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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Stránský, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
The dissertation focuses on the problem of determining the timeliness of the normal market rent an apartment at the market price of the apartment. The basic premise is obtain a database of prices of flats and apartments to compare these parameters the most accurate way. This area has been addressed several times, but only in some cities and not fully explored. The conclusions of the dissertation indicate what the relationship is normal and usual rental price of the apartment, then further comparison of the development of this relationship before the economic crisis, ie the price levels of 2008 and the present. Based on these data, it is also possible to determine the level of capitalization in each regional cities with regard to the average wage in each regional cities.

Srovnání vybraných způsobů ocenění pro nemovitost typu byt v městské části Brno-Líšeň / Comparison of selected methods of valuation for property type apartment in the city of Brno-Lisen

Záleský, Radek January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the valuation of the four residential units in three model situations – without reconstruction, with partial reconstruction and with complete reconstruction. The valuation is done in three selected ways – cost and comparative method by price prescription and method of direct comparison. Is determined the usual price and described and analyzed real estated market in the location. A conclusion of this work is analyzed evaluating the investment in reconstruction and usability of coefficient of condition and equipment.

Object-Oriented Writing Theory: Writers, Texts, Ecologies

Whicker, John H. 24 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Bebouing (inaedificatio) in die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg – ’n regsvergelykende studie

Knobel, Ina Magdalena 27 October 2016 (has links)
Hierdie proefskrif handel oor aspekte van inaedificatio (bebouing) in die Suid-Afrikaanse, Engelse en Nederlandse reg. Die klem val op die maatstawwe wat aangewend word om te bepaal of aanhegting van ‘n roerende saak aan ‘n onroerende saak plaasgevind het. Die maatstawwe in die drie stelsels toon ooreenkomste en verskille. Een ooreenkoms is dat die graad en wyse van aanhegting in die Suid-Afrikaanse reg oorweeg word, terwyl daar in die Engelse reg slegs na die graad van aanhegting gekyk word. In die Nederlandse reg word ’n duursame verbinding vereis om te bepaal of bestanddeelvorming plaasgevind het, en word gevra of verwydering van die saak sonder beskadiging kan plaasvind. In die Suid-Afrikaanse reg word die doel van die aangehegte saak oorweeg, hoewel Innes HR dit nie in MacDonald Ltd v Radin NO & The Potchefstroom Dairies & Industries Co Ltd so formuleer nie. Die aard van die roerende saak word in die Suid-Afrikaanse reg oorweeg, terwyl die aard en ontwerp van die roerende saak in die Nederlandse reg oorweeg word. In die Engelse reg word die doel waarvoor die aanhegting gemaak is oorweeg om die bedoeling met die aanhegting te bepaal. Die vraag is of die saak vir die permanente en substansiële verbetering van die gebou (grond) aangeheg is, of vir ’n tydelike doel of vir die beter benutting van die chattel. Die Nederlandse reg beklemtoon die bestemming van die aanhegting. Die opvallendste verskil tussen die Suid-Afrikaanse reg en die ander twee stelsels is die belang van die subjektiewe bedoeling van een of ander betrokkene. Die regsposisie van huurders wat sake aanheg verskil van dié van ander aanhegters. In al drie regstelsels kan huurders voor afloop van die huurtermyn sommige aangehegte sake verwyder, mits die huurgrond in dieselfde toestand gelaat word as waarin dit was voor die aanhegting. Die drie stelsels vertoon verskille soos dat onsekerheid bestaan oor wie die eienaar van die aangehegte sake is voor verwydering. In die Engelse reg heg bedryfsaanhegtings en ornamentele aanhegtings, nie aan nie. Ingevolge die Nederlandse reg is die verhuurder gedurende die huurtermyn eienaar van die aanhegtings, aangesien aanhegting plaasvind sodra die roerende sake aan die huurgrond heg. Die Suid-Afrikaanse reg hieroor is onduidelik. / This thesis deals with aspects of inaedificatio (building) in South African, English and Dutch law. The emphasis falls on the criteria that are applied to determine whether attachment of a movable to an immovable thing occurred. The criteria in the three systems show similarities and differences. One similarity is that in South African law the degree and manner of attachment are considered, while in English law only the degree of attachment is considered. To determine whether one thing became a component part of another thing (bestanddeelvorming) a durable connection is required In Dutch law. The question is whether removal can take place without causing damage. The purpose of the attached thing is considered in South African law, although Innes CJ did not formulate this criterion in this manner in MacDonald Ltd v Radin NO & The Potchefstroom Dairies & Industries Co Ltd. The nature of the movable thing is relevant, while the nature and design of the movable thing are considered in Dutch law. In English law the purpose of the attachment is considered to determine the intention with the attachment. The question is whether the thing was attached for the permanent and substantial improvement of the building (land) or for a temporary purpose or for the better use of the chattel. The destination (bestemming) of the attachment is considered in Dutch law. The most significant difference between South African law and the other two systems is the importance of the subjective intention of some person involved in the situation. The legal position of lessees who attach movales differs from that of other persons who make such attachments. In all three legal systems lessees may remove certain attached movables before the expiry of the term of lease as long as the leased land is left in the same condition that it was in before the attachment. The three systems also differs for example it is not certain who the owner of the attached things is before removal of the attachments. In English law trade and ornamental fixtures do not attach. In Dutch law the lessor is the owner of the attachments during the term of lease, because attachment takes place when the movable things are fixed to the leased land. The position in South African law on this is unclear. / Private Law / LL. D.

Placing Paamese : locating concerns with place, gender and movement in Vanuatu

Lind, Craig January 2011 (has links)
This is a study of coming to know what it is to be Paamese. The work seeks to present an anthropological understanding of ontological concerns that constitute a Paamese perception of subjectivities. I take my lead from Paamese perceptions that the internal capacities of subjects or “things” (e.g. persons, villages, islands, and movement itself) are revealed through relations with others. This correlates with anthropology’s methodology of testing its analytical strategies through the ethnographic practices of others in order to reach more accurate representations. Paamese, as is common elsewhere in Vanuatu and Melanesia, have an extremely fluid attitude towards sociality and easily accommodate urban dwelling without leaving Paama behind. I suggest that a nuanced multi-positioned approach in which several aspects of Paamese sociality are considered from a point of limitation employed by Paamese to focus an event, such as a marriage exchange, will present a better understanding of how these subjectivities, that is Paamese people and Paama Island, adhere such that they do not part company wherever they go. Paamese suggest that each event should be considered as if following a single branch in the canopy of a tree – a scalable perception that offers the promise that a multi-faceted approach will reveal a replicable form. I take this approach to specificity seriously and employ a looping aesthetic, measi, adapted from Paamese sand-drawing in order to consider the shifting concerns expressed by Paamese perceptions of out (place), āmal (agnatic clans), sise (road), vatte (origin), ara (blood) and asi (bone). I suggest that these, parts, can be considered together as a holography for how to come to know what it is to be Paamese.

Правна дејства државине у савременом праву / Pravna dejstva državine u savremenom pravu / The Legal Effects of Possession in Contemporary Law

Vicković Tanja 29 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Традиционално, државина је посматрана као чињеница (possessio non iuris est, sed facti). Један део правне доктрине сматра да је државина право. Мада има одговарајућа правна дејства и ужива правну заштиту, државина није и не може бити право. Веома често се државина и право на државину поклапaју, и правни субјект може имати право на државину (ius possidendi) засновано на неком субјективном праву, али државина може настати не само као вршење правне власти, већ и без ње, па и супротно таквом овлашћењу. Државина може да постоји независно од права на ствар, односно, независно од тога да ли се у конкретном случају правна и фактичка власт на некој ствари подударају или супротстављају.<br />Предмет истраживања и рада на докторској дисертацији &bdquo;Правна дејства државине у савременом праву&ldquo;, представља анализу појма, правне природе, субјеката и објеката државине, врста и квалитета државине, стицања, преноса и престанка државине. Овако детаљно сагледавање института државине доприноси разумевању најзначајних правних дејстава које државина производи.<br />Циљ истраживања представља критичку анализу позитивног права и прилагођавање регулативе изазовима савременог доба.<br />Од врста и квалитета државине зависи која ће правна дејства правни поредак везивати уз одговарајућу државину. Субјективна и објективна својства државине детерминишу њен квалитет. Државина са свим позитивним елементима је квалификована државина. То је државина која је истовремено законита, права и савесна. Правна дејства државине настају онда када је државина стечена и у односу на онога ко ју је стекао.<br />Функције државине које се остварују кроз правна дејства су: функција публицитета, функција континуитета и заштитна функција.<br />Правна дејства државине која произлазе из публицитетне функције су: државина је начин стицања стварних права на покретним стварима, државина ствара претпоставку о постојању права својине на ствари, државина ствара могућност стицања својине од невласника, држалац је одговоран за штету која потиче од ствари која се налази у његовој државини.<br />Правна дејства државине која произлазе из континуитетне функције су: заштита државине од одузимања или сметања, повољнији положај држаоца код кога се ствар налази у поступку по публицијанској тужби, положај држаоца приликом враћања ствари у петиторном спору за предају ствари, могућност да државина која је имала одређене квалитете и трајала законом одређено време, путем одржаја, прерасте у право својине.<br />У закључним разматрањима докторске дисертације сублимирају се резултати истраживања, недостаци позитивноправних решења и дају предлози de lege ferenda.</p> / <p>Tradicionalno, državina je posmatrana kao činjenica (possessio non iuris est, sed facti). Jedan deo pravne doktrine smatra da je državina pravo. Mada ima odgovarajuća pravna dejstva i uživa pravnu zaštitu, državina nije i ne može biti pravo. Veoma često se državina i pravo na državinu poklapaju, i pravni subjekt može imati pravo na državinu (ius possidendi) zasnovano na nekom subjektivnom pravu, ali državina može nastati ne samo kao vršenje pravne vlasti, već i bez nje, pa i suprotno takvom ovlašćenju. Državina može da postoji nezavisno od prava na stvar, odnosno, nezavisno od toga da li se u konkretnom slučaju pravna i faktička vlast na nekoj stvari podudaraju ili suprotstavljaju.<br />Predmet istraživanja i rada na doktorskoj disertaciji &bdquo;Pravna dejstva državine u savremenom pravu&ldquo;, predstavlja analizu pojma, pravne prirode, subjekata i objekata državine, vrsta i kvaliteta državine, sticanja, prenosa i prestanka državine. Ovako detaljno sagledavanje instituta državine doprinosi razumevanju najznačajnih pravnih dejstava koje državina proizvodi.<br />Cilj istraživanja predstavlja kritičku analizu pozitivnog prava i prilagođavanje regulative izazovima savremenog doba.<br />Od vrsta i kvaliteta državine zavisi koja će pravna dejstva pravni poredak vezivati uz odgovarajuću državinu. Subjektivna i objektivna svojstva državine determinišu njen kvalitet. Državina sa svim pozitivnim elementima je kvalifikovana državina. To je državina koja je istovremeno zakonita, prava i savesna. Pravna dejstva državine nastaju onda kada je državina stečena i u odnosu na onoga ko ju je stekao.<br />Funkcije državine koje se ostvaruju kroz pravna dejstva su: funkcija publiciteta, funkcija kontinuiteta i zaštitna funkcija.<br />Pravna dejstva državine koja proizlaze iz publicitetne funkcije su: državina je način sticanja stvarnih prava na pokretnim stvarima, državina stvara pretpostavku o postojanju prava svojine na stvari, državina stvara mogućnost sticanja svojine od nevlasnika, držalac je odgovoran za štetu koja potiče od stvari koja se nalazi u njegovoj državini.<br />Pravna dejstva državine koja proizlaze iz kontinuitetne funkcije su: zaštita državine od oduzimanja ili smetanja, povoljniji položaj držaoca kod koga se stvar nalazi u postupku po publicijanskoj tužbi, položaj držaoca prilikom vraćanja stvari u petitornom sporu za predaju stvari, mogućnost da državina koja je imala određene kvalitete i trajala zakonom određeno vreme, putem održaja, preraste u pravo svojine.<br />U zaključnim razmatranjima doktorske disertacije sublimiraju se rezultati istraživanja, nedostaci pozitivnopravnih rešenja i daju predlozi de lege ferenda.</p> / <p>Traditionally, possession has been viewed as a matter of facts (possession not iuris est, sed facti). A part of legal doctrine regards possession as a right. Although possession causes certain legal effects and enjoys protection of the law, possession is not and may not be regarded as a right. Very often factual possession and right to possession overlap and a person may hold a right to possession (ius possidendi) based on some personal right, however possession may be created not only as a result of lawful exercise of one&rsquo;s rights, but also without, or contrary to, exercise of such rights. Possession may exist independently of property rights, that is, regardless of whether legal and factual control over a thing overlap or are at odds.<br />The subject of this research and work on doctoral thesis titled &ldquo;The Legal Effects of Possession in Contemporary Law&rdquo; is analysis of the meaning and legal nature of possession; persons holding possession and things that may be subject to possession; types and varieties of possession; acquiring, transfer, and loss of possession. Such detailed overview of possession contributes to better understanding of the most significant legal effects caused by possession over a thing.<br />The aim of the research is to provide a critical analysis of the law and to examine how the regulations have been modified to meet the challenges of modern time.<br />Depending on the type and form of possession, the legal framework provides for different legal effects to possession over a thing. Personal and objective features determine the quality of possession. Possession, with all the positive elements, constitutes qualified possession. The qualified possession is a possession that is legal and lawful. Legal effects of possession are created at the moment the possession is acquired and they are created towards a person that acquired it.<br />The following elements of possession are created through its legal effects: element of publicity, element of continuity, and protective element.<br />Legal effects of possession associated with the element of publicity are the following: possession is a modus of acquiring property rights over movable objects; possession creates presumption about an existence of property rights over a thing; possession creates possibility of acquiring property rights from a person that does not hold any property rights to a thing; person having corporal possession over a thing is liable for damages arising out of the thing that he holds in his possession.<br />Legal effects of possession associated with the element of continuity are the following: protection of possession from dispossession or infringement of possession; more favorable possession of the holder of a thing in proceedings initiated by Publiciana in rem action; position of the holder at the time of recovery of the thing in proceedings for actions initiated for recovery of possession; it is possible for possession that had certain qualities and that lasted for a period of time set by the law, through adverse possession, to transfigure into a property right.<br />The results, shortcomings of the legislative framework and suggestions de lege ferenda, are summarized in the conclusion of the doctoral thesis.</p>

Systematika a charakteristika věcných práv - komparace Česká republika, Francie / Classification and characterization of real rights - comparison Czech republic, France

Milotová, Martina January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to compare legal regulations of real rights in Czech and French legal order. With respect to current situation, when starting the 1th january of 2014, the new civil code becomes effective, this thesis deals as well with the novelties in real rights' regulation established by the law nř89/2013 of Collection of Laws, civil code. This thesis consists of seven chapters. In the first chapter, I mention the aim of the thesis, its brief content and elaboration process. In the second to sixth chapter, the thesis deals in concrete with the real rights and its institutes. In each of these chapters, the Czech legal regulation according to the current civil code is mentioned first. Then, a discourse about French regulation follows. If both regulations are same, similar or slightly or absolutely different. Finally, a comparison with the new civil code is attached to practically all chapters. If it holds the current regulation or if it establishes new notions, institutes or conception or regime of the current institutes. And provided it brings novelties if it tends by them towards the French regulation or if it choses absolutely new solutions. The second chapter deals with real rights in general terms. With their conception and systematics. The thesis deals with the question how the...

Įgyjamoji senatis kaip nuosavybės teisės atsiradimo pagrindas / Acquisitive prescription as a foundation of the acquisition of the ownership

Selvestravičiūtė, Indrė 24 November 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbe nagrinėjamas dar senovės Romos teisėje suformuotas vienas iš nuosavybės teisės įgijimo pagrindų – įgyjamosios senaties institutas, jo taikymo sąlygos. Darbo tikslas – išnagrinėti įgyjamosios senaties instituto taikymo sąlygų, t.y. sąžiningai atsiradusio bei sąžiningo, teisėto, atviro bei nepertraukiamo valdymo bei daikto valdymo kaip savo, turinį, apibendrinti Lietuvos Aukščiausiojo Teismo praktiką. Darbe analizuojama daikto valdymo kaip faktinės būsenos ir kaip savarankiškos daiktinės teisės samprata, jų atsiradimo ir pasibaigimo momentų ir pagrindų santykis. Didelis dėmesys yra skiriamas teismų praktikoje kilusioms įgyjamosios senaties instituto taikymo problemoms, pateikiami jų pavyzdžiai ir galimi sprendimo būdai. / This study is devoted to the analysis of the acquisitive prescription (its conditions) as the foundation of the acquisition of ownership. Acquisitive prescription derives from Roman law. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the subject-matter of conditions of the acquisitive prescription – the acquisition of the thing in good faith, the possession of it in good faith, legitimately, openly, continuously as its own, to summarize the practice of the Supreme Court of Lithuania. The fact of possession itself, also the possession as an independent right in rem, the relation of the acquisition and the termination moments and grounds are also analyzed. The extensive attention is given to problems araised from the practice of the Supreme Court of Lithuania, the examples of such problems and its possible solutions also are given.

Catch | Bounce : towards a relational ontology of the digital in art practice

Charlton, James January 2017 (has links)
How might ‘the digital’ be conceived of in an ‘expanded field’ of art practice, where ontology is flattened such that it is not defined by a particular media? This text, together with an installation of art work at the Exhibition Research Lab, Liverpool John Moores University (13-24 March), constitutes the thesis submission as a whole, such that in the practice of ‘reading’ the thesis, each element remains differentiated from the other and makes no attempt to ‘represent’ the other. In negating representation, such practices present a ‘radical’ rethinking of the digital as a differentiated in-itself, one that is not defined solely by entrenched computational narratives derived from set theory. Rather, following Nelson Goodman’s nominalistic rejection of class constructs, ‘the digital’ is thus understood in onto-epistemic terms as being syntactically and semantically differentiated (Languages of Art 161). In the context of New Zealand Post-object Art practices of the late 1960s, as read through Jack Burnham’s systems thinking, such a digitally differentiated ontology is conceived of in terms of the how of practice, rather than what of objects (“Systems Aesthetics”). After Heidegger, such a practice is seen as an event of becoming realised by the method of formal indication, such that what is concealed is brought forth as a thing-in-itself (The Event; Phenomenological Interpretations 26). As articulated through the researcher’s own sculptural practice – itself indebted to Post-object Art – indication is developed as an intersubjective method applicable to both artists and audience. However, the constraints imposed on the thing-in-itself by the Husserlian phenomenological tradition are also taken as imposing correlational limitations on the ‘digital’, such that it is inherently an in-itself for-us and thus not differentiated in-itself. To resolve such Kantian dialectics, the thesis draws on metaphysical arguments put forward by contemporary speculative ontologies – in particular the work of Quentin Meillassoux and Tristan Garcia (After Finitude; Form and Object). Where these contemporary continental philosophies provide a means of releasing events from the contingency of human ‘reason’, the thesis argues for a practice of ‘un-reason’ in which indication is recognized as being contingent on speculation. Practice, it is argued, was never reason’s alone to determine. Instead, through the ‘radical’ method of speculative indication, practice is asserted as the event through which the differentiated digital is revealed as a thing-in-itself of itself and not for us.

Reimagining African Authenticity Through Adichie's Imitation Motif

Rodriguez, Ivette 31 July 2017 (has links)
In An Image of Africa, Chinua Achebe indicts Conrad’s Heart of Darkness for exemplifying the kind of purist rhetoric that has long benefited Western ontology while propagating reductive renderings of African experience. Edward Said refers to this dynamic as the way in which societies define themselves contextually against an imagined Other. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s fiction exposes how, by occupying cultural dominance, Western, white male values are normalized as universal. Nevertheless, these values are de-naturalized by their inconsistencies in the lived experiences of Adichie’s black, African women. Women who are at once aware of and participant in, the pretentions that underlie social interaction—pointing to the inevitability of performativity and disrupting the illusion of pure identity. These realizations interrupt Conrad’s essentialist conception of identity and reclaim diverse ontological possibilities for the Other.

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