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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


PEDRO HENRIQUE THIBES FORQUESATO 07 December 2016 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese é formada por três artigos, o primeiro em economia organizacional e cultura; os dois últimos em economia política. No primeiro capítulo, nós modelamos a relação entre a disseminação de normas sociais de ética do trabalho e incentivos propostos pelas firmas, que motivamos utilizando evidência de três bases de dados diferentes. No segundo capítulo, examinamos se a renda dos vizinhos afeta o voto de eleitores, utilizando dados de resultados de eleições presidenciais (2004 até 2012) nos Estados Unidos, por zona eleitoral e grupo de bairros. Com isso, buscamos contribuir para o entendimento das razões que levam a diferentes níveis de demanda por redistribuição de renda. Como estratégia de identificação, utilizamos efeitos fixos de ano e dummies de trato e ano; trato sendo a menor unidade geográfica maior que o grupo de blocos (em média, um trato contém 4 grupos de blocos). No terceiro capítulo, estudamos patronagem, investigando o efeito da vitória de um candidato a prefeito de um partido na probabilidade de membros deste partido (ou de partidos da mesma coalizão) ocuparem cargos públicos no governo; ou de sua renda advinda do governo aumentar, caso já sejam empregados públicos. Analisamos também o efeito da vitória de um partido sobre o número de registrados a este partido nos anos futuros, o que indicaria um desejo de sinalizar apoio ao candidato eleito. Estimamos o efeito causal de um partido ocupar a prefeitura, comparando municipalidades em que este partido quase ganhou com cidades em que quase perdeu. / [en] This thesis is composed of three papers, the first in organizational economics and culture; the last two in political economics. In the first chapter, we model the relation between dissemination of social norms of work ethic and incentives proposed by firms, which we motivate using evidence from three different datasets. In the second chapter, we examine whether neighbors income affects voting, using data from election results for the 2004-2012 Presidential Elections in Unites States, by precinct and block group. That way, we try to contribute to understanding the reason why there are different demands for income redistribution. As an identification strategy, we use year fixed-effects and tract year dummies; tract is the smallest geographic unit larger than block group (on average, each tract contains 4 block groups). In the third chapter, we study patronage, investigating the effect of a mayoral candidate s victory on the probability that members of his party (or parties in the same presidential coalition) occupy public jobs in the government, or on their income accrued from government, in case they are already public employees. We also analyze the effect of a party s victory over the number of registered members of that party in future years, which would indicate that voters affiliate to political parties as a way to signal support to the office holder. We estimate plausibly causal effects of a party holding mayoral position by comparing municipalities where that party nearly won with places where it nearly lost.

Work values and attitudes instruction as viewed by secondary trade and industrial education teachers

Gregson, James Aaron 28 July 2008 (has links)
The literature suggests that work values and attitudes are just as important, if not more so, than cognitive and psychomotor skills. However, there is little data in the literature which actually describes the work values and attitudes that trade and industrial instructors teach and the pedagogical techniques they employ to teach them. The primary objectives of this study were to identify the work values and attitudes that trade and industrial instructors teach and to describe the pedagogical techniques they use to teach these skills. Another objective of this study was to deter mine whether work values and attitudes are taught incidentally with cognitive and psychomotor skills, or via targeted learning activities. This study utilized the face-to-face interview technique to collect data. The sample for this study was composed of 5O secondary trade and industrial instructors who were nominated by their administrators as successful in teaching work values and attitudes. Because of the qualitative nature of this study, the analysis explored relationships between the specific occupational area of trade and industrial instructors and the work: values and attitudes they reported teaching. In addition, relationships were explored between the occupational area of the instructors and the pedagogical techniques they employed to teach the work values and attitudes. During analysis, examples and behavioral events provided by the instructors were examined. The major conclusions of this study were: (1) Instructors directly and indirectly teach numerous types of work: values and attitudes to their students. However, the most emphasized work values and attitude clusters were Ambitious, Cooperative/Helpful, Accurate/Quality of Work, Dependable/ Reliable/Responsible, and Dedicated/Devoted/Honest/ Loyal/Conscientious. (2) Instructors teach work: values and attitudes that have been identified in the literature as most important. Though it became evident that instructors emphasized some work values and attitudes more than others, all the identified work values and attitudes have been recognized in the literature as important. (3) The instructors reported using several different pedagogical strategies to teach work values and attitudes. The most frequently identified pedagogical strategies were: reward structure, group discussion, one on one counseling, role modeling, and role playing. (4) The majority of these secondary trade and industrial instructors taught work values and attitudes incidentally with cognitive and psychomotor skills. (5) These secondary trade and industrial instructors used both democratic and indoctrinational pedagogical techniques extensively to teach work values and attitudes. / Ed. D.

A journey through the "desert" of unemployment : pastoral responses to people "between jobs"

Smith, Jacoba Lourensa 30 November 2006 (has links)
In this research project the research participants and I embarked on a journey through the "desert" of unemployment. I was introduced to the research participants at Jacob's Well, a ministry for people "between jobs" The effects of unemployment on a male's identity were explored, as well as the pastoral response of caregivers to people "between jobs". A phenomenological study was undertaken in which interviews with the participants formed the basis of the research. The structured section of the interviews was guided by the research questions, but the largest part of the interviews was about the participants' personal journeys "between jobs." The role of a ministry like Jacob's Well, catering for people "between jobs", was highlighted and recommendations for practical theology and pastoral praxis were made. / Practical Theolgy / M.Th. (Practical Theology with specialiisation in Pastoral Therapy)

Sense of coherence, work engagement and organisational commitment within an automotive development institution

Pillay, Kogie 10 1900 (has links)
This research explores the relationship between sense of coherence, work engagement and organisational commitment in an automotive development institution in South Africa. The study was conducted through quantitative research. The study used the Orientation to Life Questionnaire (OLQ) to measure sense of coherence, the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) to measure work engagement and the Organisational Commitment Scale (OCS) to measure organisational commitment. A biographical questionnaire was also used. The questionnaires were administered to a sample of 46 employees, 37 of whom were based in the company’s Pretoria office and nine at their Eastern Cape office. In view of the fact that the sample was small, 100 % of the population was included in the study. A theoretical relationship between the constructs was determined and an empirical study provided evidence of the degree of relationship that existed between them. The results reveal significant relationships to exist between some sub-scales, however, statistical significance could not be reached for some correlations. / Psychology / M. Admin. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Arbeids- en bestuursetiek in metableties-andragogiese perspektief : 'n poging tot fundering

Fourie, Johan David 06 1900 (has links)
Die inhoud van die studie verklank 'n paging om vanuit 'n meta­ bleties-andragogiese perspektief 'n greep op die onloenbare werk­ likheid van 'n voortdurend veranderende arbeids- en bestuursmi­ lieu te verkry, deur tot die radix van die problematiek rakende die arbeids- en bestuursetiese-ageinsgebeure deur te dring. Die bevindinge waartoe gekom is, dui pertinent daarop dat ar­ beids- en bestuursetiese-begeleiding as gevolg van verskeie de­ struktiewe invloede vanuit die tegnokratiese bestel teenswoordig nie meer so vanselfsprekend en toereikend geskied nie. Inteen­ deel, die eietydse bestuurder se begeleidingsopgawe word al moei­liker en al hoe meer gekompliseerd en in baie gevalle selfs on­moontlik. Hierdie toedrag van sake gee dan oak daartoe aanleiding dat die hedendaagse bestuurder in sy handel en wandel nie meer altyd be­ treffende "etiese kwessies" 'n onderskeid kan tref tussen wat "reg" en wat "verkeerd" is nie. Sodanige gebeure hou verreikende gevolge in vir die begeleideling (ondergeskikte) se toereikende arbeids- en bestuursetiese-volwassewording, aangesien die bestuurder ten spyte van sy begeleideling se ageinsnood aan etiese-begeleiding, nie daartoe instaat is om 'n nastrewenswaar­ digevoorbeeld van arbeids- en bestuursetiese-volwassenheid te kan stel nie. Arbeids- en bestuursetiese-volwassenheid kan derhalwe slegs be reik word aan die hand van die praktykwording van die normbeeld van arbeids- en bestuursetiese-volwassenheid. In organisasieverband geskied sodanige praktykwording deur die vestiging en insti­tusionalisering van 'n etiese kultuur met 'n etiese gedragskode wat as meet- en rigsnoer dien ten opsigte van etiese en morele kwessies. Deur middel van hierdie etiese gedragskode kan die kriteria vir 'n normbeeld van arbeids- en bestuursetiese-volwassenheid dan as norme binne die etiese kultuur van 'n bepaalde organisasie gevestig word. / The contents of this study represents an attempt to obtain a metabletic-andragogical perspective-grasp on the indisputable reality of an ever-changing labour- and management-milieu by penetrating to the radix of the problematic nature, regarding the labour- and managerial-ethical-agein occurrence. The resultant findings that were arrived at pertinently indicate that labour- and managerial-ethical-guidance is obviously at present not being sufficiently achieved as a result of various de­structive influences from within the technocratic dispensation. On the contrary, the present-day manager's guidance-role has become so much more difficult and complicated and in many cases even impossible. This state of affairs also gives rise to the fact that the modern-day manager cannot always distinguish the difference between what is "right" and "wrong" regarding "ethical issues" in his daily life. Such an occurrence has particularly far-reaching implications for the protege's (subordinate's) adequate labour­ and managerial-ethical-adulthood, since the manager, in spite of his protege's agein-need for ethical-guidance, is incapable of setting an example of labour- and managerial-ethical-adulthood worthy of emulation. Labour- and managerial-ethical-adulthood could therefore only be attained by putting into practice the norm-image of labour- and managerial-ethical-adulthood. In organisational-context such implementation occurs through the establishment and institutionalisation of an ethical-culture with an ethical code of conduct as criteria for evaluating ethical and moral issues. These cri­teria for a norm-image of labour- and managerial-ethical-adult hood could be established as norms within the ethical climate of a particular organisation by means of such an ethical code of conduct / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / D.Ed. (Philosophy of Education)

Die invloed van prestasiewaardes op organisasieverbintenis van werknemers in die motornywerheid

Diedericks, Phillippus Cornelius 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Text in Afrikaans / Die doel van hierdie verkennende studie was om ondersoek in te stel na die prestasiewaardes onderliggend aan Affektiewe, Kontinulteits- en Normatiewe organisasieverbintenis van werknemers binne die motorywerheid in Suid-Afrika. 'n Steekproef van 113 werknemers is uit verskillende motorhandelaars geselekteer. Daarna is ondersoek ingestel na watter prestasiewaardes betekenisvolle voorspellers van organisasieverbintenis is. Daar is bevind dat die prestasiewaardes mededinging en materiele welvaart betekenisvolle voorspellers van affektiewe organisasieverbintenis is, en dat die prestasiewaardes materiele welvaart en strewe na uitmuntendheid betekenisvolle voorspellers van kontinuiteitsorganisasieverbintenis is, maar dat geeneen van die prestasiewaardes wat huidig wereldwyd erken word, betekenisvolle voorspellers van normatiewe organisasieverbintenis in die motomywerheid is nie. Dit het verreikende irnplikasies vir die Suid-Afrikaanse motorhandelaar. Hierbenewens is dit ook duidelik uit die navorsingsresultate dat die prestasiewaardes mededinging, materiele welvaart en strewe na uitmuntendheid hulself daartoe leen om op 'n geintegreerde wyse deur bestuur van motorhandelaars aangewend te word ten einde hul kumulatiewe invloed op organisasieverbintenis optimaal te kan benut. / The objective of this exploratory study was to investigate the performance values subjacent to affective, continuity and normative organisation commitment of employees in the motor industry in South Africa. A sample of 113 employees was selected from different dealerships. Thereafter an investigation was done to establish which performance values were meaningful predictors of organisation commitment. It was found that the performance values competition and material gain were meaningful predictors of affective organisation commitment, and the performance values material gain and excellence were meaningful predictors of continuity organisation commitment, but that none of the performance values which are contemporarily recognised world-wide were meaningful predictors of normative organisation commitment. This has far-reaching implications for South African motor dealers. It was also apparent from the results that the performance values competition, material gain and excellence can be utilized in an integrated way by management of motor dealers in order to ensure optimal utilization of their cumulative impact on organisation commitment. / Industrial psychology / M.Com. (Industrial Psychology)

「草莓世代」的建構與想像 / Construction and Imagination of “Strawberry Generation”

邱楷恩, Chiu, Kai En Unknown Date (has links)
以出生年份所定義的七年級生,因其富庶卻又嚴苛的生存條件而與草莓族形象疊合,形成獨一無二的「草莓世代」。筆者身為七年級生的一員,關注此世代從無到有、經由比較與召喚所被建構的過程。首先將勾勒出七年級生的成長背景,討論他們何以繼釣魚台世代之後被指認,並試圖指出其歷史意義;其次蒐集七年級生在財經企管雜誌中的相關表述,並置於時空脈絡中探討其形象如何被建構,及背後的論述形構。世代的建構與定義方式,從曼海姆與蕭阿勤的自我定義與實踐,消費社會中以行銷為本、針對年輕族群所貼的標籤,到「草莓世代」的勞動主體建構,反映不同的命名邏輯與社會脈絡。本研究發現,草莓世代中的「生產力論述」中出現了工作倫理轉向,從生產者社會的全景敞視規訓,轉化為消費者社會中具備彈性與動能、隨時召喚認同的生命治理模式:由內而外進行勞動主體的調理與改造,使之內化此規訓法則,進而成為個體化社會中自負盈虧、高度彈性的理想勞動力。 / Youths born in 1980s (The Post-80s) were raised rich yet faced relatively crucial living status when grown up, and thus were defined as unique "strawberry generation." As part of the youths, I concern the process that how the generation emerged by comparison and interpellation. First of all, the article illustrates social background in the 1980s, discussing why the Post-80s were identified as “strawberry generation” after the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands generation, and then points out the historical meaning behind. Secondly, I collected essays about the Post-80s in business magazines, analyzing how their images were constructed and the discursive formulation in temporal context. The ways that generations were constructed and defined were shifting from the self-definition/practice that Mannheim and A-chin Hsiau have discussed, labels on youths in terms of marketing strategy of consumer society, to the construction of labor subjectivity among "strawberry generation." Furthermore, the evolution reflects different naming logic as well as social context. In this research, I discover that there has been a work ethic turn in the "productivity discourses" of strawberry generation. It turns from the panoptical discipline of producer society to the flexible/dynamic biopolitics that may call for identification in consumer society. In terms of the biopolitics, it manages to convert labor subjects from the inside out, making them internalize the discipline rules and thus become ideal labor force who takes his/her own responsibility with higher mobility.

A journey through the "desert" of unemployment : pastoral responses to people "between jobs"

Smith, Jacoba Lourensa 30 November 2006 (has links)
In this research project the research participants and I embarked on a journey through the "desert" of unemployment. I was introduced to the research participants at Jacob's Well, a ministry for people "between jobs" The effects of unemployment on a male's identity were explored, as well as the pastoral response of caregivers to people "between jobs". A phenomenological study was undertaken in which interviews with the participants formed the basis of the research. The structured section of the interviews was guided by the research questions, but the largest part of the interviews was about the participants' personal journeys "between jobs." The role of a ministry like Jacob's Well, catering for people "between jobs", was highlighted and recommendations for practical theology and pastoral praxis were made. / Practical Theolgy / M.Th. (Practical Theology with specialiisation in Pastoral Therapy)

Sense of coherence, work engagement and organisational commitment within an automotive development institution

Pillay, Kogie 10 1900 (has links)
This research explores the relationship between sense of coherence, work engagement and organisational commitment in an automotive development institution in South Africa. The study was conducted through quantitative research. The study used the Orientation to Life Questionnaire (OLQ) to measure sense of coherence, the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) to measure work engagement and the Organisational Commitment Scale (OCS) to measure organisational commitment. A biographical questionnaire was also used. The questionnaires were administered to a sample of 46 employees, 37 of whom were based in the company’s Pretoria office and nine at their Eastern Cape office. In view of the fact that the sample was small, 100 % of the population was included in the study. A theoretical relationship between the constructs was determined and an empirical study provided evidence of the degree of relationship that existed between them. The results reveal significant relationships to exist between some sub-scales, however, statistical significance could not be reached for some correlations. / Psychology / M. Admin. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Arbeids- en bestuursetiek in metableties-andragogiese perspektief : 'n poging tot fundering

Fourie, Johan David 06 1900 (has links)
Die inhoud van die studie verklank 'n paging om vanuit 'n meta­ bleties-andragogiese perspektief 'n greep op die onloenbare werk­ likheid van 'n voortdurend veranderende arbeids- en bestuursmi­ lieu te verkry, deur tot die radix van die problematiek rakende die arbeids- en bestuursetiese-ageinsgebeure deur te dring. Die bevindinge waartoe gekom is, dui pertinent daarop dat ar­ beids- en bestuursetiese-begeleiding as gevolg van verskeie de­ struktiewe invloede vanuit die tegnokratiese bestel teenswoordig nie meer so vanselfsprekend en toereikend geskied nie. Inteen­ deel, die eietydse bestuurder se begeleidingsopgawe word al moei­liker en al hoe meer gekompliseerd en in baie gevalle selfs on­moontlik. Hierdie toedrag van sake gee dan oak daartoe aanleiding dat die hedendaagse bestuurder in sy handel en wandel nie meer altyd be­ treffende "etiese kwessies" 'n onderskeid kan tref tussen wat "reg" en wat "verkeerd" is nie. Sodanige gebeure hou verreikende gevolge in vir die begeleideling (ondergeskikte) se toereikende arbeids- en bestuursetiese-volwassewording, aangesien die bestuurder ten spyte van sy begeleideling se ageinsnood aan etiese-begeleiding, nie daartoe instaat is om 'n nastrewenswaar­ digevoorbeeld van arbeids- en bestuursetiese-volwassenheid te kan stel nie. Arbeids- en bestuursetiese-volwassenheid kan derhalwe slegs be reik word aan die hand van die praktykwording van die normbeeld van arbeids- en bestuursetiese-volwassenheid. In organisasieverband geskied sodanige praktykwording deur die vestiging en insti­tusionalisering van 'n etiese kultuur met 'n etiese gedragskode wat as meet- en rigsnoer dien ten opsigte van etiese en morele kwessies. Deur middel van hierdie etiese gedragskode kan die kriteria vir 'n normbeeld van arbeids- en bestuursetiese-volwassenheid dan as norme binne die etiese kultuur van 'n bepaalde organisasie gevestig word. / The contents of this study represents an attempt to obtain a metabletic-andragogical perspective-grasp on the indisputable reality of an ever-changing labour- and management-milieu by penetrating to the radix of the problematic nature, regarding the labour- and managerial-ethical-agein occurrence. The resultant findings that were arrived at pertinently indicate that labour- and managerial-ethical-guidance is obviously at present not being sufficiently achieved as a result of various de­structive influences from within the technocratic dispensation. On the contrary, the present-day manager's guidance-role has become so much more difficult and complicated and in many cases even impossible. This state of affairs also gives rise to the fact that the modern-day manager cannot always distinguish the difference between what is "right" and "wrong" regarding "ethical issues" in his daily life. Such an occurrence has particularly far-reaching implications for the protege's (subordinate's) adequate labour­ and managerial-ethical-adulthood, since the manager, in spite of his protege's agein-need for ethical-guidance, is incapable of setting an example of labour- and managerial-ethical-adulthood worthy of emulation. Labour- and managerial-ethical-adulthood could therefore only be attained by putting into practice the norm-image of labour- and managerial-ethical-adulthood. In organisational-context such implementation occurs through the establishment and institutionalisation of an ethical-culture with an ethical code of conduct as criteria for evaluating ethical and moral issues. These cri­teria for a norm-image of labour- and managerial-ethical-adult hood could be established as norms within the ethical climate of a particular organisation by means of such an ethical code of conduct / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D.Ed. (Philosophy of Education)

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