Spelling suggestions: "subject:"etheses -- bpolitical science"" "subject:"etheses -- bipolitical science""
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Political risk in the oil and gas industry in emerging markets : a comparative study of Nigeria and MexicoSomers-Cox, Tamara Joy 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)-- Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The interplay between political risk and emerging markets is current and dynamic. As global interest shifts, investors cannot ignore emerging market behaviour and their influence. However, with great potential and opportunities, too comes great political risk. This research study begins with the point raised by the Eurasia Group that emerging market risk differs to that of developed market risk, and that risk in some instances can be ‗unbounded‘. Subsequently, the Eurasia Group deems emerging markets a top risk for 2013. Focussing on the oil and gas industry in emerging markets, Nigeria and Mexico offer valuable case studies. This research study offers a comparative study of these two countries in order to determine a generic list of political risk factors that are facing the oil and gas industries in emerging markets. In an increasingly volatile world, with a growing global demand for energy sources, and greater uncertainty surrounding investments and potential returns, political risk analysis is an invaluable decision-making tool for Transnational Oil Corporations (TNOCs) in order for their assets and interests to be protected.
The central research question concerns the main political risk factors facing investors who want to participate in the oil and gas industry in emerging markets. The aim of the research study is to answer the central research question through the help of supplementary questions. The first of these ask what the main political risk factors for TNOCs operating in the Niger Delta are. The second question asks what the main political risk factors for TNOCs operating in the Gulf of Mexico are. So as to complete the political risk picture, the last question asks how political risk in the oil and gas industry can be mitigated. This research study will contribute to existing research, and will assist investors with risk identification, analysis and mitigation. By utilising the generic list of essential political risk factors, TNOCs are made aware of the most salient political risks in the oil and gas industry in emerging markets, and therefore are better placed to make rational and informed decisions when it comes to foreign investment. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die wisselwerking tussen politieke risiko en opkomende markte is intyd en dinamies. Soos globale belange verskuif, kan beleggers nie die opkomende markte se gedrag en invloed ignoreer nie, alhoewel met groot potensiaal en geleenthede kom daar ook groot politieke risiko. Die navorsingstudie het begin met die Eurasia Groep wat uitgelig het dat opkomende markrisiko verskil van die van ‘n ontwikkelde mark en dat die risiko in sekere gevalle ―ongebonde‖ kan wees. Gevolglik is opkomende markte as ‘n top risiko vir 2013 geklassifiseer. Met ‘n fokus op die olie- en gasindustrie in opkomende markte, bied Nigerië en Mexiko waardevolle gevallestudies. Die navorsingstuk bied ‘n vergelykende studie van dié twee lande met die doel om ‘n generiese lys van politieke risikofaktore wat die olie- en gasindustrie in opkomende markte in die gesig staar, vas te stel. In ‘n toenemende onstabiele wêreld met ‘n toenemende globale aanvraag vir energiebronne en groter onsekerheid rakende beleggings en potensiële opbrengs, is politieke risiko-analise ‘n waardevolle besluitnemings-meganisme vir Trans-Nasionale Oliekorporasies (TNOKs) om hul bates en belange te beskerm.
Die sentrale navorsingsvraag fokus op die hoof politieke risikofaktore vir beleggers wat in die olie- en gasindustrie van opkomende markte wil belê. Die doel van die navorsingstudie is om die sentrale navorsingsvraag te beantwoord met behulp van aanvullende vrae. Die eerste vraag raak die hoof politieke risikofaktore vir TNOKs aan wat in die Niger-Delta opereer. Die tweede vraag handel oor die hoof politieke risikofaktore vir TNOKs wat in die Golf van Mexiko opereer. Die laaste vraag voltooi die politiese risiko profiel deur te vra hoe die politieke risiko in die olie- en gasindustrie verminder kan word. Die navorsingstudie sal bestaande navorsing aanvul en beleggers help om risiko‘s te identifiseer, analiseer en verminder. Deur ‘n generiese lys van politieke risikofaktore te gebruik, word TNOKs bewus gemaak van die mees prominente politieke risiko‘s in die olie- en gasindustrie van opkomende markte, wat hulle in staat stel om rasionele en ingeligte besluite te neem wanneer dit by internasionale beleggings kom.
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Women's vulnerability, sexual power and prevention of stigma : what do prevention campaigns tell usBue, Martine Eriksen 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The HIV-epidemic that is evident in South Africa today is infecting more women than men. This is
mostly due to the vulnerability that women are facing in sexual relationships, where they are not able
to negotiate the terms and conditions of their sexual engagement. Patriarchy, the culture of masculinity
and a general male dominance influence women’s dependency on their man and agency inside and
outside of the home, and contribute to the oppression of women both generally in society and sexually.
Women have by this not the control over their own bodies and are for this reason in a high-risk
position of contracting HIV. The vulnerability is further linked to the stigmatisation that women
experience if they do try to negotiate preventative measures to reduce the risk of transmission. The
fear of being stigmatised as ‘loose’ or HIV-positive by both men and women if suggesting condom
use, inhibits women to propose the necessary actions for protection. Stigmatising behaviours also
impact on a person’s fear of becoming HIV-positive and reduces the likelihood of getting tested,
disclose one’s status to sexual partners and receive treatment.
This thesis examines cultural and socio-economic issues that contribute to gender inequality in South
Africa, and can generate stigma towards women on the basis of HIV and AIDS. This is done by using
radical feminism as the theoretical framework for contextualising how women are situated in the
South African society, in terms of general and sexual agency. Through the method of content analysis
and the findings from the theoretical framework, the thesis further analyses how the three HIVprevention
campaigns loveLife, Brothers for Life and TAC manage to address the issues related to
stigma based on HIV/AIDS, which are directed towards women. Race, class and gender are all factors that influence the likelihood of becoming HIV-infected and of
becoming stigmatised. Women’s low social status situates women in a position where they are more
probable to be the object of stigmatisation since they already are considered lower in rank. If the
women also are of colour, poor and low educated the chances of becoming stigmatised on the basis of
HIV and AIDS are even more likely, the same is the chances of becoming HIV-infected. This
indicates that poor, uneducated black women are the group that is most vulnerable towards
stigmatisation as well as towards HIV-transmission.
Socio-economic and cultural factors have a strong influence on the gender inequality in sexual
relationships found in South Africa, which cause HIV to spread and can generate stigmatising
behaviours. Stigmatisation on the basis of HIV/AIDS is therefore important to address in order to
reduce the number of new HIV-infections. The three campaigns analysed for this thesis did neither directly address stigma on a general level nor directed towards women. The campaigns are therefore
considered to be missing an important feature of HIV-prevention in South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse Vigsepidemie infekteer meer vroue as mans. Dit is die geval weens die
kwesbaarheid wat vroue ervaar in seksuele verhoudings, waar vroue nie die mag het om die
omstandighede van hul seksuele interaksies te onderhandel nie. Patriargie, die kultuur van manlikheid
en ‘n algemene manlike dominansie beïnvloed vroue se mag en dra by tot die onderdrukking van
vroue, beide in die samelewing in die algemeen en in seksuele verhoudings. Om hierdie rede het vroue
nie beheer oor hul eie liggame nie en daarom ervaar hulle ‘n hoë risiko om MIV op te doen.
Hierdie kwesbaarheid word ook verbind aan die stigmatisering wat vroue ervaar wanneer hulle
probeer om voorkomende aksie te neem ten einde die risiko van Vigsoordrag te verminder. Die vrees
om deur mans en ander vroue gestigmatiseer te word as iemand met ‘losse sedes’, of as iemand wat
MIV-positief is wanneer hulle kondoomgebruik voorstel, weerhou vroue daarvan om die nodige
voorkomende aksie vir selfbeskerming te neem. Stigmatiserende gedrag het ook ‘n impak op ‘n mens
se vrees om MIV-positief te word en verminder die waarskynliheid dat jy jouself vir die virus sal laat
toets, dat iemand hul status aan seksuele maats sal verklaar, of behandeling sal ontvang. Diegene wat
reeds MIV onder lede het is bang om hul status te verklaar weens die gepaardgaande stigma.
Hierdie tesis ondersoek kulturele en sosio-ekonomiese kwessies wat bydra tot geslagsongelykheid in
Suid-Afrika, en wat stigma kan veroorsaak teenoor vroue met betrekking tot MIV and Vigs. Die studie
analiseer dan of Vigsveldtogte hierdie stigma kan aanspreek. Dit word gedoen deur radikale
feminisme toe te pas as ‘n teoretiese raamwerk om vroue se plek in die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing te
kontekstualiseer, beide in terme van algemene en seksuele mag. Die metode van inhoudsanalise word
toegepas om drie Vigsvoorkomingsveldtogte (loveLife, Brothers for Life en TAC) te analiseer en vas
te stel of en hoe hulle kwessies wat betrekking het op stigma teenoor vroue aanspreek. Sosio-ekonomiese en kulturele faktore het ‘n sterk invloed op die geslagsongelykeid in seksuele
verhoudings in Suid-Afrika; dit lei daartoe dat MIV versprei word en kan stigmatiserende gedrag
vererger. Om hierdie rede is dit belangrik dat MIV/Vigsvoorkomingsveldtogte stigmatisering
aanspreek ten einde gedrag te wysig en om die getal nuwe Vigsbesmettings te laat daal. Die drie
veldtogte wat in hierdie tesis geanaliseer is het beide nagelaat om stigma direk aan te spreek op ‘n
algemene vlak, en was ook nie direk gerig op vroue nie. Die veldtogte kan daarom beskou word as
ontoereikend deurdat hulle belangrike komponente van MIV-voorkomig in Suid-Afrika misgekyk het.
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Changing world order : the Republic of Turkey's rise as a middle powerGrimsel, Naadirah 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Changes in world order have caused major shifts in the global positioning of states at the
international level. The end of the Cold War ushered in a new power structure that shifted
from a bipolar arrangement to a multipolar disposition. The emergence of this new world
order allowed for emerging and developing states, such as Turkey, the opportunity to fill gaps
left by the power vacuum created by the new multipolar power arrangement. This led the
Turkish state on its path to become a middle power within the new world order.
To assess the impact of changing world orders in the promotion of Turkey as a middle power
in the new order, this study uses Coxian Critical Theory and the social relations of forces
framework to account for Turkey’s middle power ascent. The framework developed by
Robert Cox consists of three aspects, namely world orders, forms of state and the social
relations of production. The change in world order both in the post-Cold War and post-2001
era has caused fundamental shifts within the Turkish state, both in terms of forms of state and
in the social relations of production. Changes in the forms of state of the Turkish Republic following the end of the Cold War
allowed for the creation of more robust civil society organizations, and a state that was
transformed by the spread of international norms that originated at the world order level.
International norms at the world order level not only affected the forms of state, but also the
social relations of production and the political economy of Turkey. As a result changes in the
forms of state and social relations of production informed by changes at the world order
level, influenced the creation and execution of a proactive autonomous and internationally
geared Turkish foreign policy, which is indicative of a middle power. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Aanpassings in die wêreld orde het grootskaalse verskuiwings op internasionale vlak in die
globale positionering van state te weeg gebring. Die einde van die Koue Oorlog het ontwikkel
in ‘n nuwe mag struktuur wat beweeg het van bipolêre magskikking tot multi-polêre
ingesteldheid. Die opkoms van hierdie nuwe wêreld orde het vir opkomende en
ontwikkelende state, soos Turkye, die geleentheid gebied om in rolle in te tree wat ontstaan
het as gevolg van die magsleemte wat veroorsaak is deur die nuwe multi-polêre orde. Die
faktore het daartoe bygedra dat Turkye ‘n nuwe rol as ‘n intermedïere moondheid (‘middle
power’) begin aanneem het.
Hierdie studie het die Kritiese Teorie van Robert Cox gebruik om te bepaal wat die impak is
van die veranderende wêreld orde op die ontwikkeling van Turkye as ‘n intermedïere
moondheid in die nuwe wêreld orde, asook die mag van sosiale verwantskappe (‘social
relations of forces’) raamwerk om rekenskap te gee and Turkye se rol as intermedïere
moondheid. Die raamwerk wat deur Robert Cox ontwikkel is bestaan uit drie aspekte; die
wêreld ordes, staatsvorme, en die sosiale verwantskappe van produksie. In beide die post-
Koue Oorlog en die post-2001 era het die verandering in wêreld orde merkwaardige
verskuiwings in die Turkse staat veroorsaak; beide in terme van die aard van die staat asook
die sosiale verwantskappe van produksie. Teen die einde van die Koue Oorlog het die veranderinge in die aard van die staat van die
Turkse Republiek toegelaat dat meer kragtige burgerlike samelewingsorganisasies kon
bestaan, sowel as ‘n staat wat omskep was deur die verspreiding van internasionale norme,
wat ontstaan het op wêreld orde vlak. Hierdie internasionale norme het nie net die forms of
state vorm of aard van die staat beïnvloed nie, maar ook die sosiale verwantskappe van
produksie en die politieke ekonomie van Turkye. Uit die aard van die saak het veranderinge in
die vorm van die staat en sosiale verwantskappe van produksie wat veroorsaak was deur die
verandering op wêreld orde vlak, gelei tot die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van ‘n pro-aktiewe,
selfstandige en internationaal gerigte Turkse buitelandse beleid. Die laasgenoemde dui aan op
Turkye se ewolusie as ʼn intermedïere moondheid.
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South African naval diplomacy since 1994Manganyi, Calvin 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since the beginning of naval power, navies have been used by their states as instruments of foreign policy. In South Africa, the political transition since 1994 originated the evolution of the country’s foreign policy. Accordingly, foreign policy has implications for the South African Navy (SAN). Traditionally, navies have three main roles, namely: military, policing and diplomatic, roles. This study only focuses on the diplomatic role of the navy, termed naval diplomacy. In this regard, the SAN is the custodian of South African naval diplomacy.
The purpose of this study is to investigate and theoretically appraise the nature and scope of South African naval diplomacy since 1994. The study has two objectives: firstly, it seeks to outline the most salient features of South Africa’s foreign policy, post-1994, as the framework for naval diplomacy; and secondly, it seeks to analyse and describe how the SAN has utilised naval diplomacy, namely: maritime coercion, naval cooperation, international maritime assistance, and international conflict resolution and management, in pursuit of South Africa’s foreign policy objectives. The research methodology is a qualitative descriptive analysis, using a literature study, factual data sources, and interviews, as techniques. Both primary and secondary sources are consulted. This study makes an original contribution to the gap in the literature on South African naval diplomacy. In this regard, with the procurement of the recent ships and submarines, South African naval diplomatic capabilities have improved significantly. It is for this reason that the SAN is currently instrumental in maritime coercion in the region, particularly deterrence against piracy and other maritime insecurity issues. The SAN is also immensely involved in naval cooperation. In terms of international maritime assistance, the SAN does not only assist other countries in search and rescue missions, but also empower them. It also plays a vital and evolving role in international conflict resolution and management. The, however, SAN faces several hindrances including ageing equipment and ships (such as strike craft and hydrographic survey vessel); lack of patrol vessels and sea lift capability; loss of skilled personnel; and other challenges. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sedert die ontstaan van vlootmagte het state vlote as buitelandse beleidsinstrumente aangewend. Die politieke oorgang in Suid-Afrika in 1994 het tot ʼn evolusie in die land se buitelandse beleid aanleiding gegee, wat ook gevolge vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot (SAV) ingehou het. Tradisioneel het vlote drie hooffunksies, naamlik ʼn militêre, ʼn polisiëring en ʼn diplomatieke funksie. Hierdie studie fokus slegs op die diplomatieke funksie van die vloot, waarna verwys word as vlootdiplomasie, en die SAV se rol as die ‘bewaarder’ van Suid-Afrikaanse vlootdiplomasie.
Die doel van hierdie studie is om ondersoek in te stel na die aard en omvang van Suid-Afrikaanse vlootdiplomasie sedert 1994 en dit aan die hand van relevante teoretiese beginsels te beoordeel. Hieruit voortspruitend is twee doelwitte: eerstens om die wesenskenmerke van Suid-Afrika se buitelandse beleid na 1994 as raamwerk vir vlootdiplomasie te gebruik; en tweedens om die wyse waarop vlootdiplomasie ter ondersteuning van Suid-Afrikaanse buitelandse beleidsdoelwitte aangewend is, te beskryf en te ontleed met spesifieke verwysing na maritieme dwang, samewerking tussen vlootmagte, internasionale maritieme hulpverlening, en internasionale konflikresolusie. Die navorsingsmetodologie is 'n kwalitatiewe beskrywende ontleding, gegrond op 'n literatuurstudie, feitlike bronne, en onderhoude. Beide primêre en sekondêre bronne is in die proses geraadpleeg. Hierdie studie is 'n oorspronklike bydrae om die leemte in die literatuur oor die Suid-Afrikaanse vlootdiplomasie aan te spreek. Na die onlangse aanskaffing van nuwe skepe en duikbote, het die SAV se diplomatieke vermoëns aansienlik verbeter. Die gevolg is dat die SAV tans ʼn wesenlike bydrae met betrekking tot maritieme dwang in die streek speel, veral wat teen-seerowery en ander maritieme veiligheidsbedreigings betref. Die SAV is ook baie betrokke in maritieme samewerking. Wat internasionale maritieme hulp betref, het die SAV ander lande met soek en reddingsoperasies bygestaan en ook bemagtig. Die SAV lewer ook ‘n groeiende bydrae tot internasionale konflikresolusie en bestuur. Maar die SAV staar ook verskeie uitdagings in die gesig wat die volgende insluit: verouderde toerusting en skepe (soos aanvalsvaartuie en die hidrografiese opmetingskip); 'n gebrek aan patrollievaartuie en 'n see-verplasingsvermoë; verlies van opgeleide personeel, en verskeie ander uitdagings.
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Class, race and locus of control in democratic South AfricaStander, Genevieve Minota 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Rotter’s (1966) locus of control (LOC) is, fundamentally, a theory pertaining to individuals’ perceptions of personal control and their appraisal of the contingency of reinforcements in life. An individual may feel as though he/ she has either no control (external LOC) or ample control (internal LOC) over reinforcements. Due to its expediency, the locus of control construct has garnered much attention since it was first introduced to academia in the late 1960s. While originally positioned within Social Learning Theory, the notion of loci of control has since been appropriated into academic fields such as Medicine and Sociology. This particular study now brings the theory of LOC into the realm of Political Science.
Employing World Values Survey (WVS) data collected over three time points (1995, 2001, and 2006) in South Africa; this longitudinal study establishes whether or not self-reported class and/ or race influence LOC by measuring the relationship between these three variables. The extent to which any relationships may be significant is also examined.
The data analyses showed that the LOC of South Africans has steadily increased (become more internalised) from 1995 to 2006, and that a significant interaction effect occurs between race and class on LOC in South Africa. It was likewise discovered that class and LOC were highly correlated with each other – the self-reported Lower Class had a notably lower LOC compared to the relatively high LOC of the self-reported Upper Class.
It is suggested that improved education levels and social security benefits may have a role in improving individuals’ LOC, especially in the South African context. The results of this study uncover future research avenues into class analyses, particularly studies that seek to understand the psychological dimensions of self-reported class or the psychological antecedents of class mobility. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Rotter (1966) se lokus van beheer (LVB) is, fundamenteel, ‘n teorie wat betrekking het tot individueë se persepsies van persoonlike beheer en die waarde wat hul heg aan gebeurlikhede waar versterkings hul voordoen in hul lewens. ‘n Individu mag voel asof hy/sy geen beheer het nie (eksterne LVB) of genoegsame beheer het (interne LVB) oor versterkings. As gevolg van die bruikbaarheid van die term, geniet die lokus van beheer toenemend aandag sedert die bekendstelling daarvan aan academici in die laat 1960s. Die term was aanvanklik geposisioneer in Sosiale Leer Teorie, maar die idee van lokusse van beheer is ook later aangewend in Sosiologiese en Mediese studies. Hierdie studie bring nou die teorie van LVB na Politieke Wetenskap.
World Values Study (WVS) data wat versamel is tydens drie opeenvolgende jare (1995, 2001 en 2006) in Suid-Afrika is aangewend as deel van hierdie longitudinale studie om te bepaal of self-geidentifiseerde klas en/of ras ‘n impak het op LVB. Die verhoudinge van hierdie drie veranderlikes, sowel as die beduidendheid van hierdie verhoudings, is ondersoek.
Die data analise toon dat die LVB van Suid-Afrikaners bestendig vermeerder het (meer geinternaliseer het) vanaf 1995 tot en met 2006, en dat ‘n noemenswaardige interaksie effek voorkom tussen ras en klas en hul impak op LVB in die Suid-Afrikaanse geval. Daar is eweneens gevind dat klas en LVB hoogs gekorrileerd is vir die aangeduide periode – die self-geidentifiseerde Laer Klas het merkbaar laer LVB in vergelyking met die relatiewe hoë LVB van die self-geidentifiseerde Hoër Klas. Dit word voorgestel dat verbeterde opvoeding vlakke en welsyns voordele ‘n rol speel in die verbetering van individueë se LVB, veral in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. Die bevinding van hierdie studie kan gebruik word om toekomstige navorsing met betrekking tot klasverskille te begrond, vernaam studies wat sielkundige dimensies van self-geidentifiseerde klasgroep of die sielkundige bepalers van klas mobiliteit ondersoek.
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The political economy of labour market flexibility in South AfricaMathekga, Mmanoko Jerry 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Political Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The impact of globalisation can be found in every aspect of human life. Globalisation has
also brought about changes in the world of work, such as the call for labour market
flexibility, which has restructured the workplace. This study focuses on the implications of
labour market flexibility for workers in South Africa and for trade unions, within the context
of the introduction of a macroeconomic neoliberal policy in South Africa in 1996. The study
examines the changing nature of employment and work in a company in the South African
retail sector, namely Pick n Pay.
Labour market flexibility comes about as companies try to compete and cut costs at the
expense of workers. This implies a reduction of protection and benefits and has resulted in
the creation of a ‘working poor’ labour segment. Trade unions have been ineffective in
providing a voice and representation for the new working poor. This study argues that under
conditions of economic globalisation, trade unions are disempowered and flexible labour
market practices are introduced to cut costs in order to maintain market share and increase
Economic globalisation has pressurised the South African government, and the African
National Congress (ANC), to shift gradually to the right and to adopt a neoliberal
macroeconomic policy. This has led to an increase in inequality, unemployment, new forms
of insecure jobs and the creation of an informal economy. This study found that instead of
creating jobs and alleviating poverty, the government’s Growth, Employment and
Redistribution Strategy (GEAR) has resulted in retrenchments, downsizing and restructuring.
The unemployed, retrenched and working poor find themselves in the ‘second economy’.
The retail sector in particular makes use of labour market flexibility in order to compete for
market share. Pick n Pay is an example of a retail company that increasingly makes use of
flexible labour market practices. This study found that labour market flexibility has created a
situation that trade unions find difficult to deal with, and that labour market flexibility has
been accompanied by increasing inequality, which overlaps with race and gender identities.
Furthermore, Pick n Pay maintains flexible employment under conditions of increased
productivity and contrary to labour legislation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Impak van globalisering kan in elke aspek van mense se lewens waargeneem word.
Globalisering het verandering in die wêreld van werk teweeggebring, soos die aandrang op
arbeidsmarkbuigsaamheid wat tot die herstrukturering van die werkersmag gelei het.
Hierdie studie fokus op die implikasie van arbeidsmarkbuigsaamheid vir werkers in Suid‐
Afrika, en die implikasie vir vakbonde in die konteks van die inwerkingstelling van ’n makroekonomiese
neo‐liberale beleid in Suid‐Afrika in 1996. Verder ondersoek die studie die
verandering in die aard van indiensneming en werk in ’n Suid‐Afrikaanse maatskappy in die
kleinhandelsektor, naamlik Pick n Pay.
Buigsaamheid in die arbeidsmag ontstaan wanneer besighede in ’n poging om kompeterend
te wees, uitgawes ten koste van werkers besnoei. Dit bring die vermindering van
beskerming en voordele mee, wat tot ’n arbeidsegment van ‘arm werkers’ lei. Vakbonde
kon nie ’n stem en verteenwoordiging aan hierdie nuwe segment van arm werkers gee nie.
Hierdie studie voer aan dat ekonomiese globalisering werkersunies magteloos laat terwyl
buigsame arbeidsmarkpraktyke aangewend word om kostes te sny ten einde markaandeel
en verhoogde kompetisie te verseker.
Ekonomiese globalisasie plaas meer druk op die Suid‐Afrikaanse regering, die African
National Congress (ANC), om ‘n verskuiwing na regs te maak en ’n neo‐liberale makroekonomiese
beleid te volg. Dit het gelei tot verhoging in ongelykheid, werkloosheid, nuwe
vorme van onsekere werksgeleenthede, en die skepping van ’n informele ekonomie. Die
studie bevind dat die regering se Groei, Indiensnemings‐ en Herdistribusiebeleid (GEAR),
wat veronderstel was om werk te skep en werkloosheid te verminder, eerder tot meer
afdankings, afskaling en herstrukturering gelei het. Die werklose, afgedankte en
armwerkerskorps bevind hulself nou in ’n ‘tweede ekonomie’. In die besonder maak die
kleinhandelsektor gebruik van arbeidsmarkbuigsaamheid om vir ’n deel van die mark te
kompeteer. Pick n Pay is ’n voorbeeld van ’n kleinhandelmaatskappy wat toenemend
gebruik maak van arbeidsmarkbuigsaamheid. Die studie kom tot die slotsom dat
arbeidsmarkbuigsaamheid ’n situasie geskep het wat vakbonde verlam het, en wat met ’n
verhoging in ongelykheid wat verder met ras en geslagsidentiteite oorvleuel, gepaardgaan.
daarby maak Pick n Pay gebruik van buigsaame indiensnemingspraktyke onder
omstandighede van verhoogde produktiwiteit, in weerwil van arbeidswetgewing
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Increasing soft power - a case study of South Africa's bid to host the FIFA 2010 World CupMarx, Andrew Morne 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study attempts to determine if South Africa was actively attempting to boost its
soft power or symbolic power during the country’s bid to host the Fifa 2010 World
Cup. Preceding works dealing with mega-events identified a number of potential
benefits to the hosting nation. Some of these benefits include opportunities for
development (sport and socio-economic), nation building, urban regeneration, and
marketing. Previous works have focused a great deal on economic and nation
building aspects of mega-events. The marketing possibility for a host to develop as a
tourist destination has also enjoyed some focus.
There also exists a large amount of literature dealing with power – its nature,
resources and types. There is for instance structural and relational power while, in the
traditional sense, wealth and military might may be seen as power resources.
However, the importance and maintenance of soft power – or symbolic or co-optive
power, as defined in this study – has been greatly overshadowed by the traditional
ideas of power and as a result, neglected by International Relations scholars.
This study links the marketing potential of mega-events with the deployment of soft
power. The case study specifically deals with South Africa’s World Cup bid as a
marketing forum for enhancing the country’s soft power. For such an analysis it is
necessary to investigate South Africa’s diplomatic status, global position, relationship
with the North and South, and power resources. The importance of soft power being
essential to South Africa’s specific situation, global position and future, is also
Using the bid for the 2010 World Cup, this study concludes that South Africa was
indeed projecting specifically chosen images of the country with the intention of
enhancing the country’s soft power. It is furthermore argued that these images are
both a reflection and in support of South Africa’s foreign policy and emerging middle
power position. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie poog om vas te stel of Suid Afrika doelgerig probeer het om die land se
sagte mag te versterk tydens die Fifa 2010 Wêreldbekerbod. Vorige studies oor
grootskaalse gebeurtenisse meen dat dit sekere potensieële voordele inhou vir die
gasheer. Dit sluit in geleenthede vir ontwikkeling (sport en sosio-ekonomies), nasiebou,
en stedelike herlewing en bemarking. Vorige werke het ook meerendeels
gefokus op die ekonomiese en nasie-bou aspekte van grootskaalse gebeurtenisse. Die
bemarkingsvoordele wat dit inhou vir die gasheer se toerismebedryf is ook gereeld
Daar bestaan ook vele geskrewe werke oor mag. Verskillende bronne van mag is
ondermeer ‘n gewilde onderwerp. Daar is byvoorbeeld strukturele mag en
verhoudings mag. Tradisioneel word militêre en ekonomiese vermoëns gesien as
bronne van mag. Die belangrikheid van sagte mag of simboliese mag, soos dit in
hierdie studie gedefinieër word, is egter tot ‘n groot mate oorskadu deur traditionele
idees van mag. Daardeur het Internasionale Betrekkinge akademici dit ook tot ‘n
mate afgeskeep.
Hierdie studie illustreer die bemarkingspotentiaal wat grootskaalse gebeurtenisse
inhou vir sagte mag. Die gevallestudie handel spesifiek oor Suid Afrika se 2010 bod
as ‘n potentieële bemarkingsforum vir die bevordering van die land se sagte mag. Die
analise het vereis dat Suid Afrika se diplomatieke status, globale posisie, verhouding
met die Noorde en Suide, en bronne van mag behandel word. Die belangrikheid van
sagte mag vir Suid Afrika se toekoms word ook aangespreek.
Die gevolgtrekking is dat Suid Afrika wel gepoog het om sekere gekose beelde na die
buiteland te projekteer. Die spesifieke doel met die beelde was om die land se sagte
mag uit te brei. ‘n Verdere bevinding is dat die beelde gelyktydig Suid Afrika se
buitelandse beleid en ontluikende middel magsposisie gereflekteer het.
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The 2003 Cricket World Cup : implications for identity formation and democratization prospects for ZimbabweVan der Merwe, Justin Daniel Sean 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There can be little doubt about the ability of major international sporting events to capture the
aspirations and hopes of nations. These events have an uncanny ability of seemingly effortlessly
doing what a hundred speeches and mass rallies by politicians could only hope to achieve.
Therefore, it is no surprise that they are commonly understood to be able to bring nations and
people together and provide a focus for national identity and unity. The 1995 Rugby World Cup in
South Africa is an obvious proponent of such a claim, whereby South Africa was emerging from a
long and arduous political transition and needed something more than going to the polling booths to
unite the nation.
Major international sporting events are also said to be able to provide a catalyst or incentive for
democratization and human rights enhancement in authoritarian or semi-authoritarian regimes. The
1988 Olympics in South Korea is a landmark of such claims whereby the South Korean government
was said to bow to the democratizing pressures exerted on it due to its hosting of the event. Many
have argued that China’s hosting of the Olympics in 2008 will have a similar effect. However,
equally potent, major international sporting events can have various unintended consequences in
terms of identity formation, democratization prospects and human rights for the host nations. An
analysis of South Africa and Zimbabwe’s co-hosting of the 2003 Cricket World Cup demonstrates
this point.
The outcomes of the study suggest that whilst it is normally the intention for the host nations to use
the games to bring nations and people together, the Cricket World Cup opened up a rift between
races, both within the race contours of the cricket playing Commonwealth world and within South
Africa's domestic politics. It was also established that much like the 1995 Rugby World Cup had
sought to reconcile blacks and whites domestically under the “Rainbow Nation” during Mandela's
presidency, the 2003 Cricket World Cup, with its more regional focus and under Mbeki’s
presidency, presented an excellent opportunity for transnational reconciliation between Africa and
the Anglo-Saxon world. However, the 2003 Cricket World Cup, as a project in racial
reconciliation, was essentially a failure. This was predominantly due to the choice by South Africa
of Zimbabwe as co-host and due to the shift of South Africa's national identity from that of the
“Rainbow Nation” under Mandela, to that of “Africanism” under Mbeki. President Mbeki’s drive
towards “Africanism” proved divisive both transnationally and domestically. Symbolically, the
Cricket World Cup, when compared with the 1995 Rugby World Cup, had served to highlight the
decline of the “Rainbow Nation”. Zimbabwe's co-hosting of the event had served to further entrench the authoritarian regime.
Instead of the regime opening up due to its co-hosting of the event, a broad clampdown on civil and
political liberties was experienced. The Zimbabwean government felt the need to tighten its grip
during the lead up to the event and throughout the tournament itself. The aim was to project a
sanitized view of Zimbabwe to the rest of the world. Thus, the event presented an opportunity for
the government to shore up its credibility and produce political propaganda. South Africa’s stance
of “quiet diplomacy” also indirectly helped to further entrench the regime through the World Cup.
Zimbabwe's co-hosting also impacted negatively on the opposition, the MDC. In addition to this,
the various pressures which major events are said to exert on a host nation to reform politically and
which result from boycott campaigns, pressure from the media, stimulation of civil society and
protests, were not very effective in enhancing democratization prospects and human rights in
This study reaches the overall conclusion that the claims that major events bring nations and people
together and provide a catalyst or incentive for democratization and human rights enhancement in
authoritarian regimes, need further revision. South Africa and Zimbabwe's co-hosting of the event
did indeed have unintended consequences. Policy implications are also assessed. Future areas for
research are also identified. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar bestaan min twyfel dat groot internasionele sportgebeurtenisse die strewes en verwagtinge van
nasies aanwakker. Hierdie gebeutenisse het die vermoë om op ‘n oënskylike moeitelose wyse meer
te bereik as wat ‘n honderd toesprake en massavergaderings deur politici kan hoop om te bereik.
Daarom is dit geen verrassing nie dat daar vry algemeen aanvaar word dat hierdie gebeurtenisse oor
die vermoë beskik om nasies en mense by mekaar te bring en ‘n fokus vir nasionale identiteit en
eenheid kan verskaf. Die 1995 Rugby Wêreldbeker in Suid-Afrika, is ‘n ooglopende voorbeeld:
Suid Afrika het uit ‘n lang en moeilike politieke oorgang gekom en het meer as ‘n blote verkiesing
nodig gehad ten einde die nasie te verenig.
Voorts is dit ook so dat groot internasionale sportgebeurtenisse ‘n katalisator of aansporing is vir
demokratisering en die bevordering van mensregte in outoritêre en semi-outoritêre regerings. Die
1988 Olimpiese Spele in Suid-Korea ondersteun hierdie aanspraak. As gasheerland van hierdie
spele, het die Suid-Koreaanse regering onder toenemende druk gekom om aan die vereistes van
demokrasie te voldoen. Daar word verwag dat die Olimpiese Spele van 2008 dieselfde impak op
China, die gasheerland, sal hê. Terselfdertyd is dit egter ook so dat groot internasionale sportgebeurtenisse
vir die gasheerlande onverwagte negatiewe gevolge ten opsigte van identiteitsvorming,
demokratiseringsvooruitsigte en bevordering van menseregte kan hê. n’ Ontleiding van Sui-Afrika
en Zimbabwe se mede-aanbieding van die 2003 Krieket Wêreldbeker staaf hierdie stelling.
Die resultate van die studie toon aan dat alhoewel gasheerlande normaalweg groot
sportgebeurtenisse gebruik om nasies en mense byeen te bring, het die 2003 Krieket Wêreldbeker ‘n
kloof tussen rasse veroorsaak – binne die krieketspelende Statebondswêreld sowel as die Suid-
Afrikaanse huishoudelike politiek. Daar is ook vasgestel dat net soos die 1995 Rugby Wêreldbeker
aan Suid-Afrika tydens die presidentskap van Mandela en onder die vaandel van die
“Reënboognasie” ‘n plaaslike versoeningsgeleentheid tussen swart en wit gebied het, net so het die
2003 Krieket Wêreldbeker, met sy regionale fokus en onder presidentskap van Mbeki, ook ‘n
uitstekende geleentheid vir trans-nasionale versoening tussen Afrika en die Anglo-Saksiese wêreld
gebied. As versoeningsprojek was die 2003 Krieket Wêreldbeker egter in wese ‘n mislukking,
hoofsaaklik as gevolg van Suid-Afrika se besluit dat Zimbabwe ‘n mede-gasheer moes wees en
weens die feit dat Suid-Afrika se nasionale identiteit ‘n klemverskuiwing van “Reënboognasie”
onder Mandela tot “Afrikanisme” onder Mbeki, ondergaan het. President Mbeki se beklemtoning
van “Afrikanisme” was ook huishoudelik en trans-nasionaal verdelend. Simbolies gesproke, het die
Krieket Wêreldbeker – in teenstelling met die Rugby Wêreldbeker – die “Reënboognasie” se
verkwyning beklemtoon. Daar is ook vasgestel dat Zimbabwe se mede-aanbieding van die Krieket Wêreldbeker inderdaad
hierdie outoritêre regering versterk het. In plaas daarvan die Zimbabwiese regering sy outoritêre
greep as gevolg van sy mede-aanbieding verslap het, was daar inderdaad ‘n verdere breë
onderdrukking van burgerlike en politieke regte. Die Zimbabwiese regering het in die aanloop tot
en in die loop van die toernooi sy outoritêre greep verstewig ten einde ‘n gesaniteerde beeld van
Zimbabwe aan die res van die wêreld te kon voorhou. Die Zimbabwiese regering het die
geleentheid misbruik om geloofwaardigheid te probeer wen en politieke propaganda uit te stuur.
Suid-Afrika se standpunt van “stille diplomasie” het ook die hand van Zimbabwiese regering
versterk; en Zimbabwe se mede-aanbieding van die toernooi het ‘n negatiewe impak op die
opposisie, die MDC, gehad. Die dwang wat op gasheerlande deur middel van boikotte, die media
en proteste uitgeoefen kan word om polities te hervorm, was in die geval van Zimbabwe nie
effektief nie.
In hierdie studie word tot die slotsom gekom dat die aansprake dat groot sportgebeurtenisse nasies
en mense saambring en ‘n aansporing vir demokratisering van outoritêre regerings is, verdere
hersiening verg. Suid-Afrika en Zimbabwe se mede-aanbieding van die toernooi het onbeoogde
gevolge gehad – en in sommige gevalle was hierdie gevolge selfs direk die teenoorgestelde van wat
verwag is. Beleidsimplikasies word ook evalueer. Voorts word toekomstige navorsingsareas ook
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The local impact of the Presidents Cup 2003 What lessons for sports tourism and development in South Africa?Kies, Carolynne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Political Science. International Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / Tourism is regarded as the world’s largest industry. The various contributions the industry can make towards the global economy and towards creating employment has been acknowledged. In South Africa, sport has been used as a method of nation building and a way of building the country’s national prestige since its re-entry into the global community. The two sectors, tourism and sports, accompany with them the potential to create employment and generate economic spin-offs, as well as enhancing the quality of life for citizens. In light of the many benefits that sport and tourism can generate, South Africa has attempted to host and participate in numerous sports events. Since the end of apartheid, it has hosted several international sporting events, which include the Rugby World Cup in 1995 and the Cricket World Cup in 2003 as well as continental sporting events such as the Africa Cup of Nations in 1996. South Africa has also hosted international events of a smaller degree, which include the Presidents Cup 2003, held in George in the Western Cape.
Golf tourism in the Garden Route in particular has escalated to a large degree. Some of the top golf courses can be found there and thus the Western Cape province is closely linked to the golf industry. The main focus of this study is to explore the impact that the Presidents Cup had on the town of George, its community members as well as its contribution towards the tourism industry. It attempts to investigate whether the event generated economic spin offs and whether it has resulted in development for the town and its people. Through a series of face- to- face interviews, the study explores what the perceptions are among key stakeholders in the community concerning the economic and other spin offs.
One of the key findings is that the event has contributed to the escalation of various new golf estates in and around George and these has left community members disgruntled. This has resulted in provincial government placing a moratorium on any further development of golf estates along the Garden Route. It has also amounted to property values rising, making it difficult for the locals to afford proper housing. In an attempt to adequately address the issues that have been raised and to preserve and maintain the natural environment for future generations, it is the contention of this study that sustainable development is pivotal. If implemented in a proper way it can have far reaching benefits for all.
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Civil-military relations in Nigeria and Tanzania : a comparative, historical analysisHoel, Ragnhild 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Political Science. International Studies))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / Civil-military relations play an important role in Africa as these relations strongly influence the
processes of development and democratisation. This thesis examines civil-military relations in
Nigeria and Tanzania, as these two countries have experienced very different ‘patterns of
influence, control, and subordination between the armed forces and the wider social
environment’. Most theories of civil-military relations have been formulated by Western scholars
and this study investigates if these theories are applicable to Nigeria and Tanzania. As only two
cases are under focus, this thesis does not aim to dismiss any of the theories or to develop new
theory; rather, I suggest new aspects and factors that should be included when studying African
civil-military relations. The theoretical framework includes theories by Huntington, Finer, and
Janowitz, as well as theories by more recent scholars. After presenting the history of civilmilitary
relations in Nigeria and Tanzania, I analyse the theories’ validity in the two cases by
evaluating five hypotheses based on these theoretical frameworks. The thesis concludes that even
though the prevailing theories contain factors that are very important in the two countries and in
Africa in general, it is important to keep the specificity of African countries in mind when
studying their civil-military relations. The domestic context and internal factors in both Nigeria
and Tanzania are very significant. The importance of identity and the economic situation should
especially receive more attention in theories addressing civil-military relations in Africa. There is
a strong interrelationship between the various theories, and as a result a holistic approach
including all factors, actors and aspects should be used when studying civil-military relations in
Africa and elsewhere.
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