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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marketing Cold War tourism in the Belgian Congo : a study in colonial propaganda 1945-1960

Wigley, Andrew Paul 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study focuses on the nascent colonial tourist sector of the Belgian Congo from 1945 until independence in 1960. Empire in Africa was the last remaining vestige of might for the depleted European imperial powers following the Second World War. That might, however, was largely illusory, especially for Belgium, which had been both defeated and occupied by Germany. Post-war Belgium placed much value on its colonial role in the Belgian Congo, promoting and marketing its imperial mission to domestic and international audiences alike. Such efforts allowed Belgium to justify a system that was under fire from the new superpowers of the United States of America (USA) and the Soviet Union. This thesis makes the case that the Belgian authorities recognised the opportunity to harness the ‘new’ economic activity of tourism to help deliver pro-colonial propaganda, particularly to the USA which had a growing affluent class and where successive administrations were keen to encourage overseas travel. In building a tourism sector post the Second World War, efforts in diversifying the economy were secondary to the objective of using the marketing of tourism to actively position and promote Belgium’s long-term involvement in the Congo.

"It is not only the guilty who suffer" : exploring gender, power and moral politics through the contagious diseases acts in the Cape Colony, c1868-1885

Beukes, Danike Nanine 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study deals with the build-up to, and resultant reactions against, regulating sexual practices in the Cape Colony, especially the Contagious Diseases Acts in 1868 and 1885. The focus will be on the existence of venereal disease as a colonial epidemic. The wider context in terms of Britain, India, Hong Kong, Singapore and Australia will also be taken into account. The research is based on a theoretical framework made up of three components; gender, power and moral politics. The role of gender will be looked at through the existence of the double standard and the prostitute. Power and the existing relations between the colonies and the colonisers will be looked at by addressing the issue of race, superiority and the exportation of the colonial mindset. Moral politics will be analysed through the discussion of purity campaigns, women’s role in society and the medical aspect of politics. Within this thematic framework, the focus of the study will then move to the Cape Colony and the existence of regularity practices there. This study seeks to establish the ways in which regulation developed at the Cape and in doing so hopes to contribute to the existing historiography. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie fokus op die aanloop tot en die daaropvolgende reaksies ten opsigte van regulatoriese sekspraktyke, waarvan die bekendste die Aansteeklike Siektes Wette van 1869 en 1885 was. Daar word na die bestaan van veneriese siekte as ‘n koloniale epidemie gekyk. Die breër konteks van Brittanje, Indië, Hong Kong, Singapoer en Australië word ook in ag geneem. Die navorsing is gebaseer op ‘n teoretiese raamwerk van drie komponente: geslagtelikheid (“gender”) , mag en morele politiek. Die rol van geslagtelikheid word betrag na gelang die bestaan van dubbele standaarde en die prostituut. Mag en die bestaande verhoudinge tussen die koloniseerders en die wat gekoloniseer, word aangespreek deur te let op die kwessie van ras, meerderwaardigheid en die toepassing van ‘n koloniale denkpatroon. Morele politiek word ontleed deur te let op die bespreking van kuisheid kampanjes, vroue se rol in die samelewing en die mediese aspekte van politiek. Binne hierdie teoretiese raamwerk word die bestaan van regulatoriese praktyke in die Kaapkolonie bespreek. Die studie poog om vas te stel op welke wyses regulatoriese praktyke in die Kaapkolonie ontwikkel het en sodoende word gepoog om ‘n bydrae tot die bestaande historiografie te maak.

Die geskiedenis van grondbesit in Distrik Ses tot 1984 met spesiale verwysing na die invloed van die Groepsgebiedewet na 1966

Laubscher, C. J. (Constant Johannes) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: District Six originated in the eighteen fifties on neighbouring wine farms close to Cape Town's city centre. The first inhabitants were Europeans, but were later joined by free slaves. By 1849 the total number of inhabitants was 2943 and as a municipal area became known as the sixth district of Cape Town. Over the years District Six developed an own unique cosmopolitan character and despite a stigma as a backward residential area District Six developed as a multiracial community with its own vibrant spirit. By 1966 there were 3700 properties of which 56% were owned by Whites, 26% by Coloureds and 18% by Indians. In the same year the area had 21 schools and 17 places of worship. One of the main causes of physical deterioration was overpopulation. The occupancy figure by the 1850's was approximately 2,5 persons per habitable room. Overcrowding led to subletting of even the smallest rooms and resulted in gross exploitation of tenants, horrific crime and moral decay, all of which contributed to the slum status of the area. In 1962 the City of Cape Town devised a pilot plan for the rehabilitation of the area, but this plan was never implemented. Years of neglect of municipal services worsened the degredation of many historic buildings as well as decent living conditions for its residents. In 1962 the Group Areas Board recommended that District Six be declared a Coloured Group Area. The N.P. government rejected this recommendation and on 11 February 1966 through Proclamation 43, declared 94 hectares of the traditional District Six as an area for White occupation. Between 1965 and 1975 the government froze all property transactions in District Six to enable them to plan the redevelopment of the area. The state made financial offers to property owners, but only 10% accepted these. The majority declined these and blamed this on inflexible property valuations of the state. By 1980 the state had spent R25 million on the acquisition of properties in District Six. Government demolition of structures took place between 1968 and 1982 and resulted in the flattenning of most buildings except for a few churches. Expropriated Coloured and Indian residents were removed to the newly created residential areas on the Cape Flats. Although some previous residents of District Six were happy with their accommodation most objected to the high bond repayments on their new homes, higher transport cost to work and the breakdown of existing communities. The biggest opposition to the declaration of District Six as an area for White occupation came from local groups, namely: The Friends of District Six and the District Six Residents', Rent and Ratepayers Association (RRR). Opposition political parties and the press used the physical and mental suffering of the residents to challenge the government. The redevelopment of District Six was characterised by continous changes to proposed plans. In 1964 the government appointed the Niemand Committee to investigate the replanning and redevelopment of District Six. In 1970 a master plan for redevelopment was recommended . In 1974 the first properties were sold to white people by the government. In 1975 the neighbouring Walmer Estate was declared a Coloured Group Area and three years later District Six was renamed as Zonnebloem. In 1979 parts of the neighbouring Woodstock and Salt River were declared Coloured Group Areas. In 1982 the Presidents Council recommended that part of District Six be returned to the Coloured community, but the government rejected this and in October 1982 year the first whites settled in District Six. The following year a part of District Six was declared Coloured area. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Distrik Ses het in die vyftigerjare van die negentiende eeu op aanliggende wynplase van Kaapstad ontstaan. Aanvanklik het Blankes van verskillende nasionaliteite daar gevestig en later het vrygestelde slawe die inwonertal laat toeneem. Teen 1849 was die inwonertal ongeveer 2943 en in 1867 het die gebied bekend geword as die sesde distrik van Kaapstad . Distrik Ses het n eiesoortige en unieke kosmopolitiese karakter ontwikkel. Ten spyte van n stigma van agterlikheid het die gebied n borrelende en veelrassige gemeenskap gehad. In 1966 was daar ongeveer 3700 eiendomme in Distrik Ses waarvan 56% aan Blankes, 26% aan Kleurlinge en 18% aan Indiers behoort het. Teen 1966 was daar 21 skole en sewentien plekke van godsdienstige aanbidding in die gebied. Oorbevolking was een van die grootste oorsake van verval in die gebied. In die vyftigerjare was die besettingsyfer van geboue ongeveer 2,5 persone per bewoonbare vertrek. Die gevolg was onderverhuring, gruwelike uitbuiting van huurders, misdaad en sedelike verval wat aan die gebied n slumstatus besorg het. Jarelange verwaarlosing van munisipale dienste het tot vervaI van gebouestrukture en Iewenstoestande gelei. Die stadsraad se loodsplan vir opruiming in 1962 is nooit geimplementeer nie. Die Groepsgebiederaad het in 1962 aanbeveel dat die gebied as n Kleurling-groepsgebied verklaar moes word. Ten spyte van die aanbeveling is 94 hektaar van die tradisionele Distrik Ses op 11 Februarie 1966 volgens Proklamasie 43 van 1966 as n Blanke Groepsgebied verklaar. Die regering het vanaf 1965 tot 1975 aile eiendomstransaksies in Distrik Ses gevries om sodoende die herontwikkeling van die gebied te beplan. Ongeveer 10% van die eienaars het die staat se aanbod vir hul eiendom aanvaar. Die meeste het egter beswaar gemaak teen die staat se onbuigsame skattings. Teen 1980 het die staat R25 miljoen bestee aan die verkryging Slopingswerk in Distrik Ses het tussen 1968 en 1982 plaasgevind. Byna aIle geboue is gesloop en slegs enkele kerke is behou. Inwoners is na verskeie woonbuurte op die Kaapse Vlakte verskuif Alhoewel sommige vorige inwoners van Distrik Ses tevrede was met hulle nuwe woonplekke was die meeste ontevrede oor die hoe verbandkoste van nuwe wonings, hoer reiskoste en die verbrokkeling van gemeenskappe. Die grootste opposisie teen die Blankverklaring van Distrik Ses was The Friends of District Six en die District Six Residents', Rent and Ratepayers' Association (RRR). Opposisiepolitieke partye en die pers het die regering se rassebeleid aangeval deur te konsentreer op die ontberinge van die inwoners. Die herontwikkeling van Distrik Ses is gekenmerk deur voortdurende verandering. In 1964 is die Niemand-komitee aangestel om die herbeplanning en herontwikkeling van Distrik Ses te ondersoek. In 1970 is n meesterplan vir die ontwikkeling van Distrik Ses aanbeveel. In Julie 1974 het die regering die eerste eiendom in Distrik Ses aan Blankes verkoop. In 1975 is die aangrensende Walmer Estate tot Kleurlinggroepsgebied verklaar. Distrik Ses is in 1978 herdoop en R9 rniljoen is bewillig vir die rehabilitasieskema. In 1979 is dele van die aangrensende Woodstock en Soutrivier tot Kleurlinggroepsgebiede verklaar. In 1980 is ri gewysigde plan vir die ontwikkeling van Distrik Ses voorgele. In 1981 het die regering die Presidentsraad se aanbeveling dat n gedeelte van Distrik Ses aan die Kleurlinggemeenskap teruggegee moes word, verwerp. In Oktober 1982 het die eerste blankes in Distrik Ses gevestig. In 1983 is n gedeelte van Distrik Ses as Kleurlinggebied verklaar.

Die rol van neentiende-eeuse fotografie in eietydse bewaring : William Roe en Graaff-Reinet

Malherbe, Johanna Francina 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study aims to understand the role that 19th century photography can play in the reconstruction of an era and in the conservation of cultural heritage in the 21st century. The photo collection of William Roe, a photographer from Graaff-Reinet, is used as an example. The origin and development of Graaff-Reinet is used as background information and major events such as the Great Trek, the arrival of the railway, the Anglo-Boer War, the First World War and the Great Flu are touched upon. Aspects such as education, churches, the library and the hospital in Graaff-Reinet complement the study. An overview of the development of photography covers several early photo-making processes. These include the daguerreotype process, Talbot's paper negative process, collotype and the popular carte de visite photographs. Photography specifically in South Africa is also conferred, with particular reference to the first photographers working in the country. Reference is made to the important influences major events like the discovery of diamonds and gold as well as the Anglo-Boer War had on photography. The discussion of William Roe as human being and his legacy as a photographer forms an integral part of the study. The Victorian period is discussed since this was the period in which Roe worked and lived. It had a formative influence on his workmanship. An overview of the Victorian period in England is followed by specific focus on South Africa during this time. The rush to the diamond fields, issues with language and the trends of the times are pointed out. Many of these trends are specifically indicated and discussed as they appear in Roe’s photos. The photos have been categorized to clarify analysis of the different cultural phenomena. The architecture and historical background of Graaff-Reinet’s churches and public buildings are discussed. Streetscapes and images of the town as a whole show the development and daily activities that took place. Photos of clothing represent a reconstruction of the fashions of the concurrent Victorian era and those of public events such as sporting events, celebrations, plays and a gathering during the Anglo-Boer War, display the social life of the community. The role of human memory in the writing of cultural history is compared with the “memory” role of photographs. At the same time the ability of photographs to reflect not only physical culture, but also abstract concepts, receives attention. The use of these abilities of photography in the preservation of culture is a challenge for conservationists of the 21th century. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie het ten doel om die rol wat 19de-eeuse fotografie kan vervul in die rekonstruksie van ’n era en in die bewaring van kultuurgoedere vir die 21ste eeu, aan te spreek. Die fotoversameling van William Roe van Graaff-Reinet word as voorbeeld gebruik. Die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van Graaff-Reinet word as agtergrond behandel en belangrike gebeurtenisse soos onder meer Die Groot Trek, die koms van die spoorlyn, die Anglo- Boereoorlog, die Eerste Wêreldoorlog en die Groot Griep word uitgewys. Aspekte soos opvoeding, kerke, die biblioteek en hospitaal is aanvullend bestudeer om ’n volledige beeld van Graaff-Reinet daar te stel. ’n Oorsig oor die ontwikkeling van fotografie dek verskeie vroeë fotoprosesse soos die daguerreoproses, Talbot se papiernegatief, die calotipe-fotoproses en die gewilde carte-devisite- foto's. Fotografie in Suid-Afrika word bespreek met spesifieke verwysing na die eerste fotograwe wat in die land werksaam was. Daar word verwys na die invloed wat belangrike gebeurtenisse soos die ontdekking van diamante en goud, asook die Anglo-Boereoorlog, op fotografie in Suid-Afrika gehad het. Die ondersoek na William Roe as mens sowel as sy nalatenskap as fotograaf vorm ’n belangrike onderdeel van die studie. Die Victoriaanse era word bespreek aangesien dit die tydperk was waarin Roe geleef en gewerk het, en dus ’n vormende invloed op sy werk gehad het. ’n Oorsig oor die Victoriaanse era in Engeland word gevolg deur ’n beskouing van dié era in Suid-Afrika. Die stormloop na die diamantvelde, taalkwessies en heersende modeneigings word uitgewys. Baie van die modeneigings word tydens die ontleding van die kultuurverskynsels op die Roe-foto’s opgemerk en bespreek. Die foto’s vir die ontleding van kultuurverskynsels is in kategorieë ingedeel. Die argitektuur en historiese agtergrond van kerke en openbare geboue word bespreek. Straat- en dorpsbeelde dui die ontwikkeling van en bedrywighede op die dorp aan. Kleredragfoto’s bied ’n rekonstruksie van die modes van die Victoriaanse era terwyl die foto’s van openbare geleenthede soos sportbyeenkomste, feesvieringe, toneelopvoerings asook ’n samekoms tydens die Anglo-Boereoorlog die sosiale lewe van die inwoners van die dorp aandui. Die rol van die menslike geheue in kultuurgeskiedskrywing word vergelyk met die rol van foto’s as “geheue”. Terselfdertyd word die vermoë van foto’s om nie net fisiese kultuur te weerspieël nie, maar ook abstrakte konsepte te verteenwoordig, behandel. Die aanwending van hierdie eienskappe van fotografie in kultuurbewaring is ’n uitdaging vir bewaringskundiges van die 21ste eeu.

Elim : a cultural historical study of a Moravian mission station at the Southern extreme of Africa

Van der Hoven, Liane 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Afrikaans Cultural History))--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / Elim, a mission station of the Moravian Church, was established in 1824. The settlement is situated 48 kilometres from the southern extreme of the African continent. Vogelstruiskraal farm, is a sparsely populated area, a unique community has developed where the congregation is the community and the community is the congregation. ...

Die kasteel en ander vroeë Kaapse vestingwerke, (1652-1713)

Ras, Anna C. January 1956 (has links)
Thesis (MA) -- Stellenbosch University, 1956. / No Abstract Available

D.F. Malan : a political biography

Korf, Lindie 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (History))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLSIH ABSTRACT: This study is a political biography of D.F. Malan (1874–1959), the first of the apartheid-era Prime Ministers, and covers the years 1874 to 1954, when Malan retired from politics. It endeavours to provide a warts-and-all account of D.F. Malan which challenges prevalent myths and stereotypes surrounding his public persona and his political orientation. While the overwhelming focus is on Malan’s political career, special attention is paid to his personal life in order to paint a multi-faceted picture of his character. The biography is written in the form of a seamless narrative and employs a literary style of writing. It is based on archival research which utilised Malan’s private collection, as well as the private collections of his Nationalist contemporaries. Malan takes the centre stage at all times, as the biography focuses on his perceptions and experiences. Malan’s views regarding Afrikaner nationalism, which was his foremost political priority, are described, and are related to his views of British imperialism as well as other ideologies such as communism and totalitarianism. This study demonstrates that there is a notable link between Malan’s perceptions of race relations and his concerns about the poor white problem. It reveals that Malan’s racial policy was, to some extent, fluid, as were his views on South Africa’s constitutional position. Debates about South Africa’s links to Britain and the nature of the envisioned republic preoccupied Afrikaner nationalists throughout the first half of the twentieth century – and served as an outlet for regional and generational tensions within the movement. Malan’s clashes with nationalists such as Tielman Roos, J.B.M. Hertzog and J.G. Strijdom are highlighted as an indication of the internecine power struggles within the National Party (NP). By emphasising these complexities, this study seeks to contribute to a nuanced understanding of the South African past. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is politieke biografie van D.F. Malan (1874–1959), die eerste van die apartheid-era Eerste Ministers, en dek die jare 1874 tot 1954, toe Malan uit die politiek getree het. Dit poog om onversuikerde beeld van Malan te skets wat heersende mites en stereotipes aangaande sy openbare beeld en sy benadering tot die politiek uitdaag. Die fokus is hoofsaaklik op Malan se politieke loopbaan, maar besondere aandag word aan sy private lewe geskenk om sodoende veelsydige portret van sy karakter te skilder. Die biografie is in die vorm van naatlose narratief geskryf en maak van literêre skryfstyl gebruik. Dit is gebaseer op argivale navorsing, waartydens daar van D.F. Malan se privaat versameling gebruik gemaak is, sowel as die privaat versamelings van sy tydgenote. Malan is ten alle tye die sentrale figuur en die biografie fokus op sy persepsies en ervarings. Malan se denke oor Afrikaner nasionalisme, wat sy vernaamste prioriteit was, word beskryf en in verband gebring met sy opinie van Britse imperialisme, sowel as ander ideologieë soos kommunisme en totalitarisme. Die studie wys op die verband tussen Malan se denke oor rasseverhoudinge en sy besorgdheid oor die armblanke vraagstuk. Dit dui daarop dat Malan se rassebeleid tot sekere mate vloeibaar was. Dit was ook die geval met sy benadering tot Suid-Afrika se konstitusionele posisie. Afrikaner nasionaliste het tydens die eerste helfte van die twintigste eeu baie aandag geskenk aan debatte oor Suid-Afrika se verhouding tot Brittanje en die aard van die voorgenome republiek. Dit was tot mate weerligafleier vir reeds bestaande spanning tussen die onderskeie streke en generasies. Malan se botsings met nasionaliste soos Tielman Roos, J.B.M. Hertzog en J.G. Strijdom word belig as aanduiding van die diepgewortelde magstryd binne die Nasionale Party (NP). Deur op hierdie kompleksiteite klem te lê, poog die studie om bydrae te lewer tot meer genuanseerde begrip van die Suid-Afrikaanse verlede.

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