des contes se présentent dans les personnages aussi bien masculins que féminins. Notre analyse explore la représentation des personnages féminins et leurs relations à l’adultère à travers les regards des personnages masculins et celui de l’auteur. L’étude prend appuie sur des recherches historiques et prend en compte le système hiérarchique des personnages et la condition sociale de la femme dans le rôle d’épouse. Le style satirique de La Fontaine se caractérise par la volonté de critiquer les moeurs sociales d’une période spécifique de l’histoire, celle du XVIIe siècle. L’analyse étudie deux aspects celle de la transgression sexuelle de la femme et celui du regard d’objectification porté sur elle. L’étude examine si cette transgression peut être mise en corrélation avec un débat sociétal sur la définition du mariage de l’époque. / This literary study examines sexual transgression through adultery, in the work Des contes et nouvelles en vers written by La Fontaine between 1665 and 1671, published by Claude Barbin until 1671. These erotic tales describe through the satirical character of the author, the extra-marital relations of both sexes in a grizzly and moralizing tone. La Fontaine was meticulously inspired by the parts of the literature of Boccaccio's Decameron and Ariosta in rewriting these tales. After the last publication Of Tales and News in Verse the work is seized and then banned in 1675 by La Reynie considered too provocative. The work of La Fontaine is opposed by its content to the conveniences of the time. In this the author's text could be considered libertine. The characters represent different social bodies and are the subject of taunts and caricatures. Here the study describes, for example, how the texts present scandalous subjects in a hidden way. The opposition between the role, the status, the social condition and the desire of the desire of each character of the tales are presented in the characters both male and female. Our analysis explores the representation of female characters and their relationship to adultery through the eyes of male characters and that of the author. The study is based on historical research and takes into account the hierarchical system of the characters and the social status of the woman in the role of wife. The satirical style of La Fontaine is characterized by the desire to criticize the social mores of a specific period of history, that of the seventeenth century. The analysis studies two aspects: that of the sexual transgression of the woman and that of the objectification look on her. The study examines whether this transgression can be correlated with a societal debate over the definition of marriage at the time.
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La objetualización de las mujeres y los indígenas en dos novelas latinoamericanas de los años 60 del siglo XX : Un análisis interseccional / The objectification of women and natives in two Latin American novels of the sixties : An intersectional analysisPändel, Lisen January 2017 (has links)
En este trabajo se analizan las representaciónes de dos categorías sociales, las mujeres y los indígenas en dos novelas latinoamericanas cuyas tramas acontecen en la primera mitad del siglo XX en Perú y México, respectivamente: La casa verde (1965) del escritor peruano Mario Vargas Llosa y Oficio de tinieblas (1962) de la escritora mexicana Rosario Castellanos. Nos proponemos analizar cómo diferentes formas de discriminación (referidas a clase social, género sexual y etnicidad) se entrecruzan en las novelas. Para ello vamos a realizar un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de una selección de diálogos de ambas novelas. Para llevar a cabo el análisis cuantitativo vamos a valernos del test de Bechdel. Mediante el cual podremos comprobar si hay una escasa cantidad de diálogos entre mujeres e indígenas en comparación con otros grupos sociales, lo cual nos permitirá visualizar posibles desigualdades en las representaciones de ambos grupos sociales en las novelas. En nuestra parte cualitativa, a través de un análisis crítico del discurso y utilizando una perspectiva interseccional, analizamos los diálogos directos en los que se habla sobre estos dos grupos sociales, las mujeres y los indígenas, para poder estudiar su representación en las novelas y para ver si encontramos elementos que puedan considerarse discriminatorios con respecto a estos grupos sociales. Finalmente, se compara el resultado cuantitativo con el resultado cualitativo para así poder también probar la conveniencia del test de Bechdel para analizar desigualdades en los medios de ficción. / The aim of this paper is to analyse the representation of two social categories, women and natives, in two Latin American novels, whose plot takes place in the first half of the twentieth century in Peru and Mexico, respectively: The green house/La casa verde (1965) by Peruvian author Mario Vargas Llosa and The book of lamentation/Oficio de tinieblas (1962) by Mexican author Rosario Castellanos. In this study, we will analyse how different forms of discrimination (regarding social class, gender and ethnicity) intersect in both novels. We will use a quantitative and qualitative analysis of selected dialogues of both novels. To perform the quantitative analysis, we will make use of the Bechdeltest. Through this test we can study a small amount of dialogues between women and natives compared to other social groups, allowing us to visualize possible inequalities in the representation of both social groups in the novels. In our qualitative part we will study the dialogues in which the interlocutors talk about these two social groups, women and natives, to interpret their representation in the novels and to find out if there are elements that may be considered discriminatory with respect to these social groups, through a critical discourse analysis and an intersectional perspective. Finally, the quantitative result is compared with the qualitative results so that we can test the suitability of Bechdel test to analyse inequalities in the media fiction.
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La Tenture de la Dame à la licorne : la figure féminine au service de l'image masculine / The Lady and the Unicorn Tapestries : Feminine figures at the service of the masculine imageSowley, Katherine Ilsley 10 December 2012 (has links)
La tenture de la 'Dame à la licorne' est le plus souvent interprétée comme une allégorie des sens physiques, mais son iconographie se distingue par le registre héraldique. Chaque composition s’organise tel un emblème héraldique de sorte que les personnages principaux remplacent l’écu tant du point de vue visuel que fonctionnel. Si cette tenture est fréquemment citée comme un monument à la réussite socioprofessionnel du commanditaire, on n’a jamais cherché à comprendre comment le registre scénique contribue à la représentation du commanditaire. Autre lacune dans le corpus de littérature, l’importance de la figure féminine dans cette image est restée jusqu’alors ignorée. La présente étude propose donc d’étudier la 'Dame à la licorne' et sa fonction représentative en analysant les traditions culturelles, littéraires et iconographiques, ainsi que les réalités sociohistoriques, qui sous-tendent l’image d’excellence sociale que le commanditaire souhaite rattacher à sa personne et à sa famille. / The 'Lady and the Unicorn' tapestries are most often interpreted as an allegory of the physical senses, but their iconography is remarkable for its integration of armorial elements. Each composition is organized like a heraldic emblem, such that the main figures replace the coat-of-arms in its position and its function. Though this work is frequently identified as a monument to the patron’s socio-professional success, no effort has been made to understand how the scenes contribute to his personal representation. The lack of interest for the decidedly female character of this iconographic programme is another weakness in previous studies of these tapestries. This doctoral dissertation proposes to examine the 'Lady and the Unicorn' and its representative function by analysing the cultural, literary and iconographic traditions, as well as the socio-historic realities, that shape the image of social excellence the patron constructs in order to represent himself and his family.
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Femmes écrivains et représentation du féminin dans le “ Romance de 30 ” au Brésil / Female Writers and the Representation of Women in Brazil’s “ Romance de 30 ” / Mulheres escritoras e representação do feminino no « Romance de 30 » no BrasilManera, Giulia 02 December 2016 (has links)
Les années 30 représentent un moment fondamental dans le processus culturel et identitaire du Brésil, où la fonction sociale de la littérature, notamment du roman, et le rôle de l’écrivain en tant que ‘conscience vivante’ du pays sont reconnus et problématisés. Cependant, dans la majorité des histoires, des anthologies et des manuels littéraires, aucun nom de femme ne figure parmi les auteurs canoniques de la période, à l’exception de celui de Rachel de Queiroz. L’analyse des sources de l’époque montre que, au contraire, auteures comme Lúcia Benedetti, Jenny Pimentel de Borba, Làsinha Luís Carlos de Caldas Brito, Maria José Dupré, Ondina Ferreira, Emi Bulhões Carvalho Fonseca, Ignez Mariz, Carolina Nabuco, Lúcia Miguel Pereira, Dinah Silveira de Queiroz, Tetrá de Teffé et bien d’autres sont publiées, lues et appréciées par la critique et le public. A partir d’une étude du contexte historique et littéraire, ainsi que de la réception et des aspects éditoriaux, les mécanismes qui ont permis leur effacement de la mémoire sont démontés et expliquée leur non intégration à la tradition littéraire brésilienne. La lecture des romans de ces auteures permet d’approfondir le discours sur la participation des femmes au moment littéraire et social des années 30 et 40 par une analyse des représentations. Les personnages qui peuplent ces ouvrages, et notamment les personnages féminins, sont un objet idéal pour analyser les phénomènes identitaires qui caractérisent ce moment historique avec ses contradictions. / The 1930’s represent a fundamental period in the development of Brazil’s culture and identity, as a time during which the social function of literature, specifically the novel, and the role of the author as the “living conscience” of the country are found and problematicized. However, in the majority of stories, anthologies, and literary manuals, not one female author’s name is found among the canonic authors of the period, with the exception of Rachel de Queiroz. The analysis of sources from the era demonstrate that, on the contrary, female authors such as Lúcia Benedetti, Jenny Pimentel de Borba, Làsinha Luís Carlos de Caldas Brito, Maria José Dupré, Ondina Ferreira, Emi Bulhões Carvalho Fonseca, Ignez Mariz, Carolina Nabuco, Lúcia Miguel Pereira, Dinah Silveira de Queiroz, Tetrá de Teffé and many others were published, read, and appreciated by the critic and the public. Following the examination of the historical and literary context of these writings, as well as their reception and editorial aspects, the mechanisms which allowed for their deletion from memory are dismantled, explaining the lack of integration of these writings in the Brazilian literary tradition. Reading and analyzing the representations of these female authors’ novels allows for the expansion of the discourse on the participation of women in the literary and social era of the 1930’s and 1940’s. The characters, notably the female ones, which populate these works are an ideal subject for the analysis of phenomena of identity which characterize this historical time period, along with their contradictions. / Os anos 30 representam um momento fundamental no processo cultural e identitário do Brasil, onde a função social da literatura, especialmente do romance, e o papel do escritor como « consciência viva » do país são reconhecidos e problematizados. Contudo, na maioria das histórias, antologias e manuais literários, nenhum nome feminino figura entre os autores canônicos do período, com a exceção de Rachel de Queiroz. A análise das fontes da época mostra que, pelo contrário, autoras como Lúcia Benedetti, Jenny Pimentel de Borba, Làsinha Luís Carlos de Caldas Brito, Maria José Dupré, Ondina Ferreira, Emi Bulhões Carvalho da Fonseca, Ignez Mariz, Carolina Nabuco, Lucia Miguel Pereira, Dinah Silveira de Queiroz, Tetrá de Teffé e tantas outras foram publicadas, lidas e apreciadas pela crítica e pelo público. A partir de um estudo do contexto histórico e literário, bem como da recepção e dos aspectos editoriais, os mecanismos que permitiram o desaparecimento de tais autoras da memória são desmontados, explicando sua falta de integração à tradição literária brasileira. A leitura dos romances destas autoras permite o aprofundamento do discurso sobre a participação das mulheres no contexto literário e social dos anos 30 e 40 através de uma análise das representações. As personagens que povoam estas obras, especialmente as personagens femininas, são um objeto ideal para analisar os fenômenos identitários que caracterizam este momento histórico e suas contradições.
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Musicals and the Margins: African-Americans, Women, and Queerness in the 21st Century American MusicalWellborn, Brecken 12 1900 (has links)
This thesis provides an overview of the various ways in which select marginalized identities are represented within the twenty-first century American musical film. The first intention of this thesis is to identify, define, and organize the different subgenres that appear within the twenty-first century iterations of the musical film. The second, and principal, intention of this thesis is to explore contemporary representations of African-Americans, women, and queerness throughout the defined subgenres. Within this thesis, key films are analyzed from within each subgenre to understand these textual representations.
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