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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O Brasil no debate estratégico franco-alemão : uma análise do discurso dos principais think tank da Alemanha e da França a respeito da inserção internacional do Brasil (2003-2014)

Mattos, Fernando Preusser de January 2016 (has links)
As iniciativas de política externa, de defesa e de segurança que compõem a inserção internacional do Brasil no período 2003-2014 repercutiram nas relações do país com as grandes potências, suscitando uma intensa produção discursiva que busca traduzir o significado da recente inserção internacional do país e informar estratégias que possam dar conta das demandas de um novo relacionamento com o Brasil. Nesse contexto, há um conjunto de instituições de importância crescente, cujas práticas, representações e discursos precedem, informam e pretendem influenciar os processos de definição de agenda, formulação de política e tomada de decisão no âmbito das políticas externa, de defesa e de segurança, sobretudo das grandes potências: os think tanks, instituições dedicadas à produção e à articulação de conhecimentos voltados a políticas públicas de âmbito doméstico e internacional. Assim, o problema de pesquisa que orienta o trabalho refere-se ao seguinte questionamento: como os principais think tanks que buscam influenciar as formulações estratégicas para as políticas externa, de defesa e de segurança na Alemanha e na França têm representado a inserção internacional recente do Brasil e o papel desempenhado pelo país no seu entorno estratégico? O objetivo geral da dissertação é, portanto, fornecer uma análise do discurso acerca da inserção internacional recente do Brasil (2003-2014) veiculado por publicações selecionadas dos quatro principais think tanks da Alemanha e da França. O trabalho lança mão da fundamentação teórico-metodológica da análise de discurso pósestruturalista e busca sustentar a tese de que é possível depreender da análise das publicações selecionadas um conjunto de discursos básicos que estruturam as principais representações desses atores sobre a recente inserção internacional do Brasil, dentre os quais se destacam o discurso da inovação diplomática, do ineditismo e do soft power socioeconômico dos governos Lula; o discurso do reformismo moderado, que associa as identidades de “parceiro responsável” e “líder pragmático” ao Brasil, em contraposição ao “radicalismo” e ao “populismo” da Venezuela; e o discurso da pretensão de projeção global de poder. / Brazil’s foreign, defense and security policies between 2003-2014 affected its relations with the great powers, raising a variety of discourses that seek to translate the country’s recent international insertion and inform strategies that may cope with the demands of a new relationship with Brazil. In this context, there is a set of increasingly important institutions whose practices, representations and discourses precede, inform and seek to influence agenda setting, as well as policy and decision making processes in the fields of foreign, defense and security policies, especially of great powers: think tanks, institutions whose activities are mainly focused on producing and engaging knowledge on domestic and international public policies. The research problem orienting this monograph is, thus, the following: how do the most important foreign, defense and security policy think tanks in Germany and France represent Brazil’s recent international insertion and the role it plays in its regional surrounding area? The main aim of this project is, therefore, to offer an analysis of the discourse on Brazil’s recent international insertion (2003-2014) produced and disseminated by four of the most important think tanks in Germany and France. The monograph adopts post-structuralist discourse analysis as its theoretical and methodological foundation and lays out the argument that the analysis of selected think tanks’ publications reveals a set of basic discourses structuring key-representations of identity attributed to Brazil. Among them, three basic discourses are highlighted throughout the discussion: Lula’s diplomatic innovation and socioeconomic soft power discourse; the moderate reformism discourse, which links the identities of a “responsible partner” and “pragmatic leader” to Brazil in opposition to the “radicalism” and “populism” attributed to Venezuela; last but not least, the discourse on Brazil’s alleged claim to global power projection.

An Exploration of Elementary L2 Learners' Use of Metacognitive Strategies

McNeel, Michele E. 12 1900 (has links)
This multiple case study examined the experiences of elementary L2 learners who received instruction in either reciprocal teaching or the think aloud strategy (TAS), and identified patterns of use that emerged from participants' employment of the strategies. The three L2 participants took a pre- test and a posttest, were recorded using the strategies, and responded to interview questions about the strategies. Using qualitative data analysis techniques, four themes emerged from analysis of the data, including; talking like a teacher, I know what I know, established strategies, and declines to use the steps in the strategy. Implications from these findings suggest that the discussion facilitated by reciprocal teaching assists elementary L2 participants in better understanding the text and also supports their language acquisition, whereas TAS does not facilitate discussion. Further, even though reciprocal teaching promotes discussion, teacher assistance during discussion is necessary. Finally, it is essential that teachers are mindful of students' understandings of topics and the difficulty of texts used when students are learning the strategies.

Kommunikation och samspel i språkutvecklande undervisning ur ett flerspråkigt perspektiv

Djerf, Farangis January 2020 (has links)
AbstractThe purpose of the present study is to find out how three high school teachers with different subject skills use interaction and interplay in their teaching. The main part of the study is based on observations of six different class sessions in history, religion, Swedish as a second language and regular Swedish. The study also includes interviews with the sessions’ corresponding teachers. The final analysis focuses on the forms of teaching, where the focus is on interaction and interplay, as well as multimodality in teaching contexts. The result is compared to the Läslyftet modules that relate to interaction and interplay, and also multimodality for the purpose of language development. The results show which interactive and multimodal strategies are used when interacting with students. Furthermore, the results show interest and commitment, as well as learning potential, potential support by applying explanations, clarifications, discussions, conversations, the Think-Pair-Share model part and the Initiate-Response-Feedback pattern (IRF) to enable students to reformulate to written language style and recontextualize their responses. In this way, knowledge and language development have been made visible in ongoing teaching.

Initial trust in e-health systems : How surface level user experience design can influence trust formation

Billqvist Ung, Malin, Neveceral, David January 2020 (has links)
As e-health systems are becoming more common and necessary, it is an important field to explore. One important part that has not yet been explored enough is the formation of trust within e-health. An established approach to help formation of trust in other fields is that of user experience design. This Master thesis is focused on the topic of trust formation of first-time e-health service users and how user experience design can influence trust formation. For fulfilling the purpose, the method of think-aloud and semi-structured interviews were chosen. In addition to that, a prototype of an e-health service was developed. The outcome of the interviews was examined through a thematic analysis in order to answer the research questions. Based on the analysis, new aspects which influence trust formation on the surface level were identified, as well as some previously known were confirmed. The themes which are overlapping with previously conducted studies are Design feeling and Element placement. The newly identified themes contain Consistency, Colour and some aspects of Reading experience. The reasons for the identified aspects were categorized into the two themes of Craftsmanship and Expectations. Those findings were compared with previous studies, and recommendations for future research were formulated.

Aufgabenspezifische Messung metakognitiver Aktivitäten im Rahmen von Lernaufgaben

David, Andreas 15 January 2014 (has links)
Diese Arbeit untersucht prominente Erfassungsmethoden metakognitiver Aktivitäten die während des Lernprozesses zum Einsatz kommen (online) auf deren Güte und Reaktivität. Im Fokus stehen die Methoden Laut-Denken, Fragebogenmethode sowie die Erfassung von Lernleistungsurteilen. Lernaufgaben werden durch komplexe Textlernaufgaben sowie Problemlöseaufgaben in deren Rahmen abduktive Schlüsse gefordert sind repräsentiert. In Studie 1 wurden metakognitive Aktivitäten die mittels retrospektiv eingesetzten Fragebögen sowie mittels Laut-Denken erfasst wurden gegenübergestellt. Dabei wurden die Fragebogenitems parallel zum polytomen Kategoriensystem mit dessen Hilfe die Daten aus der Laut-Denken-Methode ausgewertet wurden konstruiert. Im Rahmen der Auswertung der Laut-Denken Daten war die Übereinstimmung zweiter unabhängiger, gut geschulter Urteiler unbefriedigend. Die Übereinstimmungsunterschiede zwischen den Kategorien sowie zwischen den Probanden waren erheblich. Dies weist darauf hin, dass das Kategoriensystem nicht zur Auswertung der Laut-Denken Daten geeignet ist. Zudem scheinen große Unterschiede in der Nutzung metakognitiver Aktivitäten zwischen den Probanden zu bestehen. Zwischen Fragebogendaten und Laut-Denken-Daten besteht ein geringer nicht signifikanter negativer Zusammenhang. In Studie 2 wurde die Reaktivität der Laut-Denken-Methode und der Aufzeichnung von Lernleistungsurteilen während des Bearbeitens einer Textlese- sowie Problemlöseaufgabe untersucht. Die Ergebnisse dieser experimentellen Studie mit 2x2 Design legen nahe, dass von Laut-Denken im Rahmen von Problemlöseaufgaben reaktive Effekte zu erwarten sind. Von Lernleistungsurteilen hingegen sind reaktive Effekte lediglich im Rahmen von komplexen Textleseaufgaben zu erwarten. Auch im Rahmen dieser Erhebung mittels Laut-Denken konnte lediglich eine unbefriedigende Reliabilität der Messung berichtet werden obgleich in dieser Studie 11 unabhängige Urteiler zum Einsatz kamen. Auch hier wurde keine erwähnenswerte Korrelation zwischen Fragebogendaten und Laut-Denken Erhebung ermittelt. In Studie 3 wurden metakognitive Aktivitäten zu mehreren Messzeitpunkten im Kontext einer komplexen Gruppenlernaufgabe erhoben. Die Ergebnisse weisen auf einen individuellen Einsatz metakognitiver Aktivitäten unabhängig von der Lernsituation hin. Insgesamt lassen die Ergebnisse der Studien darauf schließen, dass Laut-Denken zumindest dann keine valide Erfassung metakognitiver Aktivitäten während des Lernens ermöglicht, wenn polytome Kategoriensysteme mit einer hohen Anzahl an Kategorien zum Einsatz kommen. Außerdem ist in spezifischen Lernsituationen von potentiellen reaktiven Effekte der Erhebung auszugehen. Dies gilt auch für die Erfassung des Monitoring- und Überwachungs-/Regulierungsverhaltens mittels Lernleistungsurteilen.

E-wallet - designed for usability / E-plånbok - designad för användbarhet

Arslan, Bercis, Fröjdh, Blenda January 2019 (has links)
As the use of mobile payment applications (apps) and electronic wallets (e-wallets)increases, so does the demand for a improved user experience when interactingwith these apps. The field of Human-Computer interaction (HCI) focuses onthe design, evaluation, and implementation of interactive computing systems forhuman use. One aspect of HCI is usability, i.e., the quality of the interactions witha product or system. This thesis investigates how an e-wallet can be designed to provide a high level ofusability by conforming to best HCI practices and by formative evaluation using aset of usability evaluation methods.The research process consisted of an initial literature study and developmentof a prototype, which was evaluated iteratively through Thinking-aloud-protocol(TAP) and a combination of performance measurements and questionnaire by achosen test group. By each iteration, the results of the performance measurements, as well as theverbal data improved. The most complex or difficult task, for the test subjectsto perform, was, according to the results, Pay via manual input. All goals wereachieved for all tasks except for the performance goal of a percentage of errorsbelow 5%. To conclude, it was clear that the test subjects had more trouble understandingthe concept of the e-wallet rather than navigating and completing tasks. Thedifficulties lay in understanding how currencies were stored and how transactionshappened. When developing this e-wallet we noticed that the most importantissue was to make new functions and concepts familiar to the user through relatingit to recognizable ideas. / I och med att användning av mobila betalningslösningar (appar) och elektroniskaplånböcker (e-plånböcker) ökar, ökar även efterfrågan på en förbättradanvändarupplevelse vid interaktion med dessa appar. Området människadatorinteraktion(MDI) fokuserar på design, utvärdering och implementeringav interaktiva datorsystem för mänsklig användning. En aspekt av MDI äranvändbarhet, dvs kvaliteten på interaktionerna med en produkt eller ett system.Detta kandidatexamensarbete undersöker hur en e-plånbok kan utformas föratt ge en hög användbarhet genom att anpassas till MDI praxis och formativutvärdering av designen med hjälp av en uppsättning utvärderingsmetoder föranvändbarhet. Forskningsprocessen bestod av en litteraturstudie och utveckling av en prototoyp,som utvärderades iterativt genom Thinking-aloud Protocol (TAP) samt enkombination av prestationsmätningar och frågeformulär av en vald testgrupp.Efter varje iteration förbättrades resultaten av prestationsmätningarna, såvälsom för den verbala datan. Den mest komplexa eller svåra uppgiften,för testpersonerna att utföra, var, enligt resultaten, Betalning via manuelinmatning. Alla mål uppnåddes för alla uppgifter förutom prestationsmålet fören procentandel av fel under 5%. Avslutningsvis var det tydligt att testpersonerna fann det svårare att förståkonceptet av e-plånboken än att navigera och slutföra uppgifterna. Svårigheternalåg i att förstå hur valutor lagrades och hur transaktioner gick till. När viutvecklade den här e-plånboken märkte vi att den viktigaste uppgiften var att göranya funktioner och koncept förståerliga för användaren genom att koppla dem tilligenkännliga idéer.

Lokala plattformar i en global värld : En kvalitativ studie om upplevd trovärdighet på delningsplattformar / Local platforms in a global world : A qualitative study on perceived trust towards sharing platforms

Årebrand Lindkvist, Leo, Miiro, Gabriel January 2023 (has links)
Through digital sharing platforms users can rent, exchange, rideshare and sell items without having to go to a physical marketplace. Although these sharing platforms have global reach, they don’t provide services in smaller cities, towns, and villages. Umigo is a project that seeks to promote local sharing economies through a digital platform builder and host, making digital sharing platforms more available. Using the website individuals can sell, rent, share and buy items and services. Dela Höga Kusten is a platform on Umigo which hosts multiple companies operating in the local region. Through Dela Höga Kusten individuals can contact and rent services and goods from local companies using a digital interface. The user experience (UX) of a digital sharing platform plays an important role in shaping the users’ perceived usability of the service. This study aims to explore the relationship between UX and perceived trust on local sharing platforms. Utilizing think aloud tests and interviews with five participants who interacted with the platform Dela Höga Kusten, a qualitative research approach was adopted. The findings were analyzed and compared with previous research and literature within the field of UX. The results support previous research, showing that visual design plays an important role in enhancing the user experience and building user trust towards a service. The research highlights the importance of integrating UX design principles to cultivate a pleasant user experience and foster trust. Prioritizing the user experience can help build user trust and loyalty, making local sharing economies more accessible through digital sharing platforms.


Hannah Leone Sherwood (16448496) 03 July 2023 (has links)
<p>This paper is a qualitative study that utilizes game players to learn more about the impact of game narrative, and to use this information to understand more of its role in the production of<br> games. Initial research into the topic revealed that many competing interests drive game production, but that if narrative was “down-prioritized” in production, a game was more likely to suffer compounding issues that could result in a poor end-product and launch. This nets monetary consequences for a studio, but also severely impacts the team of developers. As the game industry already faces widespread issues with crunch, long work hours over long periods of time, any additional strain on production exacerbates existing issues. Game production documentation is often held privately as the trade secrets of a given studio, so the most feasible way to address these questions is to seek a successful game with amble published documentation and compare those resources to the experiences players themselves have with the title. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was the game chosen.<br> A sample of 18 students from Purdue University completed an initial interest survey and provided demographic information. Of those who played games regularly, 4 participants were randomly selected to move forward with an audio and video recorded gameplay session that utilized a think-aloud protocol to capture moment-to-moment experience, and then an audio recorded interview about their experiences. These methods were employed to generate transcripts of their thoughts and experiences where the researcher conducted a thematic analysis of the content. Fifteen codes were synthesized from these transcripts and found that through the context of narrative, participants expressed that gameplay, aesthetics, and critical paths in a game facilitated their experiences with narrative. Participants approached the game and spoke about narrative in a variety of ways during the game session, but all came away with similar conclusions when interviewed. This suggests that game elements that convey narrative are highly effective and opens questions into how changes to those elements can sway interpretation and if that can be controlled for. Further, studying the patterns between these elements and determining what creates the most meaning for players could open new avenues for efficient game design. </p>

Indonesia's New Order, 1966-1998: Its Social and Intellectual Origins

Karsono, Sony 25 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Investing in Celebrities: A Study of the Use of Profiles as Representations of Investment Securities / Investera i kändisar: En studie av användningen av profiler som representationer av värdepapper

Laochaiyapruek, Pruek January 2017 (has links)
Walter is a new Swedish investment service website that uses famous people to represent investment securities. It differs from other websites that typically do not use human as investment options. Previous research exhibits that some users use professional financial advisers that they know as trusted sources; that incorporated information relates to user's investing and information seeking behaviour; and that usability of a website can affect perceived trustworthiness, ease of use, and ease of understandability. Therefore, this study aims to investigate how the profiles of famous people affect the decision making process in long-term investment service website and what information should be incorporated with the profiles. Heuristic evaluation, user testing with think aloud protocol, and interview are used to collect data from both usability experts and end users. Avanza website is used as an example of other websites to compare with Walter. The results show that the profiles can gain participants' interest and the participants tend to be positive towards them. They perceive the profiles as investment options and consider financial information together with their personalities. Additionally, financial information is still necessary for investment and it affects the perception of ease of use, trustworthiness, and understandability of the website. When comparing, Walter seems to be easier to use because of the lower amount of information, but Avanza seems to be more trustworthy because of the higher amount of information and the traditional look. The high amount of information affects the perceived understandability both positively and negatively depending on an individual. Lastly, half of the participants prefer to use Avanza due to the usability issues in Walter. / Walter är en ny svensk investeringstjänst på webben som använder kända personer för att representera värdepapper för investeringar. Den skiljer sig från andra webbplatser som vanligtvis inte använder människor som investeringsalternativ. Tidigare forskning visar att vissa användare använder professionella finansiella rådgivare som de känner till som betrodda källor; den inkorporerade informationen avser användarens investerings- och informationssökande beteende; och att användbarheten hos en webbplats kan påverkaupplevd trovärdighet, användarvänlighet och enkel förståelse. Därför syftar denna studie till att undersöka hur kända personers profiler påverkar beslutsprocessen på lång sikt i en sådan investeringstjänst, samt vilken information som ska införlivas med profilerna. Heuristisk utvärdering, användartest med tänka-högt protokoll och intervju används för att samla in data från både användbarhetsexperter och slutanvändare. Webbplatsen Avanza används som ett exempel på andra webbplatser att jämföra med Walter. Resultaten visaratt profilerna kan få deltagarnas intresse och deltagarna tenderar att vara positiva mot dem. De uppfattar profilerna som investeringsalternativ och överväger finansiell information tillsammans med deras personligheter. Dessutom är finansiell information fortfarande nödvändig för investeringar och det påverkar uppfattningen om användarvänlighet, tillförlitlighet och förståelse för webbplatsen. Vid jämförelse verkar Walter vara lättare att använda på grund av att mindre information visas, men Avanza verkar vara mer pålitligpå grund av att mer informationen visas i samband med det mer traditionella utseendet. Den höga mängden information påverkar den uppfattade förståelsen både positivt och negativt beroende på en individ. Slutligen föredrar hälften av deltagarna att använda Avanza på grund av användbarhetsfrågorna i Walter.

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